The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 29, 1922, Page Page Six, Image 6

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l Kotadcver brother hare stopped
l drilling;' on their well until fall.
Ther havo, cone down r0 feet and
the water hai sufficient force to
raise sl laches abovo tho ground.
George and John Hagclstcln aro
ihniy kaallac hay. They report that
M damage wan done by the ralnM
f.John Wesoto returned from Mer
rill wherni lio ima been on business
tno last, week.
Nay o In building n porch
arounii bin house which is a con
aldcrnbln'V Improvement to Us np-
J. 1
Mr. and Mrw John HagcUMcn
went to' Klamath Kails to attend to
business Vednctday.
The last word In
fashion Is n
J. Cat Kwlng, owner of tho
Oakland club ot the I'nclfle
coast league, nnnounccd today
J that he would "stand by"
President Klcpper of the Tort-
land club whom Coiimlsloncr
SATUitn.w, July an, loan. 1
12-round ,no decision bout here
Thursday night In which honors
slightly favored tho chnmp'lon In tho
final rounds. '
Newspapermen about tho ring dif
fered to some extent In their opin-
Ions. Tho majority appeared to favor
Leonard at tho end of the bout. u!
though some declared for a (it w,
Tendler had tho bettc of (tho first
five rounds, but Leonard (lnl:hvd
Leonard waa asked why he did not
Li UjfJBgf
Blind Oarsmen
Honors About Even In
Leonard-Tendler Bout
JKItSBY CtTV. July 20. Denny
Leonard and Lew Tendler fought a
i i J , i : mvwmrmon oom---
t ; wirt
HSstfH .
Rid Head"
AfJaOkiM 10c and 20c
Retort Warwick and Elaine Hammer-stein in
The Reformed Bandit. AI Jenning and
x'1 Good Comedy
Continuous Show Sunday
Vaudeville appears 6:45, 8:15 and 9:30
Some show don't miss it
v -
V : H..-.
Jandls ordcretl put of orgnnli- ., hnock out Tendler and replied with
cd basobnll. He declared that . blood smeared grin: "Southpiwu
Uindls or-steppcil his nu- "o hard to solve."
At tho ringside, Tex lllckard, the
promoter, said the gate receipts nero
nbout 'M50.000 and tho attendance
nbout 60,000. i
Under the terms of tho ar.emfnt
iv un tiie principals tney are to re
celve from 82 H to 66 4 por cent of
thrf gross receipts. Of this sum Leo
nard will n'cclvo approximately two.
thirds, the other third gobc to the
The seats at tho top of thj bowl,
cheapest In the bo I, wero nbout one
third tilled.- Many of the vnectatora
In this section purchased mlntaturo
opera glasses on tho outside ?r the
arena for CO cents.
If was 9:13 whenLew Tcndlor.
tho challenger, escorted y a squad
of police, made hU wajrdown the
alle -from, his dressing quarters and
entered th,V rlag: -He was ctod In a
greenlih gra bathrobe an! waa ae
companlcd-'by 'hi-seconds, t'litlt'p
'Qlksatnan, Morris. Tendler. his broth,
er. and Jack Relntall.
Champion Leonard entered Ue
Htigta moment later and both con
tenders for the, title were given a
great ovation.
Leonard's seconds wero Dlllv O lb
son. Manny Seaman and Cbarlt; Leo
nard, bis brother. Itoth Leonard and
Tendler wero called to the center of
tho ring where 'the commission phy
sicians examined their hearts tnl
lungs and announced then to bo In
perfoet condition.
Both boxers had their hands heav.
11 bandaged with soft tape. Thn riv
al managers examined tho bandages
and tho new gloves were taken from
boxes and given to tho rival seconds.
The weights as announced from the
ringside wero Leonard 13t pound
IS ounces; Tendler 134 pounds 12
ounces, tho weights being takrn at 2
o'clock this afternoon. Charley Whlto
of Chicago challenged tho winner,
and Rocky Kansas of Duffato, recent
ly defeated by Leonard, alio a;ipear
pd w'lth his left ana In splints.
