f t li:k. Vrr t. . THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON f. TWta Herald Automobile and Accessory Page i..w...wi.,.,.WWm..w......,..... . . . , ,,,, wM)wwAMwW.y..MWwMVWww.i ,. ,..,. . y . .,..w,awmwww.w.w.... IMVI.IIHITV Wit. I, IIONOIt i'ionixu .m:hiut iiiii:ht IIANTA CI.AItA, (Ml., Auk. 17. Hrilturiiliy nf lliinla Clara iinlliurllloi Imvn iinmmucod tliiit on AtiKUHl 27 thn ciiriinrNtorio will tm laid hunt fur n iiiniiiniliil iircli tn tin (ti'd lent i'il to Piilhor Alionlim V HiipkIii, ii plmioor JmiiU prion! nf tin1 tmlvorHlty T.ui.iiii'N IIAI'I'Ii:ns WAN Initio Hl...p worn loft porcho.l on Him TIIINi:i TO lii:i:i IICMI'AII! Iko f 'i 'llff, far nhovo thn trnfflc . lotol of thn tunnel, hopoloiiiily hnyoml MONTIIUKV WOIIKI.VO OS I'liANH l'Olt K.Y POSITION' MAAAMAAAAAAMAAMAAMAiMAMMMMWWMWMAMMMMWMMMM urn an(ii:i.i:h, oil., auk 17 Annui Krunof, tnllnr, tiiirrlniMi with hlt NnvhiK" n tlirhliiK llftln tnllnr Miop 1111 WVfil Rprnnd Ktroot, rloiin In. Whon liU imifllH for thn firm two wrnk iivcrnKi-il lino u uoelt hu nitrci'il with the fnrini'i owiMr'H iliilin Ho "HI. Clnlin'N HiiiK ', tin Dim unit lit'lluit ho liml ImiiKlit a linmumt In tin rulli'il, will hour thn following I wui hnppy. Inscription "A trlhtitn (if Invi', a1 Prwrilly n tunnol rnntrnrlnr up tnknn nf Krnlltiiili-frnm Ihn pc.ipln of 1 pi'iir.'il with hln irnw Thi'y turn Hiinlu Clurii to Itov AlnitliiM V, lluK'l uuny tlin uliliiwulk In front (if tho Kin, H .1 , 1111 thn nhtlclh iinnh.'iniiry 1 uliop, Thoy iIiik nml hovolod mid of lilt I'litrnnin lulu thn Horlcty uf j acdipcil thn Mr.', t awny hntorc liln .I.'mih, Hnptfiiilii r I, 1922 " iintiiulnhi'il )-., Hoou hi) unit hi roncli of thn Konllomon who 'hoiikIiI j to hliv.i trotiftor proiiimd, It lit thn rlly'n fault, Krunof holloroii. II. i linn niikrd tho city council for f,0 n wcok tinmaw for the time tin ha been ma ruunnil from hi cuatomcrN, 1000 f'AIIH I'AHH THItOl'HH HACIIAMIINTO C.INVO.V IMH,V ItKUDINO, Cal., Aiir. 17 Ap proximately 1,000 nutotnohllm n iluy VMM ihrough thn Huciumonln ('aiiymi on thn I'aclflc hlishwny north of hero, iircurilliiic to T. A. Ilodford, dhUlou i-iiKlnivr or thn ntutu highway rone nilnuli u. MO.VTEflKY, Cnl Au 17. All Monluroy In working on plan for tho firm Monterey IVnlnnula Imlumrleit and Artx oxpoltloti to bo hold hero floptomher 1-4, Mnton Cclo of I Frofind had boon nlocted mnniiftor of the expedition, Tomporary booth am to bn oroct od nt thn bnnnbiill park horn to Iiouko. tho exhibit which pro oxpociod to bn of ntory thine prnduri on thn Mon loroy ponluiiula from ufi nork to cat ttn nnd fruit. A Real Cord Tirefor Small Cars at a PopularPrice The new Goodyear CroM-Rib Tread Cord in tna 30x3 Inch clincher type la a dre that the mall car owmarwIU warmly welcome. It gives him, at a price lower than the net price' he la aakad to pay for many "long discount" tires, every advantage of quality cord tire performance, for It Is a quality tire through and through. Uu S of kJfh-I"! looMtaple cotton; it embodlas the reliable Goodyear quality of materials; Its clean-cut tread engages the road like a cogwheel. The scientific distribution of rubber in this tread the wide center rib and the semlflat contour gives a thkhf broad surface that is exceedingly slow to wear. The tough tread stock in this dre is carried down the side- wails dear to the bead, making it rut-proof to an cxtraor dinary degree. In every particular it is a representative Goodyear product, built to safeguard the world-wide Goodyear reputation. Despite its high quality, and the expertness of its construe LnV". "V! a! a Price low or lower than that of tires which lack its important features. i'zkciio.hi-ov'akian.s i'l.av (:i,uiiiioi;hi: i.v i,os anoki.k.s I.OK ANflKLKS, AUB. 17 Crccho. HlovaklaiiH In soutberu California havu organized and nro planning to red a thrco-Mory clubhouse In fo AnKoloK, to com approximately $(, 000. They nnnounco a tbc ptirponn of thrlr organization tho encourage niont of trade between the United fltate, particularly iiouthern Califor nia, nnd Czechoslovakia. Herald clastlfled ad par yo. feaaaaaW ts7 Wm saaw fvf i MwajSjjiyise vni s4n( j siVsisv y. I sraDiiity stans The 30 x 3i inch CretsRib Cord clincher. .. $12.50 Thll ttllt IntlkJtl MlulEuaiir'i....',. ,.. Gexijr CrottRib Irtad Card Tirt$ rf mbo mtde in 6,7dinck tittf fir trmtb FOR SALE BY KLAMATH FALLS AUTO CO., 224 Main. St