The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 28, 1922, Image 1

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Site iaipntttg tlmaiii
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Member of the Associated Press
riritiiilh Vi-iir. No. Ill 1 1
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Rescue Parties Unable to
Reach Men Trapped Be
low 3500 Foot Level
J.VOKHON. (!lf., Auk in For-ty-elght
inru entombed In thn fa
miiiiit Argonaut koIiI hi I ii r bel.vw
n 3500 root lnvel by tint whle'i
brokn out In tbe main shaft ut
mldiilgbt were fill) In the, mlim (bin
morning ut 73Q, Klfort wcrj lin
ing miiitn In rescue the miner
itirnuRli thr abandoned Mtildonn
Tin lire wu dlsrnvcred at mid- i
nlgbt when dense smoke nml fierce !
unit wore noticed by two men :it
3000 foot level. They came to tlm
top to spread tlm alarm. ItMcun
parties, (quipped with gas masks,
wont down, but found roaring flam
r utid were unable, to reach tlm
lower level.
The ultiinllan of the entombed
men wa made worse when the nlr
pIprH burnt nnd the electric wlrlnn
went nut of commission.
Hi,, flrn U burning at the 4300
to 4G0O foot IsveU.
Forty-eight men nrn believed lni
prlrncd below the 4300 foot level,
ucrordlnr In the superintendent.
M. I Wlher AMioUlMt bj IJofrr.
Mr In Mvrrrcd C K, OaIm
RAI.KM, Ore., AU(. 58. II. I..
Wulther of Medford ku ben p
polntej by Uorernor Olcott n mem
brr of th Orassn ut fair bond
to Miecred C. K.. ropi flM-
Wlther bai aMtftied Ibn nnpMnt.
mint, according t iuformr.tJon riJ
cetrrd at tin steeutlvA offlc,i
The new, appoints U ona n( tlm
leading cltUeni of loulUeru t'rocon
and I manner of the Hogue Itlver
illvlplon of tbfl Cllffnk-Of-i;.n
Puwnr roinninv'.v lie fa' In rribfco
: .j ::.: ..:.:. "r.'i
in inn l'icrliun, luuiiiiriiaup'j, run-
Httuctlon. tccountlnR nnd cJi'M'ier
rial department of that yitrpora.
Kroio IXStf to 111 I be wa on
emtcd In all branche of railroading,
solnit upon ronatrucllon work for
the Houtliorn Parlfle company and
1'jrlfio Improvement company In
1X86, nud wblln finployrd by Itiem,
erred bU tlmn ii a marhlnlit ant
oIko uh night foreman nf thq round
home at Dumiuiulr, Cut, .and Into.
for eim'rjl yeuri, wan a loi'omollvo
enulnccr betneeu Itvd llluff, Cul.,
nnd Ashland.
From IMG to 18K6 bo wan In
Aluiku In rhurgn f the erection of
n iiiart mill and Kold reduction
MONTHKAf,. Camilla, Aug. 28.-,
nopieneutatlvei of 90 noeli'tle with
n niAinbemhlp of nearly 10,000,000
portion urn gathered hern for the
ninth annual convention of tbn na
tional fraternal congress of America,
which beglna today 'nnd continues
through Atigunt 31,
Oily gradfl ichool opn tbo fall
term on Tmviday, Heptcmber G, tho
day following Labor nay, and tho
rural chnnla opon fleptembor 11, It
wan unnouncod today, Tbo Klam
ath county high ncltool opena Bep
tentbor 18.,
r .
Tho Cyclo-SormaKraph at Under-
WOOd i-nurinuvy
registered a fulrly
evon premium dur
ing tbo laat 24
houra, Indicating a
continuance of pre
aent waathor condi
tional Forocaat for noxt
14 heura:
Oenerully fair and
Tho Tycoa record-
IdmT tbormomotor
fi n t I i
rogUtered maximum und minimum
temperature! today u follew: (
High .'. 84
L Low 65
Leading Twirler
v., .V
Joe lliith or thn Yankee In the
loudlng iltilier of the liiujor leagui .
Below yon hit tliii ny b tidldl Him
ball when lie Mepn tin the i.iuuml and
lulu It c like n ntrcjli of llnlituliiK.
