p?V t,'.t w ; -v Pm Tw' THE EVENING HER ALD.i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ITIIHIt.W, .MKU'NT SiU', IIIUU. . Ill- J' R ! i It-a K. " The Eveninf Herald F. HyidtJlB.. Editor, d PuMirtier H. R. HlIiTjt .... i CHt Editor F C. NICKMC Advertising SfMHUtorl rubllnhod dntlr except Sundar, at The llcrnld Publishing Company at Klamath Falls, nt 119 eighth street. Kntorcd nt tho postofflce at Klam nth Falls, Ore, for transmission through tho malls as socond-class inattor. MEMDElt OF Tim ASSOCIATED PRESS y cntltlod to tho uso for publics- J try over. bo properly nppjlcd to bo of use, and tho application must bo mnilo with undcrstandlntr. Tlio small publisher In tho past has only dimly understood tho force that ho controlled. Only occasional ly was tho small paper conducted on a business basis, under tho manage ment of ono of any particular nutl tudo tor training. CoMa and wages In the newspaper flold In tho past five years hao ad vanced at least 200 per cent. The result has been a general readjust ment that Is weeding out tho weakest of tho smaller publications tho conn- y7 s ao r .Ztettt tlon of all news dispatches rrcdlled to It, or not, othcrw Iso credited In this paper, nnd also tho local news published herein. TIIKHDAY, Ai:0l8T aa THE LOCAL PAPER lARADOXICAL as It may seem, Personal Mention Snow nnd hall were reported to It Is actually and absolutely trua that only tho fittest are surviving. It Is a stern test, but It Is result ing In n general boaeflt and when the shaking down process Is complet ed tho country newspapers will be on a sound business basis, better un derstood and better appreciated, for In order to survive they will havo to make adequate charges for their nnd Is the local newspaper, strlv- 'services, will ha-o to keep stricter hae fallen nt Crater Like and Annie recoras or revenues, win nnvo to creeK camp resteniny. Justify theso changes to their cus tomers, bringing about n better nn-! Charles . Tower was n lilor derstandlng on the part of the pub-, hcri' M'sterday afternoon from Keno He of the Inside workings of the newspaper business. ude&j Shipment of Felts just arrived - & MOTOR BOAT OWNERS WILL HAVE TO PILOT OWN BOATS IN RACES Ing day nfter day thru Its news col umns to add to tho sum total of hu man understanding by presenting the fads on matters of local and gener al concern; through Its editorial col umns to glvo a Just and Impartial analysis of tho tacts; through Its ad vertising columns to build up tho . Charles Hall., the grouch candidate for governor, has n now political the- Mr and .Mrs. P. S. 1'uctutt nse In town today attending to ntatterj of business. F. I. Pope was In town early tliN ory. says the llend Ilulletin. Every morning from Ills ranch tuur Mcr- huslncssjof tho community. Is the . democrat who , changed hla roglstra-' rill, looking after business affair.-, least understood of all enterprises -cm and voted for Olcott Is n Cath- affectlngtcommunlty lllc. I. the least ' C:, "" " T '"" "i . . . cd Hall Is a republican, subjected to cstlranto and analysis I and receives least proportionate j Taluo from Its constant campaign for community unbuilding. Tho average man has a haxy Idea, that tho'newspaper Is n scml-hllan-throplc Institution laboring for the good of, tho town, to bo forgotten when It Is functioning efficiently but' m TSmSims uxyy Mrs. Hot Mc.MHII.in has return. jed to her homo In Hornbrook after ,an extended visit here 'With her par ents. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Low. Hymen Wechsler left this morning I for Portland where he will visit I with his family for an Indefinite time. HAVANA. Cuba . Ann "-! Ammut tho conditions It In pi'iipuxed to Im poso on entries In tho lulrrmitlotml motor bout rnroi next February be tween Miami, Flu,, nnd llinmm Is that the owners of tho craft must bo aboard tlui'lui; I lie contests, Another Is that tho couteNtuuta oni'iir." In n 20 or -i mile race off Havana so that the people of Culm may linvn an op iortuult to lov the entry of the Havana Yuclit club, MlAs llm.um, In action. Accotdliig to Knfael Possu, tho Ha- ! twin )aehtsmau who Is lepri'ii'litlui: Cub, i In tho m'Kotlutlous fur the rare prltes amounting to JIO.ihhi ha bei'ii astured thiough tlio nui'ort ' clM'ii tlio event by tho national mm . mission on euroitraglni; tourist Iruv ' el. This sum will bo divided In thiee prices of J' n.000, Jit.uoo mill jL'.onii i while the winner of the rare will re relvo a JSOO trophy, with $3in nud J - 0 0 nips to tlioio taking second i and third place. i The Mlaml-tlavnua rare will or ! copy n ualiiuo pl.iro In uncoil bout ' Mr. nud Mrs. 11. F. Towusend. I according to Fosan, wlio with Mln Amy nud I.llllan Metcalf ! I"'1"!' "" that wbllo tho honta will who were visiting from their hnim.l r-,ro '" sheltered water from Mlntul In Albany, left yesterday to con-l '" ""' """born most tip of Florida. limit- their tour of eastern nnd ,!1 t'r,,",n- "' 'liunnel they must !. northern Oregon. Miss Vera Hou- l,r',l'-r,'l ",,- "I'en sea nuiilll.oiix ton Joined the party here nnd wni w,llc" '-'ll test the meUI of tho craft lie away two or thiee weeks. 1: ,0 "'" "I'1""" " Wert an element or pemonui ilatiger for tho mutest-ants. I Helva O. Cnrllslo of this city and .Iese .1. Lilly of l.ainsell nlloy were marrleil hero Saturday by the Itev. , A. L. Itlco of the l'reibytorlan church. Well-known lumbermen of east ern Oregon who aro hero this week from llend are J P. llennessy and .S'od Shot tin. They are ncrouiranl d by E. II. Hen, reported to be a po litical leader ul tils home town Minneapolis. STAR THEATRE TONIGHT The Theatrical Event of the Season The HILDEBRAND DRAMATIC COMPANY -in FAIR AND WARMER" TOMORROW AND THURSDAY NIGHT UrtniirkiiT tain n e cr rnnil u Uu AN 1 1 PAU U HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS PRICES Adults 55c. Children 25c. Including Tax I J. A. Ooldthwalto Is here for u An ontlmlst In it man who thinks ' frw ,l.i fr.it.. it,.. -i,n i .... ; ----- , .... ,.rf,- ...,.,. l.v ...i.wi,.,ii 1411111 criucineil when it laws to measure i tho world Is as It Is. bcr company' plant near Chllo- up to his uninformed standards of I ,., efficiency I Tno nTernBe n'an never reaches' Tho average man's Idea of tils o- -' Coa' " Ilc rcubn his gold. I l.'d. Voung. n farmer In the Olene rnl. newspaper Is not u flattering or J KxeTT woman's ambition Is tu, ,!ec,lo1"' "'",u a ,rl" t0 ,ow" "' even a Just opinion. Ho Iim little , ,ook as wc ng ,le ,,,, shc IookB "'ornlng after supplto, for his hay conccptlifrl of tho newspaper's real. ; , , . -v .jh?