7 s.-r f jb A' ' "&A 0 ?i' H KSDff A A" Herald WEATHER FORECAST iOMOHTAM) Wl.ltAlrllMl.l'.MII AMI, MMlil - OFFICIAL PAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY AND OF KLAMATH FALLS I X.M "S Member of the Associated Press y tip liHVnlll teiii'. Nil, IlillM KI.AMATH I'AI.I.S, Oltl.OO.V, rvlMlKW, At'OfST 1SECITHI 1 81 BOUGHT 1 AH in J! HHDSATIEEr. Portland Mayor Spimlcer at i Annual Coiniminily Din- ncr; Z50 Presunt .Miijrnr llakei h purling words iDllll) "Villi lirn H llllllHll lilt III- nl liKHlliM llMiilf Vim iliiu'i Know whnl ynn mini, Just iin mull iin you find mil whnl ynti waul nliil all gut Ulrnllii'l he- liliul n hiiIIiI, 1 1 1 1 it I r t i v t v t pint- fiirin. HiKii ynn will begin In f irK.. flliiiiil Kl.imuili In Inn wonderful a i mi til rx. In li nog- leClod." If Klnmutli ilui-n ii'il liiiiiiuiili! lis tliruitojied (livurcii riom Portland mid Oregon II Mill ml In) llio fun 1 1 i( riiurcu l linker. 1'nrt I.itut'H two flMod mayor, ,t,oi of honor and principal apoakcr nt tho ihiimiuI emu inualty dinner m tlm U'lilto iviltnn hold I tan night wlikli wun intended by about 2!W pommm. other npi'.tk era. no ten luiiTi'ntiiic, wuro I,. J. Colundor. representing Hi" Him Kr.ni- rlcco chamber n iniiimern', Ilm Itet. W. II Bobbin m Woodbind. Cnllfor Ola, and the It. I.'. K. H.uiKhcrly of Loa At)giti)t M H. West pr.-sldcd and W. It Lamm was loani'maMcr Itecro Ury T. A. Stat-mntim of Ilm chamber of common e delivered tho iiiuiii.il m tiort nt tlm chain Iwr. Mnyor Halter's Inlroduttlnn was ciiIIvuMimI mIii'ii TonslmtiHlcr Lmnin miHmmri'il Unit Ilm visitor wan prhl loWil H ouet a Mary (lurili'ii kins from the niuM attractive uf tliu fulr x prencnt. Nothing ahusht'd, tlm ternntllo iimynr iroitiiitly klmiod Mm. linker, wliu nnt in his rlKht. "In lew nf tho fni tlint papers IniMi l.i'in ril"il In u dlvnrrn milt, I reel inn ti ntrntiKir lis n Mmiikk tiiitil." .Mayor linker iiini'il Ui ml drone. "Klamath, liitnevwr. It In Ort i;on and It In hoIiir tu Hlny In Oregon. Vru lmt been flirting with tlm little tadv till Ilm Milllh. Mini In n .'i.nil Hill.. Idy ana J. in need her; lint w.u iiImi ' ,,,,l"w,l,f ,'I',II"UI " Ul Bifd UriNiin " ! Miirln tuit hfoii IimIiI In rnitMiin hy Willi" )iiu nn llvinj; In Orcitmi and M'inii,; your nmmy In Cnlltot- C imriihn vmineuri WUULU uur ilfl LITTLE m I 1 1. W. W. MUST STAND j TRIAL, JUDGE RULES; DEMURRER DENIED1 Mltiil lMiiii::iiiiihi Will Nut II.- It Iiiihi'iI; .ViinirrntN AiiUiiiiIiIcm An- (llril li) ( unit " . M ti . Si r- V mmar' t. mt taiiw m 'imf MAIlli: IIAKKKU. .VfK)MtrOll .MB. JOHN Kt:.SNV (IIKI.OW.J t3 IN A CIMCWJO COUHT TO lly ItOV CIIIIKI.VH Vnit. S. )Vli.U wmil.J h imllliiK. hoallliy. CHICAGO. mi pay fur hrtii). iiu'tty littlf Rlrl (fl rivo? I. Iltli- MhiIh llnKknr. wIiii'm nil Hint, liioiir.ht inn m "aiKilnii" In tlm Hltlmi from tlm rhllit'H i'Hitor." whn wi-ro holdliiK hbr for tho bill rniimini. Thy linipiiwil nillmiiili-hliiK Mario If Mm, Konny would UIk tip mid pay till f rolKht ( hiirK"H ' thu 'kiukIk' Maria. At IhU Jumturi' JintKii Adrtinit lf tho iluniHultr ri'ltiin court Inter- wni'il And nardi'd (-I.tl.ii of JSO