k to ' 'IliritSIIW, AIMJI'MT 17, 11122 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ptFiv ? ! County Court Monday, till) I Till, lli- ('mil I Met I'litiiuiiiiL to AilJmnii- llll'llt V lllMI V.''l" plf'SOIII II II. llillllU'll. I'Miuity lodge, Hut mil Hliurl iiml Ami I'ordyro, County (.'Illinois hIiiIIuih, mill mljnuiued inilll Ttieiulity Inly t sin. 'r:s II II IIHNNIXL. Cniiiily .luilgn Hl'ltllKI.I. KIKIItr. Co CiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiir. AHA I'OIIDYCi:, Co, ( OllllUlsnlllUnl. Tiiemluy. Jul) I Mil, :2 'mil I Mni Pursuant li Adjourn iiii'ill. when worn piosont II II. linn null, County Judge, lliirri'll Hhort iiml A 1.1 I'ltril)!)', Ciiiiiih (uiiinilfHliitiiirn llin following prill nillltlKM Worn Iiml. In the Miiliir nt tint ".title Agrl iiillurul College I'iiihI It iiiH'lllllli: llllll tin' Mlulo Agrl- iilliifiil f'itlliit'it fiiinl utuiiilil Kit t tit lil tint sum i.r r,.i; i:i fur tin- purchase of nuleuinbllo fu Krnnk flexion, iiniiiiy Hull IiihIki Ii In lninliy nr- dorrd Hun mild hi f t:..IV III In. I n"l ni-i in tin- nitrlt ultitriil collogn I finiil fniin Hi" i orient expense fund ' nml Unii llin iiiniiiinl or current ox iii'iiHn unrrmii No lliil'i! fm $ r. 7 . -(.1 Im iliniKi'il to inlil iiKrlrnltiinil I'cilli'K" (iiml lint. (I tlili .Inly I silt. ur: ! Omri'iit l'ini' ihilniM nlliiMi'il mil) unrimilH ilrnwir (I, M lliiynioml. rcporllnii. $n nn Wlioroiipi n Court AilloiiriU'it nnlll Wi (lni'Miliiy July l'i. 11122 1 It II IU'N(S't:i.l.. f Connly .liulcc ' itfiiiti:i.i. HiimtT, ? Co CoIiiiiiIkhIiiiii r (, asa roituvci:. (' Co Coinnilnvloiii'r i W't'illii-mli.y, Jul) IH. X'ifi Court Mi'i I'nrKiimil In Ailjnurn- in, nit u li.iii u , r., iir,,iil It II lllltl. null, Coiiiuy JiiiH-" lltirroll Hlinrt nml Afca I'nnlyri'. Cmintv CiiidiiiIm. 1 KlniUTH, tin' follow Iiik proconilliiKu ttoro hiul lo wit I In thr Mmior or l.mi.1 ni-i-i'wiar) fir IliillmCiillfiirnl.i liluliuio Klmnnlli I'iiIIh Miiltti Ki'itlnn lli".cilllll"i N'nw on llila Jilillilnl (lu v or tin July toriiiN nr tin' mint) rniirt or MhiiiiiIIi Cniint Htuli- or Orocen: Ho it ri'iiii't, Hint tliu proporly iliwi rlhfil lo-ri tiilii'ln" liv, ntnl tin' niinii' Ii liri'li ili'il.itnl in ho iiiti ii wo mitt ileoiriililo fi r riKlit-'ii-ny fur tin1 piiipni- it Kliiiuiitli Kiilln-Mn- 1 1 It mtIIiim nr tli, liilli'('illlfiirllln lili;lin imioHi'il ( Im ciiimtnii tul t in p.ut. frnin Ihi' I'll) or Muliliitll ImiIIx. KliiiKilh Cinint). nl.iti' of On Kim in llir low ii nf MhIIii. Klanuitli Count) .tiiii' o( Orriton ami for lie- i unary unii p-npi r cuttlniiH, I'liiluuiK- iin'iiu mnl I'linvi'iiirnl ninliiti'iiiiiiri' or on III pinpoint lilKlimiy lli It (urlhiT rmoKoil that I lie) inin'rl' in fo'iml nml iilarr, to ho. iicri'WNii)' In ilomrlhcit mi follnwg, u wlf ; I A rllrlp or IiiiiiI nO fi'i't ili'. holliK :tn li'Pt nil oni'll nliltt of III') rnili'i lino nf rnl'l ronil nt Mlrryi'i nvir anil nrro.M t In SW'i of llin NV', nr Hnrtloii 2, Towimlllli II Hontll. ' KntiK" iin Kant nf Wlllalililln Mcrl It .tit . licititinlui: at lUntlnn IS-12 or 'fin' Irtlli'.