The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 01, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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E.:v .
Pa Two
iiid.w, hi:i'it.miu;h i, lima.
The Evening Herald
P. It. ftOUr.K. .Editor narl Publisher
II. It. HIIX City Kriltor
I'. C. NICKMi AdTcrtJulnjt Manager
Published dally except Sunday, at
Tlio Herald I'ubllshlnR Company of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Klglith street.
Entered at thn postofflco nt Klam
ath Fall, Ore., (or transmission
through, the malls as sccond-ctass
I'll ESS
The Associated' Press Is exclusive
ly entitled to the use tor publics
tlon of all sens dispatches credited
to It, or not otherwise credited in
this paper, and also the local news
published herein.
Personal Mention
Mrs. M McDonald and daughter,
Dorothy came In on the train last
night from Modesto, California
Dr 1 O. C Wiley l a Klamath
Falls visitor today from Portland,
having nrrhed last night.
Mr and Mrs C. A. Hate were In
town from their ranch yesterday af
ternoon purchasing supplies
Mr and Mrs Theodore lleln .ind
small son were Mtors here this
morning from their ranrh south of
nvi: Mi't'ii, tnrr mtti.i:
Zclla M. Harris left this morning
for her home In Kenton, low a. after
a pleasant summer here with
sister. Mrs Thomas Hampton
her ,
The Drug Store of Service, Quality and Low Prices
Zinc Stearate
In hot weather when bait)' skin
chafes o badly, and baby rrle from
the smart of Its wet diaper PtireloO
7.liie Stearate will heal the rash mid
prevent It a well A new tivgleuir
dotting ponder which U waterproof
Do You Suffer
from consllpallon or bowel trouble
You will (In, Iti'xull Ordeillos most
dependable easv to take, "l''k-.trtliiK,
mid pleasant tnsilug They work nat
urally and form no habit, tlttx of :'i
Orderlies 25c
Just As The Doctor Orders
Kery Ingredient pure mid flesh ox
iiulslle nue In enr iitutl -skill of
long experience prlie lowest consist
ent Willi iimllt)
'Mill's hint i fill ii'( i IjillniK.
If Your Work
keeps it Indoors, mid iiur njstem
Is slUKglrtli. mid )OII fi'i'l us If some.
Ihllii; hnil Hiked the llileiest mil of
your life Your liver needs help Ilex
nil I.Ivor H.iIIh will sllmuliilii tlm nr
linn 41 f the Iler mid help )iiu hike a
new Inlet est In life.
Pure Drugs
Mrs. P. A. Williams, who has been
here for the past few weeks with
her daughter. .Mrs. Charles ilaldwln.
left on the stage this morning for her
home In Lakoticw
No citizen In this country. In my
Judgment, gives so much nnd gets so
llttlo In return ns the editor or the
country newspaper 1 hnc seen hi in I
I rtivifltnf ntntit tnr lllir, m.lLlnirl
, , ', . ,, 'spending a couple of days at the W
barely a living and nlwns defending , .. ... .,
iloctor Is trying hl-s hand at shoot-
I)r. and Mrs- I.. 1.. Truax are
tho rlgfits of tho community and
standing for those things that ore for
the best Interests of the state and
nation. Senator (lot ding (It i. Idaho.
Miss Mary B. Pearson expects to
lenxc tomorrow morning fcr Medford
where she will be for several days
while she receives attention from eje
-' Word from Weed. California. Is
r&UOPHESIES of political
JT acres were badly upset In the
CaHTornla primary racn for the re
publican nomination for governor.
The nomination was generally con
torted to (lovernor Stephens. No one
saw a chanro for Friend W. Itlrh
nrdson. Thn election book-maker
wcro backing Stephens at IS to 1
odds, nnd could find only an occa
sional taker at that.
Yet Illchordson went through the
Incumbent's organisation like a bat
tering, ram: piling up votes where
political logfclans considered Steph
ens nan a cincn, ucieaiing uic 0,,-r-Jccliar street.
nor in i.os Aiigeies, ins iinmn couuiy
wise-j that Miss Jean Perry, who has Ik-cm
seriously ill with Inflamatnry rheu
matism, Is still In the hospital and
docs not show much Improvement.
Mrs. Pearl Patterson and three
children nlo took passage on the
Like low tttage this morning bound
for their homo In Cedarvllle. after n
visit of several days In Klamath
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold (Ircy, who
have been residing In the l.orens
apartments since returning from
their honeymoon, are moving today
to tho E. J. Murray homo nt 239
nnd generally nlaylng havoc with pre
election dope-sheet.
