&i u wi:jim:hii,y, aikwht is. inaa. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ptyiv V &. Noi hi: or vu.mi anii iii:aic ivj or I'limioN roil tiii: INCMIHUIN IJ (!i:itTAIN mniim within tiii: hohhi:- II, V IIIIIMIA'IION IIIHTHHtt' oi ki.amath cot'.vrv, oitcoo.v. Niillrn In heioby i;on tlinl 11 poll. Ilcili linn been filed with din I ton I il nf llliei'lnm nf tlin Ilnimiriy IiIi;ii llou Dnililit nf Kliniililli Ciiiinly, OH'kiiii. Iiy IT li Alain. A I.. Miili iml, .IiiIiii A .Inuos, .1. V HlniiM'liii, Vl'llll'll HllStlllKN, MlH III , lltlll'lllt- l r, A It lit ll'.lil niiiii. ,loi Hmllli, (Inn Molhusi', Mln I! Kotmtover, A (' llciibi. ! A Itinllli, W T. Hmllli, W II K l mill olhoiii, luaylnr. Iluil the follow Inn IiiiiiIii lin Intituled within llm lliiisofly Irrigation district nf KIiuiiiiIIi Ciiiinly, Oii'kiiii, mill Hint Hie liniiiiilnrli'H f mild Irrlmitlen 1 ln li lit ln i luilir.i'il in rolillni;!). Tim lit tul n dnnliod in lin Inrliiili'il liv Kiln iii'HIIiiii hit iIimi rlliml iiml mi' n fnltnuii, in nit 'I lie NoriliwcHi fnurtli or tho NnllliwcNt (Jimrltir (NW, nf NW',i I llm I Inn Hlx (H. II.). 'I'lin Huntli line liulf of (lin Ninth- wi'ni ijiiniiur (H nf NW',',) Het- Hull lilt IH II I. Till' Hunt hu est rum III nf Hiiullioitst Ouurler (HW'i tlll (It Hi:1, ) Hiicllnli Hlx, (II. I).). All uf llm lluiiiliwi'itt Quarter Heel Inn (All or HV ) Hocllun Sin, (H 11,1 The ui'ni nun Imir nf Hin North east U'niili'1 lU'ij, uf N'KUI Hit Hun Hi'M'ii, (B 7 I mul llm Ninth ant rum III nf llm Northwest Uuur (it (MIS uf NV',i I Hi'illnn Hev I'M III 7 1. (ill nf this IiiiIiik In Tmwishlp Thill) -Nine Hulilli. I(iini:i Clmi'ii i:nt or tho Wlllnm '(III Meridian, All uf llm Nurlhcasl (Muriel Hcitlun (All nf Ni:i I Section One. (II II. All nf t lit Northwest Quarter section (All uf NW'i) iloriiun din'. (HI) '4'lm Nurlli nun tin I r nf llm South o.uil Quarter (N'i nf HV.) Her- Hull OH", u . 1 i nn if till' iiwi til' 11m 1 wini 1 hi " illii.ii.l fiiiiilli of llm """ Tw" " t'"0 itiBl itli'-roiirtll (Miirl-r (HH, of Hh', liM f .vrliu.iH fnurtli of Tim Hn Southeast Hc.'llon dni'. IH I I. 'I In- NtirtliiutM fnurtli nf Hi" NuilliiiiM Quarter (Ni:' uf i:'il Ki'illuii Two (H 'J), mnl llm Northeast fmirlli uf tlm North mii Quarter (S'A, nf Ni: I Kit Twelve. (II l: nit nf this Iii'Iiik In Tow nalilii 'I lilrl) -Nliu' Kuiitli, IIiimko llluieii mnl One llnir Kits! nf Willamette Meridian: All uf llm Northwest ViUipii (All f iSW'i ) Twi'Jl fli' Hi 81 All nf llm Southwest Krclljin l All uf HVV U I T iii I) fun (It 'J.il All uf I lin Snuiliuasl QMlllIlT Unction (Jti.lrliT Hi'cllon QuartiT Ki'illuii Kectuin. (All of si: - I TiilyflM (H 2M All ui tlm Hnlillm.ii't Ou.irliir Hvrtlou K". linn. (All nr SI.'; 1 Twiilty l (H 2'"i All nf tlm Hnilllirti'tl K.'cUim. 1 All of SW, I Tttinit) l If 2C All Uf till HllllilHMHt Hii.tVin. (All of HIV I iju.irirr Hiitlim Hmlim; TwBnty-J'iivpn. (H 2". All uf III" HnlilluM'iil IJiKtrlnr Hirtlnti (All uf HV4I Hortlull 'I'Hi'tiH