V" MS ', I', ,' tphhd.w, khht ay, tiwa. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Fiv in n f DEATH RATE LOWER IN ENGLAND; MORE CHILDREN ARE HORlv I.omki.v. Ami I'xtliiK iiihI novel 22 , itimiK mini fuels ii'HH'i line I'mtliiiiil ii iiiicliit pinrinwi mill nnllnit III lll'llltll 111 O tolltlcd III tint curiclll n'piirt of Hid lo.ilHlrui-iiciiciul or Hltuhnid, ii miiuiimenliil woi Ii uf rn I i IhmhI, piloted imitMii, Alurii ilill ilii'ii went limn lliini nviii' befnro, while I lin ilnnllcinli of 12,1 HT I. nun wrm llio lowest recorded. Nnvm liiifnip wem ilinrn nn ninny nun i lii;im In iiiik )our 'I Iih illvnii'ii tiili) i nii- HlllK'X III llll'll'IIHC, (111 IMIIIlll'T IicIiir t Ii : lf llml of nny year print" lit III III Them woo n ntrlkliiR itnmtli nr niiii i liip.nti nf lioj'fl ntm Hum 2U jiurs ilil 'Ihn iilluilwr of viiiiiir widower umI i hlerly luiilinlm lin iiinrrlml was double pluvious rnrnriln. while tin tuial nf willows under SB who m.iri IimI Mgiili! wim oxiuoili'U in only inn' iic'lntin yonr. Iiiviirm Incroiueil hy I on percunl owr Hie t.revloun year, nml wiib near- It irehp. that of any earlier ilale 'I'll.' tiuuihnr " llli'Klllllinle I'llllilli'll miih IixIims' that of war II mm. hi-ttii; I r.U percent 'I he ilon III rntu In inhere iilnMs wun roiinlderahly Idmit thiiti Hint of -ii pievlnnn year on ruroril, hill Hie n iirlnllty rate In mnl.irla Knnlly In- n imeil, lilln In mi iihIch It ilnillileil. ('inner miirliilliv for holh inii'n a ininliteriihly hllnir lufiiiit nior tnllty ili . ti'HSeil, hut tlm niitiiher of H.iiiii'ii who illeil In Clillillilrlli was iliKlrelitKty large. owIiir lurr.nly ton peptic IliUtU-l The IlKurcii inlallni: l tlm hlrlh rule iniifirm tho nhl hellef that mi iiir.' miritHiitu In toatorllii; tho hat inn.' Ii.'tnei'u males unit femnlen whlili r ti mil to ilt'ntr'iy All e ieH nf main ner feninle hlitlm Ii ' nnmml, hut the hlchoM recnnleil rat ' In In llio yearn of pence wan l.ft3i . In I, nun HUN In I'm Ihln' rutin ha I rlietl In 1 .01. II. nml In ' .'a ii ilroppml in l.nr.2 I -efuu- n SPBRIN WAKN'INT, 1 Spy "nayn" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you biv tlu name "Bayer" on tablets, you are 'not HcMinu n'lluine Avpinn prescribed by physicians over JJ years ami proved safe by millions for Colds lleadache Rheumntism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis l:arache Lumbago Pain, Pain Acupt only "lUycr" p.Kli.i;c ulncli cont.uns proper directions. Il.i.l "Hiir" Imii nf I.' lutilcl M.n luitll.