The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 25, 1922, Image 1

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PejMiiitt .tji
Member of the Associated Press
llllernlli Vn. No. (I Mm
sy ilium i
Railroad Executives Leave'
Conference Held With B
Brotherhood Chiefs
Harding Acts in Industrial Crisis
NEW YORK, Aim. 25.
AttoniptK to end the- nhop i
mciw .strike bv .separate set-J
tlcnionts with individual
rond.s failed todav. All
conferences with the biir
brotherhoods' chiefs were
broken off. Railroad execu
tives who Wednesday de
cided to continue negotia
tions were preparing to
leave town. '
In annouuciiw the break
inp of negotiations; David
Williiims. head of the cast-'
ern .strike cominUt. said.
"Nothing elBe could have
JMLnV Bh fssssssssssssssf" v I samBsssssssraisssssI
Dempsey Trains
lllll Inlroiliiiril lulu fjeiiil.i aw
Kliiltirc Would Make IViiulli.
I'mm Wit en Neiemu.ry
ATLANTA. (Ja . Aim. 2." The
SMiiitit rouimlltee on wll'l lunds of
ttio lienrglit leglstaliiri? hBjj before ll Strike
II lllll llltriMliiri'll tty n:ii"i i.cmiin .
Fleming Of Dougherty )lllllly 1(1
iiiii Ki II iiiTcxmiry fur liltsli.iniln In
Ihli) state In obtain ioniilHilnn of
their whe befiint going fishing,
Senator I'leming. u fUlicrmun him
self mill ii tnurrled niiin. wu merely
etenislng IiIh l.eon Irish humor when
hit introduced llin measure, nml luiil
no 'Men of hcuilhg mi tIio expressed
through tlic mrloslly of roamou n
person iih MtnlKon Maxim, tin- luven-
(or iiinl nutlior
Blamed for Delay .
In Receiving Material;
Steel Is Received
Opcrntlon of tliu Oregon.' Callfer-'
nlu A. ft Eastern railway, tho Straliornl
lino, In lllldcbrand, six miles beon.l,
tin present terminus at Dairy. w III i
begin September .., according t' W.'
I J. Iloml. superintendent of the. road.
Delay In receiving rails, on ououut
In a ,.L.r to K (i. Md.on.lon se-!,,f ""'V nillllon. Ii delaed the
1'riiKrcnn in urn ofk. ma iwo car-'
n..tMu ..t f...l u f.lo "I ..
by Hi.. Now York that n bill "m,,H of 'u' ' ,IBU ,,.,,"n "!"',ro', lwo
In... bron IntrodncM In tlm H.-natc of "" '"" "" ' " r"-" """ " ar",
II.., Hlutu of (l,,,rKla by Miulur Don-! ,"",,,", ,or M"p",,n, '" t,le "rooklyn'
..... ... . i arilH.
till. Kl.'iiiliii: tthlch ronlialiiH umu pro- .,.,. .... ,,
vUlnnii itriinlli- llin) ll linn iircnrri'il I """ "" "" - " in tin;
Work to Be Under Direc
tion of Expert; Perman
ent Buildincs Planned
Altliotisli varjoun offlclaU of In-
."qua v Klat country where contractu l,1,ana aro a5 rhvadfi over aj-!,,,,,, , ono
j The lalng out of the county fair
ground will be darted Immediately
under nupcrvljlon of nn expert from
OroKoii tAKrlcultural colleo " and
conntructlon of permanent bulla
Iiirs will follow. It wax decided lt
nlKht at a BiettlnK of the !ar
boird and lhoo Interested in the
Commlttecu today are collectliiK the
$7,500 fund previously nubscrlbcd.
which will be UHvd for bulldlnRH.
Tlio amount collected and no uied
will bo returned by the county
...i..... .r i i.!. t...r :..:.. .,.:..
rreameni uaiiiinir .xiiuhmiib uuiuiu u juim, v;.-siuu . . h iti.u. th con-rnt of,
While It wan nald ner.otlallonn I of COnglcaS Oil industrial problems growing OUt Of the tUoIr Wv. uliall h.-guilty of a '"'""y'spctiaT cw'l'f
wor. for the .rwni n m oa an(J raj striko.s. He said he was deteimined to use " ,'',,r iine0 .nan noi in- ie rocI
not officially mated whether thcrn ,' . . . . . 4. than flto or more than tv.enty ear ...,, ,. ,, ' , .,
all the power 01 me government 1
moving and coal mines operating.
