'VVTYsJ,e i 1 M"" . JV V i f T" Vr- w f tjffa .j .(.., i 7 - - -fcitew. fci j - v. ' ff y .). m m m oHn? iiaitntara .'.A v WEATHER FORECAST nvnrtAi gAM.sgr- w myan4 ifH aae, , ,h KLAMATH COUNTY AND OF KLAMATH FALLS 'IOVKIIIT AM) 'lUlttll.lV, IWIIt Member of the Associated Prc I Hli'iMilll eill'. .No. IIIIM7 kl.vm.1TH imllh, oitiwox, jiommv, .m'i.v :ii, miss' nucK rmc orxTti .anm Sf . . i tteralD ? ? EI IF !LY SINE SEE! T P resident Receiver AcMir mices that proponnls Will He Approved I WASHINGTON. July III I'nsl i!"IU llnidltiu Mil nnlil (mill) liy clime mUlHurii to lime rcnlei iiNHUrniife from Cliiilriiiitn ('ii)ler of the iihso- ' ilnlloil of rnllwny exeiullves. Vlre ' President Atteibury nflhn I't-rirmyl- . vanla railroad titnl II .M Jewell, Iieuil of lli NlrikliiK shopmen, Hint limy would niiiiii lili proposal for nn Immedlntn (iImIIiir of the strike. I'll iai)i:i. I'll i,. Jiiiv ri - I'hnl'rniun Cuyler denied Hint 'ilm railroads have nn-rplvil HiirdltiK' piorosal. I'llHWdO. Illly HI Leaders of the MrlkliiK nilltvay shopmen return. Iiik from conference with I'reoldent lllirillllg, iri,n'it rnilflileiiie Hint llio wiilkuot would l terminated no n ri'Hiilt ot iii'i'tlnnH of rnllwn) exe cutive mill uiilmi roinuilltee t It lit woel: to consider pynpiiiml'i niiluiillted liy I'roilileiit UurilliiK 1 hy .iihtn iik- , sorted th.it the sinkers r. ill ri'iurn in work -III. their ..enli.rlly rlithlH imlmiwlrml If they letiirn at nil :er .Kieeniilit Tne.ibiy ii'ii tl 11 I t Timothy llenly. pmnldeni of llm IV IllJIS, Hollywood residence of the groom's Sister, Mrs. ! I'lreuien nnll Ollxm union, which l v..., I,,..,...,.,, . -xt.. .. t i r u , ' ... .!. ..n Mrik... toi.i ,parii.rnlDo,5,.:l-s ',",oanks (Mary Pickford). Mary was brides- Hint ho npectei Tiiniday'ii menllngs In renult In a mitllnnimit. Anked conrernltiK the slnRo pence iiuitiilhillons had reached, llenly said mnOnK tllOSC lU'eSellt Hint "thn enne In the luiii.U of the' ' I'l.-nlileMt." Ho Ml.l tho eeculhe.npr. prkUFI MP loniMlllleo of llio firemen and ollero) V".rt U' ru"tK L.INC. woiilil meet here Tuesday nnd "wlllt t;u uioim hiiii the Hhopmen.- ' I ,Mlll llne Keillnilly . I ..... .1 ... ' ?Lr.:,':;!lTr"!..,,".!.'.?l ,.Hke,l specUlcnlly nhoul the H.inlorl.y iiiillint: ' ' i uin r.iinr.. in u..H -iiii, ! " i fieulorlty rlithlH unimpaired If Ihejr i mile liaili nt nil 'litis liieiiiis the) will p.o lurk to work hi exncily ttie same Hl.Iliiit with lespert in seniority nH.wheu they left July I. In nil (be railroad sirlketi in history, settlement um nlun)n hnsul nn the return of seniority rl;hi to Hie strlkerH. Theie will he no different settlement In this cuse." Ilo.ily would not bo minted tn the effect that a settlement of the Is Kiien butwHiti the railroads and the slrlliors had tucn .lrtually iiKreed iipnii lielwiu'u II. ,M..Jew)ll of the Nlinprnpn.niiit T Oewlit ('ii)lnr of 1 1 ll) ral execiltlTerti,iis t'filU of the cunferelireit wlllt tlin 'president. SAYS STOLE MOLASSES lliimiN Vnlley itniicliVr IIiIiiuh Suit I AkiiIiiI Ills .Velclil'ini' ' . . Albert Sherwood, of Humes uillo) appealed In Hie Justlm iiiurt this moinliiK on a preliminary hearing, i based on nn Information sworn In by , William l)euul of Hut h.iiiio illslrlit, , iharRliiK that Sherwood stole finni bin possession a pint of n barrel of , molasses, which wiih part of I ho com iniuilly properly used In the exter mination of KiuHxhopperH, Tho stain hud called William Do. Mini, l. If. Thomas, former county niioiit, uad ii man named Tracy, seuk Iiir to pinMi (ho theft of tho proper. ty. It In expected Unit thu mutter will lie Htlblllltteil lo Justice (luiiliiiKell Into thin iifluiuoon on thu question , of hlitilliiR llio defendant over to tho I'.i.uul Jury or otheiulso dlupoHlnt; of II. v . i. wn.vriii:it iikiiaiiii.itii:k Tho Oyi'lo-StnrimiBniph at Untlor- wooit's rniirniiiry hIiouh Unit tho bar-1 nnuitrlo pioifliirn is fallliiR HllRhtly HUH afternoon an In dication that warm wontlior will, pro- vnll tomorrow, KorocuRt for next 21 hours:- Fnlr ami warm. Thu Tco rocotfl- Inir tlioi'iuomotur luidiitoieil inaxl- FT . artsss sn 3r M e, 'ACT. A a i ':faa3g iniini mid minimum toinporaturcH to day hh follews: HIrIi on u Low , S7, STAGE AND SCREEN STARS MARRIED s ik " iPwlS .dnaiL. nBananmnnw V M - JiKfr 4nBnnmannBnnnnnnP)l. r sBSviiL JnnSJBb' sdBBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnvLhy'ej!. j& rdHbMR'nnBBBBBBBBBnBnnBS'sr J aVnpv' iiar 'TunnnnrTiiLiannnnnnnnnn HM tB idlaeBnnV.JnnnmnnBBBBBnvv' nanantwi r . '4nBnnnKnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr R dnnnnnn !)gffwannnnnnnnnBBBBr tdnfc9LefllxBB'..nhBnnnnei f' rL r U ft s ' JBHB M.-irilynn Miller Carter, .!,.,,! comoflv C.,1., J,,,,.,,,,,,, ... ' " 'I'll'Klni'll. ''ll !ll ' l'innlr (JmiwImw ..f .1 ll... 11- "v - "v.wv uuuua.y .inviiUJUII itt U1U JJUVC'l- maid and Mrs. John Steel ele ,,, I,., mm... i i t gave her away. 1 ho bride's utmttE.v DI 3IUKI1; FACTORIES CLOSED ' . llii ltiii ilii.il nt V.utii T.jl.n I. H 8 w.l.,...i I """' Ynsienlny'ii elecli Ii nl slorm. w hlch i w.tftccoiiiianle, hyusla of win unit hall iilliiH'li'Ilv sinen In the nnrtli ti I ..an r n. i.v ... Ifornla Oregon I'ow.r roiii,ni' i hlKh linn from Copc-i ti such in ,.."wa""K '" ' not ueoru lie wan lent that local hosfinlorlo-s were un-'m"",""":",a "h"1 Salunlny when ho able to npenitn this morr.liiR. 1hn,,,,,w'" '" 3.""'l'ai'r at linker, lie f.iclorlns lestimod nt noo-i when tho ' "'' ' s """,'' i-njoylnu damnne was repaired 'a ''-,",- A ..mull u..hI.....i ., n, ;?.,.!..- "l" "tflclwlH leKurd llray and I'nclflc near Horrlr wni uUo reioil- oil. It.illrn.id ofleili hero snld ihu damiiKn wat sllr.ht nnd that n del.iy of only about 1" minium rem lied. Motorists retumlr i from weok- onil tilps repnVJed flooded roiils.i made nlmoM Im'iiKSiib'o wiihliivn fov minutes. Near Kl'iiruil: Aittncy, I'. was mild, the wat.v wan hub deep in J places. Milliliter .1. C. Ilolo Into this iiflernoon said that nine InsiiluturH ueie uttuck by llKhtenliiR between here and Copco nnd ulRlit between' hern nnd DorrlH. A falling tree put u line out of commission It) Merrill it it tl u polo went down In .Mills addlllnii lust iiIkIu le.tvlni; Unit dlstilit In il.irlineM, The crows wero out nil ulRlit and all day to., d ty rep.ililiiK the d.tiiiUKO, thu .worst I throtiKh llKlitiilni: ilurliiR his resl ilencn lime, lloylo mid,. RUSS "TRILLIpNARIES" One Kpeciilulor ('icdlled Willi lfav lilK 1 Tillllnn Itiibles I'lrritOdltAI). July ai.ItUMln1 now hoiiHls of several "tillllonalres." Tiesu nut men who have made for-' liincM In Ituuslaii currency, anil count t 1x1m wealth In iiutiouomle.il figures. One tipoculalor Is ciedlted with pio fits of 14,000,000 which amounts in 15,000,000,000,000 rubles. JIo j Is putt Inn l.s woalth Into) i;old,' nil er, and Jewels and tho stabler cur-' reiules of forcliip countries. I I'i,.yi;k n.via $ioo. i BAM FltANOISCO, July :U. INVII Ham II. McCarthy, piesldcut ot tho I'ti e I flu Coast baaohall league, nil- ( noiiiiveil ho had miBpundod ltussoll ' Arlutt, pitcher for tho Oaklniid