? ?' V. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IIIIIHO.W) Allfil'SI" !2t, IIU!'J. & r e " vT " Vv b I M4 Itf 'V nfi. IL v i r .- Ilvl? K'.. V' v Th Evening Herald r. K fOOUBi .Miter art mbllaher IT n, Wtai. . . . 4 . . . . . . Clt KdHor F. O, W1CKLB Advertising Mnnngcr Published da.Hr except Sunday, at The Herald Publishing Company of Klaauta Fftlle, at HO Eighth atrcct. Catered at tho postoftlce at Klam ath Falls, Ore., for transmission through, the mails aa aecond-clnss matter. MBMBKM OP rTHB WEBS ASSOCIATED The Associated Preaa la exclusive ly, entitled to the uso for publica tion of all new dispatches credited to It," or not' otherwlie credited in thto paper, and .'also the local news published herein.' , i i i -r y ii . i Ar -??' sav MA,N ST yfCOjJ Jutt Arrived New Felt Hats I Popular Prices TUK8DAV, ACGl'HT 2l, l8fl. HARRIS WEINSTOCK J (San Pranriro UullHIn) TIIK sudden Xt&Tc death cf liar rls Wclnslock removes one of ..California' best cltlien. Thorp was no more model American In Califor nia than thla Englishman by birth and Jew by blooA. . In his early career ns first n smalt and then a large business in tin he put Into his business the standards of good cltlienshlp, and demonstrated that Idealism, If sincere and Intelli gent, la not only possible, but profit able, In business. Ills wider public contacts began as n lecturer and writ; cr, Interpreting Judaism to the Chris tian community. For many years, retired from private business., he has devoted practically his wholo time to oluntccr public sen Ice. It may not bo known generally that he was largely responsible for making workmen's compensation tho policy of California. As chairman of the platfgrm committee of the re publican state convention of 1910, lie reported out n workmen's com pensation ,plsnk after It had been turned down by practically every pre liminary conference to whlcb It had been submitted. Afterward he took I ADVANTAGE OF ADVERTISING Illy K. It. Waltc See. Sh.iuueo, Oklahoma, Clumber of Commerce) DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK THAT the city that gets the pubilicity gets the business. ADVERTISE! THAT the citv that gets advertising grows. AD VERTISE! THAT advertising a city is a business, not child's play. ADVERTISE! THAT people will go miles to get to a good live city to trade. ADVERTISE! THAT your property will increase in value when the outside world knows your city is wide-awake. AD VERTISE! THAT people from neighboring cities will come where there is something doing. ADVERTISE ! THAT the city which does not seek something better than it now has, is going to lose out. ADVER TISE! THAT now is the time your city and business need advertising more than ever before. ADVER TISE! THAT if .you don't get out and go after the out side trade, some neighboring city will. ADVERTISE ! THAT if they do, they will get the business you should get ADVERTISE! HISTORIC 1UTTI,ESIIII .SINKS SCHOOL BEGINS NEXT TUESDAY All the standard books and tablets for each grade are listed bcloW. Do not buy any other tablets except thovs listed as the school board has standardized all supplies this year. Cut out tho list and bring or send it to UNDERWOODS PHARMACY and you will be certain to gef exactly what the bonrd has specified. All supplies and tablets arc of FIRST GRADE Deacon 1'rlmer Natural Method I'rlmor . Iloaum First Header , Writing I.ossoni Cniolns ( Double How) . Pencil Tablets Killed Pencil No 2 , , Carters Pan SECOND GRADE Natural .Method First Header Natural Method Second Header Primary Writing Lesions New Wojld Speller 1st. Hook . Cntyoliis (Double How) Pencil Tablet SxlO Hilled .. . Pencil No. 2 Composition Hook No. C Spelling Tabtetn No. 17 driers Panto THIRD GRADE Natural -Method 3id Header New World Speller 1st. Hook .. Arithmetic 1st Hook Home Urography Primary lliislncro Writing (Palmers) ('ra)oldn (Double How) Pencil' Tablet