-n nf 21 nn.l 100 DtusKlstn A'l iiu ! Ot. Iil n.. -f I'- r liBufftrlue. ..I M tiuarrtlrarM.f irr i.f Hallrf :ircil Guide and Taxidermist with Pnclc Train for extended hunting trips, also liutncltes and bonts for duck hunters and fishermen. A. J. Vpllman ODESSA Phone Ft. Klnmnth LINKVILLE IN MOID liR NUWT AWUANIN "1 ZttrWll ff-OwLial SHC6 --Z. r-1 Y-TLTSV U -JiirTix 1 "nrU 1 1 J IrfstW .W V TJ4S42. J 1 hi cut-tin !rimmKAtiPi hm SFiR 1 Vv? ffjJT ff 33SgK55 ffS&srKSSi W-iSSTSJQfiSS55- MAR5HAU uiut wi-iuu wj juuui Vi. UDi-TruiMft THE SUSPICIOUS S7RAUQBR l, . ... . .... Lrnn ...A ,. THAT TWO RotiiSMLY PRESSED !. I ! I (Mm A Svl ) (liriinnn , Am'I Mull wim fllml In Hut circuit court I tills iuoiiiIiik bv Pie.I U. (Ircttiion , iiKiiliml Clonic Axul mill Mrs I Pinnies Axul, iiHldnu Jiiilr.nii'iii on novciiil ni linen In llio mini or H07 fin with liitiircnt nl H pet cnnl front 1 Mar I, l'J2t with lir.O nlloiiioy'n I mii". mnl for the further ruin of 1121 17 Willi Interim!. lOlu nllor ' Hoy's foen with Inlerent from Or i toiiir to; i :t2 1. t.ll'e An i:icitiiinf While In llio loiiutry liml mini iimr n Utile illy hoy tmvv lila flrnl hnby pit;, mnl II iniide u ure.ii tm prcKiiloM nu liiiu. Ko crual wait Die liiipri'Mlou, In fuel, Unit Hid on n k ler iniiile the pic tliu flrnl ohjeii "' ,, "iuicmh when Hie family ar.alli iili'il Hip roiliilry plare Ihln fiprlni; "Where In my ttlu pIckIu?" In. Iinnii'illali'ly liiiiilieil. "Conic with mo mnl I'll nIiow you," hi country coimln ruplloil i , When the illy hoy rendu il the pen with his companion mnl k.iw I what loolieil to ho iihoiit elr.lit linn I ilreil poiniiln of poili "on tho hoof' ' lie wan iluiiilifoiiliileil. I "Ami ilhl Hint Utile ph:Klo urow iniich an that In one year?" VOM.' Ill opili-()eil woniler llio hoy ex tl.ilmcil. "Ceo! I hiitrha when I come hack next Kliiiuutir he'll have a trunk." PMIt.W Klrnyeil In my plain, Ihren head )e.irlniKH, S head i.iIh'h. under crop ilr.hi ear. OiMicr may Ituve n.iiue In 1 iiIIIiik and i.iyliiK epenei. C I I'rnilliiirv l!i-22 YE OLDE TIMES toTi"- C.-1 STJkWLOl' .cJ r" - - -.--, srr" rr MEN SUePED IMTPIOWM UNigKN NEW TODAY ('AMI PAID I'nf r nil Hindi ckkh nl Hid Mink IJyc (Irwery Jl.'lfi H Hlxlh. 22-21' WANTIM) i Herltiird Mini In drive mr He i ii. j HTItAVCI) Oil H'lOI.UN On.. lU'lill ...!!! ".?,. J if ... '.V M..ii."v..Vir iv ' i ... .... ....luir or itooii team, iii'irihn i rl ( HII "" TO ItKI.I, Or would tniile for real ileum properly, :i rpmil teiunii, wn koiih mnl hiiriieiei, Would pay dif ferent o or iisttiiiuu innrti'.iii;n. A II. Moore, Cciiliul holnl Ti-W I.OHT- lletwein Hpot Ciuh crocury mnl HprliiK HI , 1'rhhty nflertiooii, 'u 'i hill Pli'im" relurii to lliiuler. Phone .'II. Itohert !2 l.r)ST-AI hllniitn Hunilay nrier- i t ii, open run Waltham tvutch, lulllaleil H H illal hroliiin Klniler nnllfy KpraKiH) lllver l.timlu-r (inn puny 82-2-1 I'Olt HAM! -At n ImrKiilli, 12 family (ooli iilm en, nlmoiit new Call at the Hot HprhiKN holnl, city 22-2N WANTIID '1(1 llt'V A pool hall. noft 1 ilrlukn, luiv ntock or holh hulhl 1 IliK anil nlorh ('null for caniUeh. iclciim, lolnirco anil mnl tahlcM or (Jrnierv Htore V. H llartium, ,Mor ,ton. l,owl Co. Wanh 22-2 I POIt HAI.K (IK TKADi: Por latu iiioilel Ponl lar. In kooiI rmiuliiK order, wlih heil Com) liouenl lemii ilark hrown hornen, wuIkIiI nhoul 