. r, Hh? ); ?. :mi ?' U' SJ.W -A ' ,1 '-. M I - $ '4 r tf.vnmn.w, .MKiitftr iu, new. -". He's Doing a Cheesy Job of This ; ubz L. :'' XHCFlSMB QtfSHs-T.H ? yH mk . tu-zv.-s ?b u . ,'''"'. ms ih i . "i&w.i -.- Yrt"V 1 'XIA t i- .J 'M&S&& :3s ',!.0: 2SS5x, l& I'orhKagranaa .BOU i Till iJIHB II I THE NEW 2grS ! CARMNA I J?M9r CIGAR ' r. MKjmr Large Liber! Sixes. I J lBHPMAI KIIIISU co. B J Hlr IMtlrlluitoranf P . ! 1 SJJr " l' riml Clfara." V V'X tsfr ''("'i "" si'ojjank. TTTije. jfjpJ&bJSl Klamath Falls, Ore. THE "New Testament Church" SUNDAY MORNING SERMON CHRISTIAN CHURCH UNION SERVICE 8 P. M. All Invited to All Services A. B. BRISTOW Minuter and Director of Religious Education THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON .TC i Personal Mention , Balloon Hockey w.'.M'ta - took lll.o i: J Mathif , j rcir.o'.hlnr; on a eilndstone liUt lidM eiplurlnvMhn l.tnuriLi (if u li id of ii,.n with X-ray. Thst'i the wu iho iK'iuriininl ' f Ar.udlmic ikicimlnfi tha quality a chiew In cxpirlnii-nts ut Warl.tiiulo.i. Mr. mikI Mih, i:onill llunleiilirook will li-iivii loiinirnHV fur tint cnust J where limy will spend Hi phi wnoks testing ii'i'l fibbing. ', . Mr. mill Mni. Jiilin lliitinr lull this iiiiiriiliiu Jor tliclr lioiim In Peniisyl viiiiIii uflrr n brief vlxlt hern wllli Mr. unit MrH. I 'mil l.tuiiliort. Mm. tnrin llrndoy wan n passenger mi IIiIm morning's train bound fur Don Is wlfcini hIhi will visit with her parents, Mr. mni Mr, John Clemens. MrH, II. li. McCarthy mul imiall son nro hero fri'mi Ashland visiting with Mm. MoCurlliy's parents, Mr. ntnl Mm. John Poster. Mr (iml Mm fl A Ifrntlan nrrntn. ioiiimI by thi'lr Iioiibo guest, Minn ' Fannie, llnseuhiirg, urn upending the I week-end nl Crili r Lake, W. II. Whitehead h n; tourist ' visitor horn from Chicago am In ' stopping lit lint Wlllli) Pellratl III) tl. . llov. I'.itlicr (Inanon of Rt. lisna-r Huh Unlvi'ritll)' arrived lait evenliiK. Hi' will y,i a Merles (if eiltirallnnul l leriuri'H In lint Hlr.lcm nf Chiirlly. . MIkk Ilernlie CliiC'ilnii, who linn been vLMtlnr, with ber nlnler, Mm. I Mvl (Irlffllli, left III Ik inornlnn fur," tier lioiiie In KoRim lllvcr. Mr. (iml Mm. CharlcH Mune, Bam , Tyroll mnt II, II. Thompson uro all reclntireil nt Iho Whlto rellrun i lintel from l.os AiirpIpi loilny. J I i If II ftuiH f lit I f I fill I ntl 9 llilllll Itttl a Tll,FII WVH AUK YVhhX K.XI'I.AIXKD IIV HTATB OPPIOKIt (Contlnuctt from rage 1) l 'J lie newcat euort o( tlio winter1 itaion at tit. Merits In tlio AJp H. tlio balloon race. A toy tallodn U umiI for hockty puck. Musi Lorna Vloeca, an American clrL U lahoWB .Blaylnc tbo came. I LOTS TO I.IMIIV C. ft. Umlerwooil, of Umlcrwood'a (iliurmncy, unotlier of Klamath Kalln' leading iiKircliuntn to atttnil lluyem '! wek, I nUo homo after having ar rived on tlio train lunt rvanliiK. I Mr. and Mm. Klmor IlaikliiKi have returned from Portland where they attended buyer' woek. They report that It wax n week well worth while to the inerchantx. Mr. and Mm. O. H, Southwell are wealthy Simla llarlmru folk whn (pent the nlxlit here on (heir wuy houth from KbrIo HIiIko where they havu been (pending noveral weekH, Mr. and Mm. Uurl Shupherd liavo returned from a three weokn' butl liens trip In California. Tlioy report thut tlio muhlcal ItiHtrumcut trade wai very good and that they avcrag' ed about ono Halo a day. Dan Ityan wan In town Friday from bin raifth homo, near Fort Klamath wFlh his HUler and brotlior-ln-taw. Mr, and Mrs. J. Dapple, who nro vlnIlliiK here for tlio first tlnio In many yearn from their homo In Van-i rnuver, WaslilnRton. Mm. James Hilton and Ron, Marvin will loavo hero Monday far Huckln berry mountain cxpertlne lo spend tbreo weolin there. Marvin arrived hoirio only this week from Seattle having Just received Ills dlseharga from tlio United States navy. Daddy camo homo from the of fice early ono evening and mother had not returned from some friends .whom she has been lulling for tea. i I.lttli. four-yenr old Owonnlo ran "Daddy." sho cried, "I've been wanting to sen you for a long llmo when mother's not near." ,"Vhy. my llttlo girl?" aiked father. "Well, Dad," answered (Iwcnnlo. pleimo don't tell nnithcr, because she's an awful dear, but I don't think she knows much about bring ing up children." "What makes you think that?" asked her father. "Well." replied Uwennle. "sho makes me go to bed when I am wide iiwaku mid shu makes mo cot up when I am awfully sleepy." COOL CLEAN QUIET In Business Center 619 Main St. Up-stairs Tel. 140 HfctCIa Re.., TIN HING GUEY All Steaks, Chops and American Dishes cook ed as you want them. Chinese Dishes to order. HIT 'EM AGAIN Just What You Fans Wanted . ' And wo knew it.' Another red-hot BALL GAME Sunday, August 13th . K. F. CUBS