T v ,4 I - 11 . -.' -. m h fcttenjttut Herald WEATHER FORECAST OFFICIAL PAKR OF k - V. KLAMATH COUNTY AND k, y X y . f 'IOMUHT AMI HATI IIIIAV, MllOtT. i:iih. V l'l'lfKiilli nu Xo. (Iill7 TRMFFIC AST No Through Train Leaving Los Angeles; 23 Bombs ' Explode in Yards . I ', WAHIIINUTON. Aug I) - ! Chalrmiiii Cummins imiriMluil that Ii'kUIiiIIiui In limtiT ') nlilcinllon which would mi' I puwur llm pnwlilcnt tu tnlcn ' over (iio ruiinuiM If Irnnspor Iniloti Im nerlnuMy paralyzed. POCATKI.I.O. Aug. II. Ynrtl employe mi llm Oregon Short I. Inn iiilt work In prolot iigalnit tit .t t o iiitmliililmt a guardx here. A nint'tiiig of I hit hrotherhooilx ni cilloil to ntiulilvr tln tilluallim. 1.011 ANUEU'.H. Aug II Tim Sill I .uk o ritUiottil will bo iiulckly affected I')' lliu tie-up of two Union Pacific ami one Ort'Kou Short l.lno train ut Ogdoit. according lo (Inn intlv,X,iiiiincr Cumstutl.. WASHINGTON, Auk. 1 1. I'iiIhii lu.llllTH ngll'Cll III UllltWlT tllO lluril- lil: pinpnral Saturday i.ns an(ii:i.i:k. auk. ii. i:if hound .iHm'iu;ir iicnftc mi llm Hjii Iii Fit lied up. iimt no through Irnliu will leinn I .on Angeles until tlm walkout situation lit Ncinlli-s In dear- imI. y' ilo tint want passengers to be liulil,UP mi Hi" dccrl." uW an o(fl rlul. ' Condiicliu. Ilicmmi, engineer unil trainmen efu'd t" nnswer cnlU on llm Alimi dlvlwlon, tylnrt up iruln unexpectedly. ' t HAN ilKUNAIIDINO, Aug 'll Deputy Mnmbnll Albcrlson w.i scrl oiiNly burned when n bomb I'iplciHi'il In IiIn h:iliiln Mlmrtly n(lir llm rx ploijop of 23 IioiiiIin In tlm Huntn IV )iiri(. Ttio inplimlniiH occurriMl In tlm 'vicinity ) tlm NluipN, lintllnn friiKiimnlN hoviirut liumlri'il fci-l but iln I in; no ilnmuKo cxropt Iraring up iMrtli. AIIII.KNi:. T.K.. Auk. II. Con crriminun llliinton liri h moiiI tolofiriiinn to nunmrouN lonilurn tlinniKlimit llm i mi n try iinniTtliiK Unit llnnlltiR liml NUiuuioiii'il mtirrosM In tuko orr the rnllrouils. NKW YoltK. Auk. II. lullwuy iiXDCiithcN woro rtiporti'il lulu, today 10 liy' ilcuiilliicliiil ovnr IIuijiIIiik'h linipiiKiil In riul llio t.lrlkn by tuk inK Inu'k MrlKi.TH unil lutlliiK Hid lulior lioiinl tcjUii tint iin;illi;li of MMioilty. AuinyOiiiuji'i:. auk. n. Tin' Mk four hiiIiI uii'ii Intro would not' rcfufto lo tukn out Hiuilu Ko truliiH. Tint uuhUioiiiiiJ Cillfornl.i Miullnl In Ik'Iiik IikIiI hvru thU iif titrnooii mid mllway offli-lals hnlil pimHoni;urH on nil IruliiN ilculluril for California .probably woulil bo hold lient. . ()(II)I:N, Auk. l I. TruliiH ilnliijcil nt Oitiliiii by tlm rufiiMil of flrn uii'ii to work with nmrkiul up lo lnivn thin nftoninon. TliM w.ih tuk on In menu that n nuttlt'iumit U'.nl luKtu rriicltcil, two uii.m:i on mi;ii Nl-JW VOUK, Am;. 1 1. Two worn Mllnil im tlm 1 1 hit Ailrlutlo mill flvo Hitrlnuuly liijuniil mi u louult of im nxplOHlDii In (Iio IioIiI, mi: loiiIIiik lo n wlrvluHH roirlvcil licro today. WKA'llllvH I'HOIIAIIIMTI I H Id'Hiilln llm hiunl llirnitonlliK liNPnlt of our ciouiiy iikiuh tlm CyclO'Htoriilii Knipli ut UiiiIdi wooiI'h rlinrmury liuti rcrorilud no rlimiKO In buroiuif trio conditions, mid no climiKO In woatlior In piob uhlo, KorocHBt (or nuxt 34 lieurn: Oonnrally fulr with varlublo winds. 'I'lui Tvona rnenrillnir thnrmoniotoP PARALYZEO OK SIM ROAD 1'OKlntorod maximum and nilulinum toiiipuruturt", today u fallewu: MlKlt v 51 ' I.IIW .' ... . . ' five Dead This photogniph was head-on af Cincinnati, 0. 