fcWft("ftmattTOfc"rt--A ' s. a.w-s .m'Zri H J 1'"lV Mr-' I tew " r 1i -''' "nBLJLxXd TbiiEveiiingHeirald V, n.tk6tflr.. .HMtor and Pnhtlshrr M. B. HIM . . ,CJtjr Alitor V. C. NICKLi: Adrprtlslng Manager Published dally exropt Sunday, nt inn noram runilflliing company nt Jviumstn1 Falls, at 119 Klghlh direct L'nttrcd at the pnstofflro nt Klarn nlh Kulln, 'Ore, tar transmission through tho matin no second-elm's matter. mismdi.r op thi: AsiiociATi:n Tho Asnorlatod Press In exclusive y entitled In tho use tor publlcn lion ot 'nil ntwn dispatches credited to.lt, iv not otherwise ercdllctl In this' paper, nnd nlso tho local news published herein. SATURDAY, Al'Ol'ST It!, IIM2. I SAFETY FIRST I J SO.MB interesting fncts nro being broadcasted throughout (lie country In connection with n cam palgn begun by the American Hall way association In tho Interest of public safety. "Cross Crossings Cautiously" Is the slogan nilopted In tho safety first campaign. Following ore some of the fact: being made public: "Approximately 1800 persons are killed on railroad grade crossings throughout the country each year and ln round numbers approximate ly 5,000 sustain painful and crip pllng Injuries. In the last thirty years the country's population has Increas ed only 68 per cent, while fatal cross i Ing acclrcnts hare Increased 345 per cent nnd Injury cases have In creased 6G2 per cent, dust about 75 per cent of the persons kilted and Injured In these deplorable railway crossing accidents are occupants of automobiles. "There are at present over two hundred fifty-one thousand railroad grade crossings In the United States. To eliminate all ot these crossings by grado separation would require a ' sum of money In excess of twelve nnd .one-half billion dollars. Constant work Is being done In this direction. nnd three hundred nnd ninety-nine grado crossings wero eliminated In 1910. Hut even nt this rata. It would take six hundred and twenty-nine .years in abolish 'all thu crossings In tho country, "Remember this n rnllrond Toss ing, no matter whether It Is a pro tected crossing or nut. Is n place of danger where no t'hanri; should bo luken. If you nro driving a esr. Flow down npproarhlng every rail road crossing, look arefitly both wnys bofore entering the tracks, nnd do not proceed until you have made sum 'that no train Is npproachlng In either direction. If u train Is coming wait. Do not attempt to cross ahead of It. Many lives have been snuffed out becaure the driver of a ear thought bo could beat the train to tho crossing and the race was a tie." I ALEXANDER BELL I v AI.ICXANDUR GRAHAM n F.I.I, ' Is dead. To the world nt large. It In the ven erable Inventor ot tho telephone who baa1 passed on. To n much smalle group'. It Is n beloved educator, n teacher of the' most difficult pupils lr tho world, who has left the sphoro of his activities. Dr. Hell, whoso labors In science nnd Invention' brought him fame and fortune, did not cease his benefits to humanity with the Invention of the telephone. Iloforo thru epoch-making Invention nnd during nil hla long life he ban been a teacher of the deaf, and dumb, u student -of means to enable the dumb to learn to speak, tind the deaf to learn to "hear," either through Instruments or by lip reading, Tim wliolt world tulks by tele phono nor gfves a thought to the man whoso genius made It possible. Rut no deaf mute learns to communicate wth his fellows, no dumb .person learns to speak, bu( pays mental tribute of grateful appreciation to the liumanltnrlau, mlentCi, inventor, teachor and educator who spent his life In tho amelioration of their mis-' fortunes, and on whose teachings tho I whole nioduru science of speech , taught' to tliu'speeclilesu may be said ' to rest. There are Four Kinds of Men: He who know 'a and knows hu knows 'Ho' s wise follow him. He who