The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 31, 1922, Image 1

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    v V i- a
it. .'!
qHs fcwmin$ Hritid
Li,.. ;
Member of the Associated Press
riftiM'iitii Vi-iii'. s. inn
his opponent;
Majority 66,982; Only Five
Counties for Moore; Rich
ardson Leads Stephens
Jnhnion'x imijorll)' In I he primary!
K'iiiIipiI 6li,9S2 today and Friend
W ItlrhardiiouV 1 7,iSt. In figure
compiled ut 10:30 tliU morning I
Johnson pulled STU.KOo vnlr In
."...SIli precinct out nf n total of '
0 , T In the Itcpi.hllrun nctiuliiiliil
content anil Cliurlin (' Moore 212
Itlrliiintioii polled 247,ilh iitnl ,
Governor William I) Hlepheux -30,
fi!2 In I lii returns ft mil &,739 pre
flnrl In I In' race fur llif Itepi.hll
run linnilimtlnn fur governor
Only five mini It, Los Angcle.i,
ll.iii Diem, King, tin ii I u ('luni iiml ,
Inyo, went fur Mooic l.on Angele i I
mi tit only tmt tn kIvh tilm ti xtib
hUiitlnt majority where ho had 12 I
lit", 7 IimiI. Jotinxin Ktit ii plttriillly l
of Ih.tiOl In H.t n r'rtitirlKro. (llrli
nnlniin got nil but two Mtuiliern
California rountlex. all o( the xmith-
rrn cntl n( Hun Junqul.. valley ex.
rept Fresno rniliily. will, the rel i
til lli rountlex pretty urll dlilded. j
IllrllanUxSn's majority In Lux An
gelex rnnnly wan II.IR5. Hlephoux
wan nlii'iitl In Han Francisco lt
U.fitiO olcB.
Curllx l. Wlllmr hud 2!,83fi lead
for ililt'f Juntlcn nt the supreme
Tor tle.nncrallr nnntlnt'n Inr riivct
nor. Tlmimn Leo Wool lii wji
ulirntl In nil tin1 rounllt'H no fur.
--I'ttr lieutenant gtornor, (..('.
Young won thn rrpulillmn nomlnn
lion for Hint offu liy n majority uf
nearly two to nun.
Cliarli't II. Johnson, former tlar
sealer of weights and inraiirri, had
u IiIk l".nl for xtiio treasurer.
All Incumbent rnngresxmnn who
hail ioiiIi'kIh In iht'lr Ulutrlrts nppar
enlly won liolli lltn republican ami
tlnnioi rnllr nomination". In tliti-IMh
ilUtrli'l, where representative El
rtoiiH death left n vnr.inry, Jamy
Mar lifferty of Oakland wax leading
t1irt't opponents, fur llio rt'pulillrnu
Ornnil Jury In llrronnt l'nlM lie.
IMtrlx lllMTPfwurirN
I'OIITI.ANO. Aug. at. -Tin' grand
Jury appointed In Invmtlgato pre
rlnct 179 ax a rcxult tllicovery of lr
regularltlex In recount Invextlgnled
hy John II. Coffro, tnutlltlato 'for ro
publlran noinliiutloif for xlntn roprn.
Kei.tatlvii, reported tliut Coffee wax
credited with flvn fwer rotex thin,
he hail received and that KlrJiwood
wax Khcii two muro than tin receiv
MOItATOItlirM .4'(KITiai
I'AUIS, Aug. 31. Tim allied re.
paratlonM cniuinlxxlon hax decided to
to nrropt I tin lletglaii compromlett
on llm Herman moratorium propor
tion mi km v. Molutlou for tho pio
'Kent rrlxlx,
. tm
in K.i, ynsv. i:.rMsio.v
Klflcoii men worn killed ami 18 !
J ii rod In mi oiploilim lutv yusterday
In number four mlno of tho Canadian
CulllerM of tho Dunnmulr coal proper.
tlt'H here. All Iho bodloH wcro,ro
Tho Cyclo-Stormogrnph' nt Under-
wonira manual')'
registered a rlalnti
bnromotrio prett
Hiiro thlH morning,
Indlrntlvo of u con.
tlnuance of fair
weather condltlonx,
Forecast for noxt
24 heurs:
Onnorully fair:
continued cool,
with v a r I u b I o
The Tycos record
'mm . yA
L 1
.SsssV. J
ing thormomotor rogUtorod maxi
mum ami minimum tvmporuture.i to
day an follows:,
High 78
l Low 40
ml m
' " ' firwO" I
mii hhb '
iiH -iiH J
IHW 'tlllllllK.
