The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 14, 1922, Image 1

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L 'v.
tr t,
CPU? iturittitg Herald
tomuiit, 'ii i;m,v iji:m:iI.i.iv
Member of llic Associated Press
I'ltUfhlh Win-. n. (Mini
All Freight Traffic Under
Embargo; Passenger Service
Only Partially Maintained
SACUAAIHNTO, Auk. tfl.Not a pasweiiKer train
on the Southern Pacific line to the north was stalled or;
has been annulled, General Manager Dyer declared to
day. TicketK arc being wold to all destinationf. The em-1
bargo is only on fruit and livestock.
Estcmcil ns Mightiest Force
!i Civil Life of United
SAN KRANfMSfin. Amr. 1.1.
tral California their only remaining rail line east, as
far as freight transportation is concerned early this morn-.
ing and seemed in a fair way to lose this route for pas
fongerH nlo, as a result of the spread of transportation
walkouts to Hoseville and Sacramento.
The principal line north was also to fast freight
Officials declared an embargo on all perishables
noilh of Gerber and east of Hoseville. This, it was ex
plained, meant fi eight traffic was impossible over the
Shasta loulu to Portland and the Ogdcn route east,
creating a serious situation for fruit and livestock.
The Santa I'V system is virtually paralyzed by walk
outs at Needles, Seligman, Ashfork, Williams and Wins?
low, Arizona.
The Union Pacific's Salt hake to Los Angdes line
is blocked solidly by the refusal of brotherhood men to
move trains.
The Western Pacific between San Francisco and
S:dt Lake is blocked completely by walkouts at Oroville,
Oakland and StoctoniMrmnfoTfifccd today that traffic
would be .suspended indefinitely.
LONDON', Aug, 1 I linl N.jrlli-1
, dirfn, leading Mrlllxli publisher, tll'til
Northern and Cen- l,,r" u"hiy ''iiyticutm todny nii.
death wits laiued by suppuration. or
production nf nm i 1I111 hoart, cnun-
lug ttcn !' blood jin'fHonlnK.
Vlmount Nurtli'lKfo, tho hud of
mi trinIi(U(r,' In iiini' mi editor
nt IV v-iiri, nwtlrr ami pillilliliT of'
Oio I.iimliin TlmrH iiml It. illy Mo I.
t lut moulder r public aiiltilmi. a man
i .(iir(nl Influence) In til" making
mill iimuiikliti; of IlrlUnli (ahim-ls
ami, lni wllli David l.tnyil O'-nrci'
loiilrlhuli'd In a r.l'Sil iiiiuiuiri- in
arousing Kiiclaii, In more ilg'iMii
in Hun In tin1 war
II" huh rriMlvil ll.iruii nt Hn l.b-j
ill Tli.iiift In 1 1 T. Hinlwnai!i' a i
i unlit In 111 nttiT Ii" had mrti'il,
wild illntlnillim ii bend nf llti' tlrlt '
lull Mlmilon to lln United .SIati-1 In'
IlltlTCHtH bore
SACKAMENTO, Cal., Aug. M. Facing ruin un
less the railway strike situation is immediately relieved,
California deciduous fruit growers today saw little relief
in sight.
MIIIMlllllatl! llrltish
ilurlni; tho war.
To Vlm'iiiint N'orllfllffr U .mrrlli-1
ml lint uri'iislng of Hut llrllUli publlr i
j In a knowledge nf llin fnet Hint tin-1
llrllMi nnny In Kninro was limufll- (
clently iriiltiiml wltli high explosive,
shells, that llrltlsli gun nil th
I'rcuch frinit went nhort of miimunl-l
lion ami ttmt Lord KltilutnT. then I
tfecrrtnry nf Hint" fur war. was send-(
I n It tli" llrllluli gunner ulirupiwi
vvjillu Sir John Krimrh, an rnmmati-
dor was iiMU'iillnc fur tint nauio Kind ,.. nt,,
A '
Women Votinsr for Firtt
Time May Be Decid
ing Factor
t r vti
.." irT
ZU ".
v'l-iiituil 'otlliOlffi
n( IiIkIi inpliHhi'n tliiit Ccrm.uiy sn
ImrlliiK avurilii Unit In .ikt nuantl-
Till ckikmum linn Ijccii fliar.iclrr-
I..., H.. nn . ll.M ........ ..ll.... !....
