PYt! T H rmtnuMr, AirraiHT rt 1023, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rT'""1 m T . Little Chicks ' i (V Personal Mention ,x7 w " l ISTOV i Hi W A i fl .'ft te 1&: fry HUM I Will Represent U. S. iu In ternational Race for - Bennett Trophy WAtllllNtlTON, ,ug, B Miior linear V. WeKlmor, who will rcjirc Ht'tit Hid Fulled HI 11 ( i") tit my In Hi" International Itiillnou rinoti f r Hid (lonloii Hi'iiniiti tinpliy In Unmmi. Hwltxorliiinl, luni It In place liy win nlnit lint 1111II11M11I 'llinliiiillnn urn fiiini Milwaukee. I11M May llln Iml loon won ticiin a largo Hold, I no id Hint iilmnM twice 11 ri fur as any otlinr lu'ii: anil landing In IJuiihiie. Ho w;ih tho imly ititt'iiliint who liimloil nut rlitit of tlm United Hiatus .Miijur WcMoer .In listed among lint few higher army nflliom who won their way In (-iiiimiiIiikIiiiih by way nf llti lank, lln idnrliM iih a pilwilo In K rnmpnuy of the Tlilril llatiallnn of eiiglueoiH, In tmu. nii'1 a )imi' lati'i- was iiii(ilnli!il to 1 lie 111 111 lit ry uiadomy. lln gradual nl In Unifi mil was aiiUrel to tint Infan try. Mnnl nt liiti miivI'i- lin hi en In llm Infantry, In whlr'i arm of t't" nenlro hit win ilUii'i-ii-in m a rlfl iimwunil hi'iti jilstul'tihoi .jSl'rU'r to tlio wirllelintlim f lm I'lilli'il mates In llm worll war In nencd In tho HlKiial Corp. Iielni: a signed (ti Ilia air sun lee In luix. In wltli h lin roim In tlio liimporurv limit uf colonel. .Major WMt(ur'n s.-ril in ll.e army Inn been illstliiguMicd llu IK'IW'll III HIlHTIll ri'lllltlMllll posi tions, mining them at pol n ill" Krl of embarkation nt Hobnken. Ik wan largely responsible fur tit" i n nulzallun nml iiiliiiltiUlrml m if II. i' titiiiKiii nf alrrr.ift prodm linn atnl i.rrxi'il an exerullW' of Hid Mr r-(I..-. from l!i I!) n IU20. Ho In 39 your nf a c in I holds llm ml I m; of liallnmi ii1iirir titl'l nlmhlp iillnt Willi Limit. Colon d Frank F. I.11I1111. miollinr w ill known nrmy hallnoulsl. Ii it wnni i'o,itn!,inl In lln natloiinl liallimn of IH'.'I. II U Itiltire.itlui: In nnti) that Uilnn, then a lieutenant, wax llm flul ('union lirnni'lt fun liiillonn 1 iKM for lite (iuiiliui-lleuiiell trophy. Wlilln In llm inllllary nradentjr WMocr wan wry mtlwly liMift i't In M'.mr's mnl nlliletlrH rind l.c has 1 tirrh'il tlu N.iniit 1 liitenst Into It In (no li.illnnii work. Major Wontnver won' in (Jene i early In .Inly to malm detailed mud lea of Hot nlo rtirri'iilH ami oi.i. tlotiH In Hint part of llm WiiM pie pant lory to his i.irtlcli tloii in tm liili'rnattiiiial raco. H Hi J ' V- : J lliamui'll h. MiltciMin I'lanlc (' llrniiiwvll, ulali- ittipor liiti'iiilunl of ituto ImnliH, flli'il a iill. In iiillly )imlurilay iiflirnonii ni;aliiiit lloim Nl(:licrt,i)ii fur tlio r.ol Icctliin of IS, 010 10 iillcc'il iliiu on a. nolo lln aIno ankii thai curtain (110)1(11 1' Htllll'lll'll III) Bold ami tliu protui.'ifH llii'ii'froiii lio applluil on tlio tlolit Attornon twn amount! i to $S'iu am uskcil mnl liilcri"i m 8 per cent from Dticiiilmr 20, 1921. Nlcl.urimu wnt fornmrly proprlulor of tlio Ilex cafo which rlojcd IU iloorn Mmiilny. violin Htilo hy Hurry Ilnrul al Community dinner 4 .'