The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 09, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    wi:rvi:si,v, AiroUHT i, iiaa.
Put e TKr
. 1
Return to Normulcy Shown
In Report of Railroad
KAN riUNCIIU'O, ,iii: ! --Unreal
rj'ilurtlinm In gas ihIh n In
illnillvn nf ti ri'lurn In normal In
public utility ilmn-.i's, the iiillroud
niiiiiiiliuiliiit (Incluri'il In ii Ktnloiiii'tit
Ihiih'iI "imliiy pnUUIng out Hint it
liiivriisnril lieud In iii'inly nil utlllly
nili'ii, iiuilliiiliirly n"". nleclilr,
mllrnail mill i'Xiii'fcH liiul saved IIm
lllll llf tllll Hllltl' HHVlTlll lllllllllll
iIiiIIiiih III Mm lust
flHM UtltM ii rn tlln html Illinium
Iit ItnlluitliiK a ri'lurn lo tmniiitl.
tlio roiumlioiliin until, hccnilmi of llm
iiiitoiiuitli iiiljuntiiii'iit i nliilillHlinl
liilwoi'ii tlm (nut of itiiiIm oil In
tlm f iitiipmil it iiinl tlm prli'n nf
In tlu I'unmiiuerH liy whlih t'di
iitiiii I I'liiiilltlniiH tire rrflrrlnl hn-
llll'lllllli'ly III I .ill', Kl'VlT.ll lllllll
ii'iliullmiH ulii'iuly luivi- taken iluri,
m muling In I In) (iiiiiiiiImhIiiii, hit-
iimlliitiily upon n full In tlm prim
nf oil, iiiiililni: n nn villi nf iniim
llniti 11.0011,000,
I'li'drli' iiifun uliow ii decllno nf
111, oiiii (Mm, dm iniiiiiilKKlmi jiilil
I'ri'Hi'tit nli'ilrli' i ii I en IikIii only
I'l In JO pin unit iilinvn prii-ui'r nv
nln whlln (iiwiiiiih lit nIiiIInIUh iiIiiiw
ismmuil lUlnu i nil ii to tin HO -:! mr
null iiImmk llm I HI ft Iiiiho At llm
pulc ut lilrih pilu'i", in (onlliiK lo
tlm Nliiti'iiiiut, i nut nf tlvlnit Hint
Wi pur unit hIhihi I'Jlft wlilln hIim'.
I lie liicniiiMit i uncoil only from 30
to I.I pur ii'iit iiinl llm liljlnul Kim
ItirrcioK.-H ranged from 2H in f. I iir
(nil hIiowi minimi, in ((irillm; to
iniiipiiny iiinl illutrlit Hi'ivrd, inn
inti'H non In liiij between H mnt 2f
pur rent above pro-war flmnnn.
Tlm roni in Inntoit nlxo I'liilnii'il p.
ilnri iniiii lii rallront froliilit mut
pannMiger nil cm an u result of It h
ffforli unit mild IIh resliitiiiirii to mi
liuicuHii In uipriim cluirci'H brought
iiliont u national InvcxtlKiilliiii liy
tlin Intel Kioto roiiiineroi rnuimls
ftltlll. 'Dm fri'litht iiMliirtlnn uiciill'ined
liy llm roninilxi'liiii Iiiiluiteii u cut
of 10 per rent lii rltrua iiml dried
frnllfi mnl other product of lo per
rent, u Kcnurut reduction In rates
or approximately n
year to California hlilppTH
I in: i i-Ai'i'iiu
r-'lnppfir sty-ten,
HlllllCH, iiiiiIIph,
Hulled Hiirli,
Tight HIIIOlkM,
Itnliliuil Imlr.
I'lUlt full,
l.itin howl
I'lUMldlcd tlOHIi,
riliny liny
Hmigiiil fiiro,
I, inn mashes,
I'llllllll I'JIllllKllCR,
l.ltlin hips,
IMIntrd HpiS,
Dundy nln
Itmllaiit eyes.
IJnrrlriff, '
.S"nviir thing.
Hut I May
Hlni'd O, K.