ACME MOTOR CO., 400-416 Sixth St R; R. R. GARAGE, 931 Klamath Ave. GOODITEAR s 1 MACK SERVICE WE wish to nnn.ounce to the owners of Mack Trucks in Klamath County that we have been appointed to handle Ma:k servioie for Klamath county. A stock of parte suf ficient to handle this service will arrive in a few days and these, in connection with our machine shop and competent mechanics, will injure service to Mack owners in this territory which has never existed before. , , Let us know your wants and our policy will be to en deavor to, satisfy you. - Oregon-California Highway Garage 522 South Sixth Street. I Phone 500 1 i Om of the most importsnt'raealfetBsats of a fod motor oil Is that it posssss sfcrtHtji taet is, that it makiuin Ms chunfcal cssapcsltlsii and its lubrkstinc bodjr uodtr all eeaaVtioaa , efsngincoptntioa If an oil chanfte its. chamicsl cocasssWea Mbraksdown"-tbitopetatklsnpsnaBTM7 keaa no longer maiotaln alabrieatingtlaiM twetn the bearing surface, and isi vslee tf 1 sakricant ia destroyed. Certain crude oils poesies a higher degree ef stability than others. Becauso of ka largo pro duction of practically every typo of erode, this company ia free to choose for tho maldeg of 2erolcne only those crude which' an partic ularly adapted for the purposo. The Patented Vaamm Proem In the proceaa of distilling and reining these selected crudee, it is of the greatest import nee not to destroy their natural "oHIness" and stability. For this reason we employ our own ' patented high-vacuum process exclusively. By this process the oil produced Zerokne re tains all the natural l,oUlnee" and stability of tBeoriginal,aelectedcrudefrom which it is made. No other refiner on the Pacific Coast uses any form of vacuum distillation. No other refiner in the United States uses as high a vacuum as this company. Zerolene of the correct grade for your car gives perfect lubrication and permits the develop ment, of maximum, power, speed and gasoline mileage ' nay h:o t'j.sni:it!i:.v IIKI'OIIT I,AttGi: CATCHKS HAN DIEflO, Cal., Aug. 17. Fluh ormen oporatlnj; out of Ban Diego Inst month brought to por approxi mately two and ono half million pmiriiln of tu-u rnmlx, mmritlux t Flab CommhMlonor, Cobtirn Mndtlnx. Tho catch wan a Rain of morn than ono million pound ovor any provloim month. Cntch.fn of bluotln tuna and nlbacoro wero henry, m I Herald classified ads pay yoa. J0&&T' .frrt moieDOrverfisDeed M. less irktoo and wear c i(bmd Lubrication TANSAM OB. COMTAWf. V. r GOODYEAR Service Station Cars For Hire Witheut Drivers Open nights until 12 o'clock R. R. R. GARAGE Heme of the "OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX" Tires, Oils ansl Accessaries 31 Klamath Ave. . Mmsm 212 Klamath Falls, Ore on CHARLEY'S PUCE We give you M Discount TWICE published from all our printed lists on HOWE TIRES AND riSK RED TOPS For One Week, ending August 17th Annoumcing New Prices on Chandler Automobiles THE CAR Write THE MARVELOUS MOTOR HIGH TENSION MAGNETO IS STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON ALL MODELS . CHANDLER Five-Passeiiger Touring $1775.00 CHANDLER SevoM-Pawager Touring u! 1S2S.00 'l; CHANDLER Four.Passigr Dispatch 1925.00 CHANDLER-Royal Dtsppitch 2025.00 CHANDLER Four-Paserair Roaelstor 1775.00 CHANDLER Two-Passeiuior RoaaUtor 1775.00 CHANDLER Fcnir-PasseWjor Coupe 2345.00 CHANDLER MetropolitarTSeda. 2555.00 Compare these prices with those of otlfer makes of cars and you will agree with us that the New Chandler is the finest car within its price class on the market today. Eight beautiful body types to select from. Some of the improvement include ad ditional Strength in all of the essential working parts, long flexible uoder-elung rear springs, dry disc universale with no parts to wear, additional strength in. the rear, Timkm equipped with improved locking device on the differential aasenbly, cowl ventilator, niokle finish radiator, new barrell type nickle-plated head lamps and min ature cowl lamps of the same type and other improvements too numerous to mention for the want of space, make the Chandler a car which is worthy of your ' inspection before purchasing. We await the opportunity of explaining these wonderful qualities to 'you in detail. 'Y Oregon-California Highway Garage 522 South Sixth Street v, " If' i r fhm 500 t t v v n -i i i l,t f BjBjBBavaaaaiBvaaaaaaaaaW' ' ' , BBBVaBaWSBaaamaaaaaavW , ijW'S'