The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 01, 1922, Image 1

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T v1;1"
Luj tumitm Urrali.
tomoiit amihah iihav, tins.
i:ii.m,v r,iu
Member of the Associated Pre
I'lfiH-mii im o, it i m
HMM.WI VM.l.H, (IUi:(IO,V, TytlDU, M:i- Wlllll I, IIKJ'J
TFIf IMM iy iimm mam GOVERNOR ID
on piei of man can
DmiBhcrly Declares Sutvivnl and Supremacy of Gov
ernment of United States Is Underlying Prin
cipal involved In Present Controversy
An Irish Soldier "Disarmed"
' '.'"?, cjirT
CHICAGO, .Sept. I .The United States govern
iiit'iit today was granted a temporary restraining order
"gainst the fix .striking railroad .shopmen organ izalioiw,
their officer and nioinbors, torn interfeiring with the
operation of railroads. A federal judge granted the or
der, which is effective until September 11, ..ending a
hearing. h
United States Attorney General Daughertv, in his
.statement to the court, said the underlying principle in
volved is the survival and supremacy of the government
of the United States. He said the injunction was made
necessary by the fact that there comes a time in the his
tory 01 all nations when people must be advised whether
they have a government or not.
"No union or combination of unions eipi, under our
law dictate to American union," he declared. "When
the unions claim the right to dictate to the government
and dominate the American people and deprive the peo
ple of the necessities of life, then the government will
destroy the unions; for the government of the United
States is supreme and must endure.
"It will lje said by some that this proceeding is in
tended as a death blow to the unions.. In my judgment
this movement is necessary for the protection and pres
ervation of the unions themselves. So long and to the ex
tent that I can speak for the government, I will use the
power of government within my control to prevent labor
unions from destroying open shop.
"When a man in this country is not penntited to en-
gage in lawful toil, whether he belongs to a union or. not,
the death knell to liberty will be sounded and anarchy
will Mipercede organized government.
i Party on Way lo Laltcvicw
Round-Up; Informal Re
ception Planned .
J Headed liy Coventor Hell W 01
Kilt, it iIIkIIiikiiIhIhmI parly of state
officials will urrhu hero nbout four
.o'llork this nflorrxHin en route lo
jtliD l.ukuvlow ron ikI-ii t. An Infor
mal roi option will ho held for tho
.visitors In tin- ( lumber of (oinini'rri
rooniH nt Pu'rtock thin evening. Tim j
party will proceed on lo Lakwlovvjn
.tli morning
Tint governor ami IiIn party will
arlrw by auto (rotn (Valor l.ako
whom lln-y Mopped last night "and
jwlll to nii't nt Algoma Point liy n
party of local IminIni'SH men, who
iplaiiin-tl to b.ivo hero nt 2 30.
j Arrouipnnylug I ho governor lire,
Sam Ko-eV, itirri't.iry of state. lrr-
bert Niitin, statu hlgliwny rnr.liHcr;
Dr It. i;. I. nt Kleiner. superintendent
hi inu man! iienpii.ii: ami vv . II.
I.ylle. statu veterinarian
Tin- governor nml iiiemlieni of tho
tlirtV Ulll lllf. IIIAllllllH .. li.
..-'- " ... ..- ...w lltiiilltlh H lll
chamber of cumiiiiTci tnnli;lit, which
Jllie piililk' In Invited o alii ml
yT :
f , Iffi'ZW Im
ri'i'' mm -
HtlpjitMi Will Drlcrniinn Wlu-ilirr
MrIiI Knmt Htnrn I-.llrnclri
From Omnp fly Sun
it m 1,:
After tlit- ht.v f,; hi ,; m county Cork ono of the Fre0 Stato oI.
illcr "iirvnctituil ann to two fair ilamnoU uml did n about face.
ORDER OF COURT ,-,,,,"r ' win n j.vnprniiy ob-
M-MIM III TliN t'lly
Miss CCK.MAN t.'K I'ltOM
lU'VIMi lltll' IS
Ktriid cnor. dcitiiccc Tn
lemleiH will not iilulo their attemptt j
lo make tho Mrlko effertho sliliteer AVERT SHUT-DOWN OF
MI mi....' .II." I'll 'i . ii.' ........... .
lulli'ii lit l.n.eii ny inn i inunio tonn
In I lie Injiiliitlou null lurtltilliil li
llinmlierly," imlil I'rcKlil'-ni .liiliuntoit
of tho mm IiIiiIhIh Mo mild I lie. filing
of tlm milt uiin J list iinntlier liliimlei
fidileil to the Inrce lint the llilllllllll
tr.illo'i Iiiih made In ile.illni; ivltli Hie
r.tllro.iii nlluatlon.