Why? llecnuso Stephens had an
tagonized the corporate Interests of
Dr. nnd Mrs. E H. Mathls. of
San Francisco. Mrs. B. X. Mathls, of
I.os Angeles, and Mrs. M. II. Wells,
of San Francisco, arc all tourist
California by his stand fcr tho king j visitors here today. They are stop
tax bill. Partly. Ilecuuse lllchard-jplng at the White Pelican.
son ran on a popular piatrorm, uie
Atnitiiiiilit titer. III tit. 'Si'
llexlble ('iiIIinIIoii I.V
Annum le Curiiin, i . 1!.V
Pure (Jljcerliie, :t o. 'AV
tiljterlne .V I1m Water, I u. 1!.V
Ciimpliurntrit Oil, U n. U.V
fnMnr Oil, o :t.V
spirit ('miiklin, U in, :tv
Tlmturv liMllne. I u. 'J.V
i:trnrt Wllili ,ie, ilul 7.V
llorlr Arhl. II n. J.0
Purele-.! rpsnin .s.ut, n.- 'Mi
Piimlertil Alum, miiiiuI :tle
Piaster IVris. niimiil SV
I'owtlciTil Itor.n. pnuiiit a.V
i'n-nm T.irtiir. I in. JUV
bole Flaxeiil U.V
riaxceil Meal, H . . . a.c
Powilercil I'liiuiie, I , Oe
ItiH-helle Salt, I or. He
IIIi-iiiImiii.iIi. of SimI.i . U.V
SihIIiiiii I'liixpliiite, III 117. Ilk
Setiiiii Iri'.m",, I 11. Hie
Nige I-ave. I . Ille
llubblni; AI10I10I, til . T.'c
Saturday, September 2nd
A 35c Box of Haas Home Made Special Candies
with every purchase (except school books) amounting to 50c and over
Because We Want You To Try Haas' Candies
and Know How Good They Are
This offer k for Saturday, September 2 iul only, and as long as the candy lasts
we will give one box FREE to each customer whose total cash purchases of any
thing except school books amount to 50 c or over.
Home Remedies
Toilet Articles
11 ".llll
reduction of expenses nnd consequent
lowering of taxation. SomAvhnl.
tlut tho successful candidal' him
self placed his finger on tho chief
reason when he attributes his vic
tory to tho organized effcrts of the
small papers of tho state U hl be
half. '
Friend W IllchardBoii, while a
Miss O.tavla Del.ap left on the
train this morning for llHrkcley,
California, where sh will attend
reunion of Kappa Phi
Ity, From there she expects to con
Alpha soror- 2
tlnuo on to Turlork where she Is em- '
ployed n's an English teacher In the I
high school.
Dr. N. B. Wlunard uud Mrs. V.ii
political figure for veurs ;m state jnard rf Eugene, accompanied ly tneir
treasurer, is iibovo all ti nnpaper ion. Norton, and by Miss Louise Da-
ii- i iA..n i.. ....f.i... A, vii lnrt npre vnftfi.riluv afternnnn ffiri"
Aiiiim Face Powder
Java Itlie I'are I'nwilcr
Inntix'l Itiiiige
Mavis Tiilrum
Mary tianlen Talriuu
.Ii liiii'n's lliibt Tali nil
Men k' Imp Stearate
t'uli'x Nail Preparation-.
Tlires Flower Tallinn
Xret Depllator)
Mum, Diiiilorant
Xailinol.i ('renin I'li'ckle
IHriivn anliliis
PiiiiiI'o Viinl-liln
HiiIiii's Fntotllla
Angelu l'fiinii t're.iiii
K rank's leiimii t'l-e.un
lllnd'i llonev &. Almond Cre.ini
Itlker'-. Violet fernte
Coma llntter t'nlil ("renin
Arbutus Vmil-lilni; Cieahi
IKirln llouge
rorxTAix pins ""
Wjtermnn "Ideal"
Wnhl Tempolnt
Bvorsharp Pencils
.$1.00 to .iL'.MI
Fountain Pens Hepalred
si. (HI
.. ilV
Sit 1M
mi. on
. ."Mie
For The Hair
Xrvvliro's llrrpliidr
Wjetli'- .igr .V Sulphur
Wild limit Hair Tunic
MiiMfinl t'liiiiamit Oil
Itrxall Hair Tunic
WlllllDOt Nil llllMIII
I'mlit'lN l.lijlllil Sliiinpnu
(inlileu (iliut
Atiiainl sliaiiipiin . ,
I'lamm'tli--, jui'liun I'leiir
I'liinmrlli-,, lile.ll
I'laciim lie, l.'Orlgan
lJrrkls IVrfiiiiir, I n.
I'lnrmii)! Prrfmne, I n.
A urea IVrfiiiiir, t , l
l Tirllr IVrfiiiiir, I n.
I'nrji Nome Pi-rfiiine, I u.
.Mavis Perfume, I nr.
Iliky Perfuinr, t u.
Three I'lowrr Perfume, I n.