0 and HO injured. ONE DEAD, 20 MORE SERIOUSLY ILL AS RESULT OF BOOTLEG MiHiiioliloi- MKnl Willi WimmI AIcim ' ImI Id III I'MllM'i lllllllllirr.t t'ilUnl AliliniK il'J hnlillrit KAN KHANIMHCO. Auk !1 WliNhny Milur.l nt ?7C.nni wan rcUnl by llm pollio on tl.o NiitiTfrout Ihth toilay . HAN I'ltANCIKCO. AK. U ItUtlllfKN lllHltlcnriTH. wlltUI- ItpiTH tlonit riinsi) from tlm l'rrnldlo to HMti of (Mnr'ktt Rlrril. nfi- bold r RpoHHlbln bx tlif poll"' Mr tl ileath of ono man. mid tlm mrlotii rondl tlou of twitnly n'llii'M. All of tlictn liml bn-n drinking poUnnftd Ibnior. n. Iiarildtt of llm l.iind UoloU 3rf3 MImIoh Ktrntt, dlod In nttoriy ut tlm Vcnlnil iirmownry bospllnl. Ho liml Jiit.ii takrn to tlm hoipllnl totnl ly blind. Tlinnwm Mnswll ' tlm Idaho Ho. till. 71. Howard ulrpot. and John !. Kan. 5GI Pine ntri'ot. won' nlmi blind wlu-n taken to tho lionpUal ly Pr' of tlm minibrrn station, and aro not pxpcrtiMl lo ri'diMtr. Pcdcial otflclnlH nsulKnod I" tho riiHO Bay that tboxo min mn" hsivo wilfully inlxiid wood alcohol with llmlr ilrlnkH. All of tlm trio -worn rlinrnclorlxi'd ni chrnnlr nlrnbottfu. Thnlr Kciii'rnlly middi'ii rnndlllnn w.w H.ilil lo J.o llm rpsult of prolrncfNj lIlKhlp.ltlllll- Tho remaining r.isrs of !iliidnrJ worn iinioni; hoIiIIith ul lbi I'mnldlo, Thlriy-ltto bno bri-n roporlid during tlio piiHl wfi'k, njni) olfliors raid, Tlm lutitlllKi'iicn di'p.irtuutul of llm proKldlo iihpitIm tluit moil of tbn Iio1hoiii.i1 bootb'i; In illM'ciiM'd In "blind iIkh" In llm rear of Iiouhim on Chestnut, flnnn. I.iiiubnid. 1'iilnn. Scott and riircn Hlroi-ts. near llm uinlii onlramo of tho mllllary ritsor Mitlon. AccordhiK t"i nriny offlilnlw, IIicho dlvi'3 aro lontln'iUiiK to toll tlii'lr piilHoiicd lliiiior ili'spllo tlm fact that tlm prohibition niumtt witrn notified of tlm Hltuntlou iiktu than n mouth ai;o. WATER PIPE RECEIVED I'lrM Slilpmint ri; IMiiihIoii ot ( 'it MhIiin Arihi'M fioiu Uusi A latloml of Hlx-lmli Htcol water plpo, approximately :s.ntn feet, wui recolvod hum by tlm Cnllfornla-Oic-gnu Power company yesterdny a:i n purl of a Hlilpineut from Plttslmru for tho proposed extension of thu rlly water iiiiiIiih. 1'our moro carloads nro on llm round, according to .1, C. Iloyht, nuinugm' sit tho lompany. Tho present shipment will bo laid at onto on tho first unit, iiK'ludlng I.lmoln from Seventh to Tenth; on Tenth fiom Lincoln to Uphanl; urn! on OruKon aMintin to Delta. 1 (HtMIIH DOIIItlri HOY IIUYS lNTi:ili:ST IN NKVADA P.WKIl Itolllu C. Stltsor, son pf ? C, Silt Bcr, former banker, nnd tlmbor man of Dorris, hau bought a hitlf Interest lu tho Humboldt Star ot Wlnnomuc t'ft, NiVil r and. Fifty Injured; in taken a few minutes after I no was carrying a Sunday school picnic. Five were lulled LOCAL WOMAN HELD .Mm !. Smlili '(ininl Willi SliM.llf. In;? Il W'ihiI .Men nut Ho I'd. wi;i:i. jr. ii a uiitii.iii i:iv- Iiik hitr uuiiio im .Miirbt Hinllb. mid her resldoucn iih Kl.imnib Tnllx, Ore i;ou, w.is uriiMted In tin" Weed .Mer r.nlllo iiinipaiiy Htoro mi llm Chari-u of slcillui; a dresN Milued m J!.".. I'p mi bolnc sfurchml by a wum.iu em idoyn of tlm stent, It l liarrivd, llm IresH was found Under bur own ilntmi. In thn Juillio court alio u.ih fount! Killlly of 1"'JU larceny mid uiui sen tencvil lo ::o ila)K In tlm Kiituty Jail til Yriika or to pay a fine of ?:tit. After the trl.il.. tv. inun from Klitni nth Kails, rcpresitmliur: blmsflf tu bo the woiiiiiu'k liUHband, called up Ju tlrn Itradloy, Inqulli'd lis to tlm cane nnd said Im would mum to Weed. Tlm amount wan pild nnd llm wo mini vim mlenbed. I I GET APPROPRIATION j Okroii KUrrs mill lliurbors Mime In! !j;l5,lllKI,0(ll Allotment WdV.SIIINCTON. Auk 11 --Allotment or 35.uon,HfM for rler And harbor Ipiprovetuent was announced todiiy by tint war deparlmunt ns fol olwsVCoos Hay, l.'0,5oO; Columbia lllvor. (Vjlllo to Simke rler. la.r.OO; Columblarikliw Vanrouver ami Port land, ?.SM,00oi Yauulna Way barbor. JtJOO.OOO; Snake .rlvor, $10,noft; Yamhill rlyor. 