I: , ) 'Itft'u. Ml sl "K i&tyt iaiinttttn Mtmlb 1 mmm orr iciAL PAFW or KLAMATH COUNTY AUD OF KLAMATH FALLS, ' 'i'f 'v? WEATHER FORECAST ! a TO.VHJIIT ,lll I ItlMAV HIIOVl;itH. Member of the Associated Press V. ' I. . p f llflii'iilli Vrni. Nit. (lillMI HALL TABLES FOUND' TO Olcott Gitins 60 Vetes: De feated Candidate May Run Independent PORTLAND, Aliff. 10. CliarlcH Hull, dofcatod cnmliriiito. for'tthc gtiburnn lorial nomination, face to face with the turning tables, suddenly kuvo up the whole recount fijjht for nomina tion. "We do not desire to go further with the recount. We desire onlv to no into phases of illegal votinr that are charged in our com plaint and we will take that ' Up at Salem," Said District in . . .. M.'. .... I 1. .11" .. ' Attorney Uren on behalf of , Hall's counsel. Attorneys for both sides f ih.. fliriit immi.fliiiti.lv I agreed on a request lor an investigation of frauds and Myers declared that an in quiry would bo made with out delay when the gi;and , jury reconvenes Monday. BE TURNING : N ' nainii'nn nf ihn iix-mint ' l"-"'nt'th(- wore of tlm Klatii, rrll' r(lllrfu.j )ltr ,, lUrr,ms0(1 Suspension of the lecount , CJIllTl). rhBnilll.r of Mmn..twlrflWf -,..,,. iiml ,,,r,(Iril , .'ft Governor Olcott WithiUiirljis.tlie t.m enr wn t.-coRnUed.ln,((J j,,,,,.!,,,,.,. lti fl!lr ,,-,. left i...- r no ..i :.. .in .iiiviiiiiiiBU ui -o vuiv in Multnomah ail(l i0 in thO state. A political expert hinted ! that Hall eventually would drop the entire fight and run as an' Independent. AIR PATROL SUCCESS' kiOt llluli Kffli'linc) ItetMirleil In Coin? ImlliiK Ij'iNftl. J'lrei ik: lami.Ni:. ore,, AKu m. Tiinii-f- flileney of llio iivIXIi,lliiii(uri7Afnl pitiol In Oregoi), W year .-"iWKh, m online xl"!" t9r'lK omiy, who linn ccomiautled ho. uujiirii over different HiKlloim uftlie wooiied nieiiH of tlm weilorn part uf Ori'Kon,lr.vo romn,uit.o hai been U gather Tliirpliiiie nro inaklftg their head ipiiirliTH ut the I'.ligeuo inunlilpal avlalloif held mid hnvo no regular roiilen lo cover iih they li:id IiihI enr mid tho your before, hut go on fllchtH u believer liny particular fire I lo he ohHorveil. Tho obororn mnko iiotea mi the exact lotatlnn nf the blitm, Hh extent, mul wlnither or not It I burn ing green Umber aud u report Ih ii'iiido to tho land force, thim eiinb llniT tlieiu to belter combat the fire, night' pitmen urn Htntloned In IJu geno mid each day thl eo or four of them leave tho looI hnuo for differ eul portion of the wenlcrn pait of tho Htute, rotuiulnu eiU'li evening, No Kith-huHe nro being malnttilued thin year. JJJ WKATIIKIt I'llOIIAIIHITIIIH Tho Cycluloriiiiiiiriiih ut t'nder- wooil'H I'liurniuey reKlHtoiod u riHiiig p r o n h it re thl morning but hIiico iiuoii a downward movement Iiuh ink- pluce, llltlu nut cliuiige having oc-y cur rod tfiiuo last lust report. Forecast for next 24 hoiinii Ounurully fair with variable winds. 'llio TycuH recording thermometer roglniered maximum nnd minimum Icinporntitrott today, as followm l-rtt? ' -1 wmww &wma MHsWii v sH IllKli Low ,..84 ..r.i HereComesithbi'Bfidef i sBSsBSsBSsBk yBsBSBTsbsBSsBSs gBBBBBBBBamasi bmbbsBSsbbb, Xtsf,'mt , sjrNfc' iisaBBBBBBmalvsBBBBBBBBBBT 4 SBE" J Ml-"!,' J w A close-up nf Miirllnn .Miller ami Juck I'lckfnrd tukon iMt before ceremony tlmt made' Hum until Mid wife mul before (In strain of , Mranii ,, tlli, HiiiiM ,,,. hntI W om. RESULTS OF DRIVE ARE GRATIFYING TO CHAMBER' SECRETARY llf-INin" ytei Willi l!)' 