City llebl to Iti-pcnl IIh ('iinipiilgn
Airiilnol Wihhll- I'lmuirbil
Hlrurture Totlertnc
The I. V. U., whose amaimliiatlon
of evRcrvlce men durlnc n parade
In Centrnlla Hlmrl.eil nnd nngered
tho whblc country, I In Klamath
fall to Hay. Ho declare Tho In
duntrlal Worker, official organ of
the wohhlte.
Thn totenlent I contained In an
ortlcl.t In ft recent luue dealing
wil'h the filx 1. W. W. orgnalxem
held' In the local Jail, In which thn
police, the city and The Herald arc
dealt with at 'ioidb1 length. he
Almpovftrlbed but denporately ty
randui government of Klamath
Kail," It IV decldred. "I beginning
ilto rnpont tt Campaign agalnxt tbo
HV.i,W. iKour.imontb ago they
took up men with red card on
night nud charged them with crim
inal nyndlcallim. It wan a ranh un
dertaking, for the wobblle tame
by dozen. Tlm county cannot
tand the traln nf o many trial
and ha adopted n policy of delect
ing only thoiio for nrrent whom Ij
believe uro 'lender, '
"Kven no, tho propect of bank
ruptcy Rture them a closely In tho
face, that thn Iat two fellow work
er to come into their hand were
offered every Inducement to leave
Jn peure. They refuyed, whereupon
one of Ibem w.i let go nuyway ond
tlm other held on iik yet uncer
tain churKCH." V
A ntutoment of one of tho prUoo-
am purporting tomhow that keeping
tlm "lx prlnoncr baa coat tbo coun
ty $1. 406.40 U alxo printed.
"Tho great mlluktt of tho tim
ber government of Kl.nunth Kulli I
that It broke tho llmbarworkora'
ntrll.0 here tlilx uprlng," tbo nrtl
rlo coutluue. "Dosplta tho comical
capirlng of a fat-dylng ayatora of
society nnd tbo aenllo muttering of
tho official mouthpiece of a totter
Inn chamber ofcommerce, based on
a mythical baseball gamn nnd deal
ing with hits, run and errorx, the
I. V. W. Is now in Klnmnlli Pulls
to Rtay."
"It looks as thought they wero
slaying, nlrigbt enough," thn police
Alvii 1tU Claims Honor With On
Weighing Nearly Two round
Alva I.owls, who oporatcB a farm
on tho outskirts, ot this city, claims
tho prlzo cucumber, which wolghs 1
lb 10 M ouhcos, Is 8 3-4 luetics in
circumference and 1 1 V Inches In
length. It la on exhibition today at
tho public market,
ltvcenlly au Albany man, (lien W,
Lowls, claimed tbo prlzo cucumber
with ono weighing 1 lb. 7 ounces,
8 3-4 Inchon in circumference and
8 iuchei lu Icngjb.
Over 100 Roads Affected
By Demand1 Walkout Ties
UtfcjChicago & Alton
(IIICAOO. Auk 2 S,.-Hearing by
.thi) railroad labor board tvus begun
today tin Ill's petition nf the PnltH
lirnthnrhiHiil of maintenance rm
. . . !
..M.. -...I -.II-.....I a linn lf.lif.rJTJI flf I
,,vr 100 railroad for an Increa.e nf
mlnliuum wacen from 23 cent to 4.t
rent nil hour ond n virtual demand
for rcciisnltloi of a IkihIc elKbt-bnur
day with tinm and nno-hotf for oxer
time. HT. t.OUIH. Auk
20, aireuger
nnd freight nervlro on the nentern
1hllon nf tbn CblraKo & Alton In
nl n comptote ntuniUtlll tndny n a
rrnult of the walkout of enKlnoer.
firemen, conductor nnd Hwllclimeti
protektlng acnlnxt armed KuanU nt
Slater, )to.. and Hoodbouse. Ill,
Man With Golden Ribs
It Fearful
lir.Kl.l.N', Aug. 28. A young man
with rib of gold nud platinum I
working In a cigarette Tnttof) nt
When bo wa n Inckamitli'a appren
tice, Several) ear ago, he foil from
the roof of n houo nnd wai badly
IniurNl. He wa taken to a hospital
whero tho doctors found that liU
akull wa fractured and nil his ribs
but ona. wero broken. Tho utli
was in thn hospital for no less than
four and a balf jear. and finally tho
surgeon undertook to repair or re.
placo hla shattered rlbi.
