The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 23, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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" r I
i '
wrnxi'tnw, rn nr a. niyj.
Tht EveningHerald
K R. OCMt.Klttor pad PttbUther
II. R. MIMi. Citjr Kdttof
F. O. N1CKLK AdrcrtUIac Manager
Published dally except Sunday, nt
Tho Herald I'ubllshlnK Company of.
Klamath Falls, a 119 Eighth street.
Entered ot tho postofflco nt Klam
ath Folli, Oro., for transmission
through .tho malls aa second-class
Tho AMOdated Prcsa la exclusive
ly entitled to tho uso for publica
tion of all dowa dispatches credited
to It, or not otherwlio crodlted In
thin paper, and otao tho local news
published herein.
AVI.'IINKSDAY, Al'tit'ST :. ttiU2,
Revival of Industry Noted
In Mexico; Price ! Now
Around 70 Cents
CHIHUAHUA CtTY. Chihuahua,
Mexico, Auk. 22. Silver mines are
boUKi operated In Mexico nt a good
profit, It Is MM, wtlh allver sell
ItiR around,. 70 .ccnta ,an ounce.
When silver 'is below 60 ccnta,
mines In thin country cannot be
j worked at a profit, aa a rule. When
i. silver Is above this flsure a smnll
iJ profit, hardly worth while, as the
FT" HE directors of the Bun-Mald "unl lnf' can b raad' bul w,um
. . ' ii readies iu cents n prom oi nrounu
1 rtal.ln prow era have Just np- , MnU nn onnM made Wlh
proved an advertising budget ot two -,lvcr gcUnB nl T0 ecntg or Ulcre.
and ono-half million dollars for their nbouf. conM,kucnUy thcre Is n Mr
association, uero is ronu lor iiioiikui
for any business man.
Tho rancher has come to recoK'
nlzo tho value of advertising In his
business. Witness" the 'fact'that the
raisin men net only have made 'an
appropriation for tho, new year, but
havo Increased It by' thousands of
dollars over the .slims expended In
previous years. Witness" tho appro
priations made'Vy Uio l'rune growers
and tho almond growers.
Tho rancher lias learned that he
not only mus produce his fc'rop prop
erly, but mW 'iV'M scientifically.
Ho has' organized to-openUlvo a"sso-1
clatlons and established sclllr.K org
anizations. Hut his selling organiza
tions, l;e has formed, uro helpless
.without advortlslng.
The Sun-Maid campaign for the
new year will cmhrarn advertising
by magazine, poster r.nd iospapcr.
Why tho newspaper lias lieen Includ
ed III tho budget 1(rld by Krankllii
Hell of tho advertising department
In tho Associated nrowfrrs' for Aug-
""MlnBW'vwrl tfiMT
"Newspaper play such an Im
portant part In our (tally lives nml
nro. sucli, a trcatcilnusl vital In
fluence In "tho nnfuldlnis m'ihTlc
opinion that nlicy, represent .wha
h probably tboulckojit.iamljiiput,
n)m fuKii"w )' i'i,i-"pf"'
Personal Mention
revival In the mining business of
this country, and especial' In the
state of Chluhuabua which produces
theA principal part ot Mexico's sil
ver, j-icld,
Old mines are bclnR re-worked
thoroughly) and prospecting Is going
on tin, nuiiovi mu 'uu)iit:irumiii-M nr-
i I)nrlng h sis; months just past.
tncretpaxsea ruous uarez, tni
l....'IliJ i.Lt.i
... ...A r . . , ,
talnlng -etWer and- othuf" metal
(mostly1 gold and lead) valued at
JH.0S9. During tho same period
In 19:1. total sliver, silver ore and
combined metal ore passing through
that port was valued at only $5.
400. Juarez Is tho most Important
port for the exporatlon of silver
from this statu to tho United States.