'I'oiiiiiilltro llrl.rto JinllViti. Annrci hit Ion. M .if H t ' "Of Ari'iini PlIlllllllllH iui.' wan Miutri'Cliited. mid .ih hetieflrlul .n ,. piuB. HM .,.....,. . . rimt report of tlm exerutho commit ' tee. ronipoKOd of K. W. Vonnlce. rliiilrinnn, II. X. Moe, Clin. I Hob- erl nnd M. V I'.vnu. who npent I hoiiio time among the box facloilei , nnd other local lntlttitliin.i jnMi-r d.iy," Sicrelury KtiiMioii said lo day. "Tim eiuniiiltleo reported that Dm rxunilllHil III lllll ri-Hlll'Ht for fund 'tlr - iiteincitcty fiuanro tho nrnnnUa- ii-ii'cnl'itll(ni for tho roiiiliiit eiirn wa mom 'gratifying. and thl Matumrnt is liorno out of lli fact Ilia! two of the Milan vldlted mibscrlbed $aS0 each TqrMlm present year, mid another loc Iiinllt ntlon mined tin Hiilmcrlptlon from tn ant yeH, to 1.100 Hi In year, while ii Sixth ul reel hiiMiieiw hohse doubled from $fi0 to $100. I 'Till wn tlm flint (line the exe- sliKii the rnmpalgu utarted, hut the progreB they hnvo reported I excel lent, ami they nro out again' today to visit other local film and lumber mlll-i that they did not call on yester day. "Local team who have been In ac tive tiervlco during the hint few day have uiiide mtbstuntlul lollectltM on Home dellmiiient payments, nnd ninny of the member have paid In' advaui'ii for the present ye.ir, while Hoveral new me inborn bao been Hlgu e'd up who -were not on the roster lust year.. Although the repoil Indi cate that normal conditions have not returned ami people nro Mill feeling the result of tho hindnon jlepre don, tho early pari of the )eitr, the rospoiiHo Indicates that the ihiimber of coin m iirco U rerogiiticud a ti it In Htlliillou that must ho maintained In the county nnd most everyone receiv ed the (onunllteeH couilrously, nnd paid their dura, when It wiih 'nlltlo "There mo others, hnwnvor, who will hold up liidlvldiinlltle nnd ding uhir lustmiceK hh iimihoiih why they will mil eontilbutn to (ho chamber, overlooking everythliiK else that the nrgunhtatlou has dono dm lug tho past yeur, but these are very much In tho minority, mid from all reports tlioi orgiuiltntlon will be taken euro of In good uhapo mid ho able to do effec tive work during (ho next twelve (Continued to Page C) KLAMATH QUITS I OltMI'.lt lU.M.'lll .MAX llt'VS ItOsKIII'IK) IIIIMTI'Iti: TOlli:J ItOriiail'UC. Ore. Alic. I" -An llllportniil lilltfliu-Hi tli'al wjm i Imeil licio uhuii W. fl 1'imrll. well VniiMii fiiriiUnn1 dealer of tlio Uty. hold Ma ..rflllllli'lll.lAtl ... It. .1.1 II I ...rW i piniiiiiMvi , .ir .'.. i. ... .i.'iif. f i i . .. . 1 Lenox In uelknoun ttiroiiKliout . ,,.,'', , , ' , I)oitj;IjH roi ply and for imuiy i'iirn I ,.,,, . , .. . i. , . oiylt cted n Ii m leu In thin c ly. l:it. er inoiiiiE iq ivinuiTiui num. lie re IKHPITAI. AT i.i:.r WKKI). Aug . -The Weed Lum ber company ha etabllihed a hos pital nt It heudiiuiirler logging ., ul j,,,nf or Tenant a the pout- ffro ,xli , nw. Tn hngnltal will take care of the general health of It einplo)OK and their famine ii uell us be of great line Hi emer gency euxe. Dr. Chnrlcx Dolor, lately of Ileddlug, ha rh.irge of tho hiHpliul, IT'S I'AM.S, OltWJO.V, THt'HMIlAV, AHIUMT 10, llgK! 50.000 ESTIMATED DEAD IN APPALING SWATOW DISASTER 1 I ; IIONfJ KONG, Aug. 10: The death list is now esti-' mated at 50,000 in the Swa-, '.ow flood disaster, the most ; appalling in history. A whole counliyside is devas - ..... 