The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 22, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Pafe Four
ti I'sn.w, M'ntvr flu, toaa.
; h
Ltf rl
Star Athletes From
Many States Coming
For Sacramento Meet
The Office Cat
W. C Van Kmntt nays snmo fulk"?
dttiy hotno whim I hoy go mi n nra
lion ninl others i;o to Chlloiiulu nml
liiili'iinli with tliu town marshal.
cin:i:it ti'
"Into nil Uvea rnmo mm must Tall,
Somo days must lio dark and
TIiIh wlso old chap who wrote tlicso
Was feeling qullo sad and weary.
Porhiipn some Mils were fulling due.
Or IiIh Iro ehest needed filling.
1 to certainly was feeling Iilno
When htj wrote these words so
"Thn human hog Is overywhore,
no mnttiir whore yon go, he.'s there;
yon 'find this nnrIclou3 boast In
ctinrrli nnd state nt tliu fnuiu and
feast. You'll Bitrcly bo n lucky dog,
If yon racnpo tlio human line. Ho al
ways lions tho choicest roat, and hogs
another for his foot, yon needn't look
for hoofs, and snout, there's easier
wnn to find him out. If yon with
hint should rhnnro to drnl. you'll
know him oro mi lnnr him squeal:
you'll sro tho bristles on his splno.
nnd know right off you'vo struck n
swliio. He looks on you and all your
kin as victims grown for Ii tin to skin,
nnd this ndvlco I wish you'd tako,
nvold htm as you would n snake. O,
yos, you'll meet him by and hy out
on tho road or In his sty, nnd though
It Isn't nlfQ to toll, you'll moot him
It you ro to lull.
RAN F11ANC1SCO, Aug. 22.
Star nthlctcs from several ."tales
nro exported to compete In (he far
western Invitational track and field
moot to ho held tit Sacramento Sep-
tenilier 8 and 0 as n feature of the
California state fair.
Ilorhort Hauser, San I'ranclfco.
secretary of the Pacific association
of the amateur ntheltlc union, undet
whoso auspices the moot is to he
held, expects that tho meet will he
not only an annual affair hut that
next year It will he Incorporated
In the national A. A. 1'. champion
ships, which Sacramento may make
a iiiit for.
All the star college and hli:h
school athletes will compete. "Tiny"
) Hartranft, Stanford University
. weight man who holds the national
j Intercollegiate shot put title, and
Hud Hauser, Oxnnrd high school
hoy who holds the national Inter
scholastic shot will compete on the
I.o Angeles athletic chili team.
Charles Paddock, tho world's fast
est human, may also run for the
southern team.
Tho University of California will
havo about forty men entered nt
Sacramento, according to Hans
en "Hrlck" Mttller, Henderson,
Hendrlvson, Hob Hutchison, Charlie
Dorr nnd others who won the 1922
Intercollegiate title for tho state
university will ho on the team. Jivk
Merchant, having graduated last
Kfforts are. being mado to have
the Multnomah amateur athletic
club of Portland enter the meet.
An added event this year ".till be
a half-mile relay for high schools,
four men to a team.
IHJVril CLAIMS Win. II. iu:li
nrim:.NT in.iti: it io.vits
Krod Houston says tho beautiful
things now used to fill stockings
ninko tho Qhrlslmns Joy' last nil thn
.V if t
Chnrlla Currlns asks how come
they nover put "Welcoum' wm Ilia
Hint beforo tho cellar door?
William J. Ilryan got to 'a town
one evening to lecture, to find that
ho had lectured there before, nut
ho couldn't remember which of his
lectures ho delivered. Wlion ho
reached the hall n ray of hope ap
peared In tho Janitor, who said he
was "dcllRhtcd to sea Mr. Ilryan
"So you woro. hero, John," said
Ilryan; "when I lectured- hero be
foro?" "Yes Indeed sir," was tho answer.
"Well do 1 remember It."
"flood" said llrayn. "Do you re
member what I gave, John?"
"Indeed I do, sir," was tho smil
ing answer. "You gavo mo fifty
cents, sir."