A metal plate was Inncrtod In his
skull nnd tbo fractured bone were
replaced by fib of gold nnd plati
num. Two and. a hMf eir later
tbo roan wa able to. leave the hospi
tal, and slnco tlmn ho. has been fork
ing In ft. clgnrctto factory. In view
of the present value of gold nnd plot,
Inunvlt Is evident that ho is carry
lug about In hi body quite a cnnnld
vrnhlo amount of vt'eulth, and It Is
stated that special measure nro be
ing taken to protect him against
1'OltTI.AND, Aug. 2S. Steer and
cows steady, under grade cattlo wo.ik.
Hogs and sheep steady. Kggs firm.
Mutter steady.
I'nciiiploylnmt Practically IMwip-
peurrdiH.tprlastiural nod Mining
Air on f'pnwi' Import Hhow
BAN FltANCJHCO, Aiik 2S. Ilusl
mm netlvlty In the Twelfth Federal
r,.Pnrn district mntiiiueii to increase
In July ilespltn conl utid railroad
strikes, iiccnrdlng t tin- monthly re.
port of fnhii Pen In. Han Francisco,
fideral wrve agent, made public
here tmlny
llnnk business Ini reised. depart
ment iitnre nalfi were 3 I pvrcent
greater than July. H'21. exports nnd
Import showed growth over thn cor-
. ....... II.. ... Ifial vunf imftffla
naPllIlUIHK IIIW"M "" - .-.
jplnymi - nl bbn practjeally dl.appeared
ann asriruitunii mm iiiii" ihhm-
Hon I on the upgrade Hcrrln re
ported His Matrnu'iit In P!rt says:
"Dfspltit the relHrillnt; Inflticnco of
Istrlkci In thu railroad and coal mln
I Ing Industrie of the mtlon, buslnes
" . - L.Ia.! ia.l.f.1 Anal IhIIaJ Sa
nciivny iit'im nwimi i"i"" ' during July, nanic ucuii in
20 principal cities wun'12 percent
crcatcr In valuo than In July, 1921,
by far the largest Increase in any
month of this year compared with
the i-ame month n year ago. Hotnll
antes of 32 representative department
ntores wero 3.1 percent greater In
valuo than In July. 1021. this being
tbo third consecutive month during
which an Incroaso has been noted.
Although wholesalo dealers In ten
linos of business report generally
that retailers are still buying to meet
rurrent needs only, nevertheless the
value otsalesMn nine cf tho ton llnea
was greater In July. 1922, than In
thn same month last year. t
"Custom report from tho, four
lnrgest ports of tho district covering
tint first half of 1S32 show that there
wu n snhntnntlat increase, compared
with tbo corretfjendlng period oi
121. In tho physical volomo of the
principal commodities exported and
Imported. An compared with a year
ago, employment condition am com
pletely rovorsert. Inulr. 1821,. an
empfoyment throughout tho district
tvhs'geaeral; today reports of a short
age of laborers, are not uncommon.
In tho raining districts of Arlxona.
daho. Nevada and I'tah natt'euUrly.
them I n. strong demand for skilled
'Productive activity in tho dls
trlcl has generally continued nt tho
high' levels reached In June, Mining
of copper, goldl lead and silver has
proceeded more actively than nt any
time this year. The production of
gold Is Increasing steadily, partly be
cause of enlarged dredger operations
In California ond partly because ot
Hie reorenlng of deep quartz mines
In that state nnd other gold produc
ing states of the district. Lumber
ciiuipssd mill have been forced to
curtail lliulr operations on account of
(Continued to Page C)
1 jhMyWVr.-;--DR- fiRl
ZxT Q Awa I juftU
--1C X CS
an, Iftiftl
mm urges
Oregon Senator Would Add
Reclamation Measure to
Soldier Bonua Bill
Congress has an opportunity "to tlo a J
grand thlu In empire bulldlifg In I
connection wfth the soldier bonus",
Sonntor MrNary. Oregon, declared
today In tbo seuato In urging hi rec
lamation ummdmeut to tho bonus
Declaring that in every war the
government had provided as un nld
lalid for veterans, ho argued tbut
then) was no good reason for aband
onment nt this policy nt this time.
Ho said the amendment contemplate
the ultimate expenditure for reclam-1
atlon ot arid, scmi-nrld and over
flowed land, the sum of 433,000.
000. McXary said tho amendment does
not supercede or displace the pres
ent reclamation law.