fur nta, UniKnn htntulN rcnily in lend IIk aid In tiny iiinlnrtiiklni; yini miiy do eiro. wtmthiir It in ho iiiiiiinnii nf I ho Natron I'lit-nfr nr innMriictlnii of a iniiriMii in inmil. Aim Hid pri'HH (if I'nrlliind liiKlriHtod m In hrlmt yon ii tdmlliir mi'iai;r " MlRltni; I Iin I Ini vmih i;nlm; in ilr.il with riiiti mid nnt liiill", Mnynr llaki'l piomOdnd In innKo itiind IiIh ImkihI, Ho Iiiik'IiihI mi tlm wlilnl)' ml mtHkoiI iinilciiiy or Kl.iiniith I'iiIIm IHMipIo In ll;hi ninuiiK IIii'Iiihi-Iwh, NiiXllK. "Vim iiMiliiil Ki't nny plnri hii luiii: tin. ynn find it ncKiKhary in cnci , niiiniiiri'iii nf trlfn In tiiilmm parts nf tlm illy." tin sioM' fur nul (inly n inillcil ()rui;nn, hut n iiiilliil I'ni'lrh' iii.ini, pnlnlhi); mil I liu (iilliiry nf mi-cI lotial illffrii'lKi'M. "Vim iiinnnt hnlld mi Ji'iilnimlos. I.ncnl ptliln In I'KMiintliil n any inin iniinlly, (ml In nrikir In hiillil hrniidly ynn nuihl fiiiK'H iiinniy nml Mtnlo lllli'H. Willi l wit ni'i'd In In liilvilllm? Ilm I'nrlflc con h In tlm i'ihikiinIoiI l.'aHl. Toll t limit wlnil wo Iiiimi Imro, limn lei (linlr nun ItitolllKunrn illnnt whnrn tliiilr hoincH mIiiiII Imi." Ah n niBo In point Ilm HiKiuhnr illcil Hid imlNtiiiK JciiloilHy liutwrun San I'liimlucn nml l,im AiikdIoh. Tlm xplril oxir(i).ni'd hy Hidhii rltlc, lul ilcclurcil, wntilil nnt tend to hnlld A nri'iitnr Wont, lln clnsnd IiIh iiiIiIio.su with ii plcii for Khiiniith'H hiippnt-t for tlm Oicitmi lU2ii oxpiiKltlnn, iiniiiinnr frloinlH of Iut fnlhur in fnrro mhiIi- i Muri..'. bonnl nmiit nf n iinr. Iiiuiril mid doiii.r hill i ThU iininiltii M. Kunny jwlil. 'XiiidiPiilirrlilmirariirtliolatli- wJiormipon nho wu nllowml In load I'd hud h-ft Mario in tholr cro. ' fl)rUl ie. ,3S: -m.iv.." on the Km l.-fforin nn tlm imrt of n Nltr-lii-, f )m,,,t and pnnl fnr." taw- nf tho fnllior. Mm. John ICimny. ( u,mmh of plrklui; cultmi for hor n wiMlihy nwldoiil of Itonvlllo. Mliin..imw "mltr". Marl In to unto u to iiMiiprinnlso ilm doht mid mho pornianmil phtro in tho Konny hnuW Mario away III, hor. lift Willi nppo.j j,t w(, ,,, nnk r .Mam.it,,., '"I'm j'nur now itiniuimi, honoj," DEMURRER IS UPHELD I ""''' Mm.Kany lu plrkod tip hr I IlllUftlmll ..lmlt.il ...lit u.r.lt.,..l lt( ,.f ll.u ..i.wH.,1 .ir.(,ii nr.j. n,mi. if.it .(1, IIIH ICcsltKllll AttMllO.! ' roinpl.iinl nr ( itfiin Ili'lil I unlit bnlldliiK. BU&. - I Dui'iiI or tlm hintlon In niniii I IiiiiIi.ikuiiiIii, mid ovcrrnlliii? of Hi' Ii miirrcr In (i(;mli tho Iniin tiivn waH ilto drnlNton liHinli'd iiow n 1 j cii-ult JfidgH A. I l'.-iviii. li 'H'liii'ii oplnlijnk tiliUiy. in Hio I ' W v. chji'.i. ulidrelii l.onlo l).ivl. i. oiiiinl tloltou, AlnUrlff Hily omi ' inl.ih VbdkiIIom w'ero Indhitoit 'i i June on it tUarde t utnilnal irlicallmn. ItavU wit flrM indlrt- ' in imratuly and th iiinor thrw . ii- Id tin (t Joint ItiyiktBiTit. Tli i i n ntipHiid lit Hlj,of (lioni Hi iinu' u3,0'',"'"', ,,f tb-' I A W. a rUfi'ifTt) (If lbo n lit- i i inluri',':ffjNilHtrrbH i? di . i ntlnr jirtijttt RAfnt it (M diis) i" nfretrK 1 ft'dr " orp ' : i inuMun futi i(tlinV i,o);- in r'"0Vtr II?I Jfnii'ii. Tho i i In pwlIii'SW'tlie