WVa r iiii'iiHii.w, Airni'NT at, iikm, By Our Country Editors MT. LAKI Sr. FAIRVIEW Rev lli'Wlll, llio HillMlil.V whool llllHM'ihlll'y. Ulll'tllll'd' lllO Ml. I.lllll tliiinliiy iii'IiimiI Huiiilny uioiiiIiik mill prtuifiieil al 1 1 :!lll Tin' I.iiiIIi'h' dull hint wild Mm, Fuv 1'iiiniii hint Tliiirmluy nf ittnionii. Tim ufloilinon U'liK Hpeut In work on Mi" niiinii iii mill vlnltlm;. Im I urn mill citkim with served. Thoiie printout wimh Mimitiimi'M, Wl Iturk. II. Kiiylnr, .lean JiilitiHiiu, ('. I.iitlu. ('. A. Hill, W M. ('Iinyiiu, Juhh llrnwn, Hum Kniniin, .1 I). ICiiinnii, Fay Full do, Mury Orlfrilli, Irn Orem, (llimn, H F.ikIwiiuI, Clyilit (Irlfflld. 'Klger. .lolip Kuiintr, T N Ciihii, OKii v iiIiIoh, II I). Mnrrlfloii. lintik Hlow ml, Mimic 'Hold Fallen. (Jorlison. N'i'vit fili'iin. Cnii'iii, Myrlli lintlnr, OIIvk Hill, Amy Mini .leiwln .IiiIiukoii, I.koIiiiiiI ('ho)nu, Murjury mill Hetty 1'iilrilii. Carrol ilrlllllli, Hint Ulu lltown, A p.irly left fur tin' t lit) lilutk Iiitiv i:ilili ticriMN (do mountain" Iiim week Tbmn of Din purl) wore. Mr iiinl Mrs. Jim Htuwuri nml turn lit. Mr nml Mr. Will ICnylor mid i hlldren. Mr lltown. .Mlftn lleriilio mul I. mile Dawson. Tliny will nlno M-ll llio hnii:lihorry paled mul ex peel lo return lioiiui Sunday. Illoutll Mini U lilmlllli: tils grain in tln Jim MinK'iin plain. ltort"Uuwioit Imtili'ii ii loml n wood from t'liiUrii Wednesday Otto Wabdhri Ublndlng' grain for M nillillll till Week. ()((! Iliiilnn Hturli'il beiyJImf on iii own plum Saturday jiiut moied on II ll; Miirrim'll'n plueo Weilnoi" day. 1 oil ti KoimiU wnu ii'ilir ill for n fi ilii)n I liln tin Ii 7b RELIEVE BACKACHE . ' itnti lli Ifudwotiliy .ulrhur (rmrily ' ,!'! fir full trc-.'rwnl o hnn, I ! Jtonr ( k l( nt tatliflxi ,tn I'i'ta !'l -m ut , Cuirin'a for DruRs I lju u.li r,iJU OriT.ou . Ilw-ml Hllarnnlnn filuttn.M ' Ai 'nJ of Knllm i.nitun oinlluucnuill. I A.I lo ttr (Jl.,.111. n liritinrnl. , STAR DRUG CO. "lli mid .Mnln Sl, jfOTnggifj WHEN YOU EAT Klamath Falls Creamery Butter and Ice Cream you me not only ea'thiff tin? purest ami cleanest pro duction possible hut you are helping your commun ity by assisting the farmer to pay his taxes, the mer chant to continue in business, you are supporting an industry thaj helps you pay your taxes and one that supports several families, in your town, you are helping your children to remain healthy and grow. When you order butter sjsk your grocer for Klamath Falls Creamery Butter Klamath Falls Creamery THURSDAY, AUG. 31st Last Sale Date this Season For Back East Excursion Tickets $95.92 '1 V7 19 Row". Ti-ip PlJI OLt To New York FINAL .LIMIT: OCTOBER 31, 15)22. Proportionately .