The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 19, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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KaBlLk - ."JlL.7''Tw
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rl ITt'ltlLW. WaVHT 10, t02J
Pace, Four
rf "
' " "I.
The Office Cat
Home nnwjpnnor mou nro
Fords. Kvrrybody drives 'em.
1), X. Plomens says lot of nion
ought to wear (nil light an thine in
u lnury won't l)iimi I"'1' them.
Peel J.iywntk wlun niiKol fea
In, trend.
IT sho sIrIib with half-rlood eye. '
Tim while her Imnil you prcs.
i Don't tlilnk sho fell, you nowir can
' Mfti. '
' i -'(may lip hlliouncs. I
,- "Woman Always rays." pays a
"fyjiMidlliKU'' Xm whtinsho can. havo it
(hurled,,, "IttWttji- '
Tin. la-nined Pup
"Lny down? imp. I.iy down.
That's n Reed doggle, Lay- lnwn. I
"" icll ynu." , . "
"Mlslor, ou'll hnxo to say, "Lie
down." lle'sja'HoMon terrier."
A Klamath Pulls woman wont
, away for the'summer ami loft a sign
for tho milkman, rending: "Don't
leave nnythliiR". HurRlar came
tiloiiR nn:l after tlicy went throunli
loft atiotlicr sign: "Wo didn't."
Aunt Hot
."Wlion I so that sweet an' Rontlc
an' aiiRol-IIko look In u woman's face
I know she's happily married to a
man sho lets liosa her."
"How- would ou test home lirew
to wo If thqrn was any xvoml. alcohol
In It7" utked the old soak.
"Why, 'strain It through n silk
handkerchief nnd see If you pet any
splinters," replied tho younR soak.
C. II. Clendenninc says thcre'r.
snmetliluR wreaj: with this heredity
doctrine. If we had monkey an
cestors how conic wo didn't Inherit
their Rlands?
An Alnued Hoy
Mother "Now remember Johnny,
thero's n Rhost In that dark closet
where I keep the cake."
Johnny ''Kunny xou never blame
tho rIiosi when thorn' any cako mis
iiIiir: It's always mo."
You can buy amusements and
pleasures thoy como from without.
Hut you cannot buy happiness and
content they como from within.
Ij. II. Ilniucs says early to bed and
! early to rise Just ain't slnco wo. havo
' Tlio,. truly. Reed man will ro to
i, Hlccp.ln church rather thanjlet his
4 mind wonder on tho prlco.of Iiors.
, Jpe,jtio Plodder says that one of
tho lilg differences between a man
"nnd u woman Is t lint tho man can't
shop without buying something.
tr ' ' i
"Paw, tho evangelist said snmo
powerful mean things about tlio Freo
Tlilnkera last nlglit, didn't ho?" bo
Kan young Hunt. "Do you reckon uny
of 'em was tlieru to hour him?"
"Xo, Rrowled Onp Johnson of
ItumpUM Hideo, who had but lately
had a Jower with Ills wife. "A Free
Thinker la a feller thut hain't mar
ried and don't havo to go to reviv
als." WOOD
Wo will dollvor slab and bloclc
wood to uny ranch In tho valley ut
n reasouablu extra charge for tho
mlloiiRe. See us about your wood
for-tlio ranch, our charge are rea
sonable. 0. Peyton & Co.
Telescope That Found "Twin Suns"
am mr e '-4 ''$r
Sit 3- '
' ' Dr. J. S. Plaskctt, director of tho Astrophyslcnl Otervatory at
Victoria. B. C appear dwarfed alongside the mammoth TMnch reflector
telescope with which he recently discovered the "twin suns." The new
planet is tire times as largo as any other Known ldy, accordlnc to tho
astronomer. ,
Ocean Derby Will Determine Which is Swifctest of Grey
hounds; Mauritania' Holds Record
' whh:h he afterward used as a kind of
LONDON. Auk. 19 An Ocean slRiied to capture from llrltnln U','rrlP
Derby" -will ho held on the Atlantic and speed records. Her backers' With lltllo difficulty ho persuaded
this summer to determine the fastest j point out that sho hai shown her I '"r "-' an,i inount.-d her neck
of the Rrqat liners on the Southamp-, qualities In tho latter respect hy do-j ,n u,s'' t,m" ,w" '"'il"''- soolhlnR.