motion -iitri in nrt: "It .tpp'unt to the rourt , I'm tho lUt (if mH(;lw rwl t:al ' it h of Ihom. iPiifffnvl In cvl- 'iMi'f, would !u iiintriil ii! io- w: n' It fnrihsr ')p"iii fi-im tho moiiuti of tho cinlo h" 't'lfori) 'ii'd that Hi irrt! or ilm." do- r ii'Uuu va iHwfnl; H1..1 tbo i.rtl- lc , I Iut n I wore lolrod font' -.atwir- i i oimly tlilt Hie nrritii ttt i,i li- i .': M'flciTii: that no mtiMitmioiml lr. .i of tbru iV)tidoiil- liuvo mi violated or Invaded, tliat it.o iii'iii nal protorty ubofe liit ' irn imprivMKl, hy Iholr vry n4tnri. with a Riatmto to Koeloty the mo- Hon In dojiled." The demurtur fllod in .)im'i tiro Indlctmnets olled: "ri.it tia In illciment Ih tin iillcltoupi. ih.irriim three crlnim. lli'lliB'a mnilr of Hi" I W, W.; tan'chltjB Jnd rlrin I.itlnif lllvmtiirt'. IhP court In tlm oplnUm nn f'li ld: "In t)ia InOIitiuiKilP lifbr tliM onri Itit'io In nothing to lii'llrtitn that thum in any itpiiKtiumv' lit-twoon- Iha clmrito that the defond nnt vero ntrinlioni of a ivrtnln h.innttt rcclrty. mid whlli nr!i iscnihrrii clrculutod its lintii'l llc.'r tttro; on tic contrary, tlm mdirt mint oipreiwly nvcri the t.u ,ui.i a boltiR done nt tlio sanio time. Tho Indictment Ih framod In i.c 'nrdmire llh Ih rnlw tha; linv In rrt oatahllnhod In Hi la -Kalo. mil tho (Idinwi'rorH in tho IndlcmOnti mrit hu ovorrttled. unit It i; io i' dtred." The two wrillen iiplnlonH invcr (UK thiiM two pli.-ihon oT thri I. W. w. raw coniainwi otor no'i'i . ei and oil ml nniroiin niithnrllius nib stnnti.ittttK tc d'.'i'll'i:i icndnrul. It tii- ronmliiH for Hip dufoii.t.mt I. W. W. W. aland Itlnl. ujilcli will probubly he during Ihu ptoinl'jr term of court. 1 , mau iBFJFCTIIM IIF i Mime us : l!i Ulll SEEN I'JtICR F1VK OKNTH Modern i'ortia Statement of Strike Leader Held Indication of Fail ure of Proposals WASHINGTON. J), C. Ann 8 Pnjiliiont Harding' oicoriii propnial for the termination of tho uliopnu'iii" i nlrlko ntvallod today anion hy both ' iililixi. hut rojcctlun by tlm nnlona wait fonwliudoirod In tint atatcmenta of I tho IcKiitini. ' ' Tho chlof oxoiiitlrofl of tho nhop rrafta cullwl i mot horn Wodnofday lo rnnldr the prtdqiifft prnponal that th aenlnrity Imtue bo Inlt lo the lubor hriard. Jowqll polntod out that Irn had no uuthorlty to itnnwur for tho roiloralioit, nddlnt'. "Notiody ouRht to rM the Idea that the (hop crafts federation will npcopt." Tho rnllrond'oxocntivoH are oxpoct oil In iiimI Friday in Now York tc fonnulati tholr nnswer to Ihu pro- plHHll. I'nialilent HardlnK. it wan tmdor ilmiil. Inform.)!! ItoproBcnlntlvo Mon ihdl. of tho d'tilralilllly of full atten dant!) Tuitnlay wlion Iho lifliifo ro ronteiioti In py of Iho troiiblod lit diiHlrlal situation. mm dill i n SENATE BUTTLE House Will Act.on Measure Shortly; Senate to Delay Until After Election Although he han't comptolo her courno In tho lav tchcol. Jilt Annette Hlizabcth Dl Nota. of Hj, Frandco, Is rcttlnri ready for h calllr.c by practlslns In tho town vnurtc CI.KVHiaNH, Aurr. 8.