The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 30, 1922, Image 1

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lJ. ' M,
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Mt fcwnpm Heratfi
m,M() ,XI ItHltHll.tV
I A I If
Member of the Axsociatcd Press
s , -
. 4,
I'llti'inlli Vim, .No, (I I lit
Returns Received from 2344
Of California' 6,695
Voting Precincts
KAN FRANCISCO, Alir.. .10 He.
luniN rinm yoHtfrily'M primary elr-e- I
linn lt California Inrrraunt lllrnm !
W. Johnson' lend in or C (' i
Moore (nr republican nninnallnti for
Pulled State wenntor. '
Twenty-three hundred forty-four
mil f I tin slate' 0.C95 precincts
gnve Johnson tOl.nni, Moore 74,
SID Jiiliimoit'ii lincker rliilm Hint tint
senior m-nntnr from California will
""' .":.""' "'""' "'" "' ' ,,H"
llepul.Ilraii party wth Hn-aler .,
Jiirlly lh.ui the Ht.ildo m li hnd
over Herbert llnover In ihe prenl- primary North of the I
Teharhapl, they alil he would
tunc a majority of from I25.UDO
In' 130 UUP, the lent of III IpimI
roiuliiR from Hnillhrril t'allforiilii
rrmii llin oppoiliiK tamp ruiin a
predlrtlou that .Moore would liuu
tuaJiirU) of TI.3U0, SS.imhi of whlrh
would iiiiiin from lax AllReli- mid
lii.otm from Hun 1'rniiclnt-o. Tin
two laiiilld.iti'n. rrt-ordlliK to the
Moore tinliucra. will bl(-uk even
III Han uutunlo, W imd Nnvudi
rnuiilli-n. while M'X'ii roiintlet, while
cen conutle.1 nru ninreiU'd by Ihe,
.Moote hvadiiuarlem to Johnxoii.
They nrc Alpine, Motto, lno. Mo-
, doc, llolano. Sutler and Trinity.
Thin iir' ri-nl'lrallon l 1 . 4 r 2 .
. J'i.1, of wljlch the. Iluiiuhllcaui) nnij
ber 927,0 (ft and the Democrat
.1 o & . : r, r .
The laro nnalorlal tliU year wan
marked w-ltji lillti-rin-w mid mini
hIiirIiii; liuparalleled In (he liUlor)
of California.
llnosrN Oruniurtl nt Malln; Olflnis
Anil Trniliers Plini-ii
(S'perlnl lo The Ili-rald)
MAI. IN, Aug. 30. Itev. Clin. C
Unlet, of Ahlaiid, l'rebyti!rlan Sun
day irlinol inlMlonary and nritanlier,
hold preaching ervlce In tho high
nrhool building nt Malln Sunday af
ternoon, after whUh n Sunday nchool
wa orisanlrcd ltli tho following of
ficer and teacher: Mr, Allda Mnr
ken, Huporlnlondeiit; Mr. Thomni.
Hleget. ntslHaiU upnrlotvndenl, Ml
Hnmonn Htoul, necrolary; Mr. Albert,
Mr. . K. Illicit wa clionon a lllhle
da teacher and other teacher cho.
un wcru: Mr. II. I-. Dnlluit. Mr. J.
W. I.. Smith, Mr. A. M. Thoma and
Mr. Thomn Hlegel,
Siimlay ncliool will be held every
Sunday In tho high hcIiooI building ut
10 o'clock for perhap two or throe
month, when It I expected Hint u
hulldlUK will bu In reaillni'KK, plan
for which urn being drawn. Till
will Im In tho nuluro of u gyiunaHlum,
uhoiI for Bunduy iifliool nml preach
ing Hurvlco, and during tho week for
Kymmmtlc cIuhsiih. hiiHket ball, etc.,
and will bo under the control of tho
1'renbytorlun church.
It I expected uvcuiuully lo build
n cliurih nml IhlH hulldlui; will be
only tempornry for church uurpiwe
hut will Htlll bo uhoiI a u gymniiH
lum, for tintertulnnieut and any com
munity enterprise.