Mist tiertrudi) l.'ikinm nltirned
Itkt evtnliu; a two iimtit h'tt trip
through the lninlnrsH renter of l.'io
je.iht. She hpint lonnlileralile lime
I'lii ChltaKo, St l.oulit and .Nnt Vorl;
purclumlnr; fur iertrnde-n millinery
Hldie. MIkk l.'okman N.iyn nhe
(found hiiKlneoM toiidlllntu ijulet In all
ip.irtH of the niKl. the i.illrond nud
i u.i I hlill.ex pulllni; a derided damp-
lor on rommeriial aithity. and ithu
jflndit IC ti IIIh. on In r ritiirn
to ho more prosperous Mian nl.u)
J other pl.ueH
m i (.i. mi. i.
CI.IIVia.ANIt. Sept I - All rail
io.ul hrldiu-H me cu.inh'il today fo
rmili.i-e of I'tRil Would Ite ul K.
it'iis of .Niu(lnet (oriuiiierH.
.Mitiillfiitlliii r Detlaivs
IIKTIIOIT. Mlrli . Kepi. I lleury
I'ord haii lefiiHod to atert a itliul
li.t. Im. it kllMimi Iml fillimilit 111 lilnw . .Im. .. i.f lild i. ul. .i.n.l. II. i.l.iilu I.....
.'"f. .. -' . ....i..'. iiii.. in inn iillllj ll"lll
lip Hut (ll)liu.l rhur luldKr of tli(iSepLiiuhe' H'. at (hit uxpl'liKe of tint
I. ..I. II.... .... Il.. ...I !... ...II... ...I .... i.l li.. i.. ...i . ..
ni'it line lllllliilliii llie itiiiiiiiiii iu
III ii (.urprlnitd four men illi:lm; a
liulu mar a hrlilKit mipport. KliotR
wont excliaiiKeil hut llie men ecape,
hy Hwlmmlni: Ihu river.
WlASIIINti'lON. Sopl. I. 'I'
Itoiinu today piismmI I lie iciil dlhtrlli-
UIIiiii hill a Mile df l'l I lo Gl. Tho
iiliienduietil i:u luded provisions to
lid thu toiitrol leplrit.itlim at tint
rloen of next ji'nr.
Wilt kiii i on motion of (.'ner
mi's .lloinr) I'ollntvlii
Coin il .Miiiinlouiiieut
SAI.I:m. Sept. . lien W. Olcolt
jwuorte nomination an the reiuibliran
!p.irt)'H raudlaille for Koveruor at
j ouite.ileil In the ilrcult court of .Mar
lon county hy It. It, Coster on behalf
of Charles Hall, U dorlared lo bo tho
regular republican nomlm o In an orl
dir hlKlled by JlldKe Ceorfie (i. IMllK-
ham and JiiiIrh I'orcy It Killy on1
motion of tlii- attorueyH for Joer-j
nor Olcott. I
Tim order w.ih lisupd on uiutlou !
of OUoll'ti .illcirueju followliiK tb
ali.gidiiliiiiiiil of the contest proci ed-1
Iiiks by the contestant Aui;u til.
Chim I UobertH, clialrmun of the
;.Morthanti. Ilurcnu has rcqucstcil all
husliiPKs hoiiiics tu cloo Monday, La
bor Day.. .-vccordlnK to T. A. Sov
onion, necretary of the merchant'
burtaii. LcadliiK store haro sic
nlflcd that thoy will close and It
Is ttxpcctoil virtually all bonlncss
will suspend.
As tho day Is n leital holiday nit
banks and public buildings will
Tho Herald plans to Join tho
general observation and uo paper
will be Issued .Monday.
j ,
r.iu:i.i:.vvvi:ss kii.i.s ti,km
iiiikiv dm; iv
m'oua.m; i,i(,t (tit tains
'fil'OlCANI.'. Sept 1 Tlilrt).ono
men and womeu uero arrented in II
!uor raids In SI places In the city
nud. county last night.
I DKTHOIT. Sept. 1. Cnrelesa
.'Amerlc.rH toll of incidental deaths
during 1920 was 76,000. a llfo snuf
fed out every bit minutes. This Is
according to a report of thu Na
tional Safety Council at tho annual
safety congress here today.
diimoHtic dial iiikth of thu northwest.
It was learned by the Associated
Press from a reliable source.
According to tills Information,
I'ord (purges that practically all nial
cottHllHlcit 111 Ilin nnrthlWMt linn lirtmi
M) lU.VII COXCiatT TOXKillT , offered lo him by coal brokers in
IllTii to several memherj of thu telegraiiiH reaching his officii liqro.
i . .
band tiuliiK away froiu tlio c
lliuie will bo no bind contort this
livening, It was announced today liy
A. I.. Wlshard.
Tint annual basket picnic of thu
Pioshytorlan chuicli and Kunduy
Hihool will bu hi Id lit Ihu Chan,
Drovv much near l.out Itlvur iImiu
Monday, thu Ituv. A li, Itlcu an
iiiiuncod tiiduy. ('uuvojaiuos will
leavo tho church at to a." in Mini
day hu said, and uverjoiiu In lux 1 -tuil.
