The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 24, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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TIIIIIIHD.iV, AUfllTHT 21, 102a.
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"w't"'"'-'f"'"'' "wn-iPw
- -- - mmrrrnrmnwnnris0r0 n , " " "I--'" illrirhBBVfi,i "l,lirlt"nlllt ti nsnr"iTir "" i .-. - fVJViJJJJVAVAAAA''UAAAAryV
All Previous Record For
Oregon Smashed ' Good
Business Reflected
.A Family Bicycle
I'OIITI.ANII, Aug. 21. .H) wiih
I tin r.roiiliHi itiiintli in' dm history nf
Oregon In point nf now enm fur
which application fur llrmmcii wero
matin by the owner with tho secre
tary of hIiiIk'n office. Thl nln.' j
iiit'iitiM I tit t hi point of snlc ly llicj
iiiltomohlln ilenler llii' tniintli wmt tin
Reed, If not bettor thnu mi)' provlou j
Hi'icli inn Ilm ltiterelliiR furl" "
Mined In ii report tinned liy Ilm W'y
kin' iiiiliiiiKililln Information iiervlc-o
n( t It In rlty, unit bused upon Ilm iiffl
rial figure nf Ilm nuilnr vehicle dlvl
iili'iii nf Ilm Htiriii depnrtmunt.
Tlii report show Unit imarly twice
tin ninny new car were, registered
during July llinn during miy previ
ous ninnlli of tin) yi'iir, Ilm figure ex-
(ITlllllK. XII fT UN Mill llll ll'lirlll'll,
thomi of miy previous inonlli In Ilm
liUioiy or Ilm Industry In thl state)
1'or th" I'lillrn sUl" during Hint pcr
liiil rt.". Ti'.l now cur were registered,
llin report stale Thin compare
with Ilm following figure for tin1
iitlmr month of thlit year Jntninry
4j. February onh, jinrcn ...;.. Aiiiri,
rll,ir.27. Muy 19I3. Junu 1221 j ,,
w'aLHrisW I I saWsaassaV-JiSBBslllllllllllH I ssaassassasal jif . i . JT
This Itcrlln fnthrj-Jiullt a vehicle out of two bicycles, a coupis of
r.taxa nn J wina 11 ltd avail. How tit Ukts h whole family for a, rid
nnd itoctn't pay a cent fur ens. '
There nro two "nigger In tin'
woodpile" In Hi" July registration
which nwi'lli'il thu figure mer vihut
It v fitilil uoriunlly linvit Iickii li.iimil on
ri'tull ale alone. Tho firm of these
wnn Ilm fact Unit on July I thn new
III run" fee became effiTlH". rultlim
Hi" fci In Imlf for tho nniulnilir of
Ilm )nr Thin miiloiililfilly rtitiKi'tl n
coiuMi-ralilc iiiiiiiImt of lain Jmi"
purrliimorn of ram to wait unlit July
to Ink" ililhorv, Ihim rrnlltlni: Kfr
In July hlch iro n-ally nohl In
Tin' M'i'iiuil fi'jlut" u thn full
that utiuamU nrthlty of lint Htatu
traffic fiyn-it In nrrontlnc ilcnli'rx for
sliut they charged toru violations of
thn law relatlui: to iuo of di-alnr ll
reiihi'H I'lium-il ii rotnililiirnbli) uunihcr
of Hie ili.'uli rn to rImi up imo of tlii'lr
il"nlr llfi'iiKcn nml llrrnn" nil tlmlr
mm carK illn'cily,,innrnly Irmufrr
rlnr; tln tlo-unn at (ho Hum of nl"
of Ilm fur pnil pamtlus tho rout on to.
tho purrhiiHor
Tlmic tuo fnctn trohahly account-'
cil for novijml liunilroil cam on tho I
11'KlRiriiHoii 111, iiiiiouiolilln moil "'
lliiinto, hut ili'Hpllo IIiIh tlm ri'Rlnlra-'
Hon whii minimally IiIkIi ami rrflcclx
a In re." volutin) of Intuitu' for Hn
month. Tho total itunihiir of now
cam llri'titmil In the niiito from thu
flmt of Ihi' )onr to AuRiut I, occoril
Iiik to tho report. wnH 10 743 Whllo
llil flKiirn la wnll In nihonco nf thi
ri'Klhlr.itlmiH for tho ortcttpomlliiK
nrloil lout )"ar, It lit not up to tho
ti Ik ti Mamlanl net iltirlttn that porloil
nf 1920. In Hinted
Attributes Health to
Life Spent in Open
Great Wall of China
Reported Crumbling
I'lIKINH, Auk. :. Itocrnt vlnl
torn to III" ( Wall of China)
vihkli h nccoimlhl,) at Nankow, 40
tnllc from IVklng, ilixcrlhn It on
ilnwly crttnibUnK. Muny of thn tur
rein which cnnininml thn nallpttt
point nti Ilm nail rllmli over tbe
uiountalii top nro fn ruin ami tour
11 it n il mithca allku wronch thr
hIiiiio block from tho aupflr-ntructurr
to throw Into thu ulleyi below, Yot
Economy Tests Show Manu
facturers Way to Im
prove Designs
PAUIH, Auk. 2. flnimllno eon
numptlnn for autoniobllc In alien a
dorloiiB ftmtlon hrr, -with ens coit
Ine from :.r. to 60 crnt a gallon,
that recent Xrench teN to develop
hf'tlor cirburctlon nre bolnc contin
Cars mnnlliT ami llRhter than
thoNv itenvrally o'd In tho United
Htnte. recently have avcrniced nbowt
60 mile to tho Rallon of gniiollne Iff"
official pulillc content. Tho winner
In tho principal competition of thl
hort made 01 ml let to tin gallon.