iuituil, (M. -J). I'll" Snntlionnt fmirlli of Dm Kuiillii'mii (Jiii'lrlir (HIJV',' of'HIJil'l Hi'illuii Tlti'llty-nlRllt H 2Sl Tm IviimI mi" liulf of llm North uimt (lunrliT (l!5 of NK'i) Hir. ThlfO-lhri'i'. (H. S3). Tlm Nnrtlio.ml ;uurlli of tin' Huiltlti'nwt Qil.irlur (Ni:i of HI'V, 1 Hi'itluil Tlilrtj-'lhrvi'. (H. :n, Til" N'urtll 0110 ll.itf nf Hixllon Thlrtv Tiinr (North llnlfl " Hun ThlrM four (H nil Tlm North mm liulf of llii'iHnulli tti'nt IJuiirlir (N'i of KW'i I Hi-r-Hon 'I Mr!) -four. (H 3I. Tlm riiiuthi'.'iM ro'irth of tho Hiiuthwikt (lu.irti'r. (Hl'i or HW, 1 Hi'tllnn Thlrt-four (H. III). All or Ihn ,Suiilliiuiit llii.utor iii'i'llon (All ui Hi:1, I HiTtlmi Thirl) -four. (H 3d mid nil of HiTiioiiu Thlity-rii' nml Thirty nix (.ill or Hi-rllum Thirty- flti' mnl Thlrty-Ml. Ctr.-nr.i All of Kiil.l I.ihI Kruim blliK mid Mil,.; In Tonhlp ThlrO-HlKht 1 Houlh. limine Hl.oeii and One Half IIimi or Wlllamello Meridian. Klam- alh Count). Oregon , ' Tho lan.lH herein amni. iiemriueii , are lioumleil UN rnlluwn. lo-wii lleglliiilug at Dm (enter lorner htnim ot Hecllon TM'nl)-lli' Ihence inn III on llm ii'llter lino uf Sec 2Ti lo the NortheiiHt (onier of the Ninth the Nollheaiit corner of tho Nuitliwe.it Ouarler Hem if He Hon Twenty- I' he, a diHtauci' of 0110 half mil", mule or leMH, thence weHt 11 half iiiIIk, mole ui h'HH. lo tlm Northimut (orimr uf the Norlheani lnartei' Hec llon of Hecllon TuilUt)-HU lliolico iiuulli one luilf inllo moio or lc"i to LINKVILLE IN WAULS V J j'.aMHTHMC, Ji"'JSs ,i. IarcaKiM' I - ih - jM& ' SL, . .. , MOKtT TO THE MAOC.UU OTBTWIKSS" KIMI AoSTr u wv q tfr- llm linillii'iiiiL iuiiimi' uf Hoillhi'nMt QilliKer Him Hun SO, Ihill'u west tun nillii'i, iiiuii' or Iuiiii, to llm northeast I conn r ur llm Hoiitlioiinl ijiini tur Hit tlnn of Hiu'lliiii Tweiily-Klilhl, lliunn'1 Hlllltll llll III" Hl'lllllll 1 1 110 Ulll.' fotnlli iiillo limn' or li'hii, Hi llm Norlheunl rnini'i' ur III" Hiiiillii.'iint rmirlli ur llm Huiiilii'iiHt Quurlur Hiulliin ur li'ii'llun Tumit'-i:ii:lil; ilimiiii nun Hi nun lull", mnl" hi Ihmh, lu llm ri'iilur uf Hi" Huiiilii'iiHt CJiiiii tor Suction ur lli'i'tluii Tlility-Tliii'ii, llli'lli" oust nil" liulf mil", muni ur Ion, lu llm con lm' of Hin Southwest Qunrlnr Huctloti ur Hi'itluil Thlrty-Kotir, theilio hiiiiIIi oiii'-riiiu Hi mil", inuro ur less, lu llm township Hun between Township Thlily Cliilii mul Thlrly-Nluo Hulilli, nil of tlm fuiiiiiuliii: liuiiniliiry line lylni: mnl Ik'Iiii; In TuwiiMlilp Thlrly KIkIu Huiilli. Kiiuco Cloven mnl utin-1 Imir Cunt ur U'llluimitti) ,M(irlillmi 'I heme iliin cast on tmlil 1 1 1 w 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 1 llii" ii distance uf mm mul nnn-liiilf' mlli'fi, inuru ui luwi to tlm norllmiiMl1 iiirmr of llm Norlliuimt fnurtli uf, llm iNitrl lii'imt (JuiuliT of Hiictlnn Tuo In Tuuimlili Tlilrty-Nlliu Huntli,' ItmiKi' i:ii'X'ii mnl uim-linlf KiihI;i lln'iii" nun Hi uiin-fmirtli mil", mnroj ui l"i lu Hut (unlur of tlm ortn MiKt (jiiniiur Hi'illuii of hiiIiI