The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 11, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    i ,.Wj?
K. of C. and Giants
Last Rome between tlicso clubs 10 to 9 in
fnvor of K. C.
Ginntn won from Cubs last Sunday 9 to 6
nud tlio Cubs decline to play the K. C.
According to dope a good game is pro
mined. No admission charge but n collection to pay
Game called nt 2 P. M.
Sunday, Aug. 13
AT CARR RANCH, 2'2 Miles Southeast of Malin
Bring' your lunch, and add to it all
the Klamath Cheese you
can eat FREE
Games, Races, Bucking
Horses, Speeches
W. C. Dalton, A. Kalina, Committee
Under Autpicci
Malin, Ore.
Annual Summer
Clearance Sale
Below Just, a Few of the Many Bargains Listed
Extra Special Bargain
0ms lot uf khaki bloom
ers for women and
children also a few
khaki coats and Finds,
an unheard of bargain
One Lot of Wash
White poque, crash and
dark ajso a few wash
suits at same price.
Think of it
Clearance Sale of
R. and G Corsets
Hog. $1.00, now ..$1.15
Reg. $2.00, now ..$1:59
Reg. $2.50, now ..$1.89
Reg. $3.00, now ..$2.29
Reg. $4.00, now ..$3.29
Reg. $5.00, now -..$4.15
Reg. $0.00, now ..$4.09
IjWomcns Burson Hose
Colors, white, brown,
black. A very good
number, now 3 for
Childrens White Hose
Fine ribbed hose that
will give satisfactory
wear, now 2 pairs for
Practically Giving
Away Hats
We have made 2 groups
of alUhats left. If
you can use a hat now
or want to figure on
next spring look what
you can save. Sailors
and trimmed all go.
Group (1) hats, now
Group (2) hats now
$1.98. ..
Black Sateen, 36
Inches Wide
Our regular 50c grade,
fine lustrous black, now
three yds. for
Black Suiting Yard
Wide 29c
Many desirable colors
in the assortment, full
yard wide, extra spe
cial, per yard
Kaysers Knit Under
wear Clearance Sale Prices
Vests; 24, 28, 42, 48,
(18 79. '
Union Suits, 09, 80,
98, $1.38.
Kaysers Knit Bloomers
Heavy Jersey cloth re
inforced crotch, regular
$1.00 grade, now
1' Personal Mention ' BRITAIN WOULD
nin ninin nrm
Wlllliwii II. Freer. iiiiirlmr from
tint Miilln miction, In In (own today
itMumlliiK to mutter of business.
J H Ki-iit left thin iminiliiK for
Hun KriiiiulNC-c nflnr snvurul days
spoilt linn loolilii; uftor business nf.
I.. W Koonnti iiecomp.-inlcd by Mm,
iCuuimu, iirilvuil hero lust night from
I'orllnml. They am nt tlm Wlillu Ve')U
cim hotel.
15. It. Kuy In n business ilsltor
lino IIiIh week from hi liunm In
rorllniid. Ho In registered nt tlio
Wlillu IVIIriin hotel.
Han I' Mutiny In moving hern llitn
ttfolt fiom din former homo In Luke
vlw mill will milk.) din resldi'iini nC
Ninth nml 1'nisperi ntrrr-lH.
Mnrlon Nino mniln nn Mirly morn.
Hie trip Inln thii city to look nflrr
llllKllll'NH In lOIIIIITlloil Willi tllil lll:-
J-.lii): nperntlniui In Hwiiu l.uko vnllny
Mm. Terry Dul.nji nml daughter,
Vlrciiil.i lllrliiiioml, worn p:ini'iiKTi
on Din I nil n ibis mnrului: hound for
I'nrllniid where limy will vlnlt for n
fn; diiyu.
Mm. Ilnrry Dliknrmau w!ih a pirn
biiiikit on this mnriiliiK'H Irnln tiounil
for Han Kr.inrlsrii uhcro she will nt
((nil Hi.- ciltlltiR of her brother,
fti'niiro CiiiiIui,, which will ho mi
ovnil nf dm roinliiK Saturday.
