hathid.w. .iikmiat an, lu-Jta THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON m Page Five iii h il.) wwmKm .l.. ..z. A 4 Personal Mention i W (' DmIIiiii. Willi llllH PI III linn I'lancirrii ror dm punt wimiIc, nUU IH'il I.OIIIU 1 II It t nlf'.llt Ml mill Mi (I A llnllwnll pi'luir,:iilii Hen Hthubotl tir mil HI" Ii.hI nwuilnit fill' lh I, nice it' Hio'Miilii Kt inula ft r mi oullm; of hMi iluya Mm l.loyil Alfoid mill clillilniii ipliiiiied in i hull homo In derlier af ter a two wijpIih'. visit with he pur? enl Mr mill Mm Hnnt Hummem. Mr. mill .Mm l.-nllt Itotem Mini kiiiiii iihi m r. nnyii-iin n. i.. pIiII.-ikii iii'iiiiiiiiutilPil hy ihPlr iimiiIi-II0", U r " AMlilninl. ljr. W-.ll i iv. Cnrinl fun nf I'mlhiiiil, will) iinifin h-ili4, HirliiKH. iiinttnini, P(ir- "I ' "'V ' '""" '''''. I'"l". ImrKul... IMI7 NI..1I. HI. 8B-I I .hnir. .,,, , , . nallfor. ni1J"li .... . ...... i .i, ,...,. i,,..i....ii.. m a Unit "'" ""I"" I""' !'Tm,y' ,.'" '" 'u. HI ly.i . " ! ilf '."V" "!,rt tt "","1 ,,0,n """"'-- : iMIirmnln R.l. HAI.l! Oil TUAI.i: .'..ril triirk ... ...I....'.. it . . Mm. II It. lliirilHiin ipinrli'd on tlir ii.iin.l.iu t ruin for Kim I'rniiiluro ulii'rp nh will iind ii Khort vnrii tlnii ' AftiT I. lnll of llllli' li'ifi limn ii wnili, i:nriniHl Siil I li'ft lliln inorii hit: fir Hi'iiIIIm. wlipro ho I,,' In IhikI-ni'-i. II D. Mrflfi', wiIitmi llmlmr mil.,- i.r lifl voNtordnv iiriiirm for II, or. ion iPNioniny iiripinooi ror in, ,. ,m whom Iip will priilro tlmhor for i'ip noxt f,'v ,lny Mr, nml Mm II N .Mo will iiIhc ' ' "'' " " ' I... vIMlom ut Itopky I'ol.il tomorrow . i liny lire now uiiih.n.i'iini', u ,1111111. in Ihelr l, Ii. preparation for the minim; di.rk ni'OMiii, W. IC. Mrown, who reli.ri.iil n r, llplo of ilny i.ko front Hnlelll, left 11 1:11 1 11 lhl mornliiK for Hun I'r.indn. to, where ho PXpPPll. Ill mie'.d never. 1,1 wept,'!. I'l.lll II. MrKeo mid Doliuld Hull ar,l nrrlvpil thlt 111011.I..1: from Med ford for a dtit'H lll nt the Cnllfi r nla ()l 01:011 Power iomp.iiiy'1 offlre hero. , II. P. DohlliiKor la In town from Merrill today IooKIiik after IiiIiipm niii.ler. Il feienily returned from mi nxleiidrd nratlon trip In Callfor nla Mr, a nd Mm Iterhert M. ItlilinnU. lirou.ll.ont. New Vork tieople who ar rived lift ! In r t eVenlllK from ('ruler l.nko. departed ihhi iuorul.it; (or Call fornlM. , J "M. While, Kenernl mmiUKer of tin, WopiI l.iiinlii'i rouipauy, arrived hen, hint til.:lil and will upend it few lUiyn Ineklni: pflr the nffuIrK of thu IIIk llanl.t rouipnti). 