Blight change havo occurrod In
t h i) iiuromoiric
1'oiiilltlonn ifurlng
tho pnHt 24 linuru
nltlioiiKli ut 2 p. m.
tho Cyclo-Stormn-"
graph nt Under
wood'H l'lmrmucy
wa reglHtorlng u
Hllght rlBo lu pros
miro. I-'orocnBt for next
21 heur:
Fair weather, with
brink wlmlH,
Tho Tyros recording thnrinomotor
rnKlHtered niuxlutuni and in Illinium
tompornturofl today nfollewa:
High .7. 74
u Low 4.8
Vandals Blamed for This
j mfJnmmJ' fZm f wUiHHflLLflBilLEj .ssaaaxoannnnV
SsnV'flnVaBnSnSnSsisnsB'S SSsEISHSnBBnaSSBatssl
Detectives says this wreck of a New York-Chicago
express on the Michigan Central at Gary, Intl., was cans -
...i i i.i i ii. ..i ! rn i.:ii...i
Illlfl tWO HCrOUS V nilirCC .
Aiinnuiiii'iiii-iil Minli II) HiiM-tln-Ii
iiilriil In Atnlil Confii'liiii; Tin-.-
.la). Npi.-mlMi .'., tliH-iilttK l
In tinier to itiuiiu umfiiKltm In . I .tt ttlln Itt I (ut t urliuiit riiiln
rl.,...h with tl pe,,lK of r,.,l
i neniuiv. eiiieiniipr .i. nuix-ruui'ii' i
dent J ) Well todny iinnouiueil tho,11
follow Iiik houndarle hIiuwIiik pupil1
whli h hchool they will attend:
llliTide i:iRlilli Rtrret Routh to
JllllH-oiithPrn t'arlflc
and l'al Main treet
Central i:at Mnln to Snnlhorn
..-ii.. ...i i i.i..i..i nri.
Mitiur itMMi'Hti, iihi4ii pmmii iMniiij
to l.dn'oln, eat to the canal, follow to Crexcent iiM-nue, tin-mo fol
low Creireut uenue.
L-- il.t l.iti'-l .Inrnln klri.til inn1 '
and CrePenl aM-niie.
1'ellcan No boiindnrle i-I.i1iIIhIi-Ml.
lleRlnuIng pupils will not be admit
ted nfti-r tlm flrrt mouth of Rihnol
unle they han hud sufficient In-
Ktriirllon to onahlo thPii to enter tho
clan that started at tho first of tlml
)enr, but rhlldreii who will be six
)ear old by January 1, 1923, may
enter now.
J'rof AVi'll said pupils should not
imrrhasi Hchool book and Hiipplle
until ItiHtrurted by the teacher the
firm day. Till 1 to mold the con
fusion roMiltlng'Mhen pupil pur
chase hook for a certain grade and
are assigned to nnolher.
Preparations are being made at tho
Central school for Inntallatlnn nf spir
al flro escape. Painting of tho roof L
of tlm ItlviTHlilo school started today
and contract hn been let fur sur
facing with gravel the ground of
Kalnlow school nml the laying of
sidewalk. All old furniture ha
been renovated by dipping mid refill
IkIiIiii;. The. uiuuuul training and
domestic solemn building lias been
Thorn will he un afternoon session
Tuesday, tho opeulnj; day.
Slate Wimlcn H)s 9I,00,00
Worth of (Jiiiiio Killed Annually
Figuring on a ImsU of 20 cents u
pound, tho aluo of tho giimo killed
In Oregon each ear I $4,OU,OQ0, K.
A. Ilurghduff, state game warden,
told tho chamber of lommorco forum
today. Using tho samo figure as u
bastH, ho estimated thnt tho value of
nil tho game In tho state, from n
commercial standpoint, wa hotween
170,000.000 nml $100,000,000
llurghdufr delivered nil Interesting
nililniHH In which ho touched on vari
ous phases of tho dude nf his office
In commotion wild gaum preserva
tion and logulnlloit nf hunting nml
W. O. Hopkins of San Francisco, it
representative r 'lln wIioIoriiIo hard
ware firm of Dunham, Oarrlgun nnd
llayden, mailo n abort talk lu which
ho Kiild that ho plaumul to ninko tt lu
hendqunrlora In thla city,
llll'rnie i.iRimi mrri'i nouiii ui
Southern Taclflc railroad, north tOi,,,'t ,,l
Lincoln, wwt to Seventh, theiirn! w,l"c '
MIIKUK. IWU Mil; niuvu
Icroiupen i tcrc k'MlCC
I o I rwnvjcrv UJ"
;' ' Nv,,"' ,,"K lnl,iu and RLt .McCu,..i.or
Tumeil)- fur lln)' Tiiiiiii-iiin ( ( Iltit.ii.-itltit III a d."ip.-rat at-
Spi-ilnl In 'I lie lleiiibl
fll). Aiir SO .What ut flrnl want
itiiititil fitr filtt i ttttn II it 'it atfltlltil '
j Intended fur fun
nded fur fun near endliiK
a traRcdy, hire Kuturd.iy nlKhi
when a couple of Illy )eiiui: men
i thltiklni; they would
.'?"'". " V
-who nun iMi'ii in inn viiihj uinj
nnTl '""
One .word led to
nnolher until both hide became ex-
i riled and litnru or le uiiRry, when
the Htranner mounted hi liorne mid
Tho other followed, and
xome tried to catch his horno
olhpr tried to 'drug .hlni to the
' XI
Mfticf Tin e(pttninp Itt anlf urn.
