The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 18, 1922, Image 1

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    - lA'J
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lO.VKIII I CNHIVI-I IJII), ciioii.mii.i;
Hiiouiais, rooi.iat
Member of llic Associated Press
I' I f (tit li riir. .So. fllir.l
itliA.M.VIII IMI.I.M, ani:KtS, I'HtlhW , A I HIST IH. llriM
President Declares Purpois
In Address to Concresi
ConI Probe is Anhcd
-President llarrliiiir today'
(old coin'ros and the nation
that lie had resolved to use.
all tho nowor of tho i'ov-j
eminent to maintain tr:in-
imitation and to niHtnin the,
rii'Iit of mon to work. Ho J
further declared tho riirht of i
onnilovos and omnlovcrs
nlik to conduct business
must ho roooirniX'd. and
donlnrod what ho termed
warfare on unions of labor
National in vestiiration for
onstructive recommenda -
lions to conduot tho coal in-!
d".tv ho imnerativo and he
rooommondod a "overnmont
unntmitfion to advise fair
wairos and conditions.
H...I it... t.:il . .1 .i t
that the bill establishim.'
the labor board was inado
(in'nle. boii" with litl"
nower to 'enforce decisions.
Tho nresidonl recominenrl
ed action to make tlw
board's te,!,!""" en force
able and effective :i"ninst'
i-ii'i'iers and nulnves alike.
Ollw.l limn I 111 i! I'nniiini" '
1 fiiriimrH. hut lliry ilroiii t lit-lr
dation. tho president did!nri. for imk iiny in uitpmi. .imw-
Mtit. it.foinmt.Mil liitrwltil tnii
'- '! a M11 IIIMIV1tll
(o deal immediat"lv withjimM iniiiiiiiin'" m.oiiuK or u mi
the rail s-lriko. ''" ""H
..r, . , , I "If a pnlllliHl pirly due not
Government by law must ,, . ,, ,,,1,., u,at m
and will bo maintained, iiOi'iar tin. rim."i cruiiiiy n i mi
matter what storms mavi:"""l", ,'" Tr"' tt"',V" T
, , , , loliK in.luri'." waa n irulli i ailed
ensue, no matter what hard- , n... m,..!tiu,:'rt uitoutiou i.y to-....
ships may attend or what
sacrifice may bo necessary,"
the president said.
Stating that sympathetic
railroad strjkos had devel
oped and had impaired in
terstate commerce seriously,
the president said trains had
been deserted on tho des
ert and had revealed what
he declared lo be cruelty
and contempt for law on the
part of some railroad em
ployes, whom ho said also
conspired to paralyze trans
portation. "There is state lawless
ness shocking every concep
tion of American law and
order," he declared and an
nounced his intention to
invoke laws, civil and crim-,
inal, forbidding conspira
cies hindering interstate
commerce and requiring
safety in railway service.
NI.W YOIIK, Auk. IB. I'lin btritto
nf tho railroad craft unlniiH miiHt ho
Nottlod licit'. Htono declared today at
an Informal mootliiK bofoio Ihu mod
iatloii t'oufurouco, ll "munt ho nettled
rlitht hoio nt Uioho muotliii-H," ho
hiilil. "ComlltluiiB ovur tlio country
iloinnnd a Hottloniont ut onco niul
(rnnllniiPil In I'arto f)
Knscisri Leader
Henlto Mussolini, Itader of lr
lam-UU. has ordered tho demoblN
nation of Hint oncanlMllon, claim,
nr that It ban won It battlo
acnlnit communists and olhrr e
tirmlma In tho civil war that liaa
Hi" ta"e in mn Provinces U
rrntlrl in i 11 nwr
L,,,,,,,,,,,,, r ,.,.,,.,, ,,.
' mime iihhiimv Mi-mixi-,
,)f ,,"',, ",r"
Iti'lMilillr.inr) who tui't Wnllor
Tunic, Jr. tliiilrnian uf llm Main
central roniiiilllf.-. horn oiitorila'
aiu liiuilrii.'il til hi ropnrt of con
stat-i,l"",,r n1 '"' N'"' ,,,m" "" M uu'
tour limit' nnK 'vrr)uiiuri morn
,, ... ,, . ..