HiTtloiu Tv.li, (Ili'llCli I'liht iiliii-fourlll lillKl mini' or I t'nii to III" NuiIIh'Iihi cor ' ii, nf III,, Mfinl liiiiiut fdllrlli ,if llu, I Noillm.iHt tjiiiirti-r Hicllon or mihl ' Hi'itluil Tun; lln'iicu iiuulli iinn-fimrtli mil", tiioru ur limn lu tlm NortlmiiHt curni-r of tliu Hnutlmiml CJuiirlur Hi" ( Hun uf n.ilil Hi.i tlnn Two; tlmniiii'.iiil mil' liulf mil", ninrii or Ii-hh to tlm d'liti'r of Hi'itlmi Onn; llii'iirn iiuulli I uui f 011 r I Ii mill', iiuiri' ur Il'kii tu Hi" Nmllmant (uriicr ur tlm Hniitlu'imt fnurtli ur tlm HuiiilnvuHt (uiirti'r Hue- Hun ur mild Huitlon Onu, tlmiiro i-iikI niu'-fiuirtli mile, moru or Iomh to Hi" ii'iidT or tlm Huutlii'iui (Jiiarlcr Hit-I Hon ur mild HitIIoii One. Ihi'iuo1 uniitli mil' luilt mile, iimiu or Iukm lu tlm d'liti'r ur llm Nurthi'iiKl Quiirtrr Hiirtliiu ur Kim I Inn Twuhi', Ihi'iiri' caul uiii'-ruurtii iiiiih. moro or H'hii 10 tlm ItiitiK" lino lutui'i'ii llmici's 1 1 ' k 1 1 i:VM. tliiuiri) north 011 nalil 1 Kiiiiki' Him oiio-fiiurth mil", inuro ur Iibi to llm Nurthi'imt ruriiiT of Hri tin' NurlhuiHit Qu.iih'r Kuillon of Hi'illnn Hi'M'ii Tov,iihIiIi Tlilrly-Nlim lllllllll II II M P.I Cll'VPtl i:.-lNl: lIll'IIH' uniitli oiii'-(oiirlh iiilh', Mini" or Iuhn. to tin- uiitir or tlm Norlliwi-Kt tjunr-1 tur Hnctluii nf Hi'itluil Huvi'ii; llicnci' i'iihi oni'-fniirtli mil" inuro or Ii'kh to tin NuilliiMit inriiir u( llm Huntli i'.ikI (ninth or Hi" HolllllMunl Qlliir ( r .Si'ctluii nf .1 lit Hi'itluil Hi'Vi'll, Ihi'iiru uniitli utii'-loiirth mill', uiuru ur I "i o Hlil rillti'r ot H.lld Sim Hull Ki'k'iui. llii'iirn i'linl nm-fniirili mil". iiini" or It hh to thu Nurihi'iiHi iiirimrl or tlm Nurllmi'M fnurtli uf Ih" Huitth-' "ml OuurtiT Hi'illnn of H.lld Hi'illnn Hi'M'ii; tlicncc nurlli tliri'v-fourilut of 11 mill', mori' or l"iu In tlm ri'iilur of Hip Hoiilhi'niit (lu.irlor Hi'ctlun of Hit lion Hl: llii'iirn weif oni'-fourlh iiiIIk. muri' or l"iw to tlm Nurthi'iml 1 rorncr or (ho Hoiitlii'rmt fnurtli of the Hiiulliwi'ft tJiiarliT H'Tllnii of H.1I1I Hor tlnn HU. llii'iirn imrttl ont'-lutlf .... .. . A ... I . .. ,1... ai.irllinn.l ,i.,,i. "" ' ' mi'"' "i "" " "" n"ii','" i,r,'l!erm:r of the Uoulliftint tourth of thc NurtlOM'Kt CJiiarlur Huctum or naiuj Hertlon Hlx. Ihenro went otie-fourlh mlli' mnro or lijui, to llm icnter of llm NiirlliweM OiinrlurXi'itlon of Her tlon Hie theuro norOi une-lourth lulli', muri' or lm lu llu' TowiihIiIp line hiilueeti Tu nulilpit ThlrO-Klghl mid Tlilrly-Nlim Huntli; I hence went inn- fourth mil" moio or Ikhi, 10 the TOWNHIIll' COHNKH. Thelicu north on till' limine lino ImtHeen ItilliKei II W & II. 11 ilUtnni'" or 0110 mid oiiifhalr nilleH, muni or leHu, to the Nurllirimt corner of the Huulh eaiit Ouarlur Snctluli uf Section TtteiiD-fhe. Towiinhli Thlrty-Klr.ht Kmilli, ItntiKu i:ieen and one-half Cant, , thence et nne-lialf mil" more ur lenn to the center of H.lld Hi 1 Hun T"eiit Klvi. llm point uf he ginning ' All pemoiiK Interested in nr wUa umy ho iiffecled hy iiucll