BaaV "K'-lBf :2Six -- ..?--",BBBBBBBB
i;: : 9BBBBI
1 aVSsaaaBBaaaxflBBBflBBBBl
Am T 77T. . TT. mmmmm
.L-tV. ."2. . cnV"0Un mna' Participated In tho Ct. Dunstan'ji
IUamta.Lgut.ny..En!anjt Jyjiejcoachtd byA jtWDWv
Hoth fighters appeared more or
less drawn and nervous mid Loomird
appeared a. trlft.) more dr.ivn than
Tendler. Leonard leaned nvitr the
rnt. nn.l lnt.lMi.. .
.-r. ....U 4ih) rcninri.Pi i) n
Ish title holder. In tho 13th round of
their match..
Although Harrison lias established
himself us superior In other Kngllsh
1 Impounders, many of tho IiiixIiik
friend at tho rlngsldo that Mu bout critics beljewi ho should bolster hi
MUX ICO UITV, July a7. A.
Ilrucn lllolimkl mid Mrs. lllolimkl
uro KUenta of tfio United HIiitiM urn
biiHMy while awnltlng thn formal or
der of the (ourt of (luimmvnca,
which Is enpected to render a 1u
elxtou exoiiuiatlni; lllelnnkl ir till-
Puff Handle
Show Starts at 6:45
1 1 9 C APABA NA I
I 1 11 ' The Cigar of the Hour I V
i Wt BH v Rava 7w mokad f taw mv CARAsUW AIT W?J '
V Vi'sbbbbbH U "-rt ' Brat eigv ataad:4 tt J,-JtJSL
& BBJ BJ H aeqaaiated with this fragrant imw MtatsaylfM f 'r-r - :
f Bfl PXJBBflll tJl Cratakar' art . f
u BB KcBbPsbBI ' nr comB!ntlon of ftneat BaysaM i I
t. BsBmBBB1' tohaeeoa grwwn ta ten years, hand waaa by carWak ' v -.. ' .
3 Bfl BkbVvJ ' ayrt werkaam. The sita l larger taaa nwal ana I r
Y ' KbTbH te TtTy n'Pci h tuUMilh highest axpseiMssM l3BI
'Bfl BJ(BAJx t the most exacting aaielcar. J )
VJ WLHHlW sC&?) , 4 T3aAl
DBH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBV jMmmmmmm aaaaaaalaaJ 1 BBCVvB
g9 aaaBr ' L '11 aaaaM J
H " "89 Cttrtt. old nun, that S!- ,l I i CsBf
r cir aavfli tooi. Whl it k rf&'Y S . V
"Ye$.UUfl Ituthtmui SS)r ' w t
L. M" Cnbm. HmtV , jHL -Wl V
I fenfJaawan tmi a piif tnd 0? Mrk) wfc' 11 )
"' '' H Buytii(mhyaabx.Xaa f ' "- V .
Bfl afflea or hoaw, Jar your own y tZfSjLmmmml I
Bfl alaaatira and that of your BP$Sa VN AV (
'Bjv . distributors or - la , HBr S
m m
wouiu on uvcr In n few mlautgi.
Tcnator sat quietly In bis comer nlth
downcast eyes and listened attentive
ly to tho Instructions of his seconds,
Dorria to Play Cubs
Oa Modoc Field Sunday
The Dorrls Demons and Klamath
Cubs will furnish local baseball fans
amusoment on Modoc diamond to
morrow. Tho game will start at 2
o'clock. The Demons are bringing
with Ihetn a reputation for boina
record before going after Lynch, ouu
of the cleverest little men In tho
world. lllgKlus, defeated by Harri
son, was a vlrljm of IVto Herman's
cudgel when the American Invaded
the Isles.