Tho average prlco of sliver from
1910 to 1914 was 4S cents an
ounce. Iibor and other cost v'rc
ihualpoY, tho1 Mexican .consulate
re reports, silver la! tt'Wed form
oed alj;ii,l,,9'? and" .ore's con-
It. W. Terrell Is registered nt the
WJilto I'ollcan hotel from Portland.
Charles K. West accompanied by
Mrs. Wrst Is a guest at the White
Pelican hotel from Colorado Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. llccktey nro
visitors hero today from their stock
ranch In tho Fort Klamath region.
Mrs. Sam Smith left this morning
for a few days visit at tho Smith
Mcl.eod ranch near (1 rants Pass.
Purge Mason and son, Purge Jr.,
nro In town for a few days from Mt.
Shasta, California.
II. K. Calkins vho has been In
Medford for tho past week attending
to business affairs, returned home
last night.
C. II. McCutehan Is In town again
from Sacramento attending to af
fairs connected with tho local branch
ot the Standard Oil company.
Orace lloagland, employed by the
A. It. Wilson Abstract company. Is
enjoying a well-earned vacation for
the next two weeks.
Mrs. T. It. Skllllngton and son.
Unn and daughter. Dorothy, depart
ed this morning for San Francisco on
a vacation trip.
I.. II. Shelly, who resides on a
ranch In tho Matin section, was a
county seat visitor yesterday after
noon. ,
HJtllMl .Mll
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2.1 -Hreed-
brought out forcibly In a poster m- i polled tit ooven lunntlm himi ul
lured by tho depiiitinrnt which n imuly averaged about two doreii
uriiltablo to all those Intoiestod In! egg per bird iiinio than tho mlit
tho .subject, lual flock.
In the same connection, the do- II Is not alone In number of eggs
pailiueiil shows that eulllng the' Hint tho lain nuiullerii' progeny ex-
poultry flock to get ild of all hhdiijeol. the depuilmi'iit repot I eonllutie
lug a dairy cow that will give en. Mcol,t t),0 vigorous, prolific Inyore.J hut also lit the vulun of lh(. pto-
ough milk to feed 30 children n
day. more than sl times the ca
pacity of the ordinary cow. Is one of
the feats of tho Industry which haa
been accomplished hv the V. S. de
partment of agriculture, nnd which
can bo done by proper feeding and
selective breedhtg. On Us expetl
mentnl farm near lloltsvlllo, Mil..
the tlepartmcnt ha n'herd of sl
cow., the result of breeding work,
that have produced an average ot
moro than 22.O00 pound of milk In
:tCS days. This little herd yield
enough milk to provide a ipiart n
day to 170 children. .
An ordinary row or seitib pro
duce only enough milk to feed Q
children a quart a la. while n good
cow .vletds enough to give 20 child
ren a quart a day The supercow,
a the department rail her, and
thero are more and more of (hum
In thl lias every soar, gives en
ough milk so that a small herd
might easily supply this quantity to
all tho small chtldmi In u small
town. C(
The Improvement of dairy cows
means more than. iurreaed profits
to the dairyman, the department de
dares, It mi'Jas cheaper and moro
milk, the best bone unit muscle
maker for children, flood breeding
tvjid good feeding havu made the
difference. What this means In)
results lit noticeable Improvement
In tho progony, as well as In nn In
crease of eggs.
Itecent experiment with the
poultry at tho Heltsvillo farm show
ed that tho tato moitltera selected
from a flock ot 100 Hhndo Island
Iteds In the fall of 11!0 laid uovtu
more egiw per bird during their
iluii, n the distribution was tuoie
even, u much laiger proportion ot
the eggs being laid timing the win
ter mouths. In the Inst seven
Mini" planted In Cullfui ntu rxrlunlui
of I lie Impel lal Willi'' hIiiio .laiiuai)
I. I '.i J J. iii'i'iinllug to ii puillul H'l'uii
libit has Just bren rinupteliid by I'.
