r ; 1" H faft ffour THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON u:iKmv, ii'iaw mi, na. l3 . ;- By Our Country Editors TODAY'S FASHIONS IT- h ,$ ki 'F M a.. VLM H l it t'' NW CM " si m The Office Cat II V JUNIUS "it's thn llltlo thtngs tlmt toll," nnld ilio Conger nvi'imo young lady n bIic pulled lur younger lirotlur frum beneath llio sofa. , BLY Clarence (Inrrolt cnmo In from Iho sheep rump Monday nftor supplies Hh sin) oil titer Monilny night nml wpnl In ltu show. Ilu tins I ho lucky L duo In Hid bean guessing contest and won it ring. "Mr. Jumps Watts nnd chllilrou i tflllotl In Illy on Tuosilny afternoon Mrs. 1M Cnsehoor, Sr., visited In Ill on TtioKtlny. Mr V T (larrett spent thn day with Mrs. Arthur Hnmuker on Tues tiny Thov tlsltod Mrs. James 1M Kill I In tin) afternoon. afternoon tin) entire part), including Mrs Warren, wont to rinloy corrals to Ih rlsht on llio ground when tho deer season opont'il on Siimlny Quito n number of otlior Klimiutli Palls people came out nml wont out on (itMirlinrt mountain to hunt tlotr Mr n nil Mi. Warrt'ii returned Hun tla) evening without hitting any lurk Tho tost of llio part) lemuliiod to limit a lltlo loiiRt'r Mis .1 A. Parker was torv III Hun ilay. Hit daughter. Mrs. James Hell, was wllli hor tilt afternoon nml lain , Hint evening. Mrs. Karl Wnlkor 1 wont llioro to rook for llio lia men Stvles for Mermaids 1 .f.?; Jesse Itndfiird of llio My garage, otor Mtnla. Sim liivrsllgiitril A wnuimi wan entertaining some friend til u 8I1111II nftornom tea party. Her Irrepressibles little daughter liflinil faultlessly until tilt) pnrly wn nonrly mir. Ono particular guest hail tint ecus cil to n run to tlio child's curiosity. I'lnnlly Mm walked twice tcry low ly n roil nil tlio guest's clialr. "Well, ilpar, what In It?" the guest naked curiously. "Mummlo said you wort' two fac ed," replied llio clilltli "no I was Just tryliiR to find tlio other ono." Twyln Ferguson say of course If you huto water on llio knee jou iiiIrIiI try woarltiR pumps. Moiioy makes tlio motor no. y know a local chap who linn threi) daughters nml etery mnriilnti lie tint to tako a grape liaikct nml go J over llio front lawn ami pick up tlio rlRiirctto butts the adlulrurH of hi daughters loato- there every night. Carl Schubert says pessimists like to llo n long time to bo If every thing milieu nut ns badly n they ex pected, '' In politics third parlies are mostly platform. Wbat would happen If the women of thli country would po oyi Htrlko nml do no conktng orntlier household drudgery untllcurtufii J things, wire ngrcod to. That kind of n Htrlko would 'not last ono day. riaud Davis says some are born fools, nomu nchlevo foolishness and ho mo do not Mop, look or listen nt a Krado crossing. t I.lttlo fonr-ycar-old Margie, whoso big sister brought her (hum home to spend tlio ulRht. thouRht It would bo it great treat to sltep with them nnd hating gdlnpd1 iermlnfon,' Mie look her place In tho,citur of the boil, She noon found 'It uncomfnrt nhle, unci -pot wIrIiIhr to appear sol flHh, nrkpd. 'Slutnr have you plenty of room?" "Vii, ilear," wan the reply. .Then to l0 nlAtfr'B rlium? "Hnvo )ou plenty of room, MIk Manning?" f'Siire. dear." "Wull. limn, both of you move oer!" If Bin) didn't . .., II.no hor liulr bobbed. U hIio dltln't duub with paint. If kIiu woro lux drrgm-s mnde to reaih . ' .. To whom tlio. drosses alit'l, If sho tlldn'l II.'imi that baby voire, nnd spoko jilBt us uliti Bhnuld; Do you think hu'd Ijo as popular? I hardly think sho would. "In our hiiKhatid up?" asked llio early vlnltor of n lady. "Yes, air," rejolnod tlio lady with gieat luiioccuco, "the butlor mid I carried hi in up at 3 o'clock." has