-!"1'- ,. , value ami v.tat usofu.nesa tp the, A rolling stone Is often broke. . j i town, arid little appreciation of Its, ThW(j ,J0t (,ay( a,WJys comotl ,wwengcr on this morning's train steady a jjd persistent effort to mako.Ul0 WR)I1(. m(J of lhu car Ijoum, for S)M ,..,..,,.,,,. w,u,n, ahp uio ujwn... .K-..Ur .,.. ... .... t i will lell wtlh frlemth aiifl rpUlves1 It ho. In business he eonslderr A man sixes things up while a ,., v, , ,,. " .." himself i prince of generosity If he grouch sizes things down. ' ' i ' quality gives thk newspaper an advertise-; JKi. ,. ,,, eM f. and Mr,. 0. E. (OIIcy an'lirv- ment nor nnd then, lie loous upon - .i-' ,m. ' , ,h ,,.. i 0Ulcr visitors In Klamath Falls nre. .. ...J.... .......i.. n.. h,. -o wrpnt' rnors' raoth balls, In , ..... .,.,. ..... , i .- ". . , .. . ' nn iiirn nr fin, vniun OI too HUVCT- " 'V-. -. . . t .. ..... . .. .'. ;- the nowsTapcr, considers that news- J you push. paper spaco Is a cheap commodity. nn ihn nrlr ho navs io all profit. Nothing make a man feel bettor Any one who happened IP ho traveling south from Crater lake or the berry patch yostordayScamo In for a good rain storm. Water was vtaml'lng u foot deep In the road between the agency mid Mo doc Point, acior.lliig to Mr. and Mrs. Ackley. who, with Judge A. L. I.eavltt nud John Foster, returned from Ulrc Huckleberry mountain last evening. They brought a largo iliiantlty of berries homo to show for their three day's trip. Miracle Seen When Crippled Man Runs . PAItlS. Aug. 22.- A miracle for; which l.ouriles. In sumn iu.irt'in. H gheu credit. Is reported from Macon A pilgrim train hound for Loimlos was waiting In the statelou at IMJon , and hjm'hiI pilgrims had cmimed the! tracks to tho refreshment room wln-n the whistle rnlleil them bark. Among Langs over) day chocolates :jt .Mle ,,,,,, IIH pj.raiyxe.imnti who ruld ' er Its ounce pound s n real Vanily ,,., , . ..... ,,.,. ,, . , , .argaln. Cnrrlii Says fio. ( 22 "n,y """" "" "'' 'eii with ' pe bar I he Hid of two eriilehi'S. Ah Im. w.ihIJ I- I t.l..ifl tlln riill-i .... Iiltf .. n. I. .. t. n... ....... ..... lit. I r.r .,i i ' " '" "' " " I imh lAiiiik, ill ..iiiiii.i ii mn vi hm . , i . . . mi i-xiirii-i!i ir.iin irj- n....n I,, it.. .... 'A i or - - " V ... I i t J oirWlntcr unwn?ear.v's Hlr i . . for him byi 4puWj'fiM: hut-be earoful whom I '1 I nn.-ililv Htiorl.tllllix CnrrliK KTing i!it sianoii , cry of lmrrer , went up from thnso who saw lil:i dmi- Ma if ft v-it. na it.lrr- , ....ri.i.u ..rtulil.... I.... .u.. ...... .,... at the White Pelican hotel. They -VlCTJAKT U1UL rtP4ija ,,.,,,'" '"".. t , "'" .'") - . Illl! llllllbtltll lmlf u-nv srrix. urlll. I,U aro registered from Palestine' Tex- ..... ... .. . ..... .. !,. B . I .11. iy Itroill I IIHir IIIW ll'i;iv OH '- I ..w.n .ni.n-i ni.t '''' I Amemliiieiit li. Hoiiiih .Meaimo ! Hrm n,x r!l11 lr snfnly, eHCat.Ing us.. TODAY AT THE LIBERTY Aloxaiulci' Duiiuif)' inasli'i-picfu "CAMILLE" l-VatiiiiiiK tlic j,' iv at Iviissian actrt'ss Nazimova as Caiiiilli1 and suppoilt-d by the youthful Rudolph Valentino appeal im- in tli part of Artiiand We will show thi.s groat productinn at . , ' Rouhu' Prici's Mr. and Mm.