knows mid knowa not ho knows':' 'Ho la asleep wnku him, lo who Itn'owB not and knows not lie knows 'not. Ho Is a foe) shun him, 'Hu who knows not and knows ho " 'lituows not tta'U'n'chltd teach him. j-rinb 'tlhuynu says thcim nro a lot of people lii the 'world whose desire lilia'ta Ut'Uvlce Into tholparlrier- hip lntowkiA ike'other fellow puts . " TSwtotMs uxr .Since the Indians struck oil Lo, the poor Indian, llvt-M high, One might say the man who Mole n nirnel belonged to a rubber b.itid. Iloblicil skirls tire growing longer iibonl aw fast as bobbed 'hair. "I'lanlH teel" says llurb.ink. Then a briar patch feels stuck up. Coif Keep. one out In tho open, hut not pa lug rent docs the same. Our Idea of fun would bo two Joy killers shooting nt each other nud both of them crack shots. Naming Pullmans Is ruining our! alphabet. Senate has started an open air re. taurant. Now, when eating spag-i hcttl, the sky's the limit. Maybe a snys "Your sir." barber head shaving himself needs w ashing, i These strange cries coming from n I Florida xwamp may be a train caller ' on his vacation. Men with light heads seldom shine like those with lantern Jaws. The man who remarried his di vorced wife won't be hearing forever about her former husband. The average song hit does tt about three months, then misses. "Keep one foot on the fleor" I a good rule In shooting pool and a better one In kicking. In 1942 parents will wish for the old-fashioned 1622 flapper. Strange News Found In Daily Newspapers WASHINGTON. Aug. 12. -(Cnpl- tal News Service). A man la Lon don tried to hang himself. He was a poor hnnd nt It, but he died Just the same. Tho doctor testified that there was ho sign of death by strangula tion, so the coroners duly brought In lbm K a verdict of "suicide by auto-sugges-' tlon." tho first of Its kind on record.; UrunMV,rk ,.llnBr.l1H are mf.de Tho theory Is that the man believed ' lmill. tl)vf v ; them all oil he was hanging himself, becniso ho'oasy terms. Currlu For llrugn. 12' had a handkerchief leoiH'd liver n t " bed post and about his neck, end I TUOQOlh Birthday Is thai the conviction that be was be1! , , ... -i i -r Inr .trnn-rle.1 succeeded In kllllnB CclcbratStl fay Old Town him. K Is net thought that killing one's self by thinking one Is dead will become popular! Loudon also Is responsible, for til" .in, or uMiiinm uir,nr K.n.ir ' who lost his life In the battle of Jut. land. When his body was re'ovored ' tho usual brass Idciitltlcattun ,UgcI. was tuaen from his neck. On tho re- ...i-m ..r it l. iene.ld ... ff. ... .. IMPV J l III ItUlM" H lilS- ' " iiulro a microscope for reading. M Ills I will. leaving his all lii his wife. Thls.i the smallest nnd most unique will In the nnnals or law. has Just boon ad- milled to probate In (Tie London cour(,, tho old glory or ceatunw gon- ny mall compartment of the acromnr; wll0 ll otu rw " a" P-!- Ine elevcn.passcnger plnno flying ! residence. Kveu tho voneniblo Kals regularly from Detroit to Cleveland. nrI,sus- '""'. b' "m,r-' n,u' 3al,, went to sleep, and woke up when tho ,0 I)0 l,1 ol,lc8: 80Cul!,r uulI,lln'. ln. motora roared. He couldn't make h!s ! Owinuny, afpcaratl brltshteiioil up for presence knwn until tho motors , "l0 ('a' ' I . . ., Tli,. innliT-ifirv ril,,,rv.'inr,.u lifi-.nr- stoppea, across tno laxoin utcvoiauu. In Northern Montana, near Glaclor) National park, Is a colony ot n mil lion marmots. These little anlmnls mate a curious noise, something be tween a yelp nnd n whistle. It Is pro posed to broadcast tholr chorus via radio, that wireless "fans" of Amer- lea may hear tho largest aggregation j '" a roiu-i-iay wan presenter i.y to of animal voices In the world tuning , cal u,ft'l ' up In u natural symphony. Herald classified ads pay yon. MICKIE SAYS OOWT GO GerW pceveo i h nv, meve. oee ner uaw.e IKi TWttFREWO OP