--Wnrron 8 Stone toloKrapho( 10 railway clilpfi nsklnn them lo attend a conference at WnihlnKten Friday to ronldor plana to avert tho Impending trnns portntioti collapio. lly IIAftltV II, HUNT WASHINGTON. Aub. 8. "Out of tho frying-pan Into tho flro" ncoma ' lo ho tho f n turn Immediately ahead i of thu United Stalest eonalo. For no nooncr will tho fienato hnvo concluded with tho tariff hill, which has opllt party, ranks wldo open, than It will bo confronted with tho administration's ehjp subsidy . moaaurc, over which a ncnrccly 1ch , y bitter battle, teems certain, ) The Iiouho will tako up tho nul)- sidy bill soon after Jt rc-assomblcs 5-YEAR HUNT FOR EXTINCT SPECIES OF MAMMALS PLAN AuBu" 15 follnwlnc Itx midsummer I reccxs, HearlnKS already hnvo been I concluded. Action hy tho Iiouho beforo Kil'iit'is Will t'l'iiclmti' Inli'rior tlf I'.iliisonla to Sctk MM'rlinriiH U,D(Xl,iHlll Ve.int Old BEND GETS' NEW MILL Third full Will lie nddetl to Slier-Hn-lKxim Klnnt- CHICAGO, Aug. S. A five-yoam" hunt for founds of extinct. Hpeclen of mammals which appeared .'.50,000 to 2.OU0.000 yoars ago will bo beRun next October, when Prof. Klmcr S. KIrk. iisHocIate curator of paleon tology of tho Field Museum of Na tural History, and three assailants will sail for Itucnos Aalrcs on tho first leg of their Journey. Their ex pedition will bo tho sixth this year from ho Museum. Somctlmo during the ReoIoRlenl yesterday many upeclea vf warm blodetl mammals, predecessors to tbo animal llfn of today1, he it an to aDoear In South' AmorTca. ittZfal tUowr5f' unublo to copo with tho trcmondous climatic and RCORraphlca! changes which took placo and gradually van ished from tho ranks of living things. After exploring the Argcntlno pam pas, from tho pampas tho party will atrlko southward along tho Atlantic coau as far ns tho Straits of MuRel Ian. In places tho work will b along the bcuch whero ledges are exposed and accessible only a few hours dur ing tho day. 1II:NI), Aug, 8. Construction of n new sawmill to form tho third unit of Its local plant will bo begun by tho .Shevtlu-Hlxon company on September I, according to an announcement au Hiorlii'd by General Manager J. P. llonnesHy. Tho work will lie carried on through thu fall and winter with thu expectation of having thu mill ready for operation on Mnrch 1, 1323. I'l.llW f.lt- III.. 1...1L ...III llUVA Ititn. la. , .. .. , ... In the extremity of Patagonia, a luviminuuii nn nunc iiiuu uy r ri'd ,. , ., , , ,,,,.... " ,!,, .., i .fli- r in . W. Hnrstkotte. who. n member of ,"V",lhw'V;;r 'Cr .i, r,,m i. ..it ii.. . n. . tvi , Mho party will search for fossil re- cent, nJ?. .. . . ,.vi ." ,& I mains of unlnuo and much more an-1 Vessels now owneu by tho govern- i .;,. .f?H.! T ',"' """"al. which were residents, ment would be sold to private opera- thO Construction Of till) prebOllt plant. , ,,,. ,..,. , , ...,..!, Hr rn, nllnwln If. vnnr. Tlm.. will I... r....l.:..1 I...... ...III. I.. ..l"1 " "iumva III tut- iihvo n licit -.., . .... -- , .. ..... ..u .i-m..u.. ..u.u ., ii.iiu tliu : lieu wee); or lu duyn and nt tho same linn) i;. II. Ilea, mechanical superin tendent of tlm various Slmvllu plants, tho middle of September is consider ed probable. Drngf In Semite Hut thero