The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 29, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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By Our Country Editors
Jills rylillionaire. for Count
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Personal Mention T DIP BUCK Do2
bbt t .,.
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4A. .
MPl .
Ml w Mm-y MePoiuh, O, A (' , ili-ni-liliHlliltlon
llgoill held III') IuhI meet
Iiik of lli Horliu lit Mil 1 1 n liiHt Friday.
Tim iiii'i'tlmiH worn grimily mijoyml
mill niiroi'litliil hy llionn til tun ding,
" Tim opening of Dim coiiiliintilly
Hiimliiy mliool ui Miilln wii mi In
Kliesllng nvi'iil In our Inriillty. Willi
ih uri'Mlmi or ii permmiftit building
grout ndlvlly of I lid fliimlity nihoiil Ik
.Ion Kolerii mill Mr. Kllnin with
niiieni: lint Klmiiitth I'.illil vlaltom
lllftt Week.
John i'aiiKlit f llonnrun Hpont miv
urnl days Willi his lion Chnrle timt
Week, tin reports crops good III Ii In
Win. Freer loft for I'orllinid
Thiimilny wliem lin exped lit Inriitii
Tlin f.unlly will follow liljn In it few
Mr. iiihI Mm. Muhli und lllltc
ilnimlitir were guents or Mm, D.illon J
Sunday. '
Mm. ('. N- Know nr Henley uinl
Mm. T. N. Cimi' or Ml. 1 .11 hi were !! 1
turn ill the home of Mr. mill Mri Me
Comb Krlilny
illtiv. Ilellet uinl mm, Wllllmn or
Aililntul. who linvit been hero lor the
p'al week In tlm Interest of tlin fy'iiel
day ncIiooI work, left thin ineriiliii:
for Chltixiuln. ,
1 Mr. Ilurrlsit and lutnlly lefl Mr Hi" j
Applegnto country lam week. Thuyi
tw imi
, .
f.Vj !l.4jt
inn iilmiiiliiK to gel him fflini low mill
ollior mill.
M11I, 1'iinly uinl ilmiKhli-r, Itnlli
11 ni hiiiIIiii: Hcvt'iiil m'ii.m oi Ai'li -Intnl.
Mr. nml Mm. Moult uinl fmully with
Minn A 11 mi KlMor or ('plnnd, ('alitor
11 In nml Ktiihiiul Hiilgol rutin lied Hut
it r ilny owmlng from 11 trip to Cnilir
l.nko uiul tho liiickli'lii.niy piilfli
Air. nnii Mm Win ('rainlnll wire
llllXllll'IIH lllltlIM lit Klllllllllll I'lllI,
Mm. Dolnn nml MIhn Murle liohui .
rnvii 11 dinner timidity lo n number f
friend nt Hugh O'f'oimiir it riinrh
TIioko present Morn Mr. unit Mm Kl
Kt, Eitten, Kenneth, ('ml nml Audrey
Klgcr, Mm. Twylii Ferguson, Minn
AII10 llliuhroril. Mr nml Mm .r C,
Kiimmi, Mlm Akih'I lliiiiiiin. ( heater
Cmnuit. Mi mill Mm Hun i:iiiiinn.
Mm. Dnlmi, Minn Ihilun, Joint Mltili- ,
nil, Hugh O'Cuiiiii-r uiul Mr flrniii..
Mr. nml Mm (' . W l.t wis mid
dillilri'ii. 'Ilii'linn I'lu-lpM iukI Artn
went to Klmnnth Falls Knltilili). .
Mr. nml Mm Wind Unliin. Mm
I'd) no ufiil (.'on Ciirlln visaed ut tho
O'Poiiner riinrh Hiimliiy Melting, i
Mrn. C It Klgur nml mm. i:ntln,
mnl ilmiKhlir Audrey, left Monday
for I'alidey urnl Silver l.iko 011 Inisl
ihihii nml to llt Mm. KlKor'n ninth-
J i: l.'iiiii.iii nml It. W. Kuinnn
wmit to IIIk Vnlli-y Momliiy.
Each tin of
' wKr aTbbB9b6&bw
r 1 IbIbb' Sbbbb.'
bbbbbV BErsBTjBWBTr""r tbf?--
tggUm S M mSSt bPBbTmm JlZsS
.aSVkX 9bJ iBBBiBB ' I
bI rVI Bu Kib bMH M.fmJ l!rl V
E'l Wm Mm mWr til r
bV ii Tp'
with the RED TOP
contains freshly made tobacco. Just right for your
pipe 1
And the mild smoothness you enjoy is the result
of Velvet's two long year's ageing in wooden hogs
heads. Patient ageing in Nature's way the right
way qf removing raw harshness and bite.
You'll say that Velvet is cool, smooth and "sweet
as a nut" in your pipe.