11 tiranrl. nf the Weed plant Hurry U lltlnute and I), tl. Tyiel. dUlrlct ni.tiitolK for the Culled HtateH Iterliiuiailiin mrvlcu,' left IhU morn ln for Portlmiil after a lontlne vllt l.oro of MUernl il.iya They were nrm,a..ed hy Vernon Ktt l.eudall, hiihiII noil of Mr. and Mm. Il V. KuyJ.pndall. who'wlll Ult for home time with frlentU In Portland, retiirnlni: later will, lilt uuile. Iloh Ki.yl.endalt. . Mm. Harry Dltkerinan, who for the (MM few weekN llllH lipen vIkIHiik In Han I'ninclHco, returned homo hint nlitlit i.rrompanlpd hy her mother. Mrx. A, K. Ci.nl.a, mIiii will remain her,, for xi'MtiiI inonlli". One of ih l..terPNluu thlnr.M that Mm. Dirk, r mm. hro.ich Inune with her It a now Cl.lneHo cau.e. "Mul. UcttKit'," wlilrh nil,, nnya Ih inklnc (lie place nf hrlilKo to it ureal extent In tl.o hay rlty. CSnEia x LINKVILLE IN KS i'llfill .iys p'ijC&y . icJLSSfr F::7Lr:r f3fUa,lJr-'mrr -- 1 m ii'SNrhSSSSfCrLjE '-!. ai Xs marshal I A-tsEiPw nmm '' ' 't& .-.li'npcon) 5S fl'S Is 1 , Vturipyt.jj - -w lyji. J7 4 vV M C t., 9 WR5HM. OTCY WALKER STUDIED THE SUSPICION fllBAUCrC -TAJttlTN rllMim. -TAIM. Oil. uLi-n rlLfcP TO IDENTIFY NEW TODAY KOIt HAI.i:Comli,lo ijrocnry .dock Fixture, IlKht II ink !Mll Mnlii M I ' SIM i Hilt HAI.K -Comer 9lh ft MIkM. ) nil Mil llniiHii wllli fiiinlluro. r 20-1. i KOll HUNT Nlrnly fiiriilMhed rnon liutli mill I'liiiiin. ;. 1 2. N. Ulli HI UfWIli van , ha 1.1:3-20 iifiiil Miiiify cowh, rlrli, heavy uillkrrii, 11 few chnlto yiiiiiu: liclfi'iH nini hiwiih, 211 neiiu fur I'ord loiirli.K. liniilrii Hlilp- liliiRtnn More 20-nn CIIKNCT INHTIIIJCTION - I'liurh-H I'liyptlK. flmt rhiilrmmi In IIIk'M liiind. In iirPl.nrliiK to tuko n (Iiihh of J hiiyn iiiixIoiin In lenrn rortli't. Hh'Pi.I rnli-H for Iiihh or Ion. Apply ln'ivwfll ii..1il mill 7 :in p. ii... 224 Morllnipr Kt 2-2H I r(IH HAI.K Chi-vrolot par. mi. In firm lii rimiiliiK ordur Tin- inr "' ""K "'"""" """ (11(( oroi,m,r Hl2 f)uil Klt or, Kninntli Hntierlor liiiindrv. 2C2K ' 'I - . . "-r"L.-" I IIIIU Will lirillK IIOIIIC III,, IHMT UTIIIH IrJniAtUC II IMP PROr.t; ' iVl.. H,lir, , ll,klrl,prr')- IW.h lloliU IntPiPki of All I I Klamath Indlam plrklnt? l.urkl,- j l.prrlet at Ilitcldeherry mountain.; . ... ....... miPoiinploiiKly taklnK 11 tpar from Mark Twain, have launched 11 new mmrl. apror.lliiK to Cluyton Klrtc. IrnK Jumil..K, ayH KirK, ih now Ih now In wir.iie and IiIiIk fair lo hi, perrp.I,, ... ., rln- " In pnpularlty all oUier i,prt 4II HtarlPil. ho raid, wIipii o.ip of the linllai.H found a tnunll Iron and wacnred iinothiT herry plrki-r that he rni.ld nut find one im imall. Tin, rlinllenre wan nrcepteil and to.ill cIihiikpiI liiind. r'rrm thin n.oiet Hlarl, Hip aport ili'M'Wiped Into lonr illnlni.ro Jump- Iiik. Kiokh with lean hodlPi and Ioiik Ipkh 11 r In HlroniT demuti I f I'oi.IPhIh are Dm r.,i:e mid h.ickle lnrrli'H are fofKutlPti. 