r i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON mnisiuv, Airni'Mr it, iiwj rf- k .! $ Pm Tw The BvcningHcrald ! ? 30I. .Editor Had Publisher . K. IUM, city Kdltor J1", y. .wiCKiiK Advertising Manager CARAVAN ISl'IXTH OK KLAMATH AT C. OF. t lil.VNMt I (Continued trom rase 1) Published dally except Sunday, at ino noraiu I'uuiisiung company or Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth street. Entered at tho postofflce at Klam ath Falls, Ore, (or transmission through tho malls as second-class matter. MEMBER OF, THE ASSOCIATED T'ltKSS - ' " The' AsotnW;rress Is enter!!--" ly entitled to tho uso for publlca and when ha soes matters In their trilo light ,ho will doubtless feel n. doojicr regret. th local cltltcn who roused the mayor's Iro proved himself n I) I n c o r I man for tho moment at least thani OrcRonl.in; Tommy Luke. Ilaggngei tho mayor of Portland by making Officer. Portland Ad Club; A. II.' mo lniuni npoiogy or a situation to which ho had Innocently ghon tlsc. It takes a big man to behfcvo so; to handle a situation so painful and difficult. I fa might have well held hi m so If blameless and let an unjusti fied tirade shatter completely the harmony for which wi nro all earn- MtlyiBtrtvlnt. u . .- There can bo no continued n,ua,r- en not Tthls paper, qtlfl lo thovlocafcj(ew3 ,CBjpw fj mtlrcly! a mtsundqr publlihea horfeln.1! , j ?' 1 stantllajt. ' , " '- ' L h .I , T .. I 'vCS' Lea. Secretary Slate Fair .Wsocla- tloti, Director 192B Imposition; Win. P- Merry, Chief Caravan Officer. Portland Ad Club; J. II Mndcn. Mitchell Lewis Slaver Co.; A. C. MacDouatd. Portland llealty Hoard; Jerry Parker. Portland notary Club; 0. F. l'ogge. A. (5. & P S, S. Co.; C. S. Piper. Photographer (San dy's) J Ira ltoutledge. National Progress Club; A. It. Hitter, Presl While i. linker cl ill (I W White has started mill In Iho circuit couit against Kw Itaker and Fred 'Ilue.-dng, administrator of tho estate of (fcorgo .1 Nichols, fur tho collection of money alleged due him. i TIII'IWIIAV, AUU'ST IT, Iftaa cr-jdent Interstate llealty Commission; I ml,rr,,(1 j,,' imj Price s. Pile,. Joseph King Price Is asking for a dhorco from Merle Price whom ho lie u No asks the I UNCALLED FOR IRE I v J R' ECIinTTAIlEE as was the pain ful situation precipitated Mayor Haher'a unexpected reac 'And when tho apologies wcro said and hands were clasped across the table. It appealed to some spectators as symbolic of tho approaching day when ill our misunderstandings, ori-! glnailng from Just such trivialities, will be swept away and Oregon Corn ell, by I in unities will find that they can co eVfmi to dpe'raV together; when petty Jeal- Ui.ud tlHl !,........... rt... ..,..- ..... . "" -"" custody of their !!