ton-New York run. The position of'nK a recent sprint of 2T.S2 knots. lttlnB. and talkliiR xoluldy to her
tho vessels In this contest for the At-' and that a she It only heRlnulliR to ln Hlniliistiuil. he had isnt on Reed
Inntlc hluo riband Is as follows, the "feel lior ennlnwi". she will misl(. "-mis with the anlmnl. Then lie took
fli-ures (fenotliiR HialM! spted for n thlnRs hum for her llrltlsh-l.ullt 1,l'r rm,,", "' ,,l' 'lliant ride, ami
wholoVVaco' dorlns- th eurranl ' competitors. .apparently had In complete con-
1. Mauritania,...
2. MiiJeMle
3. Iluronxsrla..
-I. Aqultania......
.1. Olympic
2S.25 knot
. 2 1.0 J
23.3S ,
. . 23.2 S '
. ,S2.i!!
. 18.r,9
!. Homijrie
All these xessel. with the ocep.J2fi knots sh will. If needed, still
Hon of tho. Homeric, burn nil fnfcl.
Thus, as well as stttllnK the speed
championship, tho race xrlll provide
I tiB.,l .ifttn tn nniliirfnif I tin nAir I
""'"',"'.'.,.. ..... " ...,....,,..., .. ,...,. ,.. Th' ,..
Illt-'IIIUM Ul tlMMllip BtVHill Uf Wll null'
the old method of uslnu'ooal. i
Tli.. ronioBt has tirosreswil far I
cnouRh to reveal that the race now
lies between tho Mauretanla and the
Majestic Can tho latter deprive the'
former of her proud and lonR-beld
position as the "Atlantic Speed i
Queen". This Is the great topic In;
ocean shipping circles. There' Is
much argument and luwy betting
Th'o ilajestlc. llko the Hcrcngur-.
la, is ficrman built. She wa d
A sceno In "Fair and Wanner" which will be nliown at
theatre Monday by tho Ilildnbrand dramatic company,
The Maurctanla's hackers reply
, , . . ... ,
thut she. too. has not )et settled
down since her conversion to oil-
burnlRR.- that if spurtliiR counts fori
anything slu; has a 2S.2 knots spurt
to her credit, and that with n former
whole voyage achievement of over
show all-miners a clean pair of heels.
With alt this keen but Rood-natur-
)ed rivalry 'umoiiR the "greyhounds
fif tttn (lTii'iti ' noli' mrttrtltt mtiv Ik
,,j,n'. iui Mvi.rti- ..,. ,,. ,,n
Ilerenjiarla may produre some sur-
prises, now that Slie has taken to
ojl fuel, nnd she ft looked upon as,
no- h.r .i.i- u. no. ..i.-M.ii..
(Jouil I'iisIiIiiii Proposition
ij8,j. Tommy. If you'll saw some, tilings slowly, but be Is confident ho
wood I'll tell you what I'll do." will conquer all her fenrn and inaku '
Jim What s that, dad' ' 'tier permanently obedient. '
Dad III let jou hao tiio saw-,
dust to play circus with " Christian Endeavor to
tho Star
But Soft Hindustani Words
Soon Brought Pachyderm
Back to Normalcy
LONDON. Aug l! A big female
Indian elephant went on strike
I nl tln Zoo last spring mid refused to
do what nil Id elephant at th Zoo
i nro required to do-o.ini money hy
' earning rhlldri'ii around on her
i hack--has (icon cured of Iho niilkrt
mid lailness lit tin1 seeming magic
1 treatment of an Indian nuihoiil.
