The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 01, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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imidav, hi:i'Ti:mih:u i, was.
Page TKre
Miss Columbus
IS.SXfMJ.'JflllA Yn... " V
iffiMKBT IftrKMTi ".W3S,
,flfltfSK. W.fflS4BW. i
M7i''l.rtYl HtfIMIQ.3Mr- -J'.i
''dTA'CtitUlt !r '.''
ixtures for Sale
Going Out
fiT Tl TT"
Lease and r
r 'ATrfr ?' p
.. i sMt
Ma '
l 1
u .,-
f-sk? ..
A Fi f V
"U 'v.
MtM MiV Kntlieilne CnmpUII. . 1i!kU m-Ii vtn. icci-ntly wn
ti l4 v H'i nralni-t l' ttiinpititws at 'u!uiiiUjj, O. UIki wlil w
JJu-4 CoKiiii'mi ' tl tl.p Atlantic Cli puicent.
Ranch and Farm
Andross-Qover Style Shop
707 Main Street
Sale Now Going On
Women's and Misses' Ready-to-Wear. All new
Fall Merchandise must be sold in thirty days. No
refunds; no exchanges. Sale includes:
Wllac la mi ''iiikmiiIimI fi d (( ,
hoop and cattle aihI a n"d I"'r
MM against a long winter r a shrt
hey crup Id oaMrn Oregon
Htnekmoii Rm-rall)' tint tip
pnwlutat itie full worth of ii ii" In
ibis rnnno lion," sa II A I li"'
nron. ntvakion llvonimk fiiiclni.m at
O. A. (' "When liny win IHi li 'i
prlre ill" sating reuniting fr-'in I'
Dtc of llaB' w Inil'inVn' til umu h
Tun offocf of slllign nil tlir mill" I
la a iKilnt that makes It of v pl'on ,
ol Importance to tlio torktnun
"Bltaeo rrdurct the nmcniut of hav
required In Ilia ration by tn tliirl
Two iountlN of ltag arc ennui to
a pound of liar in fending value Or
dinarily It can bo figured that tn
ton of silage rati li put In I In.' silo
raoro ehiply than nno tnn tif Imy In ,
tlio dark. depending on the )lold ami
manner handled."
. Tito Union, OreKou oxpnrlmont sin- i
(Ion tiaa founl In tlireo joari trlnlt
thai a amtitnatluii ( hay ntul Ujc
produced iwlro ibo dally Ralas at liulf
tha cott cnintmrod with n ration of,'
liny nleno.
Kennel Boss
II ! 1 m IBB i
Sport Coats Furs
Skirts Hats
Sweaters Blouses
Purses and Bags Gloves
Phoenix Hose
Phoenix Underwear
Kaiser Underwear
Dainty Lingerie
Select Your Fall Apparel Now and Save Money
Andross-Glover Style Shop
Jlrttln.-i. n riymouth Itock lien
cwmil L :.'". Ororuu I'.Uvlni An
llion, l! M . mloiinl it litter uf
lii wlirn rho nan UiprlvcU o( lar
.LruiNl uf clil'l.n.
, til 20 loin per nrro jar lie
fi'd nut n Imiiili of i.trrrn ami cowa on
tuition it llaro and hay Thoy made
, nrouml n pound and a half of Era In
a day per hoad. Tliry ato 21 pnundH
or hay n day and 21 pottndl of sIIiiri'
ran bo applied with a hrtmh In tlio
cue of n few lions or It van ha used
In connection with rubbing pests
Thin treatment destroy the llco hut
iIooa not offect tlio ckk- It U there
fore noeonrary to Rive a sutond treat-
Vn hay nlone. It ordinarily rrqulros . mont at tlio cud of 12 to H dns
I hero tin-il lo liu a wurry alinut a 3(. oun,i. nf imy , nu, ,m , 0mi ' lu.n tlio crbs nro hatchod. Kxtiorl
Sheoii men find ono pound of hIIbko rI f'r "Hhi:.' nlior.- corn rotild nut f ,.,, lipnli havo 8il0wn that lire redtfo
added to the ration of n lamhliiK ewn ! '"i crown OHmt rro uro no j om, atockman In Wnlloua county.' thn offortlvcnesji of tlm feud ni mtx-li
Incressoa tlio milk How and prodtia-s , '""lid to m.tlio r. d "ilar.0. au-h a,,,, J020.2I, koI a Knln of .i pound and an ono third. O. A '. Kxpermui
llierotiy a hotter lamb. ' 0!,,', "",1 '"'a''1 "r nrhitteM. Tlio , fIir)1 ,narl,.r, a ,n). n(th itiiiflnnrr St.itlou.