- M. A. Cnllaghan. who have been here, for tho.past.two .i j . .. . . '',.1 " ' H t what seemed certain death WtASHlNCmN. 22. -Hopo' I As nn. nbstrnct proposition It Is' man Hearing someone xnocKing one i "J " a comoincu nusiness and; that tho Smlth-McNary reclamation 3 a truthfl statoment that tho aver-! of his enemies. pleasure trip, returned this morn-j bill may et find Its way to tlir floor ' ngo man jln business has no ndeauatej Kat8 wl bo worn tbI( fa Wp ,nB t0 tho,r '",mc al Kcaivlck, (Jail-j of congress was expressed boro by( conprcho-ntnftrof Uio, f aluo to the - . '., , .. .. lrll. ' '"""a- . proponents of the measure. Tu bill . I community of the newspaper' arnl'of tho benefits ho himself gets Indirect ly by having a good jirtowspapcr In the communlty.fUiVffeh hy Uvea. (lotting dowu to cascii nnd tho' matter of publishing a newspaper In Klaniath Falls. You will notlco that wo havo referred not to tho business coa jn her hopo chest man, hut to tho man In bnsiness. .C U 2L ri'TV '"-I" 't o I.t fJw days as mi., i...... ii v. . . . I 'ay be applied us an nmeudmeut to Miss Lvcngllne fo.tcr. who has! ,,,..' . . ., . .,... ward oftcn comes out behind. A KO0'J"swlmmcr thinks every day Is Saturday night. We know a girl who has a ton of tho guest of tho Mists Mylcr nnd Claru Calkins. left this morning for Swan lake whero she Is upending the rummer with' her sister, Mrs. Alfred Collier. Dr. C. A. Itambo and daughter. tho soldiers' adjusted compensation measure, which Is expected to ibo up for debate this week. t i Tho Smltli-Mc.Vary hill proposed nn appropriation of J3.".,uf)u.0(i0 (or reclamation and Irrigation projects throughout tho country. Our Quality Is First SANTFORD & COMPANY 426 Main St. Klnnmth Fulls, Oregon Our I Price I Is R Less I TOMATOES AND PEACHES Tho business man advertises from ' FlMt B,Kn ot winter Is when bath-J .Mare. rcturned lato last evening no spirit of charity. Ho buys spaco 1 ""J B,rls lcaTC magazine covers. from hunting trip In the north becauso It Is a profltablo undcrtak-1 Ma n man wuo .. af.0 d i em part of tho count ing, as much of a necessity to hl I .. ... . k,i , ., ' port that they did not havo tho huolncss as In. tho suit of clothes, thq t d th . . lu , rood ;cood fortune to see a deer but thcro pair ot suees, inc ioou, or uio ncai- t Currlns sell genuine kodak film in I tins yellow cartons. Currlns For I They re- !I)r,,B- -- , i , Ing, lighting, or thrusand nnd one j When ho quits leaving monoy In kinds of 'commodities or service sold his pockets at night tho honeymoon , wore plenty of tracks. Wo sell 2C preparations to ui.iko shaving lather Currlns For Drugs. h over. "Tkcro arc more fortuno hunters than fortuno finders. through advertising. The builnons matuunrierttmids tho power ot advertising and uses It con-1 slHtcntly to build up a bigger bust- ..... m.n ...... i.. I. .... I ..... n.t l ...-.. .u .u-u4H ib.