2.101) Ihn, ono mare mill one i;clillni: 7 mnl N yearn nhl, olio two ear loll, heavy hullil, ntie nix c.tr old Miiildle llorne, welch t nhoiit '' Ihn All ery penile. AIho i:ioi new wnrk hamcM ami one nnililli .MrM Iter Ilia Cavert, Yiiruni, l.uke Co . Ore POK HAM! Ivory drennliiK tnhle. IturroiiKhh flo C11I1111111 adillni; ma- (hliie, leather davenport Call 327 Main Hi 22-21 Prenirlpllii!! coniiiiitindliiK In an (inmate definite proieduro here Heelllein yearn experlellie lunuren thin. CurrliiM Por Druci). 22 mitici: op niiMi s.m.i: Not lie Im hereliy Klien that "ealrd hliln will he terclMil hy the iinder KlKiied until tho hour of to o clink . M . the l.'.th day of Heptemher, 1022, mid linmedliitely thereafter puhllily opt'iiul hy tho Hoard of Hit liervlnorH of Ktnmnth Dralnacu l)li Irli t at the office of unlit Hoard In the i.fflie of the I oiinty Clerk of Klam ath County, Oregon for mi Inmiu of IhiiiiIh nf nald dUtn.t fn the rum of I200..M.,, 01. maturliiK -erlall, . lows $13.1100, JH.OIIU. I IS. 000. 1 1 1'.. nun. 117,000 IIS.OOO. II 19,000. 120,000 .. e.irH from date of Innue I'. yeurH from ilme of Ibdiiii. 7 yearn from date nf Ixhiio. S jearn from ilule of ixmie. (i jenrn from date of Isue 10 yearn from date of feme 1 1 ynarx from ilate of Untie. 12 )tnrx from date of Imiiu. 13 ve:irx frnni ilnle nf Ihmiic 121.000 123.000 14 years from dnto of Ihhiio 2 I.00O. I f. yearn Jrom dale of iHmut - -- - ------- ...... , , Bald uiilllin 111 hear lliloreiit at the1 rale of nix per cent per milium, pay iihlo neinl-annuiilly. principal and I";Ikok SAUK Modern house, furnish, terent to he piDuhle nl the office of 1 . r unfunn,!,,.,!. (lood location (IM v i' 14 ill UPinmci 111 iiuiiinui County. Ori'Roii, or at tho KUcal tAKtmry uf (ho St Now York City, iit line in iirvKn in thu option of tho holder. Kultl linnils lalinot ho sold for loss than ninety pir cent of the face Milne thereof. All hhls mitct he iircompanled hy it certified i heel, for ." per cent of tho par value nf the Inuids hid for and must he iincomlltloiial. The aforesaid sale Is siihject to the procurement of certification thereof hy the Oregon IrrlK.itlou se curities CoiiiuHkhIoii Tho Hoard rctcrtcs the rlt;ht to retort any mid nil hhls C K Del.M'. He. retary Klamath Dr.ilii.iKii His- trlit. A lf..22.2!i. S C. 12 rr MlilCi: OP Pl.NAIi ACCOUXT NOTICi: Is hereby ghen that tho uuilerslgueil, us Administrator of thu estate of Knuuii K. Kills, deceasod, has filed with tho County Court of thu .Slate of Oregon, for Klamuth County, his Pinal Account of tho aillilliilstiiillou of sahl estate, and that the said Couit has fixed Men day. Auguat 2S, P.I22, lit 2 o'clock P. .M . us tho time, ami tho County couit loom In tho coillthouso nt Klamath Pallti. Oiegou, us tho place, for huiirliiK ohJeclloiiH, If miy, to said lu'iount nml tho settlement thereof. Haled July 21, 11122. 