The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 14, 1922, Page Page Six, Image 6

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Page Six,
MONDAV, Aroiwr II, I I'M
.Vim Mimilivil .VurihtwM rifslitcrt
.Vow Hi'Hily fur .lulis; Kf
"' fli'lcnl Workers
cniiscil ninturily lo Im a hnlf mouth. Twolyc llumlrcil lialumou, mi'iulu'is
Inter llinn usual. This Is lurtlcnhi ly I of the IiIr tinir, omphijcd on llio
Iruo ns to pears mnl ltoaclit'S, At thu I.oiilfcvllli? nnd X.ishvlllo railway
ponh of llio fruit season normal dally! left their trains toihty. tying the
Bhlinnents inn uolwutui 400 anil S0 llnrlan roiWity lUstrlot.
cars ii ilny, Sh'jt inhl. i
Apliroxlmately 2000 ears of futlt WASHINGTON. Auk 1 1. AOMiW
from Northern California points are' in tho department of Justleo aro Miildi
l Inn noil In llio HliiciH Hint liiu life
to Imllrato strike tronhle Is spreading
In Northern t'.illfornla. Tho depart- f
ment rreelved n copy of a resolution I
utloled hy tho locals nt lttverhanh or-'
tiering the men out at It o'elocl; to
morrow on the nround etiulp
mem Is tin info and ntrlkehrenkera
"on tho rails" hound to eastern
markets, according tf Sacramento
frull shlnncrs. and niiproxlnialoly
SI'A'gri.K, Wash., Aug. H. l'or o,000 carloads remnlnlni; In the or-
(ha purpose, of securing employment (.lnr,g,
for ills.ihled war veterans who li.w The California Prult eTch.mcc and
heen rehahllllnted vocationally, a oilier larco shipping concerns nlso
ennipnlgn will hn eondiicted tliroiiKli, jmVp hundreds of ears In transet east, nro armed with Rims and knives
nut llio northwest Alicust 21 to 2J iircm-illm. in 1 T. N'nnln. niniimter of -
I " -v. ....., - .-. . -.
hy the United Stntc.1 Veterans Imr- the exchange.
inu, nccorillng to A. K. JlcCnbe, ' Tho average valuo of each car Is
district head of the newly organised I jtOOO. tho shipping men agreed.
employment section of the bureau. which would bring the nlue of fruit
More, than 000 veteran of Wash-! en route to approximately $2,000.-
Ington, Oregon and Idaho have com- 000.
plelcd their training courses nnd I Ornpo ot Kemly to Ship .
several hinulrcd more are sched-1 Oae-thlrd of the Northern tall
Stri'I SK.VATK l-'lt'MT
(Continued from Tago 1)
Is iiald to li.ivo heen tlinmli'iied.
Lord Norihellffo polnled out that
BE REACHED TONIGHT Amo,'ln vvm) Ml'u' lenmiuiiig out
ui nil' win- mini iii'iuiany iiuetui nor;
to ail. llei'iiuse of hln iiiiilillliliiliiei
with American i-oikI! t Iiiiim, yd
lleoi'jto plt'Willcd on Mini to urii'l'l lit"
first public offlie. runt nil y to his
lesolulloii. and Noillicllffo ciltio to
the 1'lilted t'lates as head of the m 11
Ish mlusloii In which ho dlrmted the'
A special meeting of tho business w',,f K ,,f m" r,in' I'f'lUul ami lo.j
l''liiani-e t'oliniilltee t'ntls .Meeting of
lluliu'v Men to Make lTliillt
men of Klamath 1'alN has been
called by thu county fair finance
committee, composed of II. N. .Moe.
A. M. Collier and J. K. Swansou.
at 7 : tl 0 this eveuliiR. for tho pur
pose of making detlnlto arrange
ments to finance the oiitii prise.
votes a second primary will be no-1 Whether the Asa Kordyco priparty
cossary. ' ' ' ''o purchased and the pro.
Stephens has been making an ne. I position carried fotward on u big
ed to finish their vocational work ' fomla peach crop, threo-fourths of ttvo campaign tor tue pas ,w.nn ( " ' "' "l". ' '" , '"
of tho OCK!, wiiiic oiihs iwnniv mia ic'ii i " mitvj tav mMrvi -ctuuvij.