1 At I nnt reportH ItPRlunld Hclion-1 1 hln had the rhuinplo,. fni. Kirk hiihl. Hut JpMlo Kirk and oiIipm 1 i"i. 1 .i.,u are keen to rapture rovnted hon- urn and It In not experted thai Hihnnchln'a frnc will hold' tho title Hinnncnma rrnij win 1101,1 1110 " - ,,II,K- There an, lot of hi.rklclicrrlei hut few plrkera tlila year, Kirk . "" r COPCO OFFERS STV?K Pohlle U (iIipii OpHirl unity lo Ih. I route Inten-liil In 4'onarrn Tho California OreRon Power com pany Iiiih uniioiliired an offerltiK of ItM 7 Mr rent preferred rnplliil atnrk 'In lu roiiHtiiiiprN und thu pill, He. Thin atork will ho offered at 11 prim of 192 per Hhan, and iih the dhlilend rati, In 7 per rent per mi mini Imieil on par The atotk thua nolil will return ahnut 7.C per rent In the imrrhuxpr. Payment for thlH Htnrk may ho 111 tt il o In raHh or In liiHliillinenlH iR $.. per aliarv down and $, wr hhare per n.ontli, with tho prlvllpRu of nntlcl patlng any ii.iyiiiPiitH, and Interent lit i! per rent will ho paid hy tl.o mm puny on the nmoiinla paid lu until complete pajinvnt for the Htork haa Iipii.i i.iiidii. It ha been derided In ttoll tlila Htork thriiiii;h tho Hiilea efforiH of the nipmhem of tin, organization who h.ivo Indicated their ronfldei.ro In tho toiiipiiny liy HUhhPrlhlnK fully for tin, liuo of Htork rerently madu, praitlrally 100 pur cent of tho or Ranltatlon now helni; Htncklinldem of llu, company. YE OLDE TIMES rWRSKM. OTCY WALKER STUDIED THE SUSPICION STRAN6E TWeHTY MWUTBi TOCAC BUT M Ai THE NOTOHjIQU' liW, Portland Ball Park Has Record Number of Home Runs This Year POIITi.AN'D. Am:. 20.- -Nnirly oiinj- niul.oriri-hnlf Iioiiio riniM to 11 Kiitmi I 4 'l.i In. ..tn'rl' Iiiivi. Iinr.ll klinpUfll 1.4 to ho .xarl--huvo ifi tnopMi M nut n the Port and mirk of tlm Purl- ..--Hi '. ........ .-.. f,. (0Ml ,hi.,iill In.iKUO tlilM coimoll , 2.'..!(! ,,,,,,, ,. It vr,r llln t h(.ml J, 1 hrii lipfoii'. itn( Hi" "VPrnKf, If kppt I'Olt HAI.C Mntlrm R room Iiohup. up nil -nMiii, will iniihi. totul of, Uo loin. r,n5(J, .Ijlit .. Ipp. "i Hi IHiiiiit IIiIii ''iir wilfi lilt ii'i....,,,. imi i.tr.rk frrun .'iilrloii Mrown or (h.hlm.il .... A..R.ni 3. ' ,. h ' 'vlmiif fey.' A I or fp to .1,.. miI.I.IIo of Ai.K.im. .horn SsflA.' Coll I 1 17' Word,,, Aw. ,,. ,2 .....r-hn.m l 7.1 ' -3 , KliniPN. Ilf llllH IIIIIIIIMT, till' IIP.1V- ,m lilt r.fi mid llni oipoil..r; r In tin it, Jimmy Mlddh'ton mid Itnlic WnlhorK wmy tin, iirlnrlpiil Portland pltPlii-ni to yield over tlii-fimio biiiiiiIih, with plulil off purl,, whllo four vlnlllnn ... ..... i Pltphom won, iilPk-d for four hom- i...ih (ii.i.. ,.( ..r..r.i..a. .....r.ir ' .....n .j..i! ... .'.n. ...... I. any ...., Wn " Knni ,,f K,,,r"- n.piito, who wan nit ror ro.tr or mom lit oiio nriprnooii. tin, illMiator orciir-' . ... ' r 1)(1 .r1(i (nMj I...1...I.I.II- roratlou I my In iimmI horo pvldenlly havo JiirkrnlililtN lil,l,lci. Iim,le of tlipm, arrorilliiK tir the hist opinion ainoiiK .... '""' "" '"" iv ii.i.VKiiriTrv IV Till: Dlh'l (IHvr (HIIT 4.1' Till! ' ''",;'' r''''rr.',X '"" '"" Mill I 4.1 I.IIMif..V In tho Mall, r of Komi Nlckomon. Tf) '" J,rl,"iori, r 0, .sMckprnou- Notice Ih lnjrehy clven that on tin,' ! 