The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 24, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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TiiriiMit.w, .v,;mw '-' l,l-J'
The Erening Herald
v. ninatnat; .Kmtot r-uW
P. O. NICKH3 Advert,l Afartacor
M. K.'HILL. ; City MMor
Published dally except Bun day, at
The Herald Publishing Company o(
Klamath. Fallf, at 119 Eighth street.
Entered at the poslofflco at Klam
ath Folia. Ore, tor transmission
through the mail as second-class
The Associated Press Is exclusive
ly entitled to tho uso for publics-
tlon of all news dispatches credited ,
to It,, or not otherwise credited in i
tills paper, ana niso mo iocai nowo
published herein.
prctonslon that they espouse prln
'cip1cio which they In no way sub
scribe. The political system of this state
Is duo for a house cleaning, ( We be
llovo tho republican party contains
men nblo enough and progressive
enough to reform t lint party from
within, to re-establish Its principles
and renew Its traditions, to restore
tho old lines of party division, cssen
ttat to the maintenance of two
strong, defined opposing parties that
In turn nre essential to tho mainten
ance of 'a representative democracy
TlllfIlHI)AV AtKJfKT. S!, 1022..
Personal Mention
t Somo towns hate all the lurk. Chi-
FISH or FLESH I j caK0 n'"5lc,a may MHKo-
1SSATISFACTI0N ullh the Ore
gon primary system has grown
This world l too small for golf
to lake the placa ut baseball.
Nickel cigar Is back. You spend
to a point where Immediate remedy the other nickel for matches.
Is demanded by tho majority of I
.I.IiIm. MlttAa nt fflin afolo i '
thinking citizens of the stale.
With the exception of one Portland
democratic paper, tho press of the
stato Is practically, united In declar
ing that ;tbe cJUsttyg ijt; mar ir lawJ Is
products if finlti J fo ItUat j'oMlls
and a deWrcfit Va Va rfetftiomtc'dc
'Telopmcnt of Oregon.
wMlo you are an ay on a trip.
Long skirts make long faces.
The. man who forgets jh I m self usu
ally, gets showWwho he 'is,
V would hate to be a loose board
j on a fence and coal so high.
, Forward looking democrats arenas
satisfied as republicans that amend-
tnent of tho clccu'o W4 ..,; Our'-obfec'tfor. to hating
vary. ,
Thcro Is an element In both par-
In the
, . Jako a fat man on your picnic. Ite
win waicn me eais,
tlcs.(NaUopjKtn n change,
democratic party It K Uic
Ing politicians who place pari
nbovo patriotism vThey see In such
limes oi sirco ub nu nnu j.,o i"
nil throucli n chance to take ndvnn
tago of a mtiled and Inflamed pith',
lie mind to swing a vote from the re
publican ranks alone" n prejudiced
path to bring about a demofjutic
success.; - Theydo not stop to. con
sider tho effect upou tho future of
tho stato; tha untojdjiarm that must
. v J)un,ny things happen. A Phltadcl-
l phla coji shot a robber.
'iisDo from- tbotUBp.'o-:
iownuaenrto'fuBtdntrwUh itslpolt-
.- : r J - '- i
lc,faaifcd birjipBKtc.0 la.te.-if up-j
on ilorlnlto
a prett)
stcaegraphcr.lstshavlng every morn
ing rums your lace
. Corn'on-lb'e-cbu us'ually gets In
MI-.'"- v U
t ,14,.,' ' k
iff ruiim.ia.Mi
1 BBI - 9 aaaaaa? ..
or To aarsjtrcv mm mat
no way cottlooir'fo resjubllcan'
deas or Ideals, have taken.advanlaget
'of tho opportunftyio'ally'lKcn'iielves"
So far this oJauthasxot,aUAIncd,
offices, i)Ut If was by a very rfarrTTV
Aia'rilirnrat ThiTTepubllraiTTaTtyes
Kapod a standard-bearer foe the high
est offlcinteettatCiQfjattitt?f
.who did not represent, republican
'.Ideas, but did represcn) thf idVlt.
