ka mmty iiKi is i-ftfrj i. - --- mmwuMH MmfrfK r t Page Four THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tiiriwnw, u'niw to, inca. hi? . i;V 1 M m m The Office Cat DY JUNIUS kvhhymv, kvhhvu mutt: Two incrchants bid for Fortune' prlzo. lis tlio self-same field of labor. Olio tint) tlie sense to advertise ' i And noon boiiRht out bis neighbor. IB IE THE!? ,' A Haltimoro woman who pushed hor huhnml Into n trunk, and throw 'nwaj' tlin key. list apparently solved Jllio nnrlonl problem, "How can 1 hold my husband." ' Geo. Ulrlch soys appearance arc , gotten clcccpllve. Tito girl with thnj dreamy" eyeo may bo qulto wldoi 'yawnke.' l , Improving tvJivWlfo; "Haijou know. ou arcyj 1 growing handsome', hubby?" ; Husband: "Ye. It's a way I have' ..Jwhen' It r,0t anywhere near your' , birthday." Name These Screen Players and Win Free Tickets To Motion Picture Theatres!!! Can jou name iIiom' two popular scrroti idnj cr? Write their Amnios on (ho blank Hue. sji jiuii' own name, rlln mill mall l. MOMi: CO.VIT.SP, Till: i;i;lll UKH.U.H. u lrai nl Till: lll'.lt M .iff I.e. Two plriuivw Hill appear e.irli day for tno week, '-I pic-(uti-ji lit all. Hath picture Hill be iiutiiWtvd. All guev-ts uuim be rrivlvtil ol Till! UKHMiH net luli'r than noon if the eoviiil iI.ij following piiblliatlon anil the correct mime will be published thnl day. I'lles Hill lie awarded to (he three person Mil'iulltlng tho nearot cortrrt number of mimed ii follews: MUST I'Hl'.K IK five ticket to the STHANH, STAH, ami i.itiruTY tii i:tih:. Si:i"OM PIM.lv ! free ticket. THIH1I I'ltl,!: (1 five ticket. In eienl of a lie, the winner Hill lie judged by the time the gnoses nee received at the Herald office. Kach cmclopo will bo mnrkeil with the lime of receipt, TlrkutH Hill be ilhldetl to ultc winner, a nearly n povtl ble, an equal uiiiobei' fur e.nrli theativ. THI'ltl," WW. XO XTHIXOS TO TIMS CONTEST IT'S run:. srn i vol i: tu'nss teday: Clip Here SI T Modern Cnptnin Kidds nntl Morffnns nro Rum Runnorn; Power Bonis Replace Sails of Oltl jJ jjt 5? I -3r WA s-ffTssn T.JT-r", 'mm mmm .asS&vsK .;v?t,r. (III) aine ' M JJ.- HW 1X&& ST W - C-0) Xmiie rlte I'lalnly Your .Vamo ami Aihli-os (1) f '-()) OcnrRo Washington didn't wear whiskers, illls was not n rqcoMiuR chin? .TiiMday'ii pictures. (151 Ml I)u 1'ont. (13 Mai Collins. (161 Alice Terry. (H James Klrkwoo.l. j MIAMI, t'l.uld.i. Aiir. ll' ; hninl oer wlial e.ish he hml. t'rtfoy , When Hobby liles himself to the uuve liliu liuiro than 43.000. Tlio i hayloft or nawN under tlio houso J other Utloi In tho monnttmn liud .and In wide eeil wonder perusert ' koiio below and covered Iho Al 'a pnper-linrkcl rbroulclo of Mor-! bury'n crow wtlh plsloli. Kilgo I Ran, Caplrtln Kbld. nml other con-' rouib waa paelin: ifip deck ixtthln try who roame.l ttie wan under Iho low of tho cabin when otto of tho I Jolly KiSj-or. be usunlly cxprowo men b.uv him. Tho iu:intor Va or regret that he ilbl not Uvo n een-iilered lo eutor but bosIiijt tho pin i lury or two into so ho could tmvo ol turned bin bJfk. A xhtil wnn Joined Iho oilreniurer. 