ffl)aflt.3:ffiiiMtai,vw mw-M.w- ww-.. u.-. , . -t l( t , f'JSt J, .' '' . ' ' .i. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON sati'iidav, norr la, iduu, 'V Herrin Mine Wtr Victim ELKS TO HONOR CONTESTANTS! Name of wiaawr la the Movie conteM, together with tltetr will he oMnMuced Monday, Tlnxe who nan an- OF .'.! 1 should call at The, Herald off left anil receive their frW tickets, I nif Here .Vnme Memorial to Be Erected Chicago nt Coat of $2,500,000 In I lend of PriconurV Ucliuf Society", Former Convict, Approves Invention Naate . tLH' ' TO laaLgaBKi LaaaaaagagaVV1 KlMMHifi S 1 I0LDS 1ST T . . vms! I HmDK kI ial -RTaaaBaawgSjJSte'i bb-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bv &w av B3J wa' v , r- t i-.yt1 J&... ii. "', 'f'.kA TV Office Cat I JUNIUS Jolin Coleman nays It I getting about lime for another drive to tart. We have not had one now In several week. TtKMftM of MMiHi-Agcdi flay. The1 kids can so camping; I'll alar home and fry; I'm a middle-aged guy. A friend of mine claims that It pay any hotel to entertain hln wife. Raft always cleans the room beautl fully beforo she unpacks. i She "Isn't It quite difficult to eat mud with a moustache?" He ("Well. It U rather a strain." Maud Mullcr must hare a. tractor by this time. A Wat- Ahead Student ( writing home): "How do you aped 'financially'?" Other "F-l-n-a-n-c-l-n-Mr, and there arn two r'a la embarraaed.' " IMS A HKt.F STARTER tin a aelf-atartcrl Don't wait fer the boss! ' Roll up your sleeves and dig la! Tha time you spend walling will alt be a loaa; Ton were mado for a winner! ncgln! he a self-starter! Lei other men watt Until the boss tells them to go; nut you be the 'worker who seta hi owa gait. If you wait en therowd. you'll be alow. DM't wait fer the bom! Be the Mat ta ike Ua! The followers! Ua4 oa the rttlvcs in ahop l"'W-"fihrcr6;irtrei6lirday. and tefeart we need Are fellows who think for them selves. r-. the ,iUrBef!u,mareel .. faua4w.st.o mm lalC--f t: ieai his ilwrpatir"','rrwaea - yen. dad," said she, "you're all beach." "Mrs. Jones, I got t'tell yuh, t' aberlff came today an tooky-ar hue. baud's clothes. "What! Outrageous! I wish you eeutd f lad my husband and tell him tight away." "He kaows It, m'm. lie waa wearln' 'em at the time." TlfjKar Tat "Going far "'asked the talkative eaa. "Te Chicago' roared the traveler, "I'm la the u'rjr getfee llae. Thirty- an, marriea. name is iioraiie crown. Re alaeteea yejsrs old. In the elvll service. He geta thirty a week. Father died last July) .Mother still living. One of my nteees has red hair, bur cok left, but we. got a new one. Any thing else!" 1 Tho talkative man thought a mom ent. "What oil) do you use on your tongue!" he laaulred slowly. DANOFJl ... flmarly Smith was striving To cross the railroad track! lie planned upon arriving Out something held him back! la dreams, he saw a vision! A freight train, then a Jar! 11 tit there waa.no collision; He simply stalled bla car. WOOD . FOR RANCHERS We will deliver slab aad block weed te aay raaea la tho valley- at a reasoaable egtm eharge fer the mileage. SeeiM shout year weed ler the raacheur eharsee are rea- aeMhle. U O.PeytitACt. ymum ! fc.- 7H VjAp fa PI fr'f tVTH ;gP-.v; Rfe - 1 gaaBvaaaKp' -'.a. ." ' -v ! ' (a i) Thursday's pictures: (III) Klllolt mihl iiypis m Extra Policemen Detailed to Handle Crowds; Thous andi of Automobiles Bring Invalids 8AN JUAN. T. R.. Aug. IS Extra 1qtlceraen have been detailed for duty at flan Lorento to help handle the crowds drawn tfiero from Wed nesday night to late Friday each week by the atorica of apparent cures hy Jullta Vatquet, the "healer of San Lorento." Hundreds, If not thousands, of au tomobiles carrying tho sick. lame, aad curious have been visiting San Lorento and so great have bce,n the traffic Jama that there have been complaints to the police that the' San Lorento road was impassable. On Thursday last there waa a line of mo ton two miles long on each sldo of the roadway waiting for people who are rapidly wearjng- Into, a broaa trail 'the cow path that leads tip the steep hills to tho spring from which the iiesedly:healhuwater- come. Thousands go by motor to the 'healer" aad-mdra thousands en toot. Caguat and -other nearby towns there hat, sprung up a regular motor a-flj In -'-. 