The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 21, 1922, Image 1

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'i t'fa ..
r H. ,.
attfi? hvttnxm Herald
Member of the Associated Press
I'lflniilli Vein-.- No, II 10.-.
Gompcrs Declares Harding i
Address Before Congress
Was Unfortunate
WAHIIINUTON, l. C, Aug. 21
H.iiiiiirl tliimiuMH, president of llif '
American Federation nf l-lmr.
IMl'HtKMl (lilt llllliltl tO.lll) tluil I'ri'M ,
.lent lliihlhw liud mliliil In tin- illlll ',
rullli'N or tln preicnt Induilrliil .illtl I
utlnu liy lilii lili'itniKo nf Mil Mini ii)'
mill lll.ettlm. IiuiI chosen ti:i iiiifnr
Iiimiiii' Iliii"' fur llr delivery, i
Tim labor rhli'f, In u rrlllral ills- I
rinnluu of Ilm pinililniil'H iiii-rBac. '
iiiiimiiwi.l that hln nrinlutloii '
undid nppiwo liny Ii'Ik.iimi carry-
inr, mil itin iiIikki'iI(iiim that I lie tall
mail I.1I..11 l.i..t.l be r.hen .ner I'M,.,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,, llaliri.r
1'llfnlfn Un decisions
nr 111 nurw 1111
foilmi.l gutettim.'til n irliiii'i
IlKlllllM .'llll'llll Mirli UK llllll.l' alleged
in have liii'ii iiiiiiinllli'il during Un'
Merlin. 1 1 Ik . iiiiiHr.iirin w'.ll Ih id'
iuiIhi tin- president 'n inimriili fur
leglrdailnti in control dhlrlliii
Him ut "prihablv lmr;irllrnl."
Ailluii I'lifoiluunle
"It v.i unfortunate Dial Ilm pies
lilwit hIiihiM Imvi'' ! ronr.r"
nolnnlay." (toiiiinr xalil. "Tlin rtul
inliirni liml Jiii iiffnrd'ii an ni:r''
in.llt Willi .1 hi It nf tlin liltuinlnmm
oiirrntom On llio innnilni; ln'fnri
tin pM'lili'iit KiKil.n lli" ri'iroinla-1
UvfHi nf iln wnrttcr ami tin1 ,
t'Mxiuivi" f lb" MllroailN wpr In
loiifori'iici' iivit Ilm olrlUc. Tim ro-1
inM wui liclim inaiti, lull tlH-y loot, t
n Tct ovit 1I10 noon Imur. WhftiJ
tli (xMUtlvvi camp ImcU In iIip nf
Krnnnn, ndnr hiurlnc l"" prmlilpni'r
hpiTlt. Ilm wrio In n illfforeni
ntnitit. Tlin iiuiiilnK ailjoiirnoil.
"It I n iKjJHcr f rominnn linn
loilun tliURttto'r WnUoO, repub
llrnn ItullnnV win ' inniYif 'ot
Ilm lioiiao wd VtniirtcnUllvO'nf.
bin Inulnrwi uul, Jffor MNUoilon
in iIik RPiintr wit, 11 'Intihylfi cml l
now billi'Vi'il In hon rlium relation
with ilm prinlilrnt. " In freivnt
rnmniiiiilrptliin wllh lh ieuUre
In New Ynrk." . N'ptwltlilfltiilnr, Xit"'
til tin preNldMit upokli, It neviimij Iliy
miilier wilt i.uinit women i i" wv
mitliirarlloii of both lili'. II" 1011I1I
well hnv.i deferred to nwull 11 cooler
and Inter Judgment nf Hi" ultuntlon.
Il hid mlKupplled plithooR' to go
when he did"
Would Mean Matriy
In iliclurlng that lubnr would re
Hint leglnliitlou to Klu- the ml I road
labor bourd power to enforri. Iik de
rlnliiim, (lompcr MprfMeil "fallll
Hint tbu peoplo will not kIvk up the
principles of guurniiived freedom nnd
Hint rongieni will not ruuet 11 law o
deprhn vorl('ln l)oplo of the right
In ntrlkn.