1 fircil and tho captain fell rteml. ' Tho boy mar not know It, but I THo crwAV of iho Almry than wo tlio sen iover are on the Job airdtii ! IotioU In lh cabin and tho UI and tho tpap.iiliHi of liquor plratM i ilcpartcnl. Tlio prlsonrr. far off tho aontti-enstcru eoaet tit l'loflor suld. rcenlnod tnelr liberty with- (Ida and In the nahamas. If record- a fw innmeut. ed In n book, might r.inso Hobby Tho Palron, which had been nu- tn rftisril Mortsati. Kldd and com- nont from Miami several imy, unv- ,pnny with less awo. Morgan nml 'ng been loaned by Us owner, to a Kldd wero furred to depend upon-'mitu said to hnvo ieutiy been r Sails for moth,, power but llu mod- leased from the t'lorbla penlten orn plrnlo lus a gasollno motor tlary. a found at her moorlni; In anil puts to sea In a boat thai will ' the harbor hero tho next morning "M .T. .1. Kullor tilnem: From l'ong) Jk'.liiyie. Jack Uoihiuov ntid similar ostK, good l.onl deliver. 5 , ,' Clinusoil Voiv "Arnwt bold fond'l&Qr fur Muatrh-I Ing nlikols." headline. 'All horoj immsnu. i FFIS HIPS' Bulgaria Offers Big Opportunities For Enterprising Ynnks SOl'IA. HulR.irl, ug. lo. gnrla's mine. ferst. rivers Hoi-and ' . .. .....-., I MM .. . . . .1 ,- ... ( - .... wo n i ways tuougut mo uravc uviwri icrriric untiles or Air In ' "'"""" u"or isi opponuni- ed tho fare. .Million I.Ike Him Tho follow who cotilplatn that hbi homo. town iPapor h.-ui nortilng In It,; , I tlio-K.iino ono who roara tho loud ost over tlio phone to thoedltocvrbrn ' his Mpor comei'a few hours Inte. j fi. i i " . Ho- quick to kick if tlilntvt ieem Future Wars Is Pro phecy of Committee vnvnnv a in r ., t. 111 1 thinking of what might hap- j l ijciiitoU In oaaa' o.Temy alwliln Uv IJCIlilO i TRiiln c rar flew orar the clfcy, and , t""'1" money ties for enterprising Americans. In I tli opinion of King' Horls. and th popular young monarch t nnxtont to have American builaoM men and 1 capitalists come to Sofia to look over field. "Wo will give' thorn every antagc and npporl lii profltn! move taster than nn sailing x) gel ever built. Ho overhauls n liquor rtinnsr. holds It up. steals nil, or as much of Its cargo as Ms vcl will (rry. wares his bauds to Iho lucklo4 owiirr and disappears to land hltt loot nt ' some unfrequented mivb. on Hie Florida const. ()Uior biiyo landed on smalt keys In tho Jln hamna where cargoes of liquor for rum runners have been ntvoinbtad nml fabled the warehouses. Official reports of piracy have not been froqucnt. The liquor smug glers who h.ivo been held up at iica c liar i:o the occurreuco to pro tit and loss ami maku no complaint becaiMo they are law bre-Vws, j tlicmselvua. Tho pirates r.-t orally do tint toll ii limit thulr oprratlona but niimerotis storlott of hold-ups and robberlfts leak out IIiicukK ur dorgreuB.I sourw and tlieie U ev ery Imneatlon that pruliili'ttf.ii of flcera nro not the only penpln iae IHmor runners are constantly on tlm lookout for. Hanfard Mobtly. IS. held in J.ttl at Watt I'ulm luwtch ns one of tho four wen. charged with tho to'ilnry lmlng ontcrr.d port sometlmp ilur I UK the night. Here's Cheapest Auto; Lacks Only Motor Power Montana and Idaho Will Produce Most Polos, Say Officials