will bo no voto on ship subsidy In tho senate at lids session. Kren If tho tariff bill in finally cleared by tho tlmo tho housu parses tho subsidy measure along, tho sen ate will balk at any final action until after tha ballot, Nov. 7 Indlcato tho direction and violence of provalllng political winds. Tho aim of the subsidy bill, offlc tally entitled "A Hill to Amend and Supplement tho Merchant Marino Act of 1920," Is to get tho government' vast rnorchant fleet Into prlvato hands and Into the buslncts of carry ing world comraorco. ' ,JJjUttM.!aVJjI.rtho4.Tlcw that thero isn't an over-nDiinaanco or commerce requiring1 shipping Just now, but that thero Is a notlccnblo volume of political dissatisfaction and unrest, believes nothing will bo lost but much gained by proceeding with caution. What Ulll Provide The subsidy bill would provide for tho American public, through direct nnd indirect tribute to American ship operators, paying whatover sums might bn necessary tojjglvo operntort lit wan almost as widely separated 1 to complete payment with four per will bu hero lo advise concerning the (Continued on Tago C) liioiifflrlrut (Cnntlnuod Hi Pugo i.) ., wi:.Tin:it Piioii.uin,iTii;s Tlm Cycln StonniiKi'aiih nt t'lidur- wood ii I'liiirnwu'.v regNteiH n iiIIkIU lower prosHiirn to day linllcutlug war mer weather to mot'iow with mod- nrnto hreoxes to- ItlKllf , KiuticiiHt for no'ct 21 heurs: I'ii I r mid warmor Tho Tyeou record lug thnrmnumtor I'DKlstored maxi mum unit minimum tnmpui'iitiiroH to day, us follOWHi itytfA ill .In n rtrlitin (iiiiilini mm Rntnr day. Jiidgo l.nnvii nuatntarU tJtu demtirrer uf'the dpfeudnnta to tliu loinphilut In the dual cases of U'li. ICctK ikoii nml ruveuil Itisnrtiinu eiiMijiaiilcs agnliiKt iho California oii'i.i'ii I'ow-er inmpitui. herein I; Is .iiiur.ht In riicntor fiinu ilm pnw or (oinpauy mime J'fr.,iiii as iUiii aaes litMiiae of ntlegeil nn.':l!i:onue lu I lie umiutunaurn of thulr.pnwer linen, held 'lo have resulted In out' of tlm wiins dropping an I cnualuit Iho flin which ilohtroyed ilm Kim tersou mill about two )im in;e. Aiguiniut by euutiKel na.i heard by tlm niiirl hoiiiu two week aiio on lliis demuiier. which inuteuilnd munuR oilier thlngH "that th nn plaint did not Mate, fact) hiirtlilimt to coiiHtltulu u cau.sn of actloii." Judge l.eavllt Imld that tlm du iiiuruT wiih good, but gianted lu.ivo to tho phiintiffK to umend. Tlui wrltttit opinion loiitaluul iiomii GODi) wordH, nnd imibuillof the vaiioiiH ungleH nf the legal pulnlH luvolted, citing vnrlouii nil thnrltli'H lu iiiipport of tlm fludiugx. Tho deuliduu of tlm court hui;cd on a point not mined by any of tho attorneys lu the argument. .MAItlU.T Itlll'tHtT High . S7 04 PORTLAND, Aug. S-Cattlu Btuady nu guml kinds.' diau ou com mon. Hogs, nominal, utendy. Sheep, nominal, Hteady except valley liimhn. TiUe Inwer, Kkkb Hleady, un changed. Butter stoiidy. SII-H-H! :.. Vr" Jlsazr M- l Jt" --.J y 6iH --r-!SS - fx'ym i fe-iii ' xi ZA v L$Ft!s!) lrtt ,&&. - 5 ys& from Its northorn sister, Norlli Amer ica, us Australia Is now separated from AMa. This Uolatlon accounts for strange fossils