... It tho world's a stage etery man
has a right to n fair show.
? Amundsen Is inning back from his
Arcirftrlp. It will rcturu tho lsll
A New Orleans man ate CO pounds
of crawfish beforo he backed aw
'"-i aiT
White crow with pink c)cs Is fou
In VIpirtnvThjwy It Is a you
About this newly Invented pne
mnHi hh!1kAilt. fin vnn htnu It
i after you sink?
Mrs, A, la. llnrvoy Is hero from
AMiland for n visit with her daugh
ter, Mm, Nate Ottvrbeln.
Uert Wlthtow and 0. W. lloustnu
left early this morning on n com
bined timber crul.v. and deer hunt.
S. It, Freer was a passeuger on
thl morning's train bound for
Portland on a huluas trip.
Will Adam, a stockman with n
ranch south of Merrill, wai ran
acting business here this monilnr
Chris lllanns, proprietor of the
Arcade hotel, has returned from n
vacation trip to S.ui Francisco.
Tom Newton was a set
Wltor tbl morning from hi rmch
near Mnlln. Newton Is .i sheepman
by trade.
M la. Johnson, who for the past
fow da) s has been out on an asses.
Ing trip In the Crescent country, re
turned bomu night.
It. 0, llalley, clerk nt the Cra
ter lake lodgo this summer. Is heio
tor a brief vacation. He Is stop
ping at the White Pelican hotel.
Mrs. Charles S. Moore left thl
morning for Portland where she
will be for an Indefinite time with
ft lends and relatives.
llojhopd rlcnds of Karuot Nail
will b0 glad to know thai hu Is
hare, from Seattle for u few days
visit, with them and with, relatives.
Joseph Konup was a passenger
on the morning train bound W
Dunsmulr where ho will spend two
days settling up buslncs. nffulrs.
Mm. IS. K. Smith departed this
morning for San Francisco where
she will lslt with friends for the'
next few weeks.
nmm-iitimit i
IfltUllltll flUIIIL.
an organization that Is absolutely op
posed to ond bent upon tearing
down a representative system of gov
ernment and substituting govern
ment by an Invlslblo empire.
night here the right thinking citi
zen, whether ho bo democrat or re
Declare VmJt
mWtlHt Followed j
J. H. Muttoom circuit, court ball
iff loft thlsOnornlng for Santa' Crtu
whore' ho wlll'iepend un Indaflnlte
llille with hM-dtlngMer,, Mrw. Hen'
!rKefi.s.WBO Is MjrlonslyMlI. - . -
Prfa.I! 3 JJ. . i rC. i;
,1!, Mr, andMrs. Uo Wann are:h;ro
far a.fcw'days on u combined, busi
ness and; ploasqrc trip from Valnax
vkfrai Uieyt arn interested Id. i, the
ntercantllcbuslnoisa in
raj iv i;n ,i.1 .. " i' j,. . r. I
rMr. and, Mrs, It. u. Tabor., of
rnocnix. Arizona, and Air, ujid,.lm.
I, U.' Tntn nt 1.
j . ... ..v, w. ..,, .x..,,v,Vf,lllU,C
(Viiijtiucai., ;ne, iioijiu of,, .Mr. anu,
irVrs,. 1, 1'atter.Mn. 1129 Uucpln'
street., i ,i,., j5 j.
Mrs. . T. Tbor ajid daugh'ter,'
Sflldrcd aro'hero ",v'ls.tlng frs, Mdr-.
rls L.c,f'tlet They will return Ia
few dajs to their home In Wash
ington. Tho Tabors were for many
I years residents of .Klamath Falls.