Still Hilled Twogncll No. 2 (Karh) Kroner ' Composition Hook No. 7 Spelling Tablet No. 17 Carters l'.nte FOURTH GRADE Natural Method 4th. Header New World Speller No. 2 Arithmetic Pint Hook standard quality. The best is always the cheapest.. Oral and Written Hnglhli No. 1 New Urography No 1 Palmers HiihIiicm Writing Music Hook No 2 Pencil Tnblet SxlO Hilled Two Penclls'No 2 (Hiieh . Kraser Composition Hook No 7 Spoiling Tablet No. 17 Practice Tablet No. 20 Mush1 Hook No 8 Tablet . . FIFTH GRADE Natural Method Mb. Header New World Speller 2nd Hook Arithmetic Flint Hook Oral ami Willlen Kngllsh 1st Nun (leogrnph) lit Hook Healthy l.lt lug Honk 1 Stories American History Music Hook No. 2 Palmer llusluo Writing Pencil Tablet Sxll Hilled Two Pencils No 2 (K'ach) F.raser Composition Hook No 6 Spelling Tablet No. 17 Practice Tablet No 20 Music Honk Tablet No S SIXTH GRADE Sixth Header" (ClnSites) New World Speller 2nd. Arithmetic 2nd Hook Oral and Written Kngllsh 2nd. New Orography 2nd. Hook Health) I.Mng Knet: 2 Progreishe Music Hook No. 3 IlllSlttUfS Wllllllg Pencil Tablet SxlO Kuled Nu. (Knrli Two Pencils llraser Composition Hook No. u . Spoiling Tablet No 17 Prai tire Tablet No. 20 Music Hook Tablet No 8 . SEVENTH GRADE lliery Day Classics "Hi . New World Speller 3rd Arithmetic 2nd. Hook Oial and Written Hngllsli 2nd. Now (leography 2nd. Hook . Mares lllstor) l " Music Hook No. It HtisiiifHs Wilting Pencil Tablet 8x10 Killed Two Pencils No 2 (Hitch I l'.raser Composition Hook No f Spoiling Tablet No I" Practice Tablet No. 20 Music Hook Tablet No 8 EIGHTH GRADE Hiory Day Classic Mh New World Speller 3rd Arithmetic. Second Hook Oral and Written KuglUh 2nd .MUI'.M 1 1 IhIOI ',.., ,. ,,v,! 1 1 UK lien Community CUlis f, Piodumv.V Farming"" ""' Hiislnetu Writing Pencil Tablet 8x10 Hilled Tuo Pencils No 2 (l.'ach) Hrasor Composition Hook No r Spelling Tablet No. 17 Practice Tablet No 20 Mllsle Hook Tablet No .S O.le ti.lo I lie 11.10 tile Ide ' Hoscburc country club to build ,j;,P00 entertainment building, JAPAN, Aug. 28. The old battle ship Suwo, formerly tho Poblcita,; Portland hast aldo ha spent which Admiral Togo's fleet sank at $500,000 on business buildings In the entrance to Port Arthur harbor 'C month, on the outbrcik of tho KuRdo-Japan- J t ... wn, In 1lrtJ nn.l tvlilf.lt If... it. i .lugeiuiinu cniiiuv fSTtM in u.i e n ery active part In cUbil.l,laif the, raUod wfUcl rcnam0J ,,, ttn ciectrlc fiht plmlt. met a rather prosaic end. Sho was m having her armament rcmoted pn-' system In successful business opera Hon. He was nun of the first to t.iko up Klwood Mead's proposals for land colonisation andxako them, a polltl- .cal po'silblllty In "California. Ills work In crganlilng the regulated I marketing or Tien ana co-operaiivo markollng of fruit la veil known. Ho wan an authority on Industrial rrob- I 1mn n n. I n viilucd mediator 111 & personal relations with a wide circle fof friends and hla family lifo were 5 Ideal. In a very real senw ho rank Ded as California's model citizen. r,H) 4 filled a placo wblcb no on" qlso can exactly fill. 1V- WE'RE TO BLAME i I Special For Boys and Girls This year we will give to every boy and girl buying school books and supplies from us a big Watermelon Balloon FREE These balloons come in red, green, bine and yellow and each ha.s a squawkcr attachment that will make the little folks glad. Aft lltit Lr If tt I paratory to scrapping when ho stid-, ,,x,uk. vllCrpttK.f HiiiitiiigCiMiN denly lilted and sank In deep water. lnu imd Cni lltxxl ami Hall' ) xjllifktrt Ruber ltMits, leiither Vt'( Portland Washington Masonic lr"al1 rl" '.iti-ri. !;, Wool! r, nn n-nuj n i. i. f, rirr. mw T.W . I ui am ATM ttA. t o riTPnr.rihi ,'W tvurjini u , tuo wiv.u.uvi i , J vrtr'. fV.RTICUi.ARPr.CP'. 5r THf-iR OtWQD lodge to build 175.000 hall. I.r.vllng Cliulili hi. UIM.