Itlllill t w . fi ( -. !
Itrctlon. ilrow IiIh l.nlfo tint. h5h
uu "" "",l '" ' "
hold of him. kuIiiIiik hi freedom.
...i i. A .. .-i., ..e si... i,.k i...,t
Tho rut wa not rlniiH.
111 Aim nf Meailow on C. W. War
ren It.imli llunieil l)i-r lo The ller.llil
Illy, Aug. 30. rim late Sunday
Imrnod over about 40 acre of mea-
(tnw Inm, on ,10 t-. v. Warren land
near here. A rnll for help brought
out n number of people from Illy
who prevented tho fire from spread
ing lo nearby hay stack and build
Ingu, THE
I luilimmi of Si-nnle liniiniii Com-
mil lit', llcfi-ntnl In I'rlfiuirlf.
' 'lipMiitn Ciiililcilng Mm .
WARlMNfiTON. A'ir. 30 Senator
I Porter J. McCiinilnT. clinlnnan of,
j tin' Ki'iinl4 finance committee, O, O,
I regular nml chief engineer for the
Irepubllian parly In putting tlm new
tnrlff liill through the senate, In con-(
slderlng running for re-election In
1 November u an Independent.
Mct'umber wan defeatpl for the
ri'piiMlrnn nomination by I.nn Fra
xler. formerly non-partisan league
iroMTimr of North Dakota, In the re
cent prluinrlm. IIppjiisp of hid prom
i Im-nce In the O. 0 P sennto mach
, Ir.n. McCnmbor' defeat wan an
Ipr-clnlly hard blow to the party or -
Old (iinnl to Alii
1 so alarmed arc otd guard leaders
i In the neiijli! oyer the political ullua-
. ,, , , ,. ...,
..tMtir.l bv tho nomination of Kra
I . . ..,,, ...ta, i,n.,.r..,
.milium and llrooKh'url In lown, oer.tho church, the Irn
'orKiinlrntlon-iiproed old cuanl ran-
, dldatcK, that they are ready to throw
i irt i .p.itnlurllln ti:ltm Into till
tnmpt to defeat Kraxler. the party m
1 regular nominee
McCUll)(.r kmmll lo r husltat
.. .a.
B m,.r ,., (,.cti, mt old Kuard
j,.(M,.r- who nru i-ndi-avorlnc to per
joiim; tiii'ii. ( Hiiiido liliu Hi mnku the pluiiKe, aur-
Imi vonifjiii him of energetic nupport. believe
he will decide in make the raci If.
by a conrcntratlou of effort In North ; fro iavo Juki been completed by the
Dakota, they can put McCumberi forent nervlcc, United Stnte depart
urn) a an Independent, they will ; ment of iiRrlculture, according to l
be relaluliiR rerliiln support for tlielrj trlct Torester (Jco. II. Cecil of Port
own policies In the senate and at tlm j land,
name time Rhc nn appearance of pop- Till huii), tocethcr with not 1ps
ular Indication cf thu new tariff hill
wlllcli ho fnOieriMl,
Another cnnItlpr.ulon. cnrco!y
, ion ui.irao.e in me oiu Buar.iieri.
urRlnc Mct'umber'a race a an In-
it. . . . . . . i i.....
i ---
duppudent, would bo tho pomlbllity
of "caHhlng In" on the Hughe while
wimli nf Senator Newberry.