Oregon University
Women Will Replace
Burned Collection
Tin: sTit.wn
Tonight for only ten rents, one
price to all, tho Strand will show Its
usual hill of feature picture, vmulo
llle moles and a good comedy.
The feature for the turning Is "lie
low the Dead Line " This depicts
the underworld of N'ew York to
which Is added some railroad pictures
showing fights on top of rapidly mov
ing trains which nro guiir.iulco'l to
thrill even a mummy.
Hut with a price down to leu cents
that Is not nil. Kery lady who comes
to the Strand tonight will he glen
free a Movie Kan hair net. Ted
White says he bus them In similes to
match any hair grown In Klamath
Kails or elsewhere.
lteniomber the Strand give two
hours of the best pictures ever shown
anywhere for only ten cents,
thi: i.iiir.itTV
It Is an ultra-modern "Cnmlllo"
who Is presented In N.ulinovn's M't-J
ro production of Alexander nutans
Immortal love story new being shown
nt tho Liberty theatre.
All of the plrturesuue settings for
tho action of the production especi
ally designed bv Natnclia Hrtinliov.l
reveal the very lat word In present"
day luxury. And the gowns worn
hy Nazlmova and members of her
supi.ortlng company, nil urn tho
product of the combined Jngenitlty
of star and artist.
Many of the hangings nnd draper
ies used in this ulra-modern femlnlno
sanctuary were Imported from Paris
by Xiiilmova herself some have
adorned her own home.
Mls.s Ilambova, herself well-known
as a dancer, designed many of the
elaborate costumes worn by N'luhn
ova In the picture.
Tho cast for "Canilllo" Includes,
besides Nnzlmov.i- Itudolph Valen
tino, hero of the Hex Ingram pro
ductions. "The Kour Horsemen rf the
Apocalypse" nnd "The Conquering
Power", who will enact tho part of
Armnnd. tho romantic lover.
WW' , 111 Bll II II I I SI I II l ! I I ll I I ! Il I l MB ! n
Mil ' J'f
m. Aa i
& f '
Wm. II. Hull. 222s Kheileln iimii
us, died this miiiiitnit or licit 1 1 fiillilln
at the nge of il. llni'Mille hele flum
Saginaw, Mliiilg.m. nnd hud been a
reHldent of the niunt, fur It i;ui
J lie Is HiitvlM'd by a noil, (leorgn A,
Hull, who tipiiialim a (rink iiliigo
hull'. Killii'inl NirleeH will hn rim
iluiii'd at I lie Whltloi'k ehilpel lit 1!
o'lim Ii Wi'iliieiiilny hy the 1 1 . A,
II Hrlstmv.
Wiiti'imiiu Ideal Kouiiliiln pemi iiik
ihi woiIiIk Hliimhtid I'm i ItiN I'm
Ihiiiis 2'i
EUOENK. Aug. 22. A campaign
has been begun dj' the women of
Kugcno nnd the alumnao of the
University of Oregon to gather jna
Jerlals essential to the work of the
normal and Industrial arts depart
intdi t of the university to teplaro that
which was' tins truved whcn'.the art
bulldlnsoaui6t.un'lvorslty campus Slur ...,.itro last night to a large nnd
Till! ST.Ut
Fair and Warmer" wa given n
very creditable presonlallon nt the
burned a few.weok.s ago.
Tho collection dostroyod In the
firo1 was obtained only nfter many
years of gathering. As It U said
that It will bo necessary to havo such
articles period furniture, metal ware,
textiles, weaving, pottery, china,
prints and articles of historical valuo
In home decorations, to properly
carry on tho work of tho normal and
Industrial art departments, the com
mittee in charge of the compalgn Is
laboring earnestly for such dona
tions. They havo announced that
such donations will be housed In a
fire-proof bulldirfg.
enthusiastic audlenco by,thn llltde
brand Dramatic company. It Ii sel
dom that local tlicatro goors aru utv-
Ity .MILTO.V IlltOVVint
LONDON. Aug., 22.- Tho mini
worried duchess In Ilrltaln Is
the Duchess of Lelnter
All because the Duke of I.i inst-r,
her husband,
the most ndventur
ous duke In iln-v
Ilrltaln, w I e 1
known as the il.iri
deil duke '
Is l!lijrrr
"A Nice Home
I.lttlo Iluth was sent to school for
tho first time nnd tho teacher asked
her what her father's' name was.