. Two Uiljy oatrlclir nullcU larcel poll from Jocljiionvlllc, Tin., n ilny iifkr Imltliliic to i:. II. llclimlJt. "Wnnlilnffton, 1) C, nrrhil Mfo nml rutni'l. Tjio llttlv L'lrt lian lirr itrmn full nlttioucli Hicy'ia only a few Can oil. Ancient Theatre nt Ficaolc May Be Used Again for Production K. C. Ball Team to Meet Dorris Demons" Tomorrow' Tlio KnlrJil'il of ColillilliilH liafc hull li;am will meet Dorr) Hiitnlay for. (ho flml lime, ami If they win thin rsniin) they will meet the local full for Hie champloniihlp of Hip county Tlio K. C'u. havo rcrclvcJ lli'.'lr new Rultn and to Initiate tltoni with a victory. Klamath Cubs and Lost River G'- " to Play l'l.liUi:.NTi:. Italy. Auk 5--'llm otil Unman Ihrntvr at 1 loiolo wilt tltli autumn. If prt'Kunl plaint nio (airli'il out. lio itscil again for tlio purpnuo It wan rirlKlually no woll con hlrurtcil for oiilitrlcn ni;o. It will w(Uii'ii thy proiluttlnn of n irlcH of V1aJ liui'uiU tiiMo ltd kIoiui m-nlii will ho filled. Ii Ik hopcil. hy latter iluv innrlilH wlm will flml InlcreHl In llm iiomiI l.k-ii (lalirl'-lo' il' Amiuiirlii J '""l f'r )""r HlnBS al K. K. K. more. .- The Klamtlli I'alU Culm nml I.iut HImt (iiuutM wilt crom lulu on Mo due diamond tomorrow afternoon Whllo tlio proweM of Ihu Culu In well cMablliihril, tlio Cll.intit aru 'an mikiiomi itianllty; hut from all re-J portH, the liaiim uro evenly matihed ami a cnod camo may ho uxpecleit. Tlio r.nmii will ntsrt promptly at '.' ; I'. M.. manager llakrr of tlio C Ant nnnoitnceil, and faim nhuuld tv cum their vMn early. ' l.mlleH c.el ItenlN Mlralclilen cd. IJuallly Hlmo Shop M. H Hideo. 1-7 1.iii.ltiw til Tim llluirli Tin Otlmui '((IllltlJ (IV III" Mll'llf l"W '..-. . nf Mheliii f. ' In i;lvlnii tiln Hiipporl to tlio project, mid It Ih prplmhlo that onu of hi ttm;eilloH will lu In the repetory. Thlrt t il I II of the iln)M of Itoiuu I hemulfiilly lorated In the nn lent Klriinrnii to Mi that ntitiitlu upon llm iilleroveni hllU nliotu rir,tri:;o It Iin adinlralile nroiitillt' proptulleH. Nliieleen Hern of nIoiio rllll re main In llm k"iu(tlriln ur vnriii In illametur, whllo Junt lieloiv llieao urn thrcif'moro'rowii'of nperlril feuts iineil In iddni-liii' liy pormnm of rank. It In pioponeil, lieKlniilui; nctt Sep temlier, to ;lvo perforumnrci try nprliiK anil mituiiiu when tlio weather In Italy Ik p.tilletilarly ai;recablu. In nililllloli to Iho irAiinunzIo piny, Ihu flrnt lerleu of proilurtlons wilt In clude a Creek ( laiutlo imi;eil, a mel oilyima. prohahly OrphotiN hy Mnn tneiie, tin, u ilr.imu from Iho pen of n modern Italian writer. Christian Church A. B. BRISTOW, Minister m Services Tomorrow, August 6 Bible School 10 A. M. Morninff Worship 11 A. M. Senior C. E. 7 P. M. Reports From Turner Convention At Each Service Union Service 8 P. M., Methodist Church S. J. CHANEY, SPEAKER co.vcmt kusikiints Alti; .Uai.NMT I'AUK (Coullutied ftoin l'ano 1 ) nml (It) paiK whera thejo Iiiih nl lendy hoe n tin Imestiueut uf up proximately Jllt.UOO.OO. That tlio roulu of tlio nuu west ulile road Iiiih not heeu deilded upon, nml until thin I determined t no actlult kliuuld bu tukcu uu u rump vile. That while wc reallto there U n neceinliy for u public camp Kroutid. wo feol tlint u mojurlty of Ihu cIllietiK of any coinmuulty would want HtU form of municipal improvement In tliu outljlnt; din trlilH of iho city and not In Iho lenldenci) tactions. There uro many fluu peuplo 'Mho will iiso a public (.imp ground, ,ut Huto Ik alto it largo percentago of floating ram pur.i who aliould not bo 'parked Immediately adjacent to rcsldcnro property Wo fiel Hint theri) Is not a member of Iho chamber of cum luereo who Is fonterlng this inovo incut who would willingly Imvo tlio Property Immeillntely mljacunt to IiIh