The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 19, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Page TKreo
In Italy's Civil War
immmu-mm mim&
lyniJrt.1J.l,iril-.T,WlU Kt fit I I,7i. ! (IK J UuJVK?KiHr?aV7?r2riIHBpn
-A H33l.'3'lJlH-.,'.aai.l't(.i IKiJMI,'Jj'Ka.lifflJftAai'fMJUMLJMW
, Wan inn faction In Itnly havo created a condition cloudy nkln to tlmt
'iVtyptrai cf tlmt m many Hull in cities Tim l'acclTtt,.cxtrmo nntlonallMy
thin from ttic i-ommuniati and other cxtninlit&jf """
in Ireland. r Hero H n rccno that
aro Catherine tojvrcnt iltyjcadcp
k. . I'k zT. t.
J3. ,'i -! x5- . Uc--
vJtH'' S
Mr II. J (timet end rlnlned llio I Mm II I Tim intend. Mhi. . ,'imti
Happy Haur flub hut Tuosdny nt nml A'i.i .Meiciilf. W II ll.irrln Mr
lior homo on Houth ltlYriiide. A dn- Itlmd.i Tompkins mill Hem vine ami
tlnhtfitl aftirnoan w enjoyed, nt ' ! nihliim lloiiitnii
tlin fIom uf uhlrh thn hosto soro J .
ft dainty Itinrhwm to the rullnwliigj A i.iRit rial affiilr of Friday was"
fSdtwU M.-.dames II A. Kmmlll, i n, ,,wr K.n hy ,Mrn. Orvllln Kill-rank
Vaughn. (loorKO Humphroy. ' jotl , ,pr , nl ,, Klanuitli
0. M. Harry lllrlianliou. . or,,.,, rr Mm. Leslie ling.. nml
Jnnlo ITurn. William Hialmnuuc. W. I children nml Mm Fred Hrhallock
P. Johnson. II. i: Onary. Lawn-ire',..... iiii .cmKiunrn ( Kiiiuintii
Falls lloforn allowing her guests l(i
dourl fur llirlr homos Mm. Hlllott
carried ilium off id Ar.onay lake for
:i bwlm u ml picnic, illnhlny Martin.
Ilueonluli nml K. Q. 1'iimralMK. Un
ti-tl Tuesday afternoon llm club nil!
moot at tli Inline of Mr J. J, Kollnr.
?ll Jefferson Rt
Ureal win I lie hauptnoM that
awaited Mr John router mi her
sixty-first birthday Sunday uhon lur
family celebrate,) tlin cvuni by nnlh-
orliiK from their respective homes In, will lon fur Crater lake
M'nllft rnlu nml Oregon for u "Mtr-tlm wkiiil.
iriw uimluti . l or lli Oral Hum.
In It yom Mr. ami Mm. Koater worn
arTidmTi wltfi nlfor Uioirtlillili.-n
wliu In visiting nt tho Accitry thin
tiiiiinr from hl hoiiio nl l.eni:
llc'irli. Ciillfornht nml Mr MiirtTu
wt-ro iiiiiiilbdm of tlin liltnlr Vr"
Thin nftiTnoiin Mr nml Mm HoRCr
Mm. (.', I. ItoburU iui,l Mm. 0car
Hhho ucro jiiint lnni'i'n yrnUrilny
olil Kmiiilcliliarpn A iiiiiitHOiin r- ltf.r,)0,, foP ,r,K,. anil ten nt tln-
tyH W(l uril mi inn ovonlllK or ,lllll(, f MrH. Khlvo. TIkmo IiinHoiI
Aimlul 13 Bnil r.iur ttnro laid for fr ,r,Kl. nPp. MeIiiiiii-ii tlcurKi-'
i$t. nail Mm. i; J. PoMor of Cotton-1 vntt. It I.'. WrlKlil. V. O Smith.
mtl. Mr. mid Mm A. J. IVl.r. of i wiuinni M. Hiiiimn. II. A. KraiiHo. V.
M,0utaBm". Mm II t. McCnrlliv. of . (. rii.lornoo.1. I., (i. Van llellcn.
Aahlniiil. J It I'rainr ami fmll. of I cimrlcM I. Moon-. T. C. Ciimpl.tll.