"Daddy," sho answered.
"Yes, dear," said the teacher, smil
ing, "hut what docs your mama call
him "
"Sho don't call blm nothln' " Ituth
nnswerod earnestly.. .VSho likes
Will Wood says It's about tlmo to
moblllio your hay fuvcr romedles.
Iluy n radiophone and ovodrop on
tho wholu world garglea J:rl Shop-,
Top notch hunting shoes. Hous
ton & Jester. 21-2M
Got results by using class ads.
There Is no tlmo for delay
when your glasses meet an ac
cident. You demand quick and effi
cient scrvlco then.
We aro equipped to rendor
such service Inimcdlatuly.
Wo grind tho cur face nnd
edge the lenses nnd guaran
tee correct duplication of
years oxper-
W) will deliver slab and block
wood lo tiny ranch In tho vallin- at
a reasonablo extra charge for ' tho
mileage. See us about your wood
for the ranch, our charges are rea
sonable. 0. Peyton & Co.
Dr. Goble
Ofe. 1XUV, I ten. 3.'I1-J
. 700 Main
Somewhere In
Iruland. In tin
forces of the Irish
Kreo Stife, there
, w.) ue serviin;
on an opportunity to see well acted i tills tall, .good
and well staged plays and the Hilde
brand players aro to be compliment
ed on their fine work In "Fair and
Warmer." Tho play Just bubbles
over with laughs and funny situa
tions and well earns tho titlo of be
ing tho play that made tho whole
world laugh.
Nick Ilaker and Miss Violet Nelt
carry off tin; honors of tho evening
as Illllle and Iltanny and were es
pecially good In tho cocktuil scene,
: &
twb wrr- J
looking man of 3il.
who. If given half
a chance, will U Li:iSTir.t
svro to do something that Is bravo tr
In connection with him hnforo ho ills,
appeared from hit) usual mutiopull
lan haunts.
He was fined C pounds for fast
Iriilnc I
11" nninmiKixl ho was colni? tn
""" ih" Atlantic ocean slnglu-hand '
"I In a t2-toii kotcJi.
A, i.l ll i.a.i al,i,...l l.n I... . ..,
""' n" IIU 11,1,1 UUITI'll
Hit "rWres to tho Irish freo Male m
.i -.u.ulty lit which ho roithl In
Knowing his Impetuous character J
nnu mil nravery ami love of excite
merit mid adventure, his Loudon pals
aro hviuiijt ,n pound Merllm; .to n
plugged penny idnte that lie will
, bust" rbtht Into first page news al
most any day soon.
W. hillovo In the future of Klani
aril falls.
ili i.nint nt i,.ii li.m. l-.. ii... i'"" i "us. t t Dtiiievo In Its tieone
duke Is a new recruit to the ar d jiVMlK 'S.,KSr 'i T-ZX
forces of MIcIiriiI Collins. Says So. 2
One . inong M m
i ,
Outside of the rovM dufcfs there Ilu A penny fur jour thuiightH.
nro only 2S dukes In the United! She "Well, t guess they urn nut
Kingdom and Lelnster Is tho only ' worth any more than that I was
present holder of a coronet who adds ' thlnklnir uhnut von.
Special mention should be made of j any splco of romance to the litlu.
"';", !f. ,,,roco,, , ' ! u'' " ny kinds of mercimn-
MONbi He cared o little for It ills but druas huio nur heal i.ffnrM
MIC Charlotte Fletcher for her char
acter ong between tho first nnd
second acts. Sho has a striking per
sonality and knows how to put over
song numbers.
Hint In his younger years ho was of-' Currlns For Drugs
ten In the hankruptry courts.