club, ten playing duys nuil fined hint IIOO1 for BtrlUlnj; llmphu Mcdrow at thn ball b'aiuo In Oakland Saturday, i; 22, recent star of the mus- ln l,,.,,!,, ,.f r.u.. n , t....i , v ,v """ '"" v. vnttn; Sweeney, sister of the bride ! ii , - mother and Doner, were I TWO WILL TESTIFY ,,";0' foil lm Will . Itemti Meil I for lin Ktiiv Klmi He.irliiK - I JHW"I. "" "- ilmA. It Is expected that tho chec' ,' ,,r"-",Ml elilropracior. and j I'wlKht I.. Vlmonl. former piMtnfflrol I oiiiplo) e. niuKKired lii Medford 'to.lnv' Ton.J) In testify In the klan Investl-"""1 KKtlon. lira) denied Hint ho had nwrio 'I"'' cfr"rt '" nu,ul "'" ""MtlRallon, V,mniu V ,tt0 ,,f ll'" m"1 Important wltnessm. iibbiiiiiiwiwiii !! i i in MBBaM BBmgmgBUJLXI 1 SSSU tliWL I VOTE RECOUNT IN ' KLAMATH IS HELD I TO BE UNLIKELY Mull ltcpr(".oii(nlhr Sulil Id Hi! Sat Iktlnl Willi Unlloti llrrrj (iuiiljilh( Imliiitrii roiinry I A ChnrliM I(;ill voln rToimt In Hi In ('(iiuily In HOI proli.ililii, iKilwllli-'-i.iikIIiii; Hi n report Hint Klnmnlh wiih u litivn lic'ii Iniliiikil In an riiiH'inloil (OMiplnliit filed with Hin rirriilt toiirt of Marlon county. TIiIh hi tin opinion of V (' 'nn Kmnn, who recently wiih In fonferericn hero 1 ltd two repreitentiitlve of Hull, viit hero in cliecit up llm oti. Van llnioii nn li! tint vote horn wan found exceptionally frio from error. It uji liU opinion that tinleva tho (iinlekl developf to n point ft hern i-wry roti) countx that the recount will not he ileniamleil. Other I'ouiiIIihi Imlmlril ' Other counllc lillltlited In Hi'l uiiHMiileit roinplulnt were t'liiutlllu nnd lluker. I'lidiin Intluonce by thn Catholic, church nnd Hh iicnitii In charged by, Hull in rexnnl to the tote In ncen .Marlon county preclnctn, which re. turucii ki.i rnie Mr oicott nnu zz for Hall According n John Collier, who In nmoiiK Hut iitt(inii')K reprenentlnK llnll. irreKularltltN In tho count are ulltRcil In tuore lliuii lno uddltlonnl pruclncti In thu Mate In llio uour iiieulloiled loillitleii, which weru not Included In thu orlKliml loinpUInt .mil In Clatxop. Morrow, .Sherman i and Multnomah countlen Thu nnturo "' ,lu' al,,'Ketl rrs",ar't,," ' ml- l.i r to Hint etiUip-.ratcil In thu flmt . pin CO. Itecoiint MHi Toibiy AtlUIUlllJ OA WIIIIT, II. M uimicu that tho actual rStofiht Tflll bo besun .Mondny. at Sakiu, y CZ rcProentinK ooy. ccorilliiK toColller, it Is uxpectud crnor 01c0tt '" ,hB rcccnt conlrovcr . ninneujiix women at worn in wie reCitra.io,1 ,ienart.en. of the coun. ty clerk' office making a check of rcRlnlratlon tn dlcoer vhat Irrcgu- larltlen, If any. wore made In tho re cent primary election. ' Tho checker aro coinp.nrlns the I poll books with tho reclotratlon cards to determine If any lait-mlnute I rbntTcnn nf nnrtv nffltlullnn rhnnenn nf nnrlv nfflllulinn were will occupy several days. ' 8AI.BM, July 31. Jmlccs Kelly I,1,1Rnam tn,,a' Kra"le'1 P0""' I mission of Charles Hall's attorneys , .., nn .,,..,., m,.,.,on charc. nB that priests and other officials' had used unduu Influence In per- w.wiii.m.iua, u. u., July 31. suadlnR parishioners to voto for nrl" 1",,M on woolen blankoti rang Olcott In the primary, hut ruled i,n rrom 20c Pund ana 30 Per that those precincts In which such Influenco was alleRed exerted will not bo to have been thrown out. (Continued to Page 6) ENJOYING THE BEAUTIES OF SUMMER KUN FMLS TO OUST SHERIFF Maligned Official Gets Ma jority of 316; Athlind Goes For Opponent MKDFOIU). July Jl. Com- plete unnffldnl return of the recall election Rntiirdny Indicate ,f( yliat Wifrlff