, lr?e ram, welRhliiK innro than
4,000 sound, nverarjeil clono to 1C
mllca to tho Ration In the recent
HtranhurR raco of .440 miles over the
Orcnd 1'rlx courio und under the
name rcRUlatlonn. Thl wan tho flmt
rnco of thl kind orsanlti'd EX thu
Grand I'rli official, ami It proved
" ' " , ", Uiich a kucccm that a blmllar contest
...r.. cn....R , on nn...u.n, ( ,,, (or cxt ycaP.
mi iiiit vw uiniuDi iu iiiu utiruvrn ui
TAf'OMA. Vnli.. AlieiKt 21 I
Unit'! II, .rrH, l(ij proNldent of Hm
field muHeiim of millonal hUtory nt
('Itlniijct, vtho I M ) of uko hut
recently droui ihrotiRh hero In hi
iiiilotuobllit on III" lat h.iTf of n mo
lor lour from t'hlrtiRo In California
and had,, uttrlhtile lil oxcellent
health to niendliiR four month of tho
)iiar In tho open. I In Iiuh oberod
thl ciulom for thn laat -C yuar.
Tibet linn many centurle to live, al
HioiirIi tin effort nro mado to pre
nervit It. ConNtructlon of tho wall
wn becun 200 II, C, by Kmperor
flillt lluatiR TI, a contemporary of
llnnnlbal, who roiicelx-d thl barrier
to keep out tho Tarlar. At one
tlmo 700,000 criminal and prtonerx
of war W"ntenRage,j In thn work.
Tim main part of ilm wall, however,
v,a not n n tit rlakeu unlit the noventh
century, when, It I nalil, 1,000,000 wero employed.
Obedience of all thn law of motor
ItiK doe not a I way ave tho driver
from n nmaiihup. Uui there I one
udmonltlon which In nnl written
down In .many ntntutu book, but
which, when followed, prevent every
iiort of motoring trouble. It Is: "Do
yd . . . ' :
iBBBBBBBBl U " . .. . VW,
Dodge Brothers
The car's usefulness is admir
ably in keeping with its innate
In summer it protects you from
heat; in winter it protects you
from cold. Day in and day out
it insures you uainst expensive
upkeep und repair costs.
Recent improvements have
greatly increased its sturdinees
und tho trim beauty of its
body lines.
Thn prica hi M 075.00 delivered '
il -..
420 Klamath Ave.
, t
i Mn-
Theo n'sult, however, were un
der the npeclal condition that gov
em all audi affair, and admittedly
nro not attainable by the average
driver, particularly In thn United
Several cam of a popular American
mako competed in tho LoMan teit
for light car, and thilr showing II
luatrate tho progreii made In econ
omlitng fuel. Equipped with the
hanio carbureter aa thn winner that
made Gl mile oft hour, one ran 39
miles on a gallon, and another mado
only 36 mile. '
Tlieno economy' tent, according to
carbureter manufacturer, lauglit
them leixon that will show next year
In improved design, but ao far there
ha been no revolution In engineer
Ing that Is applicable to nntomoblles
In general.
Racing tents, however, give a ml
leading Idea of result, for tho cars.
that then average CO mile ttMhc gal.
Ion operate, normally at about 3C
mile to the gallon. Tho difference
I explained a duo to six facter:
tho ttso of a special gasoline; equip
inent with tho best carbureter: car
buretor adjustment to get a weak
mlxturn that would not servo In or
dinary drhlng: expert driving; per
foct mechanical condition of the car
and special adjustment of tho rubtor
for high compression nnd pronounced
advanco of tho spark. -
Tho reasons for tho hotter result
obtained by French cars oor their
Amorlcan competitors arc attributed
to scvcrnl thlnpi. The American
cars were heavier, and It was math
cmatlcally certain that It would take.
more fuel to drive tho greater weight,
particularly as tho Amorlcan cars
travelled JiO percent faster. Thu
American cam also stood higher from
tho ground and met greater wind re
slsfanco. also tho Amorlcan cars had
much larger motor which turned
over at a much lower speed, so that
greater consumption was Inevitable.