27.3o0 Cow Ills rlv- op, Ml.'lOD. , " ; ., : .Cgr- 3Jiia MAYBE MHIBW II n I I I I T-u( Member of the 'Associated Press KLAMATH I'AI.I.H, OIIIWO.V, I'ltllMV, ACCUJHT ITlf Rail Wreck - - .; . " r two C. L. & '. trains met FLOWER LOVERS ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SECOND SHOW t IMilbll Will I to llclil Next WYilmtf d.iy mnl Tliui-vbij ; Knrl Tin; j tries mo CrBitl" jCl.imatb 1'nlli (lower Invent, ans lookliiK forward to llio Kreoud uttnoal slipw, which will li't held nuit Wed mwilny mid TburbiUj-i AiiKiut 1. nnd 17, In thu Mulbuso llnlbllns. corner of riflb and .Main Sis. lusl year the flowor show far exceeded nil expec tation nnd It In himcd that there. jjl Im ii Kruat iiiuuy morn entries this year. In thin connection tho commit too wlali to empbatilzu tlm time In which tho onirics nro to bo made, und aUn tlm necessity of entering the flowera In tlm proper ilassci. Tbo commltteo In cbnrne of tho TCKlstratlon of tlm entries will Iio nt tho bulldltir: at eight o'clock Wed nesday mornliiK. AtiRUst 10, the opening day of tho show, nnd tbo registration will closo promptly at 12 o'clock, noon of thu sumo day. Last year n great deal of confusion win caused by lite entries and In Justice to nil tho competitors, and to tbn judges na well, It Ms necessary to close at noon Wednesday. The judges will then mako tlm awards and tho show- will formally open at 2:30 Wednesday aftornoou. Tho clasalfl'-atlnnH of tbo flowers has been greitly simplified, thus (Contlmmd on Pasc C) HE WONT JUMP, AFTER II, MW2 THREE KILLED TRIP BURGLARS Attempted Robbery Turns Into Gun Fight; Only One Makes Escape I.OK ANOIXCH, Aug. 11. Three men aro dead, ono Is under arrest and ono In sought here today as a result of a trap set by deputy sher iffs, willed turned tin attempted rob bery Into a gun fight. Tlm dead arc I,otihReMe)und Ed win Ilurtont-of Chicago,! both with criminal rocordsj'nnif Ktnacth Flee nor or Texas. . -. .n. Itron and Klootior died -in tbn flKht. Ilurtnn dlod later In '.-hospital. A fifth member of tho gung is Ltlll at largo. .!- o ...I i , BAND PLAYS TONIGHT Atteiiilanii. ut O'outcrlw (iniwuig And I'rugriuaN ImprotbiK Tonight unolher open ulr band concert will take placo at tho city playground. Attendance at tho con icrto Is growing, and the band Is ro spondlng to public Interest and put ting on some excellent programs. AfuVrfeptlonnlly good program Is nm,Vi. iW' "1' " Al S"0W airocior, (or t . 