()y Fureu (u Oilier I'oIuIh l.lhnrnl htopovor myl eliolro of roiileH koIiik mid retiu'iitiig For uildltlniiiil Inforimttlon, fuiCH to other points, train Hurvlt'C, etc., boo J. J. MILLER Act., Klamath Fullo.Oregon. Southern Pacific Lines , Mr mul Mm, V M Olmyii", A 1 1 (iieytni, nml William mul l.otninl ('lni)iin vIhIIimI In Fnlrvlnw 'I'mmiliiy ItVlllllll. Mm ltinli)ili nml MrH lliilliuwiiy of Mn I In visited Mm. Itinloliili'il mother. Mm. Him I '.imI woml, Friday LONE FINE MtM (' W. I.nwln visited Mm. ('ml Dm lot I ii m wonk, ' Minn I'dyriin Cnrilm spent lanl week wlh Nhvii (llenti. Win mul I'lnluiiiy IIiiiIih vlHltud it t I.owlit' Hunilny. A, Hui'hIiik liwufijil no for Mm Tnllinnn ln'nt week.- Ar.ni'K l.'niiiun vlsllcd MuhkIo Tall iiiiiii nt Klamath rutin Saturday. Ilnry Heinon In moving Id the Hurry Telford iiIikii Dili) wco'k. (inw. lliinii'tl In iiiovIiik iino llio llmiKin plum Tea PotTempcst Vou'vo hcnhl nliout "a Itmprst i In n Irn !ot." Writ. I.rr it ii Tt, futinllmt marmokot monkey In (do world. Welsh cvcn ounce, but hit ran cut up an many monkey- innrn ua any mnnKpy. ncioncn to Mr. J. W. llroMrn of Jndon. cmEja I "If, PKSSMI Hound Trip To Chicago THE EVENING Sutftir Carrier Chnmp Breaks Down In Tryine To Smash Own Record OOIIKN. Ulnli , Att. 21 William II. (lliu;itr) Culilll, OkiIoii'h cliiiiniilnn nnnr furrier, In tlirough (rylni; lo break IiIm own roconl of (wo yn.im Mi;n wlinii do curried ii hundred pound elicit upon III it duck for tun llllll'N. ' . Knviiml days uko Culilll Hdoiililnniil ii Mick of utiKiir mil) iii)initi;il (n lii't (or IiIh old murk, dm till nffurt nil oil illiuiHtroilnly wliim Culilll onlliip-Kfil-nflcr roIiik tlireo mllcn. Tolmlo lltlH" Mpruco plim Im'cIiih IHIlTllllllllH. AHlorla Work iilurlH on now :iiiu, nun iiuinl, JIIM.71H KintrriclM tot for l.oktlnii KiHiTprlmi lilnliwuy. (Jn'uoii City (Work doljic iuhIici! on drlili;o utoh'i Wumi:(tii. NEW TODAY WANTi;iMni nml ttoni'in for dox fni'tory work Apply offUo of 111k l.iikcii Ilox Co. 21tf I ,ii ill i'ii If yon wont your hIioch llko now Iiiivii tlicin rcpiilnicl ut Qual ity SIiim! fidop. 21-2C WANTf:i To liny ryclo, I'lionn .'.00, doy'M iin'il 21-: WANTKI) -Mrn nud women for liox fuclory work. Apply offlco or IIIk l.iikcii Ilox Co. 2 It: FOIl HA!,i: Hoiimliold fiirnlliiro. ruiiKn. 2 dri'inicri, di'dn, oak dirt- Iiik rniiiii initio, cdulm, nrt miuaro, ' Ik'iIiIIiik i.'tr r22 Kliiniulli uvn. ' I 24-2C WANTKI)--fIlrl or woman lo do liutixowork fur wick or 10 dayn. I'lionn .10311. 2 (.2.-, Hpeclul deiivy leather uavil on lioyH' xlioMi. 0.ilally HIhm) Hlinp. 2I-2C .'() FOIt ItF.NT 2-rooiu furnUlicil a'pt.. (lone lit. Hot nml cold water. Adultn only. Kent :.. 131 2nd St. 24-2S FOIt HAI.K Flw loom modorii Iiouho on larRo lot. cIiimi In on pav ed (ri'et Iteaiiotialilu for liumcdlato ate. Heo owner nt 43S ,V. Klshlli 8t. 24tf WANTKl) -Men mid wnmuu for box factory work Apply offlco or IIIk Like Ilox Co. 2ltf FOIl SALK-Heavy RprlnK lrnnfor iwai;oli. IMionc 420J. M-2C Iteckard'K iiitn vrrvlco moved to US X Cld Hi.' Just around corner from .Mnln. I'liono 77. 