Iln got up In tlm subway
Ami navn tho girl his neat;
Hhe sweetly murmured 'Thank you,"
1 1 Kill drtid ut Imr fret.
? B "
! NittmcV (?lft of the flncht tobucco Kimvn tn 10 yearn. j
A Ctiit'tl.Hlpt'notliimlMtlltmctl to the tipof Perfection. '
f A l.'aiefiil. Kxneit Workmnnsltln on every cigar. M
T r1 ' m
Mjj If Fiiu'. l.lnht Colors and laiKe lilieml sUe. 1
b Select CARABANA fur your next smoketp
xv nir- HATiMiir riMr(-iriAAnr 7
m spokanc Jmr
: ' tr
Ws t
r 'iah.utu
. fpr2So
"Corona Royalcs"
Klamath Falls, Oregen
'4 CYL. F. O. B. KLAMATH FALLS J J 125,00
6 CYL. F. O. B. KLAMATH FALLS $1475.00
By Our Country Editors
l.'dwln U'lirnui tuiiilii ii trip to
Kluniiilli I'kIIh on Momlity nml ru
turimil on Tiii'Miliiy. Ho nutil In nflor
liny IiiiihIh.
Mr. mid Mrn. 'W. II. (.' ami
mm of l.nkovlmr mnl Mr ('nnoboi'r'H
motliur, wlin U Intro from fonrr
(.'nllforiiln, vlnltcd nt tli' liniiii of Mr.
mnl Mm, .(nidi's Dixon on Monday
forunoou. Tlmy Imd illmiiir with Mr.
mnl Mm W, T. Onrrctt mnl vlnltrd
Mm. .Iiiiiici IMnull In tlm ufti'rnoon.
Allicrt Itlchurilxon wan In Illy on
IiiihIiichh Tunmlay.
Mm Arthur llmnnknr np'-nl Turn
ilny wllli Mm. ' T. flnrrlt.
Mr, iiml Mm. Juimn Dlxnn ami
rhllilri'ii npmit tlm afternoon with
MrM, W; T. fJnrrrll on Tunsdar.
Mr. Donnlii'Wait a Inifllness visitor
In Illy on Timmlay.
Mr. anil Mm. W. T. flarrrlt anJ
Mm, (lux Kdlund jind r.on "pent
Tuesday i.vrnlnj; with Mr. anil Mm.
Karl Wulkor. Mm, Kdlund ami non
remained to vlnlt there a few ilayn
hnforo Icavlnr; for their homo.
K. V. WliotHlone txcan cuttlnn
hay nt tlm Hhannahan ranch tlio tint
of the Hoolt.
Mm, Frank Ofiendialn nml non
Mult relumed from Klamath Falls
on Monday orcnlflf. Mm. Haul Pet
cm nnd t children catim out nlth
them mi fnr ns tlm (Ilvnn ranch nliero
tht'y expiict to remain for omn tlm
Wnltlnc relallveji and friends.
Mm.'Knrn 01 van anil son ami MIsh
Acnes Drlsroll wrr cuesls of Mr.
nml Mm. James KiHall over Wednen
ilny anil Thursday, TJiuy also visited
other friends whllo In Illy
Mr. ami Mm. James Clinn mado a
Irlp to Klamath Falls on Monday
after HuppllcH nnd hay hands, return
Inj; on Tuesday.
Mm. James Dixon and children and
Mm. Arthur llamnker npent n rury
pleaidnt day Wednesday plrnlcklnc at
tlio upper Cnmpboll rnnch. They
went that fnr with Dixon and spent
tlm day thorn whllo ho nnd Jean rode
fdr cuttle.
Karl Wnl I. or was n hunlncis visitor
In Illy on Thursday.
I.uke Walter nnd hfH mother, Mm.
Addle Walker, spent Wednesday nnd
Thursdny In the HTy country. Wjlker
wns looklui; after bualnuss Inter cats
hero. fftTV
Mr nnd Mm, JnmvH Drlwnll uml
ron Kdwln visited Mm. Urlscoll's par
ents, Mr. and Mm. J. A. I'nrkor the
pusl vevk.
