&mMmti6iivfaiw WW,' A" I- .?';, tf luc?, f ,a o Six r. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON nATtmiuY, Auornt i, 'J t H i M r? V V : s W; 1 :" "' Iff ; ,r I w ' strong a I 'jaRt 111 ",'"' . . ' 'J 9hHH Bk aSWffJBLS . For Klamath Falls? 3 , ' How much docs civic loyalty mean to you? . ' tt. i ii. ..i .f inn.- l i .nuv uu.Muus arc .vuu iu &u liiu tuiuiii ui ii,,i uusi-ness-activity and full employment for our wagc-carn-. ers? All of which means HWJNt'if. -MiBJli' t Prosperity for the City of Klamath Falls '.."- YOU CAN'T DODGE your share of the -responsibility for the K J-"-growth f our V What we accomplish as a community is but the sum total of the efforts of. our individual citizens, "IN SHORT. YOUR EFFORTS. U -)S: mi ? HELP ONE ANOTHER! A A splendid, bier, broadminded spirit is this. "HELP-ONE-AN- OTHER" talkthat is foremost in the minds of interests of this nation. the big business i : t t rV HELPING ONE ANOTHER 'is simply the co-operation between buyer and seller which works to the advantage of both. It is one of the biggest factors today in developing the resources of the United States. , This spirit of HELPING ONE ANOTHER is expressed in no stronger or more helpful manner than in the desire to patronize home-enterprises. In just so far as we spend our money, earned in Klamath County with local business institutions, will we individually and as a comunity PROSPER! Itos a self-evident fact" that every dollar which leaves Klamath jCbunty takes away just thafemuch from the general prosperity of this community. " Think well over the loss that you, your neighbor, and his neigh- bor, inflict not only upon the citizens of Klamath Falls, but , yourself, every time you send money away for something that cpiiia gust as wen oe purcnaseu trom some local store at the same HELP ONE ANOTHER " ' ' " and you'll be helping your own family and your own friends, as well as yourself individually. ,ADD -TO Don't take away from the PROSPERITY of yourself , and your fellow citizens. Always fill your needs by tiring Klam ath Falls stores FIRST. . KLAMATH FALLS . if. Wrncyj. rp ' Help Your Own City & You Help Yourself This Hj)ace paid for by the businessmen.,of Klamath Falls for the benefit of the community. 1 vr 1 ummT i . ..y- I ..-. v. ....- .. ' ' . . , A V.. ' 4' , v -r' .' - f r3nnsrsrssB5S3on3strB ' 'V '" "''' '- $ Uww tMy It from lb acrap pU under tb "J-M" Mrmnt Urgely throwh inllwut Meei ' - , j ' MMw'Mln4 ay.(r it with their pcnnUa, Japaneea dealcotra.and worlunan built ltaa4 tka autarial .. j J ' .l , wtnp ,tvnmf4f Japaru It travel 23 knota an hour, luu a tona oC ItJM aM la H3 WUK i ! ft ' . f J . . J - - . ' " - BtoHMaaa3aifaa)(riHMMityg'"'''r,, .v'.gjr" '' "?""","' ii"fj.'ji'1" " " ' " "" '" " '),' "'mm' n " PEGGY JOYCE SAY S HER NEXT : BE REAL HE- 1 W IN wn.it ,mi:i;t caii.v.. (Coullinii'il fmm IMro I ) BVaVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaHBik. VvjHP'W bbbbbbbTt4 v & "i. 'J " ,;.' .vTMbbK ' . vHaliri ni'tliii; mi unit Ml rut- plU'l (or llm lour. 1'iirllaiiil riiiiniiiiiilly ScivIit .tnliii i IIi'ImIiu'hoii, I'Xi'rnllvtt iicrro- , lury' nnil mini: li'tutcr, ltti ('ml II lliiiiti. lurumpiililrtK ; Hillary chili Imry I'arkor if llm ,(111111(1 Hhri't Mntiil Mirl(H, iiml n hit. nnil nr priiinlin'il. I OiiT.im HI ii 1 0 I'lMloriilliiit iif I .n In 1 1' -Ouo ear. Miiiih' i'liili--Two eiirn pU'iliii'il ntnl 1'ronlileiit llnleH will Join tint nirivviiii on routo. i KIwiuiU iliili lou r ru rn ploilceil. p I'ritKri'NMlvo llimllicnn .Mon'n eliin . W V .MeKomiey -Hi KiimI Hlilo IIiimIiiohii Mnii'H rluli duo inr i'IimIkuiI. Aiilo Doiilors' iniHiHiliitlon Oin- jiiiul iiotmllily lo ;ii In IooiiimmI Itiulo (air lioiinl-- .. ii Lou, hi'iii. lury. Olio lliiiulii'il 1'or Colli (lull (JioiHlily Tiro eoiiiiuiny. I.'iillcil KdiliH army niillu ini'. I'lrol nlil ear. IIiikkiiko anil Horvlio ear -S'orlli-went Auto eiiiiiiuiiiy. OKIelal iiliotoju'ni'li iiml nieUnt: lilr.lnrii iar "Hmnly." orilelal tiiieo-miiUIni; ear. Two nioloreyi'ln iiinliict i.im, IMi my n( imrliliiii nmto nllli ii" lUNliUtloiui no.ir our iiloro liiln- lIll'.VII lll!ll OII NMIIlt lllllllty llllllil nl in-iitmiitMii prlri'". I'urrlna I'ur iliniRii. 