(ilifirnlu lilshuay imr-j ny which mntloii In iiiiprrklmntoly' SI", lo li'i't ui'iii mnl T.Ti ti'i't Mm 111 of, lilt' S't enrner nhlth In roimnoli to Korllnu J II' II. It '10 CaM Wlll.inii'Hi' Mi rlillitu lliiuro runnliiK In ii miiithi'iiHit'rh tllri'Uoii iinpmil inali'ly 7"i.l In' t in Million li'.'-'.l.'i or l ln mi lil iiirM. w linh iintllui U np priixltniitiil) i:i2o noiith ntnl 22:iii' foot moni of tin, Nt rortior which h roiiunnn In iliTtlon 2, TiiIinIiIi 41 Hoitih ItmiKi' to K.mt of the Wllliine, nlli' .Morltlhin. In Klain.ith County.! Ori'Kim. I D.iliil thin Jul) in. lt2U In Hid Mlittor of (ho Approprlnl- Ini; I'limin for Comitructlon of Annul Creek ro.id.j , i I Now mi ililn Jmllrliil iluy of tho I Jul) lenii of the Connly Court of1 Kl.imntli County. OroKont j Ho l( rcinolvoil thai thorn bo mnl ' there li'liotyliy approiriatod mil or lb" HpcHiit HlKliiiy llonil fundi pro titled tbitioforo hy uli or the pi'iiplo or K'liinmilv County OroKiui tho mini or 'I' went) KtVcn tlimmaml ( $27,000 ) not Dollhiii for Hie piiriono of and lo he applied an tho nharo (n bo appro-' printed 1 1) Kliiiuiitli County toart I Hid roilNtrUrtlon ot I lie projei't III i Klnmalh Couni) known nn tho Anna ereok road, hiimo beliiK Uio load bo. r.liinliii: al tlm linuud.iry or tho ('niter National pink and extending llironiili Kori Klmmilb lo a point In Thu Dilloh-Cnllfnrulil lilKhua) near Old Kurt Klainiitli III mild iiiun ty K.ihl mini horoby upproptlnted Jo LINKV1LLE IN imuFiLFn lamv vmommen rvi k 'v WSI ' wmuy' -frv?: TRAIrt YESTERDAY WAS'3KErAON,AWN . A -rrrri i nnir trir. hi -nir annow tuiMruM,r -nn& . K-wr Proceedings ,. i In used In innjiinitliin wllli fiinilH iippioprlnletl lo- tint (Unto Highway i lllllllllSlln IT (IH'gllll llllll III" I (Ml oral Department or akiiciiiuiki iim IIhi i iiiiHtriu Mini of cnld roii it bote In uhiixn described. Diiiiii iiml iliilml nt Klainiilh I'iiIIh, ; Oregon c It In llilli iluy nf July, A I) I a 2 8 In tin' Mailer or A pi ojit l;i tlnj: KiiiiiIm rm Urn Construi-llnn of tln ('rmui'iil-Kliiiiudli I'iiIIh noetic ii of 'llin Dnlles-CnHMiiilii lllgliwnj N'nw nn tlilH Jilillilnl liny nt the' July. I(i2'.i term nt tlu rnitnty court or Kliiimilli Contily. Oregon1 Hit It resolved. Unit there l ntnl there In h'Tuliy iipprnprlntcil out or Iho Hpirliil lllcliwiiy llonil Mini pro Mili'il therefor liy nti or llin people of Kliumitli Connly. Orngoti, the mini of iino-huiulieil-tweiity-nno thousand (f IBI.immi mi) lor tin' piirpoio or, "inn in no nppiien a uio mum- m m-1 iippriiiirlutitd liy Mnuialh l ninny. to I ""' ""' l,r"'"" " '"' constructed In Kliiiinilli County Known ns linn Cresionl-Khiiniilll I nils section of r" milieu-mi inrim iiigiiwny. lorni-; ii between Old I'm i Klamath unii the l)eiirhutos connly linn In nulil iKIniunih Cnimi). OriiKon nnd In or Imljninnt lo CmtiT NiUlnmil forest, n tlliitnnte of upprnxliniitiily fltli'i'ii ,IM Hill". Halil sum or One hun dred tweul)-nun thousand dollars. , ($121,001) nil) hereby appropriated lo Im used In intijiinctlnii with funds appropriate hy tint Fedurul Doparl ini'til or Agrlrulliirn In tlm lonstruc tlnn of mild ronil herelnuhoxo ! scribed, iiml Ihls appropriation of unlit Mini nr (ISI.nnn) Dollars, one I liiimlri'il iiml twenty -cmo thousand dollars Is made xxlih Hi" iindersi.-ind lug Unit mill im tin' condition t Im t I ho Department nt Agriculture thimigh IIh Hot rotary or Agriculture nlnill make urulluhio tin i'iiinl iiimiiint of 1 1 2 1. (inn no Diitm uiul iluti-il nt Klnmniu Mill. )iioii thin mill nay nt Jiny a if. 1922. Current UxpviiHf (.Inlmii nlluwril tiil wiurnnln ilrnwn nn lellgwit: ' T Darloy. mnp for Hint. Any. ! " inilll H I. n n n K Mmlili. uiiornoy fi'iN Jiniiu nn A I' lli'itln. arthltiTt. $2.11 :. A I llililo. Korln, $: 20. lto.nl Clalini nllovM'tl ami unrraulH ilr.iHtij liny Monro, wort.. $1.11 mi. llitMnlliiry, work $:i" am I1 I, Komlto. work. $ t.l n. I'rank IIiiIon, work. $'3i.'.!i A V. I'ooli. work, $in.UM I I. Ilownnl. work. JITl.su I, l.onovlh', work. $12. ''. II .liiiinorninii. work, $2H US. Ito.iil tloinl CI.iIiiik nllonoil, MjiII- Bini llrnwu. rlclit ot way, $l2uu.UD Whiiroupon Court Aillournoil un til Thurmlny July 2". I'.22. It. II. llt'NNI'.l.l., County JiiiIri. llitlti:i.I, SHOUT. Co, (.'oiiiinlMilmn'r. ASA roituvci:. Co CoiniulKHlonor. lln you llko inttiir." ohooiio Thu Hi ii Ton luu If Ifi-lS Broken Glasses There In no Hum for delay w linn your clauses niiit an ac cident. You demand quick niul effi cient Kcrvlco then, Wn urn e(iiliied tn render ucli itervlre JiuiiicillnluSy. Wo Rrlnd tho tuifuco nml oiIro tlm Icni'K nml Kiiar.in tco con et t duplication ot U'lmon. Twcut)-fhu ll'IICO. )cam oxpor- Dr. Goble I'lmiio; Ofc. Illil.W, Hon. :i;tl-.l 701) Main Don't cook (inlay. Hon Ton. Iluy It ait tho 1 0-1 s YE OLDE TIMES the uaan .ndtici: or riiiciiiiT'H h.i.i: in 'run cntciriT coi'ht or tiiic HTATi: OK OIUKION, VOH ICfAM- ATli COIINTV W II Cnxnhior. plalnlirr. h H ('. Ilmnnkiir nml MoIIhnii llmnnknr, liimhaiiil nml wiro, 0. ., IIiiwIK'Iihdii ami Jiiihi Don llankcniinu, liilnliiilnl mnl wlfoi I'lrnt National Ilnulc of IC In ma tli I'n I In, Ori'Kou, it corporn Hon, mnl Clmrlon A llotehor, ilo ri'inlnnlii. Notlco Ih hnrnliy kIviiii that liy vlrtint nr a wilt or Cxorullon In roroilonuro, IhmiioiI hy tlm Chirk of milil rourl, ilnloil July l'J, I!i22, III llin uhnvn-mitltlml null, I will on Fri day, AuiltlHt IK, r.122, lit