I'ommiuco novo tneir rt'jniri u
muko to tho 1iuIium men uh to
null vuinn mm f,Mtiv m n""
... . tnlr.iti Md nnlli'it unrt lit Inn
era not to pick nny moro mm. me "" -
prapo ttliljmicns will not bo ready for I'fllB"
.iitt.. . havi ,m ihMA f llirt ttltitn mill lrntlilriM
month. ho stated. ' Pears have been shipped. Sleg slated. campaigning for about went
"These fellows who could not and orders have gone out to grow- monllw. ordnman personally has
carry on tholr. pre-war vocations be'
rnitso nf war Injuries surely de-
hcrvo, conilderatlon In the matter
of employment," said McCabe.
"They have struggled for months
and. In many cases years to master
a now occupation. , However, we
nro 'not asking employers to hire
these veterans for sentimental rea
son but rather because they aro
now capable offlco workers, trades
men or Industrial workorJ Tao
Veterans' bureau vouchee that tho
rehabilitate.! service, man will hold
down tho, Job ho is recommended
for." f - .. ..
Kmplioe'rs nro. urged Oi.gct In
touch with one of the branch of.
flees of tho Veterans bureau lo
cated In Seattle, Portland. Spokane,
Tncoinnllolro and'Pocatello during
'Vetcrnns'T:niploymcnt Week."
what reiiulremeiitK wilt hnvo to bo
made before work ran begin.
seVernt wel Sle" said. l-ormer rrosiiicni oiniro u-j n. .. .mu- iiecinri'ii inw iimmiiiii;;
While the fruit Is shipped with ,,n', letter declaring Vnrduman tf.that It was to be a final ilecMon
bills of lading, the loss. If there Is ' be "wholly false and untrustworthy" meeting and thnt t.ver)one Inteiest-
nny, In all llkl'lhood, will come back nmI expressing the hopo that he will ed In the fair, nnd tho rodeo ahould
noi ue again sent to me i nneo i niaKo u a pouu to ii! present, lor
the proposition will bo carried out
tonight' meeting, m tho finance
on mo growers, iitturuuin iu nns. -- -- .
wim .lorinrr.l nil ii.icklnir iilnnts In I States senate has not been used by
Ltho state wero working to capacity J Stephens In. his campaign Miccclu-.
on contracts and could tako care of-, "iufi vigorously uem-micc..
no moro frull. Much of tho fruit . VnrdnnwtiTfor his ailegud il.eertlon
sent east Is being handled on a com-j
of tho democratic party during the
(Continued from 1'age 1 )
brotherhood members walked nut
I'rlday night and Saturday morning
mill tho Southern Pacific company
found llsclf with between TOO and
Mia rani of deciduous frull on rail
on their system east of Sacramento
Saturday with tho Ogdcn gateway to
tho cast blocked with a tleup at the
eastern terminus through idleness of
members of tho Ulg Four brother
hoods. This left only tho Kl Paso
gateway on the Sonthern Pacific )
tern open as n incaus of rail transpor
tation with tho cast and no certainty
that this avomtfl would continue un
interrupted as an outlet.
Millions of Dollars Invohcil
Nearly $1,000,000 worth of fruit
is in transit between Sacramento and
Ogdcn with tralnloads of I Co cars
ready to move eastward out of Itose
vlllc, according to William Sleg, sales
manager of tho California Prult Dis
tributors of Sacramento.
l'rult packing Is now at Its peak,
Kle;; said. Ordlnarly tho height of
picking Is two weeks earlier than at
this date but BeasonJl conditions
mission selling basts this year he-, worm war nnu mr ins ouacKs upon
mn nf fim nncori.nln strike condi-. " Wilson administration during
i.... ii -..I, .i.inn,M nr..n.i i and followlngS tho war. " r-" i
.aw.iu, .. ... ...-,-.. ...... ,
(Continued from r.ign 1)
iioo mioiKiuutx.
Willi tho nrmlstlro and tho inline-'
iiuei'.t npimlntment of Wlmloii.