y I1jll41 I 11 1 1 l&i II .10 IIIU ti 111.1 I'lllHtaillllllf. Jitlll-
iuvn ,i Miinu uwi up uiiiispuriauuii ior oniy a , nalimlc font of tiiu war. ii r'uli
Toui'.Xs Ui'miiI Cur-
Iiiih I'Iiiiic; Donil I'lsli Arc
JArKSON',. Minn., Auk. 1 1. Mia
iilrnlppr.1! ili.'iiHicrntlc primary next
Tuesday brlngH (o a cloioT)ne'faf tho
most InU-rcntinR a'm( Blmrply' con
Imtod ch'mpalgnn of recent 'year
ntntiiiK tho tlirco tandldaici seeking
iKiinliiatfnii for the neat twine Tacat
i'iI by JchirShiirp Wlllfumii'lti tho
t'nltfil Kt.ttu:! rcnatc. Komltiallon U
iMiilralrnt to cli-ctfon. ' ''
KorntiT ronKrosmaii lluhurt Slop
hcim, nf Nimv Albany, former United
Slatns Senator JnmcH 1C. Vnrdaman.
of .lurknun, mid Minn llellu Kearney,
of Klorn. .ih rand Ida leu for tho cn
atorlal lonn. li.ivn each (ontrlbuted
larguly to tliu Inlorost that usually
utleiid.i such n campaign. Aerordlng
lo well pnxti-d political observer,
.each will pell a larKo voto In Tuca-
.l.u'u mhU.1 .....1 ...1.lln I... J....
iu o iiimrci, nun niiiiu iii'aiiiimr
ti'M of nil three candidates express
enllrc cnnfldcnco In tlm oulcomo In
lant mlniiti; nnnouiieehieiit, It Is con
crally roncydrd tjat nouo of tho
thri'i) will hao a walkaway.
t'orotim'lB of I lu probablo voto to
bo polled tnry from ICo.OOu to ISO,
nnu. It In estimated thai from 30,
dUO to IW.Ooo women will vote for
tho first time. Veteran political ob
servers dcclaro that tho women's voto
win ho a-dccldlns factor In tho; con
test. Tho uncertainty ns lo tho trend
of tho feminine gtu closely coin
cides with tho iiucertnlnty that pre
vails as to tho probablo outcomo of
tho candidacy of Mls Gearnoy. If
she should potl n3 many as 23,000
HernM Hurvry Hhown Wealth
IlhHtm In IxkI Yards
Anil tianlens
Tboro'fl every rcsson why Klsm
alh Kails should have a flower show
equalling any placo of tho size on
the coaM reports a ncoutlnr party
of Tbo Herald which yesterday
mado a partial survey of tbo city
Not all of tho, city's streets were
covered, tho protestations of un
used muscles limiting tho scope of
tho survey.
Conger nvenue.
wnicn is said to uavo bad an un
Caravan Will B Met at Al
poma Point By Lcal
Crowd; Etcdumi Froffram
To abow Portland that, Klamath
Falls Is (ho llvest spot oa Ua.ltlaer
art nf ifia AVfwtalllAfa intif la lk nnl
for Instance, j of tho reMptoB commltU of1 tho
0 had an un-. ioe.i chamber of cosmerec. htmAA
usually favorable season for flow.) by Majror w a yv'lley, wd arranfe-
ments to entertain tie earavaa dar-
riUNi:vn,i.i:. ore. auk. h.
t'lomlH of nphlH-IIko Ktiats HwjriulnR
lM C I ! 1 1 tl at I llmliAH .! i..k
1 A lit 1 11 ' I'll rMltMllinilllh llliliMI. II ill 11)111
.short tuno would bring iminonse and widespread lo.w, it,"" tim uppointiiieiit of d.ivm i.ioyd i)Iimo(l Inlu, nro n.,lorll.,i ,,j. Mril
Orhoco Ware
Uth her ulster.
lledmond, and
her mother. Mm, Kllen Tlinrno of
Ilnzoltlno, Indlnnn, Mr. nnd Mm.
Homer Norton of Tout, and niece,
l- vtwum miuy, iiiiuii;ii.-i; .urn im.iM u.iw ivm, a . m i" hi imirui m imhh iivu Diamond n!u nro rep.
