r I'V ", Je ) r.' o'ift V f tf M . ft IC v l" lift w 1 vi IV K . vi A K V.I $ I t ,Vr i . & i f tffaf. Pars Four The Office Cat , ' UV JUNIC8 'I lu IntiM Out. ' Tli latent l) le Is called ' Tlio Milken! Skirt' It brings out the Tfillcil (iilf. ,j CHIVAI.KV , JIarnco with miirh alacrity. t Ami of fered her Ills seat. The question uni If she or he Should slum) upon his foot. '1lolil, SiMlinm wiis InnlneKi may lint bo ary cooil hut It N oll apok-! nn of by inory ono on the proRrnm at n olinmbor of rommorco bniinuiit. i ." ,; .4.MUlo Wllllo ia onJiDlnp; a play Uli y,kltttmn on tho ntroot nlion a Kfl'utKiinaii paiwln;; b akcil Iilm tliu ," uhlii8 ofUic klttonn. '"J,M' nni1 J!rIT" wa ""' Prumpt nMi1y. 1 '" Ml call tlK-m ' Cook ami " '" I'mirff ' the wrist lhm ankoil. i"-; , Giioii. man." WJIIIo said, "thoso , nlii'tii(v tmlbciiM!"'. , tlrt (lie Hook. Par mnro than for tlio innlos. tlio aklnfe hIkq or tho blxarro danco '', , h, K ,, . . .' linllH Is thoro n need for a censor or thnso nawspapor stories exploiting llie",in,or-traiiii who Is travolln on n wattor from Jnckxllle to Jerusalem, or Home other speilfled points, with no means ne those of his own moocltliiK. Thl pilsurablp sporlcs of tho horn- bro hapiwns Into Koknmo at more or liw ficxiunat Intervnls nnd hos a '' column cr so of space that mlcbt ! more profitably be kItch to llver-plllj propnBdnda. Why Inspire the youth i or. tl.b land, already jirone to the dU , . slpnllon of wanderlust, to emulate this pcrlpathctlc punhandlcr ' Is It a particularly proud achieve- & mjnt to broak tho laws of the land uyi " - . ... ... cneatlnK Hie railway conuucior or y laylnrc Da the Bmpathetlc landlord v . for.un unearned niealT Let the nows- ' ' vaper lads elvo the hooks to this sub-1 'llmtcd hobo. laylnrc a the Bmpathetlc landlord Why. the tjplcal tramp with pro '' trudlng toei, rent shirt and the badRe of tomnto can strung ocr his shoul . " r i-ur jr and away the more pic- turosqun flRure. Ills rags aro royal , .(iralmont. to borrow from the melo- 'fir?ilramatlo5 lilil Hoed, compared with 1. ithe morp roputnblo castaways which foolish folk bestow upon this Ingrati ating beggar and usually four-ply liar. ' Thoro That's off mo chest. It may not lio "funny": hut there's moro Found, hoss-Hsnso In It than In any thing ttui. la at all likely to follow It. Abide With 3le Credo (Colo) Candlo.Thero has 'i been a good deal of ngltatlon for the j ?paat.few years nnont a new motto for tho coin of tho realm. Personally, we have leanings toward "Abldo with me." J.I'ITAITV ,o IJos sleeping hero Nami) was Hut Hake Ho heard tho bell Hut had no brake KjimI Fletcher 83)H -when n girl dls CQiors slio can't make a fool of u mun, sh llocldes thoro Is no uso wasting time with such a fool. Wo notka whero a girl named On ions hail secured a notary commission In u neighboring, town. Hero's hop ing Hho may