NfeA" .J&.V 9". i 7'Fr Fr M ,tl Pi ( J K i Ml !vi K rl l I 5 m up. M k ILL SELECT i t , Three Partie in Conven u tim Today to Complete I Their Platforms IIOIBK, l.lnlio; Auk. 32 topt.stM representing tho republican, demo cratic aml proarraalvo parties In )) fbo wll gather lu atalo conentln Jtoday to choose unit flato tickets mill to adopt state pint IJfiirina. Tim republicans Mill meet m Wallace, the democrat at llalley tit tlio prngrraalvcn nt Nam pa. Delegates to llio state ronrcntloni ero chosen at party conventions inlil In tho county seals Aurum IS. polccatcs to the county conventions ad been selected at county prlninr Jmi held August t, nt which en mil -vntes for county offices nlsn ere loiulnnted. s One of tho warmest contests Is rx Joclcd In tho repuhllran slate con .Volition, where tho Issue Is restora tion of tho Mc. primary system, ln jitead of tho preaent comcntlon sys tem, la scheduled to bo an Inipor- nt consideration. United Slates lenator William K. ltorah'lia.Okone r,"WW"?!n8rflf' ! -frt'PF: lystcm nnd male party leaders nave Idtnratrd tlto flpiytillon'plan., iwiccaic.i iron Aua county, in rlilcli llolse, the stale, capital. Ms lo; faled, and which will send (he Urg $st drlccatr.! to Ihrt convention, am xpecled"i'to favor reslorsy Ion' M the primaries, at II la claimed by print 'iry advocata that delegates favor Ins ho prlnrarles were chosen In tho county primaries to attend the coun ty convention - Advocates of tlm primary system also clajni dfllegatea from Canyon county, which also sends a large de legation to the state convention, but 'convention plan partisans also de eiare ine'canyoD aeiegaiea -i ( In tho repnbllcao conrentli clare the canyon delegates' -win vote convention Coa fcretsman Ilurion U. French of Moa Vow, representing the rirst Idatp tjlstrlcl, and Coagrtaaman Addlnot . Hmltli ot Twin 'rails from tl S rin.liirnifV Pllii-pfinnri(h fine hatnnrtcencMy3tlHtM? Curv Tina rbr'Driiga. ' ,g - 2j trees shrubs ' rose rushes: BULBS i Order tfata aow (or fall ' delivery. UiBkFkwfrSiMB CM Flmra Pbnts Phos SSI 34 Main St. mn LET THIS BE YOUR MARKET For the Ivesliett and' beit Vcfetabfet , Farm Produce and Fruit. rigKt from the farm, orchard and garden. Shop with thtte growers at their booths every Saturday. Buy Vegetables from our fountain daily Mm. H. a. EmIucxnI Mm. I. H. Knjlor Im. II, D. MorHau Mr. Job KoonU Mr. toe HirffMM Mr. I A. Lewis Mnt. Wm. CarfUsiMn Mr. C. I. Mxo More Mmii IM otlpr farwers HI- tag thnmgb Ute twrkct. Beets, Bunch 05 .Carrot, Bunch ... 05 Turnips, Bunch 05 Onions, Bunch .05 Radishes, Bunch .::... .05 Cabbage, lb 06 New Potatoes, lb 03 Summer Squash 05 Large Cumumbers .05 .10 Green reaf,,.ip. ........ Green Beamy lb. .... Sweet Corn, doz. ..'.. Siberian. Crab Apples lb. ., .10 .40 .10 PUBLIC MARKET IM W. Sixtk Street m JK& second district, nro candidates for ronnmlnntlon. For governor, Chna. C. Monro of lit. Anthony, present lieutenant governor, Is a candidate In the republican convention, nnd was said to be without opposition prior to the convention. Contests arc expected to arise also for repub lican nominations for secretary of state nnd lieutenant governor, to gcthcr with other state, offices. In the democratic convention clilcf Interest centers In tho governorship contest, wltli Moses Alexander, for mer governor, and William Morgan, former Juatlco of thestate supremo court, both of Boise, as chief con tenders. Tho progressive party, lender nf which cre prominently Identified with the Non-Dartlsan Icacim when It was active In Idaho, has nnnouoc- cd that, It will have complete ntnlo and congressional tickets In the field. It also Is expected to dmfl a platform for submission to the voter of tho state. Don't bo deceived, nny phonograph ran play HIUWSWICK records. Cur- rlns For Drugs. s; m tXIU WKIXSTOCK DKAD PA 1.0 AI.TO. Cullf., Aug. 22. Col. Harris Wotnstock, former state market commissioner, noted for or ganizing growers associations throughout the .state, died today from a fractured skull suffered In a. fall from a homo Sunday at Los Altos. . ' Sl t i l Vi '" f when. I li merchaniflso we sell does not make good, wc do. Cur? Irjna For Drngii. ' - TONIGHT AT THE STRAND 10c ONE PRICE EVERY LADY PRESENT WILL GET A MOVIE ' FAN, HAIR NET FREE. nEyeryhodrJOtf6 