Pica for Revision of Code
I )t ' a
Made1 by California Su-
i, r
preme Court Justice
i.)'(.i:m. tt.iiv
SAN FKANCIM'O Aug 21 - I'lio
'Insanity dofouse .imr the "uuwrlt
teu law," those much ued twin me
nues of escape In m rder case, must
Such Is the flat
derl.iratlou of Cur
u I) Wlllnir. Jus
tice of tli Cnllfor
ni.i supremo court,
in an Interview fnl
lowing rerommeli
dntloiiH to this of
feci before the
American liar us
soclrttion Justice
Wilbur pe.iks out
of mi experience of 1
200(1 trials of 'In-
sanity" cases oud ear, of romrclu '
"The code holds Idiots, lunatics and
Insane persona net cupablo of com
mitting crime," he s.iy. 'No matter'
how mnuy people are killed b sticl.
IM'rson. or how many niv
burned It Is held Ho crime nt nil hu
been committed
"The dnmhfce -donl' by un Insane,
man ts Ju Hsi'real KmV KiTat us If
he were sane; 'but th'o killing of n
human bulng is tio offense, it would
seiMii, because them tins been nc
in I ml capable of understanding the
wrongfulness. Ilavlng determined
that n tlefetidaut Is liiH.iue the crtm
lal law dismisses htm
"To put It direct!) At prevent the
defense of liisanlt) la u trap for the
Ins.ino and u mean of esrupe for the
sane. So widely has, tho lda of ttin
funwrltleii' law; taken hold that wn
ln;ar raintiiitly rvI.";.cl,l ..'JFl',"
11901; l iji it t ev.woild ji'Xp-ct (pibllc
ijivudls.of tljr f'rli'i(cj anil fmmeill-.
aietaciuiiiai, uio.onimiiKj';) u
i v
V" iiivRrsw j
HkH NkHHlm
I , Now is the time to outfit the clu
I shoes surely insures the feet.
I ll"k!io,.r"t- Alt
I 515 MAIN ST.
vp?' ' 0 .' Kq
, 4i':'l-"...."..J-ilv.wl. I
I .,.!.
ldrcn for nchool. A good pftir of
Junior Wallingfords
Arrested nt Lone Bench
I i ' i
a'lir thi'ir parent') hnd prtunisid to
make good the loan nf the gululiii
inventor and tin1 l)i hud priitnUeil
inn to n(toiiiil in (n'll U now rlt)
li.tU or Hie pier
WASIMNOTON Aug, 23 Those
m:v on, i:i,i, ti'i;M:u
c'rlmo uidcx certa'fn rJrcuiiislaflces. "vy..cjjn W to, pro
"My 'prnpoMl Ara uthls: Th';tf,,,ct tholr.crofc.watliliier. mater-
WINONA I.AKK. Intl.. Aug. 24. MUs Clara Knapp has arrived
Tho age old Idea that .men and wo-j from Portland for an, extendoj visit
men have different spheres of Inter- with her ulster, Mlstul.llllan Knupp.
est and activity, mutually exclusive, ( Later in the fall t,hey expect to
leave for Macdoel where. Miss Ml,
lti( ,l.b. aii.lda nml f I, n ,1.l Im
:an concelv'ublv; by JJifosanie deir,We
obtain control of oneor the ,,, i ., ..,, ,,
m.,7 -a m "In 111. nfiftt alia, lititm, f nalilur.
ed vvoiaan's exclusive sphere too of-
ten was turned over to her. Men
shirked responsibility beyond tho
poy.check. Sometimes women ik'ii
led It to them. This Is always a dis
tinct loss. Many homes are over
feminized,. Children need tho mas
culine' touch upon their growing
spirits as well as the feminine. Men
need Intimacy "ltli 'little children,
women need tho nerve-rest that u
man who take responsibility In the
home gives to (bum.
"Also, In thu past, men havo quite
cheerfully turned tho realm of mural
llrtrovcr to 'women. They havu tun-
'sldbred It tho part otchlrnlry to play
up or.yluy down to the standards of
tho woman wltli whom they found
llau will teach school this winter.