vs. DORRIS DEMONS . MODOC PARK Admission 30c Follow the Crowd nov. nnd Mrs. J. S. fltiibhleflold, whn aro spondlng their vacation hero from their homo In Morced, Califor nia, loft with 'A. fl. Wilson today for his camp In Antclopo valley whorn they will spend several days with Mm. Wilson and children, who nro spending tho summer there. Mrs. Mllguard accompanied by her daughter, Dorothy, Is hero from Colfax, Washington, as tho guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Mason. They have boen touring California and will leave hero on Wednesday for Crater lako and home. L. L. Orocn, n woll-known bank er from Orovllle, California, who terminated his vacation hcr by leaving for his California homo this morning, Is one of Rocky Points statinchest boosters, having spent his summers hero tor the past 16 years l.eti ull patronize the danco Wed nesday night. Its for the benefit of tho band and playgrounds. Currlns For Drugs. 12 Some of tho so-called humorists of this country seem to think that pro hibition and bootleggcry arc tho only funny topics In tho world. Arens wus arrested Wednesday evening on Main street about 7:40 by Htuto Traffic Officer Houston, and paid tho flno In tile police, court this morning. "Technically tlio court had It on mo," ho said today, "and I thought I know tho law pretty well. No doubt n lot of other drivers ovorlook this provision, and' I hope that my experi ence will teach them to brush up on the regulations and savo them mon ey." Others fined In the police court without Charles lights. were: - - - Brnest Hobblns, driving operator's license, flo. Hchulmlro, driving without $10. John Duo Co in in, reckless driving, $10. Cum m was unable to pay tho flno and "ss released on his own rccognlsancd when bo promised to pay Mondoy. v7- Ily tho drop of 2 cents In the price of gasoline motor car drivers will bo saved 170,000,000 a year unless they spend the money for more gasoline. Quality Is a vital essential drugs. Cur rlii Says Ho. In 1! Speaking of worldwldo peaco as a beautiful sentiment, airplanes nro now being tised to spread smoke screens. Our advertising tells tho (ruth. Currlns For Drugs. 12 It all Iho nation Is to have coal rationed to It everybody Is sure to recover from Iho prickly heat before spring. Quality, quantity and prlce.vl.angs every day chocolates. &0c full pound and guaranteed fresh. Currlns 'For Drugs. 12 , Herald classified ads pay too. To glvo you good drug service with roasonablo compensation for our ef forts, is our constant aim. Currlns For Drugs, 12 BIRTH RECORD KNOX .Ant Klamath Falls, to Mr. and Mrs. Ooorgo Knox, a Bird born July 11, weight 6 pounds Named (lladys Yvonne. Iloln tho band and nlayerouuds by attending tho open air dance, next Wednesday nlKht. Currlns For Drugs. 12 ; They say thut people In Inter years nro dylurt much ton rapidly In com parison with tho young folks, but that soeuiB to be the ponalty for longevity, What Next? When tho poor lUlt sco Irent Cnstlo In this outnt they'll lo,com pleiclv fnselimted. If not hooked 8he had II mado especially for fish ,ln? Next we'll have special suit; Wo desire your friendship, sail good will, based on good treat stent rnd good business methods. .Our rlns For Drugs. 4sKlt JL,jj AJi llEFiAslVt . PiA ni ist 9rlnrtatt Tlrann l nnw tmlNultSh ,'tr and sister of a quon youngest 'dauchter of Qurcn MnrUi of ' liu- .. .'maniA'and slettr of, the now queen J o( JutoalavU JdultL who waa'Trlncem ;r- mrTTTT"TT vnrrT73r ...& tidbit ,, ''-i. .Zt Start a Bank Account. Don't be "ashamed of a small one. We're not. ' utt v The WORLD pays homage to the man with a sanngs account. '" .'--. WE PAY HIM INTEREST. '! .AirtM "'" t" ' T , ' ' ' . . . "' ' I ".' Hi! The First National Bank ' .-- ""?":. '"' ' KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. ' ' .t '...,. f . Tlie Hone of Over 4,000 Depositors I Member Federal Reserve ' " ' "T" i f l. Im 'i es ,r. ' J- M I itlttt !' . ft J ' if mKUQ 1 k i eT 5 1; Is the Sunlight of Business To all that is healthy and vital in business, it means increased strength and growth; but adver tising is a fierce heat which withers and consumes that which is unsound. A business which is not a good business should not be advertised. A business which would not benefit from wide spread appreciation of its ideals had better acquire a new set of ideals. - The ,H ' "" '.' I Evening Herald "Covers the KUriStV Field" ' 1 . & :p .4ARw .i ' XT ' 1- A It '. .14 .( xi ITU. tmi- all f au i? A' tjtl . & fx t '4k .t J V S , . n '. s n ' v ' U HrcUh-f"!, if if I IKIrVM H M gtwimm ' '..fc.' , V. u mm l4ff'M'W ft. ' y-t j'uWi v 2 'ir. slHI i M 'Vk. ' - "." - . VSA' A. . .. I. ; -ivl Vt i -JUJ V Mil M V -.' r ,'' '" V V 'i-ltk M & fl i' iui"nBiim wit ' , y - .- - v -,V