the SftidA Ve ar, witjitheyjjQan't.stoj) us. Seetthjaphow f.. uji, yc,jjaftetrTjo senbaifonai. rauiipaa'anu-' . BEiFiWllf M't.fiT iJifct'lf llh.f' See.the Uinllincrrfiehts on BELOW the underworld aaiti-eallyjis-wiUi action and thrills cralore. also VADfiVILlWrtoyifiS AND COOl?fc!OrVEpY Wednesday William' Fairbanks, in,.,! Western Adventure. r"4VJl Mr &11 ' r"rTwo' Shows ONE PRICE All these farmers arc satisfied because all local pro duce, fruit, poultry and daily products arc handled directly from producer to consumer with only one turnover at a ten per cent charge for service, rent, help, etc. All consumers welcomed by them. WE HAVE DAILY Sweet Potatoes, lb. .. .09 Eating, Cooking and apples for Jelly, lb. 10 Large Select Elberta Peaches for- Can ning 1.20 Solid Pack, Selected Tomatoes, crate .. .90 Can Tomatoes Now Canning Plums, cit..$1.60 Casabas, lb.' 05 Persian Melons, lb. .. .05 Lemons, doz 30 THE EVENING SHOT TWO ON STAGE Man ItelleTcd Demented Kills tho And Wounds Another PORTLAND. Aug. 22. An Inquest will bo hold this afternoon or to morrow over tho body of Alvln R. Price of KcUo, who wits shot nnd killed last night by Qeorgo Rober to, n passenger In the Astoria bound Columbia stage near Hauler. It. Willing ot Vancouver. II. C an other;cngcr, who was ntio shot by Reberlo, Is reported recovering from wounds In tho head and elicit. Reberlo, n former Inniato nf tho California state luvpltnl, said nt i r,r,t ,nat ho lrc,, ,n so,r lMe nul "" iiTlit Wellington tho men Insulted him. The sher iff said these stntements mi net corroborated by those of the wit nessp.s. llrliprln'M inrntnl rnn,llllnn Is In ltcuenos mental condition is to be examined Ho refused to eat In jail today. Closlnc out portahlo model phono graphs. Ouo half prlu. Currlnsl For Drugs. M.wiKirr niiitmr PORTLAND. Aug. 22.- Steers steady, cows 25c lower, calves C"e higher. Hogs 50c lower, prime light ll. SO to 112.00. Sheep slow, weak. Kggs 2c higher, buying price 22c lo 2eaeltlng 21c to 31c. lint ter steady. CuVrlns For hrugs. Ninth and Mala streets. Drug stnro nearest thi post office. TO ALL 10c II fa8tmovinr'trak)s.M Sec 6':45 and 8:4Cf TO ALL 10c f 'IM V Cantaloupes, 4 for .25 Strictly Fresh Local Eggs, doz 35 Klamath Cheese, lb. .29 Klamath and Hoi combs Creameiy Butter, lb 48 Live Friers, lb 30 Live Heavy Hens, lb .25 Live Rabbits, lb 25 Strictly sanitaiy condi tions exist at all times. Mail us your order for fruit and produce. Pone 169-W I .IHf.nfHI.IIN 'ii tr.ii ii HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 CORVAt.US, Aug. 22. An earn - est warning naalnst surrender to the Intluences opposing co-operative market associations In Oregon Is glv - en hv Pnul V, Marls, dlraclor of the nnrlcuttural college extension sir Ice. "Oregon now ha such large In ve.itmeiilH ot effort nnd'dapttnl In tho halt doxen commodlly co-operntlto associations recently rilabllshed that dTsaster can not cometo any of tlunn without Inflicting heavy buses nnd giving co-operation o I back from which It rau not soon recover," k:) Marls. The success of co-operathe usso- i .I iT?vP i ill !- " el.itlons In California, altlrh brought lire ot lldlnK In rubber tired bug prosperity lo several groups of ngrl-'gles. rnlltirnl itrnttlii i-r uml linni-fltnil t In ' .... . , . .., ,, , . ,.,,.. J I ,1lllr,, MB0 ls cril , iln rinm,,,..l Tlio Oregon associations listed nro . those for marketing wheat, fruit,' eggs, mint, wool mid mohair. Tlio now problems of omanliliiK. flnaii-i Ulngnnd mnnaglng these associations are In the most part being coped Willi successfully. ()m failure, that of the Oregon daymen's co-opernlUe league. Is cited nnd warning given that should others occur II would Imj. u-ry difficult to maintain any ot tim associations In perltAls of even mild adversity. ."Such experiences must be mold ed, )el the dau'ger of Ihelr occur rence Is apparent," asserts M.irlss "(Sroup withdrawals have been at- ienipted or threatened within four of he existing associations. There up pears to be evidence that unfriendly Influence? outside Hi" i mid pnstdhlllilcs of micccsi aro dem take advantage of Internal dlssiitls. mil ra I ell. tlrutiges. farmers' unions, Mellon tit mako aurress extremely . .mil fnrm bureaus everywhere ran difficult." ,wo" a""r,l " K'r Immediate