-:i Currlns soil fresh guaranteed cnn-il Toriisins occasionaiir. oeriiaps. WIUl'.ll,.. ( nrr n Vnr llmim. '! . wsr v.'iyw. ndrorllsemcnt ' written bjtlitiniilf ,-r poorly c6iice,lvoifl''bfteflif?tttr5Bifoftn I jeary Swooned In Passin First Sentence extravagant and unsupportabln claims. Naturally ho gots little or no results fnmi such spasmodic nnd Inefficient methods. Which establlshoa tho proof o( our HKLFAST, Aug. 22. Lord Justlru rontontlon Hint tho nvorngo miiik has Andrews, brother of Thomas An- llttlo conception of tho poWcfInnd drew- lho l-'lsncr of tho Ill-fated' vuluo Of newspaper ndvcrllslns. or ,ln,;r Titanic, and also a victim wlmn how results aro attained. t ,l,u ""'l' wua wrecked, nearly swoon-1 Ho understands that thero Is a I '' "hcn VlK il ""t death en vital force contained In ck-ctrlclty. lonco on u Prisoner liore. 1 with which mum.!.. m.iv l.n Sirnnu w'lcn ws nearlng tho end of) pllshud. Hut without knowludgo of how'to harness that forro ho would expect no results of 'power or light or heat from his uneducated nttoinpts I nt an electrical InaiaUatloq. I( Nor with the power properly con-r noclccl would ho oxpect to turn It off and on at Irregular and spasmodic Intervals of wcoks or month anil yet maintain a icgular ippcratin,,of tho. machine tu which tho citrrantj was harnessed. Iut lu applying ,te( power )ft ad-1 vuiiiBiii,; in iiiu gruwiu oi ins 01IS1- iioss, tho avorugo man In business, expects rosults that ara equally ab surd, In this community, as lu every other, tho power of tho local paper la only partly developed. Llko elec tricity thero Is u vaHt quantity of undovoloped potentialities in com munity publicity, which may ' be utilised with profit to tho whole com- munlty. J8ul,.llko,cJoctcl,clt', publicity must X ' ' 4 ,vtv 'Vw ' tho death scutenco his words were I Inaudlblo and ho was so overcome I that he rushed from the court as ho finished. ' Tho prisoner whom the Judge was addressing and who had murdered u .little girl under brutal clrciiinstancos. j stood us If petrified until tho warders seized him and took him to tho colls i ' Modern drug stores uio lululaturo; department stores. Try the drug store first. Currln Says Ho. 22 LKillTNLU W.IK KTOWAW.IV LOS A.N0nLi:3. Aug. 22. David Llghtnur, upprohendud on tho steum er West Fnratlou on it Portland fed eral narcotics charge, was found us u stowaway on that vessel, following his escape ut Shanghai, It developed when hu was lauded hero today. Wo don't look for the proverbial "sucker", Our drug methvss and sorvlco stands tho scrutiny of Intel ligent thinking pooplo. Currln Baya So. 22 THERE IS CHEESE, and THERE IS KLAM ATH CHEESE Klamath Cheese is made by Klamath people in Klamath county and is the cheese for Klamatlf people to eat. BECAUSE Klamath Cheese Is Good Cheese Malin Cheese & Produce Company M 1 Wholesale Distributors Mason-Ehrman & Co. Klamath Falls, Ore. Fancy Tomntocs, crnte $1.00 Fancy Elberla Pcnchej, crate $1.15 Pcachct and Tomatoes nre now nt their befct for ennninu, tits nbove price is right considering ihc fact that we nre offering you first clnas products. BANANAS 1 aij,c PER LB. Wc are rcccivinn regular .iliinmon i nf fn,, n,.... j; . r . ib . .i . , p : - ;,, w . "mio uircci ironi uie uis- .1 tnbutors at Snn Frnnctoco. Vc venture to My