The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 22, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Jvt) 'l
: "I
'itchiuv, uwht 22, idcu.
: -i
Henry's New Car Hits on All Four
, i
I A -
v limn Kuril find Mrn Ilvnry lul:o n Jaunt ubout Quubcc In n cnlechf 11 what lli"' mil the mieliat liomv-Utuwn viliklu b tilt uecd by elahtt
smrs In (In ('miuillaii illy
1, 1. 11I1 mini ( oliini'l 'I ills uf ,.
(in Im mi ItiltWi In I'opl
AI.I.'N'AN'IHIIA. CK)it. Auk S2 -Tim
H'Ci'iit nttm-lc In t li In illy on
Mmiti'miiil Cnliini'l Artlinr h'reilerlck
I In 111II1011 I'Ikiiii was llio I Old iiiin In
IIik series of iiiiiriiriiiiH iinh.iiiIIh up
11:1 llrlllnli milijcil In Kk l't II
called iiriiIii 10 mlii'l tin' Ihri'iil nf
tho tiiilliinnllntri Unit 1111 MiikIUIiiiiuii
would Im shut il.illy until tlm niluni
nf Hit lit ZukIimiI I'nshn. (Im ii.itlimil
11 ln.iili'r ului wan departed liy lh
llrlllnli liml lleiemlier, mid II in Mm
InlcHI ihIiIIIIiiii In Hi" I'tli'iiilcil lut lit
of nutl-llrltlah political iiuiriiKes.
i.ionti'iiiint Ciil'initi rinoii, of tin'
Itojul Army I'ny corpi, us hIiiiI 'iinl
i:mvily Mounded In Kmll el I'uill
Htri'i't In iinliniiu'ii .iHH.ill.iutu while
u.illdui' l" lilit nffiie Hi- wiiii liikrn
liiniii'iiiiii y into thi' limine ill an
l.'m'tiiliin itncitir. M .Alnlul MeRiilil, at
I .No I Kmll nl I'.iill Mri'i't iiml wiiii
' Khen firm niil, luliii: utterM-inls
1 triitntpnrled In (Im officers' hoipltul
nt AIiIiiiknIi'Ii where iiIiii uf llin llinn
Inilloln which liml hit lil itt was ex-
tliicted. '
Hopes urn i'iilirliilni'il nf hi f-!
unery. Inn I hi now crime him iirniiH
, oil cri'iil ludlKuiitlini uniniiR the Cur ioiiil;itlini In Krvpt. 1
I llruiiHWlrk lletnrils linn tfmimth-1
'or. Hon rut Holler I.iihI Iihim't; Cnnl
1111 innri'. Currliis Knr Priir.. -2 J
1 i
'l'n ii .Mm Sim! Noiir Milfoil li)
I IIoniIhiik 1 1 lull SiIhmiI I'iiiiiIi !
; .Mi:i)l'()ltl. Auk Si It. A. Htew
I ml, mill Charles It. Mi-ad of Port
land n ro lonvurluK from iwmnilH re
roi'it Huml.iy ulioii they were mis
tiiki ii fur ii deer Ny Cliurli-M Klni; nf
Koxi'liiiri;. Iilcli school coach.
HAN rilANCIM'O, Am:. 22.
Colin lilcnt with tint miniiuntoini'iit
lluit Un nxii illtlon lo tint Tiilmyns
priivlnrn nf tlm Philippine, hml imim
upon definite Indication nf nil dopoH
IH, llin Kliitiiliinl 'III cruiipiiny nf f n I -Ifornlii
announced recently Unit It
will ilu prnspwiliiK worlt In tlm Amen
ii r i 'ii of Kniiuliir ninl tlm Cold hay il lu
ll lit of tlm Ahitildin pi'iiliiHiila,
Tlm Amen lii.nio ilali'H hark In Ap
ril 20 (i ml invent potential deposit
uiirlli nf llin (iuiiynx river it n it frmn
,10 In Til) mlli'H wont of llin llirlvlnr.