('. lioodwiii, iiiiiiinger of Hie crop
routine! depiiittueut of Iho Huu Maid
Itahlii growets. The niiilld lolul of
nil viitliiles lui hilled III tho topntl,
vvlili h In not eoiuplele, iiIiiiwh too,
I III iicio'i of vluoyititl In tho tilalo.
IViuiii loutily. with uviir half of
tho guipe ai'toage shown In (Inoil-
tuouths the ilaiiKhlers ot Iho 0- win's i.-poil. leads Iho ontlro slalo In
iniiiilltini not onlv averaged two do-,r.rapo riilturc.
eu egrs per hlid moro the or
iginal flock, hut the valuo of llielr
product was, figuring at the mine
aeroiid year than the original flock! prices, abniit $I0 pur blid iiiore
ot pullet They were, used (in ilurlng tho same period It I ev
breeders tho following spilng nml . ported that this matglii will
the first red pultels to comiuenri i reuse.
Ialng In ih fall of 1921 vveu I
found til bo till- offspring of I' i
tato moulting hens
ANDKitsoN, cni., Aug. an.-
Whllft Mimi (leoine llarnoy of this
pliHV whs away loclutlug ImiIoio u
farm renter mooting oilp night ie-
In eentiy mi tuo earn u penury, iiihuou
! oiiIummI her hiiiihoiisd nml curled
I iiimii do of Iiit flui'Ht tiullet"
litllS.SO. lal Aur -M Th" i
The pullets In i have bei'ti I" Ho m nw nr new vine I
flat results by using class ads.
iftmifl m xi3v
amed for its
American Business Men
Invited to Sec Poland I
WAItSAW. Augi 21 The Polish
Amerli'an chamber of commerce nn-
ri -S7"r i" " T i
"Our 'luncarlno camnalcn is the
great ftrSt-llKe 'or attack. 'It Is a
selid: lasting' Vnodldnl, which llw
on the living room tublo nL least
thirty dnys. telling Its story to all
who nick 'It uti from time to time.
Ilui,- tholotat,Vlt'rulntlori''ot tho
magazine, cannot-jiosslbtr reach nil
of the pcoplo,uid.witJlhj5Jiccvs;
jy IhlsybarJ ot"socurlngcvbry
(imssiuio new consumer anu resell
ing our old customers, wo must ex
Mend our field of advertising effort
I boyond that limited class reached
by tho magazines. - (
"Tho combined tiunibersiofc.cop
les of' ourevranaper Lcarapla
will sand JU mvssagea. to twenty
five millions of. people j,ln tch ls
hue. una iney nro issuea naur ana
weekly. ,i,Thp !rtnblreil number.of
copies of magazines' will send Its
messages to twenty-two millions of
"Nqw'spapcrs also afford great
opportunity fof co-ordinating the
advertising with local sales work.
(Iroccrs, bakers, and dealers use
newspapers for their own adver
tising and can co-ordinate It with
ours. They appreciate the fact
that our advertising In their local
newspapers is nil done for tho ben
efit of their market exclusively
..and will help them sell more rals-l
ins." i
" It
J. K, Itobcrtson arrived last night
from Portland and will spend a few
days hero looking after business af
fairs. Mr. nnd Mrs T. C. Young and Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. I.. Haiti are tourist visi
tors In Klamath Falls today from : nouncs that In older to Ineruasv'
I'Ui.iil.i I'ln.v nr.i i-i?li,.rit .it tlii. I trade relations Iietueen tlin ttiiltmll
.... ..Ml.. v....o -.... ....... j, -
White Pelican hotel. States and Poland, an Invitation to
visit Poland has been uvtcutled to
Hunting licente wi-re Issued In the ,ri. Amorlc.iii" trade conrctn
lighter, then, and some Chlliiahiq clerk's office yeMwlay to Oomo and financial InUliiiltotM. In!
mines produced nl a profit a that
flcuro, In 1921 tho nveraga prlro
vvas 2.C2 cents.
"mal "w Vl 3",,: , If IV Whltellne. whu nnerntes n
by demanda'fram India and China. ,.. ,. ,-.,.., rKpP. M.VB ., In the autumn
4M...... .... ... ...... - ...