Moiloato. J II Toxlcr ami wlfo ami nml MIhh Id miiiIicir.
ilniinhtnr of HiIn rlty. Mr and Mm I i,,.r n,,. nlti'rmmii Mm Krrd
C. II. rot..r ami Mr nml Mm. Joliti m-rl C TIioiii.ih ranio In for i.m.
I'ontor. al or Kliimatli I'alU. jr. m .r)). Hhho nml .ImiKhtur.
llt'loii. loft In llirlr rnr llili imirnliiR
A I-Ik picnic nt llnrkloy S'rliiK for noiitlii-rn Cnllfornlii wlirro llu-y took tho form of u family will Hpiinl tho nnxt two urn-Un with
ijalliorliiK whi'ii J. A ami J. V. Ilium
tun KUtlit'ii'il tliuio uiili nipnilium of
lliolr fflinlllcH nml n fuw r.mts for .i
wi'Iiinr ro.iKt. Tlmau prtwi'iit uro.
.Mr. mill Mm J. A lloiiHlon, Mr. mill
MiH) l.i'o llnimlon, Mr. nml Mm, l.
W lloiialoii. Mr. nml Mm. .1. V. IIohh
(mi. Mm. I.. N. ll.ilinM nml II 1 1 to
ilaill'.lld'r, Mih M. ili IIoiinIoii, .lolin
lloiiiitoii. Mm, J. II. ('.'iinnliiin, Mlm
Vith nml licun, Mr nml
Christian Science Society
or M.AMATII I 'A i. us
l.ltiimy lllili;., Iliilnml Mnln
kiikI;i v Si-IkioI rioni inir, in Hi: i.i
llwiy Suml.iy .Mm 1 1 1 n
Siiliji'il i or SiiiiiIiiNi AiikiM -t'i
I'ii'k ii'iollii!; loom nml fire IrmN
lot; lll.imj opi'ii fioni UiilO lo
liitO p. in, on TnrMliitN, 'I Inns-
ilii) mnl Snlimliijii
thilr nl.ilUcH mid frlomlx.
lr. nml Mm. Uoorco I. Wrlr.lil en
dirlnliii'ii nl illnmir I'rlilny oinlni;
for Dr. A. II. Kmi.iil. of Clilrnitu,
mnl Dr. ICilw.inl 1'. Kmi:ivil, of Kan
Him, who liciui I'lijujliii: Khun
.illi I'oimly'a fiunoiiH fUlilm: for two
wi'diH p.inl. Tho ltnm mo now
.ri'..irliu: to ii'liirn in lli.'lr nisli'in
Mr. mnl Mm. Nnlo tllliiilioln wi'in
IiihIii l;ii.l nli'.lil nt a illiuii'r for Mr.
ami Mm. l'r.inl; Vnnclin, who urn
vlsltlm; ullh tlmlr ilmir.lilrr Mm.
It. ,1. Shi'i'lH, f i oin lliolr liomo In
Kuin.ui City, K.iiiku.i. Mr. nml Mm.
Klii'i'ln nml dminhliT with
cmislii nt I ho illiuii'r.
l'OUTI.ANI). Aiik. 1'J. I.I'Blnck,
nominally Hlcnily. Kkks anil biitti'r,
I Hloiuly.
Come Back
' Vacation is over. Pastor preaches Sunday
at 11.00 A. M. and S:00 P. M.
Presbyterian Church
Sixth and Pine
Interest In August 22 Pri
mary Election Centers in
Gubernatorial Race
ciii:vi:nni:, w., auk. is. inr
ti'rriit in Wyoming' prlmnry clcetlnn
AitKimt 22 rtntcm In tin contpala In
both tho republican nml ilcmocratlc
partlt'M for thu cubcrnatorlal nomina
tion. Tho United 8tnto hotialomhlp
l not nn Issno In the primary for
tho rinnn that thrro In only ono
r.nnllilul.. in each parly for tlu ntim
lnii.toii- Frank ), Momlvl. flyor
inudir of tho national Ihihhi of rop, npulillcan, nml John
II. Kcmlrlck. incumbent, Democratic
hIio koukM ro-cli'ctlcii. Thu Momlol.
K'. lull bk flitlil in N'nw mbiT. how. Is oxpi'cti't to bo ifno of thu
iiioxt Hiu'ctiiriilar In thu hUtory of
WjomliiK poliilcn both hnliiR a larso
liomoiinl folluwhiK.
