The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 01, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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'"'V , 'MV-V-"
Uj? TbEveninff Herald
i r. . nwvwii.miw ma i-mniMirr
3 H, K. MILL. . i , . . .City KfMtAr
1 rcvmoinjc
IllltflU.W, AUMlHI' I, llttd.
AitvenintNK MNf er
" IuhllnhNl dalty etcept Sunday, nt
T Hruu kFaHMMt company or
Klamath Fall, 'at '119 Eighth direct.
Kntorcd at the poatofflco at Klam
ath Palls, Ore, for tranamlaslon
thrown the malls as accond-class
matter. ,
'Th AMoelated (lre M okcl&ilro
1 entitled to the two fdr puMIca
tlon of all newn dtapatchn credited
to It, or not otherwlaa credited In
thin paper, and nlna thu local nuwa
mlllidicd herein, .
THEItB In a man In Klamath
Fnlla with tho onul of an ar
tlt. Hy dint or, hard Inhor and
nrllntlc conception he has trans
formed an unattractive niece of
crounil Inlo a beauiy spot that
rodta tho eyes and aoothc tho aplr
Hn U Mr. I.. M. Ilannen, tho
ronrthoUHO raro-taker. Deaplta'Uho
ilrndftlnR demand of hit Job,"' ho
finds tlmn rach uprln for hoelnjr
nnd planting and each raldnmm
inor nee n pleasant park reaulC To
make the Rrass irrow and flowers
bloom, and keep tbem Rrowlntr'and
blooming, requires a lot of thought,
planning and hard work. M
So wonder1 Mr. Ilannen U rexed
and hurt when soma unthinking
vandal come along and with ono
blow of a rutin!"! stick dtitroyn a
flower that is tho frultlne of
months of care and labor.
Kindred spirits who love the
beautiful will appreciate and aym-
pathlre. although tho countryMtle
nverywhere bears evidence that
'here are plenty of unthinking per
tons who view such acta of van-
lallim lightly.
In the wake of the Sunday mo
toring crowd, for Instance, the high
ways are littered with wild flowers,
lopped rutblossly from their stem
and cast away by persons ulio
quickly 'tire of them.
For the wlldflower U most beau
tiful In Its wilderness environment.
It is usually a tender thing, and
when torn away from It natural
uurroundings. It wilts quickly and
those who plucked it discard It to
, die la Httfrtag neapa by the Md-
The destroyers of the Creator'
handiwork are the samo persons
- or at toast closely rested to anoth
er numerous trlble that deface na
I ture by marking their stops In the
1 the woods 'with pile 'ofXin can,
attracting myriad file and crawling
tjklagsf leave' wrapping jsper to be
scattered over tho landscapo or
clog tho, sylvan watercourses and
otherwise show their lack of appre
ciation for natural beauty or for tbo
rights and. enjoyment of those who
come after them. '
Until man lose his Inhorcnt trait
for destruction, until all arc edu
cated to appreciate the superior
beauty of the growing flower ovro
tho transient beauty of th0 plucked
flower, we fear that Mr. Ilannen
and thoso who srmputhlio with him
In his protest against vandalism
will have causa for recurring com
plaint. '
Hut the protein Itself Is a hope-
' ful sign. It shows u leaven' work
ing In the lump. It presages the
day whon the majority will, even
as Mr. Hannen, View loveliness In
Its true light, as something to bo
cultured and cherished carefully ami
patiently, not to bo destroyed for a
' mere whim. "' '
stvmE f I
U ; ' 'II
' iSZcitictxifoj
II ' "' i
f , ' Up to $4.95 for,,,,, , J
$1.95 I
Uitu;t;!:!;!: :i:it?:::s:::i:::::n:::ir.::t::t::n::t:uAmiiU!ii!i!!!i:i!!miHMnir::
.n i
'.'f 't ,
C 1 IMt 1 Jif 1 j I
n i u ..i s a ,
.H'r;-' A;AT.vr 'k
( ar J' ' rn '
lilpminl Iti-iclxi'il ti Until titix I
1 t'lvutCH Si'iiotitlou
One of thec I BVank T Tenner
and the othr V,'m. Vr Tenner.
'They've Jut intlted In the roast
guard stn Ice at Vuh!nton. D. C.