'lk.Jn1A Af nlr.' aclea. People go by tntek loads. They go la carriages, "carls and some are carried. Stories cf "miracles" are wills Afiljrftlt VAfflMIIV thrit report of people coming from flan to Demlago or the Virgin Islands to let the waters blessed by the "heal er" Some make a fiesta of It; others are elaeet;rejrMMtlsl.- - -. The heaMag- aariag. is about a, mile (rem the towa where the "healer" lives. Near the apring a palm-cover ed pavlllion sheltering 400 to 500 people has been erected. There Thursdays aud Fridays the healer evii-ia-acBalr en-a ralsed-plalfofm aad receives the sick. Waters from Broken m i - - i i i - i - Gk$m Cm 4 . r t hi f. ) There Is aojlme for delay woea'your glasses roeei an ac cldtOt. t , , f. Ytt .dtjiuSd. e'ulck and efti) clent service then. ,. We are eoujpped tp render,, such; aerviee Immediately: i e e We' triad the surface and edge: the' leases and guaran tee, correct duplication -of Twenty-five lence. . : t y t yeara exper- ,''. FheeW Ofc iaaVW,tV-.'Ml.I 7M'Khs DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Write Plainly Tour Name and AiMre-a Ooxter. 0) Kstlmrln McOonsM. the spring lack healing qualities un til she has blessed or mngnetlied them. After being blessed tho water is carried away In bottles, buckets. oil cans, anything And each person tho "healer" sees is told to bathe, run tho afflicted portion of the body with tho water, or drink so much nf It at certain times. Frequently tho "healer" Is arous ed from her trances with great dif ficulty. Her father and a brother as sist her. Her "power" is supposed to have been passed on to her, while the spring waters for many years have been reputed to havo healing qualities. It was about two months ago that tho "healer" first attracted attention. Slnco then her fame has spread' throughout tho island. MARRIES PRINCESS BUT FAILS IN HIS : FIRST UNDERTAKING LONDON. Aug. 12. The first business venture of Lord Lascelles, better known as the husband of Prlncesa Mary, has proved a failure. -THe-Coaquerur Typxiw titer manufac turing company in Stcurton, near Leeds, of which he waa the head and principal shareholder, has Just been sold. - The-concern was; started In 1919 with a nominal capital of bait a mil lion sterling. It was Intended by the promoters to produce ah all British typewriter which should compete with the best of the American mach ines. '-' The erection of the factory and Ita equipment was undertakes at a time when prices ruled high. No expanse was spared and when the worka were completed they were considered the "lost word" In moilrn mass produc tions. It waa hoped that tho now Industry would -provide regular Employment for 400 work people. Much experi mental work waa undertaken In or der to Justify the name of;"Conquer or" and ensure production on a suf ficiently profitable basis. But owing (to the Industrial slump not a slugle machine has been produced for salo. PARIS HEfllNH TO "I.IBTKV I.V." PARIS, Aug. 11. Radio broad casting is making strides In Paris, although it has by no means attained the' popularity which prevails in the .United States. This Is due In part to the. fact that all sending stations .rautt haire a government llccnso and pay a fee. Receiving sets aro sold as low as $'1.00 and for $80.00 an. Instrument can- be obtained with which concerts Riven at tho Hague can be heard. Nothing to put en: Nothing to take off; n turn of tho hand and tho Brunswick plays onytrecord cor rectly. Carrln Bays Ho. 12 JaWs O'Hourkf. Chicago mine ;wotkc