Sho was presented to tho Zoo hy
thi1 Maharajah of Pooch lloliar two
years uro, Sho liad Iumh widl train
o,l and ard'il at .ill 1 1 hum llko a xt'ii
slhlo, oll-lioli;ii'd oh'pliant nnd
oliiid ordern jirnporly. Sho dtid
opod no vlcci lic.Mind that of plrkliiR
pocket' for dlldi duliitlei. Hut
every elephant thai hai any hoimo al
all learn In do that In tho Zoo
i Then aim took It Into her Ids head
! that ho would not iillmilt to IikIiik
honied any lonp'd Sho declined to
' stninl lielwoen the new rldl'iiK step
that had heen fixed up for the con
venience of Juvenile elephnnl rlilern
I When tlio old wooden step were
xuMtlttltcd for the new one she
proved equally obdurate In the end
' mIio declined to le.le Iho elephant
anl nt nil.
I A tho elephiut I n fine nnltunl,
nnd unite Reed tempered. It wa io
rlded to ohtaln a mnliotit from In
dia. Ite( milled for, and arrived
in due course. He was i.ikeu to the
elephant house, lie at onro entered
the enrtotiiro and formally saluted
the nulmal, stnmllni; first at her head
and then nt her tall. Next ho look
off lilt shoes
and knotted a rope
I loosely round the elephant's neck
f ' .... ,., . ,
Phrase of hi admonitions, freely
i ...., , ,. ... ,.,
. 1 1 .llinitl IVIl, win' ill UMiirni ,iiu
1 told that ou rat your food, and will
not work; It Is wrenK: Allah en-
Joins on us nil thai we must work If
wo would rat. You are cheating
your masters, and It Is unworthy of
you I urn only a black man. and
ynu must not mind me. Put fear out
of your mind: take It up from your
heart, and throw It out."
The elephant rorlaluly scorned to
understand, and now ohox 1jery
order The uinhnut was Riven quar-
i ters In another nart of tho Rurdens.
hm ,, 0ae,, ,.av t0 S,.PJ, n tM0
elephant house, as he says that ho
i wishes to talk to the elephant dur
' lug the night. lie has nnt yet tried
i to saddle her, as he wants to take
Meet August 24 to 27
. XAMPA, Idaho. Aug. 19. Mem-j
I hers of thu Christian L'ndenvor socie
ties or Idaho will meet hern August '
21 to 27 in a stnto convention. More
than 200 delegates uro expected to
be present.
Among the spoakirs who will be
present nt tho convention nro Paul
0 Drown. Pacific coast christian en-
' deavnr secretary: tho llev. J. J. 'i
Plerson of Pocatello, Idaho; Tho
i Ilnv. (Jeorgo Todd of Pruitland, Id
I alio and the llev. Jesse II. Ilalrd of
I Ilolse, Idaho.
Only In Kriiuce, Dearie
When the mixes hnvo equal rlRhts, !
will the men wear gardens on their!
huts' and kits each oilier when they J
Wilbur Should Fish
(Continued (tout Page I )
drinks o the spectators In older to
swell tho eluil'lt) fund.
Pniiillei' Deule Plmmo
Mrs llyfleld, who claimed In her
danuiRe suit that tdio was so Injured
In the allef,ed attack on tho ulllhl of
July lit In her stateroom Unit hIio whs
forced to untlci'Ko an operation last
Monday, remained today at the home
of her father, a city detective Ptin
dler, who It was Indicated i.ititht soon
file an answer to her cluiw.os, Issued
a denial that he "had touched Mts
ll. field" or that "iiuWhliiR of an
Improper until! o ocruned." and alno
aserled that "If she suffered any In
juries on the trip It was from the
terrific heallni; her httsli.iud Kaw
her" that night, llyfleld had ad
mltted that In his encounter with
the hanker he also had struck his
HarrliiK a polhle counter petition
hy Pandler, the next step awaited In
the caie wa Iho hearliiR set fur Hop.
temhur '.' of Chandler's mill lo pte
veut llyfleld from realUliiR on a nolo
exchaiiRed for the (STi.tMH) check Mix
on htm after the affair iilio.nd ship.