fc'V 1 o ll.ut the uhole Minn n.u.t be ? h at ,u",rf ho" n ln. Jk Ilemrio melr lini:,buM ,h n """ '""
5' ' .. ii.hi." fr oin..iolinil a half ,0",K Jek Dempsey to meet Hill tho November election. It
l'. tf? uuoiliic .rotl.lo..H of tie bill ' '"K "" l" '"' lc'- T"" Kra,1 '"" iIcn"an "l J,'ch'P Clly on U- toJ coun, court ,
2S?J de c S in T bune , ori" h. ..'I"1'' l ""'''"-and . all ready for '" -r. Imp-oy proceed, with hl.thBt tho tuBlIi aba bo ,
7T:Ln nr n.I .,1. married men who '.hal I t-traclclayen.. tra.nln.. a this picture show.. ,, an,or ,he e,
A trac.aylnK crew of ten men Is
una any prospect of tlm conference
h'lni; resumed.
Tlm brotherhood men, nctlnpAt
mHlUtorn, wltlnlrew frnnt the eon.
fnrrncr. nt noon omP met tho Uop
erafl brail. At labor headquartern
It was nald the unions 7re prepur
Inr. for n fluht to tho finish, Tele.
Brain belnit sent nil over the conn,
try ratline upon Ihn striken, lit re
new the strucKle with redoubled vIr
"V liiiow uliern wo stand now,"
nald one leader.
WARIIINOTjn.V. Auk. 2... ho nd
ministration ha no Intention of mak
liiit any mote, nt least for llin pre
snt. In the rail strike as a result of
failure of the New York conference,
said a cabinet ntflrer. He added Hint
tho president was firm for standlnR
by his pronouncement to congress
Inst week.
United, Stales marshals were patrol
Ini tlie railroad yards hero follow
Iiir an oxidotloit they ludloved wns
Intended to wreck the Illinois ho
tel, hoadiiuurtern of non-union Ohl
eaR A Alton Mtop workeis. The
hotel Is uero tlio street, from the
roundhouse. No tluniaKu r"
ported and uunu WH hurt.
, on tho Rround. Ilond said, and ' KINGS AND, QUEENS
llttArln I i lt.ll I
iiiuiaas, SKineu in I
o been encaced nml .
will be hero in n few days to work nn '
Hi tun mimt r9 ihrt rmiifti lninrr in u-nmi i r:inwniiriiii inn .. .. .. . .
Ull uiu jiijwvi m m,u Kw,v......v..fc vU ...., .,,.- -.. i ,lnr(1 lauor. ,c .nven.or wro,e fc fc ,IIi1AmJ
"I shall deem the courtery very much I -
Worker llmuclit In I'mm nihec
rillwi U.UIH H.1I1I Sow nt WoiL;
Mi'l. I'lfklllril, SiDK .Mem
RACHA.Mr.NTO. AUK. 25. -Tlm
Southern Pacific shop here nre rup
Idly belnr. filled by now men beliiR
recruited In San KrancWrn. Denter,
ThlcaRo and New Yivrk. mid n total
of 3,018 Is now nt work. Itnllroad,
officials today said expectation nre
Hint before mnny weeks hate passed
the. local shop force Mill hate been
recruited to the former fUure of ap
proximately 2.500 men emplond be
fore the nutlon-wldu slrlke'of snop
men. ,
Halt ntriclals claim nil work neces
sary to keep train motlnR ou hcIw
ilule as well as repair mid construc
tion work not attempted since tha
wulkout of shopmen I now being
turned out,.
CommeutliiR ou the claim of the
Southern rarlfle. William .Mem,
president of tho Kedeiated Simp
crafts, Nuld;
"The railroad never liato ulven
llltl.i' KIrIU Ksprct.Hl I'ttlll After j'out triithfii; stateiiientN reKiirdliiK the
.. . .iliil...H nf at III lit I. fill tilt tSlJtll
I'.l.Tll.m In Nmrmber
DALLAS. Tex., AUK. 25. The Ku
Klux Klun promises to bu uu Issue
In Texas polities until uftor tho final
elections In November. It hus be
eomo a vital linue.ln tho deiuocrutle
party eHpuclally In tho rain for dent
ocratlo nnmlnntlon for Hulled stutes
Henator, and I crecplnjr luln tint race
for nomination for lessor stuto offi
ces. It nlso'ha been u bitter issue.
In certain counties.
Tho action of the republican state
rommlttoo In opposing tho Wan In
Ita platform, adopted In convonlon
nt Fort Worth, Aug, ., procludea
dropping of the Issue after tho demo
cratic primary of August 26. Polltl
rlaoB doclaro thoy tee n bid by tho
republican for tho ontl-klan demo
cratic vote in tho platform plank op
posing; the klau.