bo ttrong enough for tho Job. sorit nii.i'i:s 'TIbj bettor to haio loied and lost !Tj-Tlimj (o win nnd bo forever bossed. ATTENTION Special meeting Wednes day night, August 9th, 8 0,'clock, Masonic Hall. 1 Important business. Ev . cry body come. v i v .. s . i American .Girls 1 k ,.77" " -- ",- ' - " n-i. u a...., tn., -im. tMrt held nt ttlrls. This photo taken en tho co of. their rolllnc nhcw. the jouns MMciw iliiibcrlnit lip nt Wwnuaklo I'nrk In Newark. N. J. Krom left, to rlfihti Klltavclh Stlno. Mabel Ulllllaml, Cameilu Bublc, Ho--icda Uatson, Janet Snow an J Esther Clrvcnc 1 INSftNfTY HELD nnriD nrrrmnr r In MrrrlllTr I UUII ULI LIlUL American Bar Association Speaker Deplores Present Court Methods SAN KHANCISCO. Aiir 9 tn a:illr nt .t ilefirnxn fthnulil bo ilnno in. i.. .i i t.i.i i,..i.. " ' ." ""'""" , . . ' u nui mil ii'uu iu iram wni'ij ""-iiiOKt ImMne-n propmltlon in UreKim. prtitcctod from tho net of poroni. I lute tho i:odiIh, it neeiU tlio iiMlt- acniiltied on this cromul but nlo be-in comn a cloak for crimen committed i under (lie "unwritten law." decbir- oil Curtis U. Wilbur, associate Jus. tic of the supronio court of Cal.for- nla. in an address today boforo tlio JnUlclal .action of llio American liar association. ,,,.,. ,,, ,., M ,r,",en, u,e ,f!"so "' ,n,;n- Ity Is a trap for the limano nnd a way of escape for tho sane." ho said "It Is n liiiinbuR. n pretense, n cloak for hrnncrlsr. ill Invitation lo niur- ' - i dor nil too frequently accepted by tho Jealous Ioer. tho discarded mistress, the IndlKnant father or outraged liiis - band." Ho said the "unwritten law" had taken such hold of tho InuRlnallon . i i .i .. .i ..t.t . ... of the people that tho trial of a mur- Jeror became the trial of tho ilo.ul man. whoso lllanlcs are exaseerat-. ed as a cause for Hie defendant be- . l cominK insane. JudRe Wilbur, who has figured ,. ... , .liwnii ,i n.i.,1, i-. ...."..., ... .....-....-..-.. pronaiion won; nnu caro oi ui? in-,; Uanc In California, proposed that In-1 wnlly no IonKer bo treated as a do-, I ! to a crlmlnil charBe. that cvl-, prouanon worn uiui i... u. u.v ...-,; dence on tho subject bo excluded from a Jury tolng a criminal cao and that n board of alienists after coin let Ion decide whether tho de fendant be committed to a state hos pital, prison, or released under pro bationary supervision to n private hospital or other custody, tho state retaining Jurisdiction for at least as long as the maximum term of Im prisonment for'tho offense. "it Is obtlotiily dangerous to re- lease nn Insane person who has com- mltted ono murder, or rntner wno has Innocently killed snmo unsus peeling and unoffending bystander, becauso under the same Influences ho may kill another when tho occa sion arises", tho speaker explained. "His ory Innocence of wrong mothes nnd Inadequacy of provocation make him a greater menace to