Terrlll retains hln A IwiMlltnii Lv a ttifilnrlltf nt 20fl. , ,XMo .final count ie Terrlll , 2943, 1.oe 2S38. Iloth kUn and p aotl-kan force) charged Irre f Ciilarlllen, but lenders of both .ulilen exprenned tho belief that the rciu.lt would bo accepted . wlliout a recount. , MKDKORU. July 31. Charles K. Terrlll. nbcrlff of Jackson county, matlitncd for a year by a steady liurrae of petty gossip relstlre to his conduct of the office and sub ject of an attack by the,Ku iKItix Klan, was rlctor In the special re call election Saturday, by a major ity of 312 otes, over I). 51. Lowe, recall candidate. These figure; are busi-d on complete and unofficial return from K out of St pre clncts In the county, with the Ash laud, Central l'olut, Medford and Jacksonxlllo vote complete. Ashland voted Mrong for the re call and rsvo Lowe a majority of 417, Central Point followed suit and Ravo Lowe a majority of 102. In the two Jacksonville pre cincts, where Sheriff Terrlll lives. as do thorn most active In the campaign against hlra, and"wkoie all aro well known, the sheriff rimo out ahead with flying colon. Lowe's vote In the county seat was 46. Sheriff Tcrrlll's S4(, a ma- Jorlty of an eren 200. In the twelve Medford precincts. Terrlll won by a lead of 309. and tho vote tood, Lowe 872, Terrlll 11S1. IIL.INKKT T.IIUKP APPnOU'.D ccnl aa 'rcm " c Punu ana 40 per cent advalorom here were ap proved today by the senate by a voto of 33 to 24. The Underwood low rate was 2G per cent adralorem. OF MS ON 0. Hughes at Golf xZavF' tir"'i TMfyffB I naaV--.-':.kH I SBBBBBBB ' 'VSLHLBBLi hLH - IbbCS - IbbbbH' bbbbM ' IbbbH y '-Ji;-B I BBBBBBBLm. " SBBBBBBBH 1Hb1bbbbH scntanr ainl attar aaeoa UajHMCamr S. P. APWJES FO REOPENIN GOF Y. UNMERGER DECISION Second Hciriag Asked of Saprcsso Court to Detrrmino Owoershl Of CcBtral Pacific WASHINGTON, July 31. The Southern Pacific filed today with the supreme court application for a rehearing ot tho Southern Pacific case In which the court recently handed down an opinion.' directing tho company to divorce Itself of the ownership and control of the central racmc. WILBUR HEADS LEGION Hood River Candidate Elected CM nuuider at State CoaveaUe THE DALLES, July 31. Eaitura Oregon had thing Its own way. In thu closing session ot the toortk an nual convention of the American L'j- don Saturday. With the Portlar.4 delegation swinging Its 24 vole to candidates from east ot the Cascadoi, It was virtually a walkaway .for Qco. H. Wilbur, of Hood River, for, state commander agalust George Codding, of Medford, and Fred Kiddle, 9t In land City, for vice commander. Other officers chosen were: State flnauco officer, Prescott W. Cook- Ingham, 1'ortlaud, ro-olected; chap lain Frank James, Dallas; eaecatlvt committeemen, C. W. Woodruff, Prluqvllle: Claud Ilrlstol, Portland; Tracy Savcry, Tho Dalles, and V. Dano, Marshfleld. Seaside was chosen earlier In the day as the pluco for holding, next gear's convention.' Governor lien W. Olcott addressed tho convention ut the cloalng session. 2 AUTOISTS KILLED Seattle Capltollst uad L Uraaata Woiuuu Ate Vlctiasa VANCOUVER, U. C, July 31. Harry Whitney Treat, Seattle capi talist, wus killed early, today near Cultli Lake, Chllllway, D. C, In an automobllo accident. LA QRNDE, Ore., July 31. Mrs. J. C. Austin of Elgin, Ore., died a a result ot injuries received la an au tomobllo accldont iu east La, Grande yoatorday. ,J URKET KWOKT PORTLAND, July il Cattle alow, Hogs-7Cc higher, prime lhf$ll.6 to 113,00, Sheep steady. Kggs weak, butter firm. ' . Stisto. Bmbnb WIESSW oosnn SENT Br CUN . m MTM4lrt 4MI Fi in Cttpf- ULRmmri Say; MtLjfMi UtsdMttJtff trfd WAflHLNOTON, D. C. July 3l.