Itobort D. Catoy, Inciimbvut, lias
boon I'liallotiKi'd for thu rt'pnblli'an
noinliiiitlim foi pm'rnor by John W.
May of Itork SptlniiH. Tho I num. lm
tw.(n llio two iih'ii linn boon oerthu
niatlor of economy In Htato eomtii-nit-iit
expomlltiiroH, Hay charRing
tho administration with uitrava
Kancos. (iiiMTiior Carey has denied
tliu charKuit.
Tho ilemociatlc eonleat for gover
nor In botui'on William 1). ltoaa, the
HtralKlit parly riinillil.ito, Frank Mc
Douoll, Indoihcd by tho ronforenre
for pini:ri'bnhi. politirat action, thu
fiirmor-l.ibor inincinnit.
Tlmro tiro two candidates for the
ropnbllcmi iioiiiIii.iIIoii for Wyo
nilni;'n only mouther of roiiKresM ami
Ihiui for Hie d. le noinliiatlon,
All nl. 'lie nffii'om, two jllHllivti of the
Htipioino I'otti'l, In ,'iddlllon, will bo
llornld flauslflcd ads pay yon.
ilT'S NEw5
I mZJi ( I "Coram
1922 hi7iw
ci&a&-Q II
a (a
Note the I A'a
AppcalhiR Aroma
AttractUo Appearance 1
M.tsov i:iiiimn c CO.,
uihu iituuir ii
"Hi. .Nllon' rint
fOltTI, Nl), HriATTLK, I
Klamath Falls, Ore,
Place Where Andrew John
son Worked as Tailor
Gets Appropriation
iui:i:nvim,k, tcuhi, aur. io.
Tim Htatn of Tfimpwiin uud tlin city
or (ireentllla liavu taken Hlupn tc
proHorvo for fiilum cenerntloiiN the
llttlo biilldliiK occnploii by Andruw
Johnnon iim a tailor nhop, tho place
when; ho ilreiiiniid nf one day occupy
InR llio hlRhoHt poHlllou In tlio j.ower
of Americana to bontow upon onu of
their fellow cltlr.niiH, tho ir-Kldoncy
Thu Main lelBlntnro t IU Innt
Honhlnn upproprlatnd 1 1 r,000 to put
n brick h. Htrncliiro uroiiml tin'
Iioiiko, located In tho center of thin
thllvliiR little city built nmonR tho
rolllnR IiIIIh of earn Teimetnoo An
nddlllonal mini nf $200 annually wuk
provided for llm upkeep of tint build
irii: A mnall homo for thu caretak
er hi lm lulled in the plaiiN. Until
Ktriiiliir.-i urn well under way.
I'ithiiiii who vlitll llm idaro will
mil bo ultownl lo touch tho tailor
Hhop wlmro "A. Johntou tailored old
ilolliiH and now", for It will be part
ly oiiraiiod In Rlusfl. ThrouRh the
kI.ibi, how'oier, llm thousands of
lourlelM who Jojirnoy In Croenvllle
eery year may flow llm lnnm ami
pari of Iti Interior. They may boo
tho work bunch behind which the
youthful workman idled hit trado
Iih lm bemoaned llio futo that depriv
ed him of an education 'earlier In
life, ho waii limplred to
iirhluvoinrtit wliern the dreams of
an nctlM! career In public llfo took
Kbapo mid npurred lilm on to enter
polltlcM at the iiKo or twenty, a do
clHlon lie evidently never regretted,
according to bin last ntatenient, llio
orlRlnnl of which, along with 'other
rollcjt. will tin mado a part of tho
Iroamiru that will be housed In tho
new bulldliiR.
A touch of pathos and religion runs
through tho last recorded words of
tho only president to bo Impeached,
tho only tailor iolx coma president,
nml tho only president to bo elected
lo thn United States senate after
nerving as tho nation's chief execu
tive, n statement written as he saw
thu hhadoiv oL tluuYallcx. of Peath
Krudiiallyileiigthcnln'if'out to envelop
hliu. w ..