-li (JIaislifleld .Vein) SOME people seem to thrive under oppression and others arc neicr happy unleaa they have aomo terrific burden to bear,- Figured on thin basis the UnlMrf Statos aa a nation should carry off the honors in the matter.of cxtcmo happiness forve are struggling nUpr under a tax burden that Is grenln: heavier every tlmo a congressman discovers that lie has another cousin on hla, wife's side, who Is In n.'Oil of a federal job. Kami Life, which Is a publication , and not a toudltlon, sums up thei n sltuatiou in tho following terc i'i)l 1 terlal: S "The Agricultural Itcvlew c'.! ,it f, tentlon to tho Declaration of ludi ,j pendente, and especially to this para H graph, "Ho has eroded a multitude or new- omccs, ami sent niii.e awarniH of officers to hurruss our people, and eat out their uubstunce.' Thomas Jerroraon unu ins luuon m) Hlgners of the Immortal document ( wore talking about King Ocorgo III. t. They did not havo their own desccn t? dapia In mind. They fondly dreamed ' If they could only get rid of Hint t K rant there would be un end to multi tudinous 'new offices' and 'swurms of J officers to hurrass our people.' They thought frooincn would iiovur burden K tltoniselves with taxes but how mls 8 taken thoy were! We, the people. ' arb doing things to oursuhes thut no $ foreign Ocorgo would daro to do to a 71 Jl..l.l I..A.I.MI ll. rk .... .Wlltt.l I,, AU., n V 1....U TODAY AT THE LIBERTY - . ' The incomparable Pola Negri in "tit POLISH DICER" A fascinating story of love, hate and adventure a In addition we will. show The revival of Mary Pickford's early film effort "GOING STRAIGHT" A real old time movie show just for fun's sake A genuine treat TOMORROW WEDNESDAY Mary Miles Minter in " THE HEART SPECIAUST " TELEPHONES TO BE USED AS RECEIVERS FOR RADIO CONCERTS i DON'T FAIL TO READ THE HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS -r il distant province, lit fact, wo y glyo Oeorgo, or Nero, or any trunt of hlstury both curds am) spadLs and l sUll beat him in the gamo of treating , now, offices am tnvr.rma of substance- oatlng lind harassing officers. Oh, ( v well! Bomo people nialntalithat r -$vman ias a right to heat his own wife -Hind some wiies uro willing to bo , beaten. On the same theory It would 1' iiia fair to say that a representative rV J toiilltlMt'h. a perfeet rlgli to As JM.Imk m theywlll stand t." V n-r STAR THEATRE TOMORROW NIGHT The Theatrical Event of the Season v The HILDEBRANI) DRAMATIC COMPANY in THEMOFTHEWSOMEPli HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS THURSDAY "pi in mi" PRICES Adult 55c. . Children 25c. h" Including Tax BVKIIKTT, Wash.. Aug. 211. Tele phones In Kvcrctt, already equipped with a dovlco which measures conver sation, are to bo mudo Into wireless rcccMng stations through tho uso of an attachment suppllnd by tho I'ugrl Sound Telephone company , an Inde pendent corporation which serws this city. To hear concerts, news bullutlns and other features thrown cnlo the air by broadcasting Htatlons of Siat tlo, 30 miles from here, Kvurott radio fans, whii also uro tolcphmio sub scribers, will simply hook their radio rccohlng sets onto tho attachment, which Is known as the radio adapter, and which will fit Into tho telephone! bell box, Hxpcnsiio nerlals and wir ing will not bu needed, In addition to suppljlug tho adap ter, tho telephone company, working with the Heattlo Radio ntmnclatlon, will mull to Its radio subscribers weekly programs uf the bro.idrnstlng ! stations u lid will collect 'i it ear from ouch fun to defray the mat The Seattle assotlutlon 1iopu to have lelcphonut In nil other cltlca within a rudlnn of 100 miles, oiUlppud with tho adapter. The converMiitlou measuring doiUu which It U said Is not used any w hero ' ulsu In the world, hus been operuted hero for eight inoiiths, and rmihlcs the company to charge for the tele-1 plume sirvliu arcordlug'io thu length of the