TH' PUBUCT BUT START flEUUtf OUR RPOXCR TVV WEMS VUHEU tWERe tS AKJS TU' RflOM CW POtKS Ort lAEMTCVOUED sAORe.'M OTHERS tS 1WKT TWDH AUAiS Tttt US AVU D "TH1 MDMS V ift&aflte -? I tm& THE EVENING Latest Fad 3K The cut-class clgnret bolder, colt cred to match hat or gown. Is the latest fad among tho ellto at Palm taeach. Miss Corlnne Barker, New Tork, debutante, was tho first to tn-i uoducsUt tt Um Florida, resort. . J K. C's To Meet Lost River Giants Sunday The Knights o; Columbus baseball team will meet the Lost River ( I (Hants on their home grounds to I morrow afternoon. The I.oit , River Giants defeated the Klamath Falls last Stfnday, and recently were defeated by tho K. C's. ntp ro ml lie In strong for the . championship of tho county, nnd a good fust game can bo expected. UOSLAR, Germany.' Aug. 12.-' Drowsy old Guslar. MelliUHelnli of' tho Harz. has tripped lightly Into the Imellgh to announce '''" ' ached Its thousandth blrthda).! Ba... ,.......... .r..v.. .,, , "' I T'""TjSjurlLt;'' - '--4 HUB ri mbsi , r'-V: I yM f I f 1 MK k l I r I i -rfi inont men from nu.M- par u of '";, KulIl) wllll lllK (UllKu.r ,, MM cnuiiuv, lll.U MU IIH ' UIPIW.I. country, marked the " prepnrauou -.r w.e ,-.... ...m tnatul Itself all In Ha "Sun 'V " '" a t,,ora, coat of -Testa l'a'" h"'1 .coraoit. ,l ",kl on "nc I"or" B'n''l''ns of - - -. - in ,,.im ,..,,1,. imiiii f, TipTiiiii innrn,' ,,, ,.. . I4..f, ...ft. ..'.. ...u... Ing program In which public lenders In tnwn tirnvf nrlnl nml nrtflnnnl HfA look nan. A historical naeeant .. . oral mtlo.1 Ioiir rar-I Ui MrvulH IntitH friH fiiwit liv n lini'n fdllf snlriilf on the mour.taln.Hldo. In tho llV(..i Good music In the homo makis the children cuuteillod.. A Drunswlck . Phonograph will supply the worlds 1 best music. Currln Say So. 12 The liu.y lieu avenue, given In honor of the Mlsseu Once upon o time a country hotel Vivian imd Dortha Martin, who nro , keeper InsorteJ an ad In the paper j i,,ving Monduy for Rerkeley. fall- for a helper. In a rbuntry hole! one' furnla. whero they will continue their bus to do many sorts of things. The ntudlea ut the university. The "beau 'establishment H such .that the Iru-i tirully appointed .table was center , prietor cunnot afford a staff of spec- ,,' y k'and orchid usters. a color , lallats, f I Hchemo which wa carried through- . Hut to get on with our story. Ono oul tho-decoration. Covers were laid of thu appllruuts for tho Job was ari( for Misses 'Vivian and IXirthn Mar , Irishman. tn, Mario Rumbo. Mesdames Rex "What J vant," explained tho hotel, MsMllllnn. Roderick Smith nud Mark keeper, "is nn all around useful man, J Hauna. One vho ru-i look and wirih dishes,! keep thu boi;ks. do bin hit buhlml the1 40tijr mteriistlnK uffnlr given 'doik, handle tlio correupondeiico, an-, (or MHm,K vivlun and Dortha Mar- swor bells and drlvo tho untoinohllo j t WUH mm. theatro. party and sup- flown io ti:v fiepot at tram timu i pick up tho guests. We have a iow, too. Do ou know how u milk?" "Vui,", said the Irishman. "Hut ex- iiiho me for asking what sort of colli have ou here?" "Soli?" snapped tho hotel keeper." "Wtsll. I thought If It was clay I might iiuiko bricks In my spare t'lmo." You would be surprised to know bojv little money Is reqiilrcd to place n Brunswick Phonograph In your illume. Currliis For Drug 12 HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON iS H T; I Watch Repair Specialist I No job too delicate I i I GEO.L. METZ I I lO.vpeit Wntch-Mnkcr and .leweler Is I Phone 712 022 Alain St. B "LET GEORGE DO IT" tXm I't The Annual Flower show Is claim ing tho attention and time of society J this week Many ot the city's must , prominent social leaders are named ! on the committees with Mrs. It. N. Moe acting as general chairman. New rules anil regulation liae been made I to rover this serond annual