( iitiv'iti w iikiiih-ii,-
Ironing nut of tiil3Uinli'rlaiulIiiKi
n n tl Iih l entirely rangulim of n
nutipli'tii republican If lory In No
vriubcr. Seventeen mi iiiImth. nr about half
of tlin county tentral rnuihilllef
innferted with I'm iljilt '!iulnunii
ut lhi It IiiiM fur i. I'M' nil limir.s
je'erday nflertmnu ninl arranged
ililiilU i.r nrK'iliUiillon. (' A liny
iti'ti intinly rliiilrin.ill. presided A
nuijorll) nt iliiuo pre-'ent Mere linn
'"'K r,'vlv"1 ,,r ll)n" I"""'""
I I ..r...l lllil ItlllirH Ulllil II u.i llio
I 'I he ropublluiti parly, tin K.ild, had
i limit tho tr-il of tlni" niul will h-i
llio parly of tho future. Iln uri:eil
all metuhorit to renewed loyally and
liipri'niiod olforl.
It)- publicly nffllliitlm; ulth tho
party, he Willi, the Individual. Im
pliedly at liMitt. idi'dROH hlnnelf or
hiTriiir to nblilii by llm IHirlV I"'
luoki'd upon an u xacreil tnibt ninl J
faithfully dlHPhatcPii tnroiiRii hup
poll of tho nominees nolerti'd to rep
roHout the parly at llio primary.
IWtwoeti now and November It lj
pluiiiiod In orKinlso tho Mate, pie
tlnct by precinct. Tor llm firm
limp Minion will ho cuiial In party
counellx of tho .Mnto. '
Kiioh roiinly pommlltoo 1 urcod .
In H'U'cl a woniiin n vlco-chiilrmau;
each proelui't will havo a woman,
thltif of Htaff as well an a main com
mltltemen and thwo will chooiio.
a eorpt of woikora lo hop thai tho
((.'oiillnuud n VW B)
wi:.vnii:u i'iton.niMiii:s
Tho Otlo-StoniiiiKiaph nl ruder-,
'.'"HJiKf-'cgegsl wtind'8 riinumipy
recni-il.t a lallliiK
pioiiiiuro aliieo'
noon todav. al-
IIioiikIi for llio pin-1
eoillut" liorlcd of -I
hniiiH thorn miih I
llttln not ehatiKe. A
t'niilluiiiitiou o f
Idoahaut Moather
U tmllcaleil Willi
.brink wind to
ulitht. VorecaHt for noM
I Iieuih:
tlonorally fair with varlablo ulnilK. j
Tho Tycos rocoidliiK Ihoriuomoter
icBl.stoicil miixlmuni mid mliilnium I
toiuporattirca today na follewa:
Hoi I uriJA
lllRh 82
Low ,17
si fhhsco
ii Ti (. F,
Mnyor Ceo. L. Bpltcr Starts
f f
bonielhinK With Com-
munily Dinner Swccch
t,.,n,.r i.iumin N .online. HiIh tlf. foniK'r roiiKretMn-mit fr. . Tpxh.
i i loi.itioM-.i of I'lilltii'ui ,01(.i.jHlr'",',"lttH''1'"lu:,totl","t;'',1"ra'r"
ciiT'llB IIMI Kan I'iiuiHh.o Ii tr- M, n" ft'jl" ti''' ' '" "'"
in--. Thi train lli rlH.-f rjimW-r at lit., tmnct.-i. .-.lilcli
rr. r li-m Kaliinlny. ;". ' r'"' "' ''''ll1 '" ""' 'y-i"i ""
i I ti'tloclf, nccnr'ltip. U word r-J KUirl'n" '" 7 "'cliwt SubiIi cnliirj.
"hml by h'Ci entry Sli'vntMon of tint
ilintiilirr of rniiiitiitrrii. It I.iimiIIi
I'ulU will ho tlin nortlwil p-lnt
K'jrlipii in ii! trvriiraltin; i
.Nfirtlii'Ni Oullfiiniln Itwtllutcil'by Iho'
Han Kinnrcii cliamber of m
ini'rcp. .Mayor (Jii.rKn I. linker of I'or
IiiihI Ii illrpflly roiiirinllln inr
I forlliconiliiK llt of Orcr.o i'h rlt-il
'of I Im notilli. At I lui nnt.liil rom-j
1 munily tllnnor Anstut 7. tit vliklil
I M")'0!" UnltPr Van Rllfat Of llllllnt.
u. j coinndrr. m-p-mcmi!.: ii.- n
J KranrlRcn Ii;unl,pr of torn nit i
lol.l of tlii plain, for .Icvi'ltipinoiit of
Niirtlinrii Ciillfiirnl.i. iiIpIiiiIIiik Klani
at Ii . nniily. Mnyor llakor. who
prevloiinlr .kprocutcl tlin Joalnunly
vxLntlui: lit'iwnfii coaat utalca and
tiMMm. mail" tho pkIiiI.mI rpJnlnil'T '
Hint Wood would murk llio norlli
rn point In Im Iiirlinli'd In tint il
ti'liipmi'tit platii..