13 rcara .First Photo of "Mutsu," Japan's Mightiest lly JACK .11 MJ.MCVKIt I.OS ANOKl.KS. Auk. VI. Wlmt illvldumU Iiiih I'epcy llopkln; Joyro drawn from her varied venture In men. matrimony and millions? 0 Wlint lli ha. ntii (nr other talr dealem In hoart.warcM who havu en vied i'llio nilllllm-dolliir doll" itor cli.iliees at haiipluesn do luxe? These, from her own curinlned lips, nn nho HCllle.T down, to a pros, pectlvc business rarver and calcu lates the FulvaKv of her romantic uhlpwrcckn: "I havo learned from oxperlenrn that hard work and sincere effort, not pampered IdlonckM, point the only way to happiness. "Tho Kay whlto ways don't even giro an approximation of It. ' "My possessions" said to ho somowhero near 12,000.000" ','and my heart conquests havo drought, me 'nothing hut wrotchcdnc-is. "I don't know what sort of mnn I should prefer If I worn to look for ono. Kvcry Ideal I havo had has been woefully nhattercd, "My respect rocs to tho man who Is clover, courteous and considerate, who has brains and personally. Ir respective of his appearance orpos-scb-slons. "It Is that -typo that starts the real clow In a woman' heart, not Jewels and motors. "Tho most Hucccssful wooors, I havo observed, aro thono who think of tho llttlo things that pleaso ii womnnV whfnis, not thu xleek fops who nro Invariably selfish, "And tho most durable husband Is ho who takes his wlfo Into his ruo fldenco and makes u real partner of her. "Ileauty Is tho least Important In credleut In charm. "Drains are tho chief reiiulsllo for fabclnatlon, Without. them u man or woman Is vapid anil Inconse quential. "Then thoro Ik tho attraction of ey on especially tlion(, Indlcatini; uu derstandliiK and kindliness. "Tact and a HmlllnB countenance nro very Important elements. "Almost any woman can acquire tho qualltlns that captivate wortii whllit men, anil they put iiinre good looks completely In tho shade." I'egKy herself" Is thin,, almost Hi Kular, and not u pronotimed beauty. Hut hIiii has I ho cliiilleiu;lrm' violet eyes, thu mi. likI thu umllliii; conn- teiinnro hIii lunstders impplllii): "And at 'e.m: I'laliiH I'lioiiKh," shj laiiKhs, "to ri'.ilUe that I havo been on tho wroUR track In srjklti; hip plneis. "I may in irrv ORnln " N her iiwt. rrlpt, "but when I do It vlll bo a HiO percent real liiMiiau, i TONIGHT AT THE STRAND Tonight's Show Starts at ti'MQ Admission 10c and 20c Alice Brady in "1 DEATH DANCE " SUNDAY'S SHOW Two Big Vaudeville Acts MACK BROTHERS Super Athletes . Wonderful exhibition of acrobatic stunts and hand balancing and M. S. WARE Impersonator of Italian, Chinese and Swedish char acters gives thirty minutes of laughs also ROBERT WARWICK IN 'THE SILENT MASTER" ' Al Jennings the Reformed Bandit Good Comedy Continuous Show Sunday Starting 1, .'J, 5, 7 and ! Wo do quality kodak C'urrlus Kor l)runn. finishing, 12 ALGOMA a. A, Maslo'rH Iiiih jotiirnud from I Klrby, with his brothem who will as. I Ust 111 in to put up hay for thu Al- Roma Lumber compauy, . Tho California Oregon Tower com. puny h biilldliic a da macroKH Iho mill pond of tho AlKoma Kumber company to keop sufficient water to flout tho logs, Kctsdovor brothers havo overhaul- i od their combined harvester ho as to havo It ready for threshing tills 1 fall. , Wo sell all kinds of preparations ',ll kill (Hon. Currlns For Drugs. 'i aal B H aH Cake; M Ekctrk Cookmj m Correct Cooktry M M qulinr m HAM I I M Vn ll lVtMaaaB I 'Electrically DERFECT bakliiK of lircail, cake anil p! ile. pands on absolute uniformity of licnt anil on lit accurate control.. In no other way can the best rasulta be aisured. The scientific appli cation and easy adjustment of heat to the pur posts of baking reach their highest development in the Jfoifiomr HUGittS ELECTRIC RANGE Tha heavily Insulated Hotpolnl Huhe oven and the convenient control of tho heat leave nothing to chance. Thla Hotpolnt Hughes accuracy of result U equally demonitrnted in boiling, roasting, frying and broiling. The heat is all applied to tha cooking and cannot' radiate into thn kitchen. There la no open flame Willi ila resulting soot and stain and its attendant dangers, Inquire about our special cooking Tale. Let us tell you how you can equip your home electrically by a small pay ment down and balance as installments. ' The CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY , "TT'f fiMaia nittwumtrt, i