been very busy, lie him moro work than he ran do most of the tlmo. . !. A. Hollmnn of Klaninth Falls wan n business lsltor In the Hly section the first of tlio week. I Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W Klnloy of Klamath Falls sod at tlio homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Camp'hell uxor Tuesday. Tom llartell of Kent) SnrlnRs ws ' I...I....A ..I.II..H I.. 111.. ( lrttl1.l. II IIUPIlll' unimi ill iiij 'u .. tiny nnd Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. James (llvan were buslnenB visitors In Illy on Wednes day. James Watts finished haying on Wednesday nnd let his crew ro. lie still has n little hay to put In his barn but not onoiiRli to need n rrew Arthur Hamnker finished baying on bis own ranch on Wednesday. Mrs. Austin llechdoldt was a hurt ness visitor In Illy early Wednesday forenoon. t' . Warren was a uusiness visi tor In Illy on Wednesday. Jfrs. James Kdsall spent Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Arthur Itamnker. C. W. Wnrren made a business trip to Klamath Falls on Thursday nnd returned Saturday. Warren started a bunch of Ills cattle out on Wednes day for the nlfalfn fields to put them on pasture down thoro for n while. Mrs. James Olvan made a business trip to Klamath Falls on Thursday. Her daURhter. Mrs. Philip Peters, nnd children, who have been visiting; bTre for somo time, returned to their home In Klamath Falls with Mrs. Olvan Mrs Kant Olvan nlso went In with them to consult a doctor, as she has been having troublo with her throat. u WltHo the Maskcll Show company was here they put on n pall driving contest one night for the ladles and Mrs. W. T. Garrett carried off the honor of being the best lady nail driver In Illy, this being tlio second time Mrs. Oarrett has carried off the same honor. They alo had a con test for the most popular young lady in Illy and Miss Ooldla Whetstone won by a big majority. Mrs. Jnmes Kdsall nnd Mrs. Arth ur Hamakcr spent the afternoon with Mrs. Kd Cniwljeer. Jr., on Thursday. Ira McCall was a business visitor in Illy on Thursday. IM Casobeer, Jr.. finished halng at tlio James Watts ranch and on Friday went to help Jack Watts fin ish his haying. Hay hands are ory scarce. I.lttlo Mattlti Jano Cress went out to stay with her aunt Mrs. C. W. Warren during Mr. Warren's ah senco. Tho Kd Casebeer ,Jr., children The ball gunio between Uontly and Illy, plu) od nt the round-up ground near Illy was u or IniorostlnK ruiiio even though the Iloalty team curried off the honors, tho rhiuo ending 9 to :" In their f.iwtr. Quite a mini her were out to Illy from Iloalty Simday among whom wore Mr and Mrs Smlilili. Mr nml Mm. Tut lor mid t'liarles Tatlor. be sides the halt loam and l.tdlans from far nml near METHODIST BOARD FILLS VACANCIES, IN CHURCH SENATE rillCAdO. Aug 23 The board of bishops of the Methodln Kplsro pal church has announced thu fol lowing appointments to till tnr.in- clou In the university senate of the Methodist Kplsrnp.il church. Sixth district; Arlo Ayro llrown. president of tho t'nlterslty of Chut lanoog.i, to succeed President Fred W. Illxson. Ninth district; John I.. liillman, president of Simpson college, luill anola. In, to succeed Charles W Flint, chancellor of Syracuse uni versity. Tenth district; Itev. F. K Klseleii Garrett lllbllcal Institute, Kvaustou, Illinois, to succeeded Harold Hough former president of Northwestern university and now pastor of the Central Methodist Kplscop.tt churrh, Detroit. Fourteenth district: Itttfiw II. Von Klein .Stnlil, Iah Angeles. Calif, president of the University of South ern California to succeed George F. llovard, president emeritus The university senate Is