Tlio republicans, (or tlio first time
In a number of years hove a full
Htalo ticket In tho flold now. More
toforo nomination on (ho democratic
ticket ha boon considered equal to
oloction, with nnly an occasional ex
ception. Thorn nrn fow momborB of
tho republican party opllmlstlr
onough to doclaro thoy oxpoct suc
cors of tholr andldate thin year, but
they do say thoy oxpoct tho republl
canoto will show nn IncrcnAi, and
tho'demoorata will not have as easy
A Urae bo in (he past.
number of men at work, for we keep
In close touch with the situation and
know Just how many they hate.
"As fur the kind of men they are
KettlnR from the east, ajo know they
ure lint the kooiI railroad mochanlcs
that It tuke to keep trains running
or to turn out Reed work. They
aro for thu most part u lot of men
who have no tic and nro simply
traveling around the country on rail
road pusses, working n day or so and
then quinine to ride on another lull
road pus to some other point just
to boo tho country.
"Tho condition of tho railroad
equipment spooks for Itself. Only
recently u train from San Francisco
came Into Bucraiucnto several hour
late with threo dead engines and
was hauled over the Sacramento
rlvcV , bridge by a uwlteh englno sent
out to help.
"Tho railroads are Rotting by un
der such conditions bccaiiBo they
nro fooling tho public with lies
printed In tho now.spnpom telllnc
how Reed everything Is running. Wo
know that such In not the ease,
Trains nro dying on ovory track
and tho penplo rixllng on tho trains
know whether thoy nre Into or not."
Moro reported n solid front in tho
ranks of tho locn,l strikors and ex
pressed hopo that tho prexont mil
conferonco going on In tho east
wilt be productive of rosults.
Atlorstoy (lrnrn.1 IMughcrly A
prote Hnmlllnic f MKht ltiileri
RALKM. Angr 25. A letter of con
grntulatlon upon the manner In
which tho nllencd "night rider" out-)
rase In Jark.on rounty nr.t being
handled In thli state hni been re-i
eolved by Oovernor Olcott from II. M. (
DaUKherty, attnrnoy general of tho
I'nlted .State..
"I think you nml nur assistants
are remlcrlnK n slgnnl sertlce to the
fulillc Kcnorally a well as to your
state In endeavoring to stamp mil n
distinct menace to decent govern
ment," Daughterly declares In his
letter to tho governor. '
"Please accept my hearty commen
dation nn the splendid spirit mani
fested In your'feurless proclamation
and prosecution."
If you will let mu know whother or
not such legislation Is being proposed,
In the state of (Seorgla. At I nm Knink- It. De.tlln to lie. FoUowetl Ily
writing a book on Inwle1 legislation h. , riilrf Counsel
In the United States. I nm gathering!
nny striking bits of legislation which Klamath In the near future will
may be useful for my work." have nn opportuntly to hear both
1 "Ides of the Southern Paclflc-Cen-
ENGINEER IS KILLED I'"' IaClflc unmorRpr controversy.
w J'" " v iihi IV, iuv.lll.
chief counsel for tho Union Pacific.
Northern Pacific LiMiimoiite
Hock, Hoe Dtrr lUuilc
YAKIMA, Aug. 25. B. IVJonos.
will speak at an evening meeting
Hn the chamber of commcrco rooan.
He I coming at tho request of the
About a week later, Hen 0. Dey
Northern 1'aclfle engineer, was killed i
when the westbound limited struck, ot Portland, chief 'counsel for tho
a rock and tho engine went over the Southern Pacific, will" present his
liaik near Wymer, 20 miles east of side of tho case. Dey Id coming
Kllenburgh, early today
K. .1. Arnold, tho fireman, was In
jured and u few passengers reported
bruises. '
Plto coacho were derailed, In
cluding the mull car.
Gay Season I Anticipated; Alcxnn-
drr nml Contort,) Jtarliv .May
. H f ' i
Spi-nil ironcjnion There'
. ' '
levy carry nt
was said
used with
rectlon of
permanent buildings .only. This
fund Is in the hands of a board of
trustees, consisting of A. M. Collier,
H. N. Moo ad-.! J. K. Swansan.
The ono mill levy would ralso
about 120,000, to be used for -fair
ground purposes. The purchase
price' of the land Is $12,00,of.
-which 14(000, has been paid In f6rm
of a' 'pruhilf i orr 'lo'tV2rBs1'iiI
following": "'.. "
' r t 'J D? Cbttmbcrs.'-John 'Aasel; Th
DEAUVILLi:, Praiico, Aug. 23.
Deauvlllo will see a notable gather
ing of Klngi during this month of
Woman's store, A. M. ' Collier; J.