2411. day if A.iuUhI, IU22. Kj.hH NlPk-; s , , , (.utIr ,,,, ,)oys. . (pmon wan duly niIJuiIkimI liankn.pl',.' ciiinlltv Hltnu Khoi, i."C 1 nml thut tho flmt mpetltiK of t I""""1' wuaiii) hiioo nnop. -1 - , n.illtom will he I.pIiI lit tl.o office of 1 tho ilii.lemlKiied. 40'J Main atreet.. . 11.1. ,"," .. ,i7 .'vi..,l, i 'oilhtnet -Ueaaiiliiil.lii for imiiieillalo her I llh, l22. at H o clock A M, , owner at 4.1S .V i:iititli St I ut which time tho crpdltnm may at.,1"1"- ' nirni a. ..mnuii-i lend, urovo their clnlii.H, examine the Imnkrupt. elect u tniHte..nd iraimtirt HUPh other biulM-ai nH may ron.e he. fore the. 11. AuRimt 2l, 1922 J 1 . Ill I i.oiv, Iteferei. In llankruntcv I I r f l.r, .fc.,1 - XOTWi: 4)1 IH.XI. IIIIDKMI'TIOX Notlu, Ih herehy rIvpii that funda ln.r" "w "vnllahh, In tl.o handa of lull' wiy ireaaurer lor iiiu reuei ., ,., n ,11U1, ... u..r,. 11 n.,,... a m aa airv 1 riniaiinir mr 1 mi niiuiiiiii IhondH heliiK niimliprpd aa follewn: IC, 17. IK. Itt. 20. 21. 22. S3, all provl- H lmn,lH "r ,I,Ib M'r,M ,,nvl,,B '"'"" ',.,, ,,r0P ,,,,,,,, Tllew, )unili I will he redeemed hy tin, City Trpan- urcr ut her officii In Klamath Kalln, iV:""' !" !.'"l ln ,la" ,?.f c,ob,r' ,1922. and nil IntPri'Ht will ceaao on aamo at that diite. ' IDA II. MOMVKIt. 1A P.lg.ia.SC flly Trpanurer. mm. i:its xetici: Notice la herehy Iven thnl IiIiIh will Im, rpcdved hy tt.11 County School Dlitr'lct, hoard, for HUpplyliiK r0 enrda of body and llmh woqd In 2 font lenuth tho wood to ho delivered and piled ao Hint proir ineuKUreiueitt i.iuy ho muilp, ul the llonaniu Hchool, lioniinxj, OreKoii, All hlda to ho Mihmltted hy Ki o'clock A. M. Thum day, Ai.Kiist Ulat, addresned or ten derpd to either Mr. Ilrndley, clerk of Dim llonaniu hcIiooI dlMrlct. llonaniu, Ori-Kon, or to K. I.. Davla, clerk of tin, county district, ltouin.1, Swui.hoi. II11II1II11K. Klumuth Kall Ore. A I9-2l-:2-2:i-2,i HKWKIt XOTICi: All property nwnera within the ho.inilarli'H of tho Kiflh Sower Cult (. Villi Addition) are herehy notified that tlila Hymen. Ih now completed, and moat connect homo aowem to It. Heron, ho ilnliic however application must" ho mudo to Aloi.ro llalutor, PlumhliiK luapector, 1211 North KlHlith Htreet, Klamath Kalli. Ore Kou, Teli'tihoiii, No. 4SI-J, for a per mit. Theao connectloiifl mum ho made aH anon iih pohhIIiIp, mid all property owner affected are uigod to kIvo tills (nitttur their Immedlato atten tion. AliKliat 2. 1022 V, S. WII.KY. Mayor. 2H-1 Inr. If a boy earns 10 centa ho wanta It; ho la not wIIIIiik to trust tho richest man nllvo. YOUR WINTER'S WOOD should hnvo your attention, j Cool weather and storms i force )rices up. ' Our fuel is the best, our prices are right on Slab, Blocks, Body and Tatna onck. Your business is solicited. 0. Peyton & Co. 110 main, . wiOMj gaol K0l0jAJmmWmm?Am MUMa1MIMMU4saats)glhsWaiay fXMOiWOMX wyWM wyblXMMyMWWMWW CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS Villi riin'i r. wrons If you wear, ,u- Proof KiinrnnliMMl hosiery Mm, .lurk Kroit, K1BN mil Hi lir.