The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 31, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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MONDAY, .liil) HI. H-'J'
I? M
,:';; ThtEreoing Herald
F.f. MVUeHMtor aa Publisher
m. R. wtTu7. vwv. .at Kdkor
.Published dfljr except 8Unday, nt
Tho Herald Publishing Company of
KUmUhrnllnrnt 119 Eighth direct.
Kntered at tho postofflco at Klam
nth Palls, Oro.( (or transmission
thrown tho 'malls nit recond-clnss
member opTiin Associated
X r PRK89 '
Tho Associated Press! ,oxeluslve
y entitled to tho use for publlra-
lion Of nil hows dispatches credited
to It, or not Otherwise credited In
.tbl paper, and also tho local news
published herein.
MONDAV, July SI, 1022. ,
they would not subscrlho to unlawful
They aro not a class to handle with
kid glovo rourtesy, but wo know that
nothing has boon dono hint was not
noceisary to uphold prison discipline.
I.nylng astdo tho appeal to pro
Judlce, tho silly whine of would-be
martyrdom, which Is a gratuitous In
sult to Intelligence, there remains the
thrpat that an army of one hundred
nmn will bo raised to Invade a peace
ful community, Intimidate Its eltltcns
and disrupt Its Industries.
Tho community Is Rrnteful for tho
warnliiK. It at least places tho outlaw
movement on the piano of tho rat
tlesnake, which pounds an alarm he-1 rapid. Money Is cheap. Tho crop
foro II strives. Ilereloforo we had outlook Is excellent. With few ex
held tho organisation In lower es-l coptlnns, stocks of raw materials
Money and Markets
Ouilook l'or 1'nll and Winter j tlvlty and restricted distribution In
Conditions nt the closo of tho 0" ''line.1 ' The only sellSomeiits
first half of 11122 Indicate thatl hl(, Cl". ' ultimately In the pub
business will expand moderately' "0 Interest nro fair settlements and
during tho autumn and winter J tho public has the rlgllt to take nil
months. It Is now one enr since! measures which may serve prompUy
tho definite beginning of recovery.) to W" l,,lll about.,, . Delay In
from the depression of ID20-2I. rcnc,,li: ltlomcnl will lemporar
Progrew was slow until the close '''v ',,ft' "Mansion. huMt wl.l not
of 1021, but sluco the beginning j n,fMl Uufuudomental causes which
of IS 22 Improvement has been
IIU.R the failure ot tho recall
movement against Sheriff
Torrlll in Jackson county is an .un
doubted repudiation by a sane cltl
xenry of the Ku Klux Klan, the nar
row margin of victory Indicates tho
serious Way In which the Klan move
ment has split a hnretoforo united
A year ago, yes, six months ago,
Medford and Jackson county, were
pointed to In Oregon as examples of
tho nn plu ultra la community spirit
pillion worked together In utmost
harmony for communal development.
Everywhere wai peaco and prosper
ity. '
Entered the apostles ot discord
with their masked mummery, their
.appeal to racial and religious hatreds
and bow ntltfcbors who .labored
together for years do pot apeak and
bitterly .condemn" each other; frater
nal organlxallora are renilcd apart
and families aro disrupted.
A whole community la nirown Into
turmoil .and to no purpose. It win
take years, after sanity returns, 10
undo tho barm that a few brief
montba have dono.
Who profits from this deplorable
and terrific loss? Tho organlrera of
the movement that asks ten dollars
as a (ee for participation la As ridi
culous mummery, and tdx dollars and
fifty cenla"for a cheap muslin dis
guise, under cover of which cowardly
outrages are perpetrated. If not by
klan members then by those who
take advanUge of the klan'a exist-
ence to mask their identity. Tny
and they only.
Tho ku klux klan Is dishonored In
California, and when iWgraad'lHry
Investigation and federal Inquiry ln,to
the Jackson county outrages Is con
cluded, Its members will be diligent
ly seeking cover .in Oregon.
Klamath county may be thankful
that It has escaped the virulent at
tack that Is now fading into the cb
Melon of all unpleasant things.
