The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 01, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Pif TKr
n p j
Young Girls Summer Dresses
' r M natty drM of chiffon it f ra from ornament It trwupvea
I front pans, u plru.Tho .l.-nflo Jumper jItcmMi of prlnUa.cMP
TM third frock If a. rlptc4,l.fc.combtac4.wlth.crcpfjcnuw..
Ni:V YOllK iniirli ntU-nl-"n
IlUN lltl'll U'I t tllH MMKOII 1(1 lllll Hfc'lf
ih-k tlllis fur w mi r under crepe 'le
chliii'1 mill ;-ir;Hin Unit I In- lilt'
gel III lllN slip lias btM'll II till neg
lected. M.tny v. i'ii. however, pre
fur tiulimook or llni'ii drcHi slip 1m
iHiilli ii gingham nr collon wilto
Murk. I'or, niirli women tlieru nn
runt Klltxt In while nml roloM tl Ik
Hinitrl lo work one's lull tuln In it pas
tel hIiiiiIc on (tin front of a while lin
gerie rllp.
NIJW YOltK.- AHIiii-irIi "Ii" l'-'t-i'iiii
neck lliii' pcirUln'lu miiiIiiIh for
tsirly f .til. ilii'io U noiiiiilliiiu n slight
difference which dl-tliiKiilidics It
front (tin earlier bateau. Tin fn.nt nf
lliy neckline Is likely to tiejlie mp
uf a tint, wlili' p.-iiicl running '.li
niiilro length of Ilii' nklrl. Arrukt tti
tup of III" p.tni'l lire it u r row fold of
tin; goods, r.lvllli: it r.lllirr braided ef
fi'M. Tlivm) folds iiru c.trrli'il out io
mi tlm sides of tin' p.mi'l utiO umuiid
till) tllcl't'C
Ni:V YOltK. Ill .ill lliii riilur
. (onililiiiiiloni of tlm season mint) in
more itli''r limn tlmt of fl.inin itnil
Memories Will l.lvo When You
Say It With
Plow cm for ovury occasion
Klamath Flower Shop
H.11 Main Htrrcl. I'liono OHO
Open Sunday-) 0 to 1
Week dnjs. H it. in. to 8 p. in.
Amaze Your
Friends Wiih
Your Complexion
IK) you wnntii clear (icIiKloMlncaliln
- free fioni even tlm t tract! of
pmiplca orliliicl;lira(!? You can havuit
r.iily. And 141 quickly that your friend 1
will bo citMzctl at llio cliunno in your
nnpcnrniicr.Siniply lake Ironl'cU Yca:t
two tablets with each meal. Then
watch the results. Ilcforc you know it.
every plniplo nml hljckhcad will linvo
riisaf'tivrcfl nnd you will have n clean,
youthful velvety ikln tlm kind tliat la
envied by everyone. Irnnizcd Yeast
luppllcoycur tyntrmwitli certain vital
very elements needed to keep your tkln
licautlful. You won't believe what n
wonderful tlmnce It can bring in your
luinplcxinn until you try it. Get if from
. our drucnint today or mail nut card
N iorI'amou3Dayl''KKUTcit. Address
Ironizcd Yeast Co., Dcpt. 1)9, Atlanta,
('a. Ironired U rccomiucnded
and guaranteed by all f.ood Urulsts.
" W v '
--i- BV
Pf " AcK fi
brown. Tlicrn Is a t-orlnln orange
lllir." to lllll fllillll' wllfrll inllkeN It
liiirniinilrii well enough wlili nearly
uny shade of brown, hut to romhlni'
llio two wiih, unheard of ijiiIII ii local
shop displayed a sweater of tlio bill
III I) pi). From lint uncle lit llio inlililln
t'f otli front nnd limit, tliu sllp-on
wvi iloiio In shinies of lirown, rosn
nml fliiiiii'i ending In it wliln liiuiil of
flame llnlmv IIiIn tlii' HlidilltiK wept
I 'inn fliiiiic lo rose ami ihenco to
I)I1IMI nllUll, eliding In snlid. Th
effect win tory lovel).
I'MIIK Tlii'ru In ii tORil) Jt tli'i
inoni'int for MinllowtrH. Tlilt ipl.iiliy
itt'coriillon lit iniml 'ffeclh.t wtif'n
ciirrli'il out in hohic 411CI1 iiiiitLTlitl an
Kciii-rtiitli) rnnililupil will patent
Irntlmr. On it wlillo Kooniott" ilnnr'i
fiKk, for 'xmiiplo. tliuro rro InrKi'
miiifltiuiTit of oruuen ci'or'tte wltli
K'litnnt of liliick putrill Icatliur. A
iiu(los't'r IioIiIh tlw N.mli tin llio rlstit
rIiIi' uf tlm nonunl trnUlllii't. Other
iiiifloi'ii( for 111 mi npaulct on
llio ntiiiiilili'rH.