I. Illlo chiingu Iiiih oicurrud In bain-
metilu coiiilltlons
during Ihu lust 21
hours although nt
'' n. in. the Cvi'lo-
IHtoriuugraph at
I... .t .....ii- in.... .
uiinuriiiiiii a mu
mmy ittglstdiiid a
' ullghtly lower pros.
Hiiro than during
tho morning Iiuuih.
Forecast for next
2 1 heurs:
Oouoiully fair
with in o d o r a t u
' 'Sit
Thu Tyuos locoiiling thoiiuomoler
le'lHloied maxlmuni and iiiluliiium
tomperatureu today as follews:
High 78
I VV flMflfttfttifMflHtf I
Uv. iTIih in.iiiiifni'turct; rufused to pur
"i.i ..... ..... ... .. . . .
i iiiiso inu inei, iioiiiiug II wouiii not
hu a humuiiltarlan act to taku coal
Inlonded to relluvu tho buffering of
men, women and ihlldren during thu
toinlng winter.
I'ord was iiuiited att ailni: that
"ioiiI bootleggurH" had offered to
"steal this coal" and solHt to him.
Iteports enianatliig fiom West Vir
ginia thnt tho I'urd Loinpany had ro
fused toil offered at normal prims
worn iixid. lined at thu Kurd plants. If
was iiHMiitcd that thu fuel so offered
was steam coal, a product of little
usu In thu Kind Industries because It
(outalns a high sulphur ronton!, A
low sulphur coal Is ioiiiirud for blast
fuiuacu wnilc. Oidlmiry steam nial.
It was explained, would ruin thu met-
ills usod In thu l''ord plants, Only
about 30 pur cent of thu coal uuod in
thu Fold factories huru ran hu of tho
Mteaiii variety, It was stated.
.Dusplto thn often repealed iletor-
munition of i'ord to closu his factor-
les lioio unless ho can obtain thu kind
of (iml ho needs at normal prices, thu
Ooliolt industrial district took liuurt
today whun It wua iinnuuncoit tho
(lonuuil Milium coipuratlon, employ
lug butMouu 7i,000 and 100,000 nion,
had a ao-duy supply of coal Avail-
(life'- fT -" r'ss
CHICACJO, III.. Sept. 1. Now
tests of tho alldlty of i:insteln'
theory of relativity will bo iiosslhla
with tho total solar eclipse on Sep
tember SI, which will darken tho
eastern coast of Africa. Australia and
a number of South Pacific Islands,
according to Ilrofessor Kdwln II.
Kroso of tho University of Chicago
and director of tho Vcrkc obsurva-
Tho theory requires, ho said, that
tho rays of light from a distant star
should bo bent out of their stralcht
path when they pass within tho flel
of attraction of a great body like
tho sun. Hut stari whoso light passes
close to the rim of tho blailng sun
cannot bo photographed except on
theso rare occasions when tho moon
obscures the sun.
Tho path of tho sun, In It annual
sweep around tho sky, Is dottod with
many stars which would servo for
the test, but only thoao can bo used
which nearly graze tho sun at tho
moment of eclipse, Professor Krost
Accordingly, n photograph Is maifu
of theso stars at tho time of tho year
when tho sun Is In a different part
of tho sky. 'On such photographs,
taken nt night with tho tamo Instru
ment thut Is used at the ccllDse. tho
distances between tho critical stars
aro measured to the tcn-thousandth
of an Inch.
At tho moment of tho ccllpso theso
stars will Ho on opposlto side of
tho sun. Hence, when thl nhnin. uutatuWd.liJia.dJtlineta.W
iwcen tnu corresjiondlng stars should
bo slightly greater than on tho Dlatos
taken somo weeks beforo or after
tho eclipse, and which wcre-not dis
turbed by tho sun's presence, ac
cording to Professor Krost.
Tho .observations by two Kngllsh
parties of the ecllpso of May 23,
1319. In Hrazll and In Liberia. In
this way yielded results which havi
been regarded as glvlug tho strongest
Physical confirmation of Klustefn'
theory, sas Prufcssor Krost.
Several parties of astronomers aro
locating stations In tho path of tho
shadow and will make Investigations'
along this line. It will not bo until
somo months after tho ecllpso that
they shall know whether tho mens
urements confirm tho theory for this
eclipse. Many astronomers predict
mo ecllpso of 1922 will fall to con
firm tho results of that of 1919.