Tho sporadic walkouts or brotherhood mem- "rnMr"" 1?:!,;;" S " MrJ,,ek"! "f "
i r n .... . . . ' '" Munitions ami put him on tint road I iiru90 Dlnll.,ir w,n .,
week end from I-resno to the Mojnvc have had to becomn primo numsirr. Mni. D.-rVniiart ot i
ting effect on California's fruit industry. Lead- 0wlMB' " ,H "l', '" l,,n r":,,, reH mother. m. i:n
i , ,.,- ,. . soriihlii whlrlt tho then ll.iroit North- 1...11 1
(Continued to Paeo 6)
Little Hope For Strike
Settlement At Capital
was? said.
hers last
a disquieting effect on California's fruit industry. Lead
ing growers are prepared to suffer an entire loss.
"No ilvlllitatlon Hhoiild lolrrati'
null it HtriSo nil meniH Impt'liililii!,"
ili'flitroH tlio California (irotvem ;nul
HhlinrH ragiio In n pinti'silni; tele,
xr.iin to I'rusldeiit llnrdlni:.
Tho L'.'.H-w nril vlKftroiH
I) ili'intinilii ii'llel nnd plures hl.umi
lor lint nit 1111 linn on tlm Mother-
Imiiil'i, loiHlinlliiK 111 (ollong'
ff I ho meiutii'ra or Hie lirnllii'i'liitoiln'
in tlio Htiiud tin')' have taken without
Jiml unite mid 111 Unhitlou of their
loiilniri wltli tlio 'rallroiulH and bu
lno HlepH hIkiuIiI bo taken in en
roiiriiKo mid proviilo prolectlou to
IhoMo liiciiiiiiithn miclnrcn mid fine
men who nro reiidy mid ullllni; In
"Our ulluiitlou In C.iliroinl.i Is
diwierniu. A huco portloii of Hie
itei'lduoiiH liull eiop Is now loaded
mid 011 1 (ill mid ulibi lo bn iiiovimI.
The rumiiluiliir In In tliu' orcluinl mid
Wiicynnl mid will rot If inllrond em-
b.irco ii;alnat iihlpment rontlniioH.
"It reiiilres ntrinii; mid linmeillato
mtloii 011 llin part of tho i;oveiiiment
to ri-Htoru lrmiHiorlittlon iiillillei
neii'Hiiiiry to iiiiMi tint fruit crop,"
A Ntrikn or iiiii'lii)OH, mnmborH of
I liti four biolhorhoodiii on tbo Yt
em I'ncirii: Itnllroad loiiipiiny Hyutum
nt Onlfl.ind mid Klockloti Kiilurdny
Htulloil two iiYvrlmid trains or tlio
ii)xtem nt Stockton nnd lorcod tliu
I'oiiipiiny In deeluio mi iibHoliito inn
liui'i;o on iiorlHhnhloH mid It vu iitock
fiom nil (,'ulironilik poinlii.
Tho men mild Unit they worn ufrnlil
to eontiuiin tliuir work jik Idiii; as
nriueil ciiiirdu uoi'o rutiiiued, tho
romiiuuy Hiid.
Siinlii l'o (,'rlppli'il
TrniuU'Dilatlcn 011 tlm Hnntii Fe
eumu to 11 sudden halt In California
when mumbers of tint nic Four
brothei IiooiIh left llmlr trnlus mid en
jjIiiimi on Krliliiy. Wetnrn I'liclflu
eiuployeH In Uiohii oi'KmiUutions t(ed
up train operation, iHitwcon Oakland
mid Cnrlln, Novndn, vwn tho four
soridilp wlilili tho then Damn North
elllfit bitterly nssuiled. the lirltluli
inopiu mi on- iiiiio 11110111 im lonniirt, Ms XMm N()rt,m wi jM rtrllPtl
o I hit war lit ihat time. They were. ,,,, ., p.,,,.,.1,.,. ,,i , ,i, it
told or tint victories and advance,
but It Is claimed that tlio illmstcni
(Continued to 1'iiro C)
While at tliu lako last yoar, Mrs.