I'AUIH. July -I'or tlm ori:nn.llu
Komi wlilcli Ik no (treat n fnvorlti thin
ncnuott. llio inoillnli'H havu Itivouti'il .1
nnrnl ilrcorulloii. TIiIh Ik .1 tUlilly
plnlti'il riiHutto of tlm kjiiih intturlal
ntul iiIiiiiUi 11:1 tlm poii, with a eUuly
IiIk If'til of contnuilliiK color In tlio
cenlor. TIh'ko roncttvs tiro lavlnlily
tiM'il. Tlii'ru itiny 1m :i cirri-.' of tliont
nrouuii tlio nklrl ubou tin hem nrut
n ilooliln lino nliiiiit Hit' wall, while
other ft'Ktooun or hcrolln nf llio r'u
utlcn art' po.tcil at tlio iH'ckllnu
I'Olt SAI.I-: (iuiid Knriigo .mil inarli
Inn itlnip. rhriipi'Ht rent In county
ill 11 i;ood prlre. Ilox M. ('. Herald of
flto. !"
LOST A li-allu'r prehirlptlou chki'
eiiiilatiilnn M'oia HiirRlral In
Ntriiini'iitH. I'lpiler ph'UHo notify Dr.
A. I.'. Syken. Itfcroalloii, Ort'. I3
To hlro Hlxteen Kiiod IorkIuK
liorsi'M. I0111; Joli. .Minion Mun. Ilox
J Ii!. City I-.V
I'Olt UKNTKurnlnheil apt, l.ortuiz
Apt 12.1 .V. tUli St. 1.3
l'Olt SAI.K Kt'iiHoniilih), Lot 2S x
12(1 feet on Main St., next to Cen
tral Motel. TiirniH.
KOIl KAI.K Four room iiuiilorn
Iioumu, fiirnlslied, Imateil on nice
lot x 110 feet. Men larKu ham
can ho lined tin Karaite. ,1'rlco $2G00.
l'Olt SAI.K Six room modtirn
limine, Coinpltituly furnlNhod. Clone
In, on pavement, lawn, sliudo and
fruit trt't'ii, ciiraiti'. This In 11 dandy,
n I111 Inline and priced reunoiiuble. at
$.150(1. TtirniH. 1. Ityun. 512 N. 9th.
St. !
Your alarm clock will start tlm
hruakfiiHt flro If ou iuo uu olectrle
raime. I.lnk Itlvor Kloclrle Co. 292
Personal Mention
Wllllnm A. Knmpji, popular niaif
alter of (,'rnlnr lako UiiIro, In 11
Klamath Fallii v I h 1 1 0 r hero today,
IiiivIiib arilved Into yentcrday nflor
'10011, M11 In at tlio Wliito I'ellcan
Mr. mill Mm. W. I,. Hay iiru lour-!
Inl vlHltorn luirn tody fiout Mo
ilcatn, Callfuriila, Tlmy urn rrcln
tnn;il at tlio Whlltr I'ollcan hotel.
Mr. and Mr. If. I'. Moil Kin a 11 aro
cuiiiIjIiiIiik Ijimlneioi and plunnuro oil
their v,ilt hero. IloilKiiinn In din
Irkl hlcliway engineer with liyad
ijuarlcr at Med ford,
After a llireo innlitlin' almmire
upent In Hau Kranrlnco, Hacraumnto
and other California polntH, Mr. mid
Mm, ft. i:, Dunn hitvo returned to
Hiulr I1011111 horn and expect to ro
main for the next few iiioiillm,
Tom I.atiK U a hilHlneim vihllor
hero todny. from his homo on the,
Mrn. J. I,. Shirk and Mm. Jim
(Irlinen aro hi town on a gliojipliiB;
expoHlllini (IiIk week fium thulr!
nuininer linmeK In WllllmiiMon river.
Street work Im K"1"k 011 at a
rapid ruin mid tlm rocky utretclicK
on WuhIiIiikIoii and Fourth atrcetn
which looked llko liutHjIuxii mud
illeH to lliii 1:0 11 era I public aro
ipilckly IicIiik leveled off In flno
dhiipc. Mr Cave, who hau been arilni;
as caihler for llio Wurrcn f!nii
tlructlon company thug fir. will
leave tomorrow inronltiK for l'ort
laud ami another man will be r"i:t
In to fill the vacancy.