Mr nml Mm (J. I". Metier ami fnnv
lly nr planning '" lenvo In their tomorrow moriiKiK on n two
Wfiiliu motor trip to Taromn nml
Hentllo, WnnlilnKtoii, whom thoy wilt
vlnlt with friends nml relative's.
Tint Itov. It. II. Hnwley. nf Acnin-
po, Cullfornln, nml family nml V. V.I
nnwipy nna w. . nawicy or ami
Inml arrived hero tlio first of ttin
week In vlnlt relatives. Tim Itov. Mr.
llnwiy Is tlm owner of property In I
Mills nililltlon which ha deilrcd to .
look over.
Mr nml Mr. Dun Tnwiisend ac
companied hy Mm. Townsond's two
sisters, wilt nrrlvn hero this after. (
nntiii for n visit with Mr. nml. Mm..
j ,. Houston. Mr. mill Jim. Town
send, who n r i) In business In Alhnny
nt proient, woro residents of Klani
ntli I'nlH fur it number of ears.
Carl Schubert nml family, neenni'
linnlcil by Mm. (' A. Tuckur nml two
daughters, left for Crater Lake this
mornliiK where they wilt upend tlio
night, koIiik on tomorrow to Mm.
Tinker's home In linker Mm. Tucker
linn been here for tlio past Ihrcn
writs visiting her parents, Mr. nml
Mm. Carl Sctmrbort. 8r.
(.rover C. Why to arrived In lown
taut night from rilnt, Mlcufcnn for
tlio purnpao of nicotine S. It. Illack,
forest supervisor, who will Join him
on a month's vncatloit trip tn Crater
Unko. llnlnlor nml (Jlarlor National
parkn. They loft In tlio former's car
'thin mornliiR fnr Craler Utko.
Mr. nml Mm. V. I l'alnor nml
ilaiiKlitcr of San KranclBCo, Mr. and
Mm. Ham MunnliiK. of Rncriiinenln,
MIiih AiiKvla SnrsflPld of San Krancl.
co nml W. II. Inotkmlan, of Ajaklund.
Cntirornla, oftlrlnlii of tlio Stnndurd J
Oil company, loft thlx mornliiK nn
thrlr return to California nf tor two
weokn spont ruatlcatlun nt llarrlman
John Oral llarrla nnd Mlna Ilolon
Hloffon worn tlio principals In a quint
wedillm: nt tlio Klrnt llaptht church
pamonuRo, CI 2 Cutlfornla uvoiiuo, nt
L'.:t0 yesterday aflornoon. The Itov.
A. I- Simmons officiated. Tlio brldn'
In oiio of Klamath's well-known
youni; ladles, whoso clinrmliiK l'!"
Honnllty hns won for her n largo clr
clo of friends. She worn u becomliiR
isown nf blno cropo, Harris Is ono nf
Klamath's proRresslvo young men. A
woddliiR supper was served by Mrs.
Tom llurrls with only friends nml
relatives nf tlio brldn and groom
prnsont, nil of whom showered upon
tlio younK couplo tholr host wishes.
ICMes Knedecor, Former rri'hldent,
Aridri'HNCH Ish'iiI llexly
Katca Sncdocor of Portland, Inter
national president of tho Uotnry
club. 1920 to 1921. delivered an
Inspiring address beforo the local
Hotary club at Its nicotinic today
.noon. Suodecor dealt with tho
iimrposes of tho oiRiinliatlou nnd
hbi nddrcHs wus woll received by
tho mouihors.