4nt, as follews: 1 '' rcb. National Emblem. : orture Princess of, India. . .id Son p. Departed Days. . ,cones from King Dodo 'Valtws, Daughter of Love. C.'ficlorjlou from tbo Opera Mar tha: 7. Hawullun Song. Aloahoa Oe. lllues, "Wabash" t II) A. h. WIHILtllO Thoro Is'a small balance, (some- thing llko $90) remaining to be paid on tho playground equipment. The playground committee decided to glvo ,i benefit dauco to ralso funds to pay off this balance, the band bad also planned on a dance about thu same date. Tho giving of two dances about tho samo time probab ly would not bring very good results to either organization and certainly would not appeal lo tho public, tbercforo It was decided to join to. gcthcr and havo ono real affair, the proceeds to bo divided equally be tween tbo band nnd playground as sociation. Wo feel that ovory citizen should bo glad nnd willing to assist these two very worthy enterprises. They are for thn benefit of tho community ns n wholo. Tho playground equip- (Continued to Page 6) ALL WHEN DEPUT ES Attractive Ad MtQ- cuvn P- . fltataai iTTClv r't K Not a poster, Iwt a Ihrtaf, i inr aaverUMnMnL Ml Sedgwick la just om of It drla who carrtol tho sky-UM oTMs. Okla., on their hats to la rialnasl eon(rnca of tho T. W, C A. .at CtUi Duk TWO ENTRANTS IN MOVIE CONTEST ARE RUNNING TOGETHER Others Vie for Hccoad aad Third Position'; Nearly S Have Cbaaon to Wla Tkketa Of tho 11 entrants In tho movie contest being staged 'by Tbo Herald In conjunction with local movlo thea tres, two aro tlcd.for first place. That Is, two have entered the same num ber of correct guesses. Should, these two maintain tan .lead until the ead of the contest, Saturday, the time their guesses wero delivered at The Herald would determine the winner. Several are ruaalag close for sec ond place, bat ao'two art . Tin same holds true for third pke. Aa the-race af awt.-ifrwest Very eVaHoet ant has a chance to win oae ot Die prizes. Surprising kaowledgo of Dae namss of movie stars was exhibited by aoua of the costesUnts. One of the play ers, however, proved a stumbling brock for all contestants. This .was Wallace Berry. He was named every thlngjfrora Geraldlne Farrar to Natl mova. The alluring Marie I'revost proved almost as difficult. Only one or two were ablo to name (bis ac tress. j Wlnnors of tho free tickets are duo to witness unusually excellent pictures during tho next two weeks, according to Harry Poolo ot the Lib erty and Ted White of the Strand. Contestants should remember that the decision may rest on the time the ucsscsaro delivered at The Herald office. This may bo another case of tho early bird. McMAHON GETS FIVE Infraction of. Motor Vehicle taw Kxpcnshc for Violators Five motorislB have fallen Into the clutches of Special Officer McMahon slnco yo&tcrday for Infractions ot tho motor vohlclo laws. They are: R. D, Chamberlain. Wulter E. Kock, Ed' win Wilson. It. L. Lockwood and C. F. Crews. All tho cases coma In tho Justico court. Chamborlaln was charged with operating an, overloaded truck. His caso was taken uudor advisement by Justico Onghugen. Keck wus fined 110 and costs for operating u motor vehiclo with a II cense not assigned to that particular car. Wilson was fined 110 and costs for driving ahr without an operator's llrouso. Lockwood was fined 110 on tbe sumo charge Crews was fined 1&0 for uslug license plates not assigned to his ear, for being without un operator's li cense and (or carrying passengers without having first given a bond as reijulrod by tho sUto. PLAN TO CHECK KLAN Natlon-Wlilo Conference to bo Held In Chicago in September C1UCA0O, Aug. 11, A natiou wide effort to curb tho activities of tho Ku Klux Klan was announced hero toduy, A national couferpneo on u campaign plan will bo hold here September 5, to which delogatcs from every state will bo Invited. MARKET REPORT PORTLAND, Au. 11, Cattto, stoady. Hogs aad sheep nominal, steady, Eggs firm. Rutler, stoady. - L 