Dr. and Mm. C. V. Fisher and
daunhlor, Constance, returned thin
moruhiR on tlm Chllmjuln train af
ter n few flays outing upent at
Sprlli,7 creek.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Karl It. White left
today for Fort Klamath on a three
day business and pW.ij-uro trip. Mr.
and Mrs. White rsildj on a sraal!
(arm three miles out of Klamath
Tlm beautiful retldmro of M. S.
Wesl 011 North Third struct was
purchased the. first of tlio week
by K. M, IkI who will tal pusses
hIoii Imincdlatcly. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Vet will bo at homo to their
friends In tlio Sunset up.irlinnets
tvlthln tlio next fow days.
Mrs. K. W. (lowcn, who has be? it
spt'iiitliiK n few days with her son
at Chiloquln. roturncd homo this
niiirnln-; on the south-bound train.
The many friends of Mrs. llrelt
ensteln will bo Krloveil to hear tint
sbii was stricken with n paralytic
stroke on Saturday nml Is coiy
linen, practically neipicss, 10 ncr
bed at "her honin at Canal and Wist
Main streets.
Dr. Anthony, of San Francbo,
who has been at Rocky Point for
his vacation this year, rcturnej to
the bay city yesterday mornlns.
A marrlaKo license has been
Issued to Vlrjtll h. licit and lluby
(I. Tedrlck. both of this elty.
A. A. Whltlatch wa.t a county
seal visitor hero yestorday from his
ranch at Ilnund lake.
William F. 11. Chaso and Tt. F.
T11II wero here yesterday from their
homes near llonanrn.
Marlon Nino nnd family wcro
clly visitors today from tlio Kino
Cumber conipany'ii mitt In Swan
lako valley.
OeorKu I" Forj;p. rcprescritatlvo
of tho Montana I.I f u Insurance
company, Is In tho city this week
from Medford.
Dr. J. K. Anderson, of Oklahoma,
returned this moraine, to his homi
there after surernl days spent hero
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whit?,
who are relatives of tho doctor.
Harold Grey, a member of tho
firm of drey and Durbln. luft In
his car yesterday for Portland
where ho will attend .to busln.'in af
faire this week.
Mrs. C, J. Williamson and small
ihuiKhtor. who havo been hero tor
Iho'pa.Ht month with with Mr. and
Mrs. II. Oreni, left on tho morn
So Says Father of Fleet;
Boats Used to Catch
Marine Bootlepqers
DKTKOIT, Mich., August l.
Michigan's "Prohibition Navy" said
to havo been scoff'eil lit by Kovern
menl officials In Washington, has
been vindicated, according to .lames
It. Davis, federal prohibition offlcor
for Michigan and father of tho 'navy'
Tho "Nnvy"' roiislsts of n fleet of
IiIkIi poi.'cred lauuclies thai patrols
Detroit river lo retard tho flow of
Illicit ll'iunr Into Michigan from On
tario, Hlnro It began operation July
1, the fleet h a iC seized and confiscat
ed 1 boats used by alleged rum
runners. These boats havo an ag
gregate value, of $22,000 to the gov
ernineiip. as they are held In bond.
Kxpenses of th "navy", during; the
limn have boon lets than $9,000, In
cluding tint orlglunl Investment for
tho fleet.
Davis estimates that at public auc
tion the seized boats will bring at
least $15,000, git lug the government
n clear profit to dale of $0,000. And
the ""navy still Is In "operation. DavH
points out.
lug. train for their homo In Stock
lon( California. Mrs. Williamson
was Miss Klslc Orcm beforo her
Miss Myrtle Ilayford .departed
this morning for her homo In Ber
keley, California, after n visit of a
month at Pelican City with, her
niece, Mrs. I. II. lllbbcrt and fam
ily Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kogcrs and
children and John M. Moore havu
returned from a two-weeks' vacation
which they enjoyed at Diamond lake.
The fish, they report, aro biting un
usually well In both tho streams and
take, nnd that duo to the dozen row
boats and motor boats on tho lako
tho facilities fcr tTto Anglers are
greatly Improved. Tho road from
Klamath Falls to tho lako is In tho
best shapi) this year It has ever been
duo to tho llKht travel from this aide.
(leorgo Rlttcr. of Yonnn valley,
returned from San Francisco last
night after an absence of two months.
SAN DIKGO, Cal., Auc 1. Mary
McMullcn. four years ago, becamo
this county's official cupld.
At that time she secured employ
ment In tho clerk's office, and on
her first, day at work Issued her
first marriage: license.
Tho couple tittered their way out,
and Mar- qulto determinedly said:
"Not for inc. I'll never marry."
Pass two years. Mary Isaacs the
four-thousandth marriage license
from her desk. Kilters Charles
Duffy as a court clerk In another
Two Sidles of Turnover
The alert business man dealing with
present day conditions knovsNthat
thejbig word today is "Turnover."