Vol rntlroly ploa-'i'il ulllt llnkcr'n
tomark, Coloiiitor Inter told Sto-
vtni'o!! of tlin pl.uiH of tlin San.
Knuic!ncn chShihor In tour N'ortliorn
fallfnrnla. kiikkiIIiii; thai an Invl-
tat Inn tin psti'ittloil from Klnin.itli
I'.illt. At linn on llm mii:r.iliii,
tlio Invltiitlnn vn lrnl and t!i
(tcri'ptnnro wiu promplly rotiirnoil.
Ilobort Now tun I.ynrli. vim proa
Idpui and inaniir.or of tho San I'r.ui
cUrn rliaiuhiT. uihUnl Sti'voiiMin
that tlio iiumiiIiit.i of ihu I'ar.ivmi
Mould tall on linul hnlnoHg Ihiiiwh.
A Im ti ii lit-t will I if riven for tho
vuimr. I., ii v..i.ini- ..,! il... f..J.
IiiwIiir day lliey Mill Ii" Jnliit'il by a
larRo nuinhpr of local biiblnonH men '
on u trip lo t'ruler Ick".
SteM-imoii mild u lonitiilllee miiiI.I
rail en l-'retl ll I'leol uilh n re-
.liiiwl Unit Im prepare a hunioroim
reailliiK fur llio oeiilni; nf tho car-1
. I.. . I
iiwin'ii arrival.
lit Im it III iiikI ." Nh Miinljen
'I'ii Hi- Aililml iii (Irilrf: r.inwr
Ciiiitii'hittmn In fly Soi-iker
Itnlnliiii uf rolutiibti f ; -par
lug fm a big lnltlal'im 'ami i..wi m
lien' iiii riuinlny, ut v.liMi IciHiiii
II' tiriil .') iii'W nii'iubi'bi v. (II lf nil-
l(,"l '" t'1" "It. l.ti"w win
fiirnlnli 13 pinlld.'ilH, rMnKbril 12
, c. mid iin-ru win iitm imr.i timi
i Tin1 Hull lillilli'v V.'iiiiU'i Frat-
Tin' llim. lluiltiT Wiioti'ii
Juilr.o Woolen will tnlilrcfji an
upon nlr moi tlnn tn'i nrro tnlnr;
nt th"o rnnitT of Sixth and Mttl.i
altwln mi tlin prinnr,iirnpu'.?orj'
oduontlnii hlllMo-nilloil. wliloli has
' rotisi'd it m lilotipri-ail illffiTi'iiin nf
opinion In Or. Ton. ,tn! wlilrii will ho
voted upon In Kovnmhor. Tlio up. jK
or Mill pnnent Hit' iirr.iimoiit tiKnlnet
Itio hill. Hn In ery familiar with
Ihn xtilijoct anil IiIb roputittlnit on
lllli'i lilm to n larK.i nii.llntio.'.
Tho KdIkIiIh of Columlum iitogram
itlnrts Sunday inoriii'ii; nJUi a
KnlRlitH Mann nt tho Sitml Iloart
.'Iiiircli at S o'clocl. llro.ikfni.t will
ho m-rvod at llm odd IVIIuw.t hall
Immedlaloly after Mann.
I'irsl. mjriind and third .l.v!rfes
will he conferred on llm ciutlfilates,
durlnrj llm day and the iwinlnj: ban-,
nPt will tlnio the program. .'t:ntei
nfflcora nf llm oritatilratloit will at
H1TED 01.