composed of 21 persons actively engaged In the work of education, one from each general conference dUtrlct of the Methodist Kplscopal church whoso residence and educational work uud within tho district, and six members at large , It duties Include the protection of the educa tional standards of the schools un der tho patronage of the-chnrch and the' authority to establish Mndurds for these Institutions. ' I 1 I ! T WW fmW r t)ihlns bathlne suits of taffeta Kji ( s m ssiiiiiiiSsskr I J WmlKt IVBBBBHSJSifeBBBBBJ t I to two or three brUut colors with rabrcMcrlM In other colors will be fropr costumei for beach sirens this season." Catin suits arc in ctl JttftOt.tMk Porch Frocks epmieHi it Hioui ff h ' IbKk i iiinple I- tor) lottl) bi'iie.itli u gotsu I of mi Ki-orge'ie, or a slip of mo in 1 green heiieiiilt siuokn gray. j New York The dressiest of aprons I of Hi.. .Miiing lady of fiboiti T )enr Is iiudi) of cretomio mid petcale. It is the sort of gurtiieul that cnu h,t sliipod on oter rompers mid worn 1 us a regular dress or sllpptnl on Is In order. Tho flaring skill Is titer a regular dress w'tou lumping cretonne In n gay decPtu of led mid green bird. Kiie nml Innaniou posies. Tlio bodice Is of rlnillimon Pitch I e, In solid riilui, iTttili i e kels mid sash ure of tha prou'e nlso. . Jimmy Didn't Learn to Swim llermice Ii I m folks woithl never let him go near tlm wuler and fur tlio nil in o iPiiKou many u ho) or gill will miter stud) music- "Their par ents will neglect to get a piano nml Hit sort Ires of u good Music Touch til." I'lnnu Is Hie foundation muslenl Instrument and )iiu ui'ter hitto to fin rj- It mound with )ou Iipimusu pr.ietliMlly etery worth while hoiiiii bail one. t.eniu Hit) piano first for It u so cial iihls tiro Kieiiletl mid miy hiiiiiII liiBtiumout Is eiitdly mantel ed utter iiDqulrlng u guild knowledge of iiiiisIp by uiemis of a pliiuu Our small flist pa)iiieuts nml thlrtv mouths time do uwav with nil exciiHis for putting off puri'haslnr. until auiither eur. I.elH talk piano now nml start tin school year right EARL SHEPHERD CO. Planus, Ylilmliis, lliullo OutllN no. Main SI. Phone SSil-J Klaiii.it ti Pulls i cotticr ,r Muiii Porch frocks haw U-como charm ing affairs ot printed mousscllno do lalne. ollc. ratine, cotton crc0. luor or cantas. Oflcn they're trimmed with hemstitching tr itravn work. mevii: iioi'.si: iiai'k to pin:-w.it pititT-s havo been liavlng quite n Slego of sore throats with fever. Little Imn Jean CrosH who lins been very III nil week with tonsllltis Is able to bo up und around again. Mrs. O. W. Howard mid daughter. Tonight the prlcu of admission nt the Strand will bo ID cents for everybody. Three days cAch week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday an opportunity will bo glten tlio nubile to enloy the same quality of enturtulnme.it regularly Rlvtn und at the rato of two shows for tint prico ot ono. In mnklnir llio reduced nrlcu Man ager White, says that It Is done prl Paris Kven the togue for red i supposed to he qulto overdone but there still holm up mi ocr.isloii.il touch of this flaming color even In the smartest of gatherings. A frock which featured sealing wax rod re cently was .so dimming iih to m tko one rogret that sealing wax tones have Iippii killed by too much popu larity. The frork was" of palest hand crepe de chine mid tlio touch of red came In very tiny popples em broidered in a long spray from the center of the hodlco to about tho knees. Other Utile sprays of Iho flower were on thu sleeves, nml the girdle was a narrow' tnffptn plrot ribbon of nealing wax. New York And now enmps the I sweater which may be worn on autumn da)s us mi overblow"' with ilio blouse at all belieilti II Of brushed wool, tight but warm, a HMWer of this typo I m-l " t"th n rather high, rounded n ". mid tti -i length sleevivs It hit a knitted, i girdle which lies In fron. One jfiiiih sweater was In whit n onl) i , tin iestrlb"tl as bathroom tile pat turn. In delft blue mid rrovi Wl u rioam sports skirt of fennel It' wni decidedly ..ffertlre. Sacred Heart Academy lltiirdliiB and l'.iv !'