-ear.old daughter err ii vumiuiTii'; ixeiinriti iiiiiKii r. Portland Chamber of Commerce; II. I). -Kng.nl, Traffic Officer; Uco. L. Itnuch. President Portland Ad j Club; James Sheeny, Portland Even- Charles s. Clint Irs Melvlra Charles has tiled suit for divorce from' Clinton Charles, In the Ing Telegram; A. W. Stancbflelit. clrcul' "n- llnlMers Exchange; Cbns. II. Slew art. Portland Chamber of Com-' Pelerstelner . IVtiTslelner Anna Pelerstelner appeared In petty Jeal-iinerre; llalph S. Shepard. Portland a bit of humor. InnnceW.y meanf. at ousles will cease and a sure found- Notary Club; A. E. Shearer. Oregon i court yesterday afternoon to testify inn lorum rerominn in rorimnui lion rnr inn unmiiiiiinr nr n rnu i sinie .Minor Association, mum n in iter iinnrip cuse ukiiuisi leicr representatives. Ii may bo fraught state will replace the distrust bornfscgar, (treat Western Smelling Pelerstelner.- August Kruger also ' ,,,,r'' nettings iiiul phntoginpby. In, THE STIIAM) In ".Montium lllll" showing at the Strand tonight, Urn woiIiI'h eluimpioti ' trick ropers, rider- ami hromiin busters were secured In glvo llio auiiience a teal treat In llio must wonderful inpo spinning, fiim-y rid lug and broiu-lio busllng oter mIiowii on the iiciei-u. These boys were only secured by special Inducement and at an enormous expense as they inn preparing to leave for tho summer rodeo's throughout the wosicrii , ntatea They all liuld world's records , In tbolr line. . i After weeks of careful seairhlng throughout tin lower pall of South-1 em California llio most iliNrahln o eallon eir used for a western drainii was secured for the exh-rlora In f Monlana lllll". The result can es . lly be seen on the screen by the won- i TODAY AT THE LIBERTY JOHNNY MINES The star of tho Torohy ComodloH in .. BURN I M UP BARNES thrilling action A romantic comedy, rich with Inmost lauejw and llirilling action 'ZV Mwlth good consequences If we nre of lack of acquaintance with eaihl Neflnlng Co.: 1,. J Slack, Oregon I appeared (jn a vfL,"'' for Mr"-' r,,,,l''t "Monlana lllll" Nl.tmUll , Nbrod-ilfltlW'nlgliTt!erkim. othfty' vlewsji'd problr'rtfs. I Federation of Labor": (S.inTly) Sand- Pelerstelner. Vollowlng the taking fyi'"'''l "t usual western produe- jl,'.' uprcnensM nw ma Miaiina. -ir .ji ' e t; 'erson, rnptogranuer. .xionon ric- oi tesumouy me court jitaten us t- iHiHHBaHK f We irff fiiiTfJf JliiftfljJkffor rTi Tm ' S tttff.: KlrkXhowuvin. ,CQey , Mo-' willlngnes'to1 grant the decree, but 1 ' ,, v, . ',, 3n-..jWlr!.Af.vlRrf Z Kri. .!'.. .U. " I .i r- mvlJ SWllll. 'Mldlld-' will HhhJ lM. Wil l,.,.af.. f tl... 1 THE I.HtEltTV 1-Vl.lli. Tr u.u.,.n..u ..iu,.... ..... ..,....,., ,u , iMi aai jii '1'. "" -5-!Ti.MaMv '.rTj'i. J . . ... ,; ,,." i I , ,... . "i . ..til. J rjgloss over his unwarranted rudeness 1 CloUlfll ItlCIIIvII eW Exchang(;.biflliy;'WlgiieJis. hjst uccree in abeyance pursuant to jfm- f" '"" i lorcnj-jifnii,; ,toijni Hand discourtesy, unparalleled .In our I Ii SWo llusfness Mens Cliib; J "I. ther IntoJlMlon,.! to property f,'j' r'' length sttisilujn 'i.BliJii,S" lloxpcrlence. to his hosts, and tMe'tuUls 1' f Weight. Traffic Officer; and F E settlements'' - Iffiji Em If llarnes." w bleb comes I Hto those who hadte.i (tUtiOtJt ', .5'fAT ' ,n I0,vn lotV WSnkoopfllUtN JWEXchanjc."" ' ' ii r. a ; , iori ..-riy tiu-ater iouikIH is Kleadorshlp. .TjrnTC.n . froul tfklfVidMW where he Is interri.l -Srhe fulj fiix73S?W-ecSktl.'