Mrs. John T. Ward and son, John
Jr., accompanied by- Miss Ksther
Hummel weio In town the first of
Miss Hummel returned homo and
Mrs. Ward remained for thu pur
pose of tuking treatments for her
Mr. and Mm. Wlllam II.
Mrs. Charles Cotton and Dr.
Ford, I
M S.
Is rapidly passing according to Ilev,
publican, and unless ho bo entirely M, Madeline Southard of Wlnfleld,
radical In any other political belief,, Kansas, president or the Intematlon
sees the time to call a halt. n' association of women preachers.
If the.K-4vl.nx.KUnin Jo.neariyl??akln.? " the annual meeting cf
.7.. ... .i... ....."'. ;.". the organization here tbulght.
UUIUIII l-UIIIII'l U IIIV B.IUIInCDi ' IJ .... .1 - ,. .1 . . ....-,.
JnthostatoofOregoii-andwewairt' r A. imojwi of sanitary jwd, tho week fomTecnor. Callforrija.
, . . .j ,. ... .. seciai oeiiermeni uas come since wo-
hero to warn our democratic frlcndiv, 1 , ' , ,. ...
.,..., ,,t, ,, , . . ,. riraun has taken An active InterusirMn
that there Is a wgH laid plan to sclzo ., t
. . . ., J' ., ,J pttblc affairs. " she sad, "Womeu n
control of tho.sltiiioaratlc urganla- ,- . , .. , . , ... , .
i , ., . . .i legislative and Judicial positions havu
tonoulhu.i.artQX.t!utW!.fi.gcouu- or
then, under our malformed lection cu
I..... ...... ..n.ll.,.., Mil...... lii 1.1,... y. v
inn, ui, iuiiiwii viKiUt.-, nun, uiui, I,
group, can
..... .....,-. ..--.:: .
uiucr uuuuuuui puriiup. v
Thu republican lenders reulizo the
necessity of remedying thu situation;
of establishing a definite platform by
which those who aspire to represent
tho party may bo measured and the
'principles of which they must adhere
to; of modlOing and amending, the
election laws su that thcro can be no
repetition of the primary fiasco, no
chance of both leading parties bulng
deprived or their right to freo ex
pression of party principles, noj ijny
stultification of their duty to express
them so thul tho public mny know
without Hfladovv-'df doirtt oxaclly
wjioro eaih tandB.u i ,-
Nor'worto.iJtlll otf'Jrd' taiuchahce")
fur radicals bmguurs
ulefeiuto to Ot''Rl'iV'Jt chare.) Uti,t
Hat vvldcucn oil Jhaf, subject l,i ex
eludedkfrom .lie Jury.ltrvliiK;Ucrlm
Inal enw: that letter, conviction tho
Ity, bo oxa
ex Uiatitider conviction tl . . ,
t. myiq 'uKKCHtlon of Insa.,-.1 liiref in
xamlned liy Xard.V alfen-( Af,"r ' 't'ri'u
" ' I 'IN. til Itl 11 lllllll
tnulit dollblif thl life of the fabric
they tniiL.tlwrn to afliirib protection
mtiitiMt Imht u't well a mnlnurn noil
mlldnw tlieiiiopjrtnii'nt of aitrbnil
a ,rriit crcj)Ur
f cxpi-rhuvvits with
.O.Ml IICAIMI. t'nl . Aug 23
Two Junior Wall.lnufiirds, aged IM
and !' vears. wero taken Into ins-.
tody recently b) Long' lleuc'li piiu WARSAW, Polftnd. Aug '.'I A
ufter they had p''rsuudeiU a third liuVgrum from tlorystaw.' east m
) i) wlli tn tiivet bis .ivlig, III. In tJafirU, icporls that a new -Ml
il...,. ......i -.... ..,, . .... . . . . .. . .
un" Kiiiuiiur ihiiitiikiiik i oiiiiuii.. imreii inert' sirucx on iin.l I
They ,puliiteil to billboards and signs now giving 30 cai loads nf oil n di.
ntong tlm bruh'VanU as porlltin of ' This nm'dunl repre'entr .'U per cut
the company's lhli. assets Tlml tif the total produrtlnn of ts - . arv
voting .stuck hellers wiiru reb'usi'il daw district.