When William lltlKhcx fhdnu-l
returned to l-orilund, Mich.,
Alaska he found that hi wife had
divorced him ami married hlx
brother, D.ivld llur.hex. WlJIIam
llvml nltli them for tevcral" week
and Hun ithot hlx brother to tleath
and hilled hj.naoir after falling to
kill .Mr. Ilt.ghei unit her daughter.
Jinle Appolnil y I'lmnilM-r of
iiiiiiuein, Ainlllur to lnMtt
Komi" "(I I lot lies
The rulmlnatlou of tho lawn con
textx liiHt I ttito.l xoiiik monthx ago
hy tint chamber of commerce aux
iliary cniiiPH tomorrow- when the
Jtidgex will vlxlt and Impact nil thn
lawnx and liacK )qrdx, bome 70 In
all, entered for tho competition.
Tho Judge appointed to make
awanla nte: Kor new l.iwnx, W O.
Bmlth, Chairman, W. M, Montellux,
Mrx. , A. Kraune. Tor old lawnx,
I). It, Moeller, chalrmnn, Mrx. W.
IJ, l.amm and Mrx. W. M. Duncan.
Kor hext kept luck yard. M. 8.
Wext, rhAlrnnin, It, W. I'oolo and
Mrx, Harry AcKloy. Mrx. II, It.
Ilarrlxon Ix chairman of tho lawn
context ro.uu.ltteo,
Thlx Ik only one of a number
of puutlciil up-to-date plans for
the benefit of tho city that tho aux
iliary Jiax'put through with great
xucrexx. i g
I'lre I'oIIomh llo.nh 1,'xploslon; I'm-,
.net- I'ntleiit U KllMcletl
OAKLAND. Calif., Aug. 31. Ono
of the. two hulldlngH comprising the
(leorgo C'owrtroy, Kanllarlu.n hero
wuh dextroynd liy flrn toduy follow
ing ii bomb explosion. Three Incen
diary flies occurred during tho paBt Ii nt tho sanitarium. Cowdry
NUspected u former patient with n
(uncled g.ioviinre.
YREKA, Aug. 31. Slaklyou coun
ty In facing u Hhortugo of inftro tliiin
20 toni'linm for tho vurloim dlatrlct
HchonlH, lucordlnit to figures from
tho county mipcrlutendout'H office.
Tho Hchoolri aro Hchmlulod to open
8optombeil I. Tho position. vacant
rarry Hulnrlca of from $120 In SlfiO
per month, ,
POUTLAND, Auk. 31, Llvostock,
Btcady, ogga atvontj, butter, stoady,
Recognition of JCIamath As
Stock Raising Center Is
Seen In Purchase
itrcoKiiiiinn or Kianiniii enmity an
a mmk raimi.R p,.M..r i- moo in ti.eij, disjijitrous fire broke out, found rescue crews fitill fight-
lairi lutko liy I.tonard J. Womlrufi, ' , , . ., '
i.rou. i. ...nt 1.0, Amcfiot, -io,k man. of iinjf (Ic8pctaately to get to the men.
tin' Henry (lortlon ranch of III) ucron
iiml the llrannon ranrh of I Co acren,
hot ll ItlCIlteil In the Wooil Idler v;i.
'ley near I'ort Klanmtli. The pur
i hunt' 1'rlie Ik iinilemtool In he it i
protimntely in.'.ooo for hoth
rum liejt
Wtiitilrnff. who ounx eili'tirlve
Kttxk runrhea In Kttiilliern C.iliforiilj,
plmm to ime the Wooil rller vallo)
" "" """ miiKe km -"-'
'" I.U (:Ufor..i range. here
fed ix .rare In -.miner .lu.' I" llif
dry .,..,. Hlurk will he Hhlpp.,1
to Klamath roi.iiti for fjtte.ilnu In-
in iiiitiiiiiiii coniuj ior miiiiihk,
font helnit marketed.
iiiiii in nix nun r. i.u.
raiii'lieH for miniiiier rutiRe for utoclt
It wax xald by thotxi Interexted In
'llie IrntiHiit (Inn luil roiiilileflon of tin
ileal itwuited only eiitmluatlon of tint
'title Woodruff left for lite xouth
1 1 Ii Ih mornlnr
Simile illieo Approial to
Willi 1'atl) l.lni-s Wlptit Out
WARIIINdTON. Aug at. The
I J 4,000,000 xoldler -honux bill pann
ed tho xenaln today hy a vole of
47 to 22 with all party llnt'K wiped '
out, McN'ary and. tanflcld both
i voted for-lho hunux.