Mrs. Juine Dixon and children via
lt"d In Illy on Thursday afternoon.
Mm, Frank Oucnchalu was very
111 the latter part of the week but has
JiirnoH IMsull finished hayliiK tlm
lust of tlio euk.
Otto lloyo niadu a liuslnoH trip to
Kluimilli Falls lute Hnturday return
Iiik on Hiinday,
Thnro a th reculur Haturday
ulftht iIuiilu nt llm community hall
uml a laro crowd attended.
Thorn was n hull rhiim Imtweon
llentty and Illy on Hundny, They got
u late, start and only played n few
Innings, Tlm luoro was 2 to 7 In
f.ivor of lleatty nt tlm close of the
James Watts has been suffering
vilth nn ulcerated tooth or omo very
serious Infection, IiIm faro helns; In il
ly Hwollen causing him Kreat pain. He
Ih Kolni; to I.aknvlcw to consult a
Mr. nnd Mm. Olover and their two
nlecen who aro vIsltlnK them from
California worn cnjoylnc tlm flshlnK
In Koutlt Fork on Hiinday,
Walter Ilrondsword of Donanra
wan flHliInc on tho South Fork Hun-day.
Friends of nillln Laurey will be
Klad to learn that ho Is a bio to be
back on duty ns lime rldnr again, al
though he still cajrlis his arm In a
Chas. Whrren and Marvin Cross
made a business trip to Lakevlew on
Wednesday, returning on Thursday.
I.. K. Itedfleld, Klamath Falls
merchant, transacted business In
Worden Tuesday. '
Hlncn taking treatment with an eye
specialist, .V. F. Chapman Is greatly
It. II. Jonos nan returned to his
homo after spending soma tlmo In
tho hay fields on tho J. F. ftanch.
C. M. Wilson of Worden la harvest
ing on his California farm near Mac-
11. It. Gordon has returned to the
McCotlum mill after caring for his
ban est here.
I). .V. Ia'wIii and family ot Klamath
Kails "accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
I), I.. Cordon. Jr., called on rclatle
Sunday at Wordeu.
George l'oolo ulio has been with
tho Topsy Lumber company stneo
early spring its calling on old tlmo
friends In thM vicinity.
V. H, Donning with a crew of
helpers Is engaged In putting up 200
ton of hay grown on tho hone ranch.
F. J. Flowers ban purchased tho
weatherman herd of stock and will
remove tame to ills Ady ranch.
II. V. Stlffler and son of tho Or
chard farm aro helping with tbo big
hay crop on tho Downing ranch.
P. S. Boosts Advertising
Says Mary Gardens Draw
Mr. Editor Tho Herald: Well, Mr.
Kd, take a look at what advertis
ing will do. Hero we advertUo
that Maro Maker will Mil merry
gardens at tho annual community
bankqucl and look what happens:
Kvery lady in lown which can get
someone to May with the kids, as
well as tbo ladles which Is Mill
sweet and deer, doll up In there
best rags and beats It for tho W.
I. hotel. And I ask you to reeull
,to mind whero was tho Indies
standing beforo tho mesa call
sounds. Wiis they standing near
tho entrance to tlio mess hall or
was they not? Eh? You loll em.
Hut rniy did you ever seo a J
bunch of ladles so taken aback ns
when tho Hon. Mare,pln tho merry
garden on bis missus? They laugh
all right enough but you no how
wlmon la and It blears was hand
grenades they would not bo a W.
P. hotel left to mark the grcazo
spot wheru onco It stood.
Howsoever, It was n gmto party
nnd afior tho various partlcH got
through telling they had nothing
to say nnd how Homebody rise
could hnvo did hotter, why things
sturt to perk up. Tho Hon. Maro
linker awing u wicked tore finger
not to mention u criminal lip mid
all present soum to get u big kick
out ot It. Tho ministers pretend
ed thoy was hot stuff nnd human
liko tho lent ot us and tho c. of c.
cents got their linos ovor so tolktf
got tho Idear what It was all about.