MIH!!OItL, Mont., Aug. 10 That t,hp national forest a of Montana mm liiirlherii Idnlio will bo called uomi within tho next f.vv yoara to furninN tin mnjoilty of tplputiono and tole graph poles used 111 the oast. I Hie liellof of forestry officials, at. n r Bitlt of tho inroada mndo y ' ihn eliestiuit bllaht on tho timber aopi.h In that section. According to forestry official. Montiinn ami Idaho now aro ahlppliiK large quantllle of polo In tlm At latitlo seiihoftnl Thwo Ii eonsblur able cedar In Montana and the sop ply Is na yot practically uatourhou. It In said The forest sen Ire la malum- a studr ii f tho taper and growth t mdnr In Montana nml Idaho. Hie dntn to bn used us a future b.isl for entttng western nil cedar itl. Hands. awtuj.jijuu:,..!iw3 'ium Jiwwtzii TREES SHRUBS ROSE BUSHES BULBS Old. r 111 hi IH'U lur full 111 I.I tl"U . .1 II.m KlamalhFlowerShop Cttt Flowers - - Plants IM mi,, '.Ml HII M .III HI kvv K. ClRT3'3g-gyrglXgft Youhk Korean Sees His Children for First Time YAKIMA. Wash . Aug 10. Yousg Ho Jo. a Koiohii resident of the Ya kima valtuy, has boeu siirutnoned to Roalllo to mei-t his wife, Hub Kiibi! l.oo. n mi thulr ihreo-yar-lil ou, ' whom ho has navr scon because, j truo to tho traditions of his rate, tie unity to Invest J of tho'Hank of .Stuart, at Stuart. j,r. IkiM oalor- v- varpl months ugo. also 1ms nUOUNU. Ore.. Aug. 10.- On b trip by bliy.le from Seattle. Wash, to llrants Tase. Oro.. Mr. and Mrs. l M. Crokr nod ffmr children jmsed through Kugeno a fow il.iys ago. They were riding on b machine com pni of the ttarts i four blcyrtr hooked up In tandem fashion Tho marhlne we-tgha ISO pounds and ar rins a IqsiI of 7B0 piui'iils, Inrludinr I he six imswngi'rs and their lugxagi- , Knur of Ihe riders hImI nl a tim I while the remalnltig two and n .lor ride na tHUHeugurs. frm ' i elsims lis maehlne carries as nun b aa a nniall niitnmoblla, and after h ' got It fJiinllv pertoeteH. he ss Hmf lu will attach n motnW Vuf nlng a kI Ion of gMollue every 100 miles. , The family left IVatllo In June i and have takon llielr time on the I trip. Mopping at dlffur.-tit ptn-.-s i.'i lb roml They have raeltd .'.no mile so far, according to ('nick- ! sent tlio projpcctlvo mother to tils native laud that Hie child might ho boni tlforo Young Ho Jo came to the United Htnto In 1005. In 1010 t Entitle ho married Hung Kura T.o. also n Kor ean In 1919 sin' n turned lo Kuren lo Hie uilb lii'i m. il. , tli.il to-i rhibPmlRbt In- born llirr.- Ymm Mn .1.1 Wilt III II'- III Ulf'' ' 'I ' 'III t .ll I IK I I" Ml ill I' " ' I I' l' P n trees There Is no time fr delnv whan your Ciuxet iiimi an iv rldent. You demand quirk and effi etoai wrvtca thou. We nrn oqtltDped to mml r such service iramedlattfly We srlnd the nut fad. no I dB! the leases and r.iiaran if correct duplication of UmKuf. f Tweaty-tl years oipcr Irnee. Dr. Goble i'Iiohpi Of?, imi.w, He. :t:t i -j TOO Aliilil llr,il . I.i- if .1 ad pn mi. lilMiMlllllljirt Crorker I. an evanr.ellnt. .wroiir, bijt klflk to me and maka It iilrong. To rankn things right glW "!' mo delight. If 1 nm wrongand yon" "inro right. " i Xiitine I'lOlI.liil a I'larc A school livelier boxed the esm of u pupil n few days ngo. 