The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 10, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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' "pf-.- f i
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TiuiiwnAY, AirnvftT lo, inaa,
Pat Two
l y
JI. i
I, '
F. K. HOUriR. .Kttiior nml PnMNhrr
II. II, HIMi. .,,..;,... .City Ktlltor
1'', C. AihrrlMiiK MmiftRvr
Published dully except Sunday, nt
Tho lloralil l'liblishlnrc Company nf
Klamath Folia, at 118 Klfthth Btrcet.
Knterod nt tho nostofflco nt Klam-
nth Fnlls, Ore, for transmission
.through tho malls ns second-class-
jfUr.t.' v
i :.', ' ' .
"V PHK&3 ' '
The Associated Press Is exclusive-'
Ir entitled to the ttso for nubllca-l
Hon of nil news dispatches credited
to Itl'i or not otherwise credited In
thlspspcr, and also tlio' local news
published herein,
Tiirnsn.w, ACdt'ST in, maa. )
vvfR must quit .dealing In fit-
W, Aures If Oregon la to Keep.
,,'! ' '
, pace with Jl slstcrstates of. tho Pa-1
cine Coast. Klamath county, at
, tho present moment, has room for a !
thousand of tho rlcht kind of cot-1
Hers. Men equipped with sufficient;10 "'" Mr M,m t(i
, , , , Iho uppish class.
tax........ . .. .1 . .. .... ...nL'.. M ..n
cess In "faftiilnc or InlluMry else-
whero 'would mako in success
here, Rroatrr Ruccess than In
many other places becaiiso there
aro preater resources here, waiting
to 1m transfoWncil'' from" their r.iv
stntn Into necessities' 'and luxuries
for tho. upkeep and romfort of those
who direct the transforming pro
cess. . ,
. Hut wo did not create tho rich
resources and It Is Idle to expect
that- they will become negotiable
In the current marts of trade un
less effort and energy U applied to
' transmuting them Into tho things
that people cat and wear, of which
'they build their houses and create
the luxuries and adornments of
modern clvllltatlon.
In u recent editorial thu Herald
declared that thl.1 . lack of reallza?
Hon of tho values with, which wo
are surrounded, tho Koncral apathy
In regard to their development, was1)
the grcatcM foo to the progress of
the state. In commenting upen
thatVdltorlal thot Times or Marsh
field enlarges upon tho Idea as fol fel fol
eows: The' curted apathy with which
this potential development K vlaw-
ed Is the same that has held Ore;
ron-tn third place among' tae three
Pacific coast states In point of pop-
y ulatlon. wealth and
, We stand mute 'In
and wait. For what I
For someone clso to do thajwork, f
to pave too way. to nulla me roam
and provide tho machinery, set lt'Jn
motion, and then.' turn
..u.n ns a .going concern.
Itj- orcrito
In & countrj- that cries out for
pioneers wo refuse to heed the call.
. t-fcWo ffltt not roll up our eleeves,
mt.our shoulders to the wheel and j
do some of the hard work that must
bo dono first nud yet wo cry out
aratnst taxes that are called high,
j., Taxes aro high because wp nro
demanding a government Intended
for u hljthly developed, thickly pop
ulated state when wo aro living In a
sta'to that Is only partially develop
ed and scarcely more thun sparse
ly populated. ,
Wo 'tave'7 long slnrt' pasacJ the
place where "ft Is fltTlng for u to
alt In jsoiemti conclivo and? throw
bouquets' at cajjh othe t
What wo should do Is get out
Into our unsettled pluins utid moun-1
t'tlns and thiow brick-bats ut each
other until wo wako up.
Tho opportunities arc hero for
agricultural, forest, mining and in
dustrial development. Why do wo
ovxr op STMtE, Auna wth
eouARS bustves , wmen
t- ' WJyPL V7
( eWsOl
"In the Hood Oh! Summer Tlmo"
was written In winter.
... . l 1... 1 I....... ...
. .f ,"7mBn"n,ra" '"".." ,v
noii. uutt KnocKinc v.uicnKo.
. .
Ono mlRhnay the mlnlslc.r who
eloped inado'n clerical error.
Vt ,,,,,... i,
FlKiirea iiput lie In n bathing mill.
'...iinic iinrinr liielit nf.
n nro Re tin siiortor. uiRiit ni-
teruiner it is mri onoiiRn in K wr
jour best Rlrl,
Tliero isn't my safety In numbers
In a canoe.