"Any itorkmnn thla last sprliiK . suniu.Hora nro ouporiaiiy amipiou ;.,B n, iay
would havo folt lllio ho is
on tnn of tlio untld. had ho linm
tunato oiioiiKh Id own a illo full of , "'nro n low as ... dojernos Tfv I inrloy sIIuro Is about as Reed ns Around Great Britain
yoirt alhiKi-. iluilnr: tlioso lust two or '" " """ """ """" " .corn for fallonlm; arcordltiK to tlio
Itir .ik wln.i lin whs koiio iiu.l loll.nt Krudo of IIuro for Wnlerlni: ,., htatooi, rosnlts. SILiro has
It win t tarU to turn out on lock boon a i;rout tunuoy nor,
rrao-' ' I mUmi! nssorlod In W'l lor count) S II Kdwnrds .
As mi Oregon stovkmnu Iut It A of Ma)vlllo n silo and flo arret .Supploinoiii.iij IVod Vnluablii
hIIo Ii ii pasture tuiiior mver or Hiiniiowers tins joar in.u win
spring siiiiii'-wei" i'-" .i.ieu "aii.iRnand hay.
slltliip.1 "'ort "asns or high nltltuil.n Tho Vll,ro for ,. ,, Kr()Wir,t , the1 a J- tat.n,. ,1 Vv
, fr. nro known to haw reute, a trmpor' ,,, glIaK0 rrop. ,.0ll ai, iaM r lvaccrs lo rl'
1 First
426 Main St
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Our I
Price I
Is I
' Lest I
September 25-30
A wealth of agricultural displays.
Greatest livestock show in northwest.
Splendid machinery and tractor exhibit.
Excellent races, and high class amusements
Beat of camping and parking grounds.
Exursion rates on'all railroad lines.
For particulars write
Now hi Iho days of dry pasture I.i
Uio tliuo o start feeding supplenien
, tary feed such tis a little grain or sll-
fiKe. If the farmer finds himself uh
lipropnred this year ho should plan
to put in ctrh and outs In the fall to
1 havo a fiupply next )ear. This crop
1 1 will 1m )inrested in Juno and July
nnd prmldn nmplti supply of silage
for tlio summer months, Ot A. C,
Kxperlment Station.
Col Itld of l.lco on Hogs
f I.lro on hogs ran bo easily destroy
1 oil by tho use of smudge oil or Iho
discarded oil drawn from tho crank
Lease of tlio automobile or tractor, it
LONDON. Fept. 1. Tho regula
tions for tho Circuit of llrltnlu" fl
lug llnndlrap, for which tho king lias
ghi'ti n cup, havo been Issued blho
ltoyal Aero club, which Is conducting
tho race.
Tho race will commence Prlday,
September 'S and will conclude tho
following day, Tlio course will be
approximately K .". 0 miles, starting
and finishing at tho Wnddcn Aero,
drome, Croydon,
Competitors must land at certain
control stations, and tho airplanes
will bo handicapped on a time allow
ance basis for tho complete circuit, u
proportion of the total tltno handicap
to bu allotted to each section.
Kntrnnls nnd pilots must bo llrlt
Ish subjects, and the airplanes, In
cluding tho engines, must bo entire
ly constructed In the llrltlsh Kmplro.