'The bay i told his mother, and tho next djy the teacher rc,c,plYjjil thoj(pllouiiig nete: - "Xaturo has provided a proper place , for tlie'piinlilimont of n boy and It U J not his oar. I will llianlc ymt to nsu It hereirtter." " Whafs' tho matter with the peach v.'lz.irda. Wo ljoven't heard a chirp ont of them yet. It is tosrola that iho pencil crop hasn't bcn nilnpil agfln. Who Ha Ihe lol XeneV '. W. S. Wiley says a man may have ' Just ns much barkbnnn ns a woman but not so much of It shows. 11 i ' ' ' iJjjftilevL'rfyourif follow we know- unco weiu 10 a motor snow; '' Whgn lj w'nt nwny Ifo liqft n oouiio . And two cliiimmy. roadulors in low. ho picture Ii not a pleasant one. . prises." the kine sahi rowntlr to thl plrm,r llmrK0 '"'"K1" W l,,w- r;iio oiocnlv TiitnitiiHiMt nt si . . ..- . . I Just what part ho Is bellve.l to .lie . Kociiu-e committee of the cortespoadent. "Wo would prefer to . . ... ,. . , ,,., ,. pariiamrnuiry air eommiiiee lms'.i.v.i ,.iti, a.....,.i,.., ,.,, .,:,.. i " - - sent .V loiter ! the prime minister i... w,. iiw. ii. r.- n.-i- i......- ftHloro1 -thorllle , lmv not hU In which, after referring tu 'wlt - 'iiwd, ,..t..., .1...1 ,., x ,"1.1 l,l'- ''av' annuiine! thnl was'n.-cempll.l,ed by air filers Md nwollrc.. Th,; Iiwy ,, ttwMnA " MW granted I.N liberty In the Kuranoart" war l -,...'.,..... ....,i. .... ,.....,. 0 hall, or was acquitted of t -- . -- -.-. --... Krft a s 1 mmt uillll rt UIVUIHV Hilli lo draw -an nppaUIng pluuire ot the, Bulgaria, It may lie said tonwrva next ulr war. TJie Ieter s-iy: tlvely, Is making a really remark "Tho bombs dropped on London ' ! recovery from the nffocts of tlm during., the last- war avenagl'li ar, Tho Ilulgarlan population today than' 100 pounds In weight. Uomba , has food, clothing, good hoalth, shel- or torpedoes are now carried of l"r' money and the other oloments MOO pounds weight, containing a of material contentment, and for this ma 1 feet .... .1. . .. t.. . and thrift. -ml their uiufuminH u-iii. nine a short dlstaure from here. ... .ci u.uj'jivm mi 4uniiuii i:nii rvdu- ..,-.... ...... .. . . ' lit.!... M&.1l.l.u.. u . - ... - I..IUH .."HU, .!.. tl Willie 111 IIIH Ncwlyjveds Plan 10.000 Mile Honeymoon Trip J robbery charge, he would be .irret od liiiiMCilliitcly on a federal war rant charging piracy. Tho most recent c of nllegail piracy to Ihi mads public offlelalty resntteil In Hie shooting to death roN3TANT!.NOPI.l. Aug. 10. Mr. and Mm. Walter Curt. C.il.l well, N. J , who were married hero last mouth. hav lft in n glpy hen- j ni oon trip of 10.000 miles around Nurnpo. Tlnjy will travel all (kn way' lit'a small Amerlmu csmloHelie, wild a rbauffeur-rook. and a small teur of oiled silk. When tbo weather ts tno of Ceorge Kdgeeomb. negro mast-r , ,,., fnr ,a ,, . ,, was of high oxnloeivM. The of- "' prttcltal reusoa Is t'hq lohor ofiof ,),e Ifrltlsila shooncr William II I iMI), ,,nlr motor car. Their honey eet of 11 dosen bombe of this oliar.'"10 niaasoa. their sobriety, energy j Al,,l,r'' at Cat K,,J"' '" "' llllll!" ini)ii will laki In flreece. Iiutunrla. Is Al