tlm front iloor or tho Court llousn or Klatii ulh County, Oroi:nu, at Klamath I'allri, Oii'Kiiu, nt tho hour ot ton o'clock A .M . iii'll lit liuhllo mirtlon to tlm lilr.li"t hlililcr lor niHh nil tho rlKht, title. Intoront, oHtato, cliilnl, nml lion or tho milil K. C. Ilmuiikor, Mi'llimu lluiuaknr, O J Hawkumioii. Juno !)oo IIiiwIioiikoii, I'lrnt Nntlonul Hunk or Klmnnlli I'iiIIn mnl ChnrloH A lli'toh'T In ami to tlm Kotilhwcnt oiio-iiiirlor of Hid northoant nun niinrtnr, tho nurtliuonl tuiu-qunrtor of tlm mitllhi'UHl oiio-iUurtnr, mnl tho Hiiiith ono-hnlf of tlm tinrlliwont nun iUarir of tiorllon X, llin HouthoiiHt ono-iuarli'r or Hut inmtlicimt onu iiuarlor of M-ctlou Hi, llin noutli ot oiu.'-(tliirtiT of tlm nortlioant ouo-nuartor, tho miuthoaiit onp-iiiir-tor of tho uorthwivtt oui)-iiiartor. tho wont otio half of lint iiorlhwont ono-iuarti'r ami tho noulhwiMt ouo iiuarlor nt noillou 22, anil tho tinrlli wont ouo-iiinrlor or unction 27, all In toHimhlp to Hoiith, ram;o 13 onnt, Wllluiiinttn iiiorlilmn, Klmnnlli Coun ty, Ori-Kon, toKolliur vJth tho tono inonlR, horoilltatni'iitn, ntnl nppurtcn nncofi lliorniinto Ih'IeiikIiu: or In any wlno iipportalnlii):: ti- l-il upon an propvrty or tlmialil H. C, Ilniiiukir, Mollnsn Ilmuiikor, onn O, .'.. llawkon unii, or no unii Ii thoroof uk may hn MtTiKnary to Mitll' ,i Jinlniiiunt n ml oroil In ahoMi-i'iillUi'il null on July II, 1922. In favor of plaintiff nml iiRiilum ili'fi'iiiliiiiln H C llauinkor, MoIImhu llmuakor. ami O J Haw korinon for tli" mi in of Four Thmi miml Klx liiimlri'il Tlilrly-ouo nml lo-luo Dol lam nml for tint mini of Plvo llumlrutl Diillnrn nn, for tho mini or Thlrty-ninoii nml fin-ion Ilol lnm. toRotlior with Intoront on nil of nalil ainmiiitn from tho unit! July 11, 1922 until palil nt tho rati1 of-olKlit por rout per annum, almi tho rontn anil oxpfiiiig ot thin nnlo on oxocu. tlnn I.. I. I.OU'v Shorlir or Klnnmtli Couiity, Oro. liy IICIIT i:. IIAWKINH, Deputy. J 20-27 -A3-10-17 sr.MMn.vs ljull) No. IN Till: ClltCTIT COl'ItT OK TUB STAT I : OK OIllHiON KOIt KLAM ATH COt'NTY Krcd Schonchlii, Plaintiff, H. Ilennlo Hchonclilii, Defendant. TO llHHHIi: HCIIONCHIN. tho nboto iiniiii'il defendntit. In tho Name of Hie Htnto of Orrr.ou, you uro hurt by required to appear nnd answer tho complaint filed nralimt you In thu itlmto entitled null, on nr boforu tho 7th day or Hoptomber, 1922, Hint briiic tho day of tho lent publication of numinous nnd tho last tl.iy within which you nro required to niinwer, mh fixed by thu order of publication or thin nunimoiiH. If you rail to nppoar nnd nnnwer, tho pluln tlff will apply to tho court for tlm.ro' lief domaiulcd In nnld rouiplnlnt. Sold null In brmiRht to nocuro dls noluilnn ot the bondn of matrimony oxlntlnt; btitweeii oiirclf and plain tiff, and In bated upon cruel nnd Inhuman