Kintern OreK.n ntln. Affected lly
ItulliiK of Judge llean
rOKTLAND, July JO. The Kudor
nted shop crafts In Portland ami
tft and furious hitters, according I ''l,"l,'r Oregon cities arc affected
to AI Hakcr. manager of tho Cubs,
anil a lively game Is promised.
Whether games will be arranacd
with Grants Pass and other Itogue
Hlver valley teams will depend on
the attendance at tho game tomor
row. Maker laid.
KnifthU of Columbui Ball
Team to Py Beatty
Tho Knights of Columbus basepall
team who recently defeated tho
lAist nivar Clanta on their home
grounds will play their second out-of-town
(uie with llcntty.
Tho K. C.'s have been practlc
ln tn tho evenings at Modoc park
and arc now In first class condition,
and a good game can bo expected.
Klamath Box and Lamm
Mill to Play Sunday
The "Lamni Hull I'lnes." which re
fers directly and indirectly to thu
baseball team organized by Umin's
mill cmplcyes, will do ba,ttlo with
tho nlno from thu Kl.imutli Lumber
and Ilox company sometimes called
"Sheep Slcer Needles" at Modoc
Park Sunday at ill a. m.
Thh Is tho first game for tho
"Bull I'lnes" and from nil Indici
lions the boys from Shlpplngum will
have to squirm to take thn lorn; end
of the tally. Uanta Morrow and Km
mett Chlclesler form tho battery for
tho Modoc Point nlno with Stanley
tfajlcek and Chester Shriver opus-lug.
by a temporary Injunction against
pIckeHng I'nlon Pacific system shops,
Issued Tuesday. They have been nl
lowed by Federal Judge JJonn until
September 1. to show cause why thu
injunction should not bo made permanent.
BBBBk' 4 $2
ITaJaitf M
wfr f Bm
Powder, puff, mirror, 'nevcry-'
thing, ilKht In thu handle of your
sunshade. Mrs. Doiothy C. Rawlins,
of dm loitown. Mass., thinks It
gu-at her hubby Invvutvd It.
ecltilg his arrest on a rliurita of
self-abductloii. ,
lllolimkl said today ho hml not
taken formal asylum In the oiubiii
ry, Iniisiiiuoh ua there was nu or
der fur his nrrest limned hy nujr
In vluw of strong InllmiitloiiH Unit
Kiimo sort of notion was coiitum
plated, It was deemud expedient In
remnln overnight as the guentH of
tleorge T, Hiimmerllu until the
court mndn definite steps, ho snlil,
KII.LH (lllltt CHILD
till ICO, (,'al July ait. Illdlillo.
cart, t-iuiinths-old sou of Mr. nml
Mrs. It. 15, llogarl of Chlco died on
the operating table lu Hun PrnurlHio
Ihursday whlln the surgeon was at
tempting to remove a punny Unit lunl
lodged In tho child's thrnnt snternl
days ago. Local physicians advised
taking thn baby to Hull Francisco
for an operation, but even this mens
uro pioved useless.
womk.v i'hk2iiti:m:i
NAPA, Nairn tounty, July 2!"
Several women passongerH nf lhott
las Peak auto stage h'irnmn frighten
ed Into hysterics when Hie staxe wan
without warning attacked by u largo
'OtitWasliitsifty)'rho aulmiil dashed
fremjhn timber along the rimdway
u.nMdn aHsck,attnr altav nu I be
sf(-flfttK mihlno, but butting lis
ht'ail Inl ii tha side of the car. Finding
(4 attacka unsuccessful thu deer
turned and disappeared In the woods.
British Bantamweight
Seeks Title in U. S. A.