IiicIiihIoii of laniU or (haugii of hoiindnry of H.lld dlntrli'1 urn hereby glen nollco In appear nt tlm offlcu of llm Hoard of I Dlrectorii of tho Homefly IrrlKutluu DlHtrlit, at lluuiumi, Oreguu, upon .Tui'Hilay. Hepti'iulmr I'ltth. A D.. 1 1922. nt Ihn hour of 2 o'clock P Jl. mid nIiuw ciiihi', If au limy have. "' ' """ ,,",,,, r"'ul' Id petition xhouhl not lm W.M I 11 ciiasi:. Hecrotiin f the llunril ul Dlrectura . ,., ,,,... rl iu..t t,,.. DiKtrlct A-2. 9. 10. 2:1. :tn UimeburK l.lenlock liulimtry lu I'uipiiua alley soon lo be big re tuiiiriu. .I.lnn county planning to win It p'lls onerH at hIoiiii ci usher. Illlbdinro $7,.'tM) inntiail awnnl id for new hcIiooI unit, linker- Much building under way. 1 YE OLDE TIMES S' - nsDie oLS (c3&T6 6 1. FOREST HIS How BurnitiR of Food Caus es Loss of Birds and Ani mals Shown in Report WASHINflTON, 1). C, Alii?. 2,1 Or Inti'riinl, In cmiwctlon with many ti.'iiurtH uf ilcntriictlvo forcHl flroa In , miviiriil iii'ttlniin of tint country. In n ilrnilnr of thu IiIuIokIuiI rurvi'y uf llm If H ili'iinrttimiit of m;rlciiltiirc Mii'Milm; tho I'ffoet of mikIi flnm on mii in" mnl kiiiiii' iiri'imrviitlon. A fire which r.iKcn owir nny lnro nri'ii i1- nlro)H not only tlm lilriln ntnl otlmr cum", t iH'itmi'lvi'n, hut tlii'lr food nml .i,.,!,,,.. ,.,,,1 Hmtiiili onu HikoH llttlu liiluri'Bt In fori't Urn (inivmitlon ror Hm "" f prurn'rvlni: llm tnn'i. lm may ho morn Intcri'Ktoil In unvlni: tlm .,,,, M, find ' ,,.' ,. nr jnt)l f the 'crii 01 0111 or 10111 m mi I'li'iiii-ntw in food mid nhultor tiiciirm n curri'nimnillni: di'cri'iiiin In llu- niiiii- hur of vnlunliln wild ircaturcH Tlm hi'lli-r Unit liiiriiliu: over In corlnlii lonilltli'H Ik li"ti"flclnl Iktiiiiho II pro inoti'H now KrimH. iKiioren Ihn tncl Unit tlm criiHK th'iM ohtnlirmt ilni'H not romiii'iii'tilo fur (ho di'KtriKlloti of the tri'i'H mid HlmltiT mid tood ri'iiilri'd h tlm nnliiiiiln. mob tlm mini')' 1'itrtrldKi'N u ii.irlli ular mifrur from rornHi or hniHli riri'n. Wlii'n tltolr fioorllo id.iri'H urn hurnt'd ovi-r nml thi'lr food nml nhi'llor uro cnim Hu-y uro oldlKi'it tu Mi'i'k new locitltl" mul fnro ni'W ilmiKi'm. IiullK-rliiilmtl" lU'tilni: or irliu; IlrrH lu tlm KuutliiTii htiiloit iIInIihIri'ii lIl'lT, OIIOHlllllllK. ihi riiuim, roxi'n, MiiulrrnU, tnlililiH mid oIIut niilm.iln mid I'tuliiiiKi'M Krotmd iii'slliu; Mrrlr In tlm HmliiT. Hiiili 11 h woodi'ork, lilii'iiKmit, vlld (tirl.i'y mid tlm ulilji-p(iiir-wlll The wnnilrucli Ih lu milii" ilnuKor ol I'ld'rmlii.itlnii ut llm prux 'lit llm". It I pointed out. nml do niTH'K iill iiomiIIiIi' iroli'Ctloii. lit h'iikiiiih of ilroiiKht fnri'.tl fire: cH'ti Inviido iiinrHh.v pl.iriM mid itrlvi' mil fur liunrliiK milmulH n uill nK wntcrfowl, mnl lihurolilnln It lun licoti fnuml. Miiny HilnL thai Imrnlm r ruin lu only li'inporury InconM'nl cure to tlm ciinio nml do not real In that tho loud of many hlnU U larRi ly tit" Ki'i'd mid lii'rrli'H of III" cat ,,, ,.