treatment ot thu plaintiff by you. Thin numinous Is published In tho Ironing Herald, u dally nown paper of general circulation, print oil, published, nnd circulated ut Kliumitli KnllH. Klnninth county, Orecim, by order of tlm Honorable A, I.. I.eallt. JuiIko of unld court, nnd dalcd July 27, 1922, thu Hrnt pub lirntlmi to bo in a do on Uio 27tll day ot July, 1922. nnd tho hint publica tion thereof on thu 7th day uf Sep tember. 19S2. lll'NNKIl. MANN1NH & HANONO, American National Hank llldK. Kliumitli Kails. OroKon. .V(tornon for I'lalutltf. J 27 A 3.10,17.21,31, S 7 1 PLAYER $8.00 MONTHLY . t'scd Plti) or, good tone nnd make nt tho price of a straight piano. I Oood selection ot .Music Hulls free Km I Shepbeiil Co. SAGE TEA TURNS IIV tJi'iinilmittlier'H 1te(pc to Hi lug Hack Color nml LiihIio To Hair Tluit beautlfut, oxen shudn of dark, glossy hnlr uin only ho had by brow lug u nilxturu of Kago Tea and Sul phur, Your hair Is your charm. It makes or inurs tho fine. When It fades, turns gray or streaked, just nn application or Un of Saga nnd Sulphur enhances Its iippe.iruiicu u hundredfold, Don't bottler to prepare tlm mix ture; Jon etui get this ruinous old reclpo linpiovod by tlm addition of other lugrodloniH ut n small tost, all ready for hso. It is ( ailed Wyoth'si Hagn mid Suulpbiir Coinpound. This can uluiiys bu depended upon to bring buck Hid natural color nnd lus tra to ysour hulr. Kvorybody uses "Wyeth's Bigo nnd Hulpliiir Compound" now Iiociiusq It darkoiiH so miluriilly and ovotily that nobody can loll It has been applied, Vou simply dampen, u fipongu or soft hrutih Mltb It nml draw thin Ihroiigh tho hnlr, Inking ouo iinuill strand at a llmo; by morning the Cray hair bait disappeared nnd after another appli cation. It hccomcH beautifully dark hud appeals glossy and liisttous. Adv. StJA rflitrffcrffctNOAoW'KiAWrfo CLASSIFIED ADS yyVMy tVwvw w t m yv MISCELLANEOUS I Oil HUNT- Kront nleepliu; room wllli ImIIi r, 2 'J Kl-imnih ave lfi-IK I'lrHt Inni ulreR'tnarfim: All work runruntoeil. Mri II I). Co z.nl, fi22 Klumuth uvo HI-IS roil HAI-I-'- llnln waKim 1 Inch In flrnt rl.mn nliapo. I l'i N Tenth Ht I'hono 3I2W. ir.tr t'Oll HAI-i: Ite.llioillllil". '.''. ItomltiK Inn. itooil an now. C J Mwlfi, Mlamlaril Oil Co. I CIS I'Olt HAI.i: -Oak lii ml Hlx K-ilnti, run 2001) lilllen. Owner leavluK low 11. lit unt noil. Iii'itllrc nt It It It Car line. 1C-1R WANTi:i) fiowliiK hy (ho ilny or plere 1210 I'llKI HI I 0-1 H ' KOIt ItCNT Ouli'l romnn. b.ith nml phone SI0 Vnlliui tor !ilh Hi IC-l'l I'lirnlnlied ono room iiiOln. Colon ial Itiautn.. llth near Main 10-18 KOIt HAI.i: L'lli'iip HuiillllKton uprlKht piano, IninKiil' w !ile llox (tir lottUKe acron front frolKht do pot 1C-1S KOIt HAI.i: Cheap, Mti.ni i;e(nRH. vt lOlin. I'houi) 17KI 1C-22 I'Olt SAL!' HiiiiiII limiiio or will tn.de tor Kuod Hcht rur. Innulro men I linn, roar of 212 I.'jwIh. 1C-22 I'Olt HAM" l.nrKO tvpu roKlntorod I'ohiiid Chlnn yomm bourn nml Kill", nlmi threo liiimlri'il early April White l.i'iiliorn pulletu Cruotl Webb, Cintrnl I'olnt. Oru. 11-22 KOIt S.,K ( room bonne with lintb. $ I r.'