11-1 it'll, town ia.e(i ami nonius 'are floating among the do,-' bris everywhere. i INCE DIRECTOR IS SEEKING LOCATION IN KLAMATH COUNTY nig SjHTlnl I'miliKilun lYtitiirlng llx-Senlir Mm Would ' 2m,(MM lo Hinge Hern yen nre, buddies' Hero' (inr chance lo break Into I tin movie Soeklng n toratlnn for tho staging of a big niocIhI film production feat uring ex-nerl n men, for which n ilntu scene will ho ro(iilrril. Julin (Hlfflll) Wriiy. h illrcctor fur tin1 luce Studio, urrlwr hot' from t.of AtiKclt'ii uM tilght. In rompany wltli J. J. KurlM-r. Wray totr l looklnc over llio ntp'ainrf adjacent to thin city wIktc ho tioi-N t) flml ii tuilinhlo lo rntion. I "Tlilx Ik n itpvclnl priwliiillun wlilchi win ii'iiiuro t'X'Hcrviro im-n,- vuiii( Wriiy. "It .will nut about $200,000 to proiluto uml n lurRu iiumbor of tux-ft-rvld' men will m ntiuirifl." "How about pretty film itur,' U'rnv wiik imlti'il "1.1.1- .if '...,. I nii-.i -v..,.' know the Ince uludln nro noted fori .... .. .. Uielr IxmiuIIc." ,, ,, . .... And tlu'ro you arc. budduu. ... .. ... , , I" linn ana qut jour nhovlnV m rn COLORED, MAN IS HELD John Johns, lUtotbluck, It Itclnrnril To HNmiii ly Mirriff .... ..uml uuiuin, cuiurru, nanicn in SJfon on the charge of having forged several checks, w.i taken lo tho California line yesterday by '.Sheriff Low nnd turned over to I he 'aherlff from Yreka, John ha been J acting nH bootblack nt tho stand In the office of tho Central Aulo ser vice, Mik. John was asked by the sheriff, to terminate her reshlcnce liere nt the earliest possible date. TOO HOT TO WORK, ANYHOW- RECOUNT ODEO TO BE HELD HERE 4.5.8 j Committee ' Appointed to , rli. 4JiSJ-JlA.-.. ww...t.w W... . f To Ert'buiiai, invs Doclii(oh,'lo hold n cnllnly filr and rmlilo'tlilii f:ill. ni A'tntnlitned attrac tion, 'v;an tundn nt.tlio cliambor ol rominrrcn Imnlium tnen meetlnK lat ulRlit.'nnd commKicoii wrro ap pointed to tarTy out the program. II. X. Moo. A. M. Colllnr and J. K. Swnniion are member of the finance ' conimltloo to drniv up the nicrecmont j with Am Fordyce for the 40-ncre tract which inn roir noani and me merchant aaitoclatlon have tentative ly purchaaed, mbject to the approval of the voter of the county In the fall I'lcctlon, Thl committee will alto recommend a plan for erecting; the necejry building for the exhibit. Krand stand, nnd other building necemury for the fair and rodeo, J. J. Kurber and Harney Chamber were nuked to Intervlqw the county uKrlriilturlst Hbout havluK an O. A. (', repreientutlvi vllt Klumttlh Fall and recommend tho lay-out fur the ground, raru track, bulldlnR. etc. Clin. I. Ilobert. chnlrman of the merchant' bureau, was authorlted to appoint a committee of three bul- nei men to et-ocrBle with the fair board In uiHiiuRlnK both tho fair and ' tho rodeo, Thl committee hti not h"tn oi'Dolnted but will be Holcctod wl,hl" " fcw ,l"'''' nmI "" oon " ri-iuri in inu iiiiiiiuo comniiiice i liiadu work will begin to put tho grounds in order