24-215 HIT.MMO.VH Filiilty So. , IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB ir witr.vtu,! vu iliil I 1-ATII COUNT V. I ' Kred Hi Hclioncdlu, Plaintiff, v. v. Ilemilo Hcliondilu, Defendant, TO IIKSHIK SCHONCIIIN. tho ubovo uuiiied iiufendant, In tho Namo or tho Htato of OrvKon, you nra hcro hy rwiulred to appear and nmiwcr tho complaint flted nKalnat you In tho nbovo entitled suit, on or boforo tho 7th day of Heptombcr, 1922, that deltiK tdo day of the dint pulillciilloii of Hiimmoua mid tho last day within which you aro required (n niiHwer, im fixed by (ho order of publication of this immiiioim. If you full to appear mid answer, tho plain tiff will npply lo tdo court for tha.ro lief demuuded In xnld complaint. Said Hiilt lit droiiKdt to necuro dls xolutlon nt the bnmln of nintrlmnny iuIhIIhk between yourself and plain tiff, uud Ih baited upon cruel mid liihiimiiu trcjitment of lliu plaintiff by you, TIiIh biiiiiiikiiih Ih ptibllshud III llio KietiliiK Herald, u dally licwa paper of Keneral circulation, print ed, puhllxhml, ami circulated nt iClmtiuth Falbi, Klamath comity, OreKon, by order of tdo llonorablo A, Ii. I.eavltt. JuiIko of wild rourt. mid dated July 27. 1122,. tdo flmt pud.J itcaiion 10 no iiiaiio on inn -mi u.iy of .luly, 1922, nml tdo last piibllcu lion tdeieof on tho "Ih day of Sep tember. 1922. i ltKNNKIl. MANN1NO .t OANONO, ' American National Hunk llldK. Kluniath Falls, Oregon. Attornoyn for l'lalntlff. J 27 A :i.10.l7.3l,31, S 7 III OLD RECIPE TO Kuko Tci unil flulpluir Turin Oruy, liuled llulr Dmk ami (ilossy Almost ovoryouo knows that Suko 1'iiu and Hulphur, properly compouml ad. brlilKH buck the natural color mid lustre to tdo hair whon fadfd, strouk oil ar uriiy. Yours Ko tho only way to Ket this mixture w,uh to make It at homo, which 1 muasy mul trouble- 601110. Nowiidays wo pimply ask nt any drug sloro for "Wyoth'B Sago mid Sutpdur Compound." You will got n lurgo doltlo or tills old-tlmo recipe Improved by tdo uddltlou of other In gredtents. nfvory little cost. Kory body tiBos (Ills preparation now, be; emme m otin inn pnaalbly (ell Mint you. darkened your, liulr, us It does It no mijurully nnd ovenly. You dmnpoi u hpoiiro or boft bruMi with It uud draw thU throuxh yoir hair, taking ono small strand at; a tlma; ,by iiioruliig the gray hair disappears nud utter uuo(her nppllcntlon or (wo, your liulr heoonuV lieaullfulh' ilaii;. Ililili nml Klossy mul ynuAinU jeitrn ypungc-AdV, N HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON iiii.inwf'nfw"irwfcMAA---- -- wM"nnnriir(r-finr CLASSIFIED ADS tyyVWWWWWWWWrWl WFWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWI MISCELLANEOUS WANTKI) IT, coiuniou lnlioriTM, for iiIkIK nlilfl, it dmim, 4Tic pur dour. Dor rift l,n in Ijijr k llnx coinpany, Dorrln, Cnl, 23.2'J FOll HAI.IC Dlrl for fllllnK Dnllv- orcil nt CO contii n yard. Call .10. 