-2 f WAMTKD lllrl fur il li'.iirH dully ovpiiIiik. In lii'ln with pantry work White Pollruti hotel, sfiijii !uAN'r - ) - Piimlly with -mall dill- lr,' "'" WOIIWM UT p.lrl PXpcri- , ,n K,,n,.r, hilMM.yirorK All ., ,.,,i,,,,. ii.,.a m'. v I'OIt HAI.i: (IoIiIpm Inhli I'Iioiki 2hfiJ. onk lllirnry ... "I. "-" .'ok HAI.I! Klmt l'i" milk j-nat 22111 H. Ilth Ht. 2r.-2K --- - rum Ui"il on" room f.ililn. ( olon ( , )Cnr ,,, 25.2H. "V''1 il?.n T ?'"V,."r. !V,l"r.. now n villi W h! tho lwn.l. .." ' ....,... ...... , ,; """ XmVk' lu,x ' Apply Luillo If VOII Want VOIIr KIIOPS.wMI .... r,.,l.n.,.l 1... It... I'll. T.,n..l j!0 ,. ,nvo them rppnlr.-d at (f,iil-'ur,.r llyfihor.ni.op. ,'i-J,- TTTT,7, Z TTa." " '."T WANTIID To In y .fty's lldr'd cy.le IM.oiui fiqC. 8-S WANTKII .Men ami women ror iwx,. I fa, lorv work Apply orriie or iiik' ,akei llox Co -1,r 1 KOIt HAI.i:- Itiiiix.-lir.Itl fiimlliire. raniv, 2 drehsem, lipiu. ouk illti- id.1 Tot.' :.-. Klnnnfh nVo Milium, en .... uiamiiui " , I KOIt RAI.i: PUe room ....!.. J. on ,ar;r ,, ,,,, , ,( ,,av. WANTRl ! mul Mi.inen for hox! fartory work. Apply offlro of HIkI I l.akcn llox Co. 24ttl vnli M 1 W'. nAI'' lleav: eavy aprlnl; tranxfor ihu City Trvaauror for tho redemp ie I20J 21-2(7 ti,,t. of hondn mimlicred 1, Srlca X, unenn. I'lmni ' i' Iteckard'a aillo nervlce. moved to oo'aml llond No i Series 7. $284.01 ,115 N Cth St. Jnm around PornerS(j;)ulI , 0-tl No ,f S303.22. and '" '"' rnono , -" I n.lTI.II i:. common lahorem, for nlRlit ahlft, 9 houm. 4o per hour. Dor- rla l.uiiiher & llox company. DorrlH, Cal. 2-29 FOIl 8AI.K Dirt for fllllnc. Dclv- orpd nt 60 centa n yard. Call 3C. 2l 23.20 FOIl SAI.K Furnlahcd tlirr 5-room I heuse: hath; hitllt'lnnrAnp- blopk White Pelican hotel; a bargain. 120C Pine St. 23-21,' FOIl SAI.R-At n harnsln. 12 family conk stovpK, alntnm new. Call nt tho Hot SprliiKH hopl. city. 22-2S FOIl SA1.K Modern ho..R, furnlih- ed or i.nfiirnlKhed. (loud location Tfrma to rljtlii party. Call a'J4 Im foro .' o'clock. 17lf FOIl SAI.K llaln waKon. 3 Inch. In first rlaaa aliupe. 419 N. Tenth St. Phono 342W. 15tf FOR RAI.I-Cheap, nouso and lot. 1228 Oregon Avenmr. 7tf FOIl SAI.K C melody Conn Saxo pliouo ullver plated. Qood condi tion. Cheap for cash. Apt. 203 Win tera' Apta. 12tf FOR- BALE 1000 121 N. 11th St. feet 6-8 cable, tf EVERETT TRUE. MR. wees, . havg 05fM5 To 2ot THAT &OOK I LOANE1YOO 0 rOVl5K.TlA0 MONTHS ACOi MfBBBBfci I MT a. jm.Tv.. I THOUGHT OP JT ,S(SV4. U. MtSC2LCT3X TO RCTORM IT. lfi-jJHp I 1 1 1 I I IAiSCL, VLTo IT M CWSfi'UORW 43.00'D r-oR, tvis 7T ''V'jaassslanrfsataHlBn Cu&l 'JiiiiiBfliBWtfBaHHBai Jfr QjlaWaBaWBWWrlWPBIW -t' ' y r'ou bam: two whi.to onamried ' - . - I I.okrIiib Shoes repaired. Jnclc FrHt. fiih St.. off Main r.tf ll Ik (i imiir kind or piety thai hcpUh nil thu plemuiieH ntiil (iodise nil (lu piilnn i 'I lie worm swltiillnr Is th one who irlienl'. lilmtnlf. ' f. ni'"llOl7 ItriU'MI'TlOV ' j ' ' ;.