,'Uirli 11 measure, lie tiald. would
mean "sluvery". and Hint "railroad
uivilmrH would have in go to work
whether they full llkn It or not
"I'm .not willing l believe the
prenldent had In mind the (nil rnutie
iliiettceH of his art," (lompeia iom
meuteil. "If there rtfti bo compiil-
i.ory lahor fur woridnK people win
II not nllnw the probability of en
fnrilni: labor nil everymm whelher
wagii workera or uolT"
(iomperH HUld that "whlln Dm Her
rln maiiHacrp wan n nuniy piece of
biiKlneiui," which "nobody could Juii
llfy," tbern w "no reason In 11 to
overililn Ilm constitution mil mi
iihIiIi. Ilm I'lKlllH nf lit it I en." by glv
Int; Hi" federul itoveriiment power tn
proteel nlletlN,
"Wlm( In III tlin hack nf Dm heaAs
of lliomi who father this Hurt of let;.
iHlatlon In that It mli;ht bo nxed iih n
method nf giving federal protection
to nlleiiH while using them iik sti'll;c.
hrenkors," ho asset led,
WA8HIN0TON, Aug. 21. Chair
mini WIiibIqw of tbo houso com
merco conimlttoo after a conflu
ence with Pi'Mldimt llnrdlni; today
nnnminceil ho would Introduce Im
mediately a bill to croalo In fact a
finding commission an rocommended
by Iho president In his apeclat iiioh
nagfl to congress,
MlCDFoni), Aug. 91, -DomurrerH
attacking the Indictments recontly
returned by' Ihn grand Jury which
Investigated Iho Ku Klux Klan wero
filed by tho six men Indicted and
will bo argued the first Saturday
Ju Soptemberi , '
vrir "-r,."aWA'WA'JJ
g4gtglEv-nnnnnnWr ISllB
S trhgnnrennr- H
Nt'.uly tn )rar ncn lltir
tiMvn roni.'iliii tin' lif.iulifnl iiml
ln'cuiim tln
I iiiiiIIht of a li.iliy liny Anil nnu
tln iharr.i'i iiml ili" futlur of tliln
1 I1II1I uf lii'in In Ciiiri'illiii V.iinli'i
I1II1 Wliliiii')', Kim of 1 ln rli li iiml
fiiililiiiialilii ll.iriy I'oii" Wliliimyi
'I'lii. 'iiirr.llnii of wlii'llii'r llv.ui
rniilnlim'ii lialiy linn tlin ilclil In l
i.illril ... lltit VminVrlillt U'lilt
iiry. .1 11 i lor. iiml in! In ilm
ui-illli iiinl itlfclltirllon nf llin proud
Whitney f.iinlly U nni Hint 111. ly not
lilt lll'llllllliy mllli-l lllltll IlfllT lone
mini iirni'iH'itlnitK.
LtUIWIYlIt RLLAIIUn.'r'nu pur-iu-u r.....T.. Kr...n-
rriUbllliy of IHtrrt iiml I'llnul.
If I'liilnHnnilliiu Aroiio
M111I1 ll.riikklnn
. r ' A ir f , .1 t
t'AIUH. Aux, ;i.Ttin, pp.Mblllty
idl- iin.ltruu4i
nl .r Ki
ny and prance.
inmle collnbora
nf . lilt ft 1, mid frindU undrAand
Inn licfween (Jerman
lurludlni;' c)tUp ccorin
Hun, t;i gven neflolix conkldcrationl
fur 1 lin flrntillme today, when ncirly
lilt Villiorlaul npwnBiu.rn .llirnu.ut
jtjiv HUgKiytJi;i hat Franco reek Jim'
III. 1 In ripratlon. crUU througli 11
reappro.irhn.ent lth liermuny. The'1111, "lv' deutroyliig Hie evidence
Idea was launched by Oermnny In;
ilimlrlallftH mid hnji been Uken lip,
In French himluciis channel-.
PAIIIS. Aug. 21
-Tho allied ron-i
fereuro on Ilm Turk-Oreek problem
probably will be held In some Italian!
city wllhln six weeks, as result' of
La note from Ilm llrlllsh government
In the French foreign office today.
Tim nolo ansured the Fienrh com
munlc.itou of August 3rd suggesting
a confereucu In which (Ireek nnd
Turk representatives would l.n ad
mitted on an cital basis,
Wnlter Walker mill W. II. Kes'P
,iin. I'iihl to I til 111 11 Willi (.'mile
Hovel nl fine big bucks were
brought Into town yesterday when
deer ncatmn opened, nccnidlng In
Harney Chambers. Among Inn firm
In return ullli their game, ho said,
weie Waller Walker ajid W. II.
KroNio, who binugbt down forked
lintii near Worden,
Ot hern who had luck on tho open
liiB day wero Kdwmd deary, It. K
deary. Hay Telford nnd Henri:.'