Whether 'he be a merchant, manu
facturer, jobber, or banker, he sees
that one thing with a clear vision
unbiased by the limits of his own
business. It is in 'the air, and on the
tip of every tongue.
And yet many of them entirely
too many are thinking on only one
side of Turnover. They think of it
as meaning rapid selling putting
money in and getting it out quickly
and at a profit. They realize that
they must put greatly increased ef
forts back of all their plans for sell
ing and distribution. 1
The other half of Turnover is the
consumer. All selling plans and ef
' forts fail if the consumer doesn't
want to buy. His desire for the pro
duet must be created. He must meet
the seller half way. He must be in a
mood to buy 'before the salesman
m.eets him across the counter.
That' is the function of Advertis
ing to create consumer demand
A SBi,4bfli-s -m w snaps
' '
' u -.
A . . ''
? rIHlHf
& flHHU
-."V "H-------
F l "V"MIlll
department of thu echoing 'old
Says Mary again: "Marry? l'a
never thought -of It."
Another two years. Another, four
thousand marriage licenses Issued
by Mary that is, to bo exact,
Then Duffy whispered somcthlai
Into Mary's car. Mary was reccp
ilvr. L
And tho eight-thousandth licence
Mary Luucd to herself. Now1 she's
Mrs. Charles Duffy.
and consumer preference. With this
demand as a fact all selling plars
have a chance to succeed. Without."
it they fail. The only chnace for
salesmanship to succeed without an
existing demand is for salesmanship, ,
to assume the task that belongs -to,.,
advertising the task of creating .
If the present efforts that are be
ing put into selling were amply nip
ported by a corresponding effort to
create "consumer demand through
Advertisingx the business conditions
of this community would be rapidly,
changed into an era of great pros
perity in spite of local conditions'
and everything else. )
The proof of this is in the-fact
that right now, under these very
conditions, the dealers who aro put
ting proper emphasis on creating
demand for their product, as welfya
selling itare doing a big business
and are actually getting the high
turnover that others are trying bo
strenuously to get through intensive
Boiling." ta '
w . -a as sassw
MM..Jb -3. 1
- 'i
"" Kfl TnfJI'TiJ T
t I .
CHICAGO, 111..; Akfitili.;Fnrty
iwo porcine arlstacrats, twltnbln u
pcr-plgs with the pwkW of IIUlo
sCreir tails, and onbichlnn In end
less undulations, will bnL dhlpped
from Mow York August S in tho Ceil
lennliil exposition nt Itlo ill) Jauulro,
Ilrnzll. .. '
Thin prize herd which U vnlued nt
$45,000 was selected from uhionr.
tonty-slx nf tho most enrnfiillybrod
Poland-China henta In Illinois. At tho
exposition they will como In competi
tion wllh prlzo swlno from nil ovtn'
tho world. Including the Drnxltlnn
descendants nf prlzn-wlnnlng Ilorlo
nhlrcs Imported by tho Hrnzllhtn gov
ernment yenrs ngo
Ilrnzll la destined to rank second
to the United States In fiwnn-pro
dticlnm in tho opinion of (luy If. Hall,
director of the Nntlonnl Institute of
progressive farming.
"It Is Important to tho world's
food supply that llrnxU's agrarlnn
expansion should bo nlong progres
sive lines," said Mr. Hall, ' "That
puro-hred cattle, bogs and sheep pro
duce more meat and more profit to
J tho grower no longer required argu
ment. Hrnxll In nllvn to tho fart anil,
hor live slock exhibit will bo ono of
tho greatest ever hchU Tho llrazlllan
farmers are., more progressive than
generally tmdenttned: In this coun
try. They are. larulf buyers of Ameri
can farm ImptciiienU. nnd In their
vnst fields mnko mpi-h use or Ameri
can tractors."
"Pigs Is pigs," added Hall, "tint
these Illinois Poland-Chlnni nro of
ambassadorial significance. They
bring tho breeders of tho two coun
tries Into acquaintance, nnd this l
tho slow, suro courso of trade ex
Tho Cosmo Playors, four skilled
artists In comedy, singing, dancing
nnd music, will glvo sovoral selec
tions at the Strand theater tonight.
This will bo In addition to tho reg
ular picture but without extra charge.
These Cosmo Playcra aro said to
be among tho best now traveling,
having been for a long tlmo on tho
Orphcutu circuit. Their orchcatru
and Marimba band are especially fea
tured. f Tho renialuder-'ot this wok and
next Sunday these playcra will bo nt
the Strand giving a varied program
each evening.
' 1 VI'
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