purl of (luavaiiull, A ilrllllnt: outfit
rnpihln of KlnkliiK n wnll to a depth
uf J, find fi'i'l him hi'i'ii shipped In tho
sceim. Actual ilrlllliiK should lu
utiirl'nl curly In Hoplember,
In tint Alasltnn project tlm com
puny Ik cncnurnia'd !' n small pre
mint output In thu Kntatla p-kIuii hut
im i'l nu oil Mux linen foil ml In thu
Colli liny ri'Klou In coinmnrdat quan
tities. Machinery In being mmeinhli'il
for Mhlpmi'nl to that point uiul u lent
null will ho ilrllkil within thu next
few montlm.
Tlm AniL'ti iiiiti'1'prlnu will ho tlm
Ki'coml viuiliiro for thu company in
Koiith Anmrliii, ti'Kt wpIU now helnr;
lornlt'il In thn i:i Carmuii anil Kan
Jnclnlo (onri'iihlonii of Columhla. Tlm
country Ik wllil hut lmalthy.
Thn I'hlllpplni'ii oiitiirprliiii ilil
nuinili'il thu lirraklnR of ni-w Irnlln
ihroiiRli thick JunKh'H. Tlm firm
well wuii ahaniloni'il dun to ralnK
formation!! The rlK na movcil to
a tmw locution when' u tmw well waH
"npuilileit In" or partially ilrlllnl nnil
rrlnforri'il. Later ntiolher well waM
Nt.irteil ten nilli'H from Urn Amur.ulx
or main ramp
If you ronlempl.ito tho purch.ini' of
a phiuior.raph ln'tler t thono l'alhi'
nl nun half price. Cnrrlim i'or DriiK.
Ham Prices
Are Down
Ham Boiled, Baked (Hot or
Cold), Broiled, or Fried is one of the
most appetizing and savory foods
that tho market offers.
The wholesale prico of ham is
fifteen to twenty per cent lower than
it was six weeks ago.
Tho U. S. Dept of Agriculture in
an announcement dated Juno 19,
1922, in referring to vitamins found
in meat said, "Various cuts of meat
were tried, and in every instance pork
was found to bo relatively rich in
vitamins. Pork tenderloin, fresh
ham, smoked ham, and pressed
boiled ham were tested and the
results wero much the same with all
of them.
Swift's Premium Hams are always
of a uniform high standard of quality,
regardless of price. A special cure
of sugar and salt, and smoking over
hardwood tires impart a flavor that
has made "Premium" Ham the
world's standard.
Summer time is ham time. Insist
on having "Swift's Premium"
see the blue identification tag.
Swift & Company
U. S. A.
stmt ''n -F
, Swift
r.jr.i. roi.iTicAii
iikjiits wiiii re.Mi:
(Conlnucd from rase 1)
women mcmhnm of parliament, wn
' have alri'iuly ohtalneil partlnl notion
In tlil matter.
"At IimiM, Iia Kol through n
Mil which maKei It no poti
nihil' for ii man in ilefeml hlimolf
aKiiiiiNt mniaiilt durKcH hy (l.ilmliiK
that Im tlmiiKht the Klrl wuHiiVL-r 10,
tlm a 1:0 of rotiHi'iit.
"If nlm really wn uniler nRC liu
miikt bo punlxlii'il, no matter what he
thought. ,
Sock WMouV I'entlon
"Another iiienmirn for which wo
arn wnrklne hnnl lit n petition hill
for wlilowed mothem. In nn effort
to i;et equal pay for women, wi havo
Kelectoil teachern nnil rhll nerWci'
emplo)eH lo hoKln with, nlnco they
tlm palil, either directly or Indirectly
hy tho fiovernment.
"Wo conntantly hear In IiRlnnd
that your women teachern nro puld
im much nu your men, That U one
point I Hhall hu Interested to Invea
tli;ate. "Another hill wo nro ptishlnR In
Urn Inter eat of Justice, la 0110 to ralno
thu Matus of children horn out of
wedlock. Tho law now hold thu
child reaiionslblu for Its parents'
"Public opinion Is especially on
our sltlo In this matter. Tho Idi'al
of Justice also wilt ho upheld when
wo havu had mothem mado equal
Riiardlaiis of their children with tho
l.ady Ilhondda has been called tho
"huslest rich woman In KiiRlaud."