' LO.VI)6n July 20,-iTlnnnaH llarrl
bon, of Hauloy, Ilrltlsh bantamwulght
champion, may go to tho United
States In quest of the world's title,
recently won by ocJ Lynch from
Johnny Huff. Harrison recently
knocked en: Jim Utggins.'tlio llrlt-
bjf MmmJ7' tZJ f
PYBBBBBm. iBfcf l"BK
Wtm BBBBBH v7vi(Taf Jb
ywMltiF bbbHbVb&Hbh
Rc7rT jPim ljwi jBffi BBJ
JSWi 'SibbbbBlj'bbbI
uiitian colt experts say ths citw
fulness of Jock Hutchison, BrttMk
oiKn cliamplon. Is worth two strokes.
n round to him. Here Jock smlks
as ho gets out of the rough In the '
Thoumnd Guineas tournament In
Silent Pianos Brought to Life
If yqur piano is silent
why not make it one hun
dred per cent enjoyable
by having us install a
Player in it?
Piano brings the world's
best music into your
home; plays the latest
' popular song hits for you
and enables you to hold
your little informal dance
parties at a moment's no
tice. rf
May we quote "you figures and terms?
Pianoi, Phonographs, Radio Outfit
Phone 282-J. 507 Main St.
I BBS rfaaBH
liist'year 41.J3: automobiles were
exported from thn UnltuI Slates. Lat
In-Amurlriiu lountrluu lock nnarly
ono-tblrU of tills number; Ilrltlsh
North America 15.1 por cent; Asia
tic countrloj, 11.5; Uurope ,13,1;
Ocuanla, 11.1; non-coutlguoUH terri
tory of the United States, 8.8; Africa
Start Huge New Dirigible
hrni1- rv-
KUmnth Falli, Orefon
? ' mmmmmT &99mmmmmmmmmm1m? i IXTvKmrnWR
siaaiASaaBX. 'tli'V'AflKBBBKVKWff1yCiltVjBB9H
MuiZKKtBV mmmmmmmmmt I i a. B mm9MmmmmmmmMmmm&Si Mfl9''iP B
F&itM mmmmmmmmmmJbi ' Jk I PsBaaBaaaBHVaSv , XK'Yi' 'Wl
'l s frmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWiA I ..lEBBSaBSBSBSBSBSBSVBSBSBSB
'MBflRjiBBsBsBJBxfAi J l''e?'''BJ ''''
SaBsBfaBllBBvBvBaBBfvl V 'SljBBb'' "
I T .. . .t . - , m .1..WI.. u.111 ka kiillt Wu Amwi-'
can intbwere at Lakehurat, N. J. Tha craft will be 6H Ittt JOTMJf
U l-t tnl In diameter. Small dots at left ore human belnga, enowwi
Xtfi mtflLtt" Jfilfc
We Start Early
Tonight, By Request
Many, prospective bidden are "drawing" to
day, and expect to save more tonight than they
made this week in wages. Seems like every
body wants Railroad grade watches.
WK competed hsl night for thu favors, of llui city with
tho famous Hllvor cornet brass band of K, K, and It thu
w, k, bandsmen worn as well aatlsfjed with their houso as 1
was with mine, wu were both happy,
Ir was a funny crowd, that ono Inst night. They didn't soum
to warm up until an article wan about to go for ouu-fourlh '
j.' (if Its value, then you ahould havo soon tho bidding. -
T'ONKlllT'we iitarl ut isovun o'clock by ruquust ot ihu
( many pnopld who arefsjilng tu do it Utile art work today,
1 I guess that they uru going to bocumo urtlsts, liuvaunu they
tjl, say that they Intend to 'dfaw'. .
T F lQM''.ireaoiit indlcatiuiu wo uro going tit run stiong to
!' 'llnBl and 'i: Jewel movements In mon's watches ami
tho finer gradua ot ludlea wrist watches tonight. Hut, wo
will put up'any artlclo that you roquuat, of course.
A ND wo will nell any article at prlvato ualo, until wo huyo
rulod onongh moiled to aavu the Wlutcra Jewelry hlnru
for thu town uud II. J. Wlntora.
I thank you,
Merchants Finance Company,
i &