hoiun turned Into a public cumplng Ground. Wo therefore protest against tlio moemciit as nt present outlined, mid respectfully uak Hint tlio chum her of commerce, tnku no duflnltu union to locato a Municipal Camp ing (iround until the mutter lias been properly put buforb'tlio prop erty owners and taxpayors ut largo uud they aro given n volco in tlio matter, una until some doflnlto mid feasible mothod of financing tliu purchuso nnd luulutunnnco ut u camp grouHil bus been Uotermlu cd upon, Tlio City of Portland will bo repre sented by her mayor nnd a delegation, of citizens. 4-5 NASH AUTOMOBILES (NEW PRICE) 4 CYL. F. O. B. KLAMATH FAbLS . 6 CYL. F. O. B. KLAMATH FALLS. $1125.00 $1475.00 THE BEST VALUE OBTAINABLE BILLS' NASH AGENCY t METROPOLITAN GARAGE II, II, Muniln, who linn been oiling deputy nlulo giimu warden horn hIiico Hid reidgiiallou of Henry' KtoiiL, will ho relieved by tlio limit who Ium cc (iipteil tlio regular nppolfitmnnl, either tonight r tomorrow, It wax not known today Just' who IH? new gamo warden would ho hut It In uti derutyod thai ho In mi old man at the gamu of delecting vlolntom of tliu hiiiillnr; nnd fishing lawn, Mrs, (I, I. Tllack nf Vanniunr. II. ('., Ik hero with her nlcro, Mis I.'llta belli Darker, of California, who In iircninpsnylni: her to llrltlsh Colum bia, Tlioy nro thn linuno gupsl of Mrn. Illnck'n ulster, Mm, I.ou Arens. MIksoh I.liclle llarlnn, fireln Mndl sou nnd Oram Clllolt will return from fiprlni: rrcek loday. They havo been nt tho 1). II. Campbell camp nlncn Hundny. Mr. nnd Mrs Moyd llynn nnd twn children, I.altie nnd Allta, nro hern from Portland n the guests of Mm. Uiiii'h ulster, Mm. (I. A. Massej. Tlmy expect to lucnto hero Iu tin near future. fieorgn Stronbrldgo nf ChIlo(illn was In tlio city yeslordny attending to business nffalrs. Oscnr Campbell, a farmer In tlio I.o nd I a district, mndo a trip Into town yeslordny after supplies. T. J, Snook, Justice of tlio peace at Chlloquln, was a business visitor here yesterday. The I'cclt-Jmlali excursion agency sponsored a parly of tourists Into Klamath county yesterday under the direct guidance, of Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Judali, of flan Francisco. Thoso travollnp In the party were. Mr. and Mm. C. H. Ashley, Mm. M. K. Uarr, Miss J. K llalnz, Mlm M. C. Craw ford and Miss K. 1'erry, all of San I'ranclsco and Oakland. A distinguished parly nf tourists from llolie, Idaho wcrn Mr. nnd Mm, W. N. Uegnn. Muster llllllo and Tim Itcgnn mid Mrs )'. J. Illocklnger. Mr. and Mm. Charles A. Stewart, of tho .Stewart Hotel, were hern last night on their tny from San Fran cisco (o Crater and oilier scenic points In Oregon Miss Ccorglann (icrllnger, a mem ber of nu old and prominent family In Portland, wtinso mother Is the only woman member nf the board of regents of Iho I'uhcrxlly nt Oregon. Ik here wllh .Mb II.JT. T.illls, of Sou Frunrlsco nnd I. F. Christy also of Fair Francisco. They aro guests nt Iho Whlto Fellenn hotel. Miss Molllo nonolsnn. Mm. Martha Hawkins nnd Mlin'KnoIa Hawkins will leavo tomorrow morning for Fredenbcrg springs.' Miss Inn Rrnham will rhaperoun ii group of girls on n camping trip to Hocky I'olnt tomorrow. They ex pect to bo away for tho greater part of tlio week. T. .V, Cunningham and sons, Floyd niuf Forest were county seat lsltom yesterday from their ranch homo In l'lno tlrovo. I.owls F. Arnold was another of tho l'lno firovo .irtnom to pay a business lslt to tlio county scat yes terdny. V. S. Hart loft today for Sacra mento utter spending soveral da) a horo Iu conuoctlon with construction of tlio new Hart theatre. There U but ono thing wrong; with Crater lake, and that la tho ah souco of homes, according to Miss It. Carolous and Mlsa I). Curmody of San Francisco, tourists, who left ou this morning's train. "When tho management furnishes horses wo aio comiilg back," they declared. Mrs. h. Adums Is hero from Ocr ber, California, for u visit with her grundaughter, Mm. L, Houston. Mr. and Mm. Hollo C. Oroosbock nnd family havo returned from Sea side, whero they upeut uu uujoyablu two week'a vacutlou. Hilly l.amlla, olghl-jear-old hoii of Mm. W. T. Laiidlw, who liua been uerlously III for' tho past tbrou weeks witi typhoid fever, la report ed slowly recovering. Mnc. l'aul Urcltoiiuteln, who re roully Buffered u MtfoUo of lurulysls. Is routined to 'bed under tho euro of a tiulued iiurao, Sho Ii.ih recov ered her upeeeh but U in u gravu oi ed her nnuccr bit Is iu serious Not a dull momoiit at Community dtuuer Monday evening. .4-5 A HlCKCOMINU Newspaper prints matrlago .ra port uu follews: "An avorago ago of females murryliiB. 25, Ayorago ugo ft mulos, 28. A lurgo attondauco Is assuiod for (ho Community dinner ut White Full euu hotel Monday opening. 4-Q Monday at Tlio l.lborty, Tho Queeu ot Bliebr, H 6, r. Nobody Ever Regretted fitnrtinn n ftltvinm Ai-rminl Ju)v Starting a Savings Account -.. t .' , iiri . V ' ,i ' . tft; t . .. ' ... h j .. ' .il n ' v 1 . The peculiar thing about saving is that while- everybody is "going to" so few actually start. Wc wish to emphasize the importance of getting" started. Open an account at once if only for a dol lar. And by adding to it from time to time you will be surprised how your account will grow. And once started it is wonderful how the "savings habit" will take hold of you. Wc pay 4'v per annum on your savings. ii-H The First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS, ORE, The Home of Over 4,000 Depositors '. . Member Federal Reserve. ' -!. Mi' ( .1 "B . ( . i I i, A . i ( r' . 'v v- ?V-' Oh, Hoy! Don't miss It or you'll bo Charles Fayette, cornet soloist, sorry. Community dinner nt Whltu will give a special number at Coin 1'ellcnn Monduy evening-. 4-G munlty dinner. , , 4-3 Mayor Ilakcr ot Fortland Is an elo quent speaker. Hear him at tho com munlty dinner Monday ovonlng. 4-5 fan ti4e,iiribs Ten teams composed of liye business men of Klamath Falls will take the field Tuesday morning te: 1. Adequately finance the Chamber of Commerce, .foi the present year. ' . r '" 2. Raise an advertising fund to tell the prospective settler, the sportsman, the laborer and the investor about thebp- portunities, advantages and attractions of Klamath County. : 1 1- 3. Make a payment on an automobile camp site, -which will enable us to hold the property until it can be equipped as a municipal camp ground. Our success in this undertaking will depend directly upon the response of the business men of Klamath Falls give these team workers. Let us show California that Klamath also knows how! THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE, M. S. WEST, Chairman. KLAMATH FALLS ; Help Your Own City It You Help Yoursdf This space paid for .by tho business men of Klamath Falls for the benefit of the commun ity' J H s u it liV J 4p ' ,. (' I V'Jt yi ! r el vl ' ! N 1 .1? & 1 3ft U ' i : rfi .' v ." -. t i ' . Sr . . .hi,, '?vA1 .M.- . j