-t CoBstltaeaclta taroagbout the Unit ed Rtatea whlck are Inclined to elect Ku Xlas Klan caadldates to either branck ef eeagres will do well to aMir aefart'' areceedlag to that eaieeatdlat tv'ranHira which are Qilac'talck areaad the national enp al. U f 'Already an Mi4rgrMQd move nuait Mm ta int'Mt the seating ot wie B. MayfleM, wha lpks Ilka IhV aiaeeti'eertalB "ekolee 'if '.'Texas veiera' a Ttfafod 'Btatea feaater to aweT'CiaWaAI''CllraoBt Ene mlea af the Km KVaa Xlaa'Moveir.ent have dug ap a eawti deelstea holrfloa; that the Ka Wei Ktaa oath It In coatraveatlon of the ronatltntlon at the United 8tatea. ritseia tjsi h Broactit Recent rartlaXoaa of the unex pected strength of the Ku lUux Klan la Texas and Oregon have aroused both the east and the south. It Is said that preeaure will be brought la both part Its to compel the unseat ing or any X Klat Klanaer sent either to the aeaate" or houso. In tho republican party tho negro voter, who holds the balance of power in several atatea,"1a of coarse hitter agalaat'the klan. The Irish, who eaat a law rota la the feefratk apty la the east. ar iaat, aa MnotVanalnat.U; and are able to got ahont What they want tro tasMtg ta.anakaivetal atateii alloYaHow'jJotar. Cotuieell t and itiMMfcuetta. xther la not a' state In 'the oiot which tho demo cratic party oonld oarry at any tlmo without tho Irtoh rote, which la iden tified to a preponderant degree with atetlglon at wMob tho Ku Klus Klan movement l dotlnltely aimed. Jewsali Voe DIvMcd Tho Jewish voto ia divided be tween both rrtlcs, hut possibly aligned with tho republican mora than with tho ,4Metrata. There are several tatee fe'whieh the Jewish vote could defHt any pcrty .which permitted HeelttO ho dominated by tho adrocateo Of race and relgloua hatred. Back laflnoMOO, It U aald, can be' brought to boor M enough aenatora to force tae.dealaj.et a seat In eith er branch M eeMreaa to aay man seat to Washington aa the exponent of rellglona or raeo bigotry, MANY ISSUES IN 1122 ProfcbUOe, anal Labor Qneo CHICAGO, Jely 81. Prohibition enforcement, oetdler' compensation, labor qneatiOM gad the Nee-partisan league are among the (saves Involved in state aed. congressional campaigaa In central western atatea. Senatorial reoorda la connection with the aeatiag of Senator Truman H. Newberry Of Michigan are being assailed In some ataie. Injowa. the home ot one ft ta author, aa well as la WUeeaeja, the ftch-Cummlaa railroad law haa been attached, whllo the Kanaaa ladaatrlal court la a polat of controversy In Kansas. Proposed use el tho state troops In connection with the ehepman'a strike and tke attitude of caadldatea toward the Ku Klui Ka are at Issue In Texas. Vindication er repudiation of tho political reeerda of Roaster La FoJ lette ot Wsoenato and Senator Reed of Mlfeoarl are the.eredal neatioe in their respeetive otatee, aad arere latod by the farf thatena charge ef opoaeata agatitit Senator Reed la that he'eoaa,toy la 4I violated party regularity by getng to Wiaconeln It atipaert aiU'.FeeleMe ladeeeadnt, ; i i 'in an i, W)?f tHOsJfg UoM JJgjnM Itorvst , v . - . lh.J .. -.-... , CANTOK, CWwr Jlr Attaeha Boa.. doooi ateaidoat r.ift4i; ( -SWmMm t 'IMtLJMv;jJltdMHS;aMtfJI' CC -m",niT.itrr''?, . . " ' zw MrAMW,l'WP' PNIV" '. i .- ' - w- - - s r -mar iylPVfjft W f "Y""r "V," f. Chen. Bmtef.mmilH: drlTM beNlhgjU. .4 r ? ?i'4 f. . I n H " "i 11 i t V. i jm i 11! i r t:MH.Vi kH'