Marino aviators remind iir of Con-
press up In the air ono day ami at
' sea tho next. ,
1 A man who Is never on tlmo often
buys thliiRs that woj. 1
, , ,,,,
Kvory doR wants his day at nlslil.
A friend In need Is worth two In
f"09"0 '
Many n man who thinks ho ucIoiiks
contemplating suicide
ought to stick around. We shall have
some fun next winter. .
'Many,who will fly from Oreat llrl
tain to tho United States must be la
a big hurry to borrow money.
These nights are, so warm. W
should dislike to be a professional
wrcst)er or go to n dance.
Tho Ice man Is taking up his sum
mer quarters.
Tariff makers have a high conte
tlon of tariff duties.
Split-Ears Wins Fame
Is Champ Gopher Killer
'flfiACinU' PAItK. Mont.. Aug. 10
Mrntanu thinks that It hn.i found j
tho world's champion gopher killer
In Chief Oscar Spllt-Kars, n lllack--fc!t.
chieftain n tho reservation ut i
r.row:iliii:. near hero.
Itcccntly nt a tribal council In the j
offlto of F. C. Campbell, tho reserva-i
'lion iigMit, several of tho chiefs turn
ed the talk ti gopher killing, each;
reporting' tho extermination of largp(
numbers of thu prairie rodeuts this,
wasnn. !
i Si;llt-l-itrs.8firtli J tho group when j
It cu'iiio his lurn. by calmly nnnoune-l
tijt that ho had killed 1. COO gophers '
slnco the snow, loft lhe ground this I
f spring. Tho others asked for proof
of this nml laughed politely when!
Split-Kara said ho had burled thu I
tails always rutulncd for proof
nml would have difficulty In lecating
them. 4
After tho conference SplIl-IIars!
disappeared and was not seen around
tho reservation until 'a fow ilaya ago
wi,on 10 cam to .Mr. Campbell's of'
flco carrying a 35-foot rope to which!
worn attached 3,2 lfi gopher tails.
"I couldn't find tint lulls I burled," I
Iho rlilnf Intil t'tiiiiiitixll tliriuinli nil'
Interpreter, "so I went out and klll-
.1.1 mntnn innrn t.nnltnm '
M.....W .I.W.M ,.'l.. ... .
"Split-Kara" rnmarkablu string of j
gophur tails will bo kept for oxhlbl-j
Hon at tho Montana state fair iaj
Ho left his camp-ftre burning to
sea If tho fire lookout would pick:
n up
Ho did.
Hu thought this would bo a good
test to tee If tho district ranger was
on the Job. '
He was.
Ho wondered If a fire would burn
very fast In thu dry forost.
It did.
Ho thought ho could get away be
foro the ranger could catch up with
Ho couldn't.
Ho thought bo could bluff thu
Judge at his trial.
Ho' didn't.
Ho wondered It tho Judge would
have tho nerro to f,entcnco him to
Ho did.
Wo wondorcd If ho will put out
his camp-tiro tho next time ho I.i
in th'o forest.
He will.
Vou know
Vo mow
Tho fragrant hu)'.
Jlut when wo put the samo away
We pile It up, tnku notice now
Into n mow,
"Those npw dashing for thu pole
wil be exposed vto terrific expanses
of snow and Jco,"
."I can't ithudder over thut In
tbs weather."
f . ,
I Personal Mention
Albert 1). Duhno, of the Owluuell
liumher eompauy tit .Mtu'dnnt. Is n
business visitor hetv this week.
A. R. Krttsp Is nttendlng t" busi
ness hero for tho Kruno Lumber com
pany of Swan l.nko vnllej.
I.. Hongland spent the. day In Mm
dool yesterday tut business, return
ing lato last night.
Miss Kslhnr Villi litis returned
ifrom Ran Jose where she has lieott
attending tho normal school.
T. M. Cunning made on of his fre-i
I intent lalts Into town titter sutipllfa
for hit Pine titoe much josturday.
Mrs. Jiimes I'elton s registered at
the Whlto Pelican hotel today from
her homo at Fort Klamath.
M. S-'mlth tuid family nro to he
ut Sprlnrc creek for the remainder of
the week fishing mid rnliiplug.
Harry Telford Is hunt from Cali
fornia for a fow days settling up his
business nffulrs.
Miirchall Hooper, ut que time eon
noited with thoidefutict.'Flmt Stntes
and Savings hank, arrived In tnwnj
last night from nranti'P.iss.