Mr.Mlcl.lo first noticed tho gnats
(Cnntlnui-d nn Taro C)
AiiIii IK-alrr Kxploden Old Alibi
That lift; Ones Always Escape
WASHINGTON, Aiik. 1 1 Chief
InteriMl in tint pii'iillillllli:;! of n
Kellleiiieiil or tlm itipldly i.ire.idlii;
"Wo iliniiy roiidi'inii the jivlloii, r.ill rtrll.o ciiituriil today In tho
iiieeiluc or iiiiliin lenders here. Ml-
tin bopo was ontoitnlned miynheiuj
Hint any nuiou or tint iiuetmi;
inlplit re.iiilt In nny Hiilutantinl re
lief of tbo preKctit demoralized sit
millou trmispiirtntloii.
Hail clilefs are on tho way here,
follewlnj: the publication of their
nuiiwer to President llardlur.'s peace
oiler mid ns fur ns limy or tbo ov
erument went i-ourerned. no lurtlier
niedl'itory tdep was In litimedlntu
pi pspucl .
Tint rulHiiadH' miswer was "ion.
dltloual iiceopliinro"hleli wns in
Kardeil ns eertalii lo encounter the
illHapproval of htrlkers.
wi:atiii:u i'iioii.mui.itii
Not all or tho blR ones gel awny,
says Louis lloagland, local nutomo
bile dealer, who spent the day at
Hocky Point yesterday and landed a
12-pound rainbow, Mrs. Hoagland
and Mr. ,nud Mrs. Krcd Nelson wero
tliu other members of the outlDg
or culture, wu skipped and tbo
general report taken as accurate for
that locality.
The hill streets on this side or
tho river nnd some of tho flat, ex
cluding Mills addition, was Riven a
hasty oneo-ovcr, however, and tho
scouts predict that If everr front
yard observed In the trip wilt send
only a handful of tho glorious blos
som to bo seen everywhere, tho
commodious quarter secured for
tho show will not he largo enough
to hold tho exhibit.
Under the method of Judging and
classification arranged for this year
every exhibitor baa a cbanco to
win, and It all tho flower grow
ers will enter displays In all classes
the show Is going to surpass Irut
year's surprising exhibit by far.
Next Wednesday night tbtre will
ho a large Portland delegation lie.o,
tome of whom no doubt arc umfa
miliar with Klamath county, and
mayhap under the erroaeous Im
pression that Its soli nnd climate
make It imposslblo to grow anything
except plno timber and other equal
ly hardy products.
There's a chance to spring a sur
prise on the visitors that will bavo
a large amount of advertising value.
It everyono gets busy.
Don't hesitate because you have
only a few flowers. You're In the
class of exhibitors who will bo most
welcome You'll bavo tho friendship
nf the judges right from the start
(Continued (o Page 6)
I'ho rerun! upon tint (lyelo-Hloiimi-
itrnpu nt Uuiler--nood'H
shows hut hIIkIiI
bnroiuotrlo changes
In tho last IS hours
iilthoiigh tlm tim
,deuey slum 'noon
today is downward
Form ast for next
2H bourn;
Cloudy mid warm
or. followed by un.
settled wenther,
Tho Tyco.s rcuird
registered maxi
mum mill minimum Imiinerntuics to
day, us follows;
High 72
Low ,.. -Ill
(Minimum toiiiporaturo Sunday
morning 37)
Thbqb's a 10T of
dn-ieR ciTies we
fcS vC
PORTLAND, Aug. 1 1, Cows COe
higher; hogs ?1,00
steady; egKs film;
hlghor; sheop
butter unset-
.. . - - ' 1 ii 1 r, ,T 1 1 niiup
-7 . f r m
-. W J.' VTV - 1 . . f 1 IH I T I
j' .- iirw v- jw" x rr yivj ikt. oycr. i
Av .Avev j n. (srf u jv n .syii-
r LserK " s irowm
.lrk"' T
-L ' - -- -i.' '"r'. j"-. -5. " Sf
KLUX FOR $50,000
Allege Name on Illegal Voting
List Give Ground For
POIITLAND, Aug. H.- Thomas
L. Garland, attorney, today filed
suit In tho Multnomah county cir
cuit court for $50,000 damages
agaltut Charles Hall, It. R. Coster
tud the Ku Ktus Klan, claiming
that his namo on Hall's list of Il
legal voters had damaged htm to
that extent. Garland asserts that
ho Is 100 per cent American and
it direct deceudant of Patrick Henry.