Chuii'hllt as minister of muiiltlons t
Vl'icount Norihellffo who lung htid
been hoittllo to Churchill, turned I
against l.loyd tleorgn mid uttiukeil
him. This evoked from tho 1'romlor
a scathing speech of criticism ukiiIiiiI i
tho newspaper irnirlidor In the
limisi' of commnaH. This liitltleiit
v.-i-! polnteil to an hi ki'eplng with the
pievlous attitude of Northillffo who,
It wtui oaltl. never failed to cilllcUo
friend or foe allki1, If ho deemed
their actli'iis hi public life Justified
In no country, ( Iiiih been asserted,
did a man In civil life so I'liiiHtantly
as l.oid Northclirfo occupy the puhllo
0)i rr labor so consistently for Ida
country and It's utiles ami lo -hriml
confusion and defeat upon tho llei
maim. Of thb attitude of tho llrltlnh
peoide tnwnrd him. ILim been until
"llu't hate him Und t It p udmlre lilm:
I.OItll NtMtTIH'MI'I'i:. ilti:.T imt try ii.i lhevima. Ihev c.innul bo
INIsr.lSU IMUTOII. VASTUS juifforont to him," J"
At l ii ii conclusion in jihi war ,110
'and l.loyd tieoigo were ihliracterlonl
i n in" iwu Ririiiigi's! I'tirNoiiiiiiiioH in
I'M'litliully fuiliidiM. (lie l.i'iitlou Dall.t
.Mull, llio f I li-1 lailidim moiiililg nnwu
liitper lo sell for a hnlf prliliy, II1'
h Hit I it to luivo boon the nvuier of
noiiin tin petioduals bavliig a iheulii
tlmi of "it, nnu, (Mm I'liplox.
hi ISSN bo lllilllled Ml mi jdni)
i:ilubetll MlllH'l', ilillll'.llli'l' nf Knhmt
.Mlluer, nf KluilllilKtoii mid SI. Vin
cent. Ills daughter win the wife er
I.iiciim U King, piliiilpal nf a modi-
nl school al Minium. (Ino or Vli
count Norlhcllffo'n brothers wini llu-
(Continued fiom Page 1 )
and defeat werouiol full) kixmIoiI.! Ilrlllsll life."
Official Kiigland is said i luie tjllurn In Cliupollxod. Ireland, July
known for months Hint llio wrong' iff. lsr,:,. Alfred Churtoa Wllllnin
kind of shells were liulng furulslied ll.irtiisworlh. Vlsrouiil Norlhcllffe.
lliwyrrtill fir. t .
ion lliillienni'io ul lleiiiHliuid. t
with nimlhi'i" biiillii'i', lllldidiriuni,
was nssoeliiled wltli Vliieiiuul Ninth
ilirfo In Jnuriiiilliiiii.
Xoitlulliri' rum ml 'lliMi-.ilii.i
I.ONIKIN. Aug. I I. Acini dlllK In
llio ilnrlum billlollll VlHCiiiillt Nnrili
illff.. died ul H: I- n'elnck. Tim
end wan perfectly peiu'oful. Ho will
lie bulled TliUUilay ill III. Muri'ii
l.ebow cemeteiy nl rilli'liley. Th"
fiilieuil Mi'Mlcn will be held III W"t
iiilnlslei Abbey.
Portland, Orb.
,U.s convenient location in the heart of
the city's activities -and its proximity
to the Shopping ami (Anuisemejit eon-.
let' (hiring the Holiday Selison, is
merely another of'this famoiui hotel's
attractions. i'.
her nround tho lake. This year limbs j lions because ho had lolled tho fnmt editor hi a publishing liuiiso writing I
nnd tops of these trees are dond as n on teveral occasions. He senl tin ; hiih'mts to
cnrreHpondetits. This
result of the pests. Oreat swarmi n: ; military rurrciiuiidi-nt f the l.on-l hiiKRsted to him n newspaper
tho gnats can bo scon oer tho lake don Times. Colonel Iteplngtlon. tujwliiili In- ,iii!iirlu-d upon b publini
and it H said that It Is almost Im- Krnuee, and Itoplngton sent ami ihejilou of a weekly magiutiie cnlli'd
liosslhle to dip up u cup of water Times, published and a despatch ov "An w. r". Huecoi'Juit in tins mid t
which does not contain tho gnats, posing I lie Mtuatlnit .mil
Prices TobeRRnnliij: SWAItMS" Oh IVATS
Deciduous fnilt growers faced n ' Mil'. IHUsTltOVtNO Tltl'lIS
critical Hltuallon beforu tho strike as-,
siimcd the tensity of the past forty- j -
elgut Hours, witn n oumpcr crop in; viUWU were then Infesting pine tIm-;i.ord Norihellffo knew the, mud I , filmed his carreer an u suborilluato !
orennru, prospects lor n uanncr year
earlier In tho season niado the or
chardlst optimistic. Kxpectntlons ct
large financial gains, however, went
glimmering during the past ten days.