thai you have not received so low a nrico nn lanrv innnimi in ...t. .... . !.. I t . - . , .. ... ,itJ ,ilullul3 HI1U wu 3mCerciy ask you or vour patronage on bananas. J CRACKERS, COOKIES, ETC. We purchase all our crnclccrc, coo hies etc. direct from the factory in Portland they nre not old stock which has been stored around some ware house for weeks or months they nre fr esh. We dll take back any crackers or cookies purchased at our store which nre for any renson unsntiafuctory and re fund purchase price, together with this t he price is riijht. Come in nnd ace for yourself. I'limy l)i hil IVmlii-i, II. 'JH it Mm. I 'i cm ml llal.loK I'oh. ,-, ,'s jl((j,( Kl() IVnrj liio Dilril I'Mim-s Iit 7 lu Ih. i.lujil ( "".". .' Vfl "' .'- ." Hi-. 'li-iml llakliii; I'nw IU .,. ltn;n linking "iit ."J lbs r.iin (iolv- . ,ll.t ,,,',' ! li- .in I'aiicy Halel I'laniits, II.. .. !i ."' ''"'''' Wi-I (Jiitii im . tt ul llaklnK I'ow. ruiiryHiiiiiB HiMiisii ii,s.. .-.'.t . Vi," ,-'.,',', ."";;. !'" ,l,r ,'iI" .,,'",.. I I". olilm Ui-hl IJriTii ,-, ii,. itiiiiii it.iii ii. Hllllll! (illHUI I'olil III-),, per 'I-,.., nn , iii iinuii'S row loo uw ' ' .. . "" iier . . ..... a.n . ,.,' .. , '"'.''. ' Hii. I'niiiy lli.lleil Oats ,'M I'linij Tllliimi.nl, I'liiTM., h. ,;a 1'iiiiry I'Iiiiii. rialo ... ,,, ,,.,.,. Ml(llIH Wl smihl,u (.,(fcl, ,..,,.' ' CII SiiiiiII Ciuu Milk .... ft, 1,1 !!)S Hi. Ilii SiiiIii I'l'iukerN .All LniKt' Cnn 'rniniilncs h Mi Ihs I'uno HliKiir l.ft.T !)$ IIh. tJriiliini I'riuhciN .7U Liiiko I'iiii Knllil I'm lied Tic i Hi. M. .1. II. rfi- . ,i:i :t'i iiis. hm.u I'luki-H .mi inaioi'N ,'j'j 2 His M, .1. II. riff(-o ... .HI y ,. i,i,,. VM V.uilll.i iliiil .MiiiiIii Oil . '.ti'i il His. . .1. It. I'off.-o . . J.ail romp. . aa !J (Jul. .Mnoln Oil ..... . I.dll ft His. .M. .1. . (.',ifr,.,i . y.(( riietilcifielil Cluiiielti-,1 Ift a l,iiii. ('mis .SiiiiIIiii-h . ,ft ft lli. .Set tfulriH Ijird I u.f riiincl ClKnirllm Ift While uiv limits, II.. . ,n ii ins. nn hhiiih i.iiiii a.uii (ii((j- KtHko ClKiirolli-H Ift Lima Iti-aiis, II ft I.VUleil Knim I'luur ti.flll (liie-Klevrn CIkiii el tt-t. . .. .OK -1'iinry Cnllf. Illco, II (Ml Cnilcr l.iki- I'lo'ir a.tiu clmis 12ft I'lut Wihmhi Oil uh Anchor I'luur . I .Nil a vuKh, iiii .Vuis lift Ou.nl Weosoii Oil r.a 1 ll. Itfil Itllilmii (v.ff,. ;ih a rriiiiii's llniiey Ift Ji (Jul. W1-.-011 OH I .(Ml il llw. Iteil Million O.rfro. 1,10 n ,, m ;oii-y Sll .Milk,, Cnn I'J I III. KolKH-i Coffee . . . .Ill a This Tiuedii aft I'nmrv l-'loiir, Hi I.. .:....'. ftll a!S His. l'olein (.'offeo 1.00 a Tins Lucky HI1II.0 aft llolliil OiiIh, H If (Ill I Hi, Cii'Mcnl llnklnj; I'ow 5 Ihs, llaik Idiio IIH llulvfi Coniu aft iier aH 1(1 llj.s. Dai I; Unto 70 IIciMiojn Colon ail DELIVERY SERVICE We furnish delivery to those who desire at tho smalfco3t of 10c for each delivery, mrt each article. Wo are glad to deliver. Phone orders C. O. D. Dcj ivery leaves our store promptly at 8:20 A, M. nnd 1.30 P. M. Our atoro is open for business at 7:00 A. M. to insure prompt delivery please phone orders early and they will receive prompt attention. MMBUHMMMI i& t rai te 4 . ? , LH w- JK Civ C "' W-JSrT", n :j ' . v prnr; Aai)iBiaaaaaiaiaa -