For The Teeth
... oiv
.. OOe
. . noe
.-. ."or
. J.'ir
. I.V
f I .(Ml
HI. (Ml
si. no
Ivlinrn lixilli Paslt .
Itrxall TimiIIi 'atr . . .
I'niliau's limlli I'.ilr . ...
IViiiirn . . .
('Kigali-' llenliil ( itiiiii
Peln si
AitlviHlenl dram . ...
Ullll Ti i it, r',a . .
Siiilbli' Tiinlli I' ,. .
Ml. Tmilli Pa-tr
llrgiini TimiIIi Past,, .
I'Viik in 'I'lintli I'.isle
li)nn'- TihiiIi Pnwiler
Itrvrlalloti TimiIIi I'nttiler
KiitliVtiinl TimiIIi I ' ...
S.mllnl TimiIIi l',i.r
I'riiillvii TiMitb l'a(i.
Craves Tonlli I'mttler
Cregci's Mtrrleil Tunlli Pusto
Wrrnrt'n I'nivilee
Itmaili'iil TimiIIi I'aste
Itexull Tonlli I'iKtiler
Atiilc.i Tonlli snap
A iuilui"lH,. Il.ilin I'lrmli
III. linn Si'l)cr mil
lliinini (Quinine :ioe
('allfniiilii Hjinp nf I'lgs
I 'm let's l.lver Pills 'J.V
I'telihi'l'" Ciiilnila 10c
noun's lililni) PUN . line
Tn nine ml, I (l
Mai inula Tablets HI, 00
Miialfinle it.V
Meiilliiiliiliiin U.V
PUo'n ('nligli llrmeil) it.V
I 'a Pile Ointment ntir
Pape's ( ulil ( iiiiiiiiiiml il.te
Cape's llaiiisii 11(1.
I'ln-enliiv Wnfris llllr
lllnklr PUN it.V
I'lnev ll.V
.Iml Sail H.V
sal llrpnllia llOe
(. fee I in n M
I'lrivnue .'I.V
llllln .lav Coin I'ln-tiT U.V
It tl Peppei Hub line
Moulin .Siilplnii- title
l.lliirllii, l'ln"liiili .Ille
rv's 1' Snaji . u.V
lleoluol Snap .. .. . , itllr
I'.i. k.i's Tar Snap . illle
(Jlnver's Iik .Snap . .. .llllr
CiKlnnriv IIiiiiiIii t .snap , ;iie
S,i)iiiiiii'n Snap I no
.Jrigeir hiilplmr (il)irilne I.V
.leiuen's Mllplnir Snap l,V
Ivnr) Snap He
I .n a Snap lOr
Prel Mrclianli Niap . w lllr
Pallimllvr sn.ip, it inki's . 'J.V
l.llv While Snap In.-
I.lfr linn) Snnp Ille
.Iniilei I Snap 'J.V
(i imlililiil Simp 'J.V
ltimnil Cnena Snap Ille
Hi.r.ilM'lla I'n-llle snap . "Or
ltimiin I llamir Snap nnr
Culm Snap lllr
sjiml Snip, i,il,r n.M.
Simil Snap, l.lipilil . IlV
l'li)slilaiu V Surtti nii, " uikr 'jne
lap llne Snap, 'J lake , (!V
Niiier) CiKtllr Nilip U.V
The &XO&l Store
iiaiii Mns
Vrtildn I llilr Nets.
Cup nnd Fititgu Shnpu
Slnglo or Dotiblu Meili
I.V, 'J fin- u,v
Hall Nets lOe
5th and Main Sts.
man, no nns long ocen prusiuciu oi i " i.- . ...- - ........ .... w
tho California Press ussojiatlon.' Ilo Uielr next destination. Odell lake, af- AAAlkAAA)kAA)kAA MU( oitDEIIS ITI.I.EIl PIlOMPTIiV A,ii A .,... ,,, ,A-;
attends all tho association mooting Her several days spent In 1-angoll ' ., .,, ,
and knows his fellow edltcra by tholr' Volley with tho doctors sister, ami
I. I - ..
Thov llko him nnd thev here In hlamuth rails w
first names. Thnv like him nnd thev Here In hiamuill rails whii
Boulii and worked to help him real-, cousins Mr and Mrs. FreJ E. Fleet
lie bis ambition to tho governor of
Ills slute.