coosld- Mention s made of a rrporl en oration (o tho problems of co-opcr-good authority that a member of the'tUe associations. Let us deuion- poultry producers' association now defending a suit for contract viola- tlon professes to be retimed of uny personal expense In the matter. The Wo sell most everything uniall) (wind In modern up-to-date drug jafrros. CutTln Says So. 32 ' 1W& V ,- i-v?mii . r n rj J.lLJ.JEBg jsnTLir:'! r 117 Year Old Flapper Name It-Well, Read It 1 I.OS ANdKI.KS, Aug. 22 Maria Atitonltt t.ouljlna Mnslinu Verdugti chavoyn, who, according to records ' of w sn brlol iiiIskIou, near ( here, was born In I.os Angeles In ispr., mid Is therefore 1 1? years old, Is n htrnnger to tho "flapper," but She woarn her hair short, bncnurn ago has thinned II. he roll's her own cigarettes. ' Sho married nt the age of 15, Bhc took "Joy rides" behind ox I tenuis more Ihsn 10 0 yrar.s' ago. She Ilki'K to talk about the pleas- r,M' "Krs ""'"B '" uinoiiiuuiiv.s, , - And she likes trips In airplanes, ! She had one sister and tou broth- , " ," " "nvn "" ",r"' " nn , "'' ''"i-six iiesrenuauts in ami , w. Uleudale. a suburb, whero alio "'n"1'" lll'r ,,ol,," She Is In good health and she inner Ii.ik worn gla.sies. ! question Is usked. "Whence come the funds for the legal defense nnd ...... I.... -....I ......... .Im.. !...!. ...... I... I .... I ,"V,"",;U ,",,, -',,. ,,, ,, (f ,.,, ,,., ....long nieinber. by a paid worker! pa)tlrnl , . ,., u t , " thoa who would audd the, hiiUlrn for,(), r(j f yinasiryun eneiis m iviiuro unit neiM now tit counteract tlioin," Marls run-1 eludes. "The Initial toss of heavy ei penso uitd'coMly mistakes am past strain that co-operation Is a practical possibility In this neuerntluu." Takes tho soreness eut: Takes the' rurn uu nirruis v. urn remover. . j'e ttell several kinds of fly de stroyt. Chrrlus For Drugs. 23 I5B7 h teVMtfJ!5;rk'ii?S fc V" xsi SCHOOL OPENS in a little over two weeks; get your boy ready now. Suits that are a joy for Sonny to wear, and an economy for Mothers to buy. All-wool Cassimers. Tweeds, Cheviots; reinforced where the wear is great est. Each suit has two pairs of fully-cut, fully lined knickers. Sizes for boys of all ages; ;. , . K. SUGARMAN i AIN'T MAD Gandhi Followers 'V; J Nil ' - U .s. leaden of tho Indian rcvelullonnry mofmriit ur sign beard on rstnt'U to tprrad their proiwitntidi, thus radlng newspaper cviuorsblp and a.voldlna arrest for sedition. This seen was photographed In Delhi. PltOPKItTV IIWMIIW Ml'ST lU'll.D UAI.KK (Coulliiued fiom P.igo I ) are: Hvans & llerhdolt and the J 0. Pierce estate m According to the resolutions, tlio sldewalk.s may bu of boardor con crete. A' warrant was ordered drawn .. PHcmit thsllMnm Prsmsesl . It! was moxvd and ajisKcdJhat'im ordinance bo prep.irvd to fix tl dlltrlliiitlou of cost of Iho fifth sew er unit and to name tlm property owner liable, the city to bear tho cost of the septic tank foundation, pump plant, outfall anil right of i way, remainder of Iho rout lo ho dltldcd equally between the city ami the property affected. Halt th cost of future advertising to be borno by the city. The matter of .onnuMu.uK . a.srss,.i rmo-c, Hon pofcr,fuf UiU. , iiiilt.;wni Uft .k'llp ' M iY 0-KNICKER lll $11.50 $ 1 3.00 AND $16,00 AT NOBODY" nau, Evade Censorship! Ti1 lo the flnuiiro rommlllee. An nrdl n.inco wim Inlroiliiced il'Ji'lai Ini: as bcs'ini'iils for Ibis null. Objeil In Assi-ssini-iil An objection to proposed aiists- Nini'iils In iiiitioi Hon wllh tho sixth hewer mill wuk ItllrOilm oil b) tlio Southern Pai'lfle, nller,lMR Hut Iho rassrssmenlH to bo levied .iptliul tlto company were dlsproportlunte to tho beiiedls Tho company will be giv en ii hearing, proKibly nt the nei lilietlng of the louili'll. The question of protldlng a de tour during paving of Houlli Ituor side was tefurrrd to Iho street nun mltlee. Patrolman .McDonald was granted a yiuMllmi of two wijeks. m .Not Hie Itlglit Kind film John. I loiind mice In tlm pantry this afternoon. He Well, what do ou want im lo do about It? She Couldn't you bring home t lint kilty from tlm club I beard )uu talk ing about In ) our sleep? j,,y llvoria tnuitr to sorle I.Her Turners. 2,'.c Currlns "Mmmmmm mu&HMHtvwwi. r-w fi!wrwnw.tvr: TTKHOAY, aiwht ua. iMl5MiiJWt1WEPr' I