Tho bullion was o. k. except tor
thoso which thought It was coffeo
and put sugar Into It, not havelng
boon to a bankquct for s;mo tlmo,
And onco aud a whllo you could
hear the slrnnoa ot muelo over and
abovo board tbo crash ot ools rip
ping through tbo milk fed roosters.
And If envy of tho Hon. Mares
eyebrow spoiled tho evening for
somo ot Klamath youus bucks
which was thinking If they only bad
ono of tho eyebrows .for a mustash
why I do no as I blame tbem, what
I mean. Try mango cure, boy 3, If
you want to make them grow. Its
hot stuff. '
When the Hon. Maro and his
missus caught the8. P. rattler the
next raorn!ng( they was given a
arousing fair well by the reception
committee consisting ot Hill Leo
and a hungry looking reporter. The
reporter lets on through the Iter
aid that the Hon. Mare got off
some high Rounding lines before ho
left but what ho actually said was
u a whisper and it was like this.
Ray really now do tho fish In Kla
math lake get an big as' folks here
say they do. And he saya this with
a far and awayn look lu his eyo
which Miows ho Is a human man
oven It he does believe Klamath
Hhould boost tho Pacific coast and
It a bird comes along nnd says
what kind of u "town Is Bend right
nways you say Hints a perfectly
lovely llttlo town, mister, yea
Its n deer.
Tho samo reception committee
mot tho Hon. Maro when be arrive
hero Sunday night except that halt
tho crowd was not prescent on ace.
tho reporter was havelng his pants
pressed nnd had to stay In bed.
It you should answer this Mr.
Kd. why It will1 not reach mo nt
homo 011 ucc. when wo got homo
frolu tho bmiKquet I got oft some
Hues about mvriy gardens which
h earned to make my missus oar.
I.castwUo she bent u Ironing board
ovor my doam mid I remembered
right awuys I hud to seo a party
down town and forget to .return.
What I started to tell her was about
a Idear I had to mako somo Jack
when the Hon. Maro comes again
by gutting him to work tho morry
gardons In a bank and I get fifty
fifty on tho new business the bank
does. Lot mo no what 'you think
ot tills Idear and I will send you
my plan In detalo.
Yrs. Most Respf'y.
Merry Garden Idearist.
Advertising pays, Try It and set. J
new tire prices
lowest cost mileage cvcrknowtt
The new base line tire prices established by
Goodrich, effective July 20th, give motorists a
definite guide to tire prices as Goodrich Tires
arc the definite standard of Tire quality. They
know now they can buy the very best tire
the one quality Silvcrtown the tire that has
always held its leadership because it wears
longer, looks better, and because, mileage con
sidcred, it costs less than any other tire at any
price. Dealers have been quick to point out to
their customers the big advantage and economy
of buying
Silver town Cords
at such base line prices as these:
30x3jCL $13.50 34 x 4 S. B. $30.85
31x3.85 CI. 15.95 32x4" 37.70
30x3fS.B. 15.95 33x4 38.55
32x3 " 22.95 34x4 - 39.50
31x4 2645 35 x 4 u 40.70
32x4 " 29.15 33x5 " 46.95
33x4 " 30.05 35x5 " 49.30
Ntw base line prices are also ejftctire oh
Goodrich Fabric Tires
30x3 "55" $9.65 32x4o&SV) $21.20
30x3 "55" 10.65 33x4 " 2235
32 x 3 &.',', 16.30 34x4 " 22.85
No txtra charge for txclte tax. This tax it paid by Goodrich
Sec your dealer, and place your order NOW
' for your Goodrich tire requirements.
How much real tea '
FLAVOR do you Buy?
Do you buy tea flavor or just tea ?
With the old-fishioncd square tins
or cartons, a good deal f uc flavor
is apt to be lost.
In the new round vacuum-packed
tin, Folger's Golden Gate Tea
(Black or Green) comes with all its
fine flavor and delightful fragrance
kept for you.
Ask your grocer.
Wit A New Features
s Supreme in Awieorance, Mileage, and
Non-Skid Security
Uth Street near Main
Don't fail to read. HtraU Classified A.
J .
' f
T A! , 1.1
t . 1 r
.t- . 'W
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