()((.n B Jipr(i rn tmt fnMn Z Pi tSLuw Mh.."'?! ' "' irrnsurrr lor inn rpiininii '' ''""' '"''.Ti ,,1' Jf' ,a! , '.'( ; ' - ". , V?'J Jl1,! y' I t m , In J,'otlrn Ih liprcliy jjIvpm that (tiMn1 ill... I.lrl Vriflnttn, ItfirlL nf ff..intl. ,.., ,i nr. .,,,.,. .... .,.. ,.tm- . i... ,.. ,i p " .. h".... .... ... ..... . t...j nb .... i luf V.l.l 1l!"J i.ii.l llm, InlnriK, .n 'titilil IhiiiiIh will m'iiki' on that dalo. IDA II. MOMVKIt. A S.I2.I9.ZB City Troniurcr. XOTICi: UV IIO.ViritllDKMI'TIOX v oi.fUli"' City Trpaaurur for the rpilmp-' ""'tlon of llondM niimliprpd 14. 13, lfi.i and 17.8rI-H K, and that thu natno a, .r orrtco In tho Klmt Nation-1 uank of Klamath Kail. On-enr.. ,on or after tho 1M. day of 8pt 1322. lil-'nnil (lint InterpHt on Kald lionda will "a,0n,"Ii"ali." IDA II. MOMYKIt, 519 19.20 City Tri'aHtirer. . ; .vo-iici: 4)i ii4)xi. iii:di:mptio.y Notlcu In Imriihr nlven that fun,ln nro now nvallahlo In tho hamlH of 'h, Tmn.urw for tl.o red-nip. ( ()f on(,s num,,crc. r ,, c Sor. lea I., and, that pamo will !, rrolprrn- ed l4; tho City Treaaurer at her of- tlt4 '" ,lin F,Mt National Hank of Klainnl, K(IHi f)rt.Ron, on nr after the lat day of Octoher, 1922, and that Intprem on Bald honds will ceaae " ;- ,nA " a S,2192C MOMVKIt. City Treasurer. XOTICi: OP IIO.VD ni:iKMiTiox Vnltrn In hereliv elven (hat funda 'nro now nvallahlo In tho hands of l,Hl 0. Ilnnil Vn , Ci.ln. V Mid '(lut m will ho rpdepini-d by tho City Troaxuror at Jnr office In tho llr Vnllnnnl llrtnk- nf Ivlnmntll I Vuu 0reKon, on or after tho lat, , ()f s u ,922i ,, ,at interest on ,,,,,,, bt,m)(( wM, ccaso on lnat ,jate ( jiU j,, moMYKII. 1 A r"1S'19'c " City Treasurer. NU BONE CORSETS JlaiP; to Youp Mriiuiv (Ju.inintiH'il Mrs. Rose Randall .121 JeffiTMin SI. Phone 277-W '- CHIROPRACTORS mis. M.i.i,irrr & m.u.i.ett Office over UndPrniMuVa 7th & Main I'houe 330-J NEW CITY LAUNDRYl FlnMntl Work Vlat Work RoiiRb Dry N "Put Tonr ttada In Om HurSa' l'nOXK IM Compr Main and CBtr By CONDO OH, yes I'LC Ct.T T J rP f05. XoO -TtM&S, OT X FOR TOUL" 'VUL .R.iSTvJr.XNj .y. iHA . rOPAK WORK Leave Your Tilths More 90ciooK-YourO A.r4 pictures ars mm tW & KLAMATH l'ALLST OKEQ'OKri vMCRE PAJrriquuxr? pcop-.c UUY TNUIK UFiUUS u-. DR. J. G. GOBLE oiTOMfrrmsT oiticia; TO!! Main Kt. tUonti J3.I-W Wo fit and j-rlnd glaitoi. I)i.pll cats hrokei lonaoi, repair trataei. , S. CROUCH, D.V.Mj ' V Iprlnnry H"rj;pon 112 H. 0th Ht. I'liono r,2-I DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist 1. o, o. i'. nuiiiitig pho.vb et , I "N- FRED WESTERFELD Dentist , I'houe 4IU-W x-itAY ianoit.vroitius IsomU Uld. Klaronlh Fall , Ladies' Shoe Repairing I'lno IIppI Work- unil Ifiiitil-Kt'Mi-il HoIph Jack Frost Sixth Stmt, Jut off Main Nev York Life Ins. Co. v. K. ItCItKi:, IDA MOMVnt ItcalilPiit ARCiiti