1IKKT C. THOMAS. AiIiiiIiiIh- Italor of tho estate of Klillim K. Kills, deceasod, .1 jr. a i-s-ir-22 No utalter what )our mission when i you I'omo to our atom you mo treat-1 ed with courtesy mid consldorallon. Curflim Por Drugs 22 ; "If I Could Onlv Get Up That Gas I Know I Would Feel Better" How often have you felt that win ? 'How oftun hno you wished Tor somethlnK to give you griiiilito mnl i lusting rollof from gas? , Don't buy any ordlnar ydyspepsla , tablets for temporary results. Ho to. u fiist-class drug store nml asK lor a hottlo of guiiulno llanlman'H (las Tub lots, Tko three tablets uu hour be fore meals and uifuln three after eat ing then watch, Now comes a sur pilno. No moro khs, no innru miiotli ored foellng, no illffleult hreathtiiB, no bloating. Itomomber, llanlmnnn's Has Tub lots are not only for tho relief, but ulmi for tho prevention ot gas, Most people with gas suffor rom norwnts dyspepBln not common Indigestion. lliiuliimnu'B (!uh Tuhlota In thu famous ellov pnekago, pilco one dol lar, are sold by, Star Druit Co. J, llaaliuntiu, Ohoiuhil, Hon Praiidsro, Adv. CLASSIFIED ADS 'tf0i&i0in0W MISCELLANEOUS in ACICHMITII WAN'IPH Apply C 2 1 -2.1 II lliiumi .".22 il. Hlxlti ...... .,,, ,. . ,..,,,,,.,,,. '"l street. Part tirms or lined ' lllnlii - rl. tor O.ik uo. .md iJrniiil Hi 2 1 -2.1 POIt HAMI Auto truck P.ttrn tiro, ! (121 Miilo -HI. (Iiio. II. Clmmhor.ll'OK till. r. 21-21 fe e.nni, l ,if Wo nn nmj n I . ..! .t - 1 H -I j.rri,... .. ., I. ...... T(if Piili .! tint)''1'' " I I 1 1 III 1 1 1 M f i I J IW ' II'HII !" I l.umher Co. 21-22' WANTKI) - Celiernl hone iorli. Call .'tiili l.lncolll lit. 21-2.-1 Poll KI:NT--5 room hoiiPio ami li.it Ii i No r.:i:i n. 12th Pt ('all .1. r. . II I,. ..!..... ...I. III.,.,... f.ril.tf 'fl..)l! Ill.fl l. IIUIIJill,ll, I in,,., m '... .,-, I POIt HUNT Kuril Inhed lirnmekcnii' Iiik room, llil.1 Pllie Plione .'OKIt 21-22 KOIt HAM:--.ford tourine, cnr. loo and ruiiH like now. Impure Michigan Ac, alter r, 30 p m 21-23 POK HAM:--ri ft. MrCiirmhk mower In rimmJ fliit'ie. C. V Miller, l.alie- vlew road. 21-21 POK HAM.' -Ponl tetirlni: ntarter. liee Koy Call, 2l-'jr, POK .SAM:-I.lhrnry Uhle 2S0J. in 1 ""ii" -' l-'OII HAI -C..mlileli, erncerv nlnrk "" ""' -"'ri1 ,ny "' "''I'tenilMir. lV2i. l' iliirimTlL 1 11 S.',11' "' fr"'" ,,,,"r '" "" ""r, ,,,"",,' I Ixturon. Ilj,ht truck. JlO lllnfci., KUmatli J'nllK In ald county, at POK HAM: (Mrner Dili h IIIkIi, lot 90 x xo. limine with furniture. 11' harciln. Kvo Hcliuherl or fall Ulo, Main hi . IO-'J.-i POK HUNT- .N'liely Hath mid Phono. fiiriilHhed room ;12 N. Ulli Ht 1 '1.5 . i.,MI ,. l. , -,.iv ,.... fi. .... l.l I woriun. 1 J WAVTPl)Two cut-off men one W(:...i'.... J.!1." 5UI..i ..... 1...... nri-lli nil.).. .iini iu -. nuiiir KlRht hourii. Aililrita 1 on nil lint ft l.umlHir (ompany, Alameda, 1 ' California. 