Rescue Parties Working
Desperately; Only One
Hope Seen For Safety
JACKSON. Sept. 1. Tho dawn of
tho fifth day saw rcscuo parties at
ftm Tn.liinii mIh. .hmIIuhIkb lkls
. ... WHnav.4, ai..j lUUltllUIIIB tUBir
desperate offorts to reach tho 47 en
tombed miners.
1 Twenty women of tho Red Cross
aro waiting nt tho mlno with on til n-
mcnt ready to clvo tho Imprisoned
men ovcry comfort that Is possible
'should they bo found allvo. Addi
tional equipment wilt bo sent by tho
j stato highway department If neces
sary, tho Itcd Cross was Informed.
Members of tho grief striken fami
lies wore gathered together with ten
der care' by tho Itcd Cross worker
and taken home, whom they wero
given every core At the ralno hot
coffee and asndwichcs Is sorved tho
men returned from short shift In
tho shaft. '
, "Practically our only hopo," said
Timekeeper Downing, "lies In find
ing tho men In nlr pocket In tho row
er levels formed by bulkhcadlnc tho
entrances to drifts, to provent (as
fumes from tho burning mlno from
reaching them.
. "If tho men had tho strenrthnnd
presence of mind to bulkhead them
selves In thnv rnulit tl fnr uvpa
jdayif and wo may find them, alive." '
f "Krnest MIltoroHe'V thVtntnwV
'minors, accomplished a similar feat
In Ilutte, Mont., somo years ago,
when ho saved himself and 25 com
panions from death through sheer
courago and, presonco of mind. In
tho Ilutte horror, Mlllor counselled
with Ills rnmrnilftit nml Minv limvnlv
tet to work, walllnc .themselves In,
chinking tho cracks with mud nml nf.
jfcctlvely cutting off 'tho gas fumes.
untho fourth day rescuers reached
JACKSON, Sept. I. .Stranse
Wlfo of I.ito .Singer' Gets $1 Ily
Will of Demi rutlirr
NKW YORK. Sept. 1.- Tho will of
tho Into Pari: Ilcnjamln. father-in-law
of Knrlco Caruso, filed for nro-
bato In tho surrogato court today dls
Inherits all his children, nmonc them
Dorothy Caruso, widow of tho tenor.
"Unflllal conduct" toward lilm was
Klten as tho reason for thu lato In
vontor's action. To mako Tim dneu.
meat legal ho left each of his chil
dren $1. A liberal bequest is mado
In tho will to Oortrudo D. Porter, an
adopted daughter. Tho aluo of tho
estato Is not given. '
things enter into tho lives of'mcn
Tho general practico of miners nt
Jaokson to lay off on tho 8undny
night shift and tho desire of somo
tvvolvo men to go hunting 8unday
probably saved their lives.
Kor this Is tho number of men ab
sent from tho Argonaut mine night
shift Sunday night. Their frlonds do-
claro thoy all went hunting and thlj
accounts for tho facf that thoy did
not show up for tho shift at 6 o'clock
Sunday evening.
A regulur force for Ms shift Is de
clared to ho about aevcnty-flvo men,
but tho mlno has boon running short
handod for some time, and, wero It
not for this fact. It Is probablo that
an oven larger number would now
fuco death nearly a tnllo bolow tho
i:nto.mjiku mi.vkiw wkiu:
WEKD, Sept. 1. Word has boon
received In Weeil nr H.n ,t. n. .......
Eugene, Ore., Sunduy, In an uutomo-
oiio nccidont, of Mrs. L. L. Smith
and her daughter, Mrs. Ilotty Towu
sondt Tho two women wero for
merly residents of Wood. L. h.
Smith, husband and father, who
hud been living tbo llfo of a ro-
cluso la Weed, was found dead from
natural causes. In hi cabin In Weed
somo months ago, Dotalls of tho
futal accldont at Eugeito have uqt
boon recolved In Weed.
PORTLAND, Sept. 1. Tho .Episco
pal bishops lu conforonco behind
closod doors hoard tho Btrlklng shop
mon present tholr casu today. Tbo
bishop announced that no formal
JACKSON. Sept. 1. Men who mav
novor sco tho light or day again as a
result or tho Argonaut mlno flro may
como to llfo on tho motion plcturo
A San Kranclsco film company ro
cently visited tho mlno to got truo
scene.! or tho Mother Lodo country
ns motion plcturo background. Many
of tho molt ot tho Argonaut mine,
took part In tho rilmlns of tbo "vie-.
i . 1..
Golden Rulo and K. K. K.. Will Oc
cupy New Quarler ..
Roth tho K. K. K. store and fbe
Golden Rulo will change location
about October 1. Tbo formor Will
novo to tho quartors formorlv occu.
pled by the Rex care, corner of Main
and Seventh, and tho Oolden Rule,
will occupy tho quarter vacated fey.
, T J 4.
?r .'
1 &
1 i
i. :
' V !i
aeion was taken, 4
j tho K. K. K; ' "