Prices of last year on pears have not
been received this season., $2 box
market being umsldered n good east
ern price.
The market, however, refused t
remain firm ibis p.-ist week and pear
prices wiit tobogganing to $1 7." u
box with n further drop to the J 1 SO
mark on Thorsday In New Vork and
Kales registered In carload lots nt
$1.40 In tho business capital on Krl-day.
PISESNO. Aug. 1 1. The linnied
lato green fruit losses In tho Sail
Joaquin valley because of the
freight embargo today had left
only tho Southern Pacific via i:i
Paso open, totaled 130,500,000.
Manager Gorman estimated thnt
only 2S00 cars of 10.000 ' uwattlng
shipment had been sent out.
r m nn" In
ill hi
Arthur M. Mkykrs Managlr
Tlu'y aro also prtnlug u uulsann to
(re.rf liumberH of dead fMt are
found In the lake thin season neet r.lf j
lfng to -Mrs. Me.Mlcklo. What has
ciiuccd them to die I unknown al
though It Is beluved by pomn Hint
there has been an eruption of hot
sjirliigs In the hike.
Iho fuilliri of military o;H'r:i( loll" oilil . "T
In-avy casual!) lists to a ih-fi. lency , I
ill shelbi.
- ,TIU un folliikvi l In no j S
rrltlcrsn iir LoripMi' liener who opit
lo that tlino hail ! u regnrtli-l .1:4
Kllglaud'a grrtitet w.r gem" Tho
revelations mid irilii-lsni linkedll
Kuglaud Into quick action Moydfl
. j.. ...... r-
'TTi H... Hn.t 1. .a "i.M' ,.y. 1 .... ' rVSn.'Jt'. t.V.Tt. 7 t.'f..i!'fJ ... t.
1 ltu luuii nan ut-vit ii,".-,i.-.( i, I vi'i H'T ti" .111.11 III lliL' l.ili.nil wwrit'.
I roin crater i.iko io wiaruonu laKe men 10 nacic up tne iiruiiiu army anil
inn owing to tue steep grnuc n is ai-i i-.tiginnu neramo x vast snop tor tno
most Impossible to drive, a car from ' tuanufacturo cf kuih am ammtiul
Diamond to Crater lake," says Mr. ' tlon. Meantlmo I.nrd Northcliffe
s by the
rs public
McMfcklc, "while a new road nround. was denounced on nil side
the lako has been completed." Ilrltlsli press, hln newspaper
s, 'Vi7. GPFQl V
- 01 A' . J
'Z' ,wF V
Jir j-M'tir.rjZf
uurn. 411114.
Seventbcn strklcrs on the Union Pa
cific were arrested today by officers
led by Governor Iloylo as the re
sult of a shooting affray last night
between strikers and strikebreak
COIUHN, Kentucky, Aug. 11.-
Sneak up on one in a pair of Top Notch
Hunting Shoes. Best hunting shoe on the market.
Don't forget to get that boy a pair of Hol
land Shoes for school. The best money can
New Pumps for ladies.
Houston & Jester
S15 Main St.
Select Elberta Peaches
$1.25 per Crate
Canning Plums
$1.60 per Crate
Fresh Huckleberries
$2.50 per Gallon
Get your vegetables daily from our fountain
Hion'o KHMV. 120 N. Sixth Street
-maSaBBaS s3sb
Ji?s v? VOTfWN ? s1 tLrscjap
m (w.W'Jrlift. iU "i." w,"Yi! i?- -fr
M V&ir.'.M. "rtu. li jrf.i". M.
wv Eft Mmwwf
UKiTHlusTHHrnUmll MfiW,'aHrww4MCxiOTJBu&VloMliuJz!i(Vj.
Athletes Superb giving one of the best exhibi
tions of hand balancing and acrobatic work ever
seen in Klamath Falls, also
Al Jennings, the reformed bandit, will be shown
and there will be a good comedy.
Show starts at G :45.
Tuesday Sarah Bernhardt present "It Happened
Buy a lot
Rent your rooms
Sell your property
Sell old furniture
Find lost articles
Get a job "i
Buy chickens
Trade, autos
Buy a radio
Rent a garage
Find help
Sell your business
Buy an auto
Borrow money
Sell livestock
Sell a piano
Sell fruit
Buy a business
Exchange anything
Sell old clothes
Sell wood
Large Returns