Suudoror wns prcsldeut of tho
Inturnullomil conyiutlon uf Itotury
clubs held lust year In KdlnliuiKh,
Scutland. Ho Is on un outliiK trip
n Klamath county In company with
'others from 1'ortland,
"Woll, how's tho uplift coming
"P.oorly. So few pooplo want to
bo uplifted,"
Amateurs Warned ARainst
Cheap Equipment By '
LONDON, Aur. 11. American
ami other forclcn wlrelcsn niiparntus
will bo nxcltulcd from uso by llrltlsh
bmnilraslliiR flrimi If n recommrndn
tlon of I'lisliiinstcr (lenernl Kollawny
Is ndopted by the cabinet. Kellaway
urses that for n period of two yea
IfrenM-i for broadrnstlnc sliould con
tain n prnvlslon thnl only llrlthh In
iitnimenln bo iifed.
I'nllowliiK tlm examplo of Atwrl
tan Joiiniuls, lln llrlthh newspapers
mid maKnrlnes urn devellnt: niliiiiins
nml iiik-s in wlreb-sB topics. Hill
broadrasllnR In Hilt country Is In an
nliiiost nebulous laK nml wireless
retelvliiR bv tlm iiiiisiioh has not ut
Kilned nnyllitni: 1: h popularity
It enjoys In th" rolled Rial.-, Tlm
government hi slow In InauRiiratliu:
u Reneral broadcantliiB whemt'.
Konif newspapers arc warnliiB
ninnleilM In bo careful about cheap
r.Ti'lvloi; seln sotne of thorn of
American nnd Krenrh orlKln htch
nrn IipIiik wldfly offered.
"If broadcasllni! wero officially
established In KnRlnnd tlm whole
ImihUIoii would beromo Mearer," W.
W. Drury, mannRlnr. director of tlio
Marconi company, said recently.
"However, tlio Marconi company nnU
cipates n larfio demand In tlio futurf
for rornlvlnn sets and It Is turning
out ninny thousands of them. Whe'n
tho winter ovenlnKS como and po-
plo want to sit nt homo and listen
to tho outsldo world, thcro wllUbo n
Krent Increase In tho demand.
P. S. On Chamber Drive
Hears Some Real News
Mr. Kdltor, Tlm llernld: Well. Mr.
IMitur, I havo been nut on tlio cbam.
of com. drlui t rsite'jnck to pay tlm
rent et etc nnd so on for tho next
ere, nnd what I am wrltcInK tare
Is tn lull ou u llttlo of tho news I
plrk up uIoiik tho ways, me believing
jiiii mlKlit appreciate n llttlo uf same
seuliiR us mi nro supposed to bo
printing u iioHapcr.
This news I havo Is wliat snmo pf
tho birds urnund town sny when you
hit them up for their share of the
Jack for tho chain, of com. Home of It
Is so nowsy It could go up to the top
of tho pago along with tho cuo clucks
und other disorders.
Ono bird says what me pay my
Jack to tho chamber when they have
not recalled nil tho bootlegRors which
Is running tho town ragged not on
your llfn 1 d" -
Another says tho chamber did not
sfop tlio lumberjacks strike llko thoy
should havo did. ,
Another says bun chamber of com
merce hey, woll how about a railroad.
Hero I have been awaiting for anoth.
or railroad for 10 (ton) yores nnd
what has tho chamber did. Not noth
ing, thats what. Says lie, when I buy
my ticket to Portland over tlm natron
rut-off why then you get my "sub-
scrlpshun. Ono of tho team got sosr
and says woll when that happens wo
give, you 10 (ten( dollars) It you
foroget to como back.
Another loading Wo Is crustlo bo
causo tho rhambor lias not paved all
tho roads In tho county. Ho says 1
glvo you money, last yunvand bow
many roads did you pave- I ni,k you.
Not non. Hints what.
Another bird says tho chamber al
ways Is getting off some now Idenr
which I novor hero tho llko of bofnro
Biirli as auto camp grounds. What do
wo want of n auto camp ground ho
nsks. When I wns a young mnn 1 roll
my bed any old placo and I do not
bollovo In pnniporlng theso hero tow
crista. This baby makes mo extra
soar nnd I says yes I expect your us
ing tho same old bam you slept In
back in 49 (forty nlno).