r. shown here In tho hoipltal at Hcrrln, III., was one of thoio Injured in tlio riot and mnuacro In Williamson county. III. BEWARE BOOS POWDER, WIRNING i Pottoffice ..Department Would Stem Tide of Dehy drated Alcoholic Beverages WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. Home brewers and antl-Volstcailcann. tin ware the "llooto Powder". Is the warning sent broadcast by the I'ont office dcparimmt, In a recent circul ar. For stemming n tide of "dehy drated" alcoholic beverages of remin iscent names is a steady Job of the fraud section nf the department. trxlng tho. reputation of Herman chemists certain Herman concerns havo distributed' hundreds of thous-t ands of clrcuars In the United Stales offering for "one dollar only, lthlm -wlue, moselle, sherry, port. bor denux, burgundy, tnkny, munlcli beer, pllsener. porter, al etc." In n dried form,, says the post office. From 'the powder a gallon or two of tho, beverage Indicated nil the package can bo made, tho' spurious circulars claim. DospTte the Issuance of fraud warn Ings and fraud orders, many people.' aro still sending money to these tier man concerns only to have the mon ey returned to them by tho post offlcq department. If flicso powders contained alcohol their Importation SHASTA VIEWS II. "K. Wilson and John Holier, manager of the Malln cheese factory, were Klumath Fall visitors Wednev day, Mr. and Mrs. (!. M. Klrkputrlck and sons, Orlaud and George, worf In Klamath Falls Saturday. O. Kj Hunt nml;daugbtn, Mary spent Monday at tho county seat and Mrs. C. O. Miller who was with her son C. IV .i Miller returned with them for a. visit of n few days. Mrs. Kmma Wilson was In Klam ath Falls oncf day last week and her raotherti ilrs,' A. Turner, n'nd' llttln niece, -Marie' Sowcll, returned1 home with her for a visit of a few day's. F. W.McManus"nnd family of Klamath ,'Fnlla were visitors nt the homo of John Ilalley one day Inst weok. nnd vFrlday they loft for Med ford wherd thoy will spend sometime, with Mrs'. McManus' parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bailey. Joo Chotard and' 0 K. Hunt are busy, these days running their com bine which they purchased last spring ryo nnd winter wheat Is lin ing harvested now, v Tho ladles of tho Helping Hand socloty woro ontertnlned by Mrs. I.lila Klrkpatrlck Wednesday with 23 present besides n large number of children! Music, both Instrumental and vocal, was enjoyed Tho most en joyable part of tho nftornoon was whon quite a number went In bath ing. Tho next meeting will ho at the home of Mrs. Alma Layman, Wednes day, August 23. Tom Gets a Little Exercise Before Breakfast would lie prolilliltl'il nnd hlnce lliey dn not have the latent pnnsllillltleM advertised they violate ttin mall (mud Mtntuti'H. A nlnnlflraiit requirement, add the department wnniliiRn, Is tnai every tidvertlslni; circular Insists on payment helm; made In. American currency Stevenson Manusc-Jnt Is Sold in London LONDON, Auk. 12. Fifteen tin pillillHhed uutOKraph letters nf Hub ert l.oiili Slevitnsnn In hln rtiuMu, It. A. M. HttfVCiismi; have been mid In tin American buyer fur $3, ."00. Tim manuscript" nf .Steveiuiin's unpublish ed play, "Monmouth," consisting nf 19 pages, sold for $1.200,. Accom-j panylng the manuscript was a letter written by 'the famous author when he was 23, "1 rocngnlio," It snys, "that .1 shall never he a great man. I ) may set myself peacefully on a sinal-, ior Journey, not without hope of row ing to tho Inn befom nightfall." ! A letter written by Stevenson the day beforo he left for America to be married brought $131), nnd nn ijnpiib-' llshe( poem went to nn American col lector 'for $.".. Any phonograph can play llruns-' wick Uecurilw. (,'urrln Has Sn. 1L' 4 CYL. F. O. B. 6 CYL. F. O. B. THE BILLS' NASH AGENCY METROPOLITAN GARAGE -,...