The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 01, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    U?- ',,
V' '-K , rf ..,
K WF '
rnsnw, rn it iitta
A . ' -n? "
The Office Cat
(With apologies to tbo Tent Maker.)
OucliI for tho In nips tlint do Infcit
Iho roail
Servo but over to increase tho load
It Is tho flivver owner' lot ,to bear,
WJion wcory flesh but craves n Mor
ris cnalr.
Just or tho Inst twin six went whiz
zing by,
I heard a volco within Ihn tonncau
'One sldo, there 'road louto' let an
auto pass!
That thine could float were there
but dew upon tho grass.''
a cusnionorr tno seat beneath a
bough, 3 JflO S .
pint1 of corn, a picnic lunch,:
ttvnn V '
sldejnTpTFndme a Police Omotto.,
. ItetfWHhOoSro MUbV'blesl
crfowV' 'M ld '"
- xtn -
8onio 'Iontrfor" ihock-'bsqrb1ng
springs, and still
Others sigh .for tbo speed that f Itcs
n thrill.
Let's Uko our Ford and let the rack-
ards go;
For nil tho speed, wo'll catch 'em on
tho hill. '
It. M. M.
J. J. Miller ays another reason
why freight cars s7ou"MThfsianurd
lied Is that tramps will not havo to
carry so many koyn.
(lap Johnson Tho ;ruublo with if
fiunlly tho' slro of mine Is that by
tho time' the last child has been
drlv' to bed- at night It's about time
to club tbo first ono out of bed ia
the morning.
He's fMnftlo
Two' women were seated In a street
car dUcitsilog tlioli1 favorite operas,
and at tho .conductor advanced to
take their fares, one of them handing
him her fare, remarked. "1 almfly
adore Carmen! "
Dlushlng to the roots of bis hair,
tho eiqbarrascd conductor replied
"Try tho motorman, miss; he's a sin
gle mail!"
J. F. Morley says tho poor will
pay tho war debt. At any rate, poster
ity will pay it; Jind the poor furnish
t r -t t
Judging from Advertisements, eat
ing raisins, fruits and yeast will do
about everything foryou but pay the
Xow Light on Old I'roblraa
Two boys woro looking into a bar
ber's shop. Not having hoard of the
practlc or having tho ,hir singed,
ono yo ingstcr exclaimed: ''Geo, kid.
mere a a guy in mere looking rorcm.
wlv a tight."
A reporter called up the homo of
a colorirt4 later for Information
about aa funeral. f;Mj hiiebSBd'Us, not
at homo." said tna-veblQrc.d'.ia'iljK.
"will ho come homo at noon for
dinner:" tho roportcr asked. "Wo
don't liavu dinner' at noon wo havo
lunch," said tho lady, "Oh", said the
Thcro Id no tlmo for delay
when your Glauses moot an ac
clflont. You demand qulck'aud effi
cient ucrvlco then.
Wo are equipped to render
such service Immediately.
Wo grind the inrfaco and
.edge the leases -aa iuaran
tea correct dualleatlon t. of
lenses. :W r' T
Twouty-flVe years cxper-
v Dr.CUUc
J rheae: Ofe. ItmVW, Baa. MM
. Wv
7601 Mala
Monday, Juno 26th, 1023:
Court. Mel Pursuant to Adjourn
ment, when were present: It1. H. Hun
noil, County Judgo. Uurroll Short
ahd Asa ForUycc, County Commis
sioners, tho following proceedings
were had:
Current Expense claims allowed
ahd warrants drawn
Emma Johnabcrg, county nld, 110.-
B. I,. Klllotl, legal services, part
payment. (2000.00.
Pellcnn Hay Lumber Co., meals,
Ilushong & Co., supplies election,
Uushong &. Co., same $15.00.
L. C. Slsemoro, mileage juror
C. It. DeLap. postage. IS.00.
L. L. Low, drayagc, 11.10.
L. M. Hanncn, supplies court
houso, $10.00.
Glass & Prudhommo Co., supplies,
sheriff, $3.'38.
Hex Catering Co., meals prisoners,
n, K. Van Riper, postage, $1.00.
fl. K. Van Riper, Jr. salary Dcp,
tress. fSfi.OO.
iieraiii pud. Co., pub. court pro-
cceaings. ..5.
Herald Pub. Co., pub. notice, $22.-73.
Algoma Lbr. Co.. supplies election.
Kilham Stat. Co., supplies Justice
ct. $14.88.
Kilham Stst. Co., supplies Justice
Ct. $108.83.
R. A. Rond. statA scaler. $11. fi!.
Earl Whltlock, coroner, $5.00.
Earl Whltlock, coroner, mileage,
Road Claims allowed and warrants
drawn r
Roy Dixon, work, $'29.97.
Walter Stewart, work". $1.79.
Perrln Dixon, work, $7.18.
John A. McComb. right of war.
Standard Oil Co., supplies. $19.33.
Oregon HarncM Co,, supplies $10.-
Howie Garage, supplies. $12.00.
e. P. Hamilton, work, $73.00.
Mln Lovclady, work, $4.73.
Standard Oil Co., supplies, tC.97.
Tom Dixon, salary, $130.00.
J. X. Mastcn Lbr. Co.. supplies.
$4. Go.
R. V. Kss. work, $31.14.
M. L. Miller, work. $9.49.
White Pelican garage, wrvlce,
Market. Road Claims allowed and
warrants drawn:
8. J. Tlcknor, work Langcll V.
Mkt. Rd.. 3S;81.
lakeside Lbr. Co., supplies Poc V.
Mkt'Rd.. $112.00. jr'
Road Bend claims allowed and
warrants drawn: '
Oregon State Highway Coram.,
part payment. $7260.31.
Klamath Co. Abstract Co., sup
plies, ru.oo.
Library Clalma allowed and war
rants, drawn: , i . ,
Baldwin Hd'warc Co,, supplies,
Iron E. Anderson, salary, $100.-
Irene E. Anderson, postage. Jitney.
'In the Matter of tllds for $400,000
Road Bonds of Klamath County, Ore
Now on this 26th day of Juno,
1922. at 10 o'clock. A. M. this mat
ter coming on from a continuance of
June 24th, 1922, when were present
alt tbo members of the court, and at
this tlmo It appearing that the bid of
Anglo London' Paris company or San
Francisco. Calif., Is tho best and
most-satisfactory bid, which Is ns fol fel fol
eows: "Hooorablo County Court, Klam
ath County, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Gentlemen: For $400,000 par value
bonds of the County or Klamath, we
hereby bid your par and accrued In
terest to date of delivery plus a pre
mium or $4720.00. The bonds bid for
aro more particularly described as
follews: $400,010 par value bonds of
tho County of Klamath Issued for Uio
building of permaueut. roads all In
tbo denomination' of $1,000, dated'
April 1st, 1922. bearing Interest at
the rate of C',i per cont per annum,
payable semi-annually and maturing:
$2,000 April 1. 1929; $31,000 April
I? 131. $122,000 April 1, 1939,
$132,000 April 1 1940, $123,000
April, 1. 1941 .... $400,000.00, Tho
above bid Is mado with tho-under
standing that If we are the successful
bidders we will bo furnished with tho
approving opinion of Messrs.. Teal,
Minor. St Wlnfrco of Portland, Ore.
Kncloecd rind certified check drawn
On tho Anglo & London Paris Nation
al bank in tho sum of $10,000, which
is to no returned to us in tne event
this bid Is not acceptod.
Very truly yours.
It'll therefore hereby ordorcd by
the court that tho said bid or Anglo
London" Paris company as above set
forth bo accepted.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon
this Juno 2Gtb. 1922.
County Vuagc.
Co. Commissioner.
Co. Commissioner.
Attrst C. It. I)el4ip, County Clerk.
Hy Allen Sloan, Deputy.
Whereupon Court Adjourned until
July 1st. 1922.
It .11. I1UNNKI.L.
County Judgo.
uimntn.t. short,
Co. Commissioner.
Co. Commissioner.
Monday, July 1st. 1922;
'Court Met Pursuant tn Ad
journment, Vhen woro present- It. II.
Bunnell. County Judge. Uurroll
Short and Asa Fordyce. County Cum
njlssloners tho following proceedings
were had:
Road Claims allowed and warranty
drawn ns follews:
Geo. Smyth, work, $18.9S.
Orvlllo Smyth, work, $71.38.
T. A. Roberts, work, $l4.3w
K. O. Patterson, worK, n,3t.
A. K. llalley. work, $3.51.
Southern Pacific R. 11. Co. freight.
Acme Motor Co., supplies. $101.80.
K. C. Stucky. work. $1 73.
Union Oil Co.. supplies. $34.90.
Standard Oil Co., supplies, $19.33.
F. WV Hold A Son. supplies. $22.
80. Klamath Hardware Co., supplies,
"C. E. Conley. work. $149.27.
O. I). Duvaul. work, $142.70.
Wm. Hamserly, work. $10.15.
Chas. Mike, work, $7.18. t
O. S. Campbell, work. $253.84.
Fred Gale. work. $151.84.
L. W. Campbell, worte. $103,84.
Francis Lilly, work. $103.8 4.
M. T. Prince, work. $97.35.
J. n. Casey, .work. $113.88.
Wlllard Noble, work, $99.(54.
Wilfred Noble, work. $26.92.
A. E. Oslo. work. $37.90.
F. C. Collman. work. $0.83. -John
E. Jnnscn. work, $0.49.
F. C. Collman. work teams. $2.i.'JC.
Lee Cornish, uso car. $10.50.
C. A. Vogt. work. $61.60.
ncrt Vogt, work, $71.17.
Earl Kester, work. $35.69.
Tom Dixon, cash adv. supplies,
Fecnaughty Mach. Co., machinery,
Oregon Stain Highway Comiii.,
mintille. 1 1 0.35.
Current Kxix-nsn Claims allowed'
and warrants drawn, also widow pen
sions allowed and drawn by County
Clerk: appreved:
Nettle Wallcn, widow pension,
Rose Goddard, widow pension,
Carrie M. Mayer, widow pension,
Leona C. Ady, widow pension,
Mary E. Pearson, widow pension,
Martha Seeds, widow pension,
$10.00. '
Madeline Cook, widow pension,
tin nn
Mary H. Williams, widow pension,
Winona P. North, widow pension,
Mar E. Johnson, widow pension,
Vlunatta Tollman, widow pension,
I.ula N. Hutcnlns, widow ponslon,
Etta M. Kllgorc. widow pension,
Gcrtruda M. Iirown, wiuow pension
Goldlo G. Houston, widow pension,
Hesslo E, Dixon, widow pension,
$30.00. ,
fir a co Johnson, widow pension.
Mlnnlo Dlllard. widow pension,
Mary Pructt, widow pension, $40.-
Tona Hilton, widow penslou,
Lou McRcynolds, widow pension,
lsabcllo Hcsoltlne, widow pension.
Margaret Ciarx, widow ponslon,
$15.00. .
Geno U. Lenimon, widow pension,
Myrtle u. vpweu, widow pension,
Clara Decuman, wiuon .pension.
$17.50. , , . j... ,., ,,,
Cora M. Pooirrjiw pension.'izsf-
Kvolyn Currlo, widow" pension.
$20.00. '
Kate Taylcr. county aid, $25.00.
Elizabeth Scanlon, 'county nld,
Kcilah Goodcll, county nld $15,00.
Elisabeth Gray, county aid. $15.00.
Nellie Wall, county aid, $25.00.
A. Rutherford, county alii, $20.00,
Mary Moore, county aid, $15.00.
Kate Uack. county aid, $20.00.
Dora Anderson, county aid, $10.00.
Clara -Bowen, county aid, $30.00.
. Mrs. E. D. Langrord, county aid,
25.00, u
Margaret J. Yadcn, county nld,
Martha Marrow, county nltt,
Anna Marshall, county nld. $20,00.
V,S ll. Totors, county aid. $aturt.
lOminn U.n-dner.'cotinty aid $20. Oil.
Permclln T, Moss, for minor, $20.
00. Msrllin Kndcs, county nld for min
or, $25.00.
Airs, John UlarK, county nld, ao.-
(loo, Gray, county nld, $25.00.
Mrs. Antone Pralrlo, county nld,
Allco Komko, county nld. $3A.oo.
Junntt.t Tnllman. county nld for
Mrs. Morrow, $20.1)0.
Ruthena Cox, county nld. $15.00.
Mrs. u. M. Hughes, comity nld,
II. K, Wrlghl, holp Dlst. Atty.
It. K. Wright, bailiff, $0.00.
Asa Fordyce, salary and mileage,
It, II, llutttioll, salary, $125.00.
Uurroll Short, salary uiid mllenKo,
luix Catering Co., meals prisoners.
I.. M. Ilanueu, salary, $100.00.
(I. A. Massey, ex. Insani'. $5.00.
.Warren Hunt, name, $5.00
W. T. Leo. mileage. $90.00.
W. O. Smith Printing Co.. supplies
clerk, $10.50.
W. O. Smith Prlutlnu Co.. sheriff
supplies. $1.00.
Klamath Gon. Jiospltnl, service co.
poor. $40.00.
Twyla Ferguson, snlarj. $125.00.
Coes Jitney service, Jlttioy supt.,
Mnudo M. Carleton. anary, $83.31.
Chas. tninnn, Jitney Ins.iuo. $2.30.
II. M.Co.. supplies, clerk, $37 12.
W. G. West, witness Justice court.
Geo. H. Merryman, salary health
officer etc.. $l0S.aa.
Lee Cornish, hauling. Ji;.:!.
Herald Pub. Co., pub. notice $3.35.
Star Drug Co. supplies clerk. $4.
10. Star Drug Co., supplies nsses.ior,
Star Drug Co., supplies, sheriff.
W. T. Lee. salary, nssejsor. $125.
M. L, Jnhnjnn, salary. $165.00.
Agnes J. Lee. salary, $140.00.
Claudia Spink, salary, ttOO.on.
C. 11. I)el.ap, salary, $16r,.G7.
Lloyd It. Delip, salary clerk
Allen Sloan, salary, $165 00
Vera Houston, salary, $125.00.
Ruth DcLnp, salary, $too no
L. L. Low. salary sherllf, $250.ou.
Hurt 1-. Hawkins, salary tax col
lector. $175.00.
C. C. Low, salary, $135.00.
M. J. Barnes, salary, $I2 Mil.
Hazel Orem. salary. Jluii.ou.
Molly llonnelsun, salary. $100.01),
Mark Howard, salary Jailer, $50.
00. W. O. Smith PrlutiuK Co., supplies
assessor, $11.50,
W. A. Wlest. salary Dep. Dlst.
Atty.. $125.00.
O. K. Van Riper, salary treasurer,
Anna I). Moore, widow pension,
Market Road Claims allowed and
warrants drawn: . .
Klamath Hardware Co.. supplies
Langcll V. Mkt. Rd.. $1103.90.
M. L. Milter, work Midland Mkt.
ltd, $n3 7n
Loo Ca'rnTsh, time Ptfo Valley Mkt.
Rd.. $13.98.
Leo Cornish, same, $13.50.
The Electric Shop, supplies Mid
land Mkt. Rd.. $1.45.
High school Claims allowed and
Robt. Goctz, salary. $250.00
J. II. Reese, salary. $180.67
E. G. Boauchamn, salary. $161,67.
Evelyn Applcgaie, $150.01).
Rachel Solomon, salary,
Elizabeth Keys, salary. $111.67.
Wanda Drown, salary. $130.00,
Howard Wines, salary, $130.00.
ll.irvey Depuy received word from
his In other In looturg that Mo Is
In much Improved health.
Floronro nml Clarice Klllotl me
visiting their mini. Mrs. J. II. Ml-)
L. .A. West mid family mill 01) do
Griffith mid fimlly called at tho (.j
A. lllll homo Sunday.
Con Curtln was In to his much
Sunday. ,
John llnrnes lias a now Essex
ear. i
.. . . . I
i.ueiio wauson is iimiio itrter a
fortnight's sta, with Mrs, (lenino
Hud Cho)no. Leo Rnrns, Clnronco
Kill ,1 . t, ..... I
iiiii, vein v.ih)im! aim itaipii Mill
vent In town to the Hull gnmo Suii-i
ZvU Melleunlds Is visiting
sister Mrs. Alex Cheyno
Wllnm llurk spent Fildny
Saturday In Klamnth Falls ns
guest of Thelma Grizzle.
Vera McClclleu Is homo to spend
Iho summer with III pareutH.
Mr. and Mrs. II. I). Morrison and
Miss Mjrtlo llutler spent Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and 'Irs. D.ui
HnylnR Is about over In this dis
trict and the farmers ar Irrigating
'ir their second crop.
Mr mid Mri. Will Kalor and
family took dinner Sunday with
KalorN motlmr. Mrs. Knlor.
Tank Motor Cars
3T ,. - -
llio I
' j''jY'!$
Motor cam with viitcrtuara rrplachig if if vtic u me inv Iwina
lcnoii!iliati'il In l:iii:Uud. Tids oiiows a tilil im n 4 .lenrw top. it
will m.iUe ;i miles mi hour on it ruad iuiJ uill co Giroucli snow, sand,
mud and Km
Iho State Highway rommMmi under
tln provision of snld net, And
Whorea. t Is provided lit said Art
thin any rouiity desiring the ln-imflm
thereof shall accept tho provisions of
tho same and shall ngreo to nrtl(.r
operate tliereuniler and. Wlinrens It
nppenrlug to the best Interest nr
Klamath rouutv that snld o"iit c
cent tho provisions of Halfl act and
agree to operate under tlm provisions
of the rntno and that said rountv lew
on all tho taxable property of wtld
county for tho specific purposo nf
market, ro.ul constnn tlon mid such
sum at shall he produced by n levy of
I.I mills on nil or sold taxaldo prot
orty and wliereas It nptienrltig thai
the follow Irti' roads tn-nlt
Klamnth Falls to Midland.
Klamath Falls to Miller Hill hlith
Oli'iie-lloiiitiixu highway via. Poc
Itnnanra around I.aneell Vallev
hack to Honanza. should lie desk-
ly un, i of Its intention to
Dated this 1st day of'Julv
. 1022
III the .Mailer of tins (.'Mm I y Fair
Fund Collected On tlm" 1U21 lax!
roll for 1923.
It lug that the County I'fllr
Fund for to 1m ud fnr Hi '
j oar 1922. U helnij collectod and that ;
tun wiiiio siiruiii lin irnnkforreil fro u i
tho Current Kxponsii ,1'uud In fho
I'oimty Fair fuiid. . , , .
ll Is tlieroforo hereby ordaroMMlMil i
Urn treasurer of Klamnth enguty
trosfer tho sum of $ front I
the Current llmieiise fund to lh '
County Fair fund at tho earUer - j
pnriuniiv i
DAted this duty 1st. 1933 ,'
Whereupon Court Adjournal 'fir
the Term. !
County Jtidg.
HtritUKU, RiinitT.
Co. 'on)inlMliii)pr.
. Asa KnitnvcK
Co rnmnilsfionr.
IS iGK il
Nicklc Protluot of rroWnv
Daya In Ecvioncu nvy-'
where; Dcninml Ilcnvy
Co. Coiii m Istilmior.
In Iho Matter of the Petition of 8. T.
natvd as Market Roads mill Improved
as market roads out of the mild Mar.
kei Road Fund: "ar term
Now therefore lie II resolved an,1 1
the Hlithw.iy Commission Is hereby '
advised that the county court of
iviamatn county In regular wron
sitting ns a county court for th" nan-
saction of rountv business did imt-s
mid nilotil resiiliitlniiH urn. tiling Dm
iinivlsloiiH of snld Chapter 131 of tins' Hl "vr ""'I "Hiors for
... . S ...... I "If, ,.,)
iitnn in uri'i:iiii mr u j nun i.iri,.
by agree to co-oiierate wlt't Iho Slate
of Oregon throuch tho Statu Highway
rnuimlsslon In carrying out tho pro
visions of snld Art, And, lie It fur
ther resolved that said highway com
mission bo mid Is further ndvlsol
that there has been Invled 1.1
on the dollar or this total valuation
of all of the taxable properly In said
county which s:Ud levy Im lien'i or-
ilereii spreait iipui Iho rolls nml ml-
lected lis other taxes are cellectud:
t'lIICAiJf). Ill , Aug l.--Uille.t
flum 111" tniiriliaiiil tnthnrgv li t h.
ilt'inuiid of the palsies of tnoOSRUds
of smokers, ihn ft rent rhjar Is
bark with Its multi-colored banners
In shop windows and .in rlgur
iii:Mi:iii:m Tiuti h. . '''m!rL ?
Tumi of Ihti Hon. Ci-iai. "n"",r """ "mrn "Piirr
CoiiiiulsalouurH Court of Klamath or " """ days. I tolas display-
County. OrnKon. hnc.un ami held t ei la n profiition of aha pes and
the totirt room In the Clly of ItUfn- ' r'Ptle, white alunlla Mil hoard
nth Falls. Oregon, on Wedu,4y.i "r. ""' "" '"" rd
July filh. 1922. the same beliiKtli-. odvlnlsomenu are sending fjorth
fliit Wedtiettday In savi tnoiuli Jtnd their mataaga of tbla rHnrn to
the time fixed tor holding Jiurh regit .normalcy la tha li.tUeeo warlri.
when were presenl: I .,. ...
II II. Hl'NNL'l.L. "I w61 ,he enttnlrir B4a Most Is
County Judge. a goo five cant cigar." la a r
m iiKim.i. hi tiiiT. I m.rk atlrblatnd W Mark Twain.
nr,,rw,lliii- ir . anwwwp, .wnw RIV IP
- - Hie
county i ;eH
filltnw It, if
" i-.""." ".f-, . . ,J s -. .. '
v irwaiu-eam utami awrunt
o Mx. seven, eight aad Mmetlmes
casts, durlq. tha period of
.Tho petition of S T. Sumuior ot "rtn uneee. now have plasty ,tn
al for u eeiiiity .rosil lieKlnnlni: at a , rrflnet from.
point on Section IlltP of Seetlmi X 'ip. Tohaceft merrhanla rimr ohl
39. S ll ! K. W M.. and rniiHlHtf' ,OB-rw "'; ' '
south in I' S It. H ditch comln ii i "'' " naertwlala all almit
8. Ketsdover, salary. $110.00 I said levy when so collected to Im t Hed
Library Claims allowed and war-' for Market Roads under tho p-ovl-nants
drawn: isIoiim of Chapter 431 or tho ltwu of
Tho Electric Shop.suppllos. $,1.S0. Oregon for 1919.
for henrliiK was redd mill lwaaod to
milts socoiui reiKlltig. '
wiierciipou court .xiijourneii unlll
Thursday July litli. 1922
It II. Jil'NN'liLL.
County Jmlgf.
nrituci.L KiioiiT.
Co CoiiiHilalnmr.
Road Iloud Fund Claluiu allowed
and warrants drawn, as follews:
Klamath Hardware Co., supplies,
Mcrrlll-K. F. $1154.00.
N. S. Merrill, right of way. $4,000.
Asa Fordyce. mileage $100.00.
R. H. Hunncll, mileage, $100.00.
Earl Cornish, service, $11.08.
VliurcuH, tho General Assembly of
tho State of Oregon for the year
1919, enacted Chapter 4.11 o; tno
iaws of Oregon fnr 1919 by the pro
visions or which net It In provided
and declared that there shall bo In
cluded In tho statu levy tor taxes each
year such amount uh may bo produc
ed by levy of ono mill on the dollar
Of tho totul valuation of nil tho tax
ublo property ot tho Htuto'as shown
by" the Inst proceeding (Assessment
and cdiiallzntldu hereof which said
tmioilnt shall bo apportioned, col lei t
e'd and paid In tho samo manner uu
other Htnto taxes and shall iieromo u
part of the' Htuto Highway fund mid
shull bo used for tho purpose of con
structing and Improving' roads to bo
known and designated an .Muricot
Roads; And whereas Section -I, of
said Act provides that the county
court or any county desiring to avail
Itself of the provisions and bonoflts
of any act in any year shall provldo
uniform levy on all the tuxalilo prop
erty of tho county for tho specific
purpose of Market Road construction
such amount as may ho canal to tho
amount apportioned to said ounty by
And bo It further resolved that this
following reads mid such other roads
n h may hereafter ho designated aro
hereby designated as Marhc.t Ito ids
nml ordered Improved iiml-jr the1
Market Road Law, to-wll:
Klamath Falls to Midland:
Klamath Falls to Miller Hill
Oletie-llonnnzn ihlghwny via Poo
llnnanza through I.iuiqoll Valley
back to Ileiiunzu:
And be It further rcso'.ved that the
Htnto Highway commlmlo'i ho am!
Is hereby rifiiestd-to furuhh plana
and specifications for iho construe
lion of snld proixmeJil' Market llomlr
mid that said commission nupoivlr,
thiUflurvoy a,ul establishment of
grudes Ihcrufnr unit that said com
mission be further iiibtructod to
charge tho expenses Incurred In mak
ing such survey anil ostnlillHhliig mien
grades and supervision said survi.y
and eiilahllHhinent or grades ,ii:nluxt
tlm portion of tho Market Road fund
credited to suld Klamath ceunty:
And bo It further resolved th.i' Ihls
resolution mid order lie nitoriled In
tho county court Journal aa other
matlerH uro entered and rosanhs 1 nnd
that u certified copy of tho same ho
sont to tho Highway Commission
which said certified copy s lull ho
nntlco, to said commlnsinn ot Iho nr
ceplanco or the provisions of 4.1I1I
Market Reed Law' by Klamath eniin-
TliltrsdM). July Dili. 13 '.'2
Court Mel Pnrsiiuiit to Adjourn
iiient, when were preneiii: It. II, lliui.
noil, count) Judge, and lliirmll
Short, rouiity I'oiiuiilssliiiier. the fol
liiwlni: proieodlngM were had:
Current Expense Clalum ullownd
mid wnrrmitH drawn.
Dunbar & Diinhar, Itisiirnuco, $.
50. C. W. I.wlH, Juror, rlmilt comt.
Alice Daniel, widow pension, $10.
00 Iti .id Claim allowed mid
narr.iiit drawn, to
11. F. Vlinry, work Lalixell Valley
that ihti ttv cent cigar ia to faat
vt moving artlrle In tha trad 4ui
thay tfUagn aa 10 IU aWlto. ' Qa
tall dealers a'r Itiflinad ro fit be-
j lief 11 u as gootl as any of the old
iintiiil wbkh rlUahwi daring tlm
j war. Tohueeo tnerebanta mtr H
j ran t b a good aa Ue ottl eLiad
by Irtuuw the cqst, of matvUaU
ami labor Is still above tha old Uivel
I and iMannfattarBrs pay ll fcVl aa
I goed a ihe nick in tavorlls of pre
war layn. ,
'Wr. eaiVt get cQHt no rant
iiier" said a natesmaa In a loop
llaVn talfrt' tlt 1.-..A ...... u
I cigars at that prices how, bdwetur,
j and my customer buy to man I
l keen the bwoV'oa the counter. If
1 I put them iti Hie rase I would bo
Mkt. S.MX.dli. iiimy oiiuiiiik uieio out anil return-
In Iho Mutter of the Application of j 'K lllom'. The two for a, quarter Is
Aliio D.inl.i for widow ponslon. ,p fur, (., mv onlulnn. Pbn i.i.l.ll..
J wauls rive renters for ovury day
I and ton cents for Huliduy."
It appearing to tho court Hint .Mrs.
Allio Daniel icsldinK nl Merrill, Ore
gon, Is tlm inoilior'iif one 1I1II1I under I
tho 111:0 of sixteen yearn, whoso nauio .
IH Ilex Daniel, horn Dee. '.'S. 1911,', 1
mid Is etitnii'ii in 11 widow pension to J
iihhIhI lir Iho Huppoil mid iiialuteu
mico of linrhelf and such child.
It Is tlieroforo Ordered mid Ad-
Jiidcod that tho mild Mm. Allen Dan-1
I11I bo mid Hho Ih horeliy allowed the
sum of $ii.i)0 per month until tho.
further order of Ihhi (ourl. Dated'
July fith. 1922. Warrant No. 11 107.
Wheroiipon Court Ailjoiiruod until I
Kuturday July hth, 1922.
County Judge,
Co. Couilulsslotiiii',
us' rjs
Salurilny Nialit Al Swan
Frank Gabrilla Hull
Swnn Lake Lmbr. Co.
T 'T--1
Making the Beat of a Small Flat
.I'M HUrJ;V'TtX-
kaaSvL fT .'. .A Taaaaaaaai r..- s-WHPJ
w-M..aaaaaMf,M a ' ' ' wy 1 , . ,
BBaBBM7 -. 1 ., 1, . u. 1 . , j jrBaassaanaaaanaaaaawvy ',', w -jvs kj
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You're, some .oo? Gfmflh
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