Yve'tWllI not bavo this discordant
chasm ,to bridge in our marcn lowara
and or manufactured products are
not larger than necessary to bridge
the normal period between produc
tion and consumption. Commodity
prices aro rising. Tho movement
at present seems to be primarily! assassinations and other oWd-'eros
j one ot adjustment between tho' dlf-jof political unrest and (Inrmnuy Ins
! for moro than a year have been
making for belter buslneis.
The third factor which seems
likely to limit business expansion;
III tho United States Is tho Euro
pean situation. Outwardly It re
mains rompthnteil. Uitnrmou lusiios.
of paper ImVo further iliiecl ito.l
the tlerman mark. Tdero have been
Till: l.lllKIITV
In "Over tho Who." tho VnIo '
Ittiggles Production for .Metro, which
will be seen lit the Liberty thou'ivf
today ns tho feature iittrirtlou, All Mi
Lake. Hie brilliant fltllo a. r-,i i.e.'
Hens, who pla.vH tlui stiirlm: rule, '
has a pleturo speiln'v ni'iil" (' her
by Arthur Humor 1 1 -x-ti i, the ilM-nt
glllshed writer of tlflloii.
Tim alury, tuvijly, do its with Tir
ry Dexter, who .ommiin tmlclde nub.
er than fare osiieVoro ns ii mvIii l' r
by a financial magnate, John (iinii
nan ellfore Terry dle-i ho telephone
his Nlster, Kalileen, thn be end H
come. Kathleen illstrult, owh h'i
will avenge her brother's death
through ruining (Iriuiiiiiu. TI1I1 in
volves n series of escapades, a Walt
Wo thank you for tho patromigo given uh Salurdny
ferent classes of commodities, and formally applied to ,he innar.tlloiiv ',""" " n"'"" "' "7"',","7' ""
!fl, long as the upward tendency! commission for tnom.orlu,,. on re- ",r,;l - t,lu; J'l"'"-'".
to, d no. MUme speculative rbar- para.lon, payments. Dlftlcullles ""' , - " -' ' V"
during tho hot summer mouths?
"Drop Fatal" headline Sennds
like more bootleg stuff.
Ono day last week a train was lato
when a man wanted it to be
Working yo.irio'f to death Is hard
Loafing youwlf to d-uth Is easier
and much quicker
Sometimes n man slnrVs put lo,,ines not assiime a speculative char- paratlons payments. Dlftl
show his wife who Is bans and learns, j nctr u ., a favorable factor. Kx- arising from depreciated eurreitcles
Who wants to laugh and p,nw falift for strikes, there Is little Idle- and dlsorgaulied public finances are
ness. Production has expanded' hound tn be n retarding Influence,
-- 111.. - lu .. 1. I.. !! ll (llaiil ..! tiata !. . aAalillll ! tiirt nf .
flienilll Since llio liviiimiiuh ' ' ilim iiuij ii.ku ll iniuui miivur i.- Till! VTIt WD
year, nnd yet me usual miu-sum- reci on export or grams nnu rncn
mer dullness has been little felt, food products, cotton and other raw I Tl' H,,,,'J' f "The Argylo Caie"
Any fair appraisement of the sit- materials from the Polled Slites. M'"' '1PUonnHy well to
nuanc -u ... a.u-,. . ,. ... .................. .. ... .. ...,. ..v..h- j . crolr. ...nilnii.
ennnotf ,.'.., :,..:,. '
I tiro where Kathleen, to her nni.i.i
ment, finds that she does not hate
her husband. (Ironnnu, but l"--iiliii. )
a mucn qni'.rte,, I .. , .... ..i, ., .,..,, i.,,. i..i ,i,n ri..,...i.i ni......
It took ft few ha-dJsnocks to set "'""K """ '""'' '"- " ""' "',,T . "' t Ilot dexeloi-i iui.'..'v wlh
11 iouk u ie 11.1 11 uuni . . . . ih.. 14 iii no.iltloii of cont nuo Indof 1 11 lleh. that crand nsii1 . . . ..'. . . .