Curtla Hedrtck arrived on the
train this morning froiji riiiNnjuttsj
ami will spend tno ilay, in town iook
ing after business nftntrs.
A miirrlago license wis Issued yes
terday etetilug to John; ll.irrls and
MIm Helen A. Steffin. both nf this
A. It. Wilson, I!. M. lluhb and M.
I.. Johnson loft this morning for (.an-
goll valley for tho purpoe of njj-'i
praising property offered on tho sol
diers' bonus loan.
Charles K. Itllej", ono tlmo resid
ent of Klamath Falls. Is back on a'
combined business and pleasure visit
from his present homo In Paruiso'
Springs. California.
Street work on South Hlvurside
aveuuo Is progressing ut a rapid rnto
nml It will not bo long before actual
paving starts. Tho era ere to stde
walks are being taldlthls week.
Tho Iter. S. J. Cheney and family
left yesterday for Crater l.ako whero
they will vpend a fow days, coming
on down to Spring creek for another
fow dujH and then homo.
Miss Clara Cnlklns mndo a busi
ness trip to Illy j'cstcrday morning.
Shu reports tltat tho hay eropa In
that rectlnn nro Oxroptionally fitio
this year.
Miss Jnttnita Howe, who for the
naat two vears has been employed In
tho office of tho iltlted Staler Hoc'
lamatlon service,-left on this morn-j
lag's train for Sun Francisco whore'
she will make h-r homo for the next j
fow mouths.
Tho Pine beetle turw;y Is malting
fluo prognws thlc summer, reports F.
P. Keen, supervisor of this dUtrlct.
who returned yesterday afternoon '
from a threu days Inspection trip to
tho tumps Ktatlonud in til" Illy see
tlon, Tint.,) men nro getting all In
fected trees spotted for full burning.
With Diamond l.ako us their fin
ul objective. Mr. anil Mrs. Ilert With
dow. their daughter. Waive, tiud Jean
McDonald left this morning fur Cra
ter Lake where they will meet Mr.
and Mr;i. K. II. Jefferson uuil togeth
er the two families will go on to
Diamond I-a!:o for a two-weeks'
camping trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Unhurt Turner mo
tored Into town yesterday afternoon
from Crater,;o whero they apent
a ploasant outing. They were on routo
to their homo In Oakland, Califor
nia, whero Turner In )n tlio Mercan
tile business. Tim many friends of
Mr. and .Mr.i. Turner regretted Hint
thoy could not tutiko u longer visit
.uuer lo Seniority OjicMlou Will
Hi Huiulril Pivxldeiit TueMbiy
WASHINOTO.V, Aug. 10. Presi
dent HurdlnK will receive next
Monday or Tucmluy formal answer
of the shop craft.'i federation to his
proposal thai the ucnlorlty dlsputu
be left to tho labor board. Noth
ing Indicated yet tlio deflnlto pro
gram of the administration uhould
tho president's latest efforts full,
except to koep congress ready for
en emergency,
CIIICAOO, Aug, 10. Tlio threat
onrd HtrlU,u of 2C00 mulntonmico
men of lbo Mllwaukeo road hangs
on tho louforencu to be hold here
this afternoon by J, C. Smock, vlco
president of tho union, and II. P.
Green, vlco president of tho rail
road. ( '
Tho union's executive board Is In
sosslon ul Madison today ready to
call a strike It tho conforca hero
reach no eroement. '
Five Expeditions Sent Out
By Field Museum; Will
Explore Unknown Lands
ClCK'AtlO. Aug 10 -Uepnrts of
Interesting scli-ntlfle discoveries nro
beginning tn ciinio In trftm live ex
peditions which hnve buen Hont out
tills your by the field museum of nat
ural hlstor) to ferrel out sorrel
of the woi'bl'H piiKt Hint are hurled In
locks, or hidden uwny til spots that
nro almost Inaccessible. A sixth ex
pedition will soon start. Most of this
work is tn lie done In portions of
South America where there has been
but little Kileiitlfle exploration.
A geological expedition under the
direction of Hr Oliver C. Pitrrlngtoti
Is now proceeding Into the Interior of
Hraxll toward the tipper roaches of
the Amazon to obtain u series of
minerals lel.ittiirt to the diamond In
an endeavor to trace. If possible, the
primary rocks which ur the Hotrco
of the diamond. Tho tllnmimdi of
Hraxll illffer In their oo ttrnmre
from thoM' in oilier parts of the
world In being found In hlhly
(uartzoxtt nr granitic rocks. Int all
other Important diamond hearing
rock locnllties the primary source nf
tlie diamond Is rock compo.-i'iltnai:-neslnii
Rillrates mid containing no
free quarts It li nWn hoped to pro
cure a full series of tho rare llrurll
tan diamond accompanying materials
which nro not found oliewhere.