Slevenson, who shot two bucks.
Tho pennon exIeiidM to October
III, Inclusive.
AltlmuKh n throntenlng nspect pro
valla nverlieau tno
at llndorwnod'B
Pharmucy Is regis
tering a vory oven
barometric pres
sure nnd no storm
Is Indicated, Pre
sent conditions are
apt to prevail for at
least 12 hours,
ForociiBt for next
24 beurn:
(louornlly fair,
continued cool,
Tim Tycos rocordlng thoi'iunmolor
registered maximum and minimum
tomporatures today as follewu:
Low .
i T
1 I
Officers Play Leading Parts
In Exciting Events of
Saturday Evening
All Ilm llirlllx of a wild wnl
innvlo iiirlodrmiiu, ullli Ilm circp
Hon of tlin tmiinl liviiutlfiil Inrolm-,
wit,, liutirpiiiiiti'd In I'VfiiU triune
pliliiK Iimi lljlnrdny ivi'iilnc In
vhlili I lir pnllo.i pjid I'.nllnt;
Tlin flrnl nci-ni; tilinwfil I'.ilrolma.i
Mrl.nuitilln 11111I Carl II. Iliiimtui.
hlirliHur Iraffl" officer, iim llmyi"1 ""' follnwliii; Momlnr but there
kiiirIiI In uliip WaltiT DletliHiy:
wluita rnr, nilniiN n lull IIrIiI. fluih-
cil by that of Hip officer at Sixth
and Onlt.
"Ilry, your tall llitht lin't
Inc.'' ealb'd I hi' offliern.
"That no," niiii" Ilm roply,
llelrlni') Mepped on Ilm suit
Allhtmuh no illmeinr v.-ai pie.
hi nl, ik'iiI ri'IiearMilit had nrcrxK.irlly
Iiim'ii l.irldiiK, the nffUerA knew what
to 1I11. Sol for nothliiR hud Ihey
vUlteit the HUir. J.lberiy nml Htrjinl. ..,,., ,,,, .. . .t. ,,',' '.
t, , 'N,,,or l",,"'',' the, bill., which tho
"""'"" ' ""''
The cbann lore down IC la ninth
nvenue, thin up to Main and acroii
the Link river l.rhlp. wlmro tho earn
narrowly mined ri.lll.dnn with one
con.lnr, from the oilier llircilon.
Tii.iiltiK the corner of Main and.
lliviTMllll oil ln wiivri. un- !-,
niui. ...... -u.... ..,.. .... ......-.
i.ari.y vffraji.nft i..4ufcut uu iiiuiit
than ons occrmlon. In fact Iho fus
It ve ear wraped the fender off the', . al.rnr. , .,,. ' ,, , ' '
' , , , i) me surer Iikp and I'aUler com-
ear of an Innocent pn.inriiy wtio
had no 'place In the dramu.
up over tno nui. inen, wner.i
pre.ently Ularlncy loM tho toad and
amon ,ine nniering '".
nped onward
At mis point me oiiicer not" n
'MroiiR moonililtie odor drifting b..V
frolrt hc rar ahead.
"V n ner: nnut.n .ci.ouni-
" Hourton stepped on nor un.l
'" fugutlve was overhauled wlthi.i
' '"w minutes.
1 no selling lor urn 1.11 scene
........ 1
' act was staged In Juniiec U"k;
1 ttitia.Ma anllfl t Is 1 1 fit itfll I 11 f )llltf'l
, iiuhvii n ivuit r, il in 111 v 1 ti iiif 11 ii 1
"ilvlney was fined 175 mid .-oMs
for speeding and 12! and costs
(Continue on Paga C)
l,rwre m -1 1,n?.'lp.rf . ,0''ni paMenger1 agent for the (1.
,K,,rW"i' rm,,lU "R.-rftlfclo ..(Kivropre.entatlvo of the
,,raw cl0,e uCforo ,, f0llM regain PaffCi who ,poko ,
lhr r0ad. lint he mnde' Lr 0,0 or,an,Mllonili
i&&mk mmhM,SL .11111
IWii-i of Tariff Hill (Iran) Vuy
I'nr Win 1111 lfc(xlutliiit; l
Hi'fi'iH-il t'l.lM UVilnmila)
soldiers' Iid mix Mil h a coiiieiiii'iici)
11 f iiikhc" of Him tariff Mil Saturday
lii-niiiii. the pending Iciclnlutlon he
for" the senate. The bonus nicu
Mire Kim lulil before llii. xrnul uti
liniiiitlciilb, lint debute wuh defer
iiil iinlll next Wednesday, Hit) son
nln-lukliiK un adjournment over lu
Klvn 11. hers u brief ret ii(i.r the
lour, turlff fight
A number of Hriialorn oh.'
strenuously in even (lie brief re-
1 -
; rem oldeted until Wednesday.