flower . . , , show and the classification has been shortened to a considerable .tet. and should, according to Mrs. Harry Poole, publicity manager, simplify matters when the Judge come to make their divisions. Remembering the brilliant display of last season, nil flower lovers will be In attend- ', mice at tho show Wednesday, when it opens ill the Melhase building with 1 a riot of home-grown blooms. ' Motor trips Into the country foil tlniie to ocupy society's time to the exclusion of more formal town af fairs. lloweer. the calendar till week holds a record of several lunch eons, n birthday dinner and several club meetings. ' George Thrashet birthday was the Inspiration for a dinner given Id ' his honor by members of his family .Sunday evening. Present were: Mrs. Tlir:ilii-r. Mls Mildred Thliishcr. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thrasher nnjt children, Mr. and Mrs. James llllljn i nnd sun. Paul. 1 Interesting "lit ot town guests vis-' Junes. George Duncan. Herbert New in,,,. l.r., il.u nik nrr Mlxs Muriel ell Jr. Donald and Robert Hunt, nud -- Arnold, niece of J. J. Miller, and I her friend. Miss Marjorle Ilarr, both j of F.crkeley'. They are liousui guests ; I at the home of Mrs, (.'. M. Rnmnhy, ! Friday night .Mr. Miller luck the two girls to Crater Lake. Other mem ber uf the outing party were: Mr. and Mrs. Ramsliy and daughter i:iii . .. '. 411 ,. , ,. ,,.,, ,llluMon an(, ltaMBliiur. Afterj u (( i( .ho! llk. Mr Mllb.r will return to Kliun- Arnold nnd MIm Ilarr nnd thu rest of the party will go on to Diamond lake for u two week's fishing and camp ing trip. ' The Auction llrfdr.e club va de lightfully entertained Tuesday nt thu. homo el Mrs. L. F. Wllllts. Thu after noon was passed nt tho brldgn tables mill Into In the afternoon u dainty luncheon was served. Saturday night of Inst tveuk Mr. iund -Mrs. Leslie Rogers were hosls nt their lofely homo on Pacific: Ter raco nt nn informal dancing parly, Honoflnjc John M Moore, who was 1 fmf.nillni h(n vnriitlnn ltnrn from I.fiil Angeles. The evening of dnnrlng In frspersed by songs nnd muHlcnluum bcrs. w.'in ilellglitfully entert.tlnlug. !a light supper wns served lit the 'close of tho festivities to the 12 I couples who shared Mr. nnd Mrs. Rogor's hospitality. I , Mrs. G. Arthur Hallwell was ho- . tess ut it charming luncieon yeuter i day noon at her home on Crescent c.r Krduy night, sponsored by Mrs. Ul),rirk Hinltli. assisted by Mrs. ,tol)rt gloan. After the theatro MrM. sinith took hr uimsiH bv car to Iter home on Deltu ave nue for supper, Mrs, Sloan receiv ed the guests at tho house, which wui beautifully decorated with a pro fusion of fall flowers and greens, (.'overs were laid for thu following at u table tastefully decorated with nas turtiums: Misses Vivlun and Dortha Martin, Mario Rambo, Mesdamos Philip 3, I'vi'e. He' McMillan, Murk I M ward Hatlitdets, Victor II. Arthur llullwell, Robert Sloan and tho hosens, ' Mr, and .Mrs, V. K. t.Jium enter tained a number of friends at a din ner ami dnn:o Thursday at their home on Pacific Terrace. Following " "w hh ... iun....nl , ... ,, . . m , . . ..I .. f iieiigiiiiui evening .Mr uiui .nr i.ra- Mf nm, Mw ,. A ' Krause, uml their bouse guest. Miss, Fannie Rosenburg. who Is visiting, here from llelolt, Wisconsin. Mr nnd Mrs. George Wntt mid J. S Kent One of the most Interesting affairs of thu week was the large children s ( party given for little Miss Margaret llibbert, daughter of Mr and Mrs I II llibbert. In honor of her 'Ifih birthday, by Mrs. llibbert assisted by ' Mrs. K. II. Pike. The parly was held on the Pike lawn' at Pelican city and took the form of a picnic afternoon , The little honor guest and Iter friends played the many games which are the delight of liny tots and el a late hour in the afternoon were rerv ed with n sumptuous lunrleoit The