HangliiR In a framo In his old
homo plarn hero. It fcads:
"All scorns gloom and despair. I
have performed my duty to my (iod,
my country and my family, I have
nothing to fear. Approaching death
to mo Is tho mere shadow of (Sod's
protecting wing. Ilvnenth It I almost
feel sacred. Here I know no evil
can comn; theru I will rest In qufrt
and peace, beyond tho reach of cal
umny's poisoned shaft, tho Influence
of envy and Jeulous enemies, where
treason and traitors In state, back
sliders and hypocrites In church can
have no place, wliern tho great fact
will ho realiicd that God Is truth
and gratitude Is tho highest tribute
of man."
Football Coming Back
Strong at Santa Clara
SANTA CI.AHA, Cal Aug. 10.
Football la coming ImcK at tho Uni
versity of Santa Clara hero with all
tho power It held be f oro last year
when nn varsity loam waH put on the
field until lato In tho season.
1'ractlco will start lato this month,
soon after tho opening of school on
August 22, according to Coach II. (!.
llticklngham, former Princeton
tacklo and ono time conch at tho Col
orado School of Mines,
Santa Clara plays tho University of
California at llerkoloy, September
110 In tho first gamo of tho heasoii,
On tho following Saturdays tho Mis
sion team playa Stanford University,
tho University of Arizona', Davla
Farm school, tho Ninth Army Corps
team and tho American legion. Tho
"big gamo" wilt bo against St. Mary's
college in thn first contest between
thn schools In ten years.
Several veterans will bo on tho
Santa Clara cloven, among them
Captain Andy Kerkchof, Tom Crowo,
(leorgo Noll, Logan, Sullivan, "Hod"
Abrahamson and "Mooso" Fawko.
"Turk" Uedolla, a Santa Clara play
er of sovoral years ago, has returned
to school.
Strangler Lewis Agrees
To Bout September 5th.
SAN FltANCISCO, Aug. 19. Kd
("Stranglor") Lewis, world's wrest
ling champion) has agreed to appoajr
lioro Tuesday September 5 in dofonso
of his tlllo. A local wrestling pro
motor Jh trying to land Karl Cad
dock, Londoa or Wladok Zhyszko to
Now listen well, a tnlo I'll loll
How Johnny owned a flivver.
Iln Jind no needs of tonics now
For hcait or lungs or liver.
Ifn took his girl lo ride ono day,
The talc It is dlstroHiIng,
For this thn price John had to pay
For carelessly carousing.
Ho held her hand with ono of hli,
Steered I.lzzlo with the other;
Shu headed for a tin can dump
As for a long lost brother.
They lauded with nn nvful bump,
And from their dreauis descended,
To find their blissful journey thus
Disastrously had ended,
A Junk mail offered him ten cents;
llu quickly said, "You takn her,"
While ho was gone his girl eloped
In a light six Htudubaker,
Tho moral thus Is plainly seen;
lie careful when you're rportlng,
A speeding tur Is no safe place
To do your summer courting.
Making Hay When Sun Isn't Shining
$11.' Ilrunswlck Phonograph, now.
(t.'t.OO. Terms. Wlniom' Jewelry
Store. Ill
11, HorUnc Matthews, of Sussex, Hngtand, makts hay when the sun
lin'l shlnlni;. He dlves air through a haystack by mcam of portable
electric funs, shown above.
The Home You Have
Been Planning
Consult your architect or builder
he will tell you that PRICES
Cost of materials is now LESS.
Cost of labor is LESS.
You'll be saving yourself a lot of money by building your home
NOW, rather than later. You'll be able to move into new com-,
fortable quarters much sooner. You'll become your own land
But, this isn't all v
You'll be doing your city a good turn. The men who are em
ployed in the construction of your home will be GIVEN A JOB,
and the wages they spend with the merchants of Klamath Falls
will improve your business, directly or indirectly.
If all the business-men and home-builders will cany out their
plans NOW, and BUILD NOW we will have PROSPERITY
Unemployment will be a thing of the past. Everybody will be
Now, don't say to yeurself: "I'll think it over." Get in touch
with your architect or builder TODAY. Get an estimate BASED
ON TODAY'S LOW PRICES. This will prove better than any
thing we can say that you'll benefit yourself and this community
This space paid for by the
business men of Klamath Falls
for the benefit of the commun
ity. .
Help Your Own City
K You Help YoursdT
j'r. "
ia , i