I WIimi ilm Minute rrcunvn-4 W.
I wnrn inn FiinutR rrcunvn- Wnl
1 """'"y w"h nald ttiut un rffott
w""1'1 '"' lnil,,'i ' IJoitrn Ktihi 1111.
' ,l"l,,,t wlictlicf Hiirli u nun Ion
HOI"l Prcwil nrnr Ilm wNlion of
I"""0 'teniaiiillnK Iminrdlui cnnvlil
jeiallnn of the bnnnn bill.
U'AHIIINOTON. Ailff. Jl nn.
i ford MsrS'lder. natloiiul conunaniler
of (he American Legion, In u ntnti
mrnl today derlared that u per.
fonnl e.invaKi cf the hrfnui iHnatlon
dhow ed a majority of the nenjle,
liiclndlnn both parties. Is plrJi;nl
fur nf tin, linnm l.iti MnM.
, itenatu will
wr.uld pam
lul;n up Vednedar.
tho nenale Ihli week.
Kllirr !l..tke .11..I Mey Appm,e
Hnprcme c.wi !crM
7 t
tiL'v'ii i iuii..j..i...i ..
I ' ,f. -.T,,-wimiiill,j iiji'
., Ih r,..nM, ,:,,, ,.
rInni 0,MOTtee Wo morcrf ,p
twecn tho Sonthern.Parlfle and Ccn-
v... i,.Mi,i 11 t ..
merclaJ club and the Lake rnn (
I chamber of commerce ,ot Lalttvlo'w.J
Ia. Wlpk( lL ,, onnounccil ,Ly F 1:.
' ;,.,,. ,raToiin. ,.,,.. .,.
paMenger1 agent for the (1. . and
e I'nlon
liiMnllntliin 'of 'Water MaIiik Will j tho state bonus loan law for ex
ile Speeded I'p 1 tervlce men became effective June
Two cars of vipe or ,,1C call-i
forn)u oiegon Power company water
system extension arrived Satur.'.tr,'
which will pced up the work of!
lalng the mains considerably.
Three of the five carloads of plp,
nrdi-red have now been received
The other two cars are en route bat
delayed by strlko conditions.
Frank Albert Dies From
Burns Received in "Dev
ils Tea Kettle"
KulllnK Into the hot Hprltij: known I
nx Hie "I)orir Tea Keltic" on
I .'an .Main rtreet Hunday tuurnluic
nil lie attempted to dip out water,
I rank Albert, need no, known
around ton ax "Prenclile," wai m
badly KCaMcd that he died In a
honpltat later In the day.
Together with I.. D. I'hllllpj. AU
bert had been tiring near tho rlty
garbage, dump In the eastern nnt
HklrlA nf the city where he con
ducted a uatragc himluein.. Tan
nearet water being the uprlnK, the
two had been ncciintomoil to fill a
bat ret there every day or two. On
thin oera.ilon Albert lout hU foot'
Ing on n pldnk Kpannlng one end
of the M.rliip nnd plunged Into tho
ncaldliiR holo v.'ater, tho tempera
turn nf which H kaIiI to be 137
degree), nllRhtly tihort of bolting.
While the xprlng In but two or
three feet In depth, Albert wan uti
Able to etrlr.itn hmlKlf on account
of the Mtep. kllppery bank. HU
ncrentn.1 atlrarte.l the attontlon of
U'm. II. Snow, band director, who
runhPil tn the man's aid and kuc
ceeded In pulling him from Ihii irn
ter. At tho hospital It w.u found!
that ho wan virtually one bit; blli-i
ter fiom head to foot, and urns 1 1
hopo was held out for htf rccovrty,
He died n few ho ur after reach
lng the lioiplal.
Albert had lived hero for i.Oout
10 years. Little I knou.i of
ant ccedcntu and an examlr.utijn .'
"l effects by I. A. Towey. coron
er's amlstant, reyealed no U.rormj
tlon pertaining to relatlrai.