Italy's Socialist Leaders
Vi- -
N Dooutlcs Turatl nnd Modleillanl nro tho socialist leaders who forced
t- . ,m in imiw in n. vnin nttumnt to form iv socialist cabinet.
This photograph, Just Vccolvcd In America, show tho deputies In a good
humor at Uq tlmo they thought they had achlovcd tbo coup.
SACK $8.60
There is only one way we can sell you sugar at the right cost to you That
way is to have our sugar shipped direct to us from the refiners in car loads. We,
cannot move cars of sugar unless the buying public will purchase the sugar. From
the nice support the people of Klamath county have given us since we opened our
store here, we feel confident that we can depend upon the public to purchase our
sugar. We now have a full car of sugar nearing Klamath Falls and we know
the above price is right. a
Our competitors may undertake to meet our price and solicit your patron
age on the grounds they have equaled our price. We will suppose you listen to
that kind ot argument and buy their sugar. Here is what will happen by pur
chasing their sugar you will force us to k eep ours, when yjou do this you stopf our
movement of cars and put us out of the market and leave the field clear for' our
Remember wo are nromisine vbu in return for vouv nntrnnnrrn fin vin-iif
price on good merchandise. Not once but all the time. Some mavsav how can
we know you will keep this promise, all we can say is that you know better than
we how you have been treated in the past. Give us your patronage, enough pat
ronage to unable us to move our merchandise in cars then if we do not keen our
promise to you you can withdraw that patronage
have to remain in Klamath Falls.
Fancy Tlllnmouk, lb. .33
l'nncy Rolled Outs, 4 lbs Jttt
Punt-)' Hell l'uppors, lb 10
Home drown I'otntoeji, por s
hundred 3.U3
Tiger Tobneco, pkK 08
Fancy llauantis, lb l!)a
li lbs. Fancy tirupoa !U
l'lb. M. J. at. Ooffo lit
a IarKQ Cure Fancy lYunos .23
OH lbs. Shillings Baking
Powder ... J. 1.10
Cmuel OlgnroUea ... .15
Crystal Wldto Soap 03
Star Tobnix-o, plug 74
it lbs. Hod HIMhih Coffee... 1.10
.t 11m, Olugvr Snaps '.30
il lb. llox Soda Crackers .. .31)
I'Jnt Miuijit OH 'J8
3 lbs. Xet BHU Tjird 113
a pkg-i. Union Leader S3
3 lbs. Honey , 80
10 lbs. Idghti Knro .... - 1.73
Imrgo Fresh Pineapple each .73
Fancy Sweet Potatoes, lb 00
Fancy Cuulrflour, each ...... .23
a lbs. Walnuts 13
l'nncy Peat-he crate, 00
F.xtra Fncy Peche, cruto 1.10
liarge Fancy Greco i Corn,
ttoi. 83
lArgo xtrt Fancy- Uemuma
doz 40
Fancy Tomatoes, Grata...... 1.00
lairgo Fancy Cucumber,
each S
Fancy Cabbngo, lb. ... ,00
Iirgo Fancy Dried Prunes
lb. t .20
the patronage that we must
1U oz. Schillings Dokbig
Powder 88
Climax Tobacco, Plug -. .72
Clti-tTs .25
Sea Foam .23
1 ll. UHl Kibbon Cofftsa :8
48 Tall Cans Milk 5.33
.1 lbs. Fancy Cookie .AS
Horshoo Tobacco, Plac 74
Pint Wcasoa Oil . .9S
Chesterfield Cigarettes ... ,18
Plat Jar" Hoaey ............ 4
1 lb. Goldea West Coffaa. At
Golden Went Tea SO
1 iMrge Cantaloupes ...... 33
Fancy Klberta l'cachos,
cialn 1.13
I-urgo Fancy Ornpo Fruit... .15
Iiurgo Fancy Oranges, doz 83
, '
f .if
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