When tho different conditions to
bo met by th'o French and tho Ameri
can manufacturer aro considered, ox
porta do not generally feel that there
Is any remarkable superiority In the
French cir. These differences grow
out of coat of operation and the
temperament of the public. Gasoline
costs nearly twice as much In France
aa In tho United State, and French
makers, therefore, find It profitable
to apond more mouoy to produce at
economical motor. This la done In
sovcral ways, but principally by hav
ing a woll-tinlshed, small motor, with
relatively high compression, turning
over at a high speed. Some small
motors mako 4,000 revolutions por
minute," and French racing car ap
proach 6,000 B. P, M. The French
aro educated to look moro (o gaso
line consumption than to speed and
acceleration. They prefer a small
motor with four speeds, and they aro
content to shift gears constantly so
as to sava gasoline
Amorlcan over hero somotlmes
wouder whether tho higher original
cost of French cars really offsets tho
saving iu gasoline, French cars cor
responding in slto, power, appear
ance and ability to travel cost much
moro than their American rivals.
Amorlcan quantity production ac
counts for much dltforenco In prlco,
although Citrqen, callod the "Ford of
France", by far tho numerical leader
among French cars, still sutlers
greatly when compared with Ameri
can cars lu prlco,
Tho simple, mechanics of drlvlriK
thn steering, tho manipulation (f
gear-nlilft Invor, pedali nnd bo on
nro eanlly mnntoroil, nnd thero nrn
few In tho United fUnt'-i capablo of
any form of FolMocomotlon who aro
not nhlo to control a car. Hut tho
record of crumpled fentlom, dnmnR
'd lamp and wayside wrecks tells
tho story that not all of thn 10,000,
000 car owners know how to drive,
ny Motor.
From this record let us draw a
fow Instance, sketched from tho
live of carelesA motorists who
thought they could drive, but who
to borrow a saying from another
branch nf sport "didn't know the
gun was loaded." On the front pago
we, find Mr. A. I). See. He was proud
nf hi car's accelerating ability, and
when halted by city traffic he Invar
iably started In second and mm going
20 miles an hour before tno slower
car had got Into motion. One day
ho relaxed his cnatomary vlgllanco
and piled head-on Into the rear of
another car. Flmt result: Two bent
fender and no headlights on hi own
car, plus two sheered spring clips on
tho car ahead, totaling a repair cost
of $42.50. SecotiJ result, arising
from stopping too quickly: Demol
ished rear luggage carrier and tho
total eclipse of tho lights on tho car
which bumped him from behind. Be
cause ho failed to put out his hand
on stopping. Mr. See assumed re
sponsibility for tbe damage to the
over-taking car and It cost him
about 104) merry little dollars to
learn that he didn't know how to
Next In line comes Mr. I). C. Dee.
Ho was such a good driver that be
could afford to-be careless. He prid
ed himself on .knowing the bump
nnd other peculiarities ot all roads In
IiIr neighborhood. Out one night
after a heavy rain ho was loafing
along at SO miles an hour when his
car bounced In and out of a nolo
which had been raused by undermin
ing water and he Indulged In two new
springs and a rather expensive rear,
axle, assembly. Ho Is now a better
driver than ha was.
Hern wo find Mr. D. E. Eff, to
whom driving had become like second
nature. Ho could dlvido his brain
Into two parts, reserving the one for
guiding thn car around corners,
speeding It up and down hills, avoid
ing bad spots In tho road, and so on;
and utilizing tho other for entertain
ing tho guests.' Ho could laugh and
tell droll stories which provoked his
friend Into gales or merriment. lu
ono day ho glanced around to see
how tho point of n story had been
taken, nnd Just then a telophono polo
"-----------------' -rri" pr,yir "n.n.r.ruTrxqrLViAivu
grew up In what, ho thought was thn
middle of tho road. Ills spirit Is now
motoring down thn long, long trail.
Tho test of a good driver Is not
whither ho I abla to stop, start arid
guldn tho rnr along Hie. road, but
whether ho Is Invariably considerate
of thn mechanism of his own vehicle j still a mennco of thn highway.
nnd nt tho feeling, ercontrtcltles'iind
safety of bit other users of tho road.
If a man drive well In ovary respect
except that he expects all pedosttlsns
to know how Iswalk, all equestrian
to know how to ridn, and all motor
ists to know how to run a cur, ho I
Service Station
Cars For Hire Without Drivers
Open nights until 12 o'clock'
Home of the
Tire Oils and Accessories
931 Klamath' Ave. Pheoe 212
Klamath Falls, Oregon
f Csavft ' asmmmmmmM!lTl.LTl
Kd&ut, yViOrk lvxair j
We handle Howe, Firestone,
Goodrich and Fisk Tires
i I H
If it's a VuUniziiig job we can
Klamath Ave. and S. Sixth Streets
Is Here Ready for Delivery
You'll Lite It, as all Owners Do
A ride will show you wh? everyone is praising it The Coach give closed,
car utility, comfort and distinction at little more than open car cost It is a
delight to drive. Operating cost is low. Requires little attentien. Is beau
tiful and reliable. Come take a ride today.
Five -Passenger Touring Essex
Also Here for Immediate Delivery
400,416 South Sixth St
ltlasBaw Talks Ore.
I t r
. ' s
. iV UJ
i "; ,-