In that ancient laud. From tho straits the party will turn Inland mitt ihu tearch will ho extend ed westward over thu barren, wind swept plains toward tho b.iso of tho Andeti. , Prof. Hlggwill take with him nu elaborate equipment so that the par ly wfll ho propared to travel mid sub- I slst in any region which may offur problems of Interest. For the most part travel will be by motor truck. Whero this method la found Impos sible the motor will bu supplemented by h.tddlo mid puck nnlmnls. In addi tion, n canvas motor boat will bo corrlod for uso on Inland wntem. lly thoso methods It Is expected that tho rnoit Inaccessible regions mav bo I roiirhnil cent Interest on unpaid balances. A loan fund of 1125,000,000 would bo established from which prlvato shipowners could borrow, two-thirds of tho money neceisury to build new easels Such loans would be madu for 15 years and two per cent annual Inter est. Owners of American merchant Tea sels, In computing not Income for taxation, would bu purmlttud to de duet a sum en.ua! to tlm Income deriv ed from operation lit foreign t radii provided they Invent double tho J amount of the resulting saving in vessels In NORTH GETS 20 DAYS A No lined jjiilAO on Charge,- (ilto Not leu Moonshine of Appeal Twenty days In Jail and a fine of WO, with tlm provision that it tho flno was not paid It would be scned out lit the county Jail ut $2 per day, was Uiu verdict of Justico Gughiigou (his morning lu tho casa of K. North, fouud guilty ou tho charge of having moonshine. In his possession. North's counsel have given notice of appeal to thu cir cuit court. North was arrested ou August 2 In hU homo. 337 Grunt htrect, by Doputy Sam Walker and federul of flcois Todd and Darker. A 10-gul-Ion keg of alleged moonshine, was confiscated. OIUXA OKATH LIST MKOWH HP-NO KONG, Aug. 8. Tho Brit ish government hero, has shipped a second consignment of food to strick en Swatow, where the death list has grown' to 28,000. taxes in ftuildlng new American yards. f . Shipping Hoard Function The direct subsidy provision of thu bill authorizes mid directs tho slip ping board to entor Into contracts, on behalf of tho United Statos, for thu payment of compensation to ves sels ownod by Amorlcuu cltlzuns and under Amorlean rcgUtry. Contractu may run for periods ot 10 years, and thu government pay ment would bo iiiudo at least every six if ouths, Tho amounts paid would ho bused m tln speed and tounago ot tho respective vessels. Ilegurdloss ot speed, one-half cent for each gross ton for each 100 miles Is proposed. In addition, vessels ca pable 'of 12 knots nn hour or more would bo paid an additional sum In proportion to speed, up to two cunts n gross ton on every 100 miles for vessels of 23 knots or over. 1 s How Much it CosIh What this would mean may bo in dicated by computing what Undo Sam would pay a fast 10,000-ton car rier between New York and Euro pean ports. At the maximum rates, such u vos-, sol would draw two and a half cants a gross ton ou every 100 silUe. On the 3,000-mllo trip to Euref, afbit 10,000-ton shl would eark la oMract , (Continued to VmiY A m r 'fi -)') v"'