Troaxury offlilalx apparently were
roiifldent thill thn pnlttcnt would
vein ll)ti hill It It patM ni It now
itandx. High ntflclalx Indicated to
day that the president had lint
chanced from lilx announced Inten
tion to dlxapprove honux leglxla
Hon whlrhjdoen not rarry the meanx
of raining revent.p needs anil the
meiiiirn beforn the leuale. treaxurr
otflrlaU ay, doex not meet that ro-1
iuii i-iii in.
rnoM nit' iiasi.v co.
W. 11. Kllngcnherg will retire to
day as manager of the lllg llaslh
Lumber company, lie will he suc
ceeded by A. M. Worden, prenent
ca.hler. V, W, Ingwerson will be
coma assistant manager.
--aTBgfclBF5!-i X V-Vr.""1!YVMi-v-" -wii-i' .
Poisonous Cks From Lower
Drop Work and Retreat; Effort Made to Reach
Shaft From Adjoining Mine
JACKSON, Aug. 31. The fourth day of the bat
tle between life and death at the Argonaut mine, where
ih i i 1 r i . 1 i t
1 1 miners nave cen eiuomocu since aunuay nigni wnen
Tint first official iich luilli-tln
litnitfil liy j loinnilttof of mltic own
er. eiiKlneerit, (tlale anil fetlrrnl rx- ,
miHu ..ll.til tl.r., Iwii nrnU'iA Ultll i
uiiiLirnt iih from the fedenil Ii urea II I
of mine worked nil night replac
ing the ohhft liintiiUK that hid hft-n
removed from till' shaft CO feet he.
low the 240(i,fOt)l lurid. The tllll
Iith, lint blllhjtln naltl, weir re.
movcil to prtiriile a uarrier aK-unm
lh(! ,rn' craping up Ihe Uafi Th,
hUMUi continued
.., ,hf. wor). f)f ri.plarll.
. . 7 ....
, t nthcrx a fall of ground ax
. . . . , ..
heard .vtliiewbero down the xhaft
moi-til to phirllle " barrier aKalimt
anil tin; rexulllng air blunt furred
the gnxex up the haft to the 2400
foot level, but the men haxtll) don
ned oxygen breathing helinelx and
were xaved from being overcome
hy the polnonont carbon monoxlile
Thlx wax the extent of the work
In tho vhaft during tbo nlrht.
"At tho Kennedy mine 45 feet
iof tho 3900 foot south drift was
cleared out. bringing the rescuorx .
under tho chute from tho Mope
above. Thlx leave 450 tiel of j
tlrlfl to bo cleaned. Kroni now on
tho going nhouM ho heller ax the
drift will not be under t,he old
xtope. j
"In the' 3600 foot level lu the .
Kennedy mine they are null work
ing on the ooft rilllngx In thn drift
and have about CO to 90 feet to go
to reach Iho croMcut Into tho Oreen-, l'OUTOI,A. Aug. 31. Tho pros
stone which will enable them to go i pPcl 0( tnc Western Taclfle railway
nrnund lite drift filled with looo lining the traffic along tho lino of
mud and rock, thereby saving time, j thn Nevada-California Oregon rail
Thero will ho about GO feet or j
drilling to get back to tho drift j
which then will be under the solid ,
. Wendel, amounting to nearly $200,-
JACKSON, Calif. Aug. 31. Mrs. 00rt annually. Should tho abandon
(leorgo Stelnman. whon husband I mcnt of tho lino bo made, tho South
Imprisoned In tho Argonaut mine, j ,,rn acfc would bo the only connec
tellx a strange premonition of evil ' tlon.
which came to him Sunday evening J The opinion Ix expressed hero that
before he left his home In Jackson tho Western Pacific would either
to go on shift In tho mine at C i keep tho line running or buy tho
o'clock. Stelnman, who Is tho father I whole line, 10.0 miles In length.