Dorris Factory In Ttital
Loan; 500,000 Feet of
Shook Burned
Sjieilar In Tlio IlornliL
nonias, Air,, is. fi n r.:so
yesiunl.iy nflu.'titmti totally ilnttroyeil
tlio box fap'.ory lioro of tho Awoclnt
od l.tiinbir & aiox company with a
loss ootlmatod tit 1110,000. bclle.t-.l
to In' rtniiri'd liy Inrmrunce. Tlia flro
wait bol.avod to huvu orlrinatr.d In
' tho, open uawrtuHt burner fijm whl
' llm liurnlnj; sawdust wa Ulown by a
hli;li wind Into the lactory whore
i tho flru Katnotl elrong headway bo
foro liolnj, ibnorvctl.
About C'lO. 000 feel of TJnMliod lox
000, ulilrlt wax InMitoil In an adjoin
' itiK wnroliiruo. was also totally do
!ntro)i'd. TJirou million foot of lum
I bor nearby was H.xvod.
' Kf.'orls tt oxUuguInh tho flro fall
' ed IhrotiKh low pres.uirj of tho city
Miitor iupp'y.
Tho plant of llio DitrrU Lumber f;
Ilgx to m piny i.liuut IT.i) jcrils distant
waa threulocotl lor a. tlmo but wae
, i.nMiil.
I Tlio plant was bultl two yoara ago
anil coal VIW.OOO. Vt a owned by
! Tarter, Wolnlcr & Jtihuiuu, a brofc-
i'ra(;ii conourt nf Stockton and San
J KraijelMPii. Seventy mon wore om
' ployod.
11. J. ClH Mild ii was probable
that tlio (t'liipany umild rebuild In
tlin near ftilurn.
'flimdoro IKnfer Vi -5SW for Not
llnxliif- Uroiiso
Thoodoro Uorfer Mas iirralRticd In
Jut.ili'p court this morning charged
wlilt flHlilut; llio Ktrcams nf this
eounty without a riHliluc llcciifo. lie
Man fined 53." nnd roils upon pay
ment of which Im uim released.
.M.vmarr i:i:roirr
roKTNAND. Aug. IS. Cattle
iirm. iiori snu sutMp nominniiy
li.te.iily. firm. Hotter, utoady.
For Davis Cup
S -'& Bl
Members of the Spanish tennis
ttm which has Just anivtd la
'America to play (or the Dsvta Cup.
.Count d Oemsr at top). Masnicl
' Atonso (ccnttr) and Jose U. Aloue,
Kvposltlon Carman .Mniibcm T.iko
nmrgo of Kntcrtnlnment;
Utstcrnm Greeted ,
Special to Tim llrrolil' .
CI1&TCR LAKK. Aug. lS.-WJth,
tho nrrhal hero Thursday afternoon
of tho 132.-. toi'tnltloii cararaa the
,. , . ... ..... ..... .....I...... .....'
urater Imihii iuiio uiiivriacivu
largest crov.-d ever assuralilel
Crater Btlonal rark. I uVcr auilurUcd any statement to
Tim members of tho caravan took I Ulat cfrcct. u is believed that this
chorgo of tho entertainment of the l:ln(j of the!,0 two leading southern
evening Mayor Geo. L. Raker's 0rCBon ropublIcans will wield aTot of
speech waa addressed largoly to the nfjucnco over tho state, and' Is In
eastern Ultors prcsont and was an rtCnt0n that tho republican state
Invltntlon to conio again and bring ci,airman's offorts to sccura'harmony
tholr friends In 1025 tmd seo Crater tho republican ranks Is meetlnt:
Lake and all tho scenic Mctnlers o(lumj ucceSB,
Oregon. j tn introducing 'fooxe., Gates said:
Community slnglcg conducted by ..j ara B0ng ,0 j,iaco ,y p.,riy prlu
Walter Jenkins and dancing was had clpiCJ nbovo tl0 muntal Injury caused '
until it lato hour after tho speaking.' ,,y ,,0 tiirut 0f a political Javolln-rr
Tho radio outfit with tho caravan ' am BOiB lo Basrltlco my prjdo upon
liroaurastud tho entlro proceedings of ,ho nltar ot wmt I consider iny par
t lho ovcnlnir, Will (I. Steel. I'. S.! ,.,.,,, ,nlnrc'i,. - -
couimlt-slouur of Crater Lake Nation
al park nnd scleral Porthnilurs
K. Sugnriiuin Ilesents Fnliitt-i! of
Caravan 'Members to Call
If you were a merchant and had
spent half n day and somo money In
decking all available window tspaco
with goods "made In Oregon" tin-
unuunnnhln t?notln nt that! If vnu had
taken a quarter page In tho nowspup-.
or to lvll visiting merchantii how glad
you Tvero to soo then, and extended
perianal Invitation to n lot of them
to como in and get acquainted. In-
clitdlng tho metropolitan mayor, and I
If not ono ot tho visitor canto near'
you-would It mnko ou u trifle
Thal'it what happoucd to K. Bu-j-iirtnan
In connection with tho Port
land caravan's visit nnd that usually
ovon-tompurml Individual's well
known motto for tho lint tlmo In
years was not working yestorday.