An agreement to take up the sol
dier bonus bill Monday and push It
to a final vote, entered Into Sat
urday by thn senate. With view to
getting n voto Tuesday. It waa agreed
to limit tho debate.
K. A. Illfthain nccUrrx Ohio Prize.
Winner Has Xotlitag oa His,
K. A. Hlgnatn, 1C23 Sargent aven
ue, is "peeved". In Friday's Herald
there appeared a plcturo of "Ohio's
healthiest baby," Allco Miller ot
Youngstown selected by three doc
tors and two nurses from among 1,
100 babies as the healthiest in Ohio,
2C months old, weighs 27 pounds, is
33 U Inches tall and has 1C teeth.
"I'm peoved." ays Hicham. "Let
mo say that right hero 'in Klamath
Falls wc hate one io top 'that in
Mety way. She U only 23 months
old, weighs 35 pounds? ""ounces; Is
34;' Inches high, has 16 ot the finest
tenth and cah eat like a horse;
"She can also telLyou any part ot
ber body, also ties name and ad
dress,' Hlgbam concludes.
SALEM, Ore., Aug. 28. The Hon
Ton Bakery, Inc., with headquart
ers in Klamath Falls, and capital
stock ot S5000, has been incorpor
ated by W. W. Southwell, Floyd
Allen and W. A. Wiest.
The "Beer Mayor"
.aflsaiiiiflH'- '
IntrnsVtcIng Joseph Caufflel, the
mayor io cuiii "tho secoad John
stown flood" when bo said saloons of
the Pcnnsylranln city ought to sell
beer rather than have the citizens
drink bugs In the city water.
Cecil nrlttan, Kilmippcl at Age
of .1 and Held for Raasotu,
Found 16 Yean IjUct'
SPOKANK, Wash., Aug. 28.
Cecil nrlttan, 21 -year old son of
Mrs. It. L. nrlttan ot Soap Lake,
120 miles west ot here, has been
reunited with his mother trosa
whom he was kidnapped 16 yean
ngo and O. W. Stark, grauduato ot a
detective orrespondcnco school,
who was responsible for Ike re
union, has returned to his posltloa
ns vegetable sorter In a local ho
tel.; Thus "finis" li twten writ,
ten to the story of ,the search for -a
iui ku inai rivals laics proauceo
by 0101101 fiction writers,,., ",f
Kliasppcd. at .ge,o 3 ,,
Tho youQgt maa. was Icldaaarped
rrom his iomf in tbo BIn-:,BHin-tains
near. .Walla Walla. Wash.,
when a ladi o,fve. ..Boosu-aftsr a
was stolen, the kidnappers) demand
ed a' ransom ot 810,000, which his
parents could not pay. Later sev
eral Walla Walla fraternal organi
zations Joined in the search, and at
ono time rewards aggregating $3r
500 wero offered for h'ls return.
but nothing further was beard ot
the missing youth.
The nrlttan family continued to
search for him, however, confident
that they would find him sometime,
and It was only recently that their
courage began to wane, Last July,
after years devoted to a fruitless
quest .the boy's father died, almost
16 years to a day after tbo kid
napping, Ills end Is believed (o bava
been hastened by despondency over
the failure ot his long hunt.
Detective Stark Appears
Then O. W. Stark entered the
story. Ho had read a great deal
about tho case at tho time ot the
klduapplng and tho story had been
further Impressed upon him by
mooting Mrs. Ilrittan several years
afterward, and learning from her
own lips of their fruitless efforts to
locate -the missing boy.
When Stark entered tho employ
of a local hotel a short time -ago
ho became friendly with a fellow
employe, by tbo name of Cocll Lcn
Ighen. ITo was further drawn to
Lenlghen by tho lattor's resemblance
to a relative ot his. Upon ques
tioning Lenlghen, he learned that he
bad no knowledge ot his early life
or bis parentage. Certain char
acteristics of Lenlghen similar to
those he had heard Mrs. Brlttan
mention, caused Stark to believe
that Lenlghen might be Mrs. Brit
tan's missing son.
Mother Claims 80a
Ho got Into communication with
Mrs. nrlttan at Soap Lake and' ar
ranged a' meeting between her and
Lenlghen. Upon first catching sight
of Lenlgben, Mrs. Brlttan was con
vinced that ho was her missing aon.