(il ST ill, lll'.'J
Level Forces Workers
I of three children, told liU wife that
the felt a peculiar opreon. Rome-
thinic eeiiied to promptniltti to re-
from Koine to work.
I "SomcthlrtR In nolnc to happen,"
I ho Kilil to liU wife. And then Blanc
line nt the lunch haiiket which liU
wife had prepared for him, ho
laughed and nald;
"Oh, well, I Riiesn It nothlns. I
i , .. ,. , ,
j m,"ht a,K, f 'U "'
,;"1 ,'" ,1"' ,,u"rh- ,
'Ani-hrr ll,l I'rrmonltlon
t Tom .Sutter Creek comcx anou?
I ..,,,,, . . , .
ur l,,0' "' foreboding which, low
. , , , ., ., ,
I ever, did not prevent O. Ilardl from
j going to work In the mine. Tho
i Italian Ilenevolent .Society I. Shi a
(xesulon Sunday afternoon ind evsn
I log at Sutter Creek and Ilardl wax
' one of thoao at the banquet circle.
i Tollowlng tho celebration uo went
i to hlx home, changed his dollies
I and got his lunch baxkit. lie was
scheduled to go on 'lutv at 11 p.
n. , In what Is known nt the "rravc
yard shift."
"We have had such i good time."
(Continued on rage Three)
Onler of Inter-Slnlc Commerce
(.'omi.iIfct.lop H.iImw Question
way through of six
miles oMIne by an order of tho In-
ter-htato commerce commission,
causing much discussion and will
probably result In somo now align-
ment. Tho Western Pacific has re-1
'cciu'd thn bulk of tho traffic at tho
I connecting points.
Lakcvlcw and
Collins' "Fiancee"
Mix Kitty Klernan, who wax to
I haie hevn married to Michael Col
I linn, alaln Irish leader.
HportMiirn to lie Altuweil to Bring
Tlirlr (iiitne Aero HUle Mae,
State Witrtlcn Kay
Klamath county sportsmen will bo
permitted to hunt migratory birds In
California this year and bring their
gamo home, according to Information
received from V. St. Newbcrt, presi
dent of the fish and gamo commis
sion of California, In a letter to A. E.
Ilurghduff. state game warden of
j Oregon, who hn been here several
, days.
Several weeks ago. at the request
of local sportsmen, tho chamber of
comerco took the matter up with
! Ilurghduff and asked him In turn, to
tako Iho matter up with the Califor
nia commUslon. This resulted In a
statement from Newbcrt. part of
which follews:
"Tho California law prohibits the
exportation of ducks, geese or other
water fowl out of .the state, but since
tho Migratory niril Treaty act regu
latlnns permit Iho shipment of water
fowl cut or tho state, we nave not
forced this expert law; provided tho
California license law nnd limit were
According to this statement, local
sportsmen will be permitted to bring
their geexo and ducks across tho Cal
ifornia lino, but will not bo permitted
to bring deer across tho lino, and In
formation has been given out that
CI a mo Warden Courtrlght Is permu
ted to cross the line and make ar
rests in tho state of Oregon.
This Information has been received
with very much appreciation by local
sportsmen, and Tulc Lake doubtless
will 6o tho scene of much activity
when tho bird season opens.
KAlvntionUtx AluajrH Working, S)
Cnmpnlgii Mnnugrr
"Taps" nuer will sound for the
Salvation Army, said E. L. Graves,
campaign manager today, until thero
are no morn hungry people to feed,
uo more destitute to clothe, no more
tears to wlpo away, no more slckuess
and suffering to allevlato, no "more
homeless men to shelter and no more
"Mugdelenes" to rescue,
"Tho Salvation Army," said ho. "Is
on tho Job for service any or all of
thn 24 hours u day, or 365 days a
year. Wo of the Salvation Army, said
Graves, have tlireo tilings to
fight agulnst and all start with the
letter D dlr.t debt, devil. In order
to make it a successful fight we need
three things to fight with, and these
threo start with the letter G, grit,
grace, greenbacks.
"Wo have the grit and graco as
evidenced by our many years of solf
sacriflclng labors, but It Is up to tho
peoplo of this community and others
to supply tho greenbacks, ho stated.