19- 22l' -! KK 11KNT l.arKo'room. water, fur- nace heat lt3.Plne.St 1U-2-.' , ...... .. .. .K . ., .,..,,.. lol-.101'1;, IK ranch Water. ..i.iiin.1 mnniliiw. p.iltUale.l Ternm. ......1 ,,ti Mr 1: m I'inv I ii Arch St., llerl.cIey.jCnl 1S-'.M KOIt SAI.K Cluiaji. upan wt. 1CP0. rhono' 17K4 KcMlnns, 10-22 Till: MINKK ASTI.IH.OAT1XO UAU TKK .MakcA paliirlnK cow on alfalfa n pleasure us well tin profit- niiiiii 1 n ri ii" mi rn n (,),, g,,,, ")r .,,.,,' T.. ;;lnq rourh at O h. n(,r c ItoIll'i. OreKon. 17-2.T nnf Alllllllf1.illtlt , Tnviitu In lilf litrll' Call fnru - ,,'clock V KOIt SAM: llaln waemi. 3 Inch. In first claim xhapo 419 N. Tenth fit Phono 312W. lCtf POIt IlKXT Oulet rooms, hath and phone. S10 Walnut, cor. !'tli St 1C-19 KOIt SAI.i: Smnll houso or will tr.nlo for Kiiod llcht car. Inquire oveulUKS. roar of 212 l.owls. lti-22 KOIt SAI.i: Cheap, houso and lot. 122S Orecon Awnuo, "If If your pluinhliiK rods wrotiK. mil llalnler PlumlilnK shop. Phono 4M.I 12-2.'. EVERETT TRUE 14 AD A "PlCrJlO SDKiOaV nnrr-rr I i... ,rr.. VV MSCS.T AtvJOTH52 )CA& RIG-HT iTf;itiHT I UjAS QottsJS TO un into tr Atw THCtvl TOR.N OUT JOST IN TiM. "To NOT Ron wto IT i HAH'l SM OwiS Op TH5 PfilVetRS giRE "over or u - 5vt-tS KOIt HAM: J.urrjo tvpn registered Poland ( lilna young boars mill Kills, nlxo three hundred curly April Willi" l.citliorn pullets. Krtifit Webb. (,'initriil Point, ore. JC-22 poll HAI.i: (' tnoltidy Conn Haxo- I idiotic stiver pltlteil flood innill- Hon. Clieiip for cftxh. Apt 20S Win torn' A il. I2if ham: -Two whlto enrimoled haliy li.nlx. 1228 Orccnn Ave. f.lf l.ni't'lni' !4lifi..M riiliulri.il. .Inf'lr ' '''"". Sixth Ht., Off .Malt. fltf. , HAM 1000 fo"t C-8 en hlu If 1! l N. J I th Ht. i POK HAI.-Old imperii, mltahln for1 liliilerlyltiK llnolnmn, r.irpot, etc., , wrappiiiK a in! tmcklnc Ton cut, a I i I.. ......... -trl... ,r iari;ii imiiiiii.'. iiiu.i.h n ?i ,i t Minciiop "HKitiil "s ham: Ily virtue of mi execiillen (Iol In- (Hied hy Ihn Clerk of llio Circuit 1 Court nf tho County of Klamath, Ktute of OreRO'i. dated the 2Sth day I mil.!"' July. '22. Ill a certnln n i," Hie Circuit Court for itald imt (umI Hinte. wherein H. P.. Chi certain action In County , hlldern an 1 plaintiff recovered Juwreinenl nRnlntt . J. I). Cdler for Ihn Mini of Ten Hun-' clri'it Porly-nlx and 'in loo (101fi fl'il Dollnm, with Intercut at Hie' , rate of 8 per cent from the 1 r, Hi day' I of July 1021 anil contH and dlnhue- .., ,,. Jnienlii taxed at Twonty-threo and in- IIUO -".Tinil t.ul im ll,ltir nml lillnrm.v'll! ,,.,., ,VM.. ,.,, ...,.,. n ...... .......... f ... ,.. .1 . II I....I n,..l I ii'.'h 111 uir mi 111 111 iii- 11. 111. 'it -ti .....I 'tio-lunf $1000111 D'lllarn, no lint 7lh ,.1 . .. ...n moo I Notice In herehy Riven Hint I will i Id o'clock In the forenoon of mid! day. Hell at puldlc auction to tho 1 hlKhcxt lihldi r. fur cash, thu follow-1 Iiir dexcrlhed properly, to-wlt 1 The Northeajt Quarter or Hie HouthweHt (Juarler of Section I'lvo, iTnwiihliln Thlrty-elitlit South. Itiinisn iTweho Haul Wlllameltp Mcrlill.ui, mid llio Smith llnlf of the Southeast Ujunrter of Hcrllim Pourteen. the 1 Northeast Qtiartur of tho Northeant Nrtlmgt ijarU.r, tho Norlhwent ' (1"ar,,r ot tlu' NortheaU Quarlur. tho Plinth Half of tho Northeast 1 ...