society tlirtn the wilful wrongdoer " "Kxport wltnoasra" wero scored by Judge Wilbur, who said their testimony sas frequently so conflict ing ns hopelessly to bewilder a Jury. "Tlio export should bo culled In by tho stato tn uct In nn Impartial Judi cial stnto of mind," ho said, "and not to search for reasons or arguments to sustain the position of either tho prosecution or the defense. wi:m .MrsKsn.i.ov.s c.wt i.ixh'i: How Is this for logic If flics nro files be uuse they fly; , And fleas uro fleas becauso thoy floo Then bees nro bees becauso thoy be. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS fLWHILEWE AREKALL'HERE 'TOGETHER I WANT ,TO t'UP.THE t6LBJECT OF. VACATlOrJ -M I HAVE A JLINE ON A BEAUTIFUL llTTLE'COTTAGE OM J-AKE WHERE I CAM COME IU ' tTO THE OFFICE EVERV IANP BE WITH YOO JM I ""PVEMIUrt -V THE yrP aS .K-? L-.a J SBBi .' -Vi Ji THE EVENING in Last' Practise' for imiii mn Ml ct o dash to victory NEW TODAY ' sm: 4 .,, .,,0,1,1 i.,.... '" " win, or runout nmu ,l,rp- ,,,Ml '""' c" 12 ' Wll.li SIM.I, no now homo nt a iT) nttntclhc flKiiro KIm loomi. luth.i collar, flrcplnco ami tilt bullllus Teims If (U'xlroil 121 I Wonloil i .s-tO I 1.0RT--l.arKo utr.iu H.Hdiel. botwoou 2 .n,l . mllos i'.it of Kl.iiu.itli I'alls l.lliornl rowanl Itoturn to O K. Hunt. Merrill or l W. .Miller. Kl.un nth Kails. It K. D. s-11 itt'ANTHIl - A partner with monoy ami huHtla to buy In with me In tliu f money for deudoimient. lii.-j """", "".' ! "Z"" 'V ' hi, s?plnk nt Chllnqulii, Owkou 9-10, Tho KiHoriinieiit'K Hlntcmoiit nn - 1 sorls ,,0 dUtiirbnnro dotolopod on Till: Z 2S " "?? Ml? nt I U)cllC, , . U)ttIJ ,lf t.h ',, ,.tlio MiHamhlimo r.xpe.lltlonary IMrce iiv,ii,. ,, eoml.ij; town . Klam- nlli This property has n frontage on tlio WllllaiiMiin rlvor of about Uto fW, and on (ho mllro.ul Hie mime It ian , ct nt0 toun oll ,id thrlblel j) our money It Is ihe best location In or ll,,nr Chlloauln for a w'orI(iiienn' lliiilol In li.i lituT mill hikIi .i b.iii.l 11 "V. '"."...".". "" """" "..""" '7 imuiy nveimi. iniifiiuiiie mis ami, net nulcK.lv If Jim want tho blucosi .bnrcaln In this town. I! C Spink. iottnPr - 9-" i roil SAI.K A sinalUrnnih on the I pper Klnmuili or Agency lake J'""?'ly, '.'"JnT.V1 . ,T'!1.H 'B ,,-!i hZl UU) "' '' f0UIit I" He Klamath C0llntry. The Ualles. California IiIkIi- way passes ell reel ly iliruusli it. It M P'J boltur than any iilfnlfii .?', ' -J? ,"V .. ! v.. k .. ....ii ..... II. l. -. -1 fjun. .uii tf ii nr uiiiiriTs it. i. soinic.i.i.- . . t -...1.... .,. .ii.....u.. owner. Ch.Ioqu.n. Oregon. 9-101 - .....- """ "" vo, riA..; IlcuxnnaLiIo. Lot 2S tl , fl.p, Ma(n trol I Hotel .Terms. 0 8A.