"Tho local lodgo of R. P. O. E. Is
back of tho Salvation Army and has
proven Itself tho big brother many
times botoro. In this campaign
which tho army Is putting on, spons
ored by tho Elks, they have ton
teams of workers out getting sub
scriptions and ovory person In this
county U asked to contrlhuto some
thing." Yesterday was tho first day of tho
campaign, .which will last all wook,
and it Is hoped to havo tho quota of
$3500 bofore thut tlmo. Subscrip
tions may bo mailed lu to tho Salva
tion Army, Graves said.
Bullet Wound Fatal to Wm.
Mero, President of Sac
ramento Federation
SACRAMENTO, Aug. 31. Wil
liam Mero, president of the fedorated
shop crafts of fiacromento died early
today from a ballet fired by II, n.
Oebott, alleged strikebreaker, who
confessed to the police officers, It
was said.
31. One maintenance way worker
was killed, two were probably fatal
ly Injured, and another slightly haft
when ao Illinois Central raotor-drlr-en
section car Jumped the track near
here. Officials are Intestlgatlnf the
possibility of creased or loosened
WILMINGTON, Del.. Aug. 31.
Tho Pennsylvania river railroad
bridge was damaged by aa explosion,
believed caused by dynamite, early
PORTLAND, Aug. 31. Tho new
Union Taclfle sbopcrafts' organisa
tion, composed of non-strikers, an
nounced today an agreement with'
the railroads for a pay scale from
two cents to IS cents higher than
that fixed by the railroad labor board
effective September IS.
TEXARKANA. Ark., Aug. 31,-t-Seven
bridges on the cotton belt rail
way between Texarkana and Stamps,
Arkansas, were burned last night.
Scandal In Bird Colony
Mr. Pelican Is SuWjact
Aug. 31.4rekeitement Is rlfa In tfca
wild qnlmal community of tho park
since 'the 'scandal about Mr.. Pollcan
received public attention.- Tho duck
are quacking about It,' tho squirrels
aro chattering ll and tho bob-cats
arc scattering It broadcast In their
shrill voices.
Throughout all tho whispers and
nudges of neighbors as ho passes, Mr.
Pelican maintains hU stately nlcn.
seemingly unconscious of tho Jibes of
tho multitude. Ills actions would
indicate ho still hotds his valued
placo In the community.
His trouble started with the charge
of Prof. Henry B. Ward, head ot thB
department! of soology ot the Univer
sity of Illinois, that he Ii a trout
"hog" and violator of all the tenets
of good sportsmanship. Proof ot
these charges probably will mean
that Mr. Pelican will become nn out
cast with every one'a door closed to t
him and everyone's hand against Tilin.
Professor Ward Is conducting an
exhaustive Investigation for the fed
eral bureau ot fisheries at Lake Vol
laws'tone In Yellowstone National
park as to the relationship between
the pelican and the trout supply. Ills
investigation, which baa been pro
gressing several weeks, wilt continue
through the present season.
The flock ot pelicans that live an I
breed on Lake Yellowstono number
about 400. They "summer" aristo
cratically at the lako, feasting on the
best tho land affords from sprlnu un
til September, then go to their Win
er resorts along the Gulf of Motlco.
The bird diets almost exclusively,
on fish, and, so far as the Yellow
stone and other Rocky Mountoln
lakes and streams are concerned, tbU
means exclusively on trout. Ho t
tlmates that the 400 peltcana een
sumomore trout than are taken.ilur
Ing an entire season by aportsaen.
The pelican Is no respecter of site
limits or open seasons, Protestor
Ward charges. He declared he bad
seon a platoon of 30 peltcana raage4
across a stream In regular formation,
preying on the trout aa they iwaa JIP
to apawn. Hitherto, the stream htd
ylolded trout eggs by the mllllonifbR
hatchery men this yoar could gathar
only a fraction of the norma amount.
The fact is granted that Mr. Pell
can's homo life la above reproach, Ho
Is a good provider, a good huikand
and father and 1 strictly raof
mous. For the 400 birds Is the Lake
Flock, there are Just 200 iMta; Mt
for, each couple and ose mato fir
each bird. Thero are so "4rIaM'V
In tho Yellowstone ''400." .1
-i J'
i jK,J"Vn; rt