(. bt,nJ ' lltiruliiK ot the ground cuter In forrhlH of lonuleiif and nhortleaf pine kllln llui ouiig trei'H an they emerge mid reiiiliN In thin, Htr.igglliiK growth. Tlm liurnlug of limber and other ground cover which hIiouIiI nb Hurh mid retain inulnttiro almi ar teli'ialcH the run-off and affects tho Hlream (loy nl illffcrent iicmionii tn hiicIi nn extent that thu supply of flr-h tuny bo materially decreased. NOTICi: Ol' lll.INC AMI HIUH I.Mi or PKTITION KOH tiii: iM'i.csiov jtii :irr.ix I.AMK WITHIN Till: HOItSC 1'I.Y IHItKiATIO.V DISTItlcr OK KLAMATH ( OCNTV, OUKi.'ON. .Notice Is hereby given that a pot! tlou has been fllcil with tho Hoard of Directum of tho Horsefly Irrigation Dlstrlit ot Klnmalli County, Oregon, by (I. P Keller and Alfred Keller pnolug that llm following lauds ho lm luiled within llm Horsefly Irriga tion District mid that Midi changes lu boundary bo miulo accordingly. The hinds desired to ho Included urn us follows' All of tho HWVt of I ho NW, ot Hec. 20, Township 39 S. Hmigo 12 11. W M 10 A. All of tho Mi of tho SW'4 of Sec , 20. Township 39 S. Hango 12 l. W.J M SO A. I All of tho Hi:1, of tho SWV-i of Sec. 20, Township 39H. ltaugo 12 i:. ' W M. 10 A. In llm SWU nr tlm SW'i ot Sec . 20, Township 39 H. ltaugo 12 K. W, M. 37A. I lu llm SUM; of tlm Si:i of Sec. ' 20, Township 39 H. ltaugo 12 H. W M 30 A lu (ho Hi:ii of tho NW'i of Hec. Jo, Township 39 H. ltange 12 K. W, M. R A. Tulal ncreauo lo ho included. 232 A, All peisons lulriestod In or who umy ho affected by such iiuluslou of I.iuiIh or change of boundary of such dlstrlit mo hurvhy giv en notice to appear ut tho offlcu ot tho lloiiid of Dlioclors of tho llorto fly Iriigatlou district, nt llomumi, Oregon upon Tuesday, iSoptomhor. Kirih, A. H. 1922 al tho hour of 2 o'clock p. in. mid show cause, It any Umy Imui, why Hald petition Hhould not ho granted. Win. K II. ciiasi:. Secretary of tho lloanl ot D I lec tors of thu Horsefly Inlgatlon District. A IIIDDMIS NOTICi: i Notlco Is hereby glvon that bids will bo lecelvml by lllo County School District board, ror supplying fio cnrdB of body mid llmh wood lu 2 foot I lengths tho wood to ho ilelhereil nml . piled so Hint proper meusuromont may ho mmlo, nt tho Ilonnuca school. I lloumuii, Oregon. All bids to bo HiihiuHteil by 10 o'clocK A. M. I lull h iluy, August 3tHt.,imliliessed or ton (li'ioil to uithor Mr. Ilradloy, clerk of tho Ilnimiirii school district, llonaiua, Orogon, or to K. I.. Davis, clerk of Ihn comity district, It on in 3, Bwnnsoii llulldlim. Khiuinlli I'allti, Oio. A lU-Sl-aa-83-L'O tA M MIXrfMAMtM ' - - - - - - - - - - - - CLASSIFIED ADS VWVWrVWww ' MISCELLANEOUS CAHII PAID Kol ftoHli rnndi I'KCt lit tlm Muck K)i Oronry .'!'!" H Hlxtll. 22-2 I irANTi:i) I Iti'cminl. Muri to ilrhe cnr. Hi-nl 22-21' HTIIAVIIIJ OH KTOM3N Onu IIkIiI r.rny, IDtio ihiiiiiiI iiuiri- I.uhI Hi'i'ii ni'iir Kl.imiitli KiiIIh Snilfy Mux 101. 22-21 TO HIII.I, Or would triuli- fur n-nl- ilfiiiii proiicrly, II roihI Iimhih, wn Kiiiih mnl linrni'BH. Wouhi p.iy illf fiTi'iun ur iiKiiinio moriK.ir." A II. Muuri). Cmitrnl linlcl. 