State I'ny.. Out 4 362,311 to
Ron Kx-Kcrvlce Men
Ore., Aug. 21. Slnco
.32. 1921. a total of $6,362,311 has
t'ccn distributed among soldiers of
the world war In bonus payments
or loans. Over 2600 loans have
been authorized and of this number
924 have actually been paid total
lnk- I2.305.00&.17, while the re
mainder arc In adjustment. Honui
payments number IS, 239, represent
ing $4,057,305.84,
I 'Caught at Last!
Hona l'onjclle.
donna bun been
year) to catch
KPekled trout at
operatic prima
trying for three
a iqoare-talled
Carrebasett, Mn.
She rot him tbU
wrlglm nine poirndt.
AUDimer. He
three nunc.
rrocenHng Knil With llaaowt at
rtiamlier nf t'oauncirc, Ixinrrgran
Ami Ifnalejr Hpcaktrw
Twcntr-scren candidates from
Lakovlew, .Med ford. Klamath FalU
and other towns were initiated Into
the order of Knight of Columbus
hero yenterday.
An all dar program, startlns with"
Mass at tho Catholic church, fol
lowed by breakfast, culminated with
a banquet at the chamber of com
merce rooms In the enlng.
The remainder of the dar was
taken up la conferring the tbrto
degrees of the order.
On hundred KoighU and their
friends were present at (da ban
quet last night, which was "marked
by oratory of a high type by speak
ers of prominence' from leading, cit
ies of, the Pacific coast.
ThA. banaaet program Included
addresses by Frank L.( Lonegran
of Portland.' supreme director of 'the
Knights' ff 'Columbus; the Hon.
Dudley O. Wooten'. of Seattle. P. J.
Hanley. of Portland, state deputy,
and the Iter. Father Oleason, of
St. Ignatius college, San Francisco,
bead of the Jesuit order on the Pa
cific coat.
Judge Woolen's argument against
the compulsory- school bill Is- given
In detail elsewhere. Lonegran'a
talk was ot the Knlgbts of Colum
bus purposes and accomplishments,
a finished oration full ot patriotic
appeal. Father Oleason spoke of
educational alms ot the order.
State Deputy Hanley spoke of
what the Knights ot Columbus are
endeavoring to do In Oregon for the
advancement of the state.
The Ilev. Father Marshall of Mi
city was toastmaster.
Others speakers were Ncal J.
Doyle of Seattle, who also spolto
against tho compulsory school bill;
R. J. Ttennlck of Lakeriaw and Dr.
Hayes of Medford.
Tho musical part of the program
war, ot exceptional excellence, con
sisting ot solos by Mrs. Marjorle
McClura Gallagher, with Miss Eliza
beta Ramsby accompanying, and
solos by Jack Kennedy of Portland,
who had n repertoire ot old Irish
songs that appealed deeply to the
Fallowing Is a list ot the new
members added to tbo erJer:
J. n. Magulre, R. J. Ttennlck.
John P. Kellehor, Thomas J. Sulli
van, Dan, F. nrennan, Edward A.
Hermien, Lakevlew; Dennis Keeno.
Martin Greene, Edward J, O'Hul
loran, V. J. Daley, Ben O'Keefe.
Jobn-T. Tlrosnan, Dan Ring, Peter
0'Cooor.v Dan Maloney, Edward
Derrin,Rlchard Kcnneally, John M.
O'Connor .and Rlehard Sullivan. Kla
math 'Fulls; James Dunlan, Me
Clpud, Col; Timothy T. O'Connell,
Straw; Robert Duff, D. P. Buckley,
Medford; Thomas J, Daley, Anthony
La.Me, Francis If. Call, Ashland;
Andrew Weedner,. Talent.
. " t '
PORTLAND, Aug. 81. Cattle
sow Hog 60c lower, prima light
IIMO to 113,00. Sheep, t-8E and
butter steady. " '
HT '$ A J wT5aBHBB
Hon. DudUy a WmIm
UUtiv Trial GtsmimI
- ' - -.. .J
Charging that those reipehilule
for placing the "compulsory school
bill" before the 'voters of Oregon
er using Oregon '' a trial ground
for InlqultouE and aadsilrable Us
lalton wlijcb they knw It womld be
Impbsilble" to pais (ln.' tk older or
more popular states, 'the Hon. Dudley
0. Woolen, of 8eatt)e, spesktaf at
the Knights of Columbus 'bosquet
last night, la a temperate asd logi
cal argument u rgad these faat to
use their Inflieace with Ortgoa,yot
ra to prorent the electorate from
sanctioning any farther freakish ex
periments that would lilsdsribe de
velopment of tho st a t.Jdge Woo
len spoke atom the'siaie lleee laid
down In bis addrfr4 at tho ones sir
meetlns on Malsf street Hatarday
night, saying In part:
It Is a stranee and tilatreatlnit
symptom ot the dlrdteo ie In
which we are living that the-people
nf a state that claims to he raef the
movt progressive In the union, smoilfl
be called upon t discus aad to'de-
clde a question that Involves Wfk
an Issue a the one that la present
by the campaign on what la known,
as the "School mil."