A check ot birthmarks, and' tear,
coupled with identification by oth
er relatives confirmed ber first be
lief, and now the two are kaanlly
united. , V
Second Attempt Fail When
18 Spikes Are Discevered
Drawn from lUil i
MEMPHIS, Teon., Aug. 31. A
secoad apparent attempt to wreck a
passeager train ia tbe Memphis dis
trict' was reported today. The sCf
Hon crew discovered 18,splkesTliwa
from a rail on the St. Louis and Ran
Francisco near Capelrllle. a sabarb,
shortly before the fast Florida Cali
fornia flyer was due. , .
GARY, Ind.. Aug. 28. roar ff'tao
nine mea arrested In conaactloawHh
the wrecking of tho MleklgaatCa.
tral express train here Aagut J,
alleged tkat they ar strlklagrall
road skop men, and one clalsaestaat
they loosened the rail wklck JUehsd
the express, and killed the engtaeiir
and fireman.
Harvey Beta Made) af eactwsf .
Coasrty Tauter ay SfKtUUat '
BEXD, Ore.. Aug. 28. A system
atie survey ot the plno timber of "
Deschutes county, with a vlow .to
combating the plan' beitlt) peat; to
be carried on by the forest arnica
and private owners, will hgl ,
according to A.rJ. Jawleke.-iasisH
control specialist.
This surrey will he 'nude to d-tera!alawkethsrtkeJr4ted'ar-M
warrant central meeewes. The'pr-v
Ject will-include. aesMe the Hher
1 nun lit-ni mi
1 iiiiiii iiii.ii mv
in Deschutes connty. Unbar reeer
vatloas, which -were net Included In
tke.seiteem Di ta,v'hefe' lJ
ceatcoUvrejeetKtli.hignr'aied W '"
sprinr. l(caeenhefttfTsi rtrtt'tt' x""
oeeue, aiiacas er-a'aaigereus our-
ac'tet 1 Jaenleke U'tWe' VwnerVVa J '"
tke1gdfertnent'ptweaWyiwWild7'r.,',T ,
"' J , - 1 ,aM " " ' 1 aoistvil
.t MF.CHAXT FOVjtp HVXfl'o-. r.vo'l
PORTL4-NP, Ang. Ktuins
Bergman, cloak and suit dealer, wa
found dead today la tke washroom,
ot his store, his body suspended by n
rope about hla neck. '
Bruin Talked to De4k?l
So leliwree Rer. BsMilt
Did Jud Short akeot tke bear or
was It talked to death by the lie.
E. F. Oaugherty? '
Xbls qnestlon wai advanced by
the Rov. W. 8. Bbltt of1 Wood
li.ud, California, who returned ttiflay
from a hunting trip on tbe head
waters ot Cherry ervek. together
with Mrs. Bobbltt, tho Rev. Uaugk
erty of Los Angeles and J. H.' 81ms
ot MerrUl. Short was their fulde..
"Not tbat I wish to cut auy.s
flcctloas upon ay friends yeial
powers," said Bobbltt; "rather telha
coutrary, In fact. And that'a why
I wondered." V
The bear, it appears, Wis brought
to camp by Short, whote story et
having clubbed It to death aroneed
the suspicions oC the ''feod
land preacher suspicions eHrWlel
against hla Loa Angles eontejniper
ary. $(fy
"I happened to reember,". slid
Bobbltt, "that Daugberty afj-fiw
minutes before had keen gett'ag iiie
'Rayjngs of John ycCullough'U
bis chest. I examined the peiM!,
found no marks except; apfiMler
condition around the wt,
inlng closer, I wu amaiea tq.1
both ear drums split and the;:
curdled . Recalling my awn fialig
during Daugberty'a oratorical spaeai
1 cam to tna eoaeiusiaa taai.tia
bear was simply talked ti4mSi' ,t...L'
This Is the 'first case ot Its kaldvtsir
come to my attention aurwg qmryr-f
vears In the oaaa. aal I slall aasa' .
raunlcate the results it my dtscavery ''iV ' ''
to the amttbsoaiaa inetftwttM.'; pjf
rtev. noemii saisj sne ai
for his kunttna temstilesi
creased fourfold an4vthjt,,pm,l
hunting trip w
ke would propeje,;MM,W
carried in order tenme t
ly test the Lee Amtm 9
hnmaOr v
H' 'u
ssstslsaHM' ,fit
Iremnrhnhle malk,' ;
tr- ii',
r ' ,
1 4, i)