. ... . a. .1 t. .. -1. 1 m - -' - 1-- . - - .-----
domestic consumers. Many are cau-, schemes for
. as.u-1 a& Mrtn mil I tn lit tvtlAt ilu
UOUS OnU UlSposeu iu uiuiiumi.. .ij ..uii.11 inq r.iun;.' iwiiiuuiiiiiii (cJ4ry (mijy
k . . 1 lit..).. a - 1..K all till. )m.I tAA.I In ........ .. . '
Iluytng is noi nseiy ... u ......-,.... ..,.. ..,,.., - ,-.. ... nrlinto ilote.HUM. Is...ll..
luutneut h' "' "
to prov r 1
lllinblii'l lbs
HtfHM lieu le
HatMlliiii I'liine.
Pi in lie
Tiiiiiiilni'a, eiiite .
I'li'sli l.'gs ....
I'ijm. I'leiimery Jlulter
s2.H0 UlnliMlIt ( lieefi' -'
2.75 0111 ."
U.H.T Apples '
U.8.". lb nils . 1 '-'
U.a.t I'nbbiigi' . '"
1,111 IMlut'leil I'X , per 5 Mi.
ii.'M I'd" . "
IJLI.Ti Willi Illii'lnilH ."'.1
,:t.T llmiM Jle I1'
.lilt I'lititnloiipes, !t Tin .2'
it I'ljersi
Purchnsu your vegetables ilally from our
water fountain.
NojcUo Eccummy Gi-oeotoria 12(1 N. Si,vt)i Strcot
Ruth to put In soma bard knocks,
Sure, flappers are liberty belles.
And It looks as It their motto were
"1'eel off, wild belles."
In Berlin a man accused of kill ng
SO pcoplo hung himself. He got tho
right man at last.
Boys leave the farm because they
hate to plow through life,
, , . , MitplrJon (ailing upon Ari;riv adopt-
financial -ehabll Itntlon.- ,,,.,,,,., vltll ,, . ,,.., ,,
, huropnap combatants . ,H w vw.., Kjm-
d escape some pari 01 ,,, yri,; ..,, ,.,.
lated by reports of impending short- the penalty of tho crime of war. aro h) ttll,i rrietn the mi
age of 'goods, . or fears of higher, all bound to fal and that Hump.) yty ,', Hmincn
noceuci' In following elrn Hint li
prices, for except In tho cast. of must save Itself. Favorable ex-
ncec.ssirlrs t&o public is wining iu, cnanges reueci miu euuris 111 ! ,,v,.rs. the Tall b nils bin
wait, or to do without. If prices those countries, combatant or neu- ,, fl(,r,f t)f 1B, x lth,,. lh,.n
Thoro is a wave of business revlv-1 Rhow a tendency to soar. Further-, tral. which linvo fared the tacts, mr,:, rulmliuitiiiis In .1 irm.-n T..o-
arc kicking because more, large sections 01 mo mose counines wiuni ui n.r n.n ..,,,, a , ,,,, llf ,, Ku, , ,,.,,,
hit nur nmn mun nrn KirKinr iii- iiiki tn'ixi nx; - .
" -?""""-"'"-"- "" "" 1 . .. , . !. i .. a la .......
i iatt n finn.i lion cnnnot liuy. no manor iiuw jmniuui r3iMiioiimmm iuiu.,,rrMU,n
r r-, i ,. I...... K n tnrt an tllfll V Ttut ttriXi1ttst I v.. tinifnP lt t lln miU
Isn't It about time to ctiango me. wining. 11 ir. " - ' - ,........ ..TM() ArK)i0 (,. n 1,
That's a horse on me" to ' Alttiouh tney navo roumuu .u...v- UIIVIU. u. ,. ..,..: .- v.. ....., , for ,M Uu ,ln , Th.
high as or liigncr
"That's an auto on mo!" what wage anu salaries arc m- in as r ,Bncr ..... u jv. ..hvi. Rit
-1 cr than two years ago. r.nrorceu
Kill . I,
-llr mil (
J or than two years ago. Knforced Even bankruptcy or governments
I iinrnititovment left'1 many workers could not nullify ibM advantage,
j unejopiojm.iii. i... , ., , 1 i, Sont. smnki' and illrl haw no I'
, in. debt, or with depleted savings, and determination may avoid bank-;,,, ( m0l)rn kihIumi Am elrnn.