- .,, ,,..., n.mrl,.P of , - "" the Northwebt Quarter, the North cant (Juartor of the Southwest Quar ter, the North Half of the South-a( jynani r ..1 -n ..... . .-n....ur. iXl'Y"""!.7''' - .". K i"' .?,,ul,h.- I.l?.n?' I iniiu' 1 uni n iinu'iriii' nvi iiiiiii mini the Norlhv.ent Quarter of the 8ouili.;a.l Quarfr of Section Sixteen. Miwiminp i iiirivncicil iinuill, linnBO l.HT'n hast Wtllamotto JlortilUn, Taken mid levied upon ni the prop erty of Mie said I I). Killer or as much thereof as may t" necessary to satisfy the said judgment In fanr'of said plaintiffs nenlnst said J. I). Kil ler, defoudent ulth Intcrcet thereon, together wlih all corts and 'disburse ments that hnvc or may accrue. I.. I.. LOW. Sheriff. nriiT u. iiawkins. Deputy. Dated nt Klnmnth Kails. Klamath County Ore , August 21st . 1922. A21-S2r. Inc. HHIDKKS MITICi: Notlco Is hereby Rlvnn that titila will be received by tho Count) School District beard, for suppblnR r.O cords of both and limb wood In 2 foot lengths thu wood to ho dellcrud and piled so that proper measurement may bo made, nt the Honnnzn school, IloiKinia. Oregon. All bids to bo submitted by 10 o'clnrk A M Thurs day, August :ilt addressed or ten dered l ulther .Mr. Uradley, clerk of thu llouauza school district, Don.inza, Oregon, or to K. I,. l)al.i, clerk of tho county district, llonm 3, 8 wan 9 on Ilulldlng. Klamath Kails. Ore. A 19-21-22-23-20 Advertising pays. Try It and see. By CONDO CAR VX STrserC My AT T lATi THOOiH HWJ Vou OUGHT To iN A roAK I Leave Your Fihtvs 'Before 9 O'ciocK-Yoor .m riGiuras am a . j:o w KLAMATH FAU.S OREGON Wkn w I rr VHGRE PAnTICULAR PEOPUC. -ZuiZr DUY TMCIR DRUGS DR. J. G. GOBLE OITOMETMST OITICIAN 7(l Mln Hf. Phono IIUI-W Wo fit and grind glasrci, Oupll cats hroxon lcmei. repair frmei. S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon 112 H. nth Ht. Phone r.2-1 DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. DnlMlDg PHONE 1 FRED WESTERFELD Dentist Phone 4.1 l-W X-UAY LAUORATOnrGR IxoinU Illilff. Klnrunth FmlU Ladies' Shoe Repairing Finn llei'l Work mnl lliiliil-Scncil Holes Jack Frost Klxlli Street, Juit off Main Ncv York Life Ins. Co. i. 1:. nuiiKi:, ii). momyi:h Itmtdrnt Aecntn All Svw York I.Ifo Policy Hold cm nro welcome fo our cnlcM Kodak Finishing Films received before 9 A.M. Ready the same day at 5 P. M. Mall orders filled promptly STAR DRUG CO. .till. .Cr Main St. Have Perfect Floors Our P.lcrtrlc l'limr Hut facer Icons out unuiiiil In illil reinnv eM old nnilh, wi, nml pilnt, mnl makes old floors look llko new. ('.ill us for prices. llejidiimirtrrs for nil kinds of glass In nil hlrs. Snvli Dimrii, Cabinet Wotk anil Mmu rases. Bee Keepers Supplies E.C.STUCKY "The Glass House" Mill