"Fair and Warmer," will bo re- j g0 muc, for ,ly 8torm0(, , ,lparl ,
peated tonight and "Uought nnd Paid
For," the dramu with a punch, will
bo staged on Wednesday and Thurs
day nights.
Porto Rice Soon to
Have Prohibition Flest
SAN JUAN, Porto Rice, Aug. 22.
Prohibition Director Mariano Pes-
quera soon will have n fleet consist-
Ing probably of ouo submarine chus
' or and two motor launrhes t assist
him in catching poreon bringing II-
quor Into Porto KIco.
I KequlHlllon for this fleet recently
was approvod In Washington. Tliu
submarlnu (baser will havo it roving
1 commission, whllo tho launches will
, oieratn from fixed bases.
Holland shoes for boys nro bettor.
Houston & Jester. 21-2.1
-'I Advertising pays. Try it and see.
of tho beautiful May Ktherldge. Lon-1
don's favorite Gaiety girl, nnd tunr-'
rled her when bo was Just 21.
ADVKNTUIIK Ho liked It so well '
ho bought nn Canada and
roughed It.
SPOUTS -Holding nn auto driv
er's license since ho was J."; ho has
been such a speed morchant that he
has oftoa been fined by grave magis
trates, although In his whole IS jenrs
of driving ho has never bad an ac
cident, not even nn his reient record
breaking lfi-hour drive of CIO miles
from I.Hiidon to Aberdeen.
WAR An officer In a west riding
regiment, bo served throughout the
great 1911-lSl'j conflict, being bad
ly w"umk'tl a number of times and
always returning to duty Just as soon
ns he was pat' bed up.
Wheie I He?
Just whore the duko r now Ih a
puzlu none in London ran solve.
There were Just tin no pieces of news
But Be Sure It's Ironized Yeast
You can't civc your Job lbs best tltat'j
In you, if you Buffer with Indigestion,
dykpeprla or etherdistrcsslni: stomach
ailments. The thing to do.if you want
to feci in tip-top condition, with never
n thought of ktomach trouble, Is to try
Ironized Yeast. Simply tako two tab
lets with each meal. In all probability
you will notice highly beneficial results
within the first IH hours.
Ycait, ;i3 everyone knows, conlalni
certain elements which have a wonder
ful effect on thu functioning of our
stomachs, and in toning up the system.
Hut Ironized Yeait cmbodicn the new
scientific process of ironization which
makes cast just doubly effective. For
lictbtomach troubles and keep yourself
100 efficient. Get Ironized Ycakt to
day. To try it free bimply mail post
card for famous 3-Day Test. Atldrcw
Ironized Yeast Co., Dept. 80, Atlanta,
Ga. Ironized Yeast is recommended
and fjuarantct-d by nil good druggists.
Danny Declares Himself
til JHEmu. tfr'mTffl 'Kr3BiiM
One Gasoline
"Kci! Crown" onnlilos your air
tinil )iur-'.itllon mileage that itn
liuikera tles'iKneU It to KJvu.
It vjiiorlze3 rapidly and tint'
formli' in the curburutor thttt
until vi (tttick ntiirtint;. It Is con
mttnetl completely In the cylinders- iiU'iin:! ii !itui(lyfitreuiii
of owor uiul more iiii!cui;o ut
lesa co-it.
Kun your car with "Red
Crown" nnd nothing, nnd
you won't have to bother with
curburutor adjut.tinetitH.
Till ut the Red Crown nigit
nt Service Stuliotm, ut enruces,
nnd ut other dealers.
i mvyiVNK?f
lirV 1 1 I v.-iih rn.v
i MffifMMM&Xk .sSTRs.
i mmmwmjArE'MA
wm mM&fti&mmmi
ur pSIb price
f 5UPP051'. I'LL J
Sfe feS35 fesr 5ys& " S iitf
' ftfr W THJ7f rT't ' io-rjMTJ t- fpnize fighter! )Jf "f
41 MAIN,
l'HOgg OSg
Z-X iff 114
. Hk
f .
mJ. -L-.
i i i