Kim Inherited millions from her fath
er, food controller of (J rent Urltaln
durliiK tho war, but sho puis In 12
hours 11 n- working for tho 27 social
mid political reform measures shu
Her moilu or IIvIiik simple. Hor
namo was not on tho passenger list
of tho ship on which sha camo hero
nnd her vacation In Connecticut will
ha entirely minim social frills.
Her manner Is cordial nnd unaf
fected. In dress, loo, sho prefers tho
unostentatious. When seen hero,
Alio worn 11 loose, dark blue crepe do
ehlno frock, cut for lomfort rather
than fashion.
Sho Is typically IlrltUh In nppear
nnco tall, robust, with deop-bluo
eyes, fluffy brown hair, clear skin
nnd IiIkIi color, Sim speaks easily
nnd to tho point, with understanding
nnd humor. ,
In addition to her work for women
nnd children, I,ndy Hhnndda person-;
ally mnmiKes tho hiiRu coal mlno In
terchtH which camo to her from hor
father. Kim Is Bald lo apply tho Reed
business huiiso gained thereby In hor
political campalRiis mid to hnvo won
a number of points through her ox
porlenco In commerce.
Lady Ilhondda will return to Kiir- '
land thu mlddlo of September to aid
In pushing n numb'or ot women's
Tlirt ,iv l.nat ftl.l.m It .ll tinvnli'l
n Drunswlck Is nniiiRwick records on
ma pnniiORrupii you nuvo. uurrin
Says So, 32 ,
iBhb Jjbe2iiib9BIBL bY Sbbbw
NOTE Tht R1 Top tin ton
taint Velvet that hu recently
been delivered from tht fac
tory. It la In fresh condition
cool and mooth In pipe.
Each tin of
-tiki hfisv '
- a t .
1. f-
av &i K aV-.aeiiB'iiBjBBBBal
if :.,
f 1
J 4 ". V. '
B J 1 'is 1
I t" ,l x.ilrt.'k
with the RED TOP
contains freshly made tobacco. Just right for your .
And the mild smoothness you enjoy is the result.,
of Velvet's two long year's ageing in wooden hogs?,
heads. Patient ageing in Nature's way the right
way of removing raw harshness and bite. ,,
You'll say that Velvet is cool, smooth and "sweet
M a nut" in your pipe.
ticGciT &. MvtRS Tobacco Co,
' .' 'u
'"if "mrv ('
' W Kl tw '
"' ). .Aaunrw
V '
Oil Gusher Comes In
The following telegram just received notifies us that our first well is in.
"Southern States well just flowed over top derrick, estimated two thousand bar
rels, should do twice that amount when drilled a little deeper in oil sand and is pro
ducing highest gravity oil in Texas."
Each owner of one of our leases wil 1 receive 50 of the oil from this well and
50 of the oil from SEVEN more wells yet to be completed.
It costs money to drill oil wells, lot s of it, therefore we are disposing of part of
our holdings to enable us to successfully c omplete these remaining wells. 1
We have no stock for sale.
Your lease is recorded in your name and belongs to you just as much as a leas
on a piece of Klamath County farm land and remember that 95 of the speculative
feature is eliminated because each lease owner owns 50 of the oil produced from
eight wells in proportion to the amount of acreage he owns.
Intelligent folks do not make the, mistakes of considering an investment worth
less because it is offered to them.
v Southern States Lease and Production Company
Representative at Hotel Hall, at Your Service'
Rofercnccs: Duun or Bradstreet; P. M. Ilank, Ft. Worth, Texas; Continental National Bank, Fl.
Worth, Texas; Chamber of Commerce, Ft. Worth, Texas; Chamber ot Commorce, Ft. Stockton, Texas.
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