coiivursiitlons. When many residents found tlin (ho dnvlce, called thu tulechromumo tor, Inureusi'd their monthly bills, they proteiitiid to tho stutu depart mcut of public worlHv which lu to hold u hearing Huptombor C to decide whether the affair must bo abandon ed. In thu nitantline 02H Hierntt residents hu; signet) applications for now telephone lito.bu Installod If thu machlmr Is given up. v' Ki lends of tho telocliiumoinetur say thut Home of thoj opposition whs, caused by thu fact that ltmiido''llH-tonine-lu" on party Jlnes cost Just so much for oory inlnbte tho tnhiphom rccelvor Is off tho hook. -. t I'ortlund und Astoria build hotels to i educe high cost of hotel life. Tangent planning to pave main Htrcnt. Salem "Work starts on ueiv of paper mill. Will cost (300,000 Mnr.ihrlold Nmv hospll.U unilor conatrutllon. Our Quality It Firit SANTFORD & COMPANY 426 Main St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Our Price Lest Fancy Peaches, Crate, $1.00 Extra Fancy Peaches, Crate, $1.25 :i .Many people who have patronized our store have expressed an opinion that our prices on merchandise would b e raised as soon as we felt we had itho business for the reason that we have heard this many times we take this 'oc casion to say that our prices on merchandise will not be raised except when (the market demands a raise on the contrary we expect to be able to offer you con siderably better values in the very near future. ; We do not offer you any bait to get you in the .store when we advertise an article we have the kind of aiticle we advertise. We operate our store on a fixed margin of profit which will net us around H, of our sales. We have no intentions of changing this policy. We do no credit business which insures you against paying for merchandise you nev or received. We charge 10c for the cost of each delivery because we believe the c ost of delivery service should be paid by parties receiving the service. We make n o donations to anyone or otherwise ex pend funds Unnecessary to the maintenance of our business which must inevit ably be charged to the buying public for these reasons together with many oth ers we believe we are justified in solicting your patronage. , We have heard people say they traded with certain merchants because the merchant was about broke and needed the' business but why that way? Business is as cold blooded as the American dollar. If you feel sorry for some one heavily burdened with debt make him 'a donation 'but don't forget you help no one by patrojii.lng a broke merchant because in the end he must step down and out broke and tlid profit you paid him has gone with the business he had. ill, 11111-4 Coffee HI Oooil IlllMllll ,1(1 Ii! ,, Hilillliiiirs Hakim; I'owdec ', ,iJH 2H lb.. SlIiilllngH HiiMiik I'miiki' .... . , ,l) n lbs, KilillllnuH linking ,1'imili-r ... i .. . U.IO 1 lb, I'lTiiwnt linking Ton. dec , 8 I 'amy Oieen I'cppcis, lb... ,10 IH.Tull ("mis .Mill. ,vj,l I'aiK) I.iii gc I'iiiiun, lb, . .'.ill I'niiiy I'l'iin."; Ho a.OII llilf-i Cuffed V)i Urn, IIIHs ('of fen .1 lbs. Honl ('lull Coffin Ci'liil I'ostmii , laiigtf Fumy rcailiej., Crntu I.Mige I 'aiiey IjI'Iiioiis, Do, l''um Hamulus lb, . , U Tins 1'lliin" Albeit I'nlity Holleil OmIh, I lbs, , . iliM I'otiileiril Hitgiir, Hi, ,. II lbs, I'my-w Cookie . . . Clirxtei field Clgaietles .., ,l!l Oooil IliiMiin no I.O.I Coin Flukes Ill i, nu -& pi(H I'liffni iiiu im till ft lli. .Vit Knlfts l.ar.l . I ii.l 1,1.1 l''uiiC) Htlilig lieiuiN, lb, . . .10 .10 .Veil I'ntntiM'N, per IOO . .. i.W iii Luigf I'aluV Com, Do, . .10 ,'Jft 11 tU. Vllllilllt CoilipilUIKl ' . .li'J .(i.1 Ciulir I. 'he l'li."r . -'.Oil .Ii! Am hi r I;loiie , I. SO .i IOO lb. Hdc Ohio Hugur .... N.OO .t.t .1 lbs. Honey HO ' Phone 34 C. O. D. Orders Dcliv ercd. When you place 'your order with us you can depend upon getting good merchandise and good service. t 'i . n i 4P.VA Y' . W