McCumbcr' ot to Feat NewUrry
wan one of the big factor contrlbut-
lug to hi defeat nt the prlmarie. If
........ ..... .... If ..!..... I.. I.
wiiu i un iiHKmiiiiiiu in in.! iixii-7, ii - -
tor upholding Now berry 'ifrlght to hi
seat and the support of hlith tariff
Interest. McOumber can bo returned
lo tho senate, It I, hrllcvod much of
the cure of tho Newberry scandal
can bo tnken off senator who voted
to seat Newberry nnd who arc slated
to face opposition on that ground In
1924 tiro next presidential year.
Aqd that I considered of utmost Im
portance to tho party's future-
S ' 'tA I T Che looks a uTae ;
lit NT Ml, Ittt!l!
j Bridegroom Also Favored
In Revision Plans of
Episcopal Church
PORTLAND. .Aug. 30. Revision
of the hook of common prayer, In
cluding I hi: proposal to drop the
bride's promise to obey from tho
marriage, ceremony and tho elimina
tion of tho brld;-room' endowment
of tho bride with hi world good,
were conilderdo hero today by an
nformal conference of member of
( Ihc house of bishop starting hero
i today In preparation for the 4,th
triennial ton volition of the Episco
pal church. Tho convention open
m.xl week
Other matter couddered today
woro divorcee, wo
omen Ktatu In ,
luktrlnl ultuatlon '
and church unity
il il!,(MMl Allottitl to Stuti-t CM.vr
utlr.K With f.'inniiiic-iit 1
I'OltTI.AND, Aur. 29 Allotment
of I4U0.UUU of Federal fund toitbe K
iati. m-oporatlUK with the Rovern- commei
, mont In proteitlnfc foret laud from;mai;MB tho total number of director
' than an equal umount to bo supplied
by the mates co-operating. I expend
ed jollitly by fiie-oiOtit'rntbAiWorrt
nnd stato furcstcrii In protpctlng
from fire forest land nt tho head
water of navigable stream. The
allotment In made on tho bal of
timbered area and cost ofadequate
protection. The federal expenditure
In any state I restricted to not over
This amount of money I Insuffl-
clent to Insure ndequate forest fire
.. ' .. ..
proieciiou, nccrriiing to ween, out u
ha in connection with state fund,
enabled substantial progress to bo
made In thnt direction. Duo to tho
serious flro sonson this year In both
Oregon and Washington, this co-ope-r.itlvo
fund has boon drawn on heav
ily, foresters say.
Allotments to tho coast states are.
as follew: 'Oregon. 124,000; Wash
ington, $24,000; and California $22,-750.
Bottle on Her Hip
llero'n Nancy Newberry, 14
month old.ready to climb the
nockle or frr old mountain you
wlb Th fnatumo won her a prlzo
from tho Colorado Mountain club.
IHrrrtonili- U llrouxlit up u, .
Ilniiltpf Koliller IUmiu.4 Vole
Wired to Mr.Viir)'
II. N. Jloe and C. II. Underwood
j were elected to the directorate of
Kiamaiu county chamber of
mcrco at Tuesday's mepHnir.
14, which is classed a standard
throughout the country.
Tho change In the constitution
and by-taw permitting the direc
tors to name 'two additional mem
bers was made at tho membership
luncheon Wednesday, August 23.
The 'necoptvue. .of. mcmbouMjv,ni
tho board by Undorwood and Moo
I gratifying to the present direc
tor. It was stated and thoy feel
that the acquisition will strength
en tho board and the chamber of
commorco considerably, especially
In view of the extensive program
that U being outlined for iho
present year's work.
Tho board wired Senator McNary
tho result of the referendum on tho
soldier bonus of the membership,
which resulted In n two to ono
vote In favor of the national uo
Tho chamber of commorco en
dorsed tho Salvation Army pro
gram, and requested all tho mem
bers of tho chamber nnd citizens
of tho community to subscrlbo to
this work.
Tho directors unanimously en
dorsed tho proposition of having
tho county purchase tho fair
ground nnd tho machinery of tho
chamber will be set In motion
to have this matter carried at the
tall election, and to make tho fair
nnd rodeo ono of tho biggest events
thnt tho county has had. A. M.