..virfVv 0' 'NfcHliNiiMs. r.mle paMfd with thrills lllnes. wl,o tern I SMayor Ilaker, had travelled far and a i . t u . if, l?Ve unf Piar tVnf "".J rtAJ ' he ' clrcultcRnrf this afternoon In I l'gCom.-.ll.-s. has a - -Hum Em i ,. K j.MBjorv iiaKer.uau iratr-iieu lar ami ,tt C. Snlnk Is here, (r.a. couiic eUd to this city from Portland In l ,. ' .,.w - ; jiilk' il... &! ,.r ,. ..i , ... fl was -uHitoUDWUD- mentally and Pliy- 0f ,i;,r. V.f hli' tV.SAi?r IM I' the Interest of the proposed Word's "" "' ' ''""' ' ui , i, . , ...;- .lrllv ,.r,l lln u l,,r, n,l .! .?r" -I" hlS UmWcr rMOrt onIL'nlr. I-.I25 Thnri Is an old MylnR sale of a. portion of the lot lm-1 "'. and automobile i ni-tin! .-minis ......... .,...,. .. ,... .... '-Hi.nrinp rrnLa COMING SATURDAY " Billy Jim n Stnrring Fred Stone A, story of a WA'ommi'' cattle raiiKo 1 ti i I riij .!. W Wtlill-.' 'il I1 MmHMi !' w I -r STAR leEATRit bent on a task of securing state unity 'and co-opvrollon mnd he-Is evidently ' like a good .many other men with a mlslon,-s(iy.,of(a sense of humor, , Allusions to the llaker brand of "bull" get under his sklu and In the local sk'lt lhaf roused his Ire he may have thought that he (agaln curoimtcrud this kjluslon. He saw his scrlcus mission misconstrued as to the effect that "None but the. mediately east of tho Winter's ,!l,t" wl" f'ml " ihorotiglily to their William II. Uarncs made a flying trip Into town yesterday after sup piles for his ranch at Algoina Mr. and Mrs. Charles Axel and I Position mall daughter wore business lsl tors hero this morning from their ranch south of town. barncst Haaschkc and the Hut Urate Deserve the tair ami we win tiulMlnst. which come.s as a sequence ' m'ne """""" ""tiy Carp.-nter is I concede that having reacluN this , ,. ,. t. ,, . ,i, i,..iM1. ttl,i. . ,i, .,...,.. ..point after negotiating the Inlerveu- - - ""'-- """"'V" ' Inc cast I, r, s sue., ... .,. , Ing Klaniuill Ciiuniy ro.ms you unm ammM iiurrj 1-uuin nun oiners, lor earned the right to a wonderful ex- excavation work-riono be NMcln.l.nn i mulul """,'"''. tieorge Fawcelt. J ... . . .... . i , . I "rncsi tiaascukc and the Hut, fan I ho wet, tAuuJ jyesteauyi mm,) thVf home. nr J JTlia JlRiae.stj:pniHdjratIiV on jtalln. t'1 k .moj-ox nnKcr i"rva.' wotiin i iiavo s-.ri wi w Uhowod a" njasfof lheNKtelllgjco lit? ffft'SfflS Mav4 P frt on tin. lot. Vr...l lliiosln ...,.i 1 n I "iey nnerry. .'lauilew Hells. Julia We are Informed that ou have ,, . , ... . ... . ... ' Swayne tiiirdon and Dnrotlir I u come to us not only for , mUslim ' J -- i.'-u-nuants , x E&lPXl ll.. Voung r nslble for .be arangements. In this we eoiiB'atu-' (ji.vTS-'LAIM,MhT tJAMKJ I'hoH'grapliy late you. for having mniie n eonnn-7, ,r. ulv,V,j.;. ",,.1TI1 ....;, All Week Stnrtiiitf Montlrty, Aug. 21itt. j' ...... i , r r .7 nl exhibition or oursenes '(n-'iuj- - -r .vmi ;" I'lli; tiiki: IS VIK " pain decade, we feel lht u aro-lniU rt -'' :ii ttttj J ! mi-i'v m nu-n :.7.i.i .i uii,.... ii.1,, i-i. IU....1.I i... ....,. ... ' ' i'M " mm ai mi iiii; )urili''i ' .m-- .m,..