All Xpv York l.lfo l-ollcy Hold. rti oru xiclroinc to our hcrilcn Kodak Finishing Films received before 9 A. M.v ' Ready the same day at 5 'P. M. ' Mull orders filled promptly STAR DRUG CO. .Illi. & Main St -J Have Perfect Floors Onp Kleplrlc I'liHir Surfacrr 1 Irani out ground In dirt remov es old' iiniMi, win, mul paint, 11ml imikis old Doom look like new. ("all us for prlrri. lpod,unrtorH for all kinds of eta,. In oil kites. ' Soh l.'iors, Cabinet Work ami Show rami's. Bee Keepers Supplies E.C.STUCKY "The Glass House" lltli nml I'luc. l'ltone 477-W DR. H. J. WINTERS Graduate and Siate Restttered OPTICIAN Nluteen years here ln besloeas We 'grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken' Glasses Fromft SerTlce -Beet. Eqalpped' Optical Store In Boutbera Orego 714 Main Street KLAMATH P03T No. 8, Ainorlean t-eglon meets lu tho basement ot the new courthouse on Main Street on the first and third y.Tuesduye of eayh, 'month; ' Ex-service men are luvlud til. at' tend the meetings. lr Fred Wosterfeld, Commander. II. E. Getz. Post Adjutant aud Ho lier and Employment committee. Guide and Taxidermist with Pack Train for extended hUtUing trips, also launches and boats for duck, hunters.and fishermen. I A." J. Vollman 1 ODESSA Phone Ft. 'tPon't fail to read -the , ( I f v J ) . ready at' 5 prr EG& DR. F. R. GODDARD OHTni'OATIIIO l-IIVNICIAN AM) HtntOKO.V Offlrn nini Iti-ldrnrp I'lionri ril I. O, O. !. TKMIM.I Klamatb Falls Plumbinf , & Heating Co. J. H. I..i:.iO.V, l'rop. 4th K I'lno St. IMimouo r.l.-11 BfYl '- J. C CLEGHORN ClVIl, II.NOINKKR AM HCKVICYOK Phone irriw 18.1 ft. RUenMI Diamonds, Gold - Bought Reliable Estimates G. GRAMER - Portland. Ore. 71.1 Selllni: Hide I. O. O. F.. Prosperity llrheknli, 104 mrrtf rirat nn, Third Thuriihtya Kwatina rncnii.pn.crit 4(1, Bterta puch TiicHitay Klatnntli LorlKfl 17; niPCU eavh Friday xr When You Have Dirty Clothes It you will call the Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th St. Phone G7.W7 They will wash, darn, Iron und return to you. Klamath rail, Ore. Richter's Boarding House 1010-1021 Main Street. Formerly known a tho Slater Iiousp. l.Inlns room Ih reopen ei under new management. Good clean, rooiiM ami board, Slt.,',0 a uifk. Kluglo nieiili .ViK-. ..Oilcki'it dinner every Sunday. T11I1I0 Hoard Home Cooklnjr Chas. Richter, Manager FURNACES - .We lime the Western and Col onial furmite's, In ImmIi piped ami plpelr1"1. Dot It lime obloni; flr' boxes nml ui of tho best ron stniclloii, l.et us hhow Il1e.11 to oil. L. N. HAINES 102!!, .Main, St. H j ' W. E. &J. E. Pattersven 4. CONTKACTINCI PAINTERS x Paints, Oil mad Varule tt:io H. Hlxth St., KUmatii Falls Pliouo B83-J ."from toSlM H tV y, Klamath - ri rsc - Herald - ClaMtfie4i-Ad.s; ' 1 ' u 1 rtl. i 1 Ml 1 Still tw ull-l. 11,11 I--.1 no Mul 0 t'(, u r"i " S .-V f-iat , ' a, TO & rv ) 'Vf w i' a " I...M ',, 1 smtV- . '&". e.'i t