Their mother eas she's not sure,
but she tlilnki the ono above la
n i
1LS to uu
Judge Refuses to Discharge
Jurors; 7 to 5 for Con
viction, Is Rumor
I.OS ANaEI.ES, Auk. 1. Tho
Jury dcllberulng In tho second trial
of "Mrs. Madiil)nno Obenclialn re
ported to Judge John W Shenk lata
Saturday as hopelessly deadlock
ed and aked to bo t'icused. Tho
JudRO refused tho request and In
structed the Jurors to reach a or
die If possible. They returned to
the Jury rooms to resume, delibera
tions. A fen minutes later tho Jury
tent word to Judge Slicnk not to
go "ionic, and thoo waiting In tha
courtroom expressed tho oplnldn
that a crdlct had been racched.
Another note from tbo Jury room
tatcr told Judge Slicnk to dltn
gard tho request, and he left tir
The case was given to the Jury
late yesterday, antb'lirtlMlB-'pre'nte-tlons
around the court house havo
been made as to how the balloting
stands. Tho litest court room rumor
Is" "thai the Jury Is divided T to S,
tho majority tor conviction.
Tin: i.tiiKirn
Historic Ynlti Html m s nn jr
I many ureal football yrrlmimiRiM pl.iy-
od nnnunlly bv Eastern iiiiImtsUIi's.
I Is glinn In nil Its in.-icnlflromv In
the Warner llrotliera' proditrtlnn,
"Ai,liniiied of I'annta," ulileli comis
i to thu Mberty T!natr today.
Fully .Ifl.nOo jhoii1 arc seen wit
neivslnr. a Mtlrrlni; and i'xiIIIiik fnnt
ball Katiu lii'li'cn two rival miIIik,'
Among this Kri'ttl mans of luiiuauliy
am tbnv lil iiuui, ono llio futluiv. if
the football hero Thy liavn cmno nil
thn way from I'jttnnmvlllo, small
town nestling amM.tlm bills cit, .Vow
Kngluud, to feo'tlte prlilo of llic vll
13RI) romp houii' with honor mul itlor)
by flKhllygthrqiiRli to n tmirluloun
nnd leiory.'
Thn presonco of tin tliri'o rid men
furnlHhei an IiisIkIii Into ono of tho
'greatest probtmus that confront tin
averago jniing man tho proliloiu of
outgrow Iiik omt'a cnWroiinf'H ami
then looking back with scorn rn
those uho ucro onco )our luist nnd
most faithful friends.
Tin: sirtAMi
Did ou evur stam. noar tho rail
road trW'k unci wauii, whilo th
train rushed by, tho lirakcmsn walk
)Isuroly along on top tho cars?
l V. t . Mt'Kl.i:
I laving llod almost u srorn of
x'ars In tho Turlock Irrigation dis
trict, tho famous Snn Joaquin al
lev melon mid fruit section, wlicro
during the height of llu season thn
ilnlly shipment of melons exceeds
100 cars, it In like meeting mi old
fileud to Nee one of those eitrloids
of melons lirlim unloaded nway up
lietn In Klnnnth Fall
A cnrlonit of meloux. If. tons of
long, dark kiooii tn'iiuUes, 1110,1111
ronin melons, ll iirtutil rnunt tho
rarlond tthlh ins unlo.ided hr'ro
yelerday rnnlnlmd I30S ini'lnii'i
which meaim an nterngn weight of
nliotit S.t iioiiiuN, but many were of
tho 16 or ti.lS pound site, conse
quently many uIkIh'iI beyond 3 11
pininili earh, ,
. v wvmw m whvh 1 . r
v iFmra, Tn
A N ! . .7if,
ia n. ,
..; .
I bm,
; it wsmx yj.t
,'ffl isapv a v m - . .,
WlWfW Cusiomers V,
'" "-Sm5?1 TIjo biKsIiifsa man should rual-
r t
N r-'l
1 . 11. r.
.ih v . Ijvilt
I' til Wt
I hV 1 li 'i
t ' !
II t I
These meloiiM nro going Into lint
ltniidx of tbo loasnincrfl nl ono
and ttiroe-qunrtor nnd tuo rents per
pound, which Is Just aliont half tbo
retail price of inetoiiH hero before
the inmliiK of litis car was an
nounce!!. Ah this is n iifwn siory mid not
mi advcrtlM'nient, It must ncce.s
rarity omit tho name of tho deal
er, but It Is worth the time of uny
ono to die Just what 11 pile of mel
ons 11 carload Is, and Just how :
much spare llni) do occupy when nil
unloaded 'ih'orie store.
Hut ou won't havo long to look
iM' that he is separated from his
ci'.uiomcr!. old and new by
tnin,iitefl, not miles.