mnl Pine. Plume 177-W W. E. & J. E. Patterson CONTHACTIXO I'AINTKIW Paints, Oils and Vurnltli 030 a. flhth St.. Klnmatl'i Knit. Pheno 68'J-J from t fo 3: BO DR. H. J. WINTERS Qraduste and Bttite Il4-glti'rMl OPTICIAN Nineteen years here In ddsIuom Wo grind and fit Glares Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt HerTlie llct Kiulppcil OjiIIchI Htore la Houihem Oregon 714 Main Street lr KLAMATH P03T No. S, American I.CRlnn mets In the basement ot the now courthouao on Muln Street on the first ami third Tuesdnys of each mouth, Ex'-Korvlca men are invited to at- tond the meotlngi. Dr Kred Wosterfeld, Comm&ndur. II. K. Ootz. Post Adjutant and ltd lief and Kmploynieat coaimltton. CHIROPRACTORS Dus. MAM.niT ai MAMiirrr Offho ow Underwood's ?lh & Main Phono n.10.,1 -a ivr a 9?tf& work ream ar o p. 3r,'o . wraafY DR. F. R. GODDARD OHTni'OATHIO PHVHICIAN A.vn 8PItKO.V Offlcn nml It'wldcncr I'lionca ll'il i. o. o. v. n:ntiH Klamath Falli Plumbing & HeatinR Co. J. H. Ii.arSON', I'rop. Itli & Plnn Hf. riimoiio .'ltV-R J. C. CLEGHORN CIVIli ENQINKRR AMD HU11VCYOK PlHiae 103-J IM H. HItsMm Diamonds, Gold Bought Reliable Estimates ' G. GRAMER Portland, Oro. 71.1 Sclllni; llldrf. I. O. O. F. Pronperlty IlclK-knli, 104- iun.-tt Flnt and Third Tliunxlaya Lwaiiaa Kncompmcnt 40, mcctt each Tii&nlny Klamuth Lodeo 137; mccU each Friday When You Have Dirty Clothes It you will call tho Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th Ht. rhono 573-W They will wash, darn, iron and ' return to you. lilainalli Palts, Ore. NEW, CITY LAUNDRYl Flnlnhrd Work Flat Work Hough Dry "Pat Tonr Dsda la Ov Buda' J'HONK 104 , Corter Main ssd Ooasrr Richter's Boarding House 1010-1021 Main -Street. Formerly known na tho Hlater liouoe. Dining room Is reopen, eil under new nuiniiKcuicnt. HimhI ile.iii moms anil Ixiaril, K"0 n wis-k. KIiirIu iiieiils .Ilk. ..CliUkcn dinner every Sunday. Table Hoard Ilnmo Cuoklii Chas. Richtcr, Manager IT' t FURNACES . V bine tho Wi'sli'in ,111111 Col. iii.il filiiiiuo's, III Ih.Hi, piped nml' plpei'.. Until luive'-ohhinn fliv Inim'h mid nro of Hut lict eon htiiutlon, U'l us hhow them (o yon. L. N. HAINES 1(12.1 Main SI. Our chief amblHpn Is to Mill you iliiutlty driiKS nt, reaaonaliln prlies nml In u satisfactory manner. Cur- I rlns Kor Driics. f Ti I The TiinelliiK .1I.hi Utile .MarKaiL't wan taKHiK to u f.uull) of kittens, which slj,o sniiKRled closely in hor arms. A thouiihtul P.UI80 causud hur . mothoiV ."who was slttiiiR near her tcypdy soino tU teiitlou to what was coming uoxt. "Kitty," said tho Hilly gl'rl, "J know your llttlu brothora nnd slslors, land I know your iiinmma: hut I havq noor scon your papa, I 'spovt ho must bo u Hvollugnuun, llku dad ily." ', '( i " ' You can purchnsu your drug needs from us by mall mid bo uiiburc.il of tho same Reed sorlca that wu, deliver lu our store. Currlns For Unlit.'' 21 aot result bj elMi,W7'S?'. i n i n AA . 'u fi M