Howsnovor, It was not all llko tho
nhovo wrltton and lots f tlio boys
kick In and says I'm with you oven
If tho chamber Is ruining tho lown
llko theso other birds would, Jtnve
you bollovo whun thoy try to think
up n oxciisq lustend of comclug right
out and saying woll boys I Is hard up
tills month but count on mo Just tho
Hows that for hot news. And If n
lot of birds call up tomorrow nud say
slop my paper you will no right
uwnyn which ones It is which would
rather run tho old. town thomsolvos
only thoy will not over do anything tn
start tho big boom, only beat about
Yrs. Humbley, v
Phil Spnco,
AdvertUIng pays. Try it sad see.
.. We specialize in
Phoenix Underwear
and Hosiery.
Daily Arrivals of New Fall Suits, Coats, Wraps, Dresses, Millinery
New Fall Dresses Specially Featured for Saturday
Among the season's fabric novelit ics are Canton Crepes, Satin, Cantons,
Crepe Satins, Twills, and Tricotines. As to colors, Black, Navy and Brown
seem to dominate. The most striking p oint of the entire selection is the individ
ual cleverness of each model. fr 1 f 7C
Specially priced for Saturday pli7t)
Graceful swathing wrappy coats
for tailored or dressy wear. Youthful
and individual in style and design.
Priced from
$24.75 l0 $89.50
Hats that are original in design, fashioned by skilled milliners. Hats of in
dividual becomingness, comfortable in the wearing. A style for everyone. Priced
$5.95, $6.&5 $7.95 u".t0 $16.50
HAKI.KTO.V, l'n.. Aug. 11. Tho
coat mlno mute, which ordinarily
spends yoars of his llfo In tho dark-
ness of .mlno tunnels far under
ground, retains his eyesight even
though ho does not us,o his eyes.,
Ho votorlnarlnns In tho anthracite
region hnve determined following ox -
amlnatlon of ninny of tho mules
which have boon brought to tlio sur -
426 Main
' Our
Tomatoes, Crate $1.00
We are now receiving each day fresh tomatoes in large shipments from
growers which enables us to furnish you tomatoes at above price these toma
toes are first class in every respect and we would be glad to have you call and
see them whether you buy or not
Peaches, Crate $1.25
We are receiving first class peaches which we are offering you at above
price these peaches are not junk they are as good as has been displayed in
Klamath Falls.
Watermelons, lie Pound
We are offering a few watermelo ns left from the carload we received
fresh from the growers this week. They are real melons and the above price is
right. We expect to receive another fresh car next week.
I'inl Jar 1'uro llonev
ft lbs. Inro Honey
t Krnmo Honey ,
2 Frames Houey ...
1(10 lb. Bck Cnno Hugm- ....
BO lb. Sck Cuno Sugar
1M lb. Hck Cuno Sugar .
10 lb Kclc Cano Sugar
4 Frcoli Cantaloupe
Tomatoes, lb
Citblmgv, lb. .
II0.1110 (iron it Votntoes, lb.
Home Grown l'otntocs, M'k
His lb. llox Cracker
l.'trgo Fancy biuaims, lb.
I. Oft
I Ih. KlillliiiKH Curfeo ....
Sla lbs. Schillings Cofreo ..
1 lb. 1 loyal Club Coffew
I lb. Gulden Yt Coffee....
it lbs. (ioldeii Wot Coffee
I lb. Folgors Cofftv
J)4 11m. Folttfiw Correo ....
1 lb. licit Hlblmn Coffco ....
il lbs. Itetl Itlhbon Coffiii .....
5 Itw. Kill Hlbbou (Vffeo ...i
1 lb. (Ililrndelll's Cliocolato
I lb. Crescent llnklnu; lov
iter 1.15
Give us enough patronage to move merchandise in vokiaM and yn ;rer
mise you the right price,
707 Main St. Phone 3-il-W
fACn slncn thn mines closed down
flant spring. With this announcement
tho veterinarians exploded a theory
held byunany for years that becauso
he did "ot havo nny uso for Ills eyes,
tho mjilu loit his sight.