'' Liooirrr & Mvuns Tobacco Co.
if, yvMr-lflfrf ffr' if fit' ;1l3WMrL jl'yn TbTlbIbT
trwie her mllllcnalro nance. Oeort. Burton. wa preparlnf for thn
x,.tJ?m Mil. a rl . Gardiner Dmrojt. New Tork aocUtr lfj
rioJUf Uh Count Wwd Ocor,. Zlchy, UUArUa. d wM mrW
it th New York city ball.
A 'Jft
'tm &f
' KOTT. Tlic He JTop tin con
tain! Vrlvct that hat rrcenlly
I'ccn JcllvtrtJ from the fac
tory It li In frctli condition
anil iinoolli In a pipe.
3 OT 3Mrti
9 . ?
' mi m.m 1 A ,
.? 1 . .
) -
- a
I 4'
(llffin I'm her In hero from Illy for
n Hhorl vlull llli frlcpilt riinl rulii
IUch, A M. Cryntnl, ) I Main Hired, hn
hoen fonfltieil to hln homo for rcr
oral iloyi hy IIIn"f.H,
Mr nml Mrn, C. IJ. Ilnleii, Olrtno
ranrliorR, wre htixlnen vlnltom hero
JMfl. MiiRtilro linn relttrnoil In town
nrirr npenillnK ttm glimmer vnrntlon
on tho lliii'k Wllllnmn' r.inli.
Itny .NVlnoii mailo n trip Into town
jeninrdny ntternoon from tho N'clxnn
ranth holow Keno,
0. i: Smith Is n hiiKlnot vUllor
horo today from ItoroburK. Ho Is
nloppliiB ut tho Wilto I'cllcan hotel.
J. Jf. lludnut of Dontoti nrrlrei
taut night and In registered at till
Whllo Pelican.
Mm. KIJ Kay, Mlm Ituasi.lln Fay
nnd Mhtu Mahol Wntern are lourlnt
vlnltnni In Klamath Kails today from
Lot AuRulus,
Mm. Clifford Bevlt returned this
mornlnK to her homo In Dorrls after
several days visit hero with her par
ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Stclcer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Drummond
and Mr. and Mm. Stewart Iicckcr
motored to Hocky Point Sunday and
spent tho day there.
C. J. McCollum, a well-known
farmer from tho Wordcn section, Is
In town today looking after farm loan
matters nnd school hoard affairs.
J. C. Hearing Is hern from lied
It 1 11 rr nnd expects to ho In town lor
tho remainder of tho week looking
after luminous affairs.
Sheriff I.ow Is motlnc tho contentx
of tho Hex Ciifo to put It In storage.
I-atnr tho things will be sold at sher
iff's sale.
Darrcll Corert was a passenger on
this morning's train bound for Hoey,
California, whero ho 111 spend sov
eral weeks with friends.
Howard Wines, who taught com
mercial work In tho high school last
year, jirrlvod In town from Eugene
yesterday afternoon.
KUworth Mooro and 'Frank H.
Kcstcr nro lillors hero from Olene.
They nre pla'nnlnic a deer hunt In the
near future and(purcuaccd. hmjtiac
M.r. W, P, McMillan and daugh
ter, Mrs. Jlur,el Ilrubakcr, left tills ,
liinptilni trm Gntfn' tvAaat itfiAfn llinv '
win camp fo'r, Iho. Boxt week.
- Dr. h. II. Hamilton rand Mrs.Ham
lllon aro guests at tho Whlto Fellcan
thli week from Portland, fir. Ham
ilton Is ono of Portland's leading
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Peyton and
family accompanied by Mr- Peyton's
mother, who Is visiting hero from
Dayton, Ohio, spent jeslerday nt
Crater Lnko.
J. E. Patterson Ivan Houston, A,
J. Duffy, and I. C. DeCnrlow, who
havo been working In tho beotlo In
Btt'd areas of Antelope valley for
tho greater part of a week, arrived
ba'iTk In town last rilght.
Mrs. nnd Mm. Alrod T. McCarthy
arrived last night from San Jose,
California, to Ult the former's par
ents, Mr. and Mm. (I. A. McCarthy.
Hath families motored to Crater I-ako
Miss Amy Sch'melr, who for tho
past two months has boon hero as
tho guest of her aunt and uncfe, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Harry rcltz. loft this "morn
ing for San Francisco whero sho ex
pects to spend tho winter. Miss
Schmolz camo horo from Georgia.
3Ir. nnd Mm. Claudo Cosoboom
and children arrived in town thl-.
week from their Modesto homo nnd
will lslt with relatives nnd friends
for tho next thrco weoks. Mrs. Coso
boom was Miss HutH Whltn before
hex marriage nnd has n host of
frlonda In Klamath.
Jfr. and Mrs. Najhon Fulorton
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwartz nri
prominent Hoscburu folk who arriv
ed hero yesterday will spend a week's
vacation with Klamath Falls friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fulcrton will bo houso
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whit
man, and Mrs. and Mrs. HchwarU
ot Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Abbott.