23-2iJ FOIl ItCNT Apt., with lintd. In prh-atu liuinn. I'lioiio riCIT.I. 23-24 WANTKIJ Womnn for kllclir.n work. WdKo I'ctlcun hotel. 2,1-24 I.OHT llntwi'i-n dcre mid Ai:r, Auk. fl , Hvnlon llrown Iiuk. (oudiliiliiK Indy'H wcurliiK uppiircl Ituttirn to lliirald offUv, Howard. 2.1-25 FOIl SAI.K FiirnlHlicd tdrco-room doimo; liutli; dullt-lnc: ono dlock Wdlto I'cllcnn liotcl; u dnrKaln, 120C I'lniiHl. f 2.1-23 FOIl ItKN'T I room furnlslicil npt. I'liono 273J. 23-2B CAHH PAID For froHli rimi-li ckku nt (do lluck Kyo (Irorcry. 33." H. Hlxlli. . 22-24 W!ANTi;i Man lo drlvo car Sot llocknrd. 22-2 4 I.OHT At Cdllo(iiln Kuinlay ftir nmui, iipi'H facn Walldam watcd, Initialed H. ., ildtl droken. Flnidr notify KpniKiiu lllvcr I.uiiiIht com pany. 22-24 FOIt KAI.i: - Audi (rni'k l.'xlra lire. 021 Main !lt. (iVo. II. Cliamlxir lift. 21-21 FOIt 8AM:- At ii ImrKalu. 12 family cijok KtiiteM, nlinoKt new. Call nt (do Hot piI::ks dotol, city. 22-2S WANTKO TO IUJY A pool ball. nof( ilrlnlm, Imi v nloi'k lir Imth build Inic nud mock. Cash for 'caudloK. clK'im, tobacco mid card UbleM or (Irorery Mtoro. K, II, llarnum, Mor ton, Low Ik Co., Wash. 23-24 " il, N, . USED CARS. FOR SALE iiirtt Tlicno earn aro. Imi good condition, ready to ro, licenced and every thln'K, JuhI tho tlilni; to KOtoti your vacation wltd. ' Rco Six tourlnK, 1917 model, A-l Hliapu, Now palnt.j Overland four touring, 1920 mod el,, flmt cla'm.' It'c'a pleasure to hIiow this car1. " : . I Dodga Sedan, 1920 model. All In dandy shape. P y., DrlHcoo tourlnK 19J. Uood run nlitK bhape. Cheap. Colo KIkIiI 7 paKftCiiRcr tourltiK In Kood Hhape. now rubber. This Is an exceptionally kooiI buy. I'lerco-Arrow, fi passenger, newly overhauled. In flrt-cliih condition. Tenuis If desired. THE DUNHAM AUTO CO. Sixth nml O.iU Sheets, Hluinulli I'iilN, (lie, LINKVILLE IN G y iw lri; rnm i"Vt ' jTJl Jfu. 1, 9 mJSm 'mkim&d. i mahshaL oTEYiMue, was so fSYJrw, pOGnaHTAHD A RUNAWAY TOCA,Y HE HAD NOTIMB.TCJ WOK ON 1HB POST Office wsfrwT'wjAi.agij MIW MMyMftlWWWMMMMy HTIIAVIH) Oil BTOI.KN Ono IIrIU Kray, I .TOO pound iniiro, l.nut hi'oii nunr Klumiidi I'nllii, Notify Ilox 404 22-24 FOIl HAM: Ivory ilrculiiK tndln; illiirroiiRlni fln column addlnc ma- clilno; Inatder davenport. Call 327 Mnln,Ht. 22.24 FOIl HAI.K n ft. McCormlck mower I In good nlmpo, C. W. Mlllur, hako- vlow ro.iil, 21-21 FOIl BAI.I-Ford tourlnic Into 20, nlnrti.r. Hcu Hoy Cull. 21-2." iFOIl RAI.KiComplet Krocdry utock. 1 Fixture, light truck. 910 Mnln Ht. m.qr: 19-2A FOIl HAI.i;Cornor aid & IIIkIi. lot 'JD x 80. Home wltd furniture, a darKiiln. Kco Scdudurt or call 910 Main flt. 10-2.' Fit IlKNT iJirKn room, walcr, fur liarc diat. It3 I'lno St. l!