Two botanical epilltloun and onr
Zoological expedition have been It'
the field for a number of month
Ono of tlie botanical expeditions left
tlie Culled States early In March
under the guldniiin nf Dr. It. V. D.ihl
gren. for llrltlsli (liilnnn to collect
specimens for plan reproduction and
economic botany.
A ami zoological expedl
tlon landed at Callao. Tern, the lat
ter part of April and after a short
stay In the coastal regions crossed
the Andes to work on the eastern
Hliipes until enrly fall, when they will
start down the tributaries of the
Amazon and thence down tho Ainii'
zen to ho Atlantic.
This combined expedition, will en
counter many varied geographic, mid
climatic conditions. At llnn-s they
will bo In lauds where both plant and
animal life Is exceedingly snnrso and
at other limits they will be In the
dense Jungle? of the upper Amazon.
Again thoy will work In regions near
the tops of tho mountains where
climatic conditions will be iIhho of
Iho extreme sniithera end of ih con
tinent, nml later they will encounter
the torrid rlimulo of the equatorial
P'rions when they roach tho Jungle.
Some of the country thoy will explore
coutnliu what are virtually "land Is
lands" for they are Miiuplotidy sur
rounded hy hlKh mountain, and on
taln ntilmul and plant life little
known to tlio outer world
Many ram and Interesting Mpei I
menH aro being gathered by these ex
peditions, which uro under tho lead
ership of lMiiiuud Holler, noted
South American and African taplnr
er,who was with Theodore Itoovvoll
on his expedition into Africa. Accom
panying Heller aro John T. Zlmmer,
J. Francis Mnrhrlde nml William
Featherstoiiv. nil of the Field .Mus
eum of Natural History.
J. Alden Mason is making on nr
rhaeloglral siirti-y of Columbia and
Central America for the Miiseitui.
Ho Ij seeking to establish a definite
relation between thu aicli.nt Maya of
Central America uml thu Incn of
Will Hays Will .Show Cbiiicli I'eoplo
Accepted rnlii((loiiH.
I'OltTI.ANI), Ore., Aug, 10. To
show eliurch peuplo what kind of
films ought to bo exhibited on thu
xciccn, Will I fays has selected u
group or gonurul films to bo shown
at the .general convention of tho
Protestant Kplscopal church, which
will ho held here September fi-23,
Arrungoinoulii for the exhibition,
which will cover a period of three
weeks, was mudo through tho Uuv. j
Churlc.4 N. Latbrop or Now Vork
lt executive necretary or tho so
cial uorvlco department or tho
A Hpecliil room Is being roniilrnet
ed In tbilronveiitinn hull( hoio for
Hip exhibition',
ni:w yonic, Aug. to. vwiii u.
Huys. president or tho motion picture
producers, today Joined William fi.
Hurt In denying thut ho ucted as In
tormodlury between Iho picture Btur,
and Mrs, Hart.
"It Is u matter with which tho ns
Hoclation hn.'i no concern; It kooh
without naylng. I had nothing to do
with tho affair whllo .on the coast, I
know nothing of It."
thi: i.miMtTV
"The llnrilrnilo" is the fontum at- j
traction at tho l.lheity Theatre to. j
day. Included In tho notable cant as-1
somhlod by Mr, Cabaiiuo ale slli'll I
well known players us Kenneth liar-
Ian, William A. Straits', Katherlne '
Spencer, Dorothy Ulclmnls, Junius ,
Hurrlsoii, Kugeiio llordeu mid John
A rugged dramatic punch plus u'
delightful touch of loiminee
The lliirrlriiilii." William Christy Cn
tin n no's production, dlslilbilied b
Uly Plitiires Corporation, one of the
really ninth while subjects tif tho
season to date. It will have Its prcm
lore at the Liberty tlieiilre today Cn
limine cho.iii for his production u
story by Dr. Daniel Carson (loodinau. '
who bus to his credit "The Wonder
Man," In which (leorges Curpontler
tuiide his first big hit In pictures nml '
many other notable productions.