-,. . fci -mv wi.vsi,iH; l.iains tlllllll (U ; ,- u lit H.imtll.M. (111. RUrrHJl Ilf tlllt VU. I r ,! ..- .. . f . ; . .' . I II, r fiurtae ll a mnoed thaiPort--",l T1"1 " m ,,,r "f"1!"1 J (Continued froai Pauo i.i' i.fid mlrht have tho temerity . J-TOnHK tofta JM1' al"1 cuptoln : I -- -.....- ornl'. plinge Into the affair without rolur9feAli?o'irr,u,01",',,l "l ,ho I U-Sii TTT 77" ! wuere sho will continue her sll-, turKiamain tor anvicu, out ipia ru-. press m Ojntw.muro games Would ,1'T " I '"" Hi""JJ"Wj tfWrillmc4rew,.r ,, Iort as not gUen 'credeiico and b ; , dXltS tUt team. nran' 'H""'1 n,0,lon ,c,ur,v'"ftl,VV!T,,fc 5 iOAf .3. iMjff'TT"-T$:.wim "r '- uf randan, .Un'ani.N. AS,;.i!?5PluJ,U0"2ln'! was ? ;Vrv re-mo., io l.ellew, that our co-' ' "ViJ t1.S"SirtlUer Olants wish V)" r "' ''''' -l'". pau-cngcr on (h0 morning train 0Dcra,un the way of exhibits will .., ...y.n ms-aWtement tlmt. the ' l'f '''' Io" lpln to enjoy. li tound for Weed wetara she will tWI l,o one of the greatest assets vt Iho. kaftftfjjJtfi,3 wn, 0lir; ,nil , vnrlMy of enterlalumonU f ( .Hh frlendaOfor ;.W.W( "fee will be glad for Instance to put .. the IC'IPam as they wen, , ;, ""- for the pl Will I .n.fi.i.t .J.i ni..t....i C n Inr .v,lill.li A. n rnllinr recent bentri. two came., mil nf l.r.. " Is .liflllg constructed III till) I lllcago - - - I . 1U pBUU IIIILIIUIII WI Sf IUI " - --.. - . -..-- .-. r, ...... u . .. v vs ......, m4i lK)sscato.6e3tjpyhbi ixsltloir : thalt IfwisVJncdsslblVahrf unlhlnk- laoM-iDH'inn oommiinltr could have J gok eiidofiu of welcoming his C Partr.Vccmfdlhavc staged suckjn set- V l.,I'"J'.l. '..... ... ITi nnn or. juncero'gooii win ntjtijjiospi. 4 tatlty. merely Uor4hsfiurr6ae of per. ,f petroling the unll-cllini(t of Insult that ho charged us with. v We have Mayor Daker's ndmm.l. i ... i. .i... . .. .'-i Khimath county citizen, who as a" ' fhlon to speak our Inmost, thoncht a-rlM-fi. vi.i , r tLT .i.:. Ietn"l f"r lllc Vtlnwty pomlna- roads were only holding luck con-1 ,,ny of San Francisco, wild tiH.i5-j.hp. '.. U......i. .-.;' j.U-1 I , T llV.'fVV"!" rI"11 of thrc 'f" tlon of govornor of Oregon has wadoistructlon to glwi ui. a grand suri.rise (lrJl.r f... ,,, i,,...,,,..,,, ,,A , and 'call aspadaa H flnmlnd ,frflnj!iirc. 7l an exhibit of hlmsVlf for tnroW)Mv we deduce from their jltjtu.lo "1r' r r,,r,"' iiuruiiir- '""? I'Tin wncn wo asscn mat 111s iii-iemper- 1 factory of the II II. I-atlierby'ruiii-r 1 J - .. .. . The Theatrical Event of llic Scnson The HILDEBRAND DRAMATIC COMPANY offer MONDAY-TUESDAY The Play That I Ins Mnilc the Whole World Ltiutfh "FAIR AND WARMER" "" ' ,! WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY , .. FRIDAY-SATURDAY "Cft IirDllMC ' rj:..k" I . -SIS llllfK INS" ij ll it-' It l ' III " 'l ' I I H4GH.CLASS.VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS Tl H OJ ",!, ' j H i - tr PRlbES A -f..l r& l ! rr "i "ffiun oc. ri vniiaran &az. Includinrj Tnx i HI. ih.t- .. .. m ed attack was an exhibition of rude. Mrs. r red Dunbar who has bt!n till -r . . .. .. .11 ..... ..... ... ........ ... .... .. a .. -... .....1 .una. .n vmhiak .. ... a m .wmirztvrt. 1 1 100, iu uiit-r uiruvfiuru oi llio no r"-tMi"b ."v kivmivi iiari. ui iu s,...n,.. , - ------ . " . V tV. I PamnltSlI i1" ino ,val "l MU ".iv ' " " . ' i "in i"T uiihuuu hi iM.itllUill . iniurn in urine iiii niiiiMf uu in u unu' .... 0..-1 t. .. If- !""-" "- ---" --- - - t hW. ' .i :' n exhibit of hlmMf for tnro1 Juiil. we deduce fro... their .mjtu.lu ,"' " r, '"" "f"'".", lw?l'T ionths that can pu; to shanio any- tliatt4- I'Mm Purlflc. the Soiilbern i "'.r,T w,'ukK uK"ts,iT'"HVrW5i,MU, ling at San Frnnclffo. Si Louis or PicliTfiU-ay'esterii Pacific aijil at be "J shipped In 11 few days, said lllcago. .least twentr other tr.inscontlqeiili.l 'Bfg. ft will take thre.i or four' nr :r.,f-iJ mentary principles of courtesy and hospitality, such os w( -have new , bofore. and r lidnewll'l never aWln. w . ' " . .- A i.h. .1 ... 1 n . . .- . . ii.nu iiiu .inu.irrnBBing inisionune to srltness. More often than occaslonally.Iiow . ever, a gnarled and unsightly tree bears fair fruit, and undorlyhic the uncalled for tirade was, anli 'Is. V germ of truth. Tho Individual cannot hct fiwt r, jifttr-a.v vsllt hero of seversi hae a new supply to Mnd en by that the abiding respect of his fciroVs'un- v,--!,, ..mM p,. ,, ,,,,11?h,.r jtlme. ou raniiif w uafor an ....... -w"s..t 1 rTnitiiiinn nr nut iiniai conn nnu n nitninir ivia ai.. . . ....... ......-.--- --- -.- . , .Miis .Margaret, leu tnis morning for; calves. We Judgo from sonic of tho, California, wuere tney win spend rcmarxs mat you nnvn iniiuv uiru some tlmo before returning to their ! ovening mai you win oo pericci (.e uiaitfu' lhn.VfusF4iMtHommiiio mt 17.300. the theater iu.inagrsM 5. Ju . Miss Illrdlu Ilamaker, who has been, hero from her home at Do-; nanza for tbe past week, left this afternoon for that place. While hire -she visited at tho home Airs. Joo Moore. I ui.mlsrit nnd tnnnv varieties ran exiected from this point. It way. itinllit to W sulitlrbau Jtu:ne In Port- The larger pipes- are 16 feet that wo will be unabln to send mail)' r..nd. ' I'"k'rI1'f ' and 12 Inches In diameter. OI lllir line onri'I1lllll.-3 llll . ...- ...i.-u..F,i, .n n.iii.; iiur BCl'IIITJ , i high I the v hole have acted, the court house taxi- have taken our ,,uU ll necetsltateit the rebulliliiig hnnieta. I.nt ue l.avrt n larKo num- tho commission .has taken our fish v now inrunioin ueing so urge ..w....... .-.-. . -- - -..- ... . --.--- . -- her of cltlit-ns here ho sufficiently like a bunch of sheep money and by l'J2'i there will bo. of the nriun InfiH In oritur in im.li.. I I(a . .. . . ..... .....a .iihIiI nilllll.. t... rt k ... ... ....... ..... ... I ' iiiiriup uir iuisi iiiui. nw-'i uuhiii '" "u""u. .ui, iui u in i.ihii uui '" I room for It of win a blue rjb'oon a Amy exposition, road and It Is probable thai wo will1 I Just at the prescntlme some one'bo with you and"glvo three rousing' has got all our goaf, but wo may cheers when ilu nateH nu-n Get results by using class ads. homo In Illinois . While, here they " . Vx Iu the memory Mr. and