Collier outlined a program for the
chamber to follow- in boosting
tho fair mevement:
ItallroMil to Withhold DecUion Un
til Itrturn of Two Members
CHICAGO. Aug. 30. Chairman
Hooper announced that tho railroad
labor board will not render an opin
ion on tho maintenance of way men's
request for Increased wages until all
members of the labor group of board
member return about the middle of
September. Ono Is on a vucatlon
while another Is In California with
a sick wife.
YRBKA, Aug. 30. One-hundred
boosters from Medford, Oregon, vis
ited Yroka advertslng the Jackson
county, Oregon fair. Thoy were ac
companied by a band of 32-pleces.
Mayor antes of Medford Invited Sis
kiyou county to attend Ihe fair, to
bo hold on tho I nth to tho 18th of
'Yroka citizens met tho party out
sldo of Yreka und escorted tho vis
itor over tho city. Tho boosters
worn nil members of tho Crater
club of Medford. lleforo arriving
in Yroka thoy vlstcd Uornbrook,
Thrall, Copco aud Montnuuo.
OCT. 4-6
Farmers, and Others Asked
To Give Thought to
Their Entries '
Farmers should begin lo plan their
exhibit for tho county fair, October
4, Ti and C, wa the announcement to
day of tho county fair hoard.
With purcnaio of a tract of land
and erection of permanent hollaing,
It Is planned to have the largest and
most succcssful'fair ever held In thl
county, and farmer sod otheV are
urged to give thought' to their exhib
it. Premium' list wilt be ready
shortly and wilt be distributed.
Within about two week the race
track will have been completed and
tho niy rodoo stock w be brought
In for tryouts. All the proposed
buildings may not be completed tola
year, but complete facilities for hoot
ing exhibits and stock are promised.
All buildings will bo of permanent
construction and wilt be erected un
der tho supervision of an expert;
Krury detail of tho (air grounds will
bo arranged In accordance with plann
which havo proven best el.ewhcro,
and tho county eventually will be the
possessor of a fair equipment feconr)
to none In the state, la the opinion
of tlioso behind tbo project.
HnpcrisjteaOcat We44 Ajweamcea
Teatativ Amlgammt
Tentative assignment of teacher,
August 15,1933 for the grade
schools of tbu city were announced
Iewa: jiT
Ceatral School
Augnsta Parker, 'principal, third
grade; Moltle Ilsldlng, first grade;
Ituth.1 Dixon, second grade; Rose
Tiratton, fourth grade; Beulab Grah
am, fifth graded Ruby Fenwlck, sixth
grade: t Km Cleraejis, -seventh, grade;
Solilo' I'alterson. Eighth' gra'dV lCv '
Falrrfevr School
Allco Tllackford, principal, seventh
and eighth grade Ella Callahan,
first: Florence Deauchamp' secend:
Elda Offleld, third and fourth;
Waive Drew, fifth and sixth.
MIU Hchool
Agnei Bryan, principal, third and
fourth; Frieda Bryant, first and sec
ond; Vlolette Damon, fifth and sixth;
Lena Hackett, seventh and eighth.
IYUcaa ficheel
Jane1 Clare, principal, fourth-, fifth,
and sixth; Maude McQee, first, sec
ond and (bird.
Rivertid School
Cb'loe Palmer, principal; Maye B.
Wells, first grade; Mabel Perry, sec
ond grade; Loretta Jennings, third
grade; Doris Ady, fourth grade;
Katbryn McAndrews, fifth grade;
Nellie 'Wattenburg, sixth grade; Mat
tie Carr, seventh grade; Wyne,Kee
see, eighth grade. x
Special Teacher
Robt. W. Claye, manual training;;
Thayer Raymond, home economics;
Florence Nelson, music.
Sen ce la .Nortbweat Portion of
City DlM-oatM for Tiaw
The telephone service of the
northwest portion ot the city was
entirely cut off yesterday after
noon about 2 o'clock when one of
the workmen oa the pipe Use belag
laid on Pine street cut the under
ground cable ot the Pacific Tele
phone ft Klectrlc company that
crosses Pine street at Fifth. Thla
cable carried 300 wires that served
all the district north of Pine street
and west of Seventh. Work, of re
pairing this cable was started lav
mediately and service was com
pletely restored by 3 o'ejoek this
morning. The cutting of thla caht
mado It necessary that the line
men visit every terminal I thla dis
trict and carefully check every .wire
five or six times tp that m errors
were made In aplUHag the f9t
wires. f V ,
r i '
na ,'W' '