Ing their visit bavo bees deftaltefy
Tho delegation wll hi met at At
goma Point by a crowd of local cham
ber of commerce boo'stcrs, headed by
Mayor Wiley, and" for thls"receptIon
about 35 cars bavo promleed'to-tsakn
the .trip. Tbo cars will Icav? the
chamber of commerce at 5:30 Wed
nesday, a'rrivlng at Algoma Point a
few minutes before the Portlaad
caravan Is scheduled to'pass, iand of
ficial greetings of the city will be
made there. v
Returning to Klamath Falls, the
Portland delegation will be escorted
to the hotels and at 7.V15 aa erealag
forum will be held ot.tha local cfcaas
ber, wTiero tho represca tat Ives will
be given as opportunity, to ntllae a
program for the 1925 cipoaltie.
After the addresa of wetceiw tho
meeting will be turnt'd over to Mayor
Baker. this meetlag ia doted
theerowd"wlil vtfftfifyVwif fllww,
uader tho auspices of the" women's
auxiliary or the chamber of com
merce, where a committee of local
beauties will pin flowers on each of
tho vllstors and then everybody will
go to tho out-door dancing pavilion
to the benefit dance given by the
playground association and the local
According to tbo Portland press,
20 cars left Portland Saturday to
mako this Journey.
Local business men volunteering
cars for tbo trip to Algoma point
nre: E. W. Vannlcc, Dr. O. A. Mas
scy. Harold Merrymaa, John Doyle.
R. K. Stlnson, C. I. Roberts, O. Pey
ton. J.-H. DrUcoll, O. D, Burks; R.
D. Hall, Frank Ward, Louis Brad
ford, Leslie Rogers, II. N. Mos, A. E.
Whitman, R. E. Smith, John Knders,
Geo, Hilton. E. M. Dubb, Oscar Bhlvo,
N B. Drew, J. E. Swanson, Fred
Houston, Jack Kimball, C. If. Unddr
wood. Sevoral others have tentative
ly promised cars.
Klamath County Tnkrs One-Tlilnl
Of Aununl Output of Com
Ing Hatchery
One-third of tho 30,000 baby
chicks hatched annually at thu May
wood Poultry farm nl Corning. Cali
fornia, uro purchased by Klamath
county poultry miners, euys W. H.
Harris, proprotur of tho Muywnod
joultry farm, who Is hero on a visit
to customers.
May wood farm chicks have htartod
poultrymcn In bUbTuess In all parts of
Klamath county.
Tho other CO per cont of tho an
nual hiitoli'la distributed through tbo
California valleys from Dakcrstlold
north. ,
Harris Is a liberal user of printers
Ink and gives considerable credit to
tho Herald advertising columns for
tho relatively largo volume of busi
ness eocurcd from Klamath county.
This and tho fact that ho soils good,
healthy, satisfactory chicks, and lives
up to tho promises of his advertising,
have given him ttie strong lead that
ho holds In the local field.
While hero Harris will visit some
of his customers and prepare for
tho coming season's business.
Fort Klamath,-Ann a Creek .aad Saad
Creek Highways LUteU for
Improvcaseat , '
PORTLAND, Oro.. Aug. H.
George II. Cecil, district forester,
has announced a program of' Im
provement for Oregon and Wash
ington forest roads. Listed, among
tho roads for which bids bavo been
received and on which coas frui
tion will start shortly arq:
Tho' Anna Creek road oa the Cra
tor forest leading south from Cra
ter Lake national park; the Shea,
Hlll-Cascadlu road oa the f0anUsra
forest; the Fort Kltmatbsnd
crook section of Tho DtlaijCalijEqr.
nla highway. Crater forest! 'u' Hi.
Uaker road from Sbuksan to A"4
tin Pass Meadows, Washbita for.
est; tbo Qulnault Jakswtn side1
road. Olymple forest; Mg' t,hs,Ke
vens pass road from Us summit of
tho Cascado mouataUs;to te s(cln
tty of Morrltt, oa the. Snoqualmle
and Wenatcheo forests. , ' ,
NifPON'3 ARMy iigyy
ArtUlcry Force BHMts Uf 4Mlf
Officers will swv'nMns1
TOKIO. Aug. Hi fdti -of?
the Japanese army '.;, iiiiMmh
with tho ""mi&',
prota . recsatly, wm KNIMvMiNrT
when 4000 rtllierjrM;
Retlremest of isovsf!
and, other bigg ..
" 1? .Tj.!?.lfJIUPil(P i
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