Snjil'ir tw. It 111 11 bt bo touch on i.uiiki human iioucncks, whun the moultlu' tlmo vomos. Prince Worth Fortune -Xy. Mlralmlle, tho old-fushloued sparking wasn't by radio. Xim Ami Then Whnn n young man meota n girl and fiillH in lore with her. ho should avoid saying, ns, 0110 used to say, "Will jiiii bo.mlno?" It Is moro tact ful In thojso (hi) a to whisper, "Muy I bo yours?" A gre.it man Is ho who can 'park (wo Kepi whoro 0110 b'ord was (lurk ed hisforo. uy lie conceiveu. There is no- nterely a possibility but a great , valuntecr labor army prolwblllly that In tho event of war. CBU,C- this country would be raided and i n,"'fnr'a ' ! "a"0" f 1'oasants. 1-ondou and olher towns destroy-! J,ore ""'" f"Ilr-"fhs of her itopuln ml by squadrons or even fleets ot 1 1," of r,'UQ"'000 ,',rlc "" ""' olrplauos, travelling at 150 mile. I " un hour at a holght of .0,000 feet, state or riaWQlinn silent us to tbelr englnoe and cer tainly by night invisible." ,Th commltteo prophefloe, that ajj groat wars In Hituro will be gin with terrific battles In the air, und says that If the country suffers 11 rgal ilefoat In this first buttle, the victor wjll In a few days destroy her ports, her railways, her muni tion factories and her c-tpltal by in tensive bombardment from tho air. It cohsldors that ut present Knglaml Is not In a position successfully lo combat an ulr attar!:, und that tho government should appoint u strong commission to Invontlgate. and the theft of hetv.pon 2.n00 ...ii,..! and f'J.O'iO from the mkI. Thr lluiimnla. Serbia, Poland, t'ser-bosbiv akla, Hermnny, Holland and Franco, AHKt...S ..t.M... . AA H.ll.. .. .I.H - - - - 1 'tiaauiK iiH.n.fc v.j mirca ii hh. 1 imiiK-ry iiuuiiiiki -my -. n - Tiiey ospoct t' compioto their carn- Imry, anordlng to Hrltlsli nffleUis. V:uf Journey m tlmo to rentlt New has been engagwl In the rum orrj" I York on Thanksgiving day. Ing between the llnhamas and J- Tho results of Dr. Curl's observa- IIO.VOM'I.U. T. If.. Alig. 10 Tho ostuto of tho Into I'rinco Jo- malca. D'ody Corny, cashier aboard tho Albury, was sent to Miami by the Hrltlsli oommlwloner at 'ill mini, to tell the story of tho hold up to the Hrltlsli vice-consul nad stale and federal officials hare. The Albury was nt anchor nt Cat Key. Carey said, when un mix ed for 20 years as Iho territorial delegate to congress Is valued nt 1 tC,33J.G0, according to the Inven tory filed In the circuit court here. Tho unencumbered Income deriv ed from tho estate by the widow, l'rlnrM Kllznhoth Kalanlunaole, ap proximates $2,800 annually, and u movement Is on font hero to obtain u government pension for hr in memorr of the rnrvlrau renilenul ilw. KSTKAY MiTlfi: 'territory by tbo prime. Tho ro- Camo lo my plato near Heady, j rout republican territorial tonvon Oregon, uno bay pony. hod on, four I 'Hon pledged Itsolf to obtain such foot, branded 1 S( looks Ilko k') on ., .,. . ,..,, 4-.utu IIWIII HIV J 17) mittl. 