Till'. STIt,M ,
At the old time price of id rejilii
and :! rents The Hi rand will tonight
give a doijbio bill nfilMuriM, "Cur-
men of the Murder" with draco Clin
ard as the stur will bo tho western
reature picture of the evening This
sensntltfunl story, adapted from the
hook, 'Hell's Crater." h 100 per nun
action and thrills. It Is n wbole show
.by Itself.
".Mother l.ovo nud tho l..iw" will
be repeated onlght and them will
also be a good comedy and vnitdevillo '
Itemeniber the first show stariH nt
ill, As n crowded house In expect
od It is well to eomo early in order
to have a choice t seats
Mini- Soil- Filed
Three euxe filed III thu circuit
court this week were all for Iho
collection of nrlous sums or nv my
alleged duo tlio pljlutlfs Tln
Klamath Packing company tlcuu.idu
Judgment iiKuinst tho Ilex'irln
eompauy In the sum of $1.7 mi. und
asks that property be sold to )uy
the nmoitnt due-
In a case In equity Parry II. Wil
son and It. A. Ilroyles have bro -ht
suit against Thu Klamulh l.lvcslocl.
company, 8an Frumlsro Cattle
Loan company and iMiJamtn K
Herns and J. Walch. uml ask a
Judgment nad decrcq in tho sum
of I1S.1.C0 with the legal rate ut
Interest from April 0, 1022. 110
expenses und 73 attorneys fees
.Maurice Carroll has filed a suit
versus K. Mochiittez, Jr , demand
ing payment on n note for the sum
or S31!i.r0 Willi Interest at 8 per
mm Irom March C, 1022. He tibui
usks for $100 ulloinnjs fees.
Mr-.. Ktrljii Wiikeflelil Hvplies Af.
ter Hlin-t'S of 1 1 Weeks
Mrs. Kvolyn Wllkefleld, a resident
of (his coiinly since I !(', died ut
.VIS Wednesday uflernou nt her
homo, 1210 Finn street, nffer mi Ill
ness of 11 weekH duration. Sho was
aged TO und hud been up Invalid for
3r, yenrs, : . ,
Sho Is survived by I wo daughters
mid three uenii: Mrs, A. I., Clifford
and Utlllh Wakefield or Oaklmid,
Cullfe.rnla: and Vestal, l.'dwnrd and
II. S. Wif1;oflold of this ty.
Fiiuornl Morvires llll he hold lit
thu residence at 2:30 Saturday uf
tornoon, A representative or Iho In
ternational lllliltt rltuduntH of Oak
land will officiate.
Woilil 1-ooUh ttrigl ter Mr llminoii
When Unknown Wuter Plains
All Is not dark mid gloomy unyl
longer lor I, li, Huiinou. While thero1
aro nt 111 people who deatroy flowers
wantonly- ho has found thorn nro I
others who npproclato beauty.
In tho spring bo planted some wild
incumber vines nt tlio corners of tho
bridge thut crosses tho canal tietir
tlio Hot Springs cuiirthoiise. Ilecont
ly lin went out lo see how Iho exper
iment wns coinljii; und found Hint
Home unknown person, prrHiimubly
it hoy of tlio neighborhood,' hml been
keeping Iho plniila wnlored und lioy
wore doing fluo. )
Tho poet, hu sliigs of tho dreams
ono can buy.
You cun get qillto a lot for u sllco
of mlnco plo '
Says tho mlddlo-agod guy,
Kato Baron, Admiral anfTPapa
Tin. Intl.. iilluw twlsi the ial
KTrf iiM tt Ti i ViriJWSM
world turns Its eyvsKato, Jiiuln bailom ii.imiI nuthbult ul Hit- mum
conference ltut the Iniy luu- u pufict tlitbt le rlown wllb I lie IniuulU
man. fur be li bis on
Powerful human dmnm a real special
Kop those who like an study of life wo can
recQinmentl this production.
Frank Mnyo in
Jnck Londoh-'a "The Mutiny of The Eltinore"
Modest in price but powerful
in style Appeal. Queim, Qual
ity nhocs nru suitable for nil
street mid dress occasions.
Clms. P. Mnrjuirc
713 Mnin Street
Wo Aivo you
10 Discount
from all our publiHhod .
tirlnlnd lit nil v. i"-""
I w
For One Week, ending August 1 7th
et Hit- n.iin uiwiii wlielil thu wlioln
i .
ny w wt
fe 1 J
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It -Am
WAWV. yfcfflOTPB
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