E. Swanson, C. H. XJnderwood. M.
' P. Ktani, O. 3L Kncteh'A.iAi flell-
at hU own suggestion, made through
C. F. Stono. polnthic out that the
tlslt hero of K. O. McCormlck, vice
president of tho S. P., wa unoff
icial und should not be taken a an
attempt to present the facts fully.
August. King Albert of Uelglum, -ntaii, Joo McDonald, It. K. Dewceje,
King Alfonso .of Spain, King Kordl-fchns; I. .Roberts K; H. Hall, K. V,':'
mind of Humnnla. tho Shah of Per-.Vnnhteo and J. Ilfrvl. Jr.
sla. and tho Emperor or Annam all! Fa-ed Houston last night wart"
are oxpected to spend neveral wcoka ' mndo chairman of a dommlttee en"'
In this fashionable wnterlng resort. advertising, and vill hdve' ehnr-rif
Most of tfTem will bring their wives, the publicity work In cJCt'Ctlon
nnd n gny eason Is anticipated. 'wllh tho forthcoming fair.
Hcautllle hopes that King Con-i Ileprcsentntlves of the Hly linden
stantlne of Orecco mny bo lured torn-j association wero present and It Is
porarlly from lili throne to taste expected the terms of nn agreement
Bomo of tho pleasures and diversions ' f0r staging tho rodeo will b? reuch
of tho smart scasldo town, nnd that c& today, "
King Alexander of JugoiJavIa and his with tho laying out ' o! the
youthful consort. Queen Marie, may grounds construction of a race tr(ick.
spend a part of hb protracted honey-1 wni commonce. The unl7 couit '
moon here.
A all tho sovereign
nro woll
j known tn one another, It Is likely
has agreed to furnish the coanty
road machinery for thlt p.irposo.
Tho meeting last night wis mark
i ... ... ... . ... -
uiey win seize me occasion 10 taih ed bj. h,Bh enthusiasm an.r It wat
oter affairs of state and the nation' evIdcllt that those spoworing the
i al problems of thJlr countries. This proJoct w, t reil unt thelr plang
, will bu tho first tlmo In n generation; havu bcen carreJ out
that so many European rulers have, T0 commlltep8 collecttne the cash
I gathered nt one spot. "A Conclave , .ubMr,pHon, toaay ,llut wltf, exCeI
! of Kings" is tho phrase applied to ,0I,t ,mtvttt oMnlnllB , n;ogt cases
, tho event by Deautlllo's chumber of ; from 0Ile.thIru ,0 olle.hatf ot the
, commerce, and Emperor Krancls-Jos-1 uni0UllU subscribed, II. N. Mo? said
jOptm Itlstoric ndmonltlon to KIK J this nfturnoou.
. Ferdinand of Rumania Is reculled: m
, "It is n time for us kings to stick to-'
! gether." ,
, Comert CnlltVj Off Wlteu Bjuid--
men Turn Nlinrod ,
1 OiH'intors of Wa)lilnutoii
Sign AKitviiieiit With Woiker
1'IeUlh T,,u luro f the wood proved Joo
strung for the realatauce ot .many n
the members of tho local bund, A, L,
Wlshard announced today, und there
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 25. I will bo no bund concert this week.
'Coal operutois of tho Itoslyii mull So many bandsmen turned nlmrpd
iCleolum fields, producing npproxl- that the organization Is left without
I mutely 50 per ceiit of tho coal mined I onough pieces to stago a creditable
, In the stute, have accepted tho mine 1 concort.
wmkore' proposal based on the Clove
land agreement. Tho agreement does;
not apply to n majority ot westorn
Washington lines, which went on tho
open ghop basis last year.
Next week, how over, thtt, weekly
concorts will. bo resumed and con
tinned for tho rest ot tho season.'
I Men Who Ktcnpetl From lVniteit
i tlnry INriipo tn Had Inmls
SIOUX PALLS. S. Dakota. Aug,
25, Four convicts who escaped from
the penltentlnry horo August I J,
fought a posse near Santord, S. D..
this morning nnd morally wounded
Stnto's attornoy, ParUh, nnd wound
od Shorlff Tlnbcock. Tho men stole
pariah's nutomobljo nnd headed to
ward (ho bad lands.
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at Under
wood' Pharmacy
recorded another
rlso n barometric
pressura daring
tho last 24 ,hour
reaching 30.40 at
ton o'clock," the
highest point for
about ten day.-
Forecast for next
24 heurs: '
Fair and warmer.
Tho TycosrjKrd.
fnc thermometer
registered maximum and 'Minimum
temperatures today, as tovitr,"Jt
High , $"&;
low . .i.i:, lj
- Jy
. i
, 4
. 1
' ",
. . WK
t ,
SrKfX- .tLb&4&