-2.' FOIt HAI.K 4H8.icrc In loo Valley known ax llnacn ratted. Witter, natural meadow, culllvalrd. Turnm: mint hcII. .llm. I. M, Fink, 1724 Arcd St., Ilgrkoloy. Cal. 18-24 FOIl HAIjH Mudam dottoo. furnlsli cil or infitrnliilicd. Onnd location. Term to rlKht party. Call 3V4 be faro .' o'clock. 17tf FOIl HAI.i: Daln waKon. 3 Inch. In flrH rlnna ulinpc. 410 N, Tcntli Ht. I'liono 3I2W. , ICtf FOIl HAl.i: (Jhcap, houo and Int. 1228 OriRon Avcnuo. 7t FOIt HAliK 0 melody Conn Hitxo-. phone nil ver plated. Good condi tion. Cheap ror caad. Apt, 203 Win tern' Aptn. 12tf U your plumbing koci wronit. call llalntcr 1'lumblns uliop, I'liono 484J. 12-23 FOR HAI.K 1000 foot G-S rable. 121 K. 11th St. ti FOR SALK Two wdlto enameled baby beds. 1228 Oregon Ave. Ctf IKSlnx Shoes repaired. Jack Frost. Sixth St.. off Mnln. 6tf. XOTICIJ TO TAXI'.WKIIH You are hereby notlflml tdat the llimrd of Kquqllzatlon will attend on September 11. 1922 (tho second Mon day In September) at tho county JudKon office In the olilest court house, nnd will remain in tension for thirty dnyi from that da to 'for tho purpose, of examining tho nssosiment rolls for the year 1922. and correct- inK all errors In valuation, descrip tion or qualities or lanu. lots or ciner property nrscssed by the assessor. It shall bo the duty of all persons In tvrostcd to appear at tho time and place appointed. All protests against valuation fixed by tho assessor must bo filed with the board during the first tun days of said session. W. T. I.KK. Assessor of Klamath County. A 24.31.S7. K. O. I went up the Hudson for n rest during tho vacation and met a moit beautiful girl." O. K. Then whHt? K. O. You can Imaglno tho rest! x. NU BONE CORSETS- .limb: ! Your .Measure ('uunitilitil Mrs. Rote Randall .VJI Jelferon St. Ii o U77-W CHIROPRACTORS IIILS. MAI.I.bTT MAI.I.VnT Of flea orr Underwood's) fill & Slain liiono 0.10-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY!. FliiUhrtl Work Flat Work Hough Dry 'Tat Tour Dda la Oar fluds' l'UO.NK 104 Comer Mala and Ooager YE OLDE TIMES ,w.'v ' t!L& ; AODAK Leave Your Filtws 'Mm SOcioolYour Axi Pictures am DR. J. a GOBLE OrTOMKTRIST OPTICIAlf 700 MAfa Bt. Phone 1M-W Wo tit and grind Rlum, Dapll ette broke Isniet, reptlr (raraM, S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Veterinary Hnrgcon 412 H. 6th Bt. 1-4- I'bone (I2-J DR.CA.RAMBO Dntik ' i. o. o. p. rnotm i FRED WESTERFELD Dentist Phoni) 4-W X-ffAV IiADORATOHOW Ixiomia Uldf. Klasaalii FaMs Ladies' Shoe Repairing Flno llrrl Work and Hand-Sewed Holes Jack Frost Sixth Street, JuU off Main New York Life Ins. Co. P. K. KUHKK, IDA 3IOMYCR Ilcsldcnt Amenta All Sen, York, Life Policy Hold, era are welcome to oar services1 W's!! KLAMATH FALLS OREGON TrS I V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE tfH