22-21 I.OHT Al (hlloitiii Hutiilay nfti-r-noon, opi'ii linn WnlMiiiin vntdi. lultliili'il H H., dial lirnlmn Tinder notify HpniKllo Itlvur l.tnnbi.T min im 11 22-21 roll HAI.i:- At n damnm 12 fiimily cook elm en, iituioitt tu Cull at llm Hot Hirlnr. holul, dly 22.28 T - WANTKIl TO lll'VA p-ul hull, Kott ilrlnhH. Inly Htock or Imtli lull Id IriK nnil hlork. C'nnli lor umlli-H. rlKam lolmrro nml nrl tahle ur (Irorery morn II, II. Ilirnim. Mor ton. I.i.wla Co. V.i"h. 22-21 roil BAI.B- Irory dmi-hiK tahle llurroiii;liM I no lolitinti j'IiIIiik ma chine. liMilicr dSvcniM'ft 'H Main Hi S' 2?-2l' HI.ACHKMITII WANTKU -A.iply C. II limine T.22 H. KlxHi. 21-2:i KOU HAI.i:- llouxu lind two lotH on llrniul ntri'L't I'urt ternm or imed cur or RmJlf Umiii. Aililro Kred (' llohuit, cur O.ik no nml llm.id Hi. 2 1-2. I vim hai.i:- t21 Main tin. Auto trncli. Hi. (lou. II. Kxtr.i lire, ('hainlier. 21-21 WANTI.'ll Oelieral hollteuork. Call s:ili l.lnroln Hi. 2 1 -2 H I'OH HAI.i: -.Kurd tntirliiR i.ir. hmkn and ruiiH like miw, limulre 227 .Mlchl);mi Ao., after 5 So p m , 21-21' dent to HaUnt) hald judKmeiit In fnv- I'Olt HAM-: r. rt. .McCormlik itmwer'or of thu f.-ilil plaintiff and mraliiHl in giiuil Hhape. C. W Mill. r. U1U1 i;w ru.nl. ' 21-21. I'OH HAM: Trnnlflmirlns lattuSll, mnrter rti'iilrVOj&Oill ' 21-3.?. 'T koii h.i 1.1: .i.lhi'oryjinhii', I'liono 21-23' 1 I'OH HAI.K-il'nnuiliilo grori'ry htock.' Klxtureit, light trijek J 10 Mnln fit.' 19-2r. KOU SAM: Corner 9th & High, lot 90 x SO 1 1 nu hi' with lumlturo 11 bargain Seo Schubert or call 91 o . Main Ht I9-'J. Vl HUNT I unci! he.it. nrge room, water, fur- 13 Pla Ht. 19-25 i KOU HAM: 1 US ncri'rf'ln Poe Valley j Kliinsn iii lii;eii ranch. Water. natural meadow, cultivated Turmti; "rum; 17211 1S-2I ' must veil. Mm. I M. link, iArch St.. Ilerkeley. Cal. 1 Till: MINKH ANTI.III.OATINO llAl-i ) TIIU Makri. pasturing cows on, 'alfalfa a plcanuro as well 11s profit- I able Seo Dr. Crouch nt O. K Mables Tho Miner Antl-lllo.iting Unite Co . llenil. Oregon. 17-23 KOU SAM!- Mudern house, furnish ed or unfurnished. Cood loc.itlon Terms lu right party. Call 3j4 he furo 5 o'clock. 17tf KOU SAI.i: llnln wagon. 3 Inch, lu first class shape. 119 N. Tunlji St. Pliuno 3I2W. 15tf KOU SAM! Cheap, house 122S Oregon Au-nub. and lot. 7tt 1 KOU HAM: C melody Conn Saxo-i phone sliver plated. Hood condi tion. Cheap for cash Apt. 203 Win ters' Apts. 12tt I EVERETT TRUE 1 CAN Le-x You TIMG ou Fscik - VINS CoJnifVC ON ""-'"" &ninKEB!-JtKE&Jm!3mR?ii V. Kf" rSfc C ftX tr-T - J - . .-r- 3:t-- .. s rA-.,'r: ': r ---r-c lM1.. r f ' 5-- -"siJ "-.. r.iHWfrzx'af5?2ir .-1. c k. -ki. - -- -ir - - rifi - rTi nri n nrutjri n.fuA ntkfhr If your pliimlilm: r.otm vimnn, mil ' llnlnli-r I'lMinljirii; aliop. I'liuno IS I.I 12-2S , IOH HM.K 1000 121 N. Uth HI. feft C-8 cnlito tt I'Olt HAI.n Two whlto cnamclnil lialiy lifdn. 1228 Orccon Ao, r,tf I.(ii;i:lni; Hlioi's rounlroil. .Inck I'roHt. HUtli Ht off Mnln Ctf. .vrririfor huv.iMit'H ham:- i Law No. 112.