Very few children succeed In get
ting born Into a rich family.
Xew York woman named Moon
asks divorce 'becauso hubby staled mot yet mado good. Strikes have ruptcy.
out-at night and that's the truth. kept hundreds of thousands Idle for ,
Florida man who started out for months and threaten to result In Idle
tile time of his Itfe Is tn Jail for the! ness for other thousands If not
spfcdity brought to an end. I-arm-
era arc usually conservative buyers
rango ellmltuli all ilnse I. ink lli
er Kleetrlc Co ."' i
"Over the Wire"
I 1 Hi- pi ' nt'
p HERK la not much danger that
1 the threatened I. W. W. inva
sion will materialise. It has not been
our experience that the wobblles give
such notice that they Intend to atrlke
as Is contained In thn call for 100
volunteera to descend upon Klamath
and rescue five valiant members of
the organisation from durance that
they are legally undergoing.
The. of fleers of the law have shown
ability to handle tho situation thus
far and the centurion band. If it did
arrive, would probably meet a fitting
reception. "What is more theso out
laws undoubtedly know as much, apd
It ha been our observation that all
wobblles aro as consldorato of their
personal aafety as the rest ot us, and
more so.
Outlaws In fact and In law, skulk
nrs In tho dark, hilars ot tho hand
that feeds them, traitorous and dis
loyal, they have tho unlimited ef
frontery to appeal for an exception
from the law, a more lenient course
In tbnir caso than the law grants to
any other criminal.
As a matter of fact the Ire in tho
local Jail are not there because of
any animosity or activity on tho part
of tho "lumber barons."
One was taken in the act ot dis
tributing unlawful literature on th
streets. Threo xvero arrested at a
headquartera they had established In
this city for tho distribution of un
lawful propaganda. And tho fifth,
loaded with literature and with the
Impudeut assurance of his class
sought tolefy tho luw In its own rlt
ndel, walknd into tho police slut ion t'
visit those In custody und was right
fully detained there
.They conplafh that the law has
handled them harshly, that they have
been .manhandled .by Jail officials.
Tills .charge .comes nicely foru mem
bers of an organization wh(ch plays
. such' jileaiaa' )lttlo tricks on work-
4, Mfr will not accept Its doctrines
ft ?, ,"W, 7 r"j" !r "
time of his life.
A village Is where thn police and
fire departments aro the samo man.
"Prices Advance In Shoes" head
line. They usually sneak up bare
footed. Ixs Angelus woman killed horKelf
after Vritlnj'a poem. That isn'tjiuth
1 ". K.l hhll ' '" '1
.m wmu ......... ,
Judge rules It no crlmo to play .a
grind organ on Sunday. Wo rule It's
a crime to play ono any time.
One day last week a girl Mood up
In a street car became, her stocking
had a hole In the knee.
Letters frofo the 'People
STATES It. It. VI i:vs
and although prices of farm pro- laVfJXi VAI.I.KV MAS
ducts have Improved, prices 01 wnm
farmers must buy are still too high
ln relation to what they iiaxo to
tell to place them In a position to
Vspand their purchase rapidly. J'ur
thcrmore. they are paying their
debts. Thero Is every ground to
axpect a reasonable volume of fall
I Hi. 'r
ii 1 iiiiiliiMn r .iii.iii' r i... 1.1 Mi ii'H'i I. iiimi i'i.,iii,ii
i 1
With nil ull-sfir .-a A fine Nw iirunin with gieal .hi
)ii ill 1.1 nur finer m lv 'in., uoinleriiil (mllidll . u t.liie I
sl''ii ill' fniie 11 ) ! l'-u I ,1 li.l,. ' l'i lie j.i lill.
WEDNESDAY The pcctnculiir r.icinc drama
J Klamath Cubs Viclon
I Over Dorris Demons rr
IMItor Kveiiliii; Herald
A fow words in regurd (tn the ar
ticle. 'Klamath I'rged to decide 011
uau ummerger in your iswo amy i,-,,,,..,. for ,2 iunB.. arli of
"","' J wlilrh ended 111 11 tin score, the KI11111
, , nri-o, imt ii"i .ir. oiiri.iu.i m ,uii.vii mij- am i u iis jresieruny won iron) ine
uuaincss - "' -.noctatlnn of lnB tho """"'"gcr would result III Dorris Demnns. l'i to 10. Tho game
thcro Is no uxsia lor " V ,,,Khnp froR,,t ratf8 ,, ,ffjc,y ,,, wa, ,, f , mHl Ilnllhlla, vi.r
such volume, at hlgn prices rocurlnc -mpty cars for' played hero, ns well as one of the
boom business at any price. joavlng Klamath county In no better' fastest exhibitions of baseball With
The socond retarding 1 01 o r , i, poM,,nn .,,, b(,fon, 0f touM0 Mr. first ono team and then the other In
labor situation. Tho uniieii . laii 8,irou, , ,akK for ,lln i,, of ' tl(1 o,. a upurt from the otbur nlile
Is in th,. midst of wldenr,w iuooj hn South,.rn ,.a,lPi t,.t ,)t1Ic4 , ,l0 wol, ,.V(,n , Hr(r , , ,.,, f
trouble. It Is useless to UPC,a-0' II(.0pio should' before tLey th., inning. Following the game,
oitalnst the spirit that has "fu again put thomsiUei In tin. grip cf ".Manager Al Maker of tho Ciiuh whs
this situation to pass, hacn muo (,(al op any cUl((r 01l lrap0ri,, ,f),t at dinner nt the Hex e.ire
In both the railroad "dirr0il ,r,K3 company. I tint nil musi , a gum with tin. Knights of ( ol-
belleve It U Justified. Worknu-n 1 o uKrvo Jlat cnm,)(.ulon , an. irjl,r, ' U)niJUH , ,,ri(.,i fr ,t Sunday
Ja.kson s. John (no lightly sacrlflco tnur ourniiih of bun(lga u mlll, t0 ,o (ini.nM by, Tho Knights cleaned lleatiy yi slur-
A suit has been filed In tho clr-' power, or corporations carelessly ,)l0 Kuncra publIc, ,,a. ,J. u ,,.rHW, ,nrgln. thereby
cult court by Joseph Jockscn versus take .tho risk of damage to their Jet ug tikft tJ(j pMl ri,iri, ,)f ,, ' wjnnlnK ,, rK,t to claim the rnun-
Bensdn John for tho collection of n ' property or thoughtlessly forego tho SouUl0r affc ralroal anil ibolr ty ebamplonsblii .Srores Hull ale that '
hope or profits for u long periou. nU,tullo of , ,)lltljc , dumbed" the two teams would It. f. n Ixiut even
That section of lb" public which Is I)0ry Can any ()l)(, nn1)( n,y ,.rtJlc(..i Iy aehed.
not directly concerned Is an equal (a pico r work for uny part r Ort- -
vT!i!":ze:.!,'Z eon "ono ,"rm,KU ruv "!KniKhtGctscaiP8 .
mm ... w .- " seems natural to suppose mat siieiiiu
"" the supremo court order bo enlorcod
By CONDO.tlio Union Pacific would do iih they
promise, commence to
tr.T. ;. ,- tt-i5
. I 1 . I ' . . 1.11 1 1 hi 11 if
Arc the Dust Rucommcndulion of
O. A. C
note .totaling $38r, und Interest at C
per cent from Kebruury 18, l'j'i'2
1'ortland Contract awanleil
erection ICO.OpQ factory.