.O.iiO. $2.iu ou rash, h-ilanco $35 00 per month Alim room hoiisn fully fiirnlnbed 1 1 son. 00, $000.00 cn,ili. balance $3", no por uinntli, ban linth, toilet and sink On payed ntreet. it. i:. SMITH ItCAl.TY (. ."17 .Main Si tool 10-19 KOIt IIBNT- All KO-acn Irrlpalod farm near Mnllu. lo nrn-n nraded and rheoked. 35 acres au he Heeded thin fall Will lonno to rlKht urty ror Hvi; yearn In lonnlderntlon or im proving reninliiliiK in airen nml nmall insh rental. This In an opportunity for nn energetic man with n little lapllbl lo get a good start In a now dairy country See A I, Wlshard, offlco Walor t'norn" iiMnort.itloi, 7th St.. Klnninth Kails. Ore I CI 7 WANTHD Uy high school girl, plnco'to work for hoard nml room. Address llox N. C Herald 10-17 I'Olt HAI.i: I'lm- o.itlng nnd rook ing apples Call at Kntcrpriio ranch, Phone 400J lo-IU KOl'ND On Oregmi .We. htimh of keys.. Owner in hiite nanio by railing at Herald office nnd paying for ad. H'-I WANTKD Slip tongiio big wheel ilrltern. Apply or phono M. D. Olds, Mcdford, Oregon. 1C-22 KOItCL'D HAI.i:- Auto curs, build ing Mntn. Iluy one. 1 free. Sco Dick, offlco i.'.igle Peel hall Mutt get awny 15-19 roit ltr.NT Nicely furnished room. Until nnd phone. 512 N 9th. Hi. 15-17 WANTKD Lumber hauling or nn lie.ny hauling. Ilae fiu ton iruek. J T. Itrower, 133 W. Tenth street. 15-1S KOIt SALK 5 room modern house, furnished or unfurnished. Cnrago 2 lots, lawn, trees, garden C15 California H Conger Axe. 15-19 m'NS KOIt SALK- 12 guugo Ho luliigton Automatic shot gnu $35. Olt iiIho V,2 Special Winchester car blue $20.00 luiUllo tit offke, .Moo's Store. lt-19 EVERETT TRUE dhir H "tUe rv tSTHest., Li.ST(SM - J" Jjmfr ANV Srt-5 TOUp fVvV XWi ' Yjlk p THAT VAT evt5(S.XTHW. Wl-V. .Tje Sq-nSV-vCtorCT. Gc&T op novo AMO TOCC VOUI. PATY TfAT Vooc- ectV MfeR UP HOURS :: pMWaaCi-----maB ,.iir t. AFTEf? bVbb. T 2 i , LOST- Party who picked up brown park nark containing tnoln and Hull, nml (;:iinn report lilnnlci on rnml bo- ( Iweeu AKoney and I't. Klmnnth Aur ( ii, hiiiiiiv ii'ttvi' iii jitTttiii tiiittit nr mldrenn 720 Wnlnut uvo Phil Mntn rhenbarhor S -1 fi The O K. Harbor Hhop lin.i moved lo Mccru I'onl hall. J l. Johnson I,-l') i I'Olt HAI.i: Kiiriilnhed threo room' , houHo with ImHi; hullt-lnn Illmk from Whlto I'ollcau hotel. A bargain 1200 I'lno ntreet 15-21 l! Wo tnnku loRRorn boot to inoanuro! nt Quality Shoo Hhnp. 1 1-1 7' roil HAI.K 'lUnito nnd rue. I'lionol I 4 l't or mil Mhorty Hooimi. 