Wlieiealioiil I .MlMci)
Prlends of Mrs. Chandler, who n
formerly a stenoRrspher In the Con
tra! Hank, refused to say to "lint
place In California she had none, hut
It was mild she hud taken her oii ir
sou with her. Tlio o children who
made the trip to Kitropo are daugh
ters of Candler's. flrt wife, whom In
wooed while a student at llinory uni
versity and who died a uuiuhor of aRo.
(Continued from rar.o 1)
content, cllmh and rxptop1. i.unp
and rent. Through Its uuilvaled rod).
roads the Pacific Northwest offers
easy access from the larR riti,
to sea benches, magnificent n oiiti
talns, spre.idliiK Ink,, xiigli
pine forest., smiling vallots. rolling,
hills and extinct i raters"
TniirM Aim lotion AdtotllxN
This Rtildu also Includes a full ,
page advertisement of the Pacific ,
Northwest Tourist association wtiU'i "
announces the 2S jier cent reduction
In summer fares and tell how to (
spend a vacation that Is "different
among the varied attractions of
this great nut doors." This mine
advertliiciuent also appealed In the
.Monday evening edition of the Pub
He Ledger and In 4.1 other Import
nnt papers In the I'nltud Stales and i
Canada a n part of the campaign
which has been so effective In bring
ing tourists to the Pacific NorUi
west this summer.
fusrsfwmmwi ii m m m
Tell the World
TIIKIti: are do'zons of folks
eager to make a trade
with )ou whether you have
something to buy or sell, or
are looking for employment
Kverybody leads the Want
Ads, so put one In )ourself
and you will find Iho people
)ou want and they'll find
ou, too!
From the Dock
T'-a '. I
lllllll AT WHITMAN COI. I. Mil."
WAI.I.A WAI.I.A, Wash . Ann I 'J
--,i'lie loRlxlrui'rt official sluudliiK"
of fuiteiultle and horoilllos for l.f l
your al W'lillninn imiIIoko, eoniinued
with preilouu eai, show thai aer
ae Hrholiiishlp has stendll.i illiulied
Thl car's aieuiRo for men and wo
men Is M or..
Wtiita e-llla, women's uon-soiorli
Krolip. stands hlRhest. uril.imin
house, a uou-finterulty itroup. IoihIh
tho men. Th iivoniRi) of fiaii-iuilv
women Is hlRher than the inoi-.n.'
for all women In coIIcko and mm li
hlRher than that of uoii-fratoriillt
women The nVeniRe of alt fliilii
nlly students Is above Hie i oiler,.
aveniRe Pralorully men avoimt.
slightly helow ueu-fraternlty men
All women's orKtttilnntlnn uuol
iilioie the colleRo mernKo and all
the melt's (nRHUlMltlllllS, with Hie ex
ceptlou of Klrkmali linnse, stand l"'-
low It.
CoIIoro lluuioi
' Wh) are nil looklni-
Jin k I Juki 1oI )'. ooo In
poker R.lllli'
iu.i. k iiod l.our
Jail. e-i all I tlio In II -r '
" wu- -auh
AH made under the- mot fWiutan,
Como and look our plant over, wo
invito in.spootion at any tinio.
Cool and Quiet
On Second Floor
619 Main St.
In heart of city above the noise and dust
Best Steaks, Chops
and Pastry
Everything Cooked to Order
Telephone Your Order 140
All Chinese Dishes Elegantly Cooked
Oidn' them now for fall
Cut Flowoin Plants
Mil Main lit
l- 4 r fv'"P
i.. -- '(i.VhBI
- - i fcfctwr-r-. . .Moiiihij
lirRe HIM Htahdard Make t'layei
wltli music ioIU which wo haie tak
en III oxihaiiKo on new small slio
phixer will lie sold lit the prlro of
ii ii'ii-d H.ralRht piano
Kail Shepheiil Co.
I AdvortlilnK pays, Try It nnd sen.
410 MAIN,
M10NI3 838
--J1 V-".