1SL. IT S7. .r mmmsn v w.f-;ZMmmk OF KLAMATH FALLS maims Delegation Meeto'With Lr cal BttsineM.Men; $I.ttO, 000 It GmI Set ;v, t ,r?n t A committee 6t hhjawar booster! from Alturas met a aamaer ot bad ness men at the ''' earn raerce lait Bight to dleewM the arc posed ,read from IVTaaemBeaaV Her ada. te.Kvreka, riMfWakTbiewa'ae thelIs'Vtihwwf:lt;wata,'ro. note this road taWffffilNtt8a of the locarchamkisr of eemmeree Jer neyed io Wlanemaeca 'rly'hl una to meet wlta, ltat(ew af aeveral of the westera.ktatea. " Dr. fleo. Coaweil, 3. W. tHImuU Oeo. T. Armatreai art memberi ot the Alturaa deUf stlea, awoiated by the board of supervliwrs of.medoe county to visit vrtrr tr l Cali fornia ndrtb ot the TehaejMft moiiB tains In an endeavor to raise. 11,600, 000.00 to finance the balldlac of tbe hlihwar. It was Pointed out that Nevada will be unable to finance construction, because the, territory covered Is uninhabited aid the state is unable -to meet tho expense. Statistics show that of 'the 21.000 automobiles going from Salt Lake to .California last year. It waa said, II, 000 turned 'straight aoupi for Lea Angeles, aad ealy M9 continued west to Oregon aad Cal(tarnhu ThU. It waa pointed oat, wei because 'the roada did aof,cemare tavorably with (he road t Lm Angelas, whita to belallmireMsi'by fubjle Mhadata UeM tnm'1'ymtim wmit vae by the aailrv4ewi C CaMtirnla at the Eareka atfttMrbr all the forala. ' ' , L-'"'1 . Kfamath rsnt wWHfc.aaked by Modoo coBBty'to'ralN'IWOO.OO'to help finaaee tala Mfhwty acraes the sUte of NevaddC Laievltw,- It was said, has already pUflged a2,000. provided the total ;ameu'Bt"ls raised. The directors', of tha chamber ot commerce will consider Ue'mattV at Tuesday's meettaf- ' ' UNK RIVER APPROVED bee Director May Ho to Btt tUt Pro aero Link river may be pM location for taking many, thrilUnf aavla sctaee in the maklag ot Mg, aaeclal pro duction by the TaeeJtidlee. Director VYray ipest yesterday ex aminlng the facllttlee hero and tbla morning took several photographs of scenes on Ling river. Whether tho river will bo used aad at least a por tion ot tho film made here will de pend, ho said, on certain require ments. These Include tho raising and lowering of tho water, logs to be driven down the stream and a bridge to bo blown up. Secretary Stevenson said ho thought every requirement would bo met. Should the whole production bo stagod hero It would mean tho pres ence for six weeks pf a cast ot 35 peoplo. Should only tbe dam sceno bo takon, SO players would be hero ror two weeks. Among tho players would be Marguerite La Motte and Lloyd Hughes. While the production calls for a city ot II.90Q, Wray be lloved that portions pf Klamath's business soctloucodld''be'uted to meet requirements, Wray left tbla morning for Marsh field and other town where he will examine prospective foeattoas. Ha al so contemplated going an. to Caaads, but said that It the ' 'required ar rangements ere maahere he would probably return, wKheu't' going fur ther north. b ( j klansmanujCpses Nathan A. Baltov'lMa'h Jayear At Las AagevTtW r, , LOS ANOBLtAg.t"n. NaUf an A. Baker, mm ot tha.gT de(ad-; nl In thn Vu riH'til tiul'- Will : uvsi wa. unable anW JirrW , M today following bt 'M mv T ' ? Houser that It m'iH'v Kf- ," '" eetd wUhoutVkM;aJMvMH,K.1' . dltlea. If ,hta .' t:iii ft "7 " W lip W ., serious tha. xsisrsar yj ' . 1 it A m i i ,. V m .vi .! f'l 'V'Vj J ill i -n;1 k. w rt j i. M.' a yt- V 1W i' 'it i. j