15-17 ! I'OIl 8AI.B Htudelmker touring. ini'Clianlrnlly perfect, cowl ruhlior. . Callnt 1521 Cnncoiit nvr-nuo 15-17 KOIt HAI.i: OH Ili:.NT S room ro rinlnheil bonne Apply rirnl holino1 can of HhlpjilnRton InndltiB. 1517 ' I.OHT Haturdny nlcht at Dreamland , . pavilion, homlod bai; (nntalnliiR iRlaHKeH Itouard If roturni'd. IMiono 39S.M. 11-17 . iWANTHO t Woman cook for ranch, i I Apply room 3, Srt.m-on IIIiIk. . H-10 ' KOIt HAI.i: Clinvrolvt trpek, nearly now, :iio ji.iin hi. H-lu KOIt HAI.i: C melody Conn Saxo phono -silver plated. Oood condi tion. Cheap for cash. Apt. 203 Win tern' Aptn. I2tf WANTKD 25-35 or 25-20 Carbine and IC gauge Winchester rhot- gun. Address llox fe7, Herald office. 11-17 rou ham: 2SC.I. -25-30 Itlflu. Phone 11-17 If jour plumbing goes wroug. call Ilalnler Plumbing shop. Phono 48U 12-26 KOIt llllti: 0wo firn ton trucks and trailers. Wlro or telephone, Chaun- cey Kloroy, MedforJ, Oregon. 7-21 KOIl IlKNT Oct. 1, 350 acre farm, 1 3 mllen oast nt Ashland. Oro, Kor I Information Inquire of Mnlllu Sou- gor, 'i Helmaii St , Aihland. Oregon. j ' 11-17 KOIt RAM Cheap, houio and Jot. 122S Orcson Avenue. ;tt KOIt HAI.i: Two white cnamoled baby beds. 1228 Oregon Ao. Ctf Logging Shoes repaired. Jack Krost, Sixth St., off Main. Ctf. KOIt 8ALB 1000 feet E-8 cable. 121 N. llth St. tf I ' FOR SAM'. Old papers, suitable for unucriying linoleum, carpet, etc., I wrapping nnd packing. Ton cent, a j largo bundln. Herald oMcn If docs it I'.ino woititY AltOl'T Ari'KMllf'ITIS? Cm apiiendlcllln lie gunnted against S'es. bv lirctcntlm: Inten- Itlnnl InfeitUin Thu Intettlnnl antl 1 septic. Adlcr-1-ka. nctn on I10TI1 up 'per nnd lower bowel removing ALL . roul, di-caylng matter which might .start Infection. KXCKLLUNT for igns on stomach 'or chronic ronstlp.i- Hon It removes matter which vnn ,neer thought was In your nystem anil which notlilnir iilun run fllnloilf-n One man report It Is unliellevablu I he iiwful Impurities Adler-l-ka brought out. Whitman Drug Co. Adv I fl C'lm uj j jifl Legal Guarantee Given1 No nJ nt Knlftnn iwiln-rnatlnue werL. Ak to ro OlrvnU I'llc Tf-atoirnt. STAR DRUG CO. nth nml Main KU. By CONDO - )vf m iT-rr-i TiEClDM; QiOCCD 13YC5. 5 "i t!LA A, f, IPMfcJt Kodak ' v r j 'ftfltn Q rnsnUJYAir VV X7 i!" A.M. Pictas are (jvierwMs PnarmjfY Ws' KLAMATH FALLS OREGON ttSw I V J VHEne PARTICULAR PEOPLE U nrrl ouy thchj drugs uc,SVvcn ; MEDFORD - KLAMATH KltEIOIIT MNK IJONDIII) CAIIIIIKUS DAILY THII'S 127 N KOUItTII I'MONK 583-W " S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Vrtorlnnry Stirsoan 412 H. Clh Ht. I'h'ono .H2-J DR. C A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. V. Dulldiac I'HONB 1 FRED WESTERFELD Dentist Phone 4IM-W X-KAY LAIMIUTORIHN IxomU UIiUc Jvltmalh Ft41t Ladies' Shoe Repairing; l'lno Heel Work nml Ilnnil-Kcnril Soles Jack Frost Sixth Street, Just off .Main New York Life Ins. Co. 1. K. Ilt'llKH, ID.l MOMYKIt IU-nlilcnt Agents All w