The consistent cnmpalsn of news
paper publicity sold (ho Hlcliardson
platform to tho statu electorate. Ills
popular Inx-sllclng program would
liavu never had a rhnnco ixcvpt tliut
tho state press had laid u foundation
for tho attack on thu administration's
alleged extravagance, nnd In the dos
ing months of the campaign hum
mured homo lo thn tax-payer the can
didacy of Frliud Itlcuiirdson as thu
into liopo of H.ilViitlon,
Itli luirilium git what lu sut out to
llcnd, nnd will remain for n fuw das
whlln hu checks up on beetlu control
get by sslcmntlc clever ndvurtlslng. ""' ""' " '" '""
And this is not criticism. JUtl.or!w"uBlw' "nc' '" r,,reu '" ",,r""
should nil men who havn something tl'r" Klamath county and around llcnd
to sell, whether It bo their personal. I r"r "'" "ur"0HU ' '"tr.iilnlng
Ity. Ideas. crvho. or thu goods tln.y w""l"ur or '"" ll wl ' UMo
inanufoilura, (.onsldor tho power of I1" l"tltulo another (ei.tral projo t
publicity and bo guided by Klclmrd-' '"'"' ,r ll t,mml ,lut tU,!U' unM
moii'h rxitinplo. ' "ro ,,a(lly lnf''ctt,' another upproprl.i-
. . , illiill iwii in; .mnuil ui luiiKnni. ,,iii 1.UH iiindo a good .-x.,. iir(.( Knm(iti (
cullvo of IhuCalforiil., press ;,hsocl'!l)aM ( (,n up m( ((()
their J' nni. uie miiiioc war 10
i complete tlio picture, the captain
held a musket and leaned gently on
Mrs. J. B. Patterson and party , It as he stood talking to onu or his
have ruturnej from a week's outing most loyal supporters, a Klamath In.
at Itocky Point. Members of the i dlnn. Tho occasion for tlio costume,
party wore Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Ar- as tho captain explained, was tho fact
thur, Mr. and Mrs. 1). W. Tate and I that ho waa to have his picture taken
C. II. Uralley. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur jut "llattlu Snuke" point, or as tho In
and Mr. and Mrs. Tato will leave this dlan expressed It, "Kalnvvn." both
afternoon for other plniei In Oregon refusing to recognlzo tho modern
Interesting to tourists before return- namo of "Inspiration Point."
Ing to I.os Angeles. ' '.
In a letter to J J Parker, loial
A. J. .laenlcko of thu I' S Forest J agent for tho American Hallway,
service arrived hero last night from i Exnrces company. E i: McMiebani
Hon. Ho uhniild miikn ii good gover
nor of tho Hiato nf California. Ah u
newspaper mini ho Is u trained an
alyst of men uud uff.ilrH, closo to tho
people, knows what they want and
has u good Idea or how- to go about
getting tholr wants supplied.
The power of publicity Is limitless
Fred .timhriim, Chester Jones mid
1'. M. Ilnileiilimiiur, returned tn town
laat night
superintendent of tlio company, ex
presses hlmselr us being very In
terested in Klamath county and Its
development, particularly slmo his
relent visit hero, at which lime hu
visited Crater lake us tho guest or
Mr. and Mrs Parker Mc.Mlchael
also spol.u or an article In tho Port- '
land Telegram uccompaiiled by road '
maps whkh pleased him very tmicli .
as it Nhowed Klamath at a great
advanlugo along with tho other
urn lit I us of southern and eastern
Cuptuln O. 0. Appleguto Hindu u j
picturesque figure this morning as hu i
stood on thu corner nf Mulu mid
Soventh streets dollied In khaki
I division HKiiiw.w i:(;i.i;i:n
Nothing Is Impossible In thosu who i troiitorn and a tampalgn Juiket made
know how to apply Its power. I of buckskin which ho worn over lift
' Ssr.Stf. a27 MAIN ST.
Just Received V
I SAI.EM, Sept. I Fill) statu high- ,
, way department vvus today notltled or
j tlm loHlgunllbll of K E ilodguiati,
ilivlHlou uiigliiuor or tho dupartm'riit ,
I atatloned at Medfurd and In ihurgu
of construttlon in southurii Oregon
Ilo Ik tousldered ouu of thu most ufri-
clent men with the department, mid
It is understood will go Into contrail
work for lilmeuir Thu salary at-1
i inched lo thu position la $300 n
iiinutlf. A siuicssor has not yet been
numud, Hodgmau hits beuu with the
'department Hlncu the close of the
mmM UIsImI A J
A Cheering
The li)22 crop ' has already sent
.throughout the country a perceptible wave
of Optimism.
Conditions right here in Klamath Falls
and vicinity are already looking better,
business is beginning to show renewed ac
tivity. At the beginning of a new era of pros
perity let us resolve to continue being thrif
ty to settle our obligations promptly, mak
ing sure of continued prosperity for tho future.
Member Federal Reserve Bank
Smiling Hoot Gibson in
An unusual story about a hero of the great war
and a homeguard.
Charles (Buck) Jones in
Two Ball Games
Sunday, Sept. 3rd.
Giants vs. K. of C.
Monday Labor Day
K. of C. vs. Klamath Falls
At Modoc Park
Games Callecj at 2:30 Sharp
Admission 30c Including War Tax
Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads,