t 'It r.MDU. Al'(llrtl' I, 1011. mate SLAYER Such Is Amatni Anulyfin of Victim W.nr. -.-.! -1 'i .1 ill . I ' .WilirrW&tvmi M it r VaaTfci m 5 if e"' VSjb1Bjb9 .TrC Tfaaaaay 'U- I. In- .hi r. ii. I-i .in. it ir iniolr- thiliiKi. WI5H ll h thu fiire iflut iiinnlloiet Iniiiilii to inaturo mi n cev" It'), tiein iillrr III lline. "I of lli In, iha lowert, huliy cvthruua. itie leiluro of tliv rklu me ei lrnc. ilmT he bark back to tlm ruro rami period." "lie K.iyn D JJKVi: MHIV OAKLAND C. Auk I A ' ravn boy." bnrn u half a million jronri too late ami roaming mudern trpt lrfflkoil with Hip tatt livwuaniciii aoviron oi a tinHiern r.iv inttton A " hoy." mtnui ItU knatted alab, wad Ittg for pwy. Jut int hei wnnM mv waliKd hi f;ililertlial e-,, iM,y ,r fHr .y(,in hU lime ,.,-- I .1 . 1 . i n . - 'u . .u . , .',,e U W""t fk'"CH rn"H " Un"" noon Ih mp nmutlni; no yi oiitact, in Uiom ntnse In human hl, riaiik AIU. lT-year-old (illc.ioilf (,iry hwi men killed nn ennlly uh worn boy" 8.t "killer" tnnJ. h) ' , tUft r ,,,., l(lllI ,-, W LUwola BHedtrt. noted chitr- outer snaljrft. Avlla. elargmi with nuinUr, mty tt t&c nallow. Wllhont any im- van ho cat) acrriw. thin tad, 11) or I Inx to ibo rhargon, a MkB hu tlatl DaKilV MilAal n.M it.inkin. a.t .iriirt u'liinwl lam R.bjkiiw .and .irl.rl. .1 'lw thai Urmiallt itpotb. I !h.ii'l Knim Win r 1 I doat know why." r.U tlm I f kfi.wluii'k" It. the days of prlml-' Ma man. "I lilt Mm Jllt far Hie dntll at It." i....i n.. I,,. ,i,ni iiri,.'" iu.."..a.."i. .,u.. ...- Pl llfu to m dollftl with 111111-I"" lh.tn.Ml InmulsM "to hit H,mi,.i Btralned Impuiaw to l.ll H.m iHjily--" at loast m iiollc. r.Mrdni show. Tha raforda chnw tilxo that an tlm occasion of iln. Minrlr. .IUIMK on 11 fetico with 01m; Thlt ynniiK man Is 11 reversion tlflrallon thereof by tlm Ori'Kon Ir C ."'.. tho Mr,,.i.r ... .hnt rem ,;o of bl-lallli-lj'rtylSJo .. Avlla wau . four (llliPT pawpd: thai Atlln auddviily ex-1 prossod a doslro In "kp! Ibtit ku" nnd (net) iirureudrd I" I will Rein-1 Li,,.. ' j ... ... .. Revelation or thin npiureiuiy pur- nosidpus lirntnllly linniedlnlely nent; iMyrliila.ll. sunnlm: I ml. If' they r"i)ld. ' "crt ilmt lay l..i-j hind I Iip Itid'H sulleil dm. Out of IIipm iiffuitH iiiiue MNn1 r- MNKVILLE IN ssHiMv lis- I Tv .' .W" ' " . ' .. J ""Jin ... M" - rviujy ...CD AUNT W& I'tHftM irW 'WW j$J E$L1 swBr4S.ar.a.ts t-s r i j mt., xn HTZtiJ ( -' J (TDmr MM W "UL tV in -V iS t-Z Nolod Clmr.ictcr Annlyil; A Stranger ..t. i: ii. iinpil Hluynr. It youl In Ihi I. of illnl In llie i hill, the ort llpnmlirt'a ntunilin; "thronh.irk thi-oiy. Mhlrti may heroine mi Im portant ilvffiiae piling llorr are exlrmts from her ntnte ment, whlrli lirenrnla lo wirlety the phkiup iirouiem or neaiinu. proif, Hldy for tlm firm lime, with u uin'.n ..,.i r in.. ..ri.niiiw. ,.i- out of th prlmlllw) pant "llml Ik nri'clM'h- what ho In a r . Wh Me sii'tt "Thin hoy nluw a ntr.imtpr, 11 man who Imil never wroiiKed III in, wliomi ppronoiejd til"" "Ml1 "',r ..'.. , Imfor. WII-lr-",M' '"' vu"",',,", Mi lUU $.irH''- lnr l"""' '"" ',,,,l", "' l)wll lo.wlll only wnnt lo mil the $:ir.u.ono. ,, rJ,M' BoW ,,,h cannot he nol.l for I.-m " . t . nmty per ent of tho iaco ..... --...1 ..1. .... . '":':"'"'""..: .Ml) oilier ieinilll. iiillllilK ue.iih ' "", '" ' -" "" IHMMlilo pre,, mr hi iiihi i.i.imeiii I ho had mi oerpowerliiK Impi'li) in 1 u..mI1.1ii i.r,!' (nr ill llint l.lliniillll " ' ' ' , " , I.... i. i. ..-..t 1.. nn. ne 11..11.1 n 1.1 i-m...i - . ' ' ' '"" v ....... 111 on lm wiih pnsnerso.i nun im C0"1U" '"" " .... . rsyeiio..innii.is nas nmrovoren lli.il tlm reason in 11 HuncoiiHrioiiK. .solution when men did not f").- Mder II wioiik to Kill. "What run noclety doT Ho tiiusi Ii,. k. it 11 way until lie can hit 1 .lit 1... mi. ..... . one. hi.mi.-ii. . - ( A ilierk nf Ailln'ri liOillOIld hlnliVH he l.n refnnod ii. nl.end Hhc.nl mvjl roiil.l neither i.'inl nor wrlto "l'slmH for n, Duulct of OroRon. Hint his lurents had r.re.it illftlj.ii') n,,, Mutter of John D, Mnrcnn, keepliii; lilm nt work. 1 YE OLDE TIMES Ltfi r-:7F, - . r7ia..nr)wil ....t"l N'iisr EAflAU PtVVWDY. Ut2ADC C ! N KK EmTtwo uov sue uisPcaFU 1. tiuU lUb.in a.Mr itv-" r " alii , ,mi,i -ir THE EVENING 'llioxc riilMitni1 Cliiliiit "DIM you liiWMt In mi iiutniiinhlln III III" filinw?" 'HiiK'ly, I bought iIim lxHt, niont eCOIIIIItllcll, e.llllosl lldlllK, finest (III' IhIhmI, iieutest iiiiiulicr of refine llllllllll, IIIOHl nillOs lo tint kiiIIoii, "lc , i'lr." "Hufferlng uili, iiinn, whin nr nit Holm; In ilii wild over 11 hundred 'I IiIn WrrliV 1,1'hniiii AIvii)n roiiiiiinber lo mil Hi" rop "offline." It imiy niivi' your money to llikle IiIh winlty Hoot, hiiioIiii mill illrl liiivn no iilnrii In ii minium kitchen. An electric , rniir.i' I'lliiiliiiilcK nil Himiii. I.lnl: Itlv- r Kli'drlc Co '"- Automobile ere barnd from (Vnlnil I'urk, New Vork, In IKS". 101 lionif-n In Kliminlli Fulls usn electric rnnres In your lionio mm ut tlm I'M? Link RUer Klertrlr Co. 20-2 MITMT. III' IHISII Hl.i: N'olli'.i In liiTfliy kIvi ii tlint M'.'il.'il IiIiIh will tin reri'lVMil hy (Mo iiimI.t KlKiii'il until tint hour of ! o'clock A M . tlm I .'Hi ilny of AtiKi'Hl. W'i'i, mnl liiiuu'illiiti.ly lli.T.'Ufli'r iiiilillcly iili.'ii..il hy thi houril of miHTVlr of M;mlinvi llnilniiRi. DUIrlci nt tlm of rim of riihl llonril, Itooiii 3, Hwniinon lliillilliiK. Klnmiilli I'nllH. Ori'Kon, for mi lHituo,of homlH of h.iIi! DlHirlM In lli mini of J.''.'r.,iil)il mninrliii; mrlftl Iv iim follewx: J'Jii.lllMI r yuirit from (Into of Ikhiic, 1 2 1. olio i; yrurH from ilnto of Imhiii.; J'J'J.iiou 7 )iiim frnin ilnlnof hhui; 12 1. ohm S y.niH from iluto of IkMio, t2.o0il 'l j.i.'irH fnim iliilo of Immn. I27.0IHI Mi yi'iirt from iluio of Imiu, I2!i.0(in 1 1 yrars froin iliilo or Imic, t.ll.n'iH 12 y.'JM from ilntc of lmitu, j.i:i.nfin .l )rarn from ilutc of I hum; j:ir.. mid 1 1 yinrH from ilu(i of Immu'I jnT.uiiii I" )iarx from iluio of IrHiio; t:r.i,oiin tr, ynirn from iluto of Imduo, t l.dfii) I" ji'iirn from ilnto of liwim, JH.lllio IS year from ilnto of Untie; tlT.nno I 'I yenrx from ilntit of lnue M'.I.OOU 20 Jinrn from ilnlo of Innue; IIItlH Mill iiIm.i Ii T" I'lveil uml Open ed nt nil hi time mnl plnre fur 3.n,- i mill only of the iiforennlil oonilN miiil lollovM) (I3.0UII r, yearn from onto of Issue, I II. HOI) R yearn from dale of Itui!" Il'.onn 7 yearn from dutn of ltuit, $ ii, Odd H yenrH from dale of Ituum; I7.'MKI ti e.ir from ilnto of Imii. I IK, mill 10 jenrx from dale of lur; $111,000 1 1 yearn from iluio or iraiie $2(1,001) 12 yearn from date of Ixmhi; $21,000 13 yearn from dale of Innim; j-'jlnon 14 yearn from diilo of Ihbud; $24,(i(in i.. yearH ir.uu unm hi ikku.i; $2fi.ono K. yenrn from ilntn of Umie. $2K.0(mi 7 yearn from iluto of Imuo; $30.0011 l.s years from (Into of Imiue: $32,000 10 your from ilnln of Im"o: $34,000 20 yenn from dato of Iimiu. nald hoiidn to hPar Intereitt nt not to oxr. e.l Mx per cent (.) per utinuiu. pnyiihle heuil-iinnunlly, prlarlpnl nml lnternl to lm payuule lit the office of the ,''"t-Tr. ..Hurer of Klnmnth ' X f otcKnn In Nw York City, ut thu option of thu holder. ,N uro omrntely delro,l n holli tlm whole titithnrlied Ihhuii of thereCif nn ron.lltlonn muy he nueli ,Mul . ,, ,m f .ile the Hoard $025, 000 ami on urn u.iu.uuu pari vuiuo limri'Oi All I. Mat ittiiMi list !in iitAimiliul liv 11 ' m e7 h 7 or ftof tho par .,,, f tho homN hid for. and must . .... , j,,, ,lt,rndltloiinl Tho :ipprelm: leitnl opinion ot 011 unronnivicuini M..ru T..11I Mlnnr A Winfreo will :v ..::..."; ....... ...:..t...i.i.i.i. ,,,, iiiniiniii'ii uie 1.11. n'i.m.11 iiiiiihi. T)l urorvHU)l Hulo Is Hiiliject to ,,ror conflrmntlon nt tlm nrKnniia proceedltiKi. nnd tlm unthorlin- . n ,'r ill" bonds by llmClnult Cour- lf , Slll( nf oroison. for Klamai County, nnd tlm procurement or rer- j,.C miy nnd nil bids i: .!.. DAVIS. Seri.'lnry. t It IS 2' IS ,N n,M('i-rrY Not I. oof First .M;I"K ;'rt;"';Ul 'd lliiiikrunt. I To tlm iri'dllnro of John D Mor Kan Notion Is hereby t;ln that on tlm 27th il.iy of July. 122. John I). Moritnu wun duly iidjudKed bnukrupt nnd Hint tlm flint imvtlni; of tlm 1 1-1 editors will ho held ut tlm office of tlm iindorslKiiod, 409 Main street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, nn Annus! 12, 11)22, ill I o'clock, p. in., nt which Hum Hie creditors niny nt lend, piove tlmli rlnliiiH, pxiiinliin tlm hiinkritpt. eleit 11 trustee nnd tran situ such other business tin may I count before tlunn. 1 AllRUBt 1, 1922. I J. C. ItUTKNIC. Itofori'i' In llanl.rnploy. 1 - "' ' . IX IIANKIICPTCY Notlco of First McothiK of Creditors. In tho Dlstilet Court of tlm United Suites, fur tlm District of Oicroii. In tho Mutter ot Oust Soderlund, llankrupt. 1 To tho erodllots of (lust Soder lund, Notion It herohy Riven Hint on tho 27th day of July, 1922. (Inst Soder lund wus duly iidJudRvd bankrupt nnd that thu first meolliiR of the Lcin.lllmu will tin hold nt tlm office of Mho undersigned, 409 Main street. iviuniinn I'aiis, ureRou, on aueuih 12th, 1922, ut 2 oYlmK, p. m., nt which Hum 1 the ci editors may at tend, piovo their claims, exuinlno tho jiankrupt, elect 11 luibteo unit tiausact such other business us muy enmo bufoio Ilium. AiiRiist 1, 1932. J. C. UUTKNIC. Itetuico lu UauUnuitcy, HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON t t f i r CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS ' iMANfi win iii'MT- full nor. iinr. Kiini AvV. t 1-2 LOKTllclwi'un KIiiiiiiiIIi I'nlln noil llrny, ii Shakespeare, fishing roil Finder iiIi'iimc riilnrii to Charley's I'liui., KIiiiiiiiIIi Kill In Hultuliln re wnnl i . 3I3 I (Imm Howard, ortntilM, Pngn tlin.itri! of Medford, will It.) In Khun nth lnl In on or before .Inly II II Hi to iillmiil (if tiny player iiiio reKijIn tloiiH, Mi ii I in: Kstliiniten Ktnint nf.-l servlies inn) moilernle fee. Kindly leine iiuiihi mnl address in envelope, (iin tln Herald office ni-l hood itvi: may roit ham: $5.oo per ton If I a lii' li In field, H miles nnrtli of Kliiinutli Falls on Algnma mini (Ipo C North 31I WANTKI) -Vnnnn or Rirl to cure for 2 ilillilreu hy ilny, week or iiimiili lliu 2, llernld of flu-. .11-1 I I'Olt ItliNT -Two mid three rimiiii iipiiriiiientH $12 mnl tin. n)) perj mouth lii(iilro of I.. M, llniinru, Jnn-( nor in iiinxMiri iiiiiikc .ii-. At your own prlre nml tprum; imed now lux uiuchlncH, In nood londltlnn nt HIiiK'r HewliiB Miuhliiii Co. Htorr. 20M Main St. .II-'. roit ItCNT- Kurnlnhed romiM mnl hath. (!' t'liiimlM :t!i Jlaln Ht. houne, C (HI fri vnnil - - - ' i :i i-i Will pny unit third ctikIi nml hal niiie within tin tltiyx for the Lent and (li.'iipcnl t, room Iioiiho with lawn mid Khmle Phono 2MAV. :t 1 -1 I j WOMAN WANTKWnrl. hy tlm day.1 I or hour. I'hoiio .1.17J. 31-2 I'Ol'NI) -Icr JoIiiixoii revnlyer on ( mi lily hlKliway. Owner tall No. I !!, I ..mm I h llldK. 31-2 I I'Olt HAM: limine. hIx illiilni: room ihiilrM mid luhle, li'd Call Htanlcy with i: C HliKky, 11th & I'lne. 29.4 WANTKI) Hoy ovtT C with hlrjcln apply WiHlern Union 2U-31 MIST llriiwii l.nlli.r Mullet Willi liikel from Klntnntli I'alU (o Sent tie, tiitiiiilile receipts mnl nmnll miiounl of cnkli. Finder may lme ciimIi Ticket linn henn voided by rail iiui.l mnl (11111111I Im' iitiI hy any other ieron. ttetiirn lo .1il111r II. Allen lit NluterV Ji'Mflry Store. 2Dtf iiids v.ti:i For enlarrlnR uml clurlnc nhout 1200 yds nf ditch. Address J. A. Kd wards, Dnnk ranch. 2'J-I' FOR KAI.K Old papers, (Ultnble for iniderlylnR linoleum, carput, etc., v.rapplni; nnd pncklnic. Ten cent, a tnriio bundle, llerulj nfflct tf "ANTKD Two 4 or.5 Ballon cows at once. Prefer Just 'fresh. Hox 383, City. , 28-A-2 FOR SAI.K Klcctrle ranee, piano, sewInK mnchlne. turs and Vlctrola. S01110 other huushold articles,' Call ufternoons, 112'J Lincoln or phone 2I7R. 28-31 SITUATION WANTKD Jy man who Is bookkeeper and accountant also shorthand and .stenoKruphcr. Shepherd linker, Macdocl, Calif., euro Dwlnnell Lumber Co. 27-A8 !f()R SAI.K 150 Reclstcred Lin- I ruin luirkM For particulars Inqulro lof I). II. Murphy, Merrill lit. 27-AS I I FOR HALF. TOOO feet C8 cabin. 121 N. 11th St. tf WANTKD Walter or waitress and chalmbermald. Phono Ksglo Rids Tavern. 3tf FOR 8ALK-4100O feet 6-8 cahlo. 121 N. 11th St. tf FOR RKNT Ilnuttikeeplng Auts. 39 lllRh mid ."2 Main. Phono 15. 21tf A RKAL HAROAIN CUAKANTKKD On.t 1921 Ford, & passetiKr tnurhiK. llulck Sales Service Co. site Crater Lake Stage Office Tickets also for sale at White Pelican Hotel, Hall Hotel, Reed Auto Supply Co., Metropolitan Garage Singe leave Klamath Falls S a. m. urrlvo Crater Lake In time for lunch. Leae Crater Lake 1 p. m., arrive Klamath Falb In time for dinner. Also connection from Crater Lake to Medford. Packard Twin Sixes used exclusively MMJMMMaaMMMMmMMaaaaMai Taxidermists FURRIERS AND' TANNERS Furs cleaned or remodeled for fall use, Oil-tan-od buckskin, also buckskin sblits, gloves, and mlt tons. Taxidermy work In nil branches. All wool dtiBteis, sheep aud Angoru goat rugs etc., tor sale. SHEPHERD SONS 210 MAIN ST.,. BOX 104 KLAMATH PALLS, ORE: A ' is i sW'WWW WtWVWWWWWWVW ' BAMj-Whealor k Wilson uw. '"K maclilno. Prion reasonable, N, "row, 601 Main Ht. 21tf Logging Shoes repaired. .Inck Trout. Sixth Bt off Main. Ctf. ,MKN WANTKD RTI1IKK CONDITIONB For nervlcn an ttnllrnad: MACIIINIBTfl III.ACKHMITHH KIIKKTMKTAIi WOltKKRR COI'I'KItHMITMK CAR INHPKCTOIIH llOIt.CftMAKIMIK i:i,i:CTKICIANfl I'll'i: FITTKItH TINNKI18 CAIt IlKPAIKKRS car iimi.nKits (Carpflntern) WOODTimNKRR CAIIINKTMAKKlin HKI.I'KHS AM CLABBF.S Aik'ijtiate provlnlonn harn bepn tniiili) for tlm full protection of liuw omployen, Iho namo an old iinploypn who rmalnfd loyally at work. Applicant should apply nt HOIJTMKK.V, -PACIFIC Em pllfineilt I! urea 11, Iloum 7. C'. Miirliet Street,.' Han Franclneo, (open H a. ni. to 8.30 p. m. dally Inclmllni' Sundays), or any of tlm following nfflcpm: Superin tendent (Third St. .Station), San Frnnclneo, Oakland PJpr, Bacra mentn, Stockton, Dunsmulr, Ilakersfleld, l.nn Antelcn. As Mutant Superintendents, Sparks, Nev., and IloxPburic. Ore., Suppr Intendent Motive Power, Bacra minto and l.nn Angelps, J. M. DYBR. (Ipn. Mrr. SOUTIIKRN PACIFIC COMPANY. XOTIO: TO CltKDITOItS Notlco is hereby Riven that tho un derslKncd has been duly appointed ndmlnlstrnlnr of iho estato of Anna S. Fisher, deceased, and all parties ImvliiK claims nRulnst said estate nrn hereby notified to present the same to snld administrator at his ro Idi'iiro. 131 VnshlnRtor. St.. In Kl-m-atb F.i'ls, Oreiroi. 5t!iin lx ino'ith from C 1 "lain ot l '1 tiot'ci Date I July 1. :922. V. 8. SLOUOIL Admin.. Anna 8. Fisher, Deceased. .1 11 18 25 A 1 8 XOTICK OF FI.NMIj ACCOUNT NOTICB Is hereby given that tho undersigned, as Administrator ot tho i-statH of Kmma K. Kills, ducoased. has filed with tho County Court of tho Slato of Oregon, for Klamath County, his Flnul Account of tho administration of said estate, and that the said Court has fixed Mon day. August 28. 1922, nt 2 o'clock P. M as tho time, and the County court room In the courthouso at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as tho place, for hearing objections. If any. to said account aud the sottloment thereof. Dated July 24. 1922. HKUT C. THOMAS. Adminis trator of thu estatu of Kmma K. Kills, deceased. J 25 A 1-8-15-22 Some men think It's Immoral to smoke. And aomo men con nmoko without gottlnR sick. It your wood bill seems high try nn electric range. Link River Kloc trie Co. 29-S MA Kopak VVork ILcdyc'Ybtir films 'More 9 OclocK-Your A.M. Piatlii-flS ana mdfirwoods VL KLAMATH KLAMATH FALLS ORfedOH iHfl WHERE PAHTICULArT KOPLR CS3ClZ3 BUY T ME MEDFORD - KLAMATH FRKIOHT MNK IIONDKD CARRIKRB DAILY TRtPH 127 N FOURTH PJIONH S8.VW ir NU BONE CORSETS .Mnile to your Mennre nunraalPAl Mn. Rote Randall f.21 Jpffprnon HI. Ilionr 877.W CHIROPRACTORS , nitH. .MAI.tKTT & MAIXETT Office otpt Underwood'a Till A Mala Phoae 8MJ , FOR SALE t'ned Car. 1 ran show jroa maay, all komI. Will tradp. Wliat lap you. ForrPd Hair, 'ftlght prh-M... Offira 240 Itroad HI. HKi: DICK S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Veterinary Sorjrpoa 413 H. atb Ht. Phoae 3S-J DR.CA.RAMBO Deatbt L O. O. P. Batldla psoim i FRED WESTERFELD Deati MMM 4S4VW X-RAY LABORATOKna Looatfa Hd(. Ladies' Shoe Repairing Finn Heel Work anil ' Hand-Sewed Hole ' Jack Frost Sixth Street, in.t off Mala New York Life Ins. Co. I'. i:. IIURKK. IDA MOMYKH Hesldent Agenta All er Vork Life Policy Hold', era arc welcome to oar aenrlcea WOOD Blockwood ' Limbwood Bodywood Green Slabs F. FRANKFORD WOOD AND HAY 622 Main St. Phone 73 XOTICK TO rilKDITOIlH Notlco Is hereby given that M. It. Spencer hns boon duly appointed ad ministrator ot Ibo estate of Samuel Wolf Neat deceased, by tho County Court of tho Stato ot Oregon for Klamath Ceunty: and all persons. uuviUK nil mm iiKUiimi b.uii rsuun are hereby notified to present tamo to said administrator at thu law of flco of R. C. aroesbeck within six months from dato of this notice. Dated: July 11. 1922. M. It. SPKNCER. Administrator ot tho Kstatn ot Sam uel Wolf Neat. Deceased, J 11 18 as A 1 S COUNTY TltKAKUUKU'S XOTICK Notice Is hcroby given that there are funds in the County Treasury for tho redemption or Klamath County, Oregon. ROAD WARRANTS protest ed on or before. June 6th, 1923. lutorest on the namo will cca,se from this duto, Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, tbls 27th day of July, A. D, 193;'. G. K. VAN HIPER, J 27,38,29,31 A 1. County Treasurer. The average cost ot operation for olectrlc ranges in Klamath Falls la $5.50. can you fire up the old wood, burner for thatT Link Rhor Klectrlc, Co, - - - . . -J9.il- . ,"i.i rt,i ,;' .'"j ,." If . tf ' Lfl II MP I Iff A " 1 I mj I I 1 I iff i ready a?C A Iff, DRUGS EccaBcS DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTKPOATHIO rHYMCUJf AND flUROBON Offlc and RMldftN rhHi Ml i. o. o. r. Klamatk Fall mz Heatlaff C. J. H. f-AOFHON, rrnp. ' 4th Plnp HI. PhmnM fl$nH PiwrnafY ii . . J. C CLEGHOHN nviu Rmnnn aD HmVBTMl rlMN IMM IM . WHrnmU V i J Dft J. a GOMJE oiTOMRMr ornouk , ?M Mate $. rina MaVV W. 0;t trlM tMMk toaft- (! IMM1 ItMM. rtfJMr I. O. O. F. Prosperity Rekekan, 1M vira asas vhhv x 1 1 ach .TMWf, . i, ! m rt KLAMATNtPoWtlfc. I, 0 Ansarlcai LmIm- ta tba basaatMt at $M saw coarthoasa m Male Street oa the ft rat sM tfelnt Taaidaya ot aacfe atata. Kx-Mrrlee mea are .iaTtta $ a. read the aseaUaga. Or Fred Westarfeli. Coaiaaaett. H. K. OeU, Peat Adjatut Mai lief aad Eaipleyaaat ceaiaHttM. When Yon HaVe Dirty Clotk4H It you wlllNcall Ike Klamath HjumI UwitVy lit South Otk St. Pboae 173-W Tbey will wash, dam. IrM aad return to yon. NEW CITY LAUNDY FlabtbM Work Flat Work Reach Bry "fmt Tow DaWb aa Or j PHONN IM Ccrarr Kaaa aa4 Under New Manag CMOftt The Malin Hotel Meals Now Served . Ice Cream and other re freshments at all hours v " a )t moss . SHOWCARDS Fred Leonettl at Sugarman's W. E. a J. E. Pattonta coNTRAcrora FAINTCM Palate, Olla aa VaraHfe SO B. With M. PhOM fraaa f llM DR. H. JWIKTIM; Oradawta tmt $ SaMMMi OPTICIAW i ' Nlaateaa yaara kars Is kMlapi We grind and fk OlSs Ouplicato broken Glass SjKal efl 7HMslaSMl aBj2ar '-i'fm mA& ' r.'A ,'V it. n m 4 'tys "5 -m rte .'W1 v, f.v'