guest list follow Yonno Seller.' Mary Tboniti. Kmlly Sue Pt'cl. Ger trulle mid Marguerite lluyle. Margar et Daggett, Mary Jane Moure. Juue Palmer, Marjorle Hull, Margaret am', Frances Pluelll, Faje and Jack Much iinan. Donald nud JnmuH Rogers. I l.uale.i nud Chut Hunter, Wilbur the llllli) honor guest thi: i.iiii:rtv ' A Virgin Paradise", the eeifsn k tlonnl niiii spectacular special wliirh. uiude a tremendous impression while running on llroadw.iy. New Vurk I will come to the Liberty theatre Uuii day for a two day's run. The scenes include thu destruction !f n tropic Island by n volcanic erup-j tlon, with the death of thu entirui population except two persons, nnd ) the burning of u palatial country j placn on Lring Island, Now York. i The survivors on the Island nro tho Infant daughter of u missionary. ' Gratia Latham, nud hor uatlvu nurse The tiurxo dies while Gratia Is still , n child, ami she llos on with only Huns, apes nud other wild animals as her companions, Tho rolo of Gratia la playeif by Pearl White, famous for her das'i nml daring on tho screen. Till: STItA.VD the Strand theater bill for Humlay Is exceptionally strong, being head lined by two vaudeville niti of iinus. uu I merit. Mack brothcra. beiu because of a I short vocational yeieaM from tiiuir regular work on the Orphcum cir cuit, are superb uihletoi and will en-1 1 terlaln thoso who attend the Htrnnil Sundny with some wouilerful haliiiir Ing and acrobatic stuuts. Mack hroth-f ers taku second place to no one In tlmlr work. 1 1 A innr.ii.ier uiiiiviauiiuiui i,ii villi do to perfection either a Chinese, I Italian or u Swede will give the tiilill--j eucu thirty minutes 'of fun that Is' . i .. i ,.. ...i fun. He filllshV-s his act by reciting George Rohan's inii'itorplnre, "My' Rosa." Tlio pictures tomorrow show Rob- ert Wurwlck In I.. Philips Oppen-' I helm's famous story, "Tho Hlleul , Master." nnd Al Jennings, to which) is added a good comedy. Was He u Hlglilaiiilei-'.' A tramp called ut the house of u spinster who lived all alone. When she opened the door hu ask ed her If she had an old pair of her husbund's trousers to give away, Tliu good lady, who did not want Io admit, that sho was uuprolurteil, replied In uu embarrassed veice: "I am very sorry, my good man, but er-my-or-huH hut-but he nover wears llioni!" ' I latum, Palmer, A AAAAAs ' Kodak Finishing Our prints aio made mi Vnlux It Is mm nun ulii union,- an other Hafogitard fur Vulux luullty. iMaleniil.s that are l'.UHtman-nuulo and mothoda that are Kaylinan-aiiprovtid, phis tho oxperionee of our experts, are nuaraulies of finest quality finishing. Films received rcady the same Mull join- film, STAR DRUG CO. nth unit .Main Stit'cU TODAY AT "THE LIBERTY" VA prof-rain today that will plea.se you Comical Buster Kenton in "HARD LUCK" And Jnclc London's "Mutiny of the Elsirtore" wonderful sea story and a laughable comedy SUNDAY "A VIRGIN PARADISE" A story of the South Seas Coming Tuesday "The Birth of n Nation" This fine old film is being shown again all over the United States ami we are glad to bring it back to Klamath Falls. Back East Excursions Final Southern Pacific Lines T H BUTTER ICE CREAM YUM-YUM ESKIMO PIE All nuulo under 'conditions. Come and look our plant over, invite inspection at any time. KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY Don't fail to rend the B.vniitiiAV, AiicawT iu, nnia. before 9 a. m. day at 5 p. m. ur In lug thrill III, Tickets On Sale May 25 to Aug. 31 Iti tin n Limit (lit. ill, lirj Chicago nnd return $157.32 New York and return Piopoiilnmitoly low f.ues to other polnt.1. Liberal stupovotn ami choice of loule.'i going and returnlii" For additional Information, fates, train sarvlje, etc,, ileu J. J. MILLER, Agent tho most riunitary wo XiXXiS Heriild Clarified Ada. ri f M ' '.A V J "- - -xB-.f ' ,7 itM iAv