Milton box factory running two
shifts. '
Lane county ranks third in etnto
in numbor of automobiles.
Oakland 10,000 acres lying oast
of horo set aside for white-tnllcd
deor. iv.f"t
Tort Orford-Llnvillo Hill tele
phone line nearly completed.
Cottago Qrovo'to voto oa 115,000
mm l m jsmm
Order Just Issued by State
Board to Prevent Spread
ing of Disease
hiirkH In (ho stuto of Oregon,
Imvn been nt any tlmfl wlUi '
sheep -wlildl hatn developed,
HrnMotu during tho raloniUr yoflr
1922, nnd nit lmckH which havo utoil 1
rangeH used by shfep which havo do-,
V'ttopeil srahics, iiiiut ho dipped tvlro
Jn an officially approved solution, ac
cording to an order Just Issued hy the
stato live stock sanitary board,
Tho full text of tho orilor follews:
Whereas, Scab Infected sheep
havo been dipped during tho year
again In Crook, Deschutes, Lake,
Klamath am Jackson counties. In
tho central Oregon ilUtrlct of tho
state, and
Whereas, bucks held nnd grazed
In this district nro likely to bo tho
source of continuing the arables
Infection becauto of their bolng
more difficult to froo and' euro of
sheep scab than are owes or lambs,
Whereas, because ot tho herding
and mingling together ot buck
of several owners, sheep ocab In
fection Is likely to bo conveyed to
a numbor of different bands of I
kheop, If Infection Is present In any J
of tho bucks In this district, and
Whereas, Hecton 12, Chapter
223, oi the Lawn ot 10,07, provides
In part as follews:
"Tho stato sheep Inspector and
his deputies and the officials ot
the United States bureau of animal
Industry shall havn authority to
Inspect and quarantine and treat
fiheep affected with contagious or
Infectious disease, or suspected ot
being so nrfectcd." s
Sow, therefore. We, thn Slato
Livestock Sanitary board constitut
ing ex officio the Oregon Hoard ot
Sheep commissioners, do hereby
prder that
All buck in the Stato of Oregon
which have been nt any tlmo with
other sheep which havo developed
Kcable. during the calendar year
1922, and nil bucks which havo
used ranges or hao been held on
premises used by other sheep ,
which Havo uovclopod scabies at
any time during tho calendar year
1922, must bo dipped twico In an
officially approved solution undo;
stato or federal supervision bo
Voen August IS, 1921, and No-
emhcr 15. 13. s, and In any eont
before said bucks above mentioned .
aro allowed to mlnglo with ewe
SA1?W herds In the counties'
of Crook. Deschutes. I-nko. Klam -
,r--r rrri-r,''iv'. n
. i"' rtf ?
3 Ti
' 1
It is about time to put that
. straw hat on the shelf. -
uec a ivnox rcu or veiour
for Fall. See the new
I L ' ''-. ,,-ww
K. K. K. Store
" '
Jbbbbbbbbbbbbb:' I'JL bbC
Mrs. Mabel Bolardi and two cf
her IS doirs which were executed
after they had kilted Albert IMw, -a
neighboring ranchman nt Pacru
.mento, Cal. Mr. Uclardl pleadcJ.
'sclf-dtfcnao for tho dog,
nth and Jackson, consisting ot ani
mals Intended for ue with throavr
more separate outfits must be dip
ped twlca In nn officially approved
solution under official statu or, fed
eral supervision' botweon August
15. 1922. and November IS, 192U.
nnd In any event bcfnro said iuck
mentioned In this paragraph nro
nllowed to mingle with owo hands.
AH buck herds of tlo or morn
nwnors In Harney county. Oregon,
to bo Inspected nnd It nacesnnry,
ordered dipped, between August
Z, 1922, and November IK, 1D22.
And provided furthor that any
stato or foderal Inspector, duly
qualified and regularly employed
In sheep scabies eradication work
In this section may order tho bucka
In any of these ronntlos. or elso
whero in thn stato of Orecort, dip
ped as many as two times, or until
cured, If In his opinion tlioro Ii
possible expositro to Rcables,
Kxecute'd at Salam, Oregon, on
tho Fifteenth day of August'. 1922.
President of Hoard.
Statn Votarinarlan and ex officio
State Sheep Inspector,
Trinity County, Calif,, ,
Claims Longest Lives
. 11
WHAVEItVILLE, Cal.. Aug. 29.t
Trinltjr county claims to have thn
healthiest, most long-lived pcoplo in
California, statistics showing that for
u,0 Mi thrco years tho average age
ot wI,lch. mlJt this cgnly dlo
I (Sycars ,
i'i 1 j.
it i
t -U o
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- 1
HATTWfex " ; ; ' ;j3f
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ia, , j
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bona issuo for armory.
'PBPiiiiPi - '
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