for the falr..wblcu will bo held tho first week In Octo lcr. Tho chamber of commerce wai re quested by the merchants bureau to lake whatever steps were necessary to.iiecuro the proper number of sign- ' er to petitions necessary to nui the purchase of the fair grounds up to the toters In tho November election. About 300 signatures have already been secured, but tho required num ber Is 900, nnd solicitor for names will be out within n day or two to get the required number. Arrangements were also nindo to havo a man on tho ground nt tho picnic nt Malln Sunday to socuro signatures to these petitions, ' T v M mmWL'jmx?i'B mmmmmmwti?WUmr ktflmm LmmmmWmmmitftim Am Win. Howard Tuft William Howard Taft. chief Justlco of the t'nlted State, (peaking before the American Bar .tMoclatlou In San Pranclxo today, urge reformi to remove delay and bring about ineed In tho ndmlnltratlon of Justice, LUMBERMEN WOULD DEFEAT CALIFORNIA STATE HOUSING ACT rnmoetl MeMure (VintnictsN of WmU PrelUbtt RooT. SACIIAMKNTO. Cat., 'Aug. 10. In lino with a state-wMo carapalio by California lumbermen to defeat the state bousing act, ap for reterea dum at tho Xoveatkr eUcUoa. kjck denies the clttxen of any Incorpor ated community In California, city, town or vlllaio. tho rlffcjt to build homes with shingle roots", arraote- menta are being made for a meeting of lumbermen -in Sacramento. t The state-wide campaign .was de cided upon at a meeting of the execu tive committee of the California iutn- bcrment, because, they maintain, the antl-shlngle clause is unfair to the lumber Interests of California. ' When it was learned that uader tho act as signed, home builders would not bo allowed to usiv shingles on the roofs of their houses, It was too late for any change. The commis sion of Immigration and housing of California, under whose Jurisdiction the slate housing net is enforced, publicly repudiated tho act. and Paul Scharrenbarg, chairman of the com mission, has written the opposition argument to bo used In tho referen dum fight. Under tho act, nothing but "ap proved" patent rooting can be used and tho clauses are so worded that tho smallest shack would romo under the provisions of the law. Tho state housing act is Senate bill Xo, 28S und was Introduced In tho last legislature by Senator Lester 0. flurnett of San Francisco. Warning to Motorists I McMahon Is Hero Again Motorists, take warning.' Kay on the accelerator and see that the old beat has port, starbord and stern light burning at night. Special Traf fic Officer MaMahon. is back. McMahon was here last year, as many motorists will recall with sor row. Several regretted his return last night when he attached his call ing card to several cars parked along Main. "Thero ain't no fun in driving a car wlieu that bird's hanging around", declared one motorist as he read tho Invitation to call at tbe police stution which McMahon bad (oft on tho car during the owner's absence. "Me, I'm going to Illy!" Some figure that Merrill might ho more safe than Illy In view q( tbe roport that McMuhon was said to havo tagged 40 motorists there yes terday for minor Infractions. Others soy tho only safe play Is to put u padlock on tho garago and stay home. "Keep-a copy of the trattlo lawa pasted up In front of your face,' was one suggestion. "Read It every' time you turn acorncr." "Ah. what's the use," came the re ply. "I would probably have the copy turned up -side down and gat flack ed for tha't. You can't get away freas that bird, He's tbo bee's knees!" - WaKlt ! cabftt AHDEUrS, SPEED JUSTICE. W. TJVT UOEES Chief stjtW iHiiMfti l crMc .' IsliMfiii.