Is..; lb they ,v;unino wl,J,t.,,,t l.l""J1J" "? XuSmA
should bo Kent to M Utc hospjuli.prl.! tcres-verrnnartrrvr trrTHrr-irtrtitlmrnf
.N'uiin'-' I":""Tl:r:.,::r
.rrtahA Jurlsdlcjon.pver thu dqfpndojit. ," '" ", '" "' " " '
oven nfterM. niTparently compleU, !,u"0 " K,'0J,,n "u " ""'l'
cijre tor as loig nsj thq ma.xlniiim sou
toncobqlls1. , l(, ,,
liiMinltjr, IWraM' lluinbuu ,,..
"As It now stunds tint dufunsn of
insanity Is a humbug, u proti'iiKo, a
hyiiocrisy, an Invitation to murder
nil too frequently ucccpti-ii by Jeal-
ous lovers, discarded mistresses. In-1
dlgnant fathers and outraged bus-!
bands. '
"The average Juror acquits the do.
fendant who does exactly as thai Ju
ror would havu done under tho sumn.
circumstances ami this upon thu ub
from the Inner fibres afford consul
trabln protection to (ho fubrle
Since sovcral plgmeiiu are silt,
able, thorn I morn or lost fri-cdom
' of choke as to color, the statement
lontlntiea Kor a buff or kluikt color.
ellow octiie can be used For u
darker buff or light brown. ru sleii '
n;i Is good; for ilurk red r reddish
bro'vn, burnt slenua. for ollvi
brown, raw limber, and for dark I
brown, burnt umber Is nildcd to the
Tho usual formulas, for water-,
Socialists and boUhovlku of all tj pes' themselves, Insisting that It was ''up
-.o stealthily seize leadership byt0 l,or-
ssageaaer- jisl .,- 1,' "It oasj followed thut
i . '.AS i - i tills country often turned
trees' jsHRuia!
BULBS x l '
Ordor them now tor fall
Cut FloWcrs PUnU
PhM 088 831 Main St.
men In
i this country often turned, religion
over, lOMvoinun HpcuRlng os. thbugli
(t cro u kind of femlnlhe.ijttrlbuto.
Without doubt wo huve a larger pro
portion of men today taking moral
responsibility siuarely upou them
selves than In centuries gone by, and
thcro Is still plenty of room for Im
provement. a.
Port of Astoria ships 05,181,025
ft. lumber during July,
Bend Work to start on McKen
tie Pass road.
Cushman-rCanncry comiilert'd.
Noel, -tife"" prominent Han Francisco
,folk who arrf.if pending a few days
In Klumath Falls on their return
to Sun Francisco from Crater lake.
They are registered at ' the White
Pelican hotel.
I), Porter Dunlap, bank examiner
sent here by tho treasury depart
ment at Washington for tho pur
pose of oxumlning the books of
the farm loan association, has about
finished his work with tho Klam
ath Falls Loan association and wl)l
continue on hjs way tomorrow.
Mis Ituth Dixon, accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. A. F, McKlnzlu, who
liVs been visiting hero 'from her
hoirlo In Haloin, loft this morning.
Mis.. Dixon will leave hur sinter at
Salem and continue on to Marslj
field where hIio will spond part of
her vacation. From thoro sho will
go on to Eugene for a short tlnio.
'Mrs. KJorcnto Ilowaid und Mrs.