- '"J J'lTst jn fl.Pt ,, Main St. next to Con-1 located on nlco larRe barn can bo; used as gnrage. I'rlco 2."iOU. Terms FOII SAI.K Six room modern house. Completely furnished Clime m. on pavement. Inwn, shade and fruit trees, garage. This Is a ilamly. nice homo and priced reasonable, ut $;.. ."On, Terms. I H an. 312 N. yth St KOlt SAI.i; Six room house, 737 ' ;sortli .Mntli Jt I'rlco reasonable '1 ' KOIl SAM: Cood limb wood dollv- ered ut once I'liono 277 nr cnll' 521 Jefferson .u ; Kfllt ItKNT O.ltftl rnn.nu l.-tl. f.,,.11 phone.- S0 Wulnut, cor. 9th St. 9-1 1 , -MT1- TSTSSSS I Coast .Tournament of Fly Casters Planned SAN KHANCISCO, Aug. 9 A Pacific coast tournament of fly nn-l Th" Rovcrninent established mar lure caiiers from tho leading ejubitml luw a"or "" ""Ihroal- and ela of Oregon, Washington and Callfor- l",r',ui ix'-wmions wero taken to nfn, will he held at Slow ,ilk, ,. I'ervo order. A now h report Issued Golden (late park here Iu tho lut- from CI,,,,W0 h0,,rr,,B "' ro"cc""" tprlTart of August under tho mu-, ,,h "? T . ""I'1, '"i",1 l":', 0U,' pt(M of the Han KrancUco Fly ' "renk H";" rlHinlly "Her a ,,.,'., I negrg Holder hud nuulu un iittaci; Casting club. . . . ,, .... . upon a Chlneau woman. Thu Multnomah anglers of Port- . land will sond a delegation, which iujiiiui,- iiuiKui, iiuruiau unu ,MC' Farland, national record holdeiK, while the Seattle team will, bo head ed by Kdholm, I'arr und II) or. Oh tar (.uue is xaptuln of the I.oc An geles entrants. I'ri o lovo Is generally the most ex pensive kind. ! I GUESS I WON'T BE ABLE TO GET AWAV THIS SUMMEF2. TAKE THATWOHT AHD-nilS BE MUCH OF THE A VACATIOW I FOEVtX! PAV " 7 nsovj M N GOOD I J (( HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON r Olympic Games lit tho "woman's Oljmplc" to bo 1 PQRTlfGESE TELL nr ml hd dbtti r ! ,r " ,r-1,, im,,,w b, ,,,,mi HI- I run HU I II r , r""U,,,,,h """ ",0 r,,r" "'""' Ul IlLllll Ull I I LL!r.-clm,..l to on., ivnt 11 rl.l. Conflict With Chinese For ces Gave Promise of Be cominn Open Warfare SHAN'dH.M. UK 0 In a fnimal RtateiiH'iit lianeil by the I'lirlUKUino Binorninunt of .Mtieao u roport M liri'Hontoil of tlio rocont conflict be tween rhliipio mill TortimueMi fonvii which for d.i)s k.io promlfo if re- M.ltl.,K I., open wart wan nsn.iultoil liner linIHK all mier cation with ROtcrnl Clilneso. The ml - iller. the report sals, wiin ho bully lnJ""'d Ui.it ho wiih taken to u hos- pltnl and ono of tils assailants wus, nrnnted. IioIiik tnken .to tlio police station nt ChlP-seilB. . . ., , ... , A mob then assembled ut the ! Ilco stallon and nttempted to storm It. j the remrt sets forth, to obtain It"' niUdho of the Chlnwe lmlil prisoner, and It was when the itullierliiK Krew Into HinnsHiMit It was deemed nefen - snry to ,ed for reinforcements and. an Infantry company was sent to the scone. Tim Chinese tnoh fired upon nnd stoned tho Infantrymen. nccordliiR to ZM ,:.",, ""'T, . station In the nlRht and called n Ren- vm trlku the- following mnrnlfir. II who nttoinptcd to open ' ,.... . i.,.. n room inoilernl'. .' .''" '. eir snops or ro