11 I Us nab K11I1I0 Kalnulanaolo, who serv-! lllury schoonor said to be tho Kal I tlou will be omlMiilled In a series ot econcmlc studies for Ihe American statu ,dftpartmont. PESTS MENACE TREES llimiih-. Looking Hullei'fl) Threat ruing lil.ilut Timber con appeared. Three men wore aboard tho I'alron and after nn chorlug tliuy boarded the lli'ify and Informed Captain Klgecomh they wished to purchuto 11 cargo of liquor. They were ontertalned by Kdgeeomb during Iho forenoon while tho crew piled J2.100 worth of liquor on dock to ho triinsfcirod to the Kulcon, nccordlnK to the account. r . ..1 ...,, .- .... .lU-"" .-'"" -A IlOISi: IDAHO, Aug 10 --Millions of feet of t,iudltiK ui'-rrlmut ablu pluo and other timber la 1 laho Is throalunud with destruction by .1 harmless looking while butterfly, according to 1. If. Hash, state lund commissioner. Tbo situation on tlm Idaho national forest and In Hie vicinity of I'.octte lakes Is es pecially bad, ho Hold. Tho butterfly laya t gg In the $$" ff UNIFOMMMTO Every I'ttllon like every ty other gallon. Every drop.C'i- t:illlf (if VanonVinir nmiillix '"1 find uniformly in tho enrbu-'. reior, nntl u.einjr consumed'' .completely in Ihe cylinder nt'yj.- tlio iumn nf tlin nirl J 1 "i. ' . Tlint's "Rod Crown." That's quality in gasoline. ' Use "Red Crown" and nothing also, nndyour car will develop the maximum power that its makers de aincd it to give. Fill at tho Red Crown sign at Sen-ice Stations, garages, or other donlcrs. STANDARD OH. COMPANY (C.UA Qlw Gasoline of Quality Men nrg wnrpod not lo hoop their pyus on tho'iloel:, but what If It 11 In u girl's slocking? ' left tdiouhlur. Owner may huie unl nml by paying costs. W. T. DHFKV. 10-U DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Cot results by using class ads. At noon Iho Albury'a crow ox-j full and 'ihoto hatch In I ho spring lept Kilgetomb and Carey wont ho- m tliu form of worms which ntlack low Carey wus working on his 1 pine needles and gradually 1:111 Iho books in bis stnteroom when nriujtico. Smudging Is Ihe only known of the visitors appeared, pointed a j melhod of destruction of Iho but 1'ihIoI ni him nnd.ordcinl him iolorflltH and worms. Mkmmk WBEMmMkai mmmm msmm 6lMM 1 iimpz- -K sTcS A .rfxn. Kv.iS -JH'WifiS.Tyj MttaaPjA mm A msA Vjr.J A Very Busy Household . 0 Yet! - Monoy tiiltca. Hid you over see n inlin'ri, head on a gllver dollar? vjin money talks no 0110 stops 10 crinoisu its grammdr. v IHSCjlfBf? HHAINAfii: 1'HOIH.IOIH KA.NflAS tUTY, Mo Aug. 10, Dralnngn prohloiUB will' bo dlsfcussud and exhibits will' sio)v j'ilio liioiWii methods nf currying away surplita water at tho mooting of tho Natlnuul draliiugo coiiKrasa, hero BeplBmbQr ST. to 29, Tlio body Is ono of tho larg est Irrigation nml rrclamaltiu bodies In iliti world, according li"l''r.i'nk M. Jllbliiitnuk. fiecn;iy of llpi eonoui 'ilon.huroau. IT OOESH'T LOOK: A57M0USHlHWUL'lto.TTM1fB WELL I'LL BET If " THIS VACATION WltL Jl "TTsf WM W V. M ( SW 01 atp ) MFAU MUCH Tn MP t II -4 -14- Wfflfa WHWHI60 SOME P-ACE,A MEAN MUCH TO HE. fl KUf- "WjS U AFTER DRAGGING- 1 f?-T- ' - 10: III . THING poNMM BY ALLMAN I VJOHDER. IF PAPDV WILL LET ME TAKE MV B1CVCLE. ALOMGToo? n r THROUGH 1ROMIMC V E5,At SOON I M A FEW MINUTCS, AS I FtrllSHTHia. I mSM I WSwwmM L,1T,. , JTX-Jic31i: I 0 A t ty B ' I 1 . i .A hi.. ?!" .. ii 1'.?' . .. " -' Vu -.. i ev