"You'd think," 3ald Sugurman "If
Portland really wanted to compete
with San Frnuclbco for Klamath
county trade, nnd boost tho use ot
mada In Oregon goods, that hor busi
ness mon would go out of tho way to
tiicot tho follows who aro trying to
play tho gamo with thorn. Hut It
didn't work out. Not a man ot all
tho caravan came Into my store or
commented on tho window display,"
Med ford Mayor Placet G.
O. P. Above AH Other ,
MKOFOIU). Auc 18. Mayor O. V.
(Top) Gatet) of this city throw4 a.
i bomb Into tho Kalhorlne of ropuhll
' cann at a hue banquot nt tho Mail
ford hold Wednciday nlht, given In
honor of Itonubllcan State Chairman
Walter L. Toozo, Jr., and exploded all
tho lurches, rucucs, rumors, nnd
itatcmcnti that (late) night ba an In
dependent randldato for Kovcrnor,
when. In welcoming Toozo to tho clt,
the mayor publicly ascrtod that lin
placod tho Interests of tho roptibll-
can party abovo any pemonal Inter
est, or the Intorcnts of any other or
ganization, and that ho propotpit to
support tho republican ticket In the'
fall election from top to bottom. T
Can't Dcnert Party
Gates said: "God knows'l am In
depondont enough, but not enough
o that I can cet along without
tho republican party."
This statement on tho part of Med-
ford's two fisted mayor created n de
cided sensation and caused a thrill to
' pass through tho larno aicmblai;o.
Sensation after sensation feuturud
J tho mcetlnu. and when Uort Ander
son, ono of tho leading ropuuwean
war horses of southern Oregon, and
wko-but recently resigned from tho
tato fish and ganio"comra1s3ton slat-
id that ho proposed to sco that Urn
as hlmfolf. accepted tho leadcrjhlp
of tho presoat repnhllcan state chalr-
"ian- an1 Jcdnud loyally with him In
electing tho republican ticket front
t0D t0 bol,om' Vloiktug his utmost
n'' t0 lho eaA t,Ia!"I ra rlot-
i:nmplcs 1'or Stntc CJ. O. 1.
...p. and Anderson had been
th0Spokn of as bolters of tho republl
"'can ticket, though neither of-lftom
Tor tho past Ion )HO.n preiloi's
to each election, we. havu hai( tho
samo neoplo atteuiptlng'to bring Jis-
cord into tho republican "orGanlzu'Untr,
Vrlor to tho laut four .years
' publican organization was naiiKiiiK
upon n thread. At no tlmo did wo
fool that wo could dollvor a, solid
formation to tho stain organisation.
Same Old Tactics
"During tho Inst four ycaro our
organization huB bean Intact at all
tlmos. Hut now wkon our orgauiza-
o; a cAei a9 ' ""er hM boon
AoA bo'oro' wo ntJ tl' 8"mo I('
I'oultlon creeping In. attempting to
c"anK t'-, mlntl8 ' trUa "P"" '
tl0la lho courso w!"eU lfco'r S,,0,"J
br reh,,1 P,,r3U0'
", 'omcnt "f Hiouslillwsnoss
"o aro liable to put a crow In a place
j upon WU UiWIUl, tUlim 1Uur luura ut
years ot regret. Let ua think moII
whtlo we tiro togethor as ropublIcans
what wilt bo tho futuro of tho repub
lican party If wo continue to hayo"
discord In our own ranks. No onn
inn n or set of mon should allow thulr
porsonul foollngti to cnuuo thorn to do
an act that would foroYer Injure
tho ono groat party to which wo an
republicans owe our nlleglsnco.
I'uts rry Flri-t
"I have, never boltorl tio party
slnco my first voto and I do rjot want
tho public at this tlroo to casa mo, u,
bolter, and I trust that as I look lato
(Continued to pair t)
i '.;'
.4 ti
-i .
v '-li'ilJ
y n