-M 8AN WAIWroMsttvriJt), nepeadeaes'ltpa etwfrsM Hjjmttm reform t ttmw iMtn. ,",uT' .bring about Is ttUaiss;ittra lion ef justice "Im Mt bfttglrt jtsit best result aa aaa OtfftrtsH ssMe should be tried." Wllllast KsnrarJ Taft, chief Jastfec ef tit Vsitsd States, told the Amrslcsa Bar iuso clalloB hers todsy. """" "The isllKrefl ef JBsttea la thl country," said Justice Ta, ''mi pecially lo tb state Marts, kar been ssore largely du U'wltlalTd lag of aowcr'frasa IkiaW ?'. ceadlags Mf kbtai' tkaa ta aay other caase, aad yet jadfsa bra'ta bear ffea braat af erHJcUat vaWa is to geatral.as ta tht rWalta' at aresasjt eaart Mtiaa. TkJdM shaatd as ttvsi th." aWr;taraMa awasarata ' wHk . taalr" 'naVSWlisl- Hy." - T " iastlca Taft' said 'tbr MtisWtM bad so lacreasej wltbMa-tasas)i af tgaaral busbsaaa .at las) .aasiaJIrf taat evaa u ntM.alwsjfitjMMMM by the fe4eTalartuTl&'jefi fore Jisd aroved Uadsita. He remarksdi, tkat mddKtai!' bardea bad, followed the eaaetaMtt t bsf statutes, particularly Uit. Talsttad act. a , "A bill whick weald afTida for ! dUtrlct 'judges aid, ea etrcmlt Judge Ib tbe feurtk district baa' kea reported to both kuta,,"'k'lieaf tlauad. "It U asd will doabtlsM lead to dicuMloa'?"bdt-,b ,m,8f tbe previous votes la tbe Iwa leas es, It seems llksty that 'tka bill will pass before tbe 1eleeeat aea gress. , KLAN TgUALJtpiMM li -. m : rrsactfai WMawaaaw .tsBBUVMar Cross KTsaslastleai Vaster' i ul r.-Jio-i il i LOB AXOELEfl. Aag. iiC-tdel' Elduayea, prUelple wltaeta far tke suta at tka trial of1 87 'tta Klux ' Klansmea, was pat asder crow mas Inatton whea tke trial waa-resuaied today. Fidel testified la ShsM. Tbe Elduaysas; proprlsra .af a winery, were takes from tsetr kerne by a bead of men a tIM llfkt of April 23. Voerner rode ap ea not orcycle and fired Into tka tre'wd, fat ally woBBdlng'M. B. Utkt eB stable of laglewood. one of tke raid ers. Several, shots were ftreA.WIer ner. Tbe prosecution eontaads tka raid was organised by officials of tka Km Klux Klsn and was carried .af la an unlawful manner, tka Bftrttef R It being masked. Tbe defew;,,! the raid, was' organised byBaaaa af. fleers tr tbe purpose of aKitrtaf en- !... m IIIamiI ! m tjAtfAA.O dence f .i'V , TWO CAJCnBTB IbBbW- LONDON, fg. l.--rsMbM''a4 British cabinets met her ;Mdr to consider tbe Impassa ieV (Mr man reparations qaartfcaKfSSlhid by allied statessasa hs',aM.,)ke confereaee kaaga on tk'etr' deejbers- 'on- a J " ' "Jr- ' Mmaamim naim,' .. ...a....v aaBA''' ' "V LONDON, Aug. 1S.- snd Daaa Were'hsjsiHt moralag for Ut Henry WIIsm.c Robert S. Ktnkan. tke Ora.-ClifNaii railroad eesjayt; far the aast' week. MsSMliMSIS, r . t --Kj IssaUBBtv (i .'tJ' HWrnMrnW1' , j t Mtm teltsVataBBmaSN :',,'- ' , ferffobhM. ' v Nts Jti i i X . (7tii .TI 'tfjlj I 8 ''-''I V I V ii-i, 111' i 1 'i.y HNHlrsi ?-. w Mftfi -AW bajBBWS ml JM tajvaKsWjs . , m mSm - !' m Ml SI.SVj,. I., . i '.BSi i '- '&&: W. ' M ... 1 v; .-, ' n't A , .'as