In tlvscdnys of strenuous com
petition the successful merchant
must make the best use of his re
sources, anil there in none more (
impoil.uit than his long distance
telephone service.
In the 1 1 animation of bus.ine.s
the use of the long distance tele
phone will mean the prompt
answer, the personal touch and
an economy of time,
Every Bell telephone is a Long
Distance station.
Well. Just Imaglno that train swlng-fnt all those 'melons tho way they
! ( owe twuo Aaour xh
VfVsT rVg CtBAU AU' 6vM J
y tU PMiMH j ViHtLfi tH 4r4 I
1' 9AaeFiuovurtu c
I ksm dfteiissBsW AJM.sWBsyyj' ""
Ing around curei nnJ through (nil
nels whllo mm fight und strugglo for
llfo on top of It. t
Tho plcturo "Dangerous Momenta"
which will bo shown ut Tho Strand
tonight depicts the greatest, most
daring- fights on top fast moving
trains eor shown. Oareth llughej Is
tho star, supported by Itutli -Stone-house
and Irma Harrison and the
plcturo Will produco n thrill In every-j
OHfl'WllO socs It
aro being carried nway.
Tll-d llowii
m t! l
ac&iic leiepaone
And Telegraph Company
Mnik oi
iv A'lTWlr. Li
v ''tliiltA oj
In tho middle of a stupid card
party ono of till- guests, npoko to 11
ouiik matt V'ho was yuwnlns
"Insufferably boring. Isn't It' Hi
It weren't 00 enibarrntslng I'd go
Yfah. WlK"h I cfiifTd too, but, hnng I
It alii I llvihej-a I
Tho business revival could stand a
llttlo more shouting.
A bachelor who gcu through
June Isa luclcy bachelor.
Troublo with living In tho coun
try lit osi havo to go to town for j
your vacation. ,
Tho coal strlko Isgoln mi. but
r. Ill not hit us uutu fill.
Tho man who for complf-'
meats tistrilly gou caught.
jAincrlcan tourUlH l'i Germany
say they aro charged too much.
Tho Hermans want thuni to I'll at
The first hroailcaittln,-; station j
was reidlng movie xub-tltles alo-id.
I'etplo who toll not spin ulong
In Ojitns.
Thoy discuss tho political -imcst
as If thero were hiich a thing as po
litical rest.
TIicko Juno nights nro oira.i let
ter than the famous Arabian 'i.tits.
Ford won't run for president, but)
ho may rldo' for It.
Thanks to radio, 11 man mi :'.f
at boitio and claim he bos b?cn to!
Pccple who look on tho dnrl; sldn
of things never shine.
Hiinnlnx untuck Is bad exercUo.
Ont cut thut takes u long (Into'
to heal Is a wage cut. ,
Ice Isn't ub cold this i.iunmr as
'It wa ust winter,
I'rlccs are up In 15 of the larger
cities. Illume It on returning pros
perity.' You can't mast on tho road to
The man with a business mind
inluds his own business.
Amiindson has gone to tbo North
Polo and won't havo to pay an In
come tux for five years.
A man would rather spend a
month raising a radish than u
dime buying u bunch of them.
Choer up. A hot summer goelh
beforo a fall.
f '
WARNING ! Say ''Bayer"when you buyf Aspirin.
Unless you see the nanie "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by -.physicians
over 22 years unci proved safe by millions for
Colds ' Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Uaycr" pjclcjcu which conUins proper direction.
Handy "llajr" bum of IJ lablttsMsn Uttluof'Jl und lis) Urii,viits
Arpri l itii- rj" n . ,f J'j.i II mte.r' .'Im fi !.- i- .r lal .t
Tho California Oregon Power com
pany make an attractive rate for
ranges. Link Alvor Electric Co. 29-2
"Ashamed of His
Parents" j
It's simple, yet humanly strong tin's home
spun drama of a young man who was ashamed of
his parents. Filled with the atmosphere of 'qual
ity a classic.
The great racing drama
First 42G Main St.
Klimnth Falls, Oregon'
Watermelons, per Pound3 2c.
Six or more Melons, per Pound, 1 c
Wo havo jupt received a full car o." fresh picked, huge ripe walermolon.s,
:it above we al'e merely chargijig you tin prico paid the grower, tho freight
charges and a reasonable profit for ourwlves. On.lhia Jjaskvo:i-e.peclfully ask
ou to give us your patronage.
You know what melons have cos, you in the pust-rwo know what they
'liouldcost you give u patronage ono y to enable ur to move car loads and
o promise you the right pricenot one but all the time. if- !
'il i u
'!'o expect to move another car o ' freii melons ntt w?ek.
.11 '
III lit. Sink llilfti'il Snow Voii I'limpV CiiImi ' - n. (Inlili'ii NY"! Viinlllii
I'Tonr . - ' llichlritli'lill'luuiilli". . .Iff I""""1 '
lf Hi. Sink fniti'i liiki inn hy Kit llt rlumi IIi-n . .1. ' '" Oolilen Wi l Viimillii ,rt,1
.I'loiir -' .. ,( jrfH viel "I ' "' Oolilfii 'i.t Viimilht
III ,. S.,,1. An.!-.. KI..UI- I.HH 7,,IIN1(1). .,,,. . . .71 '"'l'''l A
''' -. '" , !.. 11k. .IT. lfc-. ; " W.-I.. . ,W
Toll Cons IMnk MmI.moo .U U)il(l1 M,MJ)k none, S"m" ,,,,l, '' " "
,iolrx. r-nej Hi ,H hm .711 liijjf In-lant I'o-liuii .IN
i.viiiiiiw, do. .: I'mnv llimini . .ir, '"' I'okIimH . .an
Oiiiiiki's, do. "' Unite rami Hmmiiii IJII.IMI " H111.1II I'I(m. hnott I'loki-N ,a.T
'IoiiiiiIoin, !J Mm. .U.1 roiii Meal, Hml. .!W '' 0"tn CiiHlinn, Hi. .1.
Toiimtoi-K, nolo . . 1. 1" at Cmih I'nnn hiinl.M t'ouHid.".", ' "' "1IU t'offrn . , . ;
I'liii Iii-n, II I'm '-" J! CniiH .Mill Coin . SM.ilO y'5 I1'"- lll'' t'o'feo HU.0.1
I'miiy lill Prunes Hi. - . Vim 'iiiiih Soups Kind .HI "' h,,MII"UH,'offri lit
llMin rniiij Mildl IV.ii'iich, vim Cimijii I'mk ninl lining .10 BI4 MilillllnUH Coffeo 91,0.1
III, ... ...... .. )t , .. ; ,, HhiMIUilIIIiikiV HiiiW .'At " l'lK''" ('of fro .Ill
" n!,n!!v",,s ,'m"1- iUuh Un """''' ",'l '"" "t ""' ,,'"tt"'H ,"f," ' ",,,w
lluiicy .., rif )(-)i iRJ 1 II,, iimaM lull Coff,.' . .10
IH loll (nils .Milk .M-.1 " , tl k, ,,
a No. aji (,'iiii'i'iiiiiih . . .tM ' " ' ' di i- 10
con, rmiu, ... ;..f: .111 .";,.,. n,,"".M' ,taW,,-l .... uu it....i i.muh.k imm.
1 Hi. i:.i itii.iM.i, corrco . . .io "' (iiiIkM'Ihv ciioiointo .:i n ,, ,(,, ,(K ,,.
IIIIih. Ile.l lllhlmu Coffei Kl.1.1 "w. OliliiidrlllN I'ho.oliito .011 d.r fy,nu
.1 ii.i. itni million foff.ii ...mi, 00 nil'. '" K,,,l ,0" ""X,H intii-oo muium ,iu
i)i III. llov Kodn Cnu kin .. .50 " !". '''" Kl" 75 '''""' IVaiiiil lliill.i( II an
!l?i Hi. I!y Hnotv riiikrn ( .I'llw. limit K11111 B All 1,1.1111. hj S11111 o.l
l)i Hi, llo (iu.lw.iu Clink- ' HI IIih. IMik Ki 70 I !!,, r, .s.mi , U7
its ., (, 7U lo Hi, Hnik rmio HiiKiir ....VLHO I't Ih ,nillm Snap ON
il Him, (linger Himji , no a IMcki. ruffcil, Wliout ,.a.1 I.111K0 ('mi liiiiid, TtiiiKiio ,'AH
I'liiiry Hall. d I'l'iitliitx, Hi ai) I'icniii vt Wliout U-1 I'lill IlnKln fiuoo Julio HH
C11110 SliKiil, Hill If ...IjlH.OO an, 'flolden Wi'hl Vaiilllo ,!I0 (jililil llnlll., J.i.m .Iii.Io 70
-y . I V , 1 W ' ( . , . '
- r ?;.