to worh. It was niailo known Hint tho prls- onir hnd been handed oier to the court nuthorltlcs and ball was fixed for his release, statement Lontlnuei, bul no bull was offered and the moli then pr'nTcntVd atoam launches fron mooring nt tho wharf and drove nwny those who ilonlri.il to einb.irk for HiinRk'onir. Tho roport u)B that at n0on on May 2ti u I'orturueso officer who sought to ixeculo nn order at "'" 5lcau Steamboat companys wharf was set upon, disannul and (narrowly escaped being thrown Into "l0 l'a' the sea. Whllu this incident wns tak' ,nB I,,nl',, ,,lu ""eport a.i). tlio mob hegnn to flro nnd un African soldier n ,1... M,.nf..l.l...... ........Ull,.. .... Ml IIIU ...UvMIIII,,lIIU UJ.'V...I.fllU , force wan killed Instantly. It was then that tho troops fired at tho mob i killing several and wounding others 'When tho gathering took flight or-, cJor8 l0 sto" f'r,n'' w' ro l"l' AS IT won us on Dill Jlrown Is full of mirth Today. His wife and I'ldi huvo gono k Away. Next week tho loneliest man In town And tho gloomiest will be Hill Hrown. Te Family Reaches WILL' STILL GIVE ME A LITTLE CHANGE- JUL J VJELL.THATS SHOW YOU A PICTURE J THE THING OF TUP COTTAGE r J ( TO DO V- wi ' '- - '- -A then; S" (THAT OUNUS Street Cur I'auBsc Tried Out in Tncoina TAOO.MA. W'dili ', Aiik. .- WphIc ly ulroi't cur iiikum nro lnlim tilml nut liuie by iho lurul tr.icilon mm tmny for a four nnmtli'n pjilod, and bo fill' liitxo boon iMM'tillf with mt roup. 'I'liu pnKHMf. wli Ifli' soil fot tU nto sooil for t'ltl from Molnluj mnniliiK until tdj nnt etuiulu) iiIkIiI (iml om trnaifor.ibld In nut oitp. Tlip uliislo Blrnpl cur fir licro ta ton wills, or 12 llrkxiR Mr! it. ' , Tlio fticol r8r(eo!iiuiuiy points out , Hint ovory pnw purcliRKOi la rn inlu In Rt't more ilimi 13 rldrn on lilil Iuiim ami it In riKorod the imniir.o I I nunibrr of rlilus on ouch In nboii' ' I .''i In tint rniKl of tru ti'ipr 01 ! Iurji lin 1 in vol a i; roil l ileal mi 1 110 -Jili'lll hlii lim II UsimI III il liillllltrnpiir lull lutrr biruii- mi i hi I'.irlfiu (Oimt 1ST CAUSE BF rnl.ii Siillx in flush Milio'is lloili in III. iilili'i llollH'M f It ul. I 1 If ou nut Ii.im- )o'ir iue oviry IV. '" . 't fl,h your kidnetH '.ThJSj" !t " ZH fnrm llrl( ar(l w ,,,,,, iirlt yS(, ,,. hliliu-fn In IlKlr ririirt" to 'uxpnl tl from the blond Tlo-y bn.mie iijtlsli and we-ikipi. Hlii .u muc r hU n Uu R k )r (i fc iltM(i.iclin. dltilness. our rioinnrh Wiur. toiiKUe Is coated and vlnn Mie .. . i .. i wufliner is iwu ou n ri.rt.iiiaiir iwIiiieiui I """f The urine koik Iniuli (nil ni rrInit,j, nbllfflitK rpllHf two or ttirw tlnm of leillment, tho rhannols nfii-u icet inn lo Uurlnr (ho niKlit i , To neutralUo time Irrun'liii. Ids. ' ' ileuiue ike kldlmr, and flu I off 2.:'. J mn(V ,rP. k iuinspoontiil in ill xlass of water before tiivuklu i for n fow iIbh and jour kldmyH will thn if tlw This