York Mfo Policy Hold ers arc wrclaiino to our srrrlco WOOD Blockwood Limbwood ,v Bodywood Green Slabs F. FRANKFORD VOOU AM) n.VY 022 Mala St. Phone 72 NEW CITY LAUNDRYl Finished Work Flat Work Hough Drj "Put roar Dad la OarBoda' PIIONK tMf CornT Jlntn and Ooagr KLAMATH POST. No. 8. American Legion meats in the basomont of the new courthouse on Main Street on the first and third Tuesdays ot each month. " Us-scrvlco men arc loTlted to at tend the meetings. I)r Frod Westerfeld, Commander. I H. E. tiotz. Post Adjutant and Re ' lief and Employment committee. H.IH) .Xli.ntlil) i Large SUo Sttinilaid .Make I'layep, with nitisle lolls which wo luvo tuk-i en In exchuiigo on now small slzol player will bu hold ut tho prico o(i ii used btnilght. piano. l.'uil Slieplieiil Co. Furs cleaned diisteii, sheep niid w . , x i fi Work t W.oaveYnur 'FilrrvR (f k, ),) P V -i -L AVrvi ready at 3 p. DR. F. R. GODDARD OHTKI'OATIIIO rifYHICIAR AND 8imoi:oN Of fire Mid ItaMciira riionc VU L O. O. P. TKMPMB Klamath Falls Plumbing c Heatinf Co. J. 8. laOKSOV, Prop. IIh & Tlnn St. 1'hmone 515-11 V V J. C CLEGHORN CIVIL ENOIfTEKR AND HDTtVEYOR Phone 102-J 193 H. Rlrnrtlt Diamonds, Gold Bou'fht' Reliable Estimates ' G. GRAMER Portland. Oro. 713 Selling Tlldg. CHIROPRACTORS 1)IW. MAMJ-TT & SIALLITTT Office oxer Cndcrwooil's 7th A Main Those 039-JI I. O. O. F. Prosperity Itebcknh, 1V; meet Flrnt Bcl Third T bursdaya Ewaaam Kncnmpmcnt 46, meet each Tuesday Klamath Lodge 1S7; saeeta each Friday , When You Have Dirty Clothes It you will call th Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th St. Phono C73-W They will wash, darn, Iron and return to you. DR. H. J. WINTERS Oradaata aad State OPTICIAN Nlaeteen year bare la baalaan We grind and fit GUutes Duplicate broken Glasttea Prompt Berrka Beat Eqalpad Optical Mora fea Southern Orefoa 714 Main Street DR. J. a GOBLE OPTOMETHIST OraCUS 709 Mala St. TlMaje laaW Wo tit and grind slawat, Dupli cate broken lanaaa. repair (raaiM. Have Perfect Floors Our, Hleelrjc,' Floor, Hurfn('r ilc its out bioiiiiiI.ii dirt jenmv oh old xarnb,h,' ax, niul paint, ami iimkeM Old lloof.s look llko nexx. A , Cull IH for prices. Ilendiiu.irlcrH for nil kinds of glasR Ju all ttliv. " Sash -loori, Cnb'lnctr,Work mid Shon rases. Bee Keepers 'Supplies E.C.STliICKY 'The Glass House" llth ami I'lde. Ffiono -177-yV W. E. & J. E. Pattersoi. CONTHACTINa PAINTEI18 f, ' i ' ' faints, Oils .and! Varnish U 0.10 B. Sixth St.', Klamath Falla Pboae BS9-J from 9 to, gifts Taxidermists FURRIERS AND TANNERS if or remodeled for full uso. Oil-tan oil buckskin, ulso buckskin shirts, gloves, und mit tens. Taxlileiiny work lit all branches. AH wo(jl Augura goat ruga uio., for wio. .HF.I'rlKKU 'a ."iurr :,visif b oin AfAiM st.-i nnv ihi H KLAMATH ,?ALLS, ORE. ! 1 waii. iw i ,i m Jd Jt.M'I' , ?'v,;y. ,:: jm h n M