The coal mlno mulo usually 'bo
gins life like any common farm
mule. Once hu becomes a mlno work-
cr. turnover, things cluing. Ho Is J
rnt fur underground Into tho dark,
workings of the hard coal mliies and j
there lio stays, often for the remain-j
"cr " '" " "piok a naruy annnni
1 sometlnic's remains In tho mine
f'"" 20 years without seeing daylight,
' When tho mutes wero hoisted to
3 lbs. Crescent Doklne l'ovf.
(let ... .,... .... .T9
5 lbs, Crwrent Uaklnjj Pow
der 1.00
13 nt, Hoynl IbikInK l'ow-
der rf.... 40
S;i Ibi. Hoynl linking Tow.
der" . 1.30
5 lbs, Itoyal Uaklns 1'ow-
der 3,00
1 lb. Cnluuiet llaklnir lov.
der , 33
48 Tall Cuns Alpine Milk .. ft.'Jft
Fancy Huiierkraiit,, Can .... .20
Small Van Camp's Pork and
lleans ,. .10
Mel, Van Cuiiiii'n l'ork anil
llcniw , 1ft
Ijiigo Vim Camp's l'ork anil
lU-aiis , 3ft
l.iuuo Can 1'ancy Apariius .40
Van Camp's Tomatti Koup.. .10
Van Camp's Clam Chowder .IH
Mi-d. Van Camp's Spaghetti .10
luu-go Can Van Camp's Spa
Khcttl ...'. 1ft
Van Camp's ClilU Con Cnrne ,1ft
3 Cans Sunklst Corn 33,
Mlnnesotu Com . lft
not once, but always.
Page Three '' ,
See the new styles
in our windows.
SUITS, $39.50
Specially Featured for Saturday
The newest fashion dictates in nov
elty styles or the severest simplicity in
tailored models. Fur trimmed cornea
back more sumptuously than ever,
Squirrel, Caracul. Raccoon, and Bea"v
er. Cape blouses or fitted backs, long
or short coats. "
Specially priced for Saturday
tho BUrfnco and turned looso upon
tlio companies' properties somo of
them blinked a bit at tho sunlight.
When the vetorinnrlnnn looked them
over they found their oyes wero
there and ns good as over.
Oh, 1 like tho llttlo flapper as sho
paddles down tho strcrt
With her llttlo snwed-off wrapper
nnd her s'andles nlco and
She's n glrdlo and a sweater and
her skirt Is rather high
Uut I've never ,ecn 'cm bettor as a
tonlu for tho eyo.
Falls, Oregon
Toumtoes, Can
Hdld Pack Tonmtooa, Can -Fancy
Sweet 1'otatoca ..........
Med. slzo Del MonU) l'eas ..
Hiuall IK'l .Monto l'eas. ....
Hoynl Anno Cherries .."..
Applo Sauce, Can
Fancy Apricots, Can -
lnrgo Can Fancy Peaches....
ft lb. Pall Puro Honey ......
Citrus .'.........
Sea Foam
Fancy lllrrt Htvd .........
Fly SvvattfiW ,..
Wax' Paper , -.
Krrr Miinoii CaM and IJils
Wido Mouth Jar ItubUrs..
I narH Fairy Soap ...
AVIilto Wonder Hoap .......... ,
Van Hoeters lllearliliiK Koap
Knsy Hay Hoap ...................
CrystMl Whllo ...-.,..-
Old Dutch CIcuHser ,
FcIh NnptliA Soup ...,
a Caiut Hex Lyn ..,
a Irjc liars Ivory ..........
Golden Rod Paheake VUwr,
v l
1 "'"'"
1 1
Less ,
' i
. ...'j