I PUm ) BUY THEIR DRUGS JaBJ ww f Mif m mm r Kodak Finishing Films received before I A. M. Ready the same day at' 5 P. M. Stall orders filled promptly .. , STAR DRUG CO ."tli.. Main SH. Have Perfect Floors Onr Klertrlc Floor Surfarrr (icons nut croumj In dirt remov es old tamb.li, wax, nnd paint, and makes old floors look llko new. Cull lis for price. Headquarters for all kinds of cIunh in nil klim, Hai.li DiMirh, Cabinet Work and Sliowcu.verf. Bee Keepers Supplies E.C.STUCKY "The Glass House" ' llth mul Pine. I'liono 177-W DR. H. J. WINTERS Oradaata aad State Rrflatfted OPTICIAN Nlaeteen years here la baalaeta We grind and fit Gluaes Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt Bcrvka Beat Kqatppad Optical Wore la Boutbera Oregea 714 Main Street KI.AMATII POST No. 8. , American Legion meets ; In tbo basoment of tho new courthouse on Main . 8treot on the first and ' third Tuesdays of each month. Ex-servtce men are Invited to at 1 tend the meetings. Dr Fred Weitorfotd, Commander. H. E. Gets, Post Adjutant and Re lief and Employment committee. Guide arid TaxidermUt '..ii with Pack Train for ex tended, hunting trlMit launches and boats for duck hunters and flsKtNrmatil .a i Wisiiiijtm,' J JA. J. TW1I1IWDK Phone Ft. Don't fail (6 read tk Ziiifia-Al ... WORK raclr at 6 f DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTEI'OATniO rnTMCUH AND BCHOEON Office aad Itoaldeaco Phonea Hit I. O. O. V. TKMPLB Klamath Falls Plurablag Sc Heatiaff Co. J. H..J1ACIKHO.V, Prop. 4th lino fit. lmmoao 0in-n J. C CLEGHCRN Ctnb rWi akb mjuvKtam Pmoaa 1HW MS I. IV Diamond!, xGoU . Bought ReliaUa ltima G. GRAMER Port land Ore. 713 Selling nidg. r I. O. O. F. Proaaerky Rrbckaa', 104( ateeta First aad Third1 Tharwlaya Ewaaaa Eacampmeat 4S, ateeta each Taeaday Kfauaath Eos l7 saeeta aaeh Frida, When You Have Dirty Clothes if you will call the .. Klamath Hand. Launtky 119 South 9th St.. Phons 573-W. They will wash, 'dara. Iroa aid return to 70a. ' Klamath Falls, Ore.. Richter ." House It t-e. 1010-1081 State H4saat Formerly knowa as tluj .Water, house. Ulalaa; room la reopen cd uader new maaasjeasrat. Good cleaa rooma aad board, SH..TO a eck. Hlagle meab TAW. ..Clilckra dlnacr every Sunday. Tabic IkNird Home Cookmg Chas. Richter, Manager FlJAtAi&i- E . .We. Iiuw'ilie Western anil t'. onlul foriiine', in ltli plpcil aad ilHiefm. Ilolh Imto oblontf fire U)on mul 1110 ur Hid bcHtfeim htrutilon, lA't iih hlnnvTtlirwi, to you. L.,N. HAINES . 'WY1A Main St. W. E. 4 J, E. Patterson CONTRACTING . . PA1NTKHS PalnU, Oils aad Varakh 830 B. flUth St., Klamath falls Phoae StW from ta SlM , i- if- w. kUWath "!( &p?t&-f' HWiOdf; (( ) !r ka .'ffl amaiiansmail hi , a .JiX I , ' J " 111 . iiiaiiinaa , ,tj 1 ItMMaJsTMaTaVmHaarT'aTal ' S'-i fi 1 J ?! r ' :v ft V AJ ' ". mi, wtw . . f -x. iM t r(T 1" .V , vk y