famous sails I, nmde f '' n1" . ' !' .... .. IIUIII 1111 ill ri Ainirn nmi ir-tuiii. ""'fvlL"" J" "! d luis osm ii.ru uir pjniwrmroim iu flush and stimulate hIiixrUIi Mduiyj, nlmi lifutrallxe'ttm Mi-Ids In urine, so It n lonK1r ''". l' ". I,1:"- 'der weaUness. , Ja(, Hh ., Mmnsle cnnot injure and makes n cl iiitliiful effi r- vnsruit Ilililn ft 'cr lnnk dv a Compromise 'NOW.'VIERE'a'A PICTURE OF COTTAGE-YOU SEE IT'S fON THE LAKE -.YOU GET A FINE'VIEW AND' PXEHTY n i i . ''-M Contains AH of Milk Nutrients yD'sV "i tm I ILL Jl3tr'JJA? 7u i.iiniiii mm iiemin iirmiuiiiuu miii-iihiii-. V'kif'SflsQBZPl 2Bl43ly'VJ,V Hhkli mo iili-nliilel, (-iniliil in ilillil uniulli ?JyPvrwH WxSrffyW "",l l,n,",, "f mkilic. YrrlAWli IWmiwK5'1" Moke lie ( i emu u "legiilm- put) of lour iwi&"'!f ' diii.'TV ,"''' '""' K'u ""' ,,l",l"'" "" Hie) nam, Smmi rWRxWr'iJM m$i?Jii&j ililldien ilo mil lik,, milk Inn If jimi ulll glo WvJ?V.'At) Rkt'w' ""'"' '"' ,"'"'" ""' "'" u" ""' i"'eiii) v fvi 'vi-ifall Cp3gc7il illiimiiiiH Hint loomi lieullliy riiiuIIi, SitJS'irlj' RjEl? fc'. I"1' "iir lie iiemii lliere Is nolle bit ICUFuifu Uy Klamath Falls Creamery Mvi . y-7'gJ'Siv' Vs ' , , i " ii " sriltTW 'TB&ES AND A NICE BEACH !j7TT'S A. vA "M ...iV-V ovici.1.; l - 'it -X. s fjHiV: : v - cJf (cMb? Will r i jsK.xr;iMfi9wJiSt,'AiiMjrrmM aidtkmmmmr mJthi laoai'i fr it Till; Mltll.lSII MOI'OltlSI' Niltl"ili llu lilillicn, Air ii en wllli tliu ctii UllM'H tllllll( limWlIK II Kl'lll" ' !Uiim mill tin UK ultliiiui itliliiK Ik iiiiIh Trlol to tiiliii llio I lull! of win (i "ill irucl. 1)1 Ium ut iiIkIiI with olio IhmhIIIiiIiI Ti In tu bum tliu ttulii lo Hie i io lllK. ' I.WIM'H llU (111 lllllUII lllll'll UltllOUl thiof inoor iiiilliuiiii lllllUH I lllllll llUlllh ttlll'll mill II foot fioiu ii pi ill mill ii Tibi fm pi'( il r" in ilx with i pi IIIIIIRCI fill Sacred Heart Academy llmiiilini: noil Hav Si Ii ml f.u II""! mil 'I'1 Moi'i'l nut wlioli'Kiiiilo fooil niM Itomihir llnui I'oi inil Miii r IkIoii with liouiollko roliilllloiin. School Will Open Sept. 5, 1922 1'or Information mil on or mi Ho. SlSI'l.lt St I'lMllUlt, KlniiiuMi I'oll i Ore 'I' " I public picnic! Sunday, Aug. 13 AT CARR RANCH, 2l2 Miles Southeast of Malin Bring your lunch, and add lo it al ihe Klamath Cheese you can eat FREE Games, Races, Bucking Horses, Speeches EVERYBODY WELCOME W. C. Dalton, A. Kalina, Committee Under Aunpiceo MALIN CHEESE & PRODUCE CO. Malin, Ore. THE RIGHT OP - PRETTV llTT.t . PLACE . . mm i i m'7Xjetrri'JE vi If l"s rmm:: wniNimvv, muivhv o, inaa. I .CTMlWrTilTW&r I TREES SHRUBS I ROSE HUSHES HULBS oriiii i in in now tor full ibilhuM Klamath Flower Shop i Cut ttwci-d -- rinnln ' I IM... i J - t M II til I Hpi'i ri I olllj $ i i I b . 1 1 ( OIIIKl urliiut iioiih for I 1.., irli in H !l BY ALLMAN v-iy .ti " "7J5".T,s!,.AiJ, J SaHv, t 1 I J& j V,, St Mr: $M v ., .1 i . ' I , 4 t t