Jonesiind Ketcy Woods, both of the -,.,,. . .,., lui,a,,0I1. -. Anu,r,
Klamath Agenry. Donald IMisir. of; ,ran . orwMlllllw lnV(v proinlsM1
Mertlll. aud Evsn Munfln of Mallu. , ,,,, ,olr ,,,. , M'uland I
They arc expected to arrive early
Itllwas stated. The world's output
In 1921 was 17M0O.OOO ounces.
ot which Mexico produced 39 per
cent, aud the United States 31 per
cent., More than 40,000.000 ounc
es' of this went to India and ,12.-
000.000 to China, belnj: purchased
.by CblnobO.ibaakors.
Tho government of Mexico, real'
Izlug the Importance ot a revival In
silver mining. Is encouraging tho
re-openlng of mines, tome of which
have been closed for ten years.
-It, has been announced at tho capi
tal; that soon In order to stimulate
9roductioniho duty on dynamite
is (Oybo lifted.-. This. Will help mln
Ing considerably, as It is used ex
tensively In reining In this republic.
Tho duty now on dynamite Is $1.07
a 100 pounds, American money.
J trip to town yesterday for tho pur
I . ""...... ....-..... ., .
pose ot securing a iiunuiig iiruaM'
and supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. tlcorgo Haydcn andt
son, ono time residents of :tima(h
Falls who nre'nmkliig" their homu at
iTirfiient'ln Hnrilmnn. Oregon, wrro-fn
Pill'iii'iit 'ii"iIiiii
for more
than 50 years
Toy Exporters Mutt.
Ship Extra'DolI Noses
The coal strike Is settled. Tho
coal bills are not.
J3ojrn fools seldom outgrow It.
I ...... ...-.. ...... lns 1.1a n.u.
- l,.j , " I'fi) JnUHlBH WflUVIUBB Jliaunil l"l.l.o
And Cat Tails, Compla jnt I lugs a solo.
' s -j Wlien Oreek" meets (Ireek , they
nunt a J urK anu stari a war.
Jleliig a movie star's wife Is seldom
a permanent Job.
Practice makes perfect nuisances.
Two reasons our oung people
seem worso are rubber heuls.
Starting at tho foot of the ladder
gives you more to brag about when
j ou reach tho top.
Many a poor fish gets caught In a
hair net.
If Henry Is running fqr president,
he ,hns hlu cut-out closed.
Thb man who vvaltat'untll he Is
sure he lu right Is often left.
It would help 1 a'linls players
town"" yesterday from huckleberry
mountain where they nn; spending
sovcral weeks. f
f "
Saturday marks tho plant day of
tho outing boason fur .Idlerest. on
Spring creek accurdlnk to It. C.
Spluri.whowas Jnjtov.; for u fewj
uours touax. i arj w ni cioso rue
dining room' on 'that day and with
tho exception of a few campers In
tho cabins thero will bo no activity
around this popular resort. '
"Say. paw."
"Well, my sou?""
"I too): a wafk" throjui jh'iTiH
tery today nnd I read the Inscriptions
on-tltc-inmlwinrr " '' --
"WeM what abeunf"'
' Whore nro all iho uukul nil"
burled" Ii,'
w Lt
m y
Medford Grocery Co.
Klnmulh Fulls, Orcxon
HM' .l.MW.W
i j
WASHINOTO.V, Aug, 22. Amer-
leuti toy exporters musl send en
ough doll's noses and ' cats' tails
with their shipments or suffer de
ductions fur tho missing members,
according to an original letter of
complulnt from ,nn Importer of
I.ucknow, India, mudo public today
by tho commerco department.
"Honored Llts uiul Clients," the
letter said, "Hoplni; nll well. vo
u'ljologlio for undiio procrastln'utlon
in fiinili)li))ig necessury roply to
our last esteemed by bjgonno duto.