Mrs. T. E. O'Neill of cttrnctlons in-- wlipihcr point tfHVjofor'lhfiV I B'fya'fr4 L M.. It.lB.rfl.i less thero Is within hlmsolf the ele ment of self respect. A man who continually runs down and ridicules his own character and attainments (cannot profess surprlso .when his 'neighbors refuse to take htm serious- ly or entrust him with larflr Mter- irises. M wnrt FrancUco left for Portland And. even so, 'SitCfcif uiH'fn01lIift'crvHfcnIug making the most KiMrMf.'kS '' A' ttedln( tAjlUsl.. rvjot doing the utmost for Its advance- nets and visiting with Mrs. Allen inent. when It constantly parades Its Ir-Jons who Is a emisfu 'n'f, Mrs. fffllhlM. nnd ..L'na..... i.ABi..t... -n-Valll ' i: ......wtjMw..,,,ulV.,s,u. .,. .... . I ...... I...I .1... '.,., .l1-.n.f.tl. I,l, keeps Its worst HftlefrnperrKUf.'i JwJ. ' .- - i. .V A I ' , . tn ,, ""u.. '.V :. WJX TZX ' ., ' .. ' .V . . ..... ' aro putting tin a hard right i retain. of rur problems, to apiiralse them rfc. a,r,ck ,e'1 'ouay or ,no 'the Lower Klamath swamp and the i ... . wiiii- u me r.uou wuere iney win . i . s. iieciamanon ura nnce niicn nnu e Ituoivlerlre l.n.nti1'' ll' KueM of Mrg- J- A- Gordon wl Ka,l ''1 vlowa of these e Kuowiedge l)iioT , .nendlne the summer at hr."'' olr cttic attractions r own to catch nllr7'" l Pfn"'R '"e summer at her Heganllng u timber exhibit which C Involved. L"1 w,,,cn "uaiea ai a oeau- you will of course wrtnt from Klam- of tlilnts "'"' vnot " "le H,lor f that plc-iath irounty we would suggest that He vifjiij vuii iii uiiuuiiu r,i,'ijt iu build a slide about twenty feet wide wonderful scenic ding Crater I-akn a ftjiiterest sjUW'ikisv w SivSk' fornialiy4:JUiVi' '.i4f i, ." JK&!9 JS'Sto- UR y v ing tlmt tins woiiuer spot is uuoui two aBfTaf1grlfn'.lles fiiim-.her citv limits' Prnbablv'rfy filrVeaf we will It Is well to sec the ridiculous side, llinlr trim trl.-lnlll.. I..., .,. .... I WH' ...... .. hw .....M..., IfM, ww .ujaiiii, & expect those whose so Intimate, as ou tho fine angles of humor a mill Kjiin er inr. innau or it .... Is well worth cultivating. CondurfiniFM',ue ,ake mmm s B M M -."s rs " llil ' 1 l.nS ....(.! 1 ..! .... . ii ..., uU.u uo naiur-. ..no proin-r aM Another "old timer" has wand- a burlesque show would ,M utrrljr creil imck arter an ab,ence f 31 PHI ;of place a rellglousjgatlierlng. LMri Arcne Uen,ck f An error, howover, Is not a crlmo.J ,, ,, ,,, ,u ,.,.. If It was u mistake to rticohu a wn,unHn. . i...... e...i.i. ........ ..,....r,..r, . .. u...... II.UIIIII, : t who camo on serious baslnesif. tltb jur good as woll as hls.qwn cty's o Beart, and with tlj Interests of our Common Statu i)aramount."ln nuehi fut the utmost sfrloukness that Tils "landing and mlssro'n Mescn'ed, W freight from-Ager to .luUlle hi T83(iuti'd '01.' in rciicwlng old u"i. iiial;jtapots aruli viewing the chang es wuicn nave taKou piacu, arcul tectuall' Kcnlck. fln'cU .nmc'h' to mar- fvel at He is dlsa finding m'orVof'the old f'rlends. ' upolnted i aLi y.i. In not yjWtiro woll chastised... TJio'castlBatldn whh complete. The .punishment, fnr v, OUtwelKllud