OF Beatty .Bearcats,
'IliN liiklllnlloii olfeis 11 lliiiiuiiti, piiullml, noil hlniiiliiiil .tin
mll'iii nl 11 tiil .illlit.i it.'iili nl llm hljtli 1.1I11111I ui.iilinlr.
It offers trnliiliig fi.r lullglnte iletcruK In
Agriculture Mines
"oniiiirro ' I'lmrinury
Knglnierliu: and Merhauli Arli Vocational IMiiratlni, '
1'oroftry ('nemlonl Hnghieurlng
IIoiiik Kciuiomlcs Military Keteuri. mill Tactp-s
It offers tralulii,; also In: Tile K.'bon .f Miulr. l'.i)lrnl
IMicatlou, Jiiiiriiullnin.
I'iill '1 1 1 III dpi lis Sejileiiiber IH.
I'or rlrriilnrit of Ijifm limllnii mid llliintr.ilei bunl.lel uildj lo
The Registrar, Oreijon Agricultural College,
Corvallts, OrcBOif
JaJaHaBr 1 yVBbbsb3-" rV"
lOP A HOrZN ? You Cu. , l- --
tJmc ,,, J THAT'S A ?
WtSCv., t C4LC it THE HoN -i--
connect up
"' wllh f'.mlriil I'.irlflp luilillni's
J giving Central, Houthorn Oregon, and
Northern California, an eastern out
let, which appears to bo moro desired
than north and south facilities, as
our best market for lumber Is
there nnd thu largo bulk of manu
factured urtides originate In the
' oast. Ah to higher freight rates,
, shortage of cars, etc, It Is natural to
1 suppose that two largo trunnrontlnen-
tal Itni'H Moving the sumo community
I would glvii bettor uorvlro und very
likely much lower freight rates to get
, tliu business. And (but Is the slogan
taught to everyono from tho obicuro
little way station agent to tho presl-
dent of tho system Clot tho llusl-
ness. Lot us forget thuso flowery
promises nnd Judgo ffom tho past
what wo may tnxpect rUv'u1i any ono
, lompany succeed 'lu "aituln gahilhg
I control of our country and ubldo' liy
the decision 'of tho court, thus com-
. polling both systems to build con
necting" lines to protect their Inter
ests, thereby ,gllng hh competition
which means'ii doiiblo. track country.
W.iK TI.CK.NOrt.
UoftdlUe 1'iieilUbx
Tourist; I any. my friend, can
j you direct mo to tho nearest filling
! uliillnn?"
Tho Knights of Coluint.ui yest.-i-day
defeated the Dealt lle.ircils ;il
lleutiy, IU to ::. While (bo Imlieiis
wero up to their old form 1111.I play
ed good baueball, the Knights demon-,
HtratuI thulr HUperlorlty. 1
.Malheur Nugget worth J12S
foiiml hero,
lleml Largo iwvf theater liullilhii:
under construction, '
lot homos In Klamath Tails use
oiecirie ranges, is your ii'iiuo 0110 111
the 104 7 Link Itlver Kleetrle Co.
. Nutlvo Son ''Wnl, that nortor do
poiulfl. If yo want gas, thcr'a a gar-
j ago 'round thct corner, but (contld
' entially) of yer hip-pocket flaMs
I Vicodo flllln', I retkln I kin fix yo up
r-, WK9fUi
The college of Lilrsture, Sclenre
snd tli Arts with 22 departments.
Tli professional aclioolt of Archi
tecture Business Ailminilttion-Hductlion-Orsduale
Study -Uw-Mediclne
Muiic PlijIcl Ques
tion Sociology.
The 47th Yeir Opens October 2. I922
foracalaloiua or any Information
Win Tht RtUitrar, UnlOinHfi of
Oregon, Eufnt, Oregon.
, jg Buyer's Week '
Ib a time of . bii.sinc..s and jiUmsuro.
So inaku yotir licatlrniartcrrt in tho
center of the activities. And dine at
A1- a erv
Arthur H. Meyers manaqcr
myself, of you'll nlop over to the
barn with mo.
. t
-.. i
4jt V 1