J, Itao and children, Huthy und
Junior, aro guests at the Michael
Itueck ranch near llonunza. The
aro having a delightful tlino and
regret the near approaiTi of their
departure, '
The beetle prevention crow which
has been etutloncd between Klam
ath Falls and Atihland for the past
two months finished their work ami
canto Into town yesterday after
noon, J, 13, Patcrson 1ms been In
surd ground of Insunlty. On tlm! lrooflriK ennuis may bo lined with
other hand Uiu vory barbarity i.i,il." addition of tho eurlli pig til.
shocking cruolly of thu rcillj; Insane ""W ' " I""""' '"r "r "r K"wn'i ,
man causes thut very Juror to return ln UnHfi'il nil. to each gallon of the
a verdict of guilty.' i prepared solution. Thu department '
"It Is high time Mr u change l 'fxporls have alio found Unit a solu-'
Murder Is becoming commonplace.1 "" "f ,lark ,,r "'ll"w ItrI.ttiin
Judges iin.l Uwyura should study 'vaseline) hu-Kwax gusollne. and,
crlmlnuUiis well as crlmlniil law audi kerosenu with tho desired plpim
should oxerilsu IntelllKont discretion nakos u good wuterpr. oring and
. ..,.. a, ,-....... a...,,l...H v..
and u iielliiltir policy In dealing with ' "Kiir"inir, i"i"i' "i (
thu crlmlnul and the Insiino
The talo of a man with a twisted soul of a
wife who trusted and a mother-in-law with com
mon sense. A fascinating drama of present-day
Popular and Petite Marie Pievost in
"Thu only way (6 control the wil
fully wicked felrin Is by life super
vision subject to pardon for dismissal
when gciiulnorofonnatiou Is satis
factorily demonstrated."
' ,., .. Inut rm irnfiil Ih Itiu Minim us the.
" "
first. HUbstltutlng nsphitll (petroleum
or bormiidoS) for I ho beeswax.-.
The waterproofing or llghtpnuif-J
churgo of thu truw this Hummer
which was tomposed of Ivan Hous
ton, A. J. Duffy am) la. C. DcCo
low. They expect to leave within
thu next few das for Antelope valley.
A rpllicking comedy drama
Ing of rnnvnH Is Important for u num.
aaaaaaaaaaB?V. I - Jt' s'li?VJ
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaValaaMa' '
Salt. That's the way It was
billed. From Manistee, Mich., to
Milwaukee. This "Bait" would
make jon thirsty. Quatlcr wci
of tetr In the barrels.,)
tier of uses, It Is nxplalind The In
trodudlon of lonc-dlf'tanio tint;1
hauling has i rented n greuler de-
maiiil for stout wagon (overs, which,
are widely used; gieat lUuntltii'ii nroj
used for covers to protect itr.tln or
hay In the shork from the wti.ilhor;
tho inprchuiit uses oerH to prolrrll
his iirmliiro; lontractoiH and build-;
; ers need Ihom to protoct mnrhluury
und iimtorlitU. Tho unity und navy
uso great iuiintltlL8 of riii)vus mid
the summer rainper Ih another large
consuinor. it Is ofliiii puislhld for J
these users to hulvi' the cost of tbolri
cnuvns by prolonging tho lire or thu
material, "
For ui n vii h ihutiemulus In a fixed
position, aui,h us iiinniiniint,wiii;on
covoto, thn iliculnr mills, hiiUi'd lln
Keod oil coiitaluliiK olio pound of Jbo
deslrod pigment to ench g.illon muy
bo uued, Tho treatment, houotyr,
stiffens the iiiiiviih mid Is, thuruforo,
not jiitltublo for rovers that are fr
uucntly folded. Lamp hlutk was
found to ho olio of thu luuit protec
tive pigments for use with linseed
oil. giving tho most rioxlhlu routing.
Aluminum hrouzo powilor, und, for u
whlto color, zinc oxide, also aro good,
but tho latlnt; fitlffeiiH tho rnuvfiH
more (linn nny oilier or Iho plgmeutK
The Theatrical Event of the Scnion
" nn n it inn nltn mnn
buuon mu rm mik
high class vaupevillV Between acts
Special Children's Matinee Saturday
Adults 53c. t Children 25c.
Including Tax
jkl '' y .