-,. J in Tin: ciitrriT conn' of tiii: HTATi: OP OltCCON, roll KI..1M-, ATM COCNTV. Dr. Wiirrt-n Hunt, I'lalnllff, v. I It O Vincent, Defendant. I lly vlrtuo of 'in Kii'rutloii aiul or iler of Halo duly iH'lil hjr He Ciik ,if llm f'lrjiill I'n irl ..f flit, (IMIn at Orecon for Klamath Coiri!, and ilat-i It'd tlm 21th day nf .Inly, 1922 In .il lertalu action In cald Court w heroin ' Dr. Wnrrvn Hunt plaintiff rocov-' I ered JiHlKUR'Ht iiKnln.it defendam. It. j O. Vlment for tlm mini of $311.70 to i Ki'thcr with I nt "rent thereon nt rate I I of 8 per cent per annum 'rom Keif' , ruary I7tli. l'J2l: nlro fur tho mini, of $7T, on, ntturnoy's t nnl cojls. ami iimiiurdemeniH uito.i ai 4.11 uu on , tho 21th day of July 192 J I Notlco In herohy Klren Hint I will on the 2nd day of SeptemW 1022 at tho Court HCiio Door of thu Court llouxu of Klamath County, In Klnm n III 1'alln, lu nald County and State, nt tlm hour of ten o'clock lu tlivj , forenoon of ald day m'll nt public miction lo the hlchcxt hldiler for . i.isli. the following ilcxcrlhcd real property, to-wlf ! IrfitM Hlx Id) and Hoven (7) ot lllo It Three (21. WllllaniH Adilltlnu tu the City of Klamath I'sills, Orocou I iiccordinc to tho recorded plat of n.ild addition of record In thu County Clerk'M offlnj of Klamath County, Ori'K'in; K.ild prnpert ylmvlni; lieuu heretofore duly attached III this nc- ' linn hy llm Sheriff of Klamath (onu- j I), OroKuii for thu plaintiff, and tho ; Judgment herein IiiivIhk illrectod 1 that Haiti attached properly ho Hold to H.illufy pl.ilntlff'ii ilemnnil.i herein, l.ilien mid levied upon nn tho real properly nf tho wild It. ). Vlncrnt, or nn 111 nt It thereof an may he miffl- H.-ild defenilmit. with In I runt there oil. together with nil cohIm and ill iHirHeiiMiitB that lino or may iircnif Dated at Kl.1111.1lh IMIIn, Oregon, Augimt lt, 1022 I.. 1j .LOW. Sheriff of Klamath County. Oregon. Dy IICIIT i:. H.UWKINH. Deputy. 2-9-1 r-23-30 - I.lnn county reports educallon cunt for G329 puplln, 1500,000. lleiid Work iKlng rushed on I Tumnlo damn. Ilandon votes to complete hydro- "Ifetrle dam. NU BONE CORSETS .Mail-: In Vnur MIM--IIH' (iiianmle-il Mrs. Rose Randall 121 .lelfetMin St. Phone U77-W CHIROPRACTORS 1MIS. MA I.I.I XT MAI.I.17TT Offlcu oer Uuilcrnood'a ?lh & Mnln Phouc S:ll)-J NEW CITY LAUNDRYl FlnMietl Work Flat Work ItougU Dry "Pot Tour Dud In Oar Buda PIIONK 134 Corner Mnln and Conger By CONDO WAviS THAT 4NY rHs - s,v5..Bo'rlY.otvitMGJ Ml '-. lit 1 r s s s s. - f I (j CO - ; " - g )Ar Kodak iLeaye Your Filttvs 'More 9 OciooK-Your AM. Pictures are Underwoods Pharmacy W'v. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ttt5w -J VHERE PAfrriCULAR PCOPLF. f,un nuy THtir? drugs DR. J. a GOBLE OITOMKTIUST OITICTAN 700 Mnln B. I'hone Jmi-W Vo fit And grind clanoi, Dupli cate broka looioi, repair frimot. S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Vetcrlnorj Hurncon K. fllli Ht. I'liono ."2-J DR. C A. RAMBO Dentist 1. o. o. p. niiiidteg PUO.VK t FRED WESTERFELD Dentist Pbone 43I.W I-ItAV LAItOfCATOniKrl IxJomU UldK. KUmsth FaUt Ladies' Shoe Repairing I'lnu Heel Work and lliiliil-Soueil Holes Jack Frost Hlxlli Klrrct, Ju-t off Mnln New York Life Ins. Co. P. K. lll'HKi:, IDA .MOMVKIt Ilotldrnt Agcnln All New York I.lfo Policy Until cm nrc mclromo to our kcrrlcen Kodak Finishing . Films received before 9 A. M. Ready the same day at 5 P. M. ' M.i 1 1 orders filled promptly STAR DRUG CO. ' X. .Main Sli. Klamatli FnlN, Ore. .Illi. Have Perfect Floors Our Klectrlc l'loor Hurfnc'r rlcnns out croiiml In illrt rcmov e oh! tnniMi, wax, anil paint, mnl makes old flinirs look like lien. Cull its for prices. lle.uliiimilcrs for nil kinds ot glass In nil kites. Sash DiMir", Cabinet Wink anil Showcase. Bee Keepers Supplies E.C.STUCKY "The Glass House" lllli mul Pine. Phono 177-W ii ' DR. H. J. WINTERS Gradnata anU State Rrctstcred OPTICIAN Nlaeteen ye.iri here In business We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Trompt 8rloa Dtn Eulpprd Optical Htoro la Soutliern Orfsna 714 Main Street KLAMATH POST No. S, American .I.o;lnn uieeU In tho bascmont of tho now courthouse on Mum Street nn the first ami third Tuosdays ot each month. Ex-service man are Invited to al tend the mnotlngs. , Ur Frocl Wostor'olil, Commander, t II. H. Gett, Post Adjutant and Re lief and Employment committee. Guide and Taxidermist with Pack Train for extended hunting trips, also launches and boats for duck hunters and fishermen. A. J. Vollmari ODESSA Phone Ft. Klamath Don't fail to'rcad' the rTT Work adY at A DR. F. R. GODDARD OHT:i'OATIIIO PI1YHICIAN AND HUUOLON Office Mid Itmldcncn I'lionm Kll I. O. O. V. TKMI'I.H Klamatb Falls Plumbing & Heating Co. J. H. MnKrJO.V, Prop. Illi Pine Ht. Phmoao Bin-It 0 p5 , J. C CLEGHORN civil inraiNKEH AND BtmVKYOR Phone tn-J IBS 8. KlreriKN Diamonds, Gold Bought , Reliable Estimates G. GRAMER Portland, Ore. 713 Selling llldg. I. O. O. F. Pronperlty Itrbckah, 104 , mectt First ana Third Tliurstlnja Ewaaa Encampment 40, mecU each Tuewlny Klamath Ixxlco 137; mccu each Frlda, . When You Have Dirty Clothes It you will call tht , Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th St. Phono 673-W Thpr will wash, darn. Iron and roturn to you. Richter's Boarding House 1010-1021 Main Klrrct. Formerly known uu (lie Mater liniikf. Dining roii Ii reopen rl under new nianiiKfttirnt. (,'iMxl rlran rooms anil board, (ID.SO 11 neck. Hluclo meals ."MK-. ..Ctiickrii dinner every Sunday. Table Hoard Home Cooking Chas. Richter, Manager . FURNACES . . li.itc tho Western and Col. onlnl fiiiiime'n, In both piped mul )iMei-s, llutli liiuo oblong; fire Ixives mul mo of the lust con (.(ruction. JtVt us show tlieiu to uu. L. N.4 HAINES 1021 Main S'..'" W. E. & J. E. Patterson coNTit.tcriNa PAI.NTIiHS Paints. Oils and Varnish ti:ill H. HUtli Hi., Klamath Fall Plioso SMS-J froaa.9 Co 5M H Herald CUtlf WPMX &$& i C i ,ils- f -I .SL'-J.Ti ry i1 YTA 1 H Vic '-.J. lnr,i .-.."? . TV " r.-tl. M Ci1