Pcrnadventuro'vj'fl, nro, at fuult bo
ours tho blamo and burden also ion
tritloii Honored I. Its.
"Tho olenhotlLti Is ironn nff InJ
tntortand dJtto, tho tlSors.( yuh H,)0n.t tllu tlmo "waU,n n1"8
lepparas is too mucn deficient in
sitota for our cllmuto so pray bu
watchful and wo will wac)i ovor
yd,u. Tho samplo wax -)olls u
running uwuy qwing'tq 9iuatoijal
hwt on Indian tmiumor. So 'pray
ally your hands. Bight china dolls
lajto liand with six broken noses p?r
doll and nlno cuts is eoinp with oply
soVon tails. For which our valued
will muko sonio nopessnry deductions
oil fundumentul basis of onq noso
per biped and one (sail per uulinal.
Aimonlslimouts jot ypur honors
packing department Is our good ad
vice to you that tho same may not
ctua to pass again,"
So many boys are claiming they
have never been kissed. First thing
you know dogs will bo claiming they
noycr chased u cat.
Kvery man has his prlco, hut every
man hasn't tho price.
Winter winds and hats will soon
bo felt.
Sounds funny but somo men's Idea
of u good tlmo (s u bud tliuu. "
..When you get u rldo in u big ear
you see nobody whllo lu a flivver
you see ovorybody.
Advertising pays. Try it and Bee.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 23. '
I Legislation rates, liwalth, conversa-
I .In., nn.l ..tltnw. ...uhliiinu tt fpilnrnnl
l iJU.1 MI1U I'.ll. ". ' .'.villa ... . . m.. ... .
1 socletfes will bo discussed at the ftp-J
niiarconventlon of tho national, fra-1
ternal congrS of America In Mon-'
treal, P. Q August 2S-21, It was an
nounced heri today "The Conser-
vatlon of Chljd Life" vvlljMLo tho sub
ject of nn address by Harry t Evans
of Dos Malncs, Iowa, editor of thu
Ilrotherhood of American Yeomen
John A. Mlllcncr of Columbus, Ohio, (
general counsel of the order of I'nll-
! ed commercial travulers of Amurha
wilt speak ou "L'ulform Leglslullon
and Statutes for Fraternal." Ur
Emily Nobla of Chicago will discuss
"Llfo Extension for Men and Wo
men," and Joioph S. Smith, of Mil
waukee, of tho publicity bureuu of
the congress, will speak under the
tltlo, "Keep thu Publicity Fires
Tho program also will Include mo
tion pictures on behalf of tho Near
East relief, by Edward P Itelmer,
memorial, gof vices; reports by com-'
mlttccB and officers; and nn address
by Henri Itoy of .Montreal, president
of tho congress.
When thu convention opens, ud
dl esses ot welcome will bo delivered
by Medorlc Martin, mayor of Moil
treal; Alfred Lambert, piesldont of
tho Montreal chamber of commerco;
Sir Lomcr Couln, minister of Justice
aud'ox-prumlcr of Quebec; (1, I). Fin
laybon, superintendent of Insurauci!
of'Ottnwa. These Introductory tulles
will bo followed by "Fratomul (Jreot
Iiiks," by Charles Duquette, president
of tho Cunudlun fratcrnul ahsociatlon,
tho rosponsu to which will bu made
by Harry Wndo, Indianapolis, Jnd.,
vlro-prcHldeut of tho national frater
nal coiiEiesa of America.
The Theatrical Event of the Season
Adults 55c. Children 25c.
Including Tax
The final riiowhitf of
with the groat Nazhuova as Cainillu
and Rudolph Valentino as Annand
A Muster Photoplay by Gasnier
Good Value in Used Cars
1920 Dodge Touring
1917 Dodge Touring
1916 Dodge Touring
1921 Oakland Six
1920 Ford Coupe
1920 Ford Touring
Above Cars All in A-l Condition
For Prices and Terms see
H. S. WAKEFIELD, Central Garage
ntHtimtm ihm.(i