the neocudllli. uml nils. r chance that hu construed as a crime. f.sXCIH.NT HOOK AM l,.il)l)KIt ,'V lu It all, however, there Is a tea- OUTFIT TO UK IX PAIUOK flon nnd wo will do well-not lo take .' ' - . r the lesson lightly. t Tho broach that might have boon In healed. Mayor llakor iiiiulogUed n m i )oi dUastard Malw fia.00 tlli,fcorleM6pdel.,,used,. and emir (o ove,VTorn8. " I.OS IJANOS, Cal Aug. 17. An undent hook and ladder outfit used by the l.os Uanos flru iloimrtnieiit more than thirty years ugo, recently was brushed uu and sent to San jFrunclscp Srur use in tlio purado of " ftw. fin., n. .. !. ,. ... ,,,M VVl.Tl-l.i.UII U iU iiuuriiii- tloual association of flru chiefs. MARKET IUaOHT POllTLAND. Aug. 17. -Calves M.00 to $9.50, Hogs and sheep Rlftftri'. Vrta fllm lAftaaM strtrlnw. j tone. feutUr ateddy. from Portland to the moon, which you ran rail the Lunatics (,'liutv limit whlrh will I)-) a useful attraction to) your Zone or Pike W'j Intliiiate tiatvou might i.o-ul nvnr upon It for, an exteiiiled visit, some of our .Meil-j ford nnlghbors who hae been nuk-- Ing us hellnvit that It is muilo of green i cheese, I As auolher of our 5Mnu atlrpr tlons wo propose to send you a sec tion of our (ireon Oprlng mountain ' road which heals anv bumn the bumps perpertrated on Con'iy Island, In fact there Is no limit to the co- oneratlon you ran exnuct from Khun-1 nth county and wo give you our tin quHllfled' pormlbulon to gu to It. Wo v. Ill l,o mere lliuli pleased to send ,voi for exhibition thine Klmn-j uui Luuiiiy vuuri iiouhcb nun im group who are responslblu for our plight. 'If you gut ono ninth of Iho publicity wn have, your fair ivlll ) u winner. Wo ask that you return uu: ruun ileuses inr usu ueru, us His torical monuments, . Vou are perfect ly welcpuiu h(iveer to keep llm group nioul on' d. wu have kuut them for nearly fifteen yenra' anil ure now glad ly share H19 luin'or. For some ilniu past y.g luvu fell moro or Ii'bh Isolated loiicjirnlng our railroad, transportation nn(l lime felt somewhat out of sprls wjien wo wero obliged to double back t.o tJma, Peril Or Osllkoall. Wlm-nnaln wlirm fomlng o(j;ortlan,d. 'Wo havo r- wiuiy iviiuicu nowover tuiii iiu mil- SHOES When jiickln out your footwear, natural ly you wish all the style and value possihlc for your money. That is why we reeouliiiend you to see and try on the new Queen Quality Shoes we carry in "stock. ! .v, T - vj. - ,isv. r The . i jf 713 Mitju.fe tt . mn$Lm - -' . . j'.-- ItU -JA. We strongly recommend the Holland Shoe for boyssolid leather soles and heels, in dress and seini-dress styles; black and tan colors- The best shoe for .1 -. New Styles in Ladies Ptimpk t.iit Luxite Hosierfi tk6 rlBse fkt WearJ tbBer Houston & Jester I v .- ' . S 1 M M ttatmmmmmamsKmKmmmmommtmmmKimmmmm I BUTTER I I IGE GREAM I I YUM-YUM I I ESKIMO PIE I P All made under the mont .suiitarv eondltioiiH. Come and look our plant ovor, we I invite inspection at any time. I I I KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY I i Don't fail to.rcadthc Heruld -Classified Adi. , BfcrsA- ,. &V