- .,-, ., ,....... .;in-'i".i i ii, i i... .I,,, . t'HICAtiO. Aug. 12 - A tlrnilar liulldlng with a plant tlnmit suiipnrl d by a rhiR nf llreelati pllliirs. will be the main strut turn nf tltn menuir lal In lis war tleail nf the llenntnleitl mid I'lnlerllvn Order nf Klkit to be elected In Chicago. Tim iialliinnt memorial heaihiuiutei's cniiimlSHlnu nf llm lodge which met In Now Vnrlt ret-etilly ilerliled mi Ihls kind nf a structure, nnd plans uiul speellli'it tliins for tlm f'J,,'i0ii,(inii homo nf ICIkilnm will be drawn within tlm next few weeks. On either side nf the huge memor ial rnlunda will bo hiiiiiII wings con. nerted wllli tho main building by portico. These will huhl tlm office nf tho Horrottiry nf the grand bulge mid tlm editorial office nf tlm i:iks mngiiitlim. The strtirture, nfecteil next Ntimmer. will be located nt Hlversoy Parkway uiul l.akevlew Aeuue, In the heart nf it colony nf beautiful residences, nnd faring Lincoln park In tlm rntiiiida will bo placed sumo memorial tn tlm members nf tlm Inilim who liiHt their liven during the wnr. The nature nf thlt lias tint been decided upon, nrrnrtlliig to Frril I' Itnblnson. the grand secretory. "The building will bo open to the public. " silld ItnhlllMli "There wilt bo nn auditorium or lodgo balU In niiuiertloii with tlm plnre. The site we hnvo purrhiiKed has nearly four hundred feet frontage. It nverlnnks Lincoln I'nrk mid Lake Michigan. The work nf selecting dm memorial Itself which will bo In tlm rotunda Is now being conducted by a com mittee. A for the detail ami dornnt )tt1.4-1f lll' ! I -t till ( tJ III tl' I "' !' --- - ..j tlnni spresRlvii nf the icrvd enll- vlcud and seutentud. his Inqnteltnrs iimnts, It Is tn early In anticipate par-1 lliK H I" tliHr power to cniifiiso tlrulars but there M the world's treii- id trip him At nn Hum did the sure nf experience tn he borrewed: needle Juhip up Inillnatltig, o the (rum. 'expert i nd. ib.it hla nnswvrs wore "Tlm office nf the grand secretary i Invariably triiititol mid tlm editorial office of tlm UUi mngaxlne will be nutxldo the main memorial.' Services in Catholic Church as usual SUNDAY AT 6:30 AND 9:30 (NEW PRICE) KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH FALLS BEST VALUE OBTAINABLE WABIIINUTON. Aug. 12. (Cnplliil NewH Hervlci'l The "npbjgnoniioo meter." nr "lie delorlor," wlllrll J'l-f tlco McCoy roruixMl to ntlmll t cieillble wltimsa In I lie trtfll or Jam" i Fryo for murder, cnntltiUvB tn hobl Interest In capital lugnl circle. M' recent nf lis piopoilonlB Is Pi. I.'. K. PinlitliiK. Imml uf Ui6 PrtoiiPtw' U" lief tmclnty, who Iihh euliiiilttPil Mm Mtlf tn Its toittH In mi enilnavnr to nl lulu whin ho terms "tardy Justice" for himself. Ir Pudding wao eon vluted mul seuletired fur iimtislnuK li ter a uiitnlier of yetira ngn. served til Hum. nnd since then tiax domed lllliiselr to the aid nnd toilet nf re leased prlmiuotN. , At his requuM, Pr. WlUlani Mars' inn, prufenHur nf loMitl (Hyvliulogy at Amerlimi 1'iilverslty. ami I'aul i: llailllcl;, roneliiry uf tlm Atnortrati l'H)i'lin-l,egu Hoclely. cmuliictml llm tint. The Instrilimilit li Hlmitar tn that which ptiysMiiitH tiso for lot lug hliiod promure. but Um sn espw Inlly senaltlvii iueilo tipnn a itirnnl lug dial, which nuclim'.os with nn v change In IiIoimI pitwstire. ft Is ex plulne.l Hint fear, HllKer. niMl pain riiixo tlm needle to Jump, nnd Hut . nn man tells n lie tlm outroMo ol which eniicertis lilm. wUltoui ntperi eiiclng fear. As neither atlgnt nor luitii enters Into an iixRinliintlmi uf it wIIiiivm In court, tlm Jumping of tlm needle when u iiuMin Is Hliowored Is held in iulHlt' roar, and therefore lark nf truth. Dr. DiiiIiIIiir was put through n gruelling examination as to the al leged crlmlt for which lie wiu con- TREES SHRUBS ROSE BUSHES BULBS Onl- r t . P n .IV i tin , t fall KlamatliFlowerSIiop Cut Flowcra Plants rim,, ito si i m. i) r tsrvrraflBMi uiujjuanggai $1125.00 $1475.00 BY ALLMAN r " w ...v. h ! 'K , -1 &.&--