The fundamental motive ef this
propose- changer tar the edaeetlonal
system of the State of Orefe t to
banish all recogaltloa of rlktM and
of morality 4oaded rspoa 'rellgteB
from tho school of this atota. The
aeeiiisr press slmeet jnalmaslr
ha.i denoasred tho pretjod:h(H u
an aatl-Calhollc msaattV Intended
to break .up tho Cathottc perooklal
schoeU. and It Is pmtl aeawWr -
dontood ky.'MuathU mea twhtherf
laaji.xsw rt)u siissn ass.
of this) le4Ulk, into'
.a. .-..- .A 1 I si rsl .
awtslr lav view, WHHr
rknnU see li eXSwtm jJKsCeSev '
iesta end MtstftatlMriis taMwton of '
I this bill have 4rr.rseMd theea-
lelve. and have aatseaad. su.ue pn.
rate school la.lhp SUM; .thoef, con
ducted by the various reUtteas de
nrimlnatloss. as well 'm 'these that
have no religious afMlUUon. The
bill. It enacted Into law. will tie .
overyiprlvatft school Ja the state, an
mauer oj wbmib ,.ui4nir, aau ,, -
will also close every ntfvately con
trolled orphanage, children' home,
and asylum' for defective, depen
dent children, where say elcmentnry
Instruction I Imparted, to the In
mates, because these Initltntlon aro
not exempted from the operation Pf
the propod law. and If they under
take to educate the helpless. fblTdrcn
they are Uklng caro.of, they will be
compelled to closV thhlr, dears and
eend their Inmates tijvbe, pahUe
Ncheol. or to some sort of ntbllc
Institution supported hy tuatioi).
WanUsurvto Taji kVreea
The enormou etuesse that' will
be entailed upoaMhe ,UIsera of
Oregon If this bill Becomes 'a law 1
beyond question, sat U't dlffksH to
accurately estimate. From official
and unofficial aourcea.t appear
thara are about fourUon. thousand
children lu lbs private ethoola of the
state, who will be cotspellsd to go
to the public school .asaer the pro
nosed law. Accord-mi to modern
educational method 15 children ere
allotted to eacn icnooi room, wmen
mean 400 new chool"' rooms for
these children, and aceordlsg lo the
ttatUtlca for modern school build
in js there Is on average.coit of ,lt.
000 for each school rocw." This
means an increased espeasa la the
way ot uew building of IS.OOS.eSQ,
to be paid tor either Uuhonds.or by
direct taxation, fn addition' to this
permanent Investment U will cost on
an average ot $70 per PVPl) for the
maintenance and r.Derstlon pf the
new schools, accordlsf tQ the prsseat
basis of expenditure, which, will
amount, for 14,000 piislle, to t!V
000 per annum. To Ihta should be
added the annual Interpst'.apoa the
fC.000.000 Invested la buildings, at
G per cent, which Is lasS.OSO; aad
the Item of deprectauen-at IH per
cent, per annum, which nl3.t9
muklug a total Increaaefl fesst fr tb
operation ot onr puMIc school srstsm
of a year, ,asd U .
000,000 invested, la the aewhatM
lugs, which wilt depreelate la' value
each year, must he psU. far jW'H
value In the end. Caa U isspaers
ot Oregon, stand this, uleV there
Is a pressing aad uaavaMsW ats
ally for such lacnrtseditsisUM. or
some beneficial end Ihst will he st
talned that will JHUiTti.'. , V
This hill was lslltedy frssd.
mlsrepresentatlou. ; sttt. .aplsaader
standing. The . step wfca, fnlkoaed
the bill falsely cUTajod hf .hstlnb
talned slfasiarsaja. ! ay.
when aa a matter of fssTlhsra atver
were bat 29,000 slaaiJarrM. Ml . (
number, tn the pet(sas for .tho Mil.
and 13.000 ot the aaatf were
trlckea oat by thr sor4ry;M swte:
aa duplicated sad INeplTstClkat.Un
round number, then Jure
!!" ""Jiff
fOaaUaaatl 'Vbm'
' I I
' A
' ' i
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