. himl fur lli m.l (llrL Abund nnt wholesome fond and llegiilar lloills Persiiiuil Silr Mslon with hninrlike , ulntttlutis. School Will Open Sept. 5, 1922 I 'or Information tail on or write, Mhl'KIt si Pl.ltioit, Klnuiii'h I'ulh Ore SAYS ANTELOPE SLAIN ii Demi Anl-'.iU IteMiuleil HiimlMildt t'niint), Netaibi In T I MEAT I AMAAAAAsVMAVWteVWWWVWsrsyWVsyWWMMMy T (IffllfVC u 'lake il Clutk of Sallh In l"lnli lie) If lllnibler Ittillitrs oll. Mil. WINNi:.Ml'CCA, (Nov.) Aug. 21 Slaughtering the herd of ante lope In northwestern Humboldt county and adjacent Oregon dis tricts Is renorted here. A. I) Pal- lahmi of M.Dermolt urenlly foundl Ki1j (m mwh mp f muy pn It alltelojie slain With bullets, and ,nce klillie) trouble In suine form or Superintendent Chalmers McCor- ( other, says a well known authority ...ii- ,.r Hi.. I'.ilnii I ami and (Jat- . ''"Cause the urlr mid ox II. s Hie kid mlck of tho UHim l.aii.l .inn i.ui ,my il1m, (lW.PwnrK),1, K, , tie company slates storkmen ure hukkIisIi ; clog up and cause all suits wantonly killing tho anlmuls ! of dhtress, partlularly hurkiirhn and McCormlck stale tho herd last misery In tint l.ldue) regien: rbenina r.nil anlmuls, He twinges, hitere headai lies, arid London A looso cloak Intended for wear over the thin summer gown on cool duys and In tho oven-, tnnrlly with a Mew of catering to the Mug, was of coca cropo mnrocaln. year continue.. ,.r """ t Htom.icli, constlpallon. torpid liter. but Hint not moro than 2U hate , ,,,.,, h, bladder and urinary Ir- . . .. l .1. , f ...... I.i..trurl.l(l.,i oeen iniiiiii mis jivir wage earner "Tlio quality ot my shows Is not reduced nt nil." said Mr. White. "In fact this week thu shows Miss lieriileo'vlslted Mrs. C. W. War-1- ISTiffl nAl wltli u remarkable trimming of loops of silk braid. The loops were quite tiny, only two Inches In leiiL'th There were nine rows of rcn Friday evening. 1 w 111 contlnuo the three-day reducllon' ,... ,.. ,, hmil ,.r thi. cloak. ' for n nnniber of weeks ami It Is up) a .,,.. ,,, iuiriiii niiin iiiifii t'i iiiiuii ' the armpit to the wrist on the un dersides of tho il. et es. There wero four rows also around tho hem of the turnover collar. Came Inters urn seeking to have tho gut eminent establish a game preserve mid sel fish stockmen nru Haiti to he exter minating the mitelope to prevent rltnilon. The moment )our back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or If bladder bothers tin. get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any gum! phiirmni); take u lahlespooiiful In a glass of water btiforu breakfast for u Miss Jiuiiilta Howard visited at the i. ....... ,.f ii- ...,.t Mrc i!,.,.rv,. itnvri to the nubile to show mo that they ....- ivi.Ihv niL.l.i ..ml MIhs j01,.ltfant ns gooil n bIiow nil ran bo seen over Irlday night und -Miss Jessie cJy n( n prIc() wh(jr(( ,,, lloyd went home with her Saturday wlloin fU,uy (an go for tlio custom- morning and spont the day with herury charge for a slnglo ndmlsslon .,i ii ., ' i ! ulso wish to Btato that us long as Mr ,.n,t Mm w'.iit.ir c'ninnboll nnd I ' continue In business hero In Klam-1 Mr. und Mrs. 'Walter Campbell ;,,, Ka)u , WU ,0,)tiiu., my fight for lami v Biieni tut) nay aunuuy uu New York For tho woman who Mr. und Mrs. I.ouls (lerber at Horse-1 pcopl ..XS" thitlh.-fflTn,,.n0d'- WM wh either u silk Advortlslng pays. Try It and neo, YOUR WINTER'S WOOD should have your attention. Cool weather and storms force prices up. Qui' fuel is the best, our prices are right on Slab, Blocks, Body and Tama oack. Your business is solicited. Q. Peyton & Co. .410 MAIN. 4. 4 -si. " j l'BONg BM fly. 'his family can go to sett a show and know that ho don't have to spend n c u. Wnrri.ii nml son-in-law I Know lliai no noil I iiiitii iu iiniu t. y warren anil son-in-iaw, .. , t..A ii Tim ...r in Charles Collier returned homo from 0ur H0 ,H , ,Kl, ,,r4, for B)l(JttH Klamath Falls on Saturday. Collier's Klamath Falls If I cun provent It " two brothrs, Andrew mid Percy Col- adv. llor of Klamath Falls camo out with' Top otch iTimting'shoVs. "lions- them In their own cur und lato that t,n k Jester. 21-23 or a nainsook costume slip, there Is now tliq costume llp of knitted silk or silk flht.e. This In necessarily warmer than slips of tho other sort, Iijit It Is Ideal for year cm u cool day beneath a dluphannus gown, A knitted silk slip In orange, for ex- los.ses of range land which woulil 'Ka"V,r l,lt;r l,0'T. nW"Bl ..r " Iiissih in riiiih" niiin fW lijll aj wl,r kid ,.) M ma) then form part of the fmlerul game lire- llct ,1(, .j-i,!,, (mM mH nmi serte. It Is probable action will j from the acid of grapes and lemon be Immediately taken by statu andjJulce. ti.mbli with llthlii. and has ...... . ... ..rii..,r been used for generations In flush county officials In protent further ,,,, m.i,,,.),, nml slliuuliitn them slaughter of Iho untelopn, to normal aitlvlt), alro to neutralize m Iho mills In tho nrlnn so thai It no Wallowa -Nlbley-.MI.nnm.gl. Mini-! SrXT2'nUm """" ","""K her company hillldlng new dry luni-j 'Jn ai,H ,., njlm, ,.,., her shed. inuko a delightful effnrtemenl llthla Milton tomuto crop good. Oregon City palling for sower bids. II,, ml t,t Unite road touiplntoil opening up another of Oregrn's scen ic wonders. ItoRohurg to inuko sating of $l-'f0 In school expenses for next fiscal year water drink which millions of men and women lake now and then to llmlp keep tho kidneys mid urlumy organs clean, thus often utolilliig serious kliluoy disorders.- -Adv. 102. Holland shoes for boys urn better HoustOH & Jester. 21-211 Ki.KP.io Penn sawmill, recently destroyed by fire, to bo rebuilt. 11 1 w. '2 kS-"" l'ell nlheiTiilirauDh tlie WANT ADS fT) gel rtht Mia A pi NT. Ii t folks know it If yo i bate something to buy or sell, or are looking for a posit Ion. mi ad In our Want Ad Columns will bring ou results. That's the way to gel In lourh with the people who cm ful fill )our wants. THE EVENING HERALD 'SrVssl1vSlSrsrsSSSSrS' Axlorlu Liberty theatre to lie re placed by lUO.OOii structure this ' full. , Three nulls Mt. Hood loop high way being graded. (Imlbalill Whitney Co. planning to build three ships to curry lumber. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Tom Gets the Air BYALLMAN OH.HELErJ.I FORGOT To TELL VOU- I IMtITCO THE SMITHS AHD DILL GREV AND WIFE OUT TOMORROW ro SPEND rHE.DAv ND J HIS f IORROW OH (VOO DON'T atHi WHO DO VOU THINK IS GOING TO DO All TUB COOKING FOR THIS GANG? I'M N?T RUNNING A HOTEL. VOOKNOW s T?? i s -r 3 ili. V S WM i -i HE INVITBS ALL HIS rr?IEHDi OUT WITHOUT CONSULTING tit:- MV VACATION SHOULD BE THAT OP THE VILLAGE COOK- HOW 6WEDT OF HIM' CAN YOU BEAT THAT? JZXZftffliT "''. I . K 1 I'D CAlL'EMOrVti.. ',, &F HELEN DON'T BE t ' Jz& V T,,E coatNC" r rT( IIE'OUKEMET&DAKEFIVBjIJlgi Mjk TOM fj( WHEN AILTHE WOMEM i WB